HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-8-28, Page 7A. great ra >leaiseutw things come l
Itb the Bratlr, I
1Ftl ur1t411Li tJ p �14t t IQ-'
to pass when you ;tee clown by the 1 Brands advertised @xabsolutely pure "
brook. In fact, :1 brook always seems j �-#tslaaRozrrala.,
to flow throng!) the very heart of na- THE TEST a: .
grove n eon top 5laci on a Bot stave until hegted.ahea
cure, Most wild thing, love the cool rrrnut o the corer ani s,nell, a ehetnta t �vnt flat oe ra•
.streams its summer.The{:lr. tl. go
unwed 10 detect the presence of +Nnmonta.
there to bathe; the rettogna leo there �.•-
to catch ei. Ltw-Ih.h :and wwa tt•r-snails. , ;,.,
You will see thw•i iunin r
Along with their oases= :thrive the aur- I
face, rand now sand then a Mink may ;
dart into a heap of drift -wood; The ,
beautiful wood -dual; and the queer
green herons haunt our bass brooks, :
anti so do the kil",;...her :and the email
white heron. When you are :dipping 1•
stealthily along beside the etream, a
looking for : gee,.1 plat... to ' t your i
fly. Ton often to ne upon tae:o wild
things unaware, wwnieh sires you an 1
e:veeilent opportunity for studying •
their habits. i
One clay, Soule. yeatl•'. :ago, I was
easting in ;t narrow, weedy .stream in
the south, and w•ae trying to make illy
fly fall upon a smat.l pool. near the op- l
nosste b anis. w\ :t..), h went a little fou d. DOESNOT CO THIN AMMONIA.
tax and steeled pito :a tuft of grass. No life naAtaiocmc.,t 111.s NEVER Bos cit Itsn.:ono
sooner hall it toneleell than something
graabbt ti it im :t:ely. mut. twht"n I reeled In a mttnaa h•,UI 1•H• . vic:,r of a vetulb It Last
C .e.elltl,tttr run -o - IrPt.t,t•• tri.
in lily line, 1 found rant 1 ;.acti taught as t ilio +gr•'Me } or T!V{ ovals
lu ll -frog! ` Tie
It in Ily •tiehln for tt t:t, . Sett find the t PR (" .+ .fit, ,t i - ti POWDER CO.,
strettln4ltlortt ett$1iy .a111wra)at'ho41 than, ' `4,:,kir. .,•*
trout brooks, and tits re 1« tie:: in your •p'.•„af„ r �„•,. "f-,
way when t":actil)g. 1n feet. 1 +"sill :L}p L .iLu rl ti , :t1* i .t;1ULtU Extracts,
with er)nti,Ienee to the. .girl« tent! int of Y •/..Ke,.,..•,»I,I. arbor •M,7pA1N1•ltltanit,rlou1M'B,Fi
interesting helms.
Among the passengers by the Oregou, from
Ltverpoo1, wwhicla arrived ill New York Wear.
day, were Dion I3ouciaullt, Brander Matthews,
Morton McMichael, Chas. F, Milward, Minnie
Palmer, Albert'Pulitzer, and Madame Theo.
Bucklen'sArnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for.Outs, Brais-
es, Sores. 'Clem. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores.
Tetter, Chapped hands, Ceilbla'ins,Corns, and
all Skin iruptious, and positively cures Piles,
or no nay required. It guaranteed to give
perfect satisfewcta8it, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all drug-
The will of the late Henry C. Lewis, of
Coldwater, Mich.. gives 310,000 to Kalamazoo
Coollege, $10,000 for missionary purposes,
$30,000 worth of books to 'the public Iibrary
of Coldwater and his splendid art gallery to
the State Iluiyersity. -
'l.he best medical authorities acknowledge
the great value of Ayer's Cathartic 'Pills, and
frequently prescribe their Ilse with the utmost
confidence, well knowing that they are the
most effectual reinedy ever devised fur diseases
caused by derangements of the etomacb, liver
and bowels.
$000 ll~ewlrti,
r.,, ,vv 4 will pay the above reward for any
case of Livercoxupleint, T)yepepsia, Sick head-
ache, Indigestion. Cou-tipatipa or t,'ustivettecs
We teapot ettrowith \ rat's Vegetable Liver
Pills. when. the directions are strieklyeomlllied
!with. They are purely Vegetable. and never
fail to elee+ atiafa ti gin. Sneer e,)ate'd. Large
boxes. canto/plug 30 Mlle. 25 cents. For sale
by all Druggists. Beware of ceunterfeite and
;Imitations. The Genuine manufactured only
,by JOHN G. Th'1'M1' At CO.. 4 -The rill tank -
The Great french Jotioo for Beautifying
tie Face.
Iy emsevale the evIdenoe of eve. 011e at oi•
cation will make the most stubbornly red;and
rough ]rands beantifuliv soft and trtiite. Be -
member that'"'W.AY I)iiW" is nota paint cr
powder that ftlaup the pores of the slain, and
theta is i)iiurioua to the skin buta new and
areas discover avetwt akleliqutd, that (musts
the cheek to glow with baaith. the neck,.trms
tau.! hatxlsto rival the Lily iu whiteness. Iu'-
nosaibie to detect in the beauty is centers say
artificial ci1ararter. It truce Greasy 'sista,
Freckles, Wrinkles, Pituplee, Blick Heads,
Crow peer. Blotches, Face (Irani, Sun Burn
Tan. R4ngwerin. chapped Hands, Sore or ['hap
ped Lij,a, 13aaber'a Itch, Tetter. Ica. It frees
111011ores.oil gleutie.and tubes front the IlI Ir-
iouseffeoiaof powders and cosmetic washes.
Iiyits use all redness awl reughneva aro pet-
vented ; 7<t beaatiaea the skin, and will mike it
soft, smooth and white; imparting A delicious
softness;.produeinfi a perfaztly healthy. uata-
al.and youthful appearance. The beat race
lotion titch the aorta ever produced. we will
send" A r.nta6I" I:PTr1.1; to MAY address an re-
ceipt of p►iao.1.i. S'a henordelor . tuenti:•p elti
;ere," 81 tie i:3 Bing street East Toronto, Ont. i
the .'t. Atiditilit8 114111AMiOiIt, that they 1 it Pr1GO s Lopatin Yeast Gems.
could 11ot \wi«tl fur better; ulrt thou Iwo triall•aekahe>EKat by mail prevailed 4.n
1 ,.r Light. l:.'•,tlhy Stead. The Ec:,t Pr)' tt. p !
.00.1!ret 84,411 ilw :twilit?: lir aatnteat ' Yen»t in the aet4d. moire of a three is nt,Stalnl+.
anyElf our lilt ret !.) rise when once F 1R :ALE BY CROCRR 3. ) ON. THIRTY O& $ �tillAL,
Cllr'1,..•�t t. ti: cite •w4•a►ti ti i• it eowt'r CtlaRwAO firs (.Outs. 'Tier. `rota w f3) r i CO.. Mfarahall,11101t.,w4
ell h\ 00.m. It eeeitte oran se that even a dead DR.DYE'seexeallente E.LE TRo•Vo1.TAIC
entliar t,tM.i,'. nn,r r a art: 118.0 hie innhrg + " "" """"'"'".- .- .` .." - -,. "°'""... 11111,rtt AND Eettcr*tc ArvLIASeas on Walter •
to find acct 11*0 f;l.-ii merit.: of thethirty days to leen (young..or otic) who are at -
black bass a, a'_aaule fill to be taken ? �� HEALTHY - lticteel wrtll nervous dcbttft� , lust vitality •
wltll the flw. 111 the,o ye:lra lalen halve sand kindred troubles, guaranteeing
. tR i apoLdv and complete restoration of health and'
been makite long journey to Canada ..� a ;manly vigor. Address as above. 'ti B.�.-Ivo'
and to northern :Weldon ria for trout ant} t4 •^>1 reek is MO111re0. a's thirty days' ilia! isell vred-
a it is so agnrt•abk' chest even uta infant wilt
take it. For cenelt t colds hoar evees. croup
asthma atttl • 1410ueheti., llafi; ard's 1?E•etoral.
Belson is rerable t.er,•t;ung or iiia.
Bridget Hayes, Annie Bayed and Mary Me.'
Cube, realtltylts of New Irak, who !rave been
1'(-uding Rear Catskill. were drowned while',
salmon, when the stream+ than floav ! ret M-4:'
through every minty of toetrly all our
state.: are teeming with haS.+g:tni.•rthan
.molal andmore suI
r t ioci; than trout,.
Bass brooks, as a rule, are ,1nttltnW,
aO that iher.• f. little danger elf drown -
:lag in them, +ttel you e'aln wade weere
von nleace. 'Some girls may think tlu'.t
engine is telt mtneh 11Yte» ]ttenye' :Tort' "'�-- ""1i , batling lu ['ntt,kiii Creels Friday. A lady who
fur them but if they Will try` it wave, ' Tho ttelst dry hop yeaet in the
world. 1lrattd 'tried ea save diem barely tetalxii
scute sweet June offs, they will Outage 1, rattled h this east Is 11 ht, whlto and whale•- " Iteon .I+e.uld 1.0 Feu unfortunate as to jhere
their minde. nemis a great dealI some nee our rendmether•s denetcus bread. 1 Heald or Wound yau.rst•!f i11 auy way t1Ya prop.
rrlElrEe fill! In wading 'L chem. running ' + er tiling to keep (leap am! heat it ie McGregor
'rook th•tn %renowwi *e tat the surf elf ; GROCERS
11 Parke's C'arliulie Viiate. twilit on liming,.
the sett and then. if you get :a bits 1> t ss Price Baking Powder Co. toad be mire yon vet„ lletzrcgt+r & Luke 's t'ar•.
!tt• niveee VEIN exelle•ntt•0t that makes Manta Dr. PIICt' s Ectal Flavoring maei&, Wile t'erate. fete' 25 eeut:. J, W Ml"l"e
your blood leap 1n your rein.:. t Chicasa. Ill., St. t.ouil1.-1•4 . ,Int;, I)rnga;ie•t, Ilia the genuine. 2
Some Very good and tt!Iltler-ht'arted 1 WA1tN1Ntt.
She Most suddenly fatal th:!•ate s t•f Summer
people think' of an•telltl lei a most cruel ; and Fall are the various forme ttf peed l f'1)1n-
anti Wicked al)ult. 1 rats not dot:�da , Whare,&untn lle'llti Art Sinai. Aaiun; which DrrOwltr's+ extract ref told V IY.L..Li, V.1.� l -� L '.i..,t
a • lint w ',teff If i n
11LS- matter for Anyone
Address all letters to the
71 Yaupg•streec, Toronto. Ont.
sue Reception now.: for tea lies.
Ta the Front as Usual
With all the iatest Novelties
3n all Departments
The place to get everything you want
at prices to suit the times.
n y, - ,r Strawbetiyil!
you are afraid that l:illin;e• lis]! is ' "Hair Singeing, ' r t•eut�.'" i+t the lrnnll+sly retnehlr,
� •) , • el 'art d'o: )toyed 1N the flea, Ilalerad>,�rger, a ilartuer o
\wracked, dont :niggle, for :t timid! :Vio'le'r SOlili,\\telt no(4 sign 1t lalatt'y111R'
i ev1.1• t -/,et. as Ilse lir. if he dues, ,hu' window of a South Broad. street,hag- Wig., tnurdeted bias sive wtiift 1'1'lrize t.i,h1° l
ik feebly i t t brie' Shur. The interior of the alta'• Is then htmg 11inleclr. 111• 'gut neenl'ed l . r t•f
too tee a t Oar ton ate to gr t lel ' uulaithfulness• The pair leave Nevem! ehil.
`1' 1 • 1 decorate, with h•tif •t dozen more the
,n"1110t', 4a Mlelapeh rn f % 1F6.11lt,�, toed
1nu't tro at it with •a ele•a„ ettll.te,.'lp'e 1 slims. anti twoni_rhts of the razor and a
James 0.*.*ev, llu)nitttat, :.... : ••1 teed
o trouble to show Goods.
.. 4,
alio :t : t ean.ervc, 11,» 'tire you are Awed he w fano+d thernei ive'4 and wait-, testimollittl'. fur Mnrt i;.1t:$ :+i)e1 !l t'nre
right, and own don't let ttte fish get ed for etereo thyro. 1 he reporttir hall :and found that I hail not to ,ca to New York.
away that is my reale!-Mauetre { just made• known his t rtatnd When two 1'1liladeltahin,Louit:innaor 'Texas til find living
Setee.. act :Ire -fast st g! 4-`001,lras. entered, and oneof them, net it n sons right hem - to I r its omit,. I got a
Thompson, in ' • a-1'i•.iti,t!f •►ar Anse youths, popularly y •nowvtt as e'tntlt, Y., witnesses of its value, we have plenty of per-
• a W 'it:ht tl- t ov e
a - ing the lettl+.11 displaybf signs, inquired bottle and it helped me light away. Iwas fro
if "this here's the pineee the feller bead with Bilious Fever and Ihrdigestien as I
T1Ia rename is ta;,llts tautI' was writ humeri ;ter' hittr nal'?" Be- think anyone could bet I have taken three
'Pitt• 1)e.u1'1'• of tit,. 1-e*.!'ed .•''•tat,e-a have ing assured he had re:tidied the right 1bottles anti am nearly Weil 04111 eau eat any
persistently lingered the Illation that the1)1 ice. the twouth aaµleeti if It •'hurt w•er," kind rf food without it hurting me. I may
Panama shipcanal, Connecting the At and when the barber Said it len painless Bay tittle ] nm better than I cv'r expected to
lantic and 1':tchlhc oceans, i)r01i'cted by ot)eration seated' hltn.ei1 in one of the • be Prete trial bottles at J. W. Btawnitg'a
M. De Lesseps, will never be built, and • chairs and. k 11 tl I tl ' h 'lt, Un Drug Short'. 2
that after he ha, squandered some mil-
lions of money in getting ready to abate-
don the undertaking, Atneritean capital
and enterprise will pall themselves to-
gether arid leisurely construct ship
canal of our own, on the Nicaraguan
route, over which the United States will
have exclusive jurisdiction. The man-
s nor in which the isthmus project is pro-
gressin°. is calrttlated to impress Amor-
e with the tardy conviction that they
have been deluding themselves. M. Do
Lesseps is certainly not a man who
makes Whites or is disheartened by
enormous difficulties, or neglects -to
count the cost of the enterprises he on-
elertakes. His Ameriean agent, Cap-
tain Nathan Appleton, of Boston, who
has just returned from a trip to Panama,
.comes back full of enthusiasm over the
progress and prospects of the work that
has been steadily advancing there fol
the last two years. He found between
3,000 and 6,000 men ,at work at different
points along the forty miles of the canal,
al told l • • e barber to at Fred Hulse, the noted ng i, runner, who
yor blaze and do it up ill stoke" he add. Willi stabbed by Thus. Simpson lit Hazleter oa
ed that he wanted a. •'rel; lar Summer Friday, died Sundday. '
cut, short .all over." The first :step Do you wish a beeutiful complexion ? then
taken by the barber was to cant the 1 use Ayer'e Sarsaparilla. It cleanses and 'un-
ties blood, and thereby removes blotches and
Dimples from the skin, making it smooth and
clear, and giving it a bright and healthy ap-
youth's hair in the regular way with the
scissors, and this being finlnrtetl the mat
of singeing began. 'raking :t len& Wax ,
taper. swill as are used in any house- pearance,
hold he lighted it from a gas -burner, Holfctraya .Ointment and Pills.-- Old
and with a comb lifted what ro.uuined Wounds. Sores and Ulcers. Daily expel -
of the y'outer luso's hair into ridges, the ecce confirms tate fact which has triumphed
tops of which he deftly burned off by ap-
1pplying the blazing taper until a halo of
smoke encircled his head, and w faint
odor of toasted wool floated about the
room and oat into the sultry night. With
teat shill -he soon !tad the entire top.
over nal opposltiru for forty years. viz., that
no means are known equal u) Holloway's re-
medies for curing bud legs, soles, wounds, dis-
eases of the skin, erysipelas, abscesses, burns,
scalds. and, in truth, all maladies where the
satin ris broken. To cumthese infirmities
tack and sides of the youth's head tom- gnickfy is of primary importance, as compel.
letelsinged, that eyothw in the dean- cry confinement indoors weakens the Reflex!
p health. The ready means of cure are fouud
time staring- at the operation as reflect iu Holloway's Ointment and Pills, which heal
ed in the looking -glass, and momentar- the sores and expel their cause. In the very
ily exolaimiug: "Well, I'll be blowed." wort cases the ointment has succeeded in of -
His companl,on was similarly impress. fectiug a perfect cure after every other means
ed, and macre constant remarks of alike had failed ingiving any relief. Desi orate
nature. When the youth's head had diseases best display Its virtue$.
and the company paying out half a mil -been sufficiently toasted to salt the bare
lion francs a week in wages. Thus fatMr. I-, Brown of Bothwell, declares ber's artistic ere tut taper was put out, that he
1.1 •1' f d one bottle Burdock Blood Bitters worth
miry -the building of docks shops, hos- to the wash -basin, where his head was $000 to him.It cured him of Srlt Rheum from
the wort: Clone has bnmIoon arae y pre im- and the ci,istomer requested to step down
pitala, houses. machinery, etc. But a thoroughly washd, to clear' away the which
n hodred oi.her ti eat -
Test deal' of dredging has also been done "ashes" Haat remained at the end of
at both enols of the route; and enormous each hair, and when that operation \Paas
ANSWER we see a8 oQnndUS,seem to .-Why d0 prefer o suf
dredgingimplements, both of European finished te youth gazed in the glass at people
er and be made )miserable by indigestion, eon -
anti American manufacture, are hard at a beautifully clipped cranium • as ever stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming
work, while others have been .contract- left a barber's shop. 1'aayhng his C1ulLrtel up of the foop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents,
ed for and are. arriving rapidly. The and remerking that it "wast t such a
principal work of, excavation yet antler- bad racket,atter all, the young mita
taken is at Mt. Culebra, the hhbhest gave a parting glanet3of approval in the
point on the isthm4ls, about 300fe0t mirror,- -and, with his compatnion, de.
above the level of the sea, and some fif- parted. "This is the only place in this
teen miles from Panama. The contract country where you can get :a regular
for removing 8,000,000. cubi
c feet from 'si" nge,' said the barber after • the
the summit of the hill has Iacono
wyarded 'youths had gone. but it's a. pretty tom
to Albert Millet, an American citizen of mon thing in Ln_land and Europe, :one
French parentage. and upon - this work
he now has some ten excavators en-
' gaged, built expressly for the purpose
n the United States. Captain Apple-
ton, after' looking the ground over thor-
ouo'hly, came to the conelesion that the
building of, the canal, Is not such an
enormously difficult job as is generally
supposed, and is confident that it will
-be completed ,and in operation before
the end of the present century.
Much in the way of literary culture
was expected from a new free library at
. Maynard; Miss. The books were to be
in charge orf volunteer librarians, The ,
in Calandra, cobs I believe." In conchae
i .0 18.0 stated th at 1C was stall to e
capital tiling for the hair, and would
cause it to boorish like a cornfield af
ter a Simmer shower; but he added it
conclusion, "It ain't any good! for bald•
headed men, for they. haven't any hail
to be braced up." -ilii cttdvly)laict Rcc
we will loll them Sliiloh's Vitalizer, guaraute
ed t- cure them, Sold by J. W. Browning,
Exeter. E o wl
" It sells immrnsly, in fact it has the largest
sale of any patent mscticine" says J. F. Smith
druggist, Dunnville, et D. Fowlers Wlkl Straw-
berry. The great remedy for Summer Com.
- " Why 1 What's the matter ? "
Lady-tWith face euvetopediu roll of hof
o 1 b cloths)-• Oh 1 I'm crazy with dist Neural. I
gin, that oontinualiy troubl, s me. " ,
- "Wall. how foolish! Why don't you 1
go to J. W. Brcwvning;sDrug Store and get a
bottle of field nightning ? It cured me in less
than one minute. 1 always keep a bottle in l
the house. It only costs 25 cents. " 2
Mr. James' Moro and wife, well known inundertaker
rrolessor ,s'Jr w1'. '1'1lompson.'in his Leamington, were both chronic sufferers from
Purify the Bleed, col-ree; all Disorders of the
They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all
Complaints incidental t0 Females'of all ages. For ehildr4 n and the aged they are of ieeless
Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breanu
Breasts, Old Wuds, Sore and fleets. It is
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Coids, Glandular Sweliiugs. awl alt s1.in disease
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff' joints it aetslike a charm.
The Pills and Ointment are sold at Tncatas Hoxaow.'. 'S Establishment,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at 1s. 1;d., 2s. Bd.,
4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 01. size coutsins three times the qnantity of the
1s 14d, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes nod Pots.
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hast in any language
f Pm -chasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
treatise on nattiraal philosop y is led, by dyspepsia that the best niedicca nid failed to
a consideration of the necessaryorder relieve. Three bottles of Burdock Blood 'Bit -
Of cooling. and consolidation of the tees_eared both ht'sband and wife:
earth, to lnfor that the interior of our ' rt, C:A ID
world is nots :t commonly supposed, fall To all who are suffering from the errorsand •
a 'net -maker.
first of :hese was Lawyer lleec1. A liquid, wwitha thin solid crest of from 30
womaii inquired for a• certain ,volume, :.to 1Q0 04110+' "thiol., brit that it k on:the
and when hl; told, her It . was not, there;within. inose rit`1d than b' i)untintious
she called him ii lilree, Then, he ch l ee' rkolid globa..of Oise of the s inie t•li ame-
end circled lien. and was arrested., ter; and :kelp;tidy ' move rie'irl that a
globe of stent
1ndisoretrioiirof.youth,nervous weakness , early '
deoxy,lessofmanhood, &c.,twillsendwreoeitt ' •'�� "'t
ktttwviticurt you ,[iaEra> a1lAiaan anis �J ^-- :TEMPI, M�,, O 1 ��Ic
great reinedy was discovered by a missionary in
SOOth A. Or1Aa Scud aself;addressed envelore
tothe Rew?os)B)a7'irlarex.sfatinmD,NewYdrk ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSO\'S BANK