The Exeter Times, 1884-9-11, Page 1" HEV TO THE LINE TA's TUE Qaii'S FALL WHERE THEY M'AT... Vol. XII., No. 3, " +!....l, °NT,, TatritSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 11, 18.54.. JO l stAtiTE Ss SON Publishers mad Proprietors,. --Just Ren ,jyed-.„ --SOMETHING VERT FINE IN, PHOCOLATES enc . CO All kinds of FRUITS, .OIiAN+aES, FIGS, D At (i. , 1+Etaie�.. W. HALL, RR TERSOLLITaRAc aSautwelPe tlorak, Exeter. aH-01 �. 11. D.8 EsaremoX ed to Paan 630011look, Teeth ox- traatedw1ch eat paan. CEA] S, BANANA, 'S VOLtilitt 126 DUNS STBEET1 1 .RY'NDMAN.---QQR.QNEIt 'O tireCeentyotriaraan. Uotco"opiwaite tea CAtlina;'atatere,Exeter W.RBOWNING M. D., HM 0 P.#.GraduoteVicterlailniversity° 003c detrsideaao.1)ora:iaion ltaber*tete. Exeter, TIE J. A. ROLLINS, U. 0. P. 8 O. Ofdee, !Main 8t-Exeter.Oat.Itesldence haus°rec*ntlyece0P od by P. Marl liips,Eag* U. D., • alffceathlsroaidoaco Exeter. 1 B. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI VERSITar TrinitypollegMember College pill/1014nga1741 eWrgoanr Oaa•:,,ctileeHirhton. Tri ItTANTntUTIOES. COUNTY AIJQTION- rataptyattendedta. Dayrof big office • Liasea.ed Auo• land MaCilllvray orate rater. ONEY TO .:t r, u. . AL Es- tate Societ. ow rates of ntberest Applyto ora Spaokman,Exoter. I\TJ. 0LAIRR,i, Agent for the TJe. •boraesuetribber 1PireInsurance Oompany, Residence— ,tr,. Orders by miailpromptl•y attea 3�x; TOS.. HUDSON, Q; ' MISIONER tar in the CAA of Cominon Pleas—Deeds, Wills,Afortgages.Leago9,and 11 forms of agree- ments drown and execute ding to law. sO Fntn icIutnoCenter; la otelBlook,8on- %j(oz E "LOAN AT 6 AND Of per c cording to tenni." Private Ponds. y; Apply -to al~ 0,- B. V.ELLIOT, Ootoherl Solicitor. Exeter l EON -EY` I cam lend any amount of Money on farm se- * arityat8,e} sad 7 per cont,aocoming to terms PrivatePnndaaspecial ty, Charges moderate 5 W EALL.Barr'ieter,I.lxeter,i •LINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE Am NT, Loney to loan on Farm & Town Property At lowestratea of interest. ana on terms to suit borrowers, A number of feat -class Firma for sale. Mortgages b'ught cad sold. Office in Fannon"'Block Exeter NJ. CLAIM. COMMISSIONER • Lathe Court' of Common Pleas—Deeds, Wins,Mortgagea,. Leases,and all forms ofagreo. meets drawn and executed according to law. MONETTOr+OAnONEEALEBTATE. Partieswlsb- ing to borrow money on account of recent pur- chases ofland,orto pay off existing mortgages willfind a groat raving by giving me a call, Can lend money ata and a} per cent. aeeordingto terms. N.J.CLARE. VOR SALB.-TWO-STORYFRAME DWELLING HOUSE undone sore ofland. Ritnated on the Thames Road. 2} miles - east of Exeter. Goodlaige frame stable and driving• sliea.;,Splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing trees; good wall and cistern. Suitable for a re. tired farmer: Will be sold cheap for ea eh. Ap o THOMAS ALLIN. Eseterp .0 iv 19-tf --TRY— MANNINC'S C;lrntral Stavin Parlor 1ean and easy shaving, fashionable hair ;�„ gutting etc. "Clean towel for every customer, 'i~t ' Next door to Central Hote ...,.fir'V&1'E �Rti.,,, r' 11E 1y00MUTUALFIRE INSURANCE CO. 4 Established in 1863. d D OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. his cora/ any has been over Eightteen years successful operatton.i,U Western Ontario,and times to insure ,agai, close or damage by uildings,Merehandl ,Manufactories,and: gjypat ,onsofi urableproperty. In- 'evo the option of insuring. on or Cash System. years this Company has cgveraag property to the "and i"in losses alone ,,1 ; tib's of Cash in rn. ,, �klfe-prem it ` {�ke Duriutttlr p 'sued 57,009 amount of $40; 6709,752,00 .00, c AaaetS, *1174 dank, Govern . . opoait and the unassessed Premium Notes n hind and in force 3. W WiL new, M D. Presider. t. 0. M. TATLon,sooretary J. b Hvdnns,Inspector. OH ABLE St SNELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity, ants ' eta the best value Black Silks, Black Satins, Color, ed Silks and Satins, try C HAP 'A11''Si LONDON. Black Brocaded: ` Silks itlt ;ef- feats at CHAPMAN'S, LONDON. New Dress Goods and Cash- meres just received, per Steamer Berlin. See the New Styles at �y OHAP:AN'S. LONDON. See our new Tweed :Suits at $5.00 $6.00, $7.00, $10:00, $1.2.00=—the best value in London -at CHAPMA T'S, LONDON. Boys' and Children's Cloth- ing at $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 --special lines-- at DHAP MAN' S, LONDON. Millinery, Mantles, Hosiery, Gloves, Coisets, . Laces, Flannels, Tweeds, Blank- eta, everything in' the Dry Goods' line cheap at' CHAP MAN' S LONDON. When in London, do not fail to visit our Mammoth Essablishm't You will be, well served :and heartily, welcome: hapman 1Co., THE POPULAR Dr Goods Store ,..LONDON. nlA Vetna4ltan. 1 Mervin Manor Aril ,son Jettu have been eentenoed to aevera years"' and six mouth0 impri.onnieut reepeotivat . by Judge Draw. of Guelph, for steeling Battle. Mr. dates: Merehall, formerly t.f the G. W. Air Lima, bss been ap- pointed general road aviator of the Chiaaga & Alliautio Eeitway, by .Gen eral )(Wager Broughton. John W. Brown, a letiorer, of Greed Rapid,, formerly ,resident of Weottnineter, was drowned on Friday eveuiaig in Soft Water L eke, three nide* north of Grand Repide, while bethipg, A. well known ooafidenca min abate, ed Billy Molrcur (commonly ;mown .an "Woodttookr") hoe hien sentenced to 4116 year in the, Central Prison for playing a ' etloe game en John MoCourtn , ,, .v;, 'Guelph. -Fiv addi sl emigrant cars have pat been tnrued out; of the G. T. iii. carshope in -London Esal. They are an improvement on any heretofore fitted up, .s in addition to the double rows of buirke, each oak baa two heat. era and adawdle washstand for the oouvernenoe of pes.engers. 10hatb ui MMID, nantsd Gaffey,drove a tine *pan of horses attached to * buggy' into the river Shat place Sun- day eight, for the purpose of giving them *drink. The animals got into deep water, and being entangled in the harness end buggy were drowned. Mr.. Gaffey himself bad. * narrow sloape, but managed to struggle to the shore. Jar. M. Dykes, of Warasville. was committed for trial Monday by Squire Eannarh on a charge of obtsiuing a scoriae machine from Elizabeth M. Dagg, by (fitlaa pretences. Fie was released on hie own bond to appear at the .fall melees for trial. James Frsokleton, who wee charged along with him, was *quitted. Dykoe says he thought be was doing the 'ramie a good ten when be removed the seting machine out of the way of the sb.riff's officer, and feels that urs. Dagg fe very ungrateful in proaeout. ing him as she is. A young man arrived at St. Oath - trine" the other night and put up et the Welland House, registering hie name as Fred Watson. of Boston. Monday two other men arrived in the city, visited the hotel, and enquired tor Watson. One r f thein, a Mr. R. M. Stuart, of Buffalo, wee shown up Watson's room, on entering winch be said : '"I want that money you took reeterday." Watson replied, "All right, sir, here it i.," banding out $565 in greenbacks. Stuart then left, Watson, it is said, was employed in **auditor's office of the Lake Shore Railway at 13uffalo, and skipped out with the money which he was mile to disgorge. Ile is *till in St. ,Cath - nines. Not Far From Home. News Condensed Mrs. J. Heifiman; of 'Emerson, is visiting friends in Soafoath Mr, Daniel CIark, of. Egmoudrille, hat purchased the park lot enjoining Me residence for the sum of $750. James Trow, Esq., M. P., of Strat- ford, had a severe attack of heart dis- ease the other day, ' but is reported recovering. Mr. John Melville, a highly esteem- ed natio in the neighborhood of Cromarty, has purchased a'-tarm ;of 'LO• acre' iu the township of Elms, for $2,0(60 Mills Watson, who has been, visit- ing friends in Seaford; for some time, left far her home in Edinburgh, Soot - land, on Tuesday of last weak„ Jamee.Findlay,'•tramp from Ham. Ilton, has been sent to Goderloh by. the Seifert!' magistrate for the lar- ceny of a razor from hlinkhammer'e barber shop. Ono night recently, ae Mr: James Troyer, of Hills Green, was proceed- ing home, accompanied by his wife .and three children, hie horse became 'frightened at some object on the road and ran away. Mr. 'Troyer acid three children were thrown out of therig rg and escaped unhurt, but Mrs Troyer was not so fortunate. She became entantled about the vehicle and was trailed some,'distanoe.' Her head' was eeyerely bruised, but we are glad to state that she ie now. recovering. A. number sof young people in the vicinity of Hills Green obariveried the daughter and son-iu•lart of Mr. Bohn Troyer ole Thureday evellfng Joel, and kip* uptheir disgraceful •rgies for several nights, seen follow- Ing She yoong , eoupl• .aef fri•nde iU Ilsywhereto theyIb• wsr•houtri.o. itiug, end matte •. react. *game' the groom's per fety milts* their requests were 00 ` . with. It is likely the% they »tier•! before . at mmgistrats for 1' ixalondnet. Mr. Hobo t a of Egmondville, hie lemma a nae biffielraae. The Mu is a new nue is pronounced iF good on., It is worked by tlleatua of a *pries behind the wooden part, to which the hock for the tug is at -- ;oohed, 13y amine of this eprine both tugiwill alway. be kept *quill, tigltl, thereby '!airing ell jerking on horse lac rig, h`i0m its oouatruc- it ,will be itnpo8.ible for the tug. lo•bocome dolaoll•dfrom the whiffle. Iter. Mr. Fulton lies applied for tt ut. - The tnittolted tacos took place ort Fairview Park, $eatortb. on Tliurday. The first race was at matched trot :for $10{) a aid• between Ward's Mohawk Wild ani R*tt.nbury's Royal 14, wage. It was Ivan is three straight beets by Royal .B.xsoge. The iecond race --a matotted rase bs%wrt•a bt.o, W, Wltttlerti Ga flet and James Bailey's Rota Cloud—wan deelsr•d of, on aocount of Garfield being lame and unfit to trot, The third rears was between the four•yeer-old colts, Tttoe. Aidd'. Lord Datferin. Thos. ,Bell'i Lewis B. and Mr. Boll'. Jessie It It was woe by Lord Doffria. Week ago Sunday ai. Ur, Wm. Hawkshaw, of l3eafortb, Was driving a. sirited horse between the railway armies and VaoEgraond'li wollen mill, the *alma! became nmmana gs Able. Mrs. Hawkeliawv, who wee also in the rig, jumped out and 'seeped unhurt, but Mr, Hawkshaw did not fare so well. Re remained in ' the buggy, trying to control the Boase, until thrown out. The liuea becoming wound round the hub soon brought the 'horse to a etandetill. Mr. Rawls. shay wets conveyed bows in aaaotlrsr rig, but was, luckily,inor'a frightened than hart. Oa Wednetday..of last week, while Mr. Jae. Bennet was working in his planing mill at Brussels, be met with an accident that wilt lay ilim np for some time. Whileworking at the Oster, ho attempted to remove en obetruotiou from the rollera,whiah carried hie arra iu almost to the elbow, bruising the bones and musoles ievsrely. Had it not been for hie preeenoe of mind the -accident would have been more serious, but he man - egad to grasp the eorew operating the. table, with his left hand, and turned it high enough to release his arm from the tremendous pressure. It was a miracle that the knives of the planer did not take off his hand, which ,was only prevented by his fingers drop - plug over the end of the rollers, Roddy Peingle won Slte I lmita+ neat; xaos eat 4ll.a Qraig ea Friday. end at Petrol's, on Tuesday, ha won a mite and a ala:erter duds. McIntosh was tbirillo the 2.85 trot at the latter Otos. The Oyelist.' °lab of Eugiaad now numbers 10,774 member., of which ten belong to the nobility, 842 aro ladies, L087 are profeasion*t men, 7,- 887 belong, trades, and the remainder are not 4emib*d. Cenattiau basebellere who are play iris in the United latatw. ago .eaeou ars Making a good manord for tb•rn sglees. *"Tie" O'Neil, who ooulract.d to pitch for the St, Louie teen, lost his grip early in the ,ensu» and was retired to left field, in which position he line doge 00111.1 remarkable tiela1ing. At the bat he heti excelled, hie re• rtnarkabl. #lugging baring won fey - met ,.stdll{'lrlhea for hie club, Mr. Vaadsrbilt's aoontwt with Maud Eh sites!, ,a profit of $12,000, dearly ninety -fire per aaut„ leaving out the exams* of keeping the beast and her driver. It i. .aid that Mr. Vanderbilt behaved queerly when bs *lard Maud S., avowing for a time *bat taere.Ilse a etrstsgeta tit :get his fest mere from him, end gawp eels thele he visited her etabl• and pift bitlisilie around her nook. Y'et the anal. vas mold. A Wilmot who clatim* to beim en. inside kn nwiedge of the negotiations carried ou`between Ur,. Bonner and 3.1 Cass, mid recently that the for• mer would purchase the gelding tfllo lowered the record. "One of the con. ditioni of the purchase,!' he said, "is as itipulatton required by Ur. Caro that Jar -Eye -See and ?►land b, must flret trot in palblio, so that it may bo nettled beyuud peradveutura which of ilia animals possei,sed the greateat staying power sed speed. Then Mr. Oise will be retried- to relinquiish. his gelding to UKBogner in a:lnsil- .ration of a good round* price, said to be $60,000. Scott A 1liEon . The vote on th Are Scott Aa in Halton county took place on. Tuesday, resulting in the repeal be- ing toted down by a majority of 125 being 45 more than when the Aot was first carried. Both sides ell over the Dominion' looked for the result of the voting with the desped' interest, knowing that it would have it grit in. fiance on the counties in avrbioh the. Act is soon to be submitled. ;sporting Brevities. It is said the. Bonner will. drive Mand S. with Rams in future. The Providence club have now won twelve games without a• break. ' There have been five leagae'garnee this season in which the score, was 1-0. tricycle meet inEng• y I At the regent trio laud there were over 740 tricyclists present. Iu France bioyole race meetings are held by the electric light on tracks ooyered with powdered chalk. A sparring matoh between Charley Mitchell and J. Kilrain le being ar• ranged. It will probably take place at Buffalo in Ootober. It is stated that before .the season closes Howell, the English bicyclist l champion, will a000mplish: tweutyone miles within the hour. Duncan 0. Ross has nested a snug $27,000, and contemplates a trip to Australia, and he will probably retire from profeeeional life on his return. Robert A, Nelson, of Toronto, ohal- 'fengee Eyck, Morgan or Westbrook. to a bioyole -race 'for. from $100 to $500 a side, and the professional championship of Canada. Patrick Kivley, the owner of the fighting dog Jack Napoleon, the win'' ner of ' thirteen battles,intends' to m +toh ham spinet Montgomery'., great fighting wlldeat. The greatest of the English flyers are coming over for the Springfield, Maes., bioyole tournatneall. Among the amateurs will be Sutton, Paltrier, Chambers and Illeton, all'; 2.50 men. • Cholera, Paris. Sept. 9 --At St. Antoine yet-- terdsy twenty persona were suddenly attacked by cholera. A number have. died. Roma, Sept. 9—Thr conductor of a railway train from Naples was attsok• ed with cholera, yesterday morning during the journey and soon Mel. The entire receipts of the great charity fete yesterday at Turin 'will be .devoted to the cholera eufterers Naples, Sept. 9—The. Ring gave audience last evening to ihs munici— pal authorities. Orders have hien is- sued for troops to leave the barracks and encamp outside. The barracks: will be converted into a obolero., ho ;,; pilaf. The royal party is visiting the poorer quarters of the oily to -day. There' was a riot yesterday among th• sellers of mineral water, beoaasetheir traffic. was restric'tsd. The epidemio is making great ravages. jiRome, Sept 9.—Sia hundred and thirty three fresh eases of cholera and 275 deaths were reported at Naples She past 24 hours, 181 fresh ea8./ and 66 deaths reported in other places in Italy. In Naples the condition of affairs is most harrowing. Scenes of misery and wretchedness of the most pitiable character occur on every side. The King has been profoundly affected by the sufferings he bee 'wit- nessed. He bite made a fiestAlonatioit to the relief fund of`$20,000' * ,;:• Naples, Sept". 9,—King• Humbert, After visiting the, poorer portions of tho pity today, inspected the antis-- tallies tntis-tallies Hospital. He declined the use of disinfectants chile making areIbur of the 'wards, The King'was mom - ponied by his btothea, ;the Duke of Aoeata ; Signor: ;Daprotis, Minister of the Interior, and Manoinl, Minister of Foreign Affairs. The burisl of victiane of the cholera is difficult owing to, the nuuqual'large numbers; During the last 21 hour* there have been 800,,fre..h, oases of cholera..: And 800 death!., ..