The Exeter Times, 1884-9-11, Page 3he foie Imes. Vitus 0111- meioa/ionin our WWIIrence to lo ootemlast stent/, we nein state aha! we bad no THURSDAY. SEPT. 11, 1884 smog wheie er to do with Fred's oamwnuioetion beyond publishing ie, THE C°4111"(i RECEPT (1N. end if the eomrnuoioatioIr contained misstalemeats, the Stsnlakes and The xseopticn to be Aeaorded Mr. Fared will have to g/;tit out, land Mowat in Toronto, promiees to be a this Fred seems guilts willing to do, grand affair. Mr. Moria is said to SS he lute in this issue of the Dugs have sailed from-Englsnd on August over his own signsiure tak.n upon 28th. lie should tberefora Arrive el himself all reeponsibilily of hie form- Tosollto by the 81h or 9111 of Ihis er assertions. It Masers.. Slaolake month. nut his friends have errang- doubt -be troth of our sssrextion when ed that he shell not put in *Pepper. we say we did not writs the 0013211111 - Awe until a week laier, when the Ex. neat on and will take the trouble to hibition will be in full swing, pbe step unto the office w,e Will eb w them m objeol of Shia arrangantent is, no the menusotipt. Aud as for being doubt, to convey the false impression romp 'beguile they did not publish that the people visiting Toronto and their communication in . the. Tutu Attending the fair are there for the tliay vera sten mistaken, se we wens purpose of honoring Mr. Mewat, pleased to know shat they published But what he has done la entitle hint to all than demouetration, it is haul to see. That the boundary lies been de- fined by a oarnpetsuI anti ilii t au• thority to true, but it was only after five years of coaxing that be aopsenl- .ea to submit the (potion to that authority. He appealed to the pen. vie to sustain hire in We rattiest to submit the question, end worked popular ezoitetneat up to a. dangeroua pitch ; then, when he bad gained his point, and been snetained by Ontayr.e•a•o, he agrees. to the pro- positions which Sir Jobe Macdonald had been bolding out for years.. The result is that the question-ruade a deugerrous one by Mr. !dowel -is An ally settled. Who, then, deserves oredit,'the mean who periistentiy re. forma for years to come to terms, or the moa who made the propositioo which was eventually accepted when the boundary question was useful no longer as a political cry f What wonder haat sensible people wand to know how Mr. Mowet is entitled 10 any honor for his share in settling a dispute which be prolonged so many pima. la -PREMIER AGAIN. Mr. Mackeuaie it `trip to the North- Week 'orih-West hes completely cured him of his political dyspepsia. The railway which a few months ago was regarded by him ae a monstrosity ii now, in kis own words, 14 'e wonderful wank." The soil which he took so muoh pains to describe in 1877 as arid and unpro duative is now aotnowledged by Lint to be extremely fertile. Listen to his statement et a public pleating in Winnipeg Bt. bferys beats the record for long distance bioyotrt riding. One day is. oeutly Mr. T. M. Herrieou rode from that town to (roderieb and retnruedi via Anderson. Frenoislow., Brno,- and Beyfield.114 miles, in 15 hours. iding time 14 hours end 10 minutes. Immediately atter this he rode to A13* devote) and back, 16 Miles.. Total foe the day 190 utile., (cyclometer regia, tering 1821.) Total riding time 17 fours 6 minutes. Those are Solid. Tho best loodpurifier and systemregulator'. ever pieced within the reach of sufferinghu., inanity. truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of that verbiliouanoss,jaundiee, cm404,1141914weak icrdn,eys,^or any diseaseof tne•uriarnjr orgaeis,er whoever requiresau appetizer,tortie or mita stimulant. will always dud Electric Bittern the beat andonly certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to giveentiresatisfaetion ormunoy refunded. Scold at dlty cants a bettlo ble. it in the paper best adapted for such juts, a epistles, We would oleo remind tate Line day loot week Mr. Gibb, V. S„ SI, Marys, cut a tumor from the: Moulder of a. two•ttear-old steer be. to Mr. W. 11. Slack, of Rlsnshard, The tumor turuedthe ecalee at 104 pouind% Tits coaling Presidentialelection in A Wide &W DrtRguat Stenlalre;Broe, that we did not stele Met Fred lived half a mile or a mile from Sodom, but, that he wan not far *wee when the horse watt stopped, We bare done the Sodomites no in. justice, no do we wish to. "e Ho might say that the fertility of the soil was an undoubted foot ; and that there was a very small percentage indeed! in what had been considered the arid districts, that was not eminently capable of cultivation. lie hadparticulletly noted this in various places that be bad supposed from previous examin- ations to be somewhat arid, but which were, to a great extent, now agricultural. He now stated that the entire country, almost, could be cultivated, and with great advantage." • And again ;- the 'United Shies Rill soya �ar10 pa pertivu Mr, C. Utz is always wide awake to bnni- g' neat and spares ras r ' t° Secure the beta of some innterresl to the people of that of'tory article b2 hta lino, He bas secured 000alry. /rra, eetiva of the rerun of the agency for the celebrated Dr.Eing's New P Discovery for Consumption, The only certain the contest. The advocates of probi• cora known for consumption, o3uebs,colds, bilion urine that the country hu made hoarseness asthma, hay foyer, bronchitis, or such rapid progress for the last four .my affection of the throat and lungs. Sold l Tears in .fOTOt of prohibition es to ou a positive gurantee,Will give yon a trial � 1?' bottlA rase, Tissular+fro �> 3. testify them in putting a prohibition ... candidate in the field. This they kiore people, adults sun oluldron metros* hue done in the priori of name- lid with Marcum than with any outer +oar SI. John, of Iowa. Iu 1880. aiintent. Ax. Henri• llaxtsr'a Ddaudrak+i /lit. when Neal Dow ran as , a rohibition fora will euro eestirariegs oust parent 11131 � diaessea which reemlt fxotn it. candidate, he polled only 10,600 voter. It war A meagre exhibit ---11 a true one --of the feeling of the conn. try in favoo of prohibition. Twenty- one States did not oast a aingle vote in his favor. It is doubtful tf the vote to be ease for St. John will be a fair indicetieu of the prohibition sen- aimanl in the States. but it .sill be " He bad heard before . ieav nglaome that is the neighborhood of the great rancho's of the West the land was thoroughly unsuited to .agricultural purposes ; but when they reached Calgary they aaoerteined from ooular demonstration that the finest orbits in the e North-West w•regrowing there. $ naw oats in which he was able to bide himself ; :and barley, wheat and oats of enormous pro - ;netnews. Ail the grain seemed to be of the ,mostsatisfactory description. do one field :a man had grown oats for aix yearn 'aucoess- rtvely, and the 'present crop would, average 60 -or 70 bushels pet acre." Not only is the° 'North:West rich idram an agricultural point of view,but its fuel is inszhaustibte. 'Mr. Mae- kenzie;epeakar ss. enthusiastioally'suit truthfully about the pool deposits, •that it */most looks as if he had turn • vd Tory " Igothing had struck him so much in pas sing through the great country to the west, besides the depth and strength of the soil, as the perfect independence of the settlers in most district's. He had visited the coal shines of the gasltatohewan, near Medicine Hat, and bad been enabled to see some of the wondrous mineral wealth Ibis eountry contained. The amount of this wealth. was perfectly incomprehensible to anyone. The .,coal fields were hundred of'miles in extent ,and at one place above Edmonton the river passed through` a seam of coal forty feet in •,tbieknese." r Mr. Mackenzie thinks the system ,of ranching might. be profitably >:abandoned in ,the North-West; but he Tears it was entered into in good faith the Government believing the ' lands wets .better suited 'far pastnre thin 'cultivation. On. one point the ex - rimier appears to be eery decided. .Be is; opposed to Sir Richard. Uart. wright's independence nonsenee. Re told • the people of Winnipeg " i1 would be a, great disadvantage if Bri- tain should break np her colonial sys- tem, and it became us as zealous Britons to exercise whatever influence we have in preventing such a Mil: trophe." This wake a quiet snub to the pompous Si* Btobhrd, who Was sitting on the platfor=m. Is ie quite evi ent a . r. tic en - MUKBTR SPORTS. (Corraoted ate o'clock p.ut. Wednesday,) rata• waas+x WUit0WOoS1 ,. 073 to 0 76 Bea•.. ... 07319070 White Wheat New .., ... 0 73 to 0 76 Red WheatNew ... .,. 0 73 to 078 e rattle !mom the only available meaue of express• s.3' fe (new) .. ,.. 0 75 ko 0 77 tlerloy ... 050 to 055 ibg public opinion. A cotperiaon of onto . .. ,.. .., o b5 10 o si the Dowvotoin 1880 and the St. John T omvcohqaA ,°, 7 00 so 7 aro .,. ... 1 25 aro 2 W TOO ill 18841wi11 be the only Mes=s of i'ese ... ..: .. ... 060t00451. OOrn ... .. -. .., 0 00 to o as forming an opinion on the progress ag g ... "• ;:. c is co a is of the prohibition eentinoenl in the „; .,. ... 5 onto s So ... .,. .,. 0 5$ to 000 ... .,. 0 70 to 0 75 ., ... ... 005%0006 .. ... ... 005 to 005 ... 00710006 ... 05010 085' ... 025to060 «. 900 to 750 . 500 toeao ".500toa00 650to075 ... 000t0.1 00 maws pUnOTddinIpvtF UnitedStaten tQh e and Cs nsde Aar a•Nr't'ion. non. 4opporkintemper aeoe.0ra.l#1,i9;eaaoPatibild1, eta. Advise frac. MetyointI£TOsix WrD,,Sworld lu la7 Broadway, Net'rr York. WANTE ,A►GE$TS -..Le sen TUSISONIS Ielr C Superior Gia lips & Chis As paying** our money in ib. world. I or full pearticulare, tree. adore/m.1f. C...1111110O2K Map Pubitsber 8813iohmoxed st.1 ondon, Ont. McMartin ZiosIbleClass Y'or Every kt,sri•d Couple, While11 will hart no single man or women to read shi a pecaliar book, yt to ,ell who for the nrat time enter tots. married state it i• siQpl1aNEUESSIT. They moat bare it nor earn toe content" be siren here, but it 1 •ogngh to say the book contains all the See rate relating iu to newly .rriedoonpl•s. Others wbo order;,sill have to bear be 090H•Qn•n. COI, as itis onlr intended for Muss wbo wish to naw barn to ant alter the knot is as 3k tied. o know bow e�pl.rieould leave it, sad costs fu.iy a paltry iia cents. or 3 for 50 eta. 113 /Ivory one can have it byIon:Attar stampser Slifer and tpia el la AW x1rNsix, rata ' Lia AIN'T THEY ? TTAT 18 PDS* WHAT REE 111133 117 NEUr,ao. United States. Oanadian probibt• %ionistis will watch with interest the vote to be cast. for Si. John. IT is said that au effort iiabout to be made to dispose Mi. Blake its leader of the, Opposition at Ottawa, and put Mr. Menai in hie place, hoax Tome, of Goderiob, bas de - aided that the Dominion Lioense Ani is in full force, and has .gnsebed the conviction of one Theobald, bolding a ,Dominion license, and charged, notwithstanding, with selling without •* license; r •rbbi. Potatoe.,per bag apples, per bag ArtedAppleepr b Geese per lb. Turkey per lb Booing par pr •• Chickens per pr Hoge,drassedpert00" Beef ,•• Htdega sae 'd ., .. Sheeppskins,eaolr ()Waking Wool per lb .. Ss. per ton Ontonsuerbuah- .,. Weo per cord ... 050 to 0 to 010to020 • 700to800 .., 0 60 to 9.73 • 80010380 FALL SHOWS. • Ptovineqial, et Ottawa. from Sept. 22 to 27; Indnitfiat, at Toronto, from Sept.10 to 20. Gey, at�Brusssela London, September 32 to 27. West Huron, atooderiob, Sept, 23 and 24. Buliett, at Clinton October 1 ana u. Stephen and Orborne, at Exeter, October 6 A 7. n i9 i@ad b September Hay,set8urto , South Huron, at Seafortb, October 9 and O. Tsrt Id* nr10o of wheat this seasoan ato,fth Perth, at St. Marls, Oatober 7 and 8. North Perth, at a3tratlord, Ortober2 and S. will h v effect f b ok the Fullers t chill ten Cornea ()debar o. hay.° Inc e eo 0 0 e lug, . e on a ar , rash :lo the west., Witb'wheat al one Mitohetl,eptemver 23 ant 24: dollar a kasha/, grain' ;growing on the prsirieapaid halter than mixed farm- ing arm- inginOntario.' With, wheat at fifty oenie;:whioh is expected to be the ruling pride in the western wheat growing dispirits as .compared with. prices of other produots the. Ontario farmer has so very muoh the best of it that he frill bo likely to stay at home Mr.. Alex: Kennedy, of Prospect Hill,' h *pellucid a -two hundred acre. far.ia Downie township,, near Stretrofit; for $18,250. house and three burns belonging to }..I *Caffrey, of 1stcohcession of Biddnlph,.'wwipe totally destroyed' by .fire 11411111 n'lgbt. ";ince. The barna were-oomparewlively -new, and eon - tamed the season's entire crop. Partly insiirad. " Wm. Woodanan,• a `resident ot. the township of Huller, has beau eobimit- ted for trial by A. 8. Fieher;�t'4 P., of (Hinton,: .on a charge ef'al1empling to oommil rape on his daughter, Selina, an pumersied woman about 25_ years of age:; The attempt _ is said to have oconrred during 'the night of August 22nd, the' prisoner, enteritis, his daughter's; bedroom and assaulting her. The evidence at the preliminary examination was given by the Qom; plaioaul and her mother. The prig. clam- mier, who asserts thea he, hoe reason features, which are felly Isla froth and claim• to;a'uspecl the' chastity Of both is edit a legal patent that wilts' keep infringers wife and daugttler,mede the fohowiag., at a distance. statement before the magislraiile 'When I 'entered array daughter's room Feti Reasons why the InoinClflle', is Best B eld. only oueiquarter the cmount�; of soap I /bought that there was some ono need as with other maobines. hon on shoulder to .rake hes. up;. ehb of nil sand lit ` the l ` h I person. Mere ;;:am .ledto believe -. St, It'requreso ly one-fourth the time t my use his a not name. t Every bottle of Arnica & OilLiniment Gold is warranted by the, proprietors to give satis- faction or money will be refunded. • Survival of the fiteat. Down's Elixir baa outlived every other cough remedy simply because it is the best. `INVINCIBLE' srE�� !!!! IS THE - KING of ALL WASHERS! PALL ry� BUTTONS AND lei Hater .They vall Look Ila' IOU GIFT A STiCE= 101116t0.11.1ttill BANTON BROS. 'moo Seeder. POWZTsZ Baring bolded to close Ilia present steels: of the above plows, will ton !OR $13 GASH, at $14 ON TIE FOR 30 DAYS. Tlarplow can be seen at the budding oppoa ito Bawdena Merida ■hop, (A, tow door south of the reaxket,) Points and repairs always kept In stook. Parties intending making a pttebase will do A ri110. well to WI early. 8. DO L. P Velvets will be the rage of the season, and depend inion it. We will do them right. BANTON BROS, Strayed Or Stolen,. (Patented in Canada, July18,1883.) Wsebes to *antennae to the inhshit snts of Exeter and viesnity, that he Was opened out a Prom the Itltmville Hotel, on or about Mors day last July 24th, a red haired collie dog. Any person thing such informatigonas wit/ lead to arson gourd will be i tisrdograftter tinia notice, will bo prosecuted according to law Boot and the Shi B. C, THOMPSON in the Verner Store North of Barnwell Ptekard'e, where be is prepared to make ail kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly aallended to. GEO. £AN`SON rode Manager 0. Eacrett's Boot and Moe Establishment. May 1415 84. MAOHIflE OIL. t'ARMERS, THRESHERS, AND L Still mon will save money, and mime their Machinery by using Lardine. RDI NE �A Sas been xictorions at all the loading sahibs J t ieenwl tnrrialfairHHin f; rr sans >< MOUE'C'' i t ce187 ca vin oft drift prises and medelsin every instance. 11 has now no equal as e, lubricator and will oa - wear ar sealer castor to clog or gam thennestmachinery Yon will Have moneyby using -this Oil. Try it and you 1 d, i to Oil,and warranted not will testify in its favor. Beware of imitations E 1llinvioN111 ....xu noTa1lED ob'Lir nl- r giisiiiiTiizrrir Pea 1 MCcon. ,D hs di►• Cc., Toronto, OUT$TRI $ -rob situ IA. - CHEAPir- CHEA G'VDSI BISSETT BROS., Rimier ; J. EILBER & SON, Oration ; MoDONELL & WAUGH. Muesli If yon want the bestvaluefor BUTTER & EGGS -•001'0- /loupe & Co's Mr. C. Rau wishes to inform the inhabi t MERTON. tants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has sole ' right of this washer for Huron, County, and also that he has' appointed Mr. Belli. Pickard agent for Exeter, and anyperson wishing to see the Machine, will please call: at the Exeter Tea Store. if woe thoroughly:teated, and its merits approied: before the patent . was' ap- plied tor. It has since been placed in com- petition with a great many washes s. of note, and in every instiance proted its superiority. 11 is, without a doubt, the.'most perfect in action ever invented;. the improvements are prominent and 'weili defined' they are no imitations with a slight eliahge of parts of some old waved oda patents, • such,; as the pnbiic are often fleeced with by Patent Eight sharks, but they compose an original and genuine invention,' containing "'•distinctive Tearing Sale: there Weide* herself. I; placed my 2nd. only one-fourth the fuel. hand 3rd, bio labor' in comparison with+ air: g amp, wen =ohm' es. .• tai�ft aha rooms, not having avin fo nd :an 4th. No wear and tear, as steam ands soup ,l . g ' p y ho rirai al a eats. ' that bo h b " I" to do a washing. d oh t fit M k Iii livid ihh* alle•tio"ndndt of the moth. 6th. The house is not. 01 an .,uproar with. zie'e trip line 'mile 'him [Muth good• ec and dtughtet has not heeir by any elope, ay e, t of a oil sok tans panel, at 'least one He will probi►bly be alrle�otrthe lne'bd�r meati +areal etaltabl and as ea noose- R PIUBARD Agent, p e, U iron , of the North-West when Parliament gaenoe beybave not lived happily C. 33ao]s's Old Stead. (2 Doors north of Post Office)" Butter and Eggs W anted in Exchange for Goods.. We have just received` a large consignment of goods direct from wholesale houses, which we will sell at very close prices. Splendid value in Cashmeree3, Velveteens, Grey, Soar let, Canton and Homemade Flannels. A uioe lot of table napkins and covers. • Splendid Winoey,'Ghrey and 'White Cotton -very cheap Al o Tweed's and Beady -made Clothing. A lot Of gr'ocorr'ea to be sold cheap. In Boots & Shoes we leave added some new lines, and are prepareebto sell the best goods at close } prices. Parte for Sale or Rent. Farm of 100 acres, 70 cleared ; Bank Burn 60x40 ; Good House and Orchard: Prigc, $4.500': 0;000 down. Mint, 6240. Apply, to JOHN MATHESON. Exeter. Crediton. Eeter. May 291h. s h *rano wtlh the prisoner, =mum DRUGSTORE A full stook of , all kinds .of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fit sir, Family recip- es 4carbfully ecipes'oarrfulii prepared at the CetitittlIhng Store Exeter . LUTZ.