The Exeter Times, 1884-8-28, Page 5M11110A Boo)) ,red Seat; • Tt was e des when everybody •wask fired and anxious to sit down that 'A arge Iran, carrying It gripsltck, boarde 44 an Eastern railroad tram. anti after walking through s, t er:tl: crowded ears finally•fount thte dine v:teant seat, seat - ng himself placed hes • lt:i;•' n:t the eushe on at bis site. Just .is the train was ebout toetert another matt entered and :node the same journey in search of a ;eat. As he stooped inquiringly before the large nlan the • latter said: "This seat is sesame!, sir; a Wren just stepped out, but will return in a moment; he left his baggage bere as a elailn to th seat" '.11'dll, ;tai tee tnaei traveler frankly, ""1",11 pretty tired. :Ind if you .lon't object 1'11 just sit iluiv a here and ;add his bars'- for that till •hd, returns." end without more e,ereineeev this :be proceeded to do. • •Dien the l:tt,gty nub, who was • Ite,ut:el f.:r Lynn, earnestly prayed withinhit the inmost tes 2 .e a of Ids lit:ale heart that his d e.1:tees:1 'n 11a'inht ;et oil' at ti.n110;1 bile or iises. s, or Obel- i -ea, tens -weer: hut Lynn ,►r;: <t:aionbe. coed. And the tired in: t •utite.i his stars for even at moment's rest, eepeet ?ng every second to be uus:edi by the awnd'r erf the grips:tete. The train staved out from the station. in vain tiid the large mare tis to rend the stranger's ticket to see what his .!wain ttiott was,Slenervihu was reach.. :cl, but the stranger sat quietly in lits ielat•e, and the Inclarge man grew nervous. rhe trails stopped at Everett. and • still the stranger gazed petwefnlly aheatt, never budging. and the Jorge ratan lit•. ;au to perspire. Then aatue (Chelsea, ant thtstronger still. heti fn -it toi the bag. and never offered to stir. Tito are )a - of that Large man was simply fright- ful, but he saw that he coapd do nota. ing but grin and bear it, and get tint of the fix aslxetit he could. But the stranger flail by this time fully"grasped the skint - :Ion. anal. though thankful for his stat, leternined to punish the unaeeommo. tasting pig for his selfish deception. So. when Lynn was veaehed, the large mite aut feertll his hand for his 1t•.eg, but the stranger drew bac!;. the sante with au >spre_siutt of ;uritr; d• sayings "I beg 4 -our pardou, sir. but this is not your .11m it isn't :pugs." staanune!rol the )vetiver. blushing: ••To be sure; but I purpose -to ;`ere it murned to the proper person. lien. • onduetor. here'; a trait v\ho wants to run utr with this baggage that doesn't e•l,e{t Id, Lint.'SS dl . et Is put. It in the - eat to -.wore a l►iaec, and evidently zut left at ll.. t•en. for he hasn't claimed t. and uuw this !man wa11ta to run away with it." and he gave the conductor ti wink. alnt, as that ntllolal knew the avenger, n•leoivadlp, l:e understood the wink. suit t ttt:, • t -i 1 t llecl: -The only tbdn;; to tio. i, tai retitrt, t'ttt flag to Roston, and store It among the 3nelaiteed bat gid i'," e'spo•ttdattted the large man - 1 bib 10e.. there," said the t•.tntiuctor, showing a police badge; .mane of this. What kind of a -tau wa it. who Left the .• inti then *he stranger and the eons tuetor, and one or ttvo sympathizing :,a» ngcrs 1•ermir:tiedl to eonfu:ce the 'are • nrin. and he. hating to confess to is piggishness. and knowing not what • 'o do.precipitately Ill81 amidthe frowns snit sighs of the observers at his whit - Illness. lint the stranger, with ,a hap • - ay, contented smile, had the Baty re- tuned to Boston, where, the large man tad to eome next day and identify it.-- I'he moral to this true tatty is oteviuu::. • Th+ National Drink of tits Mexicans. TI ' stronger in '.1I.•siee is struck by• the prwaleaew on the tables of bottles of milky -looking fluid, resembling ac ..i;ht tiie absinthe and water ern neon to tbe Parisian lleeule\•:anls. It is. how- ever. whiter-lookingthan that. This is the t,tltque, the natiianatl drink, which is to 7,41.rsieo what lager beer iS to Germa- ny and the United eltates. '11n stranger . usually begins by expressing the great- est etl„g'tt t at the drink, and winde up by beeontitig very fond of it in the eour,e of two or three weeks. I had atetl:titd:ti a liking, for gose, the pee -liar lute,'' h'e'r ''f Leipzig, ttttrite. iga long stay ie. that. city, andtie pnitlue resembles it very Intel 1n tante, though not in ap- pearance, 1 took to it :tt once. Both have Se. :same st,ntielt mousy and en- cumber taste, but puique is sappy and slippery. •It is a Very innocent -tasting beverage, and one would think it no more intoxicating than so mall milk, but in reality it is fully as strong as the ani fp:entity of lover beet•, It is. the fav,e'ia•• noonday tine's, but it will not keep until nicht. For this rdtason it is a blessing 30 Mexico, for the lower classee, who drink nothin's else, cannot carouse after nightfall, when they might become disorderly and dangerous: - Correspondence „Boston angerous.- Correspondcnce.L'oston Herald. Au Aneodot3 of Vandvek, One one oe.ca1i0n Vandlyek was at H:eirh' n, •the liotiw of Franz Ilais, a noted! 1).itteli portrait -painter. Vandyek t ve:et 1 t his eiselio, lett. as usual, was 1113't dt e n. '4 audyck sent for hint .a•vintr that 'astranger wished -his portrait pi -lilted: and hila but two hours to st:e. for it; dabs seized : canvas and .,,..shed the picttue'witllin the giv- en thee. V entlyek pr.'tised it warmly, and r is "Painting seems r..eit a aim - pie Cling than 1 should like to tier -what I can sic, at it." Ii Lh changed places wit!: ' •ini, anti the visitor painted she secee l portrait as quickly' as the first had !)sen n 01:1(1?: When Iials saw the 1'ietti tiro, hes 'embraced the patiinter and crie l: •'Y®u: ate Vatildyck! No other soul, Flo what you have now clone!"— H cay SI. Niirho'n., _ • For purr, unadulterated nerve, wend us to the woman who, having re- ecw d. a, present that •deesn't suit galls.. at the shop where it'was ptirchased,aincl., seeing nnthing•1liatshe • wo`n't+' like bet- • ter,, conelud(, tet'tand tt,e:iion.ey.which.t bottgh,t het present. e • ',I u a ti 4 How Things appear to the Insane Thi( tiEst tthat't remember of 'ray at-. tstek wee while I was riding, in a rail- road oate. It seemed •to me that the passeners• in the 'forward part' Were •retain, up anis:tene the t exalt- The feet that cilia' diel nett 51ti pat^id+ ane. 'not appear at all oat rat ►lye e. illuetrates one e101'Ittc feature .,f itteanity. anti that IS; it,: 011),‘" s:tttiP:u i:y 111 nianr 1•t.sl,ecta to dreureicte,/. it ..s• well known that the strange • platlet:emag 1338 :attendant nit:un "must of .our dreams never strikes die it the time as at all • nstoniatting. to i :tl. or Contradictory, bct:ause th critical faculty- in sleep is partially and lic+1'Plalas t\hoify ttortatant. Anal ee 4 is it in Insanity. . ,A.ndt its a sound or a tenelt will suggest or five direction to an ordinary drown, eo ea' •'t•,vthing that swears ve:thiJt the sigltt or hcarin,g,of an insetie man effects blot in .a like manner. Also, he has no more control over Ida words anal actions, when the insanity is eon V dte thanl u nlntullt tAnd, When a violent Comes to himself. :tftet haven; been insane, he feels a, it lie ,, n.. 1 !Nen havinglong . >v and. -u{ut:tinl• :l veers unpleasant deealu. Some of m1 delusions were of a frightful c•le:tr.teter, Inti resembled a. nightmuare more than an9't!iing else; but more often thea..were oy no means disagreeable. Of course, st seemed strange to me afterward that I could have been carried away Ps, stick cl absurdities. t dr e e one n time th ua 1 { I .,1 that the end of the world had ;come - anti Oat tita dad of judgement was at :tnul. Thie was somewhat remarkable, Is:Ten.e I ltatl not for severs been a bre. Bever in the beripturel prophecies relat- ing elatin•„ to those two events. 'Nor had I arty Welt in tFie tloetrine that there. is a hell of tine; yet, in ituagination, I visited tllttt place of toiiiwnt, and witnessed the tortures of the damned—without, however, getting scorched myself. Some strange conceits. that I haul cotut. :cuts% in buuka, •oeea ionolly suggested material fur m,' -mind to work on. • 1 sfl,.r -len whose souls I believed had been taken from their bodies, leaving behind the intelligent personal identity --an idea suggested by a character ties eribed in Bulwer's“Strange Story.” ;1gatin.,1.ttlungbt that demons oecasien ally reanimated luiinan bodies aftet death; and this faney I must have gift from a dramati4 work by Bishocoxes entitled •'Seal," in which the 'eta spirit seat to trouble that unfortunate 111t►n ar:+lt reanimated and took possession el the body of a priest whole Saul lean blain. I mention these instances :s- erving to show that dream-like elt:tr• acts r of insanity.—rep. S..it twe tAli:ia"y, :9n;v'A Bore Perta'dt e. In the wild nate. of that .1 y evening there at •b tirho, .,beset+ •v,- tell among thieves. them \a n!little trarat th t as to the rights of property. `!filter horses had lost their mestere, and some owners had list their horses. So that. by tlt0 time thinfs 're'tflli"t a'_ain, some of the lloce had pit'kt'3 tip bona's or bought thele for a mere -rag. When f cams up with the regiment,. I found that Andy hadart eone!hl'p-.l le • :!t of this ,:ort. Ill' lead liota;i? d,,rF�l hors!'. 'file aaiinl.:1 •tr:1s a eeire .. Ian- gaiety brant, built after thea . .3:I' e;''lee of :arebiteeturt', and u.iiildt havt alalia an adnttral.l.- signs for a Evia! -elope: Ul►. \Nott!!, as a stlh•tttut a for "Oats wanted. Inquire within." Howveveet. WIre•t1 1 los rived, Andy had eoncludcd the bargain. find! 1 had h'ni iltt, the sorrel (Or tot: (101- lars, •'1W hy% and!!" exelainuni 1.". lett in the \noel+ do von want with a hors.? Going to j'rnt the t tvalry?" enid Andy, :smiling rather sltetetishh> "1 tea': l:iul on :t ' 3'retli0- tinil. Pie going to teed him up a lit- 1;t„.�... '•(.lad to hear of it'" Said 1. '•110 -1811`. it." 'Td••: 1 mean to feed hien ul'. and then -ell hint to eontd'hottr, ail double lay money (10 slim, you see. You may ride Bial ult tide march and +::tri} our i traps. I guess theciiloOtel will give you ' permission. :and -you know that' 11113' a 031,1011 thin!_ for you; for yetire so 10181 anti weak matt you're often lr•ft''t'il:nd." "Thank von, Old buy," ,arid I, with :t friendly siting. "But, between joining the general cavalcade of coffc e-c,t:lit:. on this old bareboncs anti -marching Afoot, I believe I'd prefer the intuntrv." However, we tied a rope around! the neck of "Bonaparte," as nye significant- ly called him, fastened him to a stake, rubbed him down, bemired some oats from Page, and, pulling' some handfuls of young grass for him,. left him for the nierllt. Early next morning, Andy rolled out 1 from trader the blankets and went to look after 'Bonaparte. I was buildings• fire when ho came book. it seemed to . me that he looked a little solemn. "How's,Bony this morning, AudyP" I inquired.. whistled •a bit, stuck his hands into his pockets, mounted a log, took oft his cap, and said: "Comrades and fellow -citizens: Lend inc -s-our ears, and be silent that • you, -hear. • This -is my first and last specula- tion in horses. Boni/ is clecul!"—front Karry, hl:' 1 ig fire .'S "Recollections of a' Drulnnter boy," in St. Nickolas for August. ?HOW:A:yozur brotlterP'' 'asked 2:r. Grumper of a friend. ©h, ,so. so :. • tIis health is not any too good, antl•'he•hit been bothered a great deal of "keine). witl>l�spinal iileningitis`'? Spinel olio? • "Bieningitis.'." '�We11, vv71j� do'3't he shoot the Italian sondf aguh?"- ,il dllia2zshort 13realcfast Tubbs.• • s iv ,vita go 19 a'•lottely '! 0ti1 we hatE not hear(• that `love-letiteras are denied the privilege.of the meils. 'Old Crtisty sa the •new gable ):d of poke bonnet shot lcL b?�,e.ealled the gabble: 'roof; .the ladies`: milk ''sti `lilti h •0bbut i:hem. REST AND CO0IrWtT.TOTH 1Sprry.a Ileo' "Brown's liensehOld.PituaC04" haR111)0(/11141 torreliovingpain,botib twtereal and external 1t cures pat n in the Side, back or bowels, sore throat Rheumatism, ToottinCUe, Lumbago ander/1r kind els pettier vette. "It win more surely quicken" the blood andheal,a;Its acting Dower iswonder- ful. '"Browp's onder-ful.'"Browlz's Itoueshold Panacea' being,ack- nowled.5ed 5s the great Pain Itaaiever.and of don hie thoatreugtlto;fany other Elixir or Liniment intim warld,s(iouldboluevery family bandy for usewhen wanted,"asitreallyis the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stotnacla.and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for $410 by alt Druggist sat55 cents a bottle. $1.000 Vorreilc, Having tlac utmost confidence in 11 superi- ority osar all others, and after thousands of tests of the most complicated. and severest cases we could find, we feel justified in offering to forfeit 011e Thousand Dollars for any ease of cotlgho oold.. sore throat, iatfiaeasa, hoarse- ness; bronchitis. consumption in its early stages, whooping cough, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, except Asthtua,for wbiclt we only claim relief, that we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when -taken acrort.iu„ to directions. Sample bottles25 and 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Genuine wrappers i to Holy in blue. Send by all druggists. or vent by mail on receipt of peace. JOBN C. WEST it: CO,. 61 .4 65 King St. F.ast.Teronto.Ont. Young lady. do not despair. Dr, E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment will cure Hysteria and all nervous troubles. Soldet T. W. Brown'ng n, Drug Store. 5 'MIS every person should know—Th egrand outlets of disease from the system are the bowelsand the kidneys. Johneton'e Faltrsapa' dila ie the most sate. pleasant stel effeemai purifier of the esatctu known, Try nee bottle and be convinced. For sale it tba Golden Mortar. J.1\ W. Browning, prop. ,jy 26. Om - • ,c rein 031-Y • l U TLth 3Pfe1l1 A a CURE. Fen rJ tr f *.1.1"3 v3..l4 1/ .MMt;Jai C/,-4•Y«.1'M-..,:S'0:14 t:,:t daiil3-and 13;.101i$4033, F:ioe,afS.ti-r'bx!- "ztibva'.tI1:u1<rist,. AN HOOD How Lost, How Restored. Wuhaye recently uublie.hcda new edition o P11 0t,I,VE1t11';T.I T t 1:i.EultATl:l, ESSAYj on the radical and pertuanentmire (without ,tic diclnriotNerlousDebittty.Mental and physical Incapacity impediments to Man lege. ete.,re. salting from excesses. Price. in .waled envelol.e.nnly 0 cents" or two mistime stamps. The lei aedn( t ttharottl is ad ' 1 d t ultrab case nlearly deulnn".tratesarout thirty years' *31000ei. tu1 practice, Cleat Marta: isgeoq;oggenees may he radteailyenredwlth'ottthe dangfterous use et in ternalme,licines or the 010 of the knife Point. slit a 300,1+' (dente a! once simple certain and et- teetuai.lty Taman of whielt every sulterer.'untnat. ter whatbts condition may be,nlay aurehiutseif eh !arty,pri %%telt' and radically. t. 'T111 Ieetnro sltonld bo !litho han4sol every youth and every matt in the land. Addrese THE 0ULVl'31'iWELL I!IEDIUAL-Co ,11 ANN T.,2 EW 1'ORR Poet°Moe Box 430 FIVE I)OLLA] E MVO MACHINE 1,111;1':1 ltltl ;ilstti I\(i 11AC1i1'`;I;, Althoegll this Sewing It it biz-. 0. 'tiered at the ultimat el of and, ridiculous low price of $1, it must not be till Mit St`el that it 18 e, toy. It will do the Mork of any rirTr nuw.ln 1tseursi:, and de it as well it IS t'0i3i,tructetl ttp0n new and scientific princi. ple(aud 4. 41I1ple in re'n'.truotion.easier worked 00111-i'. lis t,:. t,t i et not of order 033)11 ung ma- chine 30 the world }t makes 1(101151110 stuck the leading mat ltine s in the ti ited States Thies 17p1)1cit..1tdt,f r vrcutitou Is5utgiresley0nteydtahntds lalat0i311Ie,\e a have nd,'hleItto putthe price RIG=T DnOWn\Y.lce,t1crSr- ai fr a bo rt time only, w ell rection,:. with eii hyuhaeytintegaenuttaowanPtueld di- Ali(OEI,O Alta CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN. REMOVAL ' REMOVAL ? THE (xE1V' ERA L QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present 1a where can they get tho best Bread, but this mutter can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling on JOLT: LL, the old established and reliable bakery, where a they will find just what they want. A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand. °bebestpreparationknown toseienceforbeautifyingthe COMPLEXION ONZ SII,' GTSLItPAT1ON i warranted_ to Beautify the "ace and eta the Fade or Sallow Com- pladion a Perfectly Healthy. Natural and 'Youthful lmearaaee, It Conceals wrinkles. Freckles, Crow's Feet, and the Evidence of Age, leaving the Skin Soft, Smooth. and White. 1"1t10E--5Ocdanto, Set to ATV aelfixesp. 4:iostage stamps taken. Address ail lettere to CREME Er 0R, Drawer 2,678; Toronto P.O. Ask your druggist for It. Wholesale by all whole- sale druggists, TIMES until 1st Ja .'y,' 85, 40 ets. Cures I)s.-.,111, vt, L05.3%ifie 4irpc'tif, Tli<liJ(-atth)1, Jb1 0tt8fC5s, Dyspepsia, .T cicrediec, 21f'eetions of the L4 er anal .Ts i ltne;�•�, Pimples, J. &tehes,, Dolls, Xluntors,1SaIt .Rlcet'al, &crafute"t; Erasbpelas, sle.l ail diseases arisen, front Impure llitoo 1, eternal+/efl ,S`euntaek, or irregular aetiolt of the Rowels« BI88ETT BROS. HEADQUARTERS O a ' ware, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, Barb wire and steel strip fencings. Spoaial Zuggi" iops CHEAP AT BISSETT BROS. 4 SND PIFkIIIP GENERAL DEALERS S2'APLE� __ DRY - 000DS READY-= • Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes GENTS' FURNISHINGS, 111111[111 1111111, oats, cutvcst aoir (ox.AisiswAvot GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS, ETC., ETC. Also a first-class stock of Buscurrs, Buns, CAKES & Cexpzciioxxnr,.which will be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- ness, and sold out, andleft the place, \Ir. Bell has been found at his post, during the past eight years, ready to attend to the wants of the Public. 'aRoCiz•' aiz' s. Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell lite found it neoessary to remove to more com- modious promises, and has added iargely to his stook of Groceries, and will keep on hand Sugars; Teas, Coffee, Syrup, . and everything usuallyfound in a first-class Grocery Store,. All kinds of Farm .&''r'otiLTCe' talk en in exclhange for Goods. REIV unmt iia STAND :-Sputbcott's Block, polo!• dnol s North. Peat office JOHN BELL, •..`8rourietor ea an IC) arka,ments. Do not fail to examine out: stock before purchasing else- where, as you will find rices correct and. Goods fiirst class. Inspection Invited. A ELL PICKARD. 7