The Exeter Times, 1884-8-28, Page 6FJVFJRY 130Y AND GIRL
--.-,�,SECO (11,40 ----
mictruY eca-loomi Jaooics
Copperas, the best and cheapest disinfectant at the
her very lt, nd the second bottle h ah
The woml*u Annie. Wright, now
pretty generally called Morrie:4, who
left her baby in the Clinton Grand
Trunk etatien,, was again remanded
by Judge Doyle on Saturday morning,
aatil September 24th. The reputed;
father of her child will very likely be
galled to acoonut. also About that time,
Mr. Win, ThoMas,of Newtou,Ia.,ieys; 'bTy
wife has been seriouely affected with a cough
for twenty-five years, and this spring More
severely than ever before, She1rad used many
Western Fair
Canada's Great Exhibition
tom INnTSTm&L reesai•Rise,,
SEPTEMBER, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26
$17,000.00 IN PRIZES.
t renlediee without relief,aud being urged totry 02,000.00 in Excess of 1883
Dr, Ring's New Discovery, did so, with most 01,04:100 in Specials by Friends of the
gratifying results. The first bottle relieved Western Fair
r m e a con , o e as
solntely cured her. She has not had. finch(1 OPEN TO THE WORLD !
Doi Edey, Labrator7, ti%". W 33R.Q T1\1I 'c, Prop good health for thirty years." Trial bottled i Th Western P asst of u
\Vewateepee conituuuicatione on any sub•
lett of general interest; but the editor doee.
not bolsi himself responsible for the opinions
o[ eorresuondents. Au communications to
be addressed to the TDeee, with the writer's
nemeattaebe.t ; the mane will not be publish-
ed uule,saaesirtdby the writerof the article.
the exce$eilee heat of 'the dog•daye'—
eo to do.
It is. well that the whiskey traders
145 acres in the Township of Stephen, being
lot 15, andpart of 12, in the 9th ooueessiou.
There are about e0 ere. clearedof good
free at C • Lutz's Drug Store. Lezge size a ern aii er wt far surpass a
its )ixedecessors. The prizes are target and the
•--'-- 1,00,e . 6
ehonld h%Ye au edvr' Cate in every way soil, Two Frame outbuildings and a Fraena tete will sere cortivenesa and prevent ths
Dweiitne. Also a merinoagg s,
rinrcbera, Water
worthy of them, whatever the cast. midtown twee seed. On the hundred scree diseases which result (rola it.
More people, adults andchildren. aretroub
led with costiveness than with any other
ailment. Dr. Emu y 1Jazter's Mandrake Bit-
Geordie, do you gin,lfe eo It?
Heepeotfutly sours,
(Received too late for last issue.)
The Soon Att.
Usborne..&ug 27, 1884
re Editor et" the Exeter Timer.
DEAR SIR: --The cultured gentle- To Editor of Exeter Times,
man "who has trart'?frd," and now 1)asAR SIR :---Tile 8odomitee 'Nem
travels `tier „Jae)" ae "11eiieratton," to be s .mewhat Indtgllant at their
is exoeedtngly wrathy that wo !names being moutiouedin connection
should s'»gbeat the possibility of j with the whiekey froliok which oc
his beiug mistaken as a "drivelling ;cuffed a short time since on the Dake
imbecile" or impertinent jaokanapee" , road, and which might have I roved
when be aauerted that if the Soo" j fatal to both the occupente of the rig
Act word ddrlleil in this eaunty it aii well as the Mau i'T the pool and
would l.e ,le'eF ''ette';l w.01 f,ur,'„se•f;,'t peeutier dieea. I admit that the n
HICKS' broken bf 3i4141o
11" ,' smay per cent i Seet•footed man ay never Have been Read R. RICKS' Kew Advertisement
there is a gnat ityof Valuable Timber, inelud-
?eifodtdplefous fie from Exeter. and from
Crediton. rorfurther partioulars apply to
Crediton le. 0 ,
or On the premtaes.
of the people." Aaaumieg that he .In the employ of the Stanleke B.roe., Anadon't be wanaerinCal. out ;ho streets not
was not such there would he I bo accordi,tg to kis own statement.
ample nd gronfor rndg
i nation --not and also the etato.nent of the Stii• c
on his part—but on the side of tilelle,}tee, they had been drinking mere Watobes, �+.CCi � �G Jewelry
slandered citizens Rot .let ;le trot be or lead duriug the entire day on which IlisStnt•k is New and Complete.
icdignaut--let us pity and not core the now :tilted race took place -'of y La11)IIaS GfyE J'.'l GALL l
demo. Wee could vitiate n Those course this wee only a continuance of
who sell, of course. Are 05 or 70 A their daily habits --and I also admit .ace 'toltttielgei;t fluid j'it eau• Have i ue;° u
Per cent of our citizens engaged legal ititat the wager may not have been' nestle vilibemost haIpyte supple you•
ly or otherwise in eelliuf grog ? Let for a jug of whiskey, but a quart 1118 STOOK OF CLOCKS 18 SPLENDID
our 1laderation enewer, bottle, which has been need for hold-
represetitiug ell the leading American
knowing whereto buy your
The gentleman, tee, seems surf"tided tee what Indians call fire -water and
to learn the drunkard's doom in the g whiob ht„1 been need for drinking out
world to come. We had thought that 'e of during the day was .alien by the
in a civilized community like oursi pedestrian, probably on account of its
any child could have told llitu that: light weight. The eupply of liquor
"no drunkard a11a11 inherit the king had become exbaarted, and all cried
dom of Heaven" --which leaves the out, whet will we do?" It being
only other alternative of Inc taking about tune o clock p. m., the whiskey
up Ilia abode where there is "weeping, alt gone and none procurable nearer
wailing and gnashing of teeth." Bot than three mites, something had to
perhaps Robert Ingersoll is our Mo. be done. Stanlake brother,' uol bay.
deration's friend and guide. ing any lira fast boreal, they were 1 Kingston Women, s Medical College,
He is oleo peculiarly anxiety' to M a loss to know how to procure al it al:iliationwith Queen's Universityl
learn the employment of the "glut.fresh supply of whiskey iu the quick KINGSTON, ONTARIO.
tons. cheats, and hypcorites" in the.
"infernal region.." We would suggest
that: he make a voyage of exploration
under the guidance of some member
of an infant class in a well regulated
Sunday school through the, to him,
Exeter Butcher Shop
Prices;bower this Season than ever before
new features and novelties to be introduced
willmeke it the moat attractive exhibition
ever held in Canada. Watt for it,
Write to the Seecetary for Prize Lists, Post-
ers,Programmee an.1 other infor,natiourequir
E ii.B0UINS0ti. GEO. e13BOOM
Preeldent. Seerellery.
rilENNENT & T.I NN .'`NT, 1•reteri.
nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College „Toren
to, bare op• sued an office
tot the treet
ment of, all
Domestic An imab ,ou Main
gtreet Exe. ter. Callsfrom
a distance.—:pxoxnatI at
tendedto, Mediotnee or Horses, Cattle, die
Butcher & General Dealer
Sandia your vice watcher While there is room.
r= Remember the 9tau b -ONi* Dooii l oRyu
or 'Damon/ten Orrice,
Exeter, Aug. 871b. 1884.
evidently untradden pages of his
est po.sibie time, "Hornlike's" cram
lugs beeomiug BO intense, and feeling
the fire burning within him, ezolaim-
"uaore, more." Realizing with the
others that his appetite was growing
stronger and that they were three
miles from whiskey, he makes a wag•
bible, and they will soon find him the er that he can run the dtsiance in
sought for'iuformatiou. Anti may it the short space of fifteen minutes.
have a salutary effect, is the eateest After the stakes had been deposited
wish of
THE Gnus/Home
Who hasn't travolled.
Hensel], Aug 20, 1884.
To Editor of the Exeter Times.
DEAR Silt 1.--411 an article three
quarters of a solum in length, reply-
ing to my later letter to yourself, the
editor of the Relector attempts to
wriggle out of the position in which
he. placed himself on the "Guthrie
question" when making his speech in
reply to the Rev. Mr. Morrow.
In his opening sentence he says
"that Presbyterian from Usborne re-
peats his 'untruthful assertions with ref-
erence to what we said regarding the
late Dr. Guthrie."
We did repeat our assertions, and
reiterate them now, but deny the
charge of untruthfulness. The im-
pression Mr. Mir endeavored to ore
ate was that he ar:d Dr. Guthrie atttl
all the great, and wise, and elcquent,
and Christian men, were sailing in
the same boat, and he endeavored to
excuse himself for the position Lolled
taken by using hid name as a shield
behind whichlto bide. But it is of no
use, and Mr. Moir will be wise in not
referring the matter;of veracity in this
matter to any member of our church
or to any intelligent listener who
• happened to be present at the time.
Pv.en, membera of his .own party who
heard him, say his reference was
It is something, however, to know
1 ALL c11Ds or----
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS.
DAYS ni;n SATURDAYS at their residence.
Sir R.J. CARTWRIGHT, Chnirman of Hoard;
LAiiEt,L. President at Faculty, Twelve
departments. with highly competent professor
to each, including lady graduate iii chair of
Graduated three Wiles at Orli Convocation.
College opens Oct, Sd next, with first, second
third anal fourth year classes. Annual Calen-
dar may be had from A. P. KNIGHT, HT, Regret lir.
iLifloupe Co
Ili tctiIiis' Bank (sand bank) he pre-
pared for the journey. "Is the bottle
ready, boys ?" "Yes." "Ail right ;
here's my hat, hold is until I return ;
Silo, yen hold my boots, and here's
my pants ;—Sam, I don't thiuk I'll
take off my shirt, What time is 11
now ?" Jest half past nine ; be sure
and bring the best you con get." X11
right." "One, two, three, go i is s
under time Licence Act."_
Exeter, Aug 25, 1884.
Scott's Emulsion of Pure
Cod Liver 011, with Hypophospliltes,
For TA'asting Ohildren.
Dn. S. W. Conn:. of Waco, Texas, says :
I have used your Emulsion in Infantile wast-
ing, with good reruns. It not only restores
wasted tissue, but gives strength, and I
heartily recommend it for diseases attended
by atrophy.
2:21111111131k- iiassormorramint,
C121..A.VIITC1 Doom.
British Columbia.
IEALED TENDERS, addreserd to
the undersigned, and endorsed " Tender
for Graying Dock, B. C., will be received at
this office until SATURDAY. the Sith day of
September, 1884, inclusively, for the construc-
tio.i and completion of the partly Lnished
that he is so thoroughly ashamed, as (,craving Dock, at Esquimalt
g y Harbor, British iColumbia,
he certainly should be, of the dirty
According to plans and sneciflcations to be
seen on and after Moneay,the est September.
at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa,
and on application to the Hon, J. W. Trutch,
Victoria, B, C.
Persons tendering axe notified that tenders
will not be considered unless made on the print
ed forms supplie.i and prices Affixed to the
whole of the items stated therein, and signed
with their actual signatures.
Each tender must be accompanied by an ac-
cepted bank cheque for the sum of 57,500.00.
made payable to the order of the Honorable
the Minister of Public Works, which will be
forfeited if the party decline to enter into e
contract when called upon to do so, or. if be
fail to complete the work contracted for. If
the tender be not accepted the cheque will be
The Department will not be bound to accept
he lowest or any tender.. .
diciple of E. Kine Dodds treats his
•% fav order.
F. 11 ENNIS,
audiences when inspired no doubt by Secretary:
Departmetttofi'ublle Worka,l
she spirit--wjthont any reference to ottiawa, 8th Ang , 1884, ,
use to whic!t 1)e put the name —a
name held in such high reverence and
esteem by all Presbyteriaus and by
every true hearted oliiel to' the land o'
And here we are satisfied to
leave the questiou. It is useless to
continue a discussion when the matter
ie reduced to a question of fact. I am
satisfied to leave it with those' who:
'chanced' to hear not only those wild
statements but themany other equally
'veracious' assertions, with which our
[[sc /'!WVllLpCe.g7
psTBEAUTirUtAN r~t'
i' PLESI 1 EXAMINE 11 bT E 81$
Was the name formerly given to Scrofula
because of n superstition that it coui.l be
cured by a king's touch. The world is
wiser now, and knows that
can only be cured by a thorou..h r' '"
titin of he blood. •if this i.e in . .
the 4"-P11 if` per}'etuitte: it. taint ,,._ • .
tE^.:>•. :;•, 1 niter ;,, aeration. li,wm .
earth... bs111,,,4m,bt, iC (iv olnl'ntt I.
ECzO2na, f.t, tat. eot"ti Erupt '
mors, bolls La.l,1,11eLes, 101 rst.t, • ,
Purulent Ulcers, �.t ',•wile anti .
sical Collapse, t t.. 3 , alh,w, 11 r 0 .
tinne, 11lteuivatlsm, 13 'e•' Serof:tie
coece •':.-
tarrh, Kidney :mil' Liter ee,
Tubercular Consumption, end p ari-
ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are
produced by it.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Is the only powe);ftil and always ,'el inble
blood -purifying medicine. It 1, :•o a r'i ct-
ual an alterative that it eradientes from
the system Hereditary Scrofula, and
the kindred poisons of contagious diseases
and mercury. At the same time it en-
riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring
healthful action to the vital organs and
rejuvenating the entire system. Thisgreat
Regenerative Medicine
Is composed of theenuine Honduras
Rarsapartlla, with Fellow .Dock,
Zingia, the Iodides of Potassium end
Iron, and other. ingredients ients of great po-
tency, caret:11y and scie)tttitnlli cnm-
pounded. Its lormlrla is generalit known
to the medical profession and the beet
physicians constantly prescribe AYER's
11 yon want the best value for
— ooTo^-
J. Doupe & Co's
Absolute. Cure
For all diseases caused by the vitt::tion of
the blood. It is concentrated to the 111,(,;11-
ii h-
est practicable degree, far beyond any
other preparation for which like effects
are claimed, and is therefore the cheer; est,
as well as the best blood purifying medi-
cine, in the world.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla'
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
[Analytical Chemists.]
Sold by all Druggists: price $1; six
bottles for $5.
0.4szolo =Allison
R'tc4eaM announce to the m4witnuteo
\Visiles to announce to the )ulaabitants of
Exeter and vicinity, that bo itas opened out a
8001 aid Spas Shop
in the Corner Store North of Samwell
& I'ickard's, where he is prepared to make
all hinds a; ordered. work.
Sewed work a speciality.
Itoptiit inn piomptly attended to,
Late Manager C. Euetett's Boct and Shot•.
May 14111 81.
Tronthill Nurseries.
325 ACRES..
325 ACRES..
Industrial Fair I) WORK.THE YEAR £iUUND.
Goad Agents are earning trout Sa40 to 575
SEMS -CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION 1 ter month and exponses,r
raeeTeemsando utfrt free. Address
Salesmen Wanted.
To begin work at once on ball Sales. Stoady
employnantattlxed'ealarics to all who are
Milling to work.
Can base ploneaut
Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy, Agricultural
and horticultural Products, Implements,;ai
and Maufactures of all Binds,
TORON rico,
SEPTEMBER tho 10th to the 20th,
The largest Prize List in the Dominion,
Prize Lists and Entry Forms can bo obtained
from the Seerotaries of all Agricultural Societ-
ies and Mechanic s' Institutes, or they will be
sent anywhere on application by post curd to
th e Secretary, at Toronto; Entries close Aug-
ust23rd. Tbiswlllbo the
01 Toronto's Semi -Centennial year.
Is being prepared for that time, Cheap !rates
andExcursions on all Railways. The best time
to visit the city of Toronto. Wait for it
J. J. 'WITHROW, President.
E. J HILL, Manager and Secretary.
O n to
Planing Mill
SASH, 100R, and.
Done to order.
Remember§the place.
Direr .1 Yiowcrard.
The undersigned begs to intimate to the people of Exe -
ter and surrounding country that he has better facilities
f o turning out first-class than heretofore.
Pictures taken in alltlie
Usual Styles of the Art
Life -Size Pictures in oil Colors
Crayon, or Sepia
And at Lowest Possible Rates,
111 Word latrttictoi.
.t'S.--Engraving on Gold; Silver, ' or Ivory also Gold
I or Silver Plating done: on the shortest notice.
7`. T. JOHN S