The Exeter Times, 1884-9-4, Page 7(Jiharacter or. F1ot. Whatever theory of novel -writing Mr. Trollope may have preached. his almost invariable practice was w have a plot. He always lhaci a .y/Ory tea tNli, and a story involves L •giuuin:;, tui+lulu'. and end,, -au short, a frame -stork of some sort. Oitear e', if o ,1' hal to Choose between tee fr:ilii and tie• por- trait, one would naturally not twofer the frame. It would depeu+l :a good deal upon the portrait. thou—ti. 'lucre bane been &NeufdM. books ailee wholly with elharactcr-Brewin_; but Ceti have not been great ii ole. Th great. novel deals with human tezt'ion as well as with mental portraiture. . lei at: "el eee. atter in itself is plot" is true only to a vague sense. A plan. * noel" with a to leaf coniqueloa. k :as twee , are' to '3 novel or a romance as it is :a drama. A. group of skillfully maele-tui mon and women lounging in the t.re>n-rocon or at the wings ifi not the play. It le not enough to say that, this is Hamlet and that ()libellee It is not enough to in- form us that certain passion, are sup- posed to be err:4,141e4 in smelt awl snob person(; these penin, should be placed in situations developing those passions. A eerieof unconnected eite Moons lending io nothing is inane- wile. There rnu.t be a natural end' to It all, else your novel reeenthleitr eon. emirmiu without tut an wet, or a jest without to point. AIr..Jarner; ell:at luau. a to " on efeetns to me vulnerable at both nude unlike Achilles, *•Plot iz by no moans char- acter." Strictly: ;,peaking, it is nut. It strikes In:, bowel, that ltltht COWS nearer to being eha (ter iil:tu charac- ter h tr (- ter doe to Leu plot. Piot trt.l.a as1. t I qio1 Cates a -i, )l �,. lblu to d. '. t Z th Cr, and it ilul. is crihe a rain ;a(0ou, under whatever conditions, without revealing ing something a hips character his way of looking at things, his mural and mental pose. 1%itat a hero of notion flocs Zrtint:i bine better than what he says, and vastly better than what his creator says of him Mr. Jamie; aeeerte that .`we care what lhappen to people pe•(iple olds al tion as we know what i cul ie are. I Wok we dolt. than+ :t snap whatpeoplo are (in /week) when we don't t;nory uliat tfape one to the nr,--elyestilliantie. Fi u1i'al of Q zi flit". German medical, Journals dire:teie a new medical agent lately discovered by Prof. Fischer, of Munich. In the course i :a long series of investigations con- cerning the nature and atetion of qui- nine he found that by moans of a series enticed traneff trn►atione a subetanec an obtained, in the form of a white crystalline powder, from coal tar,whielt greatly re,::emhtea quinine in its action on the human organism. Fischer has (riven it the name of "kairhu." The chief effect protrueoed by it, as yet ob- served, is the rapid dintnnithun of fever heat, and its efficiency in this respect is described as remarkable, It is believed that it will mender the use of ten in le- ver efteent unneve ,:ark', mut that its skilful employment will enable the pde'sleinn to i t taerite the temperature of the patient. K:airin is tarso reported to have less inconvenience for the stone- a►eh then quinine. But Ob-vrvation r t It y., . a does show a, ,yet. arl,ittla possesses that tonic and restorative in - !Mimeo fel: wi,neu quinine is en frequent- ly administered, Perhaps, from a oteemical and pbyelologicnl point of view, the most valuable thin, about the new discovery is that It seems to bring us nearer to iinding out the chemical nature of quinine Itself and the true character of its nee,eney. The discovery; has been patented and u minufaotory w 'if kairiu established, under tate direc- tion of Prof. Laabenhcimer, of Giessen. But, as it is said that the cost of pro- ducing a kilogramme (about 35 oun- ces) un ces) of the near agent is £lit, it will be some time before its patrons can hope to see it take the place of quinine in practical pharmacy. POISON IN THE PASTRY IF Tolonit.Le.nab,oranae. etc.,lnrorcoke!, ereo...rodding.,3cc.,we detaeetetysu4e.at- taraity a tbe;rmit- *r+ uloArt tett they Aremade., FOR STRESGTIH AND TREE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. /fat►ARL4 NV TNi. Price Baking Powder Co„ t"tatcago, ata., 50. Louie Mo. MAM4R3 Q, cA Price's Cream Baking Powder r. Pr'ice's Lupulin Yeast Gems, Rat bey Fleur Yeast, 7'0=s.4 2!4"X' cmoca zim ryl: MANX ULM Qat Q1IAWTY. LICHT HEALTHY BREAD 1. U( ¥FASTGEM' Interesting IteinS. Trios. Cummings, John Downs, John Steele. Phil. Soule and Corneliuslereanpore are char& ed with baying taken Minnie Jaekson, a col- ored girl, ol-ored'girl, from the house of Jas. Kepley, at Belleville; on Wednesday night- of last week and outraging her, Buckten's Aruiea salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruis- es, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped handy, C11ilbhains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and po;;itively. cures Kee, or do nay required. It is guaranteed to, give perfect satisfaction, or money ret'unaed. Price 25 cents per hoe. For elite by .iIl drug gists. The gloomy fears, the despasndifig viewe, the weariness of soul that many complain of,would. often disappear were the blood made pure and healthy before reaching the delimit(' vessel of tole brain- flyer's. Sarsaparilla puriffes ane vitalizes the blood ; and thus conduces to health of body lull sauity of mind. $e5O0 leve ard. 'We will pay the above reward for any Me of Liver eawplaint. Dyspepsia, Hick bead.. aehe, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveuess we cannot curewith West's Vegetable Liver ['ills, whets the directions are strickly complied. with, They are purely Vegetable, and uever fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, eontainiug 30 teals, 25 Bents, For sale by all Druggists. Beware of eeuuterfeits and Ireitatioue. The Genuine manufactured only by JOHN C, WEST & CO.. "The Pill reek - ere," 81 et 83 Ring street East Toroute, Out. Free trial package sent by mail prepaired en receipt of a three cent stamp. ON THIRTY DAYS' TOTAL. Tiers `''oI.TAIC Berm Co., ylarshail, .1f iofi.,wi1 Pend Du.Deot'sCeeeere rxu EieEGTao.VQyeTA14: BRIMS AND ELsC7:ilTQ APPLIANCES on trialfor thirty days to men (young or ohs) who are af- flicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindreu troubles, guaranteeing a i pvte<ly and tanlplbti• rcctnrutic n of Health and manly vigor, Address es above. N. 11. -:No rack is tuellrruai, as thirty days' trial isallowed, A boy Willied ;.ferrin. *sn fell from a freight car en the Granit Junction Railway at Belle- ville ou Saturday, and was cut in twa. Of course death was iX.stantaueans, Dreceaeled was about thirteen yearn of age, and was sou of a w;duw, n you should W ; u unfortunate as to Burn eta or Woundyon.leelf in any way the prop. Whig to keep clean and beat it is McGregor Perke's Carbolic Cerate, tuell,L ou haring.' d be sure yon gate UcGreger & Parkes Car.; belie Cerate. Price 25 teats. J. W. Brown - tug. Draggiest, has the genuine. 2 Custom receipts at Toronto tor August, 5400,420, a decrease of f31,57d tempered with Sam mouth last year. At Hamilton the re- ceipts were 214.225.21e a tit -crewed 55,716.14. James llrayley, Hakuiltou, Bays : "1 rand tno testimonials ter :lfctae,ors Speedy Cure and found that I had trot to go to New ' fork, Philadelphia,Louisinna or Tem to ford living witnesses of its value, we have plenty of Tier. sons right here to prove its merits. I got a bottle and it helped me tight away. I was eo ii baa with Billow Fever ana Indigestion se I thick any one conld be, I have taken three bottles and amnearly well and mu cent any kind rf food without it hotting me. I may say that I am better titan 1 ever expected to be, Free trial bottles at J. W. Browning's Drug Store, e RESPECT 1' A G E. Age should always eornunaud respect, in the case of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw. berry it certainly does, for 25- years that bas been the staudaid remedy wth the people, fur Cholera eloi bus, Dyseutery, Dinrrhboea, Cholic and all Bowel complaiuts. Holloway* Pills and Ofntrnent,--Tris Oint- ment affords the shortest, palest, and easiest path to soundness in all kinds of skin diseases, scrofulous affection, scorbutic maladies, ulcer - :010W , oruptious, and iniian unatioua. There is nothing deletcuious in the eoluposition of Holloway's Ointment. but on the contrary, Its ingredients possess the most soothing, purify - in.. and strengthening qualities so that it can be need with perfect safety by persons of all ages. The delicate skin of infanta is not irri- tated by its application, and it is equally ad- apted for subduing the tedious lacerations at - tasking the aged. In all constitutional, chrou- ic, and complex affections, Holloway's Pills should be taken whilst his Ointment is being used, in order that all baneful matter may be expelled from the system. ANSWER Ta -s QuEssiox.—Why do so many people we see around us,seem to prefer to suf ter and be made miserable by indigestion, con- stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming up of the foop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents, we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarante ed t' cure them, Sold by J. W, Browning,' Exeter. E e wl The Hamilton Police Commissioners bave decided not to grant the increase of wages asked for by the men. --" Why 1 What's the matter ? " Lady—(With face enveloped in roll of hoi cloths)—'•0h 1 I'm crazy with that Neural. gia that continually troubles me. j1 —" Well, how foolish! Why don't you go to J. W. Brcwning's Drug Store and get a bottle of fluid nightning ? It cured me in less . than one minute. I always keep a bottle in the house. It only costs 25 Dents. " 2 A RARE PLANT.`.. The wild Strawberry Plant possesses rare virtue as a cleansing, cooling, astringent auto. septic, and healing medicine, and when com- bined with other valuable vegetable extracts, as in Dr. Fowler's Extraetof Wild Strawberry, is an unfailing remedyin all Bowel complaints. The best Ory bop yeast fa the wand >araild raised by ihteeeeeeesyssst is H ht. whtla and vrbola sauce Oka our erendmnther's delicious bread. GROCERS SEL. THEM. PatPAaW NY THE Price Baking Powder Co,, Iiaa'1'rs of Ar. I'M SDrci*l FlaTonig Enracis. Chicago. 111. fit. Loula, M4. Angel's Food.—Take tihe whites of eleven eggs, one autt is half tumblerfuls of sifted granulated sugar, one tumbler- ful of sifted flour, and one teaspoonful vanilla. Sift the flour four times, then add one teaspoonful of Royal Baking Powder, and sift again. Sift the sugar and measure it. Leat the whites of the eggs to a stilt froth, perfectly dry on a large platter. Then add the sugar gently, Hour very lightly. then the va- nilla. Do not stop lieatiug until it is put into the pan to bake. Bake forty minutes in a moderate oven. Try with a straw; if too soft, let it remain. Turn the pan upside down to cool; when cold take out with a knife. Ice and cut with a sharp knife. .A. tumbler for nlensuring :met hold two and a quarter gills. Use a cake pan that has a hole in the center.—•Country Gentleman. The existing cedars of Lebanon are only nine hundred years old. The cypress trees at Monteznlua, Mexico, according to a French botanist, are 6.- 000 years old, and consequently he makes them out coeval with the crea- tion of the world. Still, that is only estimate. The oldest tree on earth, so jar -as absolutely known, is the "Bo" 'tree, in. the sacred city of Amarapoora, Burmah. It was planted in. 288 B. C., and is accordingly 2,171 years old. Its great age is proved by historic docu- ments, according to Sir James Emer- son Tenant, who says: "To it Kings have even dedicated their dominions, in testimony of belief that is a branch of the idectica.l fig tree, under which Bud- dha reclined at Urumelya, when he un- derwent his apotheosis." Its leaves are carried away as streamers by pll- prims, but it is too sacred - to touch. with a knife, and therefore they are only gathered 'when they fall.. A pond called "Big lieu Lime Sink," sear Dooly, Ga., which 1oe:ii tradition ,lids unfathomable, suddenly sant:. 100 feet recently, with a :tremendous thud and a rumbling sound. 11 is supposed ;hat the bottom of the pond was the roof of a great cave. Two Sinda of .Dec?s, A barber ,said: -.Everything depends upon the shape of the faced :atilt the .lift= nes of the beerd. Who, sir, you give prat a young tnini'.tae'i:l) looking chap with a long, smooth, lantern jaw and .a reeeding Ain, and. I'll fix him out right away. A dawn stroke for each cheek, n ffc%v flnuriehee around the chin and mouth, a little bay ruin. and you've got hint. itut when :in talar, wrinkle -faced coral heaver costes in I make up nly, mind for a long awl hard job. It is like mowing. in :a reel v paeturc that is full of craulle knolls; keep yourrazao•as slier)) lila you tato, Y*ou'vel got a hard task and one that 111,41ZO8 you earn your money, all of it." The R ell l tau 'at of M uc'a-hf akin Chambers' donrnal :lays that a Paris inn journel some time ago recorded an e+;eeeditngly ell=ver bit of match -making executed be an American lady lief this order in brilliant stype. lier eldest daughter had ,ailed from New ''ort; with some friends for a tour of Europe, and, after "doing" the coutineut, had returned to the French capital for sev- eral months of rest mud pleasuring. At- tractive :and Clever, she had many suit- ors, some more, some less desirable. She could not marry them all, so she adroitly reduced the number to two— the best of the lot, of course. Then sbe wrote home to mamma, explaining the exact situation of affair's, addiug that they were both so handsome, agreeable, well connected and rioh,that she could not decide between them, and closed with the question: "What shall I do?" Ten days later she received a cablegram from mamma: "I sail to- morrow; hold both until I come." The next transatlantic steamer brought Mrs. Blank with her second daughter, just turned eighteen and fresh from sciicol. On her arrival the old lady at once took the helm of affairs, and steered so deftly through the dangerous waters that in a few weeks she had reached port with all colors flying. To drop metaphor, she attended the wedding of her two daughters at the American Chapel on the same morning. After due examination she had decided that neither of the nice #ellows should go out of the family. Here is an illustration of a much less skillful attempt at match -making with ei very different denouement. A certain member of Parliament, who owned extensive stables, was spending a few days at the residence of a noble family. There were several interesting and accomplished young ladies in the family, to whom the honorable member showed every attention. Just as he was about to leave the nobleman's wife proceeded to consult hum upon the matter which, she declared, was caus- ing her no little distress. "It is report- ed," said the Countess, "that you are to marry my daughter Lucy, and what shall we doe What shall we say about it?" "Oh," replied the considerate M. P., with much adroitness, '"just say she refused me." M « The Natio eta 13etptiat sags ,dhat the firsoSnnday--schoot of Sweden was start- ed. thir•tr twee } e ars ago, in • `Stool:holm. Nov there{ are in that city forty six schools, with 630 teachers and 6.425 scholars and in the whole of Sweden 20, 000 teachers and over 200,000 seholars Lieut. Greeley, of Arctic faine, is still an. object of curiosity at Montreel, Jae is becom- ing stronger daily. Ayer's Ague Cure, when used 'according to directions, is warranted to eradicate from the system all forms of malatial disease, such as Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Intermittent, Remittent and Billious Fevers anddisorders of the liver. Try it. The experiment is a safe one, and will cost you nothing if a cure is not effected. A STRONG ENDORSEMENT. The Clergy, the Medical Faculty and the. people all endorse Burdock Blood Bitters as the best system renovating, blood purifying tunic known, Its work bears out their Bost testimony. CARD To all who arasuffieringfrom the errorsand indiseretioneoiyouth,nervoueweakness, earlyundertakal' 1 L 1.4.A.DY The Great French Lotion for Beautifying the Face, It conceals the evidence of ese. One aprlli- cation will make the moat stubbornly red. and rough bunds keiautifnllt soft and w'rite. Re- member that" NAT I)k W" is not paint or powder that Ali up the pores of the skin, eel trial is injurious to the akin. bate new and great discover y, a vegetable liquid, that ease,., the cbeek to glow wiWh health, the neck,, Arms .and Lauds to rival the Lily 1 u whiteuele. Ire- aesalble to detect to the beauty it confers any artiaciel eharaeter. It cares Greasy fykin, Freckles, wrinkles. Piurples.'Hick Reads, comes Feet, nietehos, Face Grubs, Sun Burn Tan,Ringwor€a, Chapped Rands, Sure or Chap Totter. de. It frees the poreso gland*. and tubas from the itljur- ions effects of powders and cosrnetfe washes. Ify its use ell redness and reustene'a are pre: vented ; It beo.itides the skim, mild will make it sett, armour and whits; imparting a delicious softness ;.producing a perfectly healthy. natur- ai.and youthful appearance. The best f+ca lotion that the world ever produced, the wilt send4 LAitoE noreree e' to any Andress on re. eafpt of nrice,611.. lylienardernie mention+hi raper. aeldresee all lettere to the 'MAX l)EW AGF,ht-. 7t Youu-streat, Toronto. Out . l'eft's and iteceution Room for 1',a lies. Effillt11111 To the Front as Usual With all the latest Novelties in all Departments T he place to get everything you want at prices to suit the tunes. DOME ONE, COME ALL. No trouble to show Goods. JANES 3PICKARD. RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAYSPILLS &ORJMENT THE PILLS Purify the Bland, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, ANDO W ELS. They eavigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For ehilclrf n and the aged they are, tilt ieeless THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, 011 Wounds, Sores and Ulcer,. It fatuous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS Ole TILE CHEST iT IIA( 1io 1{QitAL, For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Cotds,Glendrlar• Swellings. and all skin tlisease.. it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm.' The Pills and Ointment are sold atTnMAixs floiLowxx's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (583, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at ls. lid., es,.2d,r..a 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9e1. size coutains three times the quantitvQf the is lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three:, aid' the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pots and can be hall in nay language t Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. WILLIAM DREW it effeo : irAz4 ret lie • decay,for;e ofluanhood,.tc.,Iwilisend &recall) liatwili curt' you, FREE OF DEARGE This great remedy was discovered by a missionaryin South America Send asolf.addressed envelora to thane,' TosiarxTINttix,Statin. .7),New Yore City AN EX -ALDERMAN TRIED IT. an foil' •i tef e.ifefe ieeee Cabinet'r'tak elx-Alderman Taylor, of Torouto, tried Hag - yard's Yellow Oil for Rheumatism. It cured .L.1 J� IR/ .A. ;,1\1 - him after all other remedies had failed. 7 LONE DOOR NORTH` MOLSON'S'BAN�.