The Exeter Times, 1884-9-4, Page 6Tho President's Dauglrtar. Other Worlds than Ours. '4 ra rrL'stral� elLolar�ax,ace�L••ltsRnoe ua �
"•Litut• \li...'k:•teetir. the l)resdd. nt's An Incredible strait 1s seriously given rorreltevivapatn,bathiuter„eland external It;
dauglvte•r,, ,says tht. 11'ashia_ton Pose. ;lu some o the journals about the Ails- oureepaiuinthe Side, back erbowels.sorethroati
r. cowry of a sword whin Lvc►s found in Rheumatism, Tootbaohe,Lumbagoaudan kiwi t
�''t1tA,at�:a bat ;► Aim. list* :t ;;1v;rt Ileal 1an aeitakitte, A edet•t:titt physician in the ora pain ora; lto. "It will amort. surely quicken i
of Matured al ann r oft :e wie_id ;about
btatti of l•eaj Ass was attracted by ;a tlxeirlooduLt.Theal, aaits acting ttawcris.vcudor-1
toriand orotut.."4 itne ;itA;oeio, s:� ,- attr.o.:s patten_ Eery 1)Mb:int shooting star which fell ^fol. "'Brown's i#ousahold Paureete being ack-
r to the be of a creek near where he was Howled edastlae great lain Reliexer,andof.iou 1
s;iderable attention a,y sot>r pretty :Lyr ; rutuig. Sn[h,t>Alnent ittFestig:ttiu[x on blethestreustbofuuy other Elixir or riuimeut•
while at piny tat t a,> White ll ►tt+e or at the . wt .there it fell diseover'd a sword ;lathe world,ahouieneiu every: family sandy tor
1 setwbeu w autod;'ac ltreally is the best rouway .
Ow Soldier. Meme. and sac
the best aduv:anE:age wont �Cae w<x no, u os !wen wielded
.his b which lead ieli evidently 4 in the world for Cramps in the Stomach. and'
llCen tfit•ldc,l in batty. and tthirelt Hausa 4 t>aiasaudAchesof allkindsaud isforsaheby
shopping stare It she does frequently h:1we men used by one who would have auttrupfiistaat,5ceuts.bottle,
whit au rift` •l Yn: t of en. slaw Aar. •d i•n deemed "agrant win^� the SOUS 4 $1000 ore •
ria C mut livery. Sias +its b<t'k in ;he c �f men"" in this wield. Of course tee i slaving the 4imouteonddeuce in it superi-'
carriage alone l'el:.:a little gileen, and presumption would be that this sword oxxty ower all otltexs, and after thousands of
rt1 t her orders to tree t„•►tan an, tL:ho pacyls °# the angst complicated and severest
., had fs:ton into the Iles of a river, ;which
thebeta, 'il ,ha ace teal sand mounts awes satbsetlut•utl�; metamorphosed by eases we Opuld find, we feel ju�stl3led in offering
alae bars with folded arms and they drive ' heat into solid rock. in alae course of to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any case
to stunk a,f Na f a !ihate..:a:t• *.> :,-: tan the ; 9feengbs,eoIda,sore thToat,infltrP)tza, hoarse'
avenue atr,i „a 1•` :t,A•tt. sl,.. moles saga' 16, vAxleatht► dcvelAapCd under this nes.; bronchitis, consumption in its early
her hurt'..:a.t :, front vez v ,.e�f ereentfal roe.t, whieh pru3ee ted the amprisoned stages eelxooping rough, and all diseases of
+. no cx wort tae.~ :watt her "tura into space beyond the attraction the throat and lungs, except lsthma,fer which
tuerc^ +L tt . n` * t',, • ._:rri:s� • and lacer of the planet from which it came. In Iwo only claim relief, that we can't cure with
tier i ,' ' the course of time the wandering news `dd West's tough Syrup, when taken according to
►t r ala!• L a:',la. 144 ttC1, eac►t nt:kn, who Y
stands-, it.. &sa , ..:,' ,•:, ..awe door. lite in this interstellar spaces bei•;tule en- j direetie>as. Sample bottles 25 and 50 cents;
• tangled in the atmosphere of the earth ilasge bottles one doter. Genuine wrappers
and fell into the creek, the impact "only iu blue. Sold by all druggists. or sent I
'LBS .t m y $app's. breaking and setting free the sword,--- 1 by maid on receipt of pece. JOHN C. WEST
Let [as tsetse a i"ai: :tit., the future This reads like another Carrditt" giant 1 et CO.„ et it 83 Xing B;. Eest.Teroutu,Out.
Suppose alae, 'scent sorry of Ik;ndotaa story, but It is very ineeniuus; and hist NOT13AR.
Should rise and drive out the foreign `- berets possible th it shute tial" or ether It is so For
ecelee that even an infant will
' take it. For canglie. colds. heartiness, ensue
asthma aud luanclutty, Hass aril'e: 1'scleral
Balsam is terabit., for yvuug or old.
Young tatty, do mut ,despair. Ilr, E. C.
West's Nerve and Brain Treataaent will cure
invader: *tt;> , :a':-. .t e,h•a to Hart int,. ` the may have positive {roof t of the ex.
possible. titai the Chinese. i', Kala their ' i;tenee tit fltt� and intelligence in some
5npertor uutubers aud reorganized LI-eel-lee
the myriads of planets which inhabit
'vel examination f
, , e t• a et � • i
arm:•'s aienuld defeat t!► Fr n dr in th �p.aee. It. auiLerc•e 1 c
event .,f t n sr. nla •.tt there not follow meteoric stone± et Berlin revealed the � ?ilye:teritt and ail slerfuna troubles. t)1414/
a ni:arvet.rts , a► t a .- an tat" reiatdnns of fart that they Contain souse sixty vane- r
Asia to Eittop• .' '.Loa IIindlooa and des of tate outer shells et eerie insects, grI•��•Ilrntdn:ug's, Itrug Store. u
Chinese would, have one common foe whieeb of course, establishes the feet What everypersentabouldkuow-•-alaegram'
left -Rha -,iia. "rE�at p4►tvet now Liun010- that they were attselied to coral insects ,.suets of disease fruan the system are flab
howelsaud the kidneys,
uaud Submits.
villa is the most safe, pleasant
purifier of the alatd [u Wove. Try one bottle '
aud be couviuesd. Fore sale tat the Bolden
Mortar. J. W. Browning:prop. jy 26, 6m-
ate.; t.*. m -.1 As:.:* and meteteee both winch lived in warns eget a of salt was
Chine, end Hindustan. Their eonllniaed ter. The water must here u)utaineed
peputation. comprise :it,,,nt half the ` flme. end islands must have been built
human race; why elect d not their enor- up above the ocean as they are on our
mous armies not only reconquer (.'en- globe- But that is, sofas'. the only trust-
tral tssis, but occupy Siberia, and mea- worthy indication we have that there is
sea the very e:cdsteuee of 1Ru+,tai? The
conquering, armies of Central Assist i
have more than once *wept over the this,->Drmoreai Avur August. tering. Masi. iltcorl 1311tera rem;
Western 1l'urld. It was the Tureomam --... bowels in a natural manner, purifying the
*who, in former ogee. eoueluered Chine blood and promote 1t healthy aetion of the
tileludic, andottortne+n the ie rank soh ',nets► F Itlgeauit7' ; sit ldgetil1a es,dAe ua HR es mind Miry R1o,'
cif raft. \f,►�tEt1-t'lan emeiie, pie, . ,.1 win never i+er;:ive the ('tdaltelt rate 1 Cate, re;adeuts ed New Yea, who tutu, been,
cave u .re � the ln. nod 4oced Empire, tiv"rmitent, said Colonel 1l ntti. k. eyes a near Catskill, were drowned while
canqu >r,'t! S\p•rin.:aad telxt_e`tl the fade- when asked to white a little war reptile 1 bathinginCatskill ('re'ek Friaay. A hely who
tten,•e* +►f 11• a artrl& Funfair►e. in perp, iset'nee. ••1 atxtrteyl out with a else de. triol tc, Fare them bare!; *leaped.
knows hue itury some time during ti'rntipatiun 44 titlin••'rule thing ua tu,'
eha tweulie,tll eeentury history tag. ret -1 PUWer for the cause.
at it.r�t^-le'i',t,%o.+:�'s lfc„rf�►!' , bait tecta who bad
F more authority than /had pulled against
me, and ceon+:eyueudy I stepped d aide.
They even went so far ae to amara mars
1-1A. 3:YO ,� 57
Thebestpreparatiou i;rtowa to scienceforbeautifcing the
fleautirg tho Face and give to the Faded or Sallow Con-
pterion m Perfectly Healthy, Natural and Youthful
Appearance, It Conceals Wrinldos. Freckles. Crow's
Feet, and the Evtdeneo of Age. leafing the Skin Soft,
Smooth, and White.
PRICE -SQ cents. Sent to any address. Postage
stamps taken. Address all letters to
CREME D' Qat, Drawer 2,678, Toronto P.O..
Ask your druggist for it. 'Wholesale by all whole-
sale datuggists.
TIMES until lst J an'y,' 85, 30 Cts,
Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, 4�%" etimisof the iircr«la h:idney.%
.Pimples, .8latchts, Roils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula,
. ry»pelas, and all diseases arising front Impure Blood,
Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the ftotcets,
anything on the other worlds approach- seegketiuga senstipalyd condition of the Efc r ig .S�a1�
ng to the same kind of life we 110V an bowels ie apt to bring ill health end great sof
Barb wire and steel strip fenoiugs,
i, (I. RR FOR CIIOLERA 31014111: S.
A positive curry for Ode diagrams coutpisiut
and for all acute ferns of Bowel Ca[nplaint
kuciglent to Saintlier and Fall, is famed in pr.
Feeler's Estrast of Wild Strawberry ; to bo
uirt*I• alk. tis! rue. ,'','ow if there• is .anything in procured front our druggist.
It Is wonderful hew the squirremilitary life that takes a mans appetite
i;now at ogee whl•n tiny one ions come it hi 10 are court-uuirtialtel. Ite pretty
into than w,w14'. lee the intruder be bad in civil life to he tried, before a jure
ever so quiet, in a minute Or two there tine of the peace, but that isn't anything
is an approaching •'iehip-chip-ehipr' a - to compare witit a e>ourt-martial. and
clattering down the twee bark: of a tree. especially when he known full well that
as of somebody whose shoes do not fit he has alone nuthiuz to merit +nrh ';e-
very well, anti. two ,mall. bright eyes vere itandlin
are staring at hien ineiui>:itiv;el_ frmn a "Why were gnat court-martialed,
safe distance. ColoneTh"'skeet one of the eumpany.
Sitting perfectly still on the ground, "For thesimpledisehargeof toy ditty.
I have eyed a squirrel ten minutes at a Just about the time it 1w1*orlt{•=k the Con
time hag a till as Myself and razing fedcraet• to make every edge e•tat that
into my eyes as steadily as 1 into hip could, I was sent to a community to
I have usually. hall to be the first to look press (sans, sand to draft and aril every
away; then he would perhaps venture a
little nearer, or possibly would take
alarm at my movements, anti run up
into his tree, quivering withexcitement.
Once I caught the eve of one sitting on
atailae man. Well, I went to wort:
and tus hargett the duty in o,•1•e,rdanee
with my construction of the order. At
one place we seized a large number tai
double-barreled shot guns. In examin
a pine -sera)) near rile. with a nut or Ing them we found many that were
acorn in his mouth, which fitted it ex- damaged sae greatly that only one barrel
actlt and gave it the shape of the letteel c euld he used. I told my men not to
"O.`' lie staid there a long time quite throw them aside, but to keep them,
motionless, with his tail in the air, and that they would come in handy. In
his paws uplifted to his checks, stuffed that eommunitythero were agreattlranr
out with the nut, which he did not at -saw -mills ;and family feuds, and cense-
tempt to eat res to drop until I turned *inertly there were a great many one -
away. It was very comical, the three legged men. Oneday I issued an order
interjections that his eyes and mouth that all the ono -legged men to Ire found
made as he watched me. I tried to talk within a radius of twenty-five miles
to him in squirrel -language, and he should be brought into camr. The or -
seemed to listen, but nut to understand, vier was strietly obeyed, an within two
for he gave no answer; i suppose be wasweeks we had seventy-five cripples.
laughing inside at the ridiculous miss" Forming then in line one day. I ordered
pronunciations of the intrusive for the disabled guns to be brought out.
eigner. Butt have had long talks with When I took up a gun whose right bar.
squirrels that came down to within a rel was useless, I wouldglve it to a mar
fewfeet of me, and told me unmistak-
ably that they bad better command of
their own vocabulary than I, and that I
had better leave their premises at once.
--From ••Among the Polly -dancers," be
Lucy Larcom, in the May St. Nicholas.
A process nes been invented by
which heavy planks can be inanufac-
tnred front straw., Ah yes, now we
understand what makes the strawberry
short cake at our hotel so thoroughly
waterproof and solid. The flooring
and roof of the same are manufactured
by this process from the straw in the
berries. And that els.. explains another
mystery. to -wit, viz: What becomes of
the strawberries? -Hawkey c.
'I attLY
4f4 rq-ABLE
t Cfilzt s.;.
I!alai .;lai COstint:DO:4,
Sick Headache and iii:iousness.
Pae. 9$ per battle. Sold by allDtnygiats.
How Lose How Restosed,
We have recoutivpublishoda new edition o
on the radical and permanent aura (without me-
diclueloflvervousbobility,lafental and physical
Incapacity impedimenta to Marriage. etc.,re.
suiting iron excesses.
Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two
postage stamps.
Tho celebrated author of this admirableossay
olear]ydomonatratos,trom thirty years' success.'
fulpractico, that alarm ingconseonences maybe
radically cured withoutthe dangerous usesf in
ternalmedicines or the use of the knife ; Point -
out a mode of cease at onoo simple pertain and at-
wbo had lost the use of his right leg, tectnal,bymeansofwlaiahevorysniferor,Inamat.
and so on: until the seventy-five men terwhathisconalitionm3sply ,privately and avbe.may curehimselt
were armed. This was strictly appro.eht Thl leotureshouldbo at c handsof every
priate, for we had no other use for the youth andovery ,Han in the land.
crippled guns, and the country certainly Addrf
had no other use for the crippled men.
I took great pride in this crippled com-
pany. I wanted it to make aflame; 41 ANN T.,NEW YORK
wanted each man to feel proud of him
self. They elected as captain, a tall
fellow who lost hisleft leg while rafting
logs. We presented him, attended by
disabled ceremony, with a broken sword
and double-barreled pistol, with one
hammer gone. It would have tickled
you to death to see them on dress par-
ade, Agitating the Public mind at present Is where
and their quick time would have can tney get the best Bread, but this matter
made Napoleon pull o' his hat and can be settled to the entire satisfaction of, the
grin. Well, pretty soon, I had occasion people of Exeter and surrounding country, by
to use them. The enemycame upon me calling on
unexpectedly, and in the hurry incident
upon such occasions, I placed the one -
legged company in the warmest part of
the field. The battle lasted several
hours and was a draw fight. My one -
legged company suffered greatly. The
captain's peg was shattered by a balk,
and during the fight he sent an orderly
into the woods to make him anther
leg. Other members of the company
were similarly served, and. sir, the
amount of splinters on the battle ground
was simply astonishing. The enemy
had fired low, and three out of six
wooden legs were disabled. Before
compleke repaits could be made, my
general came along, and not being able
to understand why so much kindling
wood should be scattered over a battle
field, asked the reason. I explained,
expecting him to compliment the on, my
ingenuity, but the unappreciative fel-
low had me court-martialed. I left the
service, and during the remaining time
of the war,I aided the cause b captur-
ing mules from the Union men and
The four-story marble residence of 17
the editor of c Argus was entered on
Wednesday night by twelve masked
men. The villeins stole. as near as
can be ascertained. seven thousand
dollars' worth of diainends, a diamond
studded watch presented to The Argusan
UM by the Czar of Russia, and three
barrels of silver plate. (We don't pro-
pose to let the actresses have all the
free advertising; we can lie about as
well as they can.) -Evansville Argus.
Fools and children tell the truth, it
is said, and to illustrate we will give
you the story of Bishop Wurtzburg and
the little shepherd boy of whom he
asked, "What are you doing, my little
lad? "Tending swine." How `much'
do you et?" "One florin a week."
"I am also a shepherd," continued the
bishop, "but I have a much larger sal-
ary. 'That may all'be, but then,
I suppose you have more swine under
your care," innocently replied the boy.
Younglady (in an undertone to friend
while shopping): "Becoming, indeed!
The idea of any one • suggesting , my
wearing a hat of melt a co' Iorl I s could
certainly tiro =' w,ly, e�ggaged- sales;•
woman (ttto:�air verldears.and whet.
has been instructed to fall into sugges-
tions) "I think, myself, miss, you
would do well to dye it. ' It's a shade,
too, that will take almost any . color
Pont Office Box.45O
old established and reliable bakery, where
they will find just what they want.
1 Superior quality of Bread always on Hand
Also a first -clava stock of Bu8cuxrS, BUNS,
CARES & CONFECTIONARY, which ' will be sold
oheap. While opponents have started busi-
ness, and sold out, andleft the place, Mr. Bell
has been found at bis pest, during : the past
eight years, ready to attend to the wants of
the Public.
Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell ha
found it necessary to remove to more cont Full Lines in all Dope r'kxrit3 .tS.
modems premises, and has added largely to
his stook of Groceries, and will keep on hand
Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything —
y usually found in a first-class Grocery Store.
r ,. ..; ,.; Do not fail to examine our stock before purchasing else-
burning;cotton:ttlati ; aatigl;t have , fallen. , Ail kinds of i�'arinroc1}uce tar-
in possession of the enemy."-Arkazn- ';en:. in<:e chart ehf�tlr aS'ibUfds ' where, as you 4.,.. end prices d .:. 'at a Goods :, ,, , Cat„:,
'saw Traveler. n g : hc,
REMEMBER it TtE STAND :-Sonthcott's Block, Inspection Invited.
' is of
Four chore North Yost Office.
___l, --
Hats, Caps, Boots & � Shoes
11111E111 AND iliNTIB
CLASS ���\' A
It is estimated that the druggists
she country have an average of five reg -
ail o tum customers each.
proprietor SANWELL & PICKARD