HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-8-28, Page 4w ,
re%r Fines.NO IVIONIA 1
sporting Ore Ales,
millo Madigan opera to fight C. W.
Davis for fun if Davie does •not want 1
to fight for $50.
George i'uiljames is at Barrie, (
Canada, and a match between ]rim'
and Harry Gilmore, of Toronto, is
talked of.
Prof Walter Watson, the middle-
weight boxer, for a long time the
pugilistic instructor of New York Ath
letio Club, has been matched to spar
Prof, Wfn, C. ,IaQlellan with small
gloves, six ronnde, Marquis of Queens i
bear rules, for $250 a side and the 1
gate money.
According to the .London .limes
there aro over 800.000 oyolistae in Eng- i
isonons Drag
Cream Baking Powder.
'and. Tl1e capital invested an the p THE ROYAL BASING POWDER
manufacture of bicycles and tricycles .
is about $p5,000,000, employing from
3,OQ0 to 10,900 man. 1 Ammoni a,
V. Ceaperl ala n theah rreed
4l 1 Tartrate of Lime,
dons 101• miles eta the road i1t 41 ;
minutes, anti. M. 11ac recently twat in n
rig miles en the Bath road in 3 bouts
nod '64 inmates.
Bitartrate to of Potash
For Sale,.
AWeil Anishedand convenient Dwelliug't ouse
and Lot oraliuron Street, Fast of Rain street
For particulars a pply to
aIR, ll V ELI.IJT.
Solicitor Ate,
A Two Storer73ltICE 7a1'PF,I.tliga HOUSE,
situate 1 on Atilt-st,dairoetly eastof the Presby.
Vivian Church. Rotor; together with three-
an acro of lana, good frame stable
e and driving house; splenlid orcbaxd of cbolco
U 1? otingfrait•b3 ring tress; sod well and cia-
torn, Suitable for n gentJoman'a residence,
„ d Will be sold clxoap on toms to suit purchaser
: 1ii'ossession given 1st .. avolnbor.188t• Farther
Particulars an htppiicaticn to
R l:. C:1DLi Y. Exoterl'. O.
NSTANTED. '.5to'gr-s
sursivir New & Saperiol' Canada daps Chards
Aapayiaaas alis a„ancy iru rho woxla. Eor
full particular., tree. address.); e. TIINISON
Mari Publisher 386Ricbulond•st:.1.ondoaz,Opt.
Tete: See mitten 1o'ws.
THAT TS Jun iiIT AT$. rovrzzoz
LIEB1( Having decided to (lase itis present steels of
the above plows, will *ell
FOR $13 CASH, and $14 Oli TIE
The plow can ix seen at the budding inputs
Bawdeus Marble shop. (A low ,fess
south of the tnarkst.l
Points and rcpaitt: always; kept in stt•ek.
Parties intending making a pt Mutsu will .lo
watt to call early.
Apra 10. 8. Ptj1FEI,L.
Bev. henry Warts I.3eecber need a !
tricycle ort the cluntry rondo about Do not take our word for it. Every louse -
country 1,1nIe sa se's a ie er' can prove it tilts test
'1 Itd ractioal believ � •
hie 1 l' b kill N. 1
H0 !e a tl:,?r4
er in mauls prveical cillture.
jtat, elaoe a Cali of "Royal" or "Andrew's Peed" top dawn on a het
J Ge five mile face between a ]terse eters until heated, then remove the corer .rod SaMELI, A. tlierni,t wllh not
owned by ler. Booth, and Brodigan, t be required to dettot the nreeeuee et AMMONIA. he bicyclist BUTTONS
tfor $200 a side, which
. y
saline off at Orangeville ou Saturday "Momenta is obtained is largest qutllttilit•s by the putrefaction
of the
last, was wan by Brodigau io twenty urine of animate.- I:1&eveltlped1u Britunlava . ------ ANH-----
minutes, op0.ting the horse by about
twelit ' 1 a S • In the trotting race
between Scottie tittle and 1r. Hulse e ':I RIC BAKING POWDER CO., 4
horse, whist! came off after ;the they Row
,, 'That is MACIIINE OIL.
els ,Nee, Ht11e 's horse proved victor,'
The Scott Act. HORN.
The followtnt: are the complete re-', SaoTarnre--In Illytlt, on the• 20th inst„
tae wife of air. 1Y, 4authc +tt, "1 a sort.
torus of the election in Westmoreland
county, N. B., for the repeal of the Dl>aA
Soot% Acl :---
Tsloxaox.-In Hay, eat coneesaian, on .he
1"or. Against. 25th inst., George Thomson, aged 51 }ears,
32.1 456
Dorchester ..., 456 211
Saokvitle ................. 193 8 51
Shedine .................. 407 127.
Salisbury 71 285
Westmoreland... , 84 178
Botsford......., ... , 166 167,
1,701 1,774
Total lxtajority against repeal, 730.
vote was for let 1,082, against 299,
Iu the election of 1879 the total
The petition for the submission of
the Soobt Act in Bruoe county has
been placed in the sheriff's hands.
There are over 4,000 names attached,
about 1,000 over the requisite num.
Telephone consolidation in New Eng-
land has been for the present defeated,
not through any virtuous repentance or
any drawing back from the gigantic
stock watering and public swindiing in-
volved in the scheme, but through. the
greed anti. quarrels of the interested
parties. The Bell Telephone Company
it seems, wanted the earth, It was to
take one-half of the $16,000,000 stock
of the consolidated concern at the out-
set, and $1,000,000 more as a construc-
tion fund, besides a generous fraction
of all new issues in stock. The Con-
necticut and Providence companies de-
murred, the stock of the individual
companies went down instead of up,
the stock holders protested, and the
consolidation scheme was abandoned.
This is one of the few instances where
corporate greed has benefited the pub-
lic. -New I.orb; Times.
The Empress Euoenie is rather an in-
teresting figure at the Hotel Westmin-
ster, at Carlsbad. She occupies a suite
of six rooms on the first floor. Her
meals are supplied from the restaurant
at the Konigs villa, opposite the hotel.
She always appears in deep mourning,
and usually accompanied uy Dr. Evans
of Paris, and by 1Iadame Lebreton.
The Empress, like other poor mortals,
was troubled with dyspepsia. At Carls-
bad she began her cure by taking the
waters of the Schlo;sbrunnen, but she
changed to the Muhlurunnen. Her vis-
it has excited the greatest possible in-
terest and crowds of people wait out -
.side the hotel mud all down the Schloss-
berg every morning in order to catch n
,glimpse of her.
Here is one of Thaekery's pleasant
touches: -••It is night now, and here is
home. Gatnered under the quiet roof,
-elders and uhi;dren• lie uliae at rest.
la the rnelst ot. a great calm the stars
look out from the heavens. The silence
was peopled wit» the past -sorrowful
.remorse for sins and - shortcomings,
memories of passionate joys and griefs
rise oat of their graves, both now alike
-calm and sad. Eyes, as I shut mine,
look at me that long since used to shine.
The ton•u and the fair landscape sleep
.under the starlight, wreathed under the
:autumn -mists. Twinkling among the
,houses, a light keeps watch here and
:there in what might be a sick chamber
•or•two. Tue clock tolls sweetly on the
silent sir. Here is night and rest.
Au awful sense of thanks makes tho
heart swell and the head'bow, as Ipass
to my room through the sleeping house,
and ieel, as though 0hushed blessing
was upon it."
1111E, II V.1.I,L•11.
To•tlat ears, trbv should we care t
't'ieday is ours. why should we sear'
'Pci•da; is tours, wily t+liould we marrow t
For the „ods beton@ tomorrow.
Then:fore fer to -Jay, elbow t;ultlCuin Tob-
acco is the Lest.
lr'l,ti'ER (I E UP. AR1{;wTR EPl?1t-
If you are troubled with low and depressed tOorrectedat5o'eloekp.ln.Wednesdas.) .
spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, dos- 1'91,1 tutee; �s
ordered blowweak constitutiou,headacha,or Mat ... ... .... see to 0 601
any disease of a billions nature, by all manna gest a 91t 1 ° o to
procure a bottle of Bleetric Bitters. Yon will tvhita Vl heat Dlavi ,.. ... , . 080 to 0 to
besurprised to sae therapidimprovemetit that laid :l heat Naw .,. 0'4° to 01'411
31`AIK0 wn1:Ar
strength and activity will return; Pin and Fife ^ nlewl •• ••• .. 0 80 to 0 tit!
energy will cense, aneheneeforth veli w,U re- Tire) ... ... ... .. ... 0 s0 ;0: n sit 1
ince in the praise of Electric Bitters, Soli at Clutol. 8eo.1 ::: :. 7°1
tt OtQO Lutz's, Drag Store, G Tenethy ••,,.,1ie 2 u0
...tt.- ,- ...., 0 Os toe 70
.., 000t0000
Rill follosv,you will be iusoirad with new life;
A Dead Indian Baby for a Pillow.
The Ojibewa Indians sometimes wrap
their dead bodies enveloped in birch
bark, in wrappers nyatle of hat- ropes.
This practice gave rise to a rather grim
practical joke upon a gentleman travel-
ing through hlan'lItoba not long ago. The
snow was thick upon the ground, and
when night overtook hint ho found him-
self compelled to roll up in his blankets
and slee) beside his dos traits "tinder
Corn •••
ESP ,., ... ••• ... 0 14 to C i[
Mittel ... -. ... t 16 to 0 30
Plourperbbl.... • • ..• 5 Seto 5 50
Potatoos,per bag .. ••• 0 55 to 060
Ap 11es,perbag .• ... 0 70 to 0 75
DriedApplespr b ... ... ... 0 06 to 0 08
Cease per lb. ... .. 000 to 006
Turkey per ib ... .•. ... 007 to 006
Ducks per pr .........050t0055
Chickens per pr •.. ... 025 to 0 30
Itogs,dressedper100 ... ... 700 WI 50
Beef ,•. ,., .,. ... 500 to 600
Iiiaesrouhg. ... ... ... ... 500 to 600
dressed .. ... ... .. 6 50 t0 6 75
Sheioprkins,eaclt ., ..• 000 to 1 00
Callakin U SO t 0 ^r0
the stars ' in a sharp winter's night. He wool per 1b ... :.: .:. :. 0 10 too 0 40
had plenty of covering, but no pillow, arty porton .. ... .., ,.. see to 0 e0
and in looking aro alit him he saw whattenionsnerbush ,.. .•. .., 0 60 too 75
he supposed to b bundle of liayhang-
an - Woo per cord a 00 to s 50
ing among the b hes of a tree. ;Phis
was just what he anted for a pillow,
and Nvith some -eon he managed tc
Every bottle of Arn`en & OiIlinituent sold
is warranted by the proprietors to give satis-
faction or money willhe refuude •
ik YOU GET A---
mill men will ;awe. meuey, *nt* *Ivo their
;ttat:l:ant•rr t+v wing. I.rraaut•.
leas taws victorious at a1i tele laadui ezhi•t a
�{�i- ti,.lwsU4iverrant*ltnrs tsee*b C.etsrrsiueolr
�"�C....ii thatprixes and u1Cilalfuuetiery instance. It
has now no equal as a lubricator, ani Will oat•
wear lard. Fra! or cast( r cif, and warm -heti not
�con rcil:i;:tIrtu.,vvviii,,,,,t17.,I.t,!!.6:1(,),1,,;4;,g,ttitin:to civ;; or gnat tut• sluwt snRcuiatary Tun will
aw 0 v! Itslidoae#GpyP lsuita#tout
i-YASI`FACTr,r Ot1X.r Rr�
Velvets will be the rage of the
season, and depend upon it.
We will do them right.
Strayed or Stolen.
From the 1;Utnvtllt Hotel, on or about Tburs
day laat,Suly 24th,a red hairedoollto dog. Any
porton giving such informations* will lead to
its recovery, will be suitsbl rewarded. Any
parson fourdharbouring this dog alter this
notice, will bo proseeutod aecording to law
MCcoll Bros. & Co., Toronto.
--Ton BAI.1t AT--•
3. EILB ;R Ss SON, Creation ;
J1c,PONELLit WAUGH. Renettlt
beliarriae Looking Glass
Por Revery Ararried Couple,
Nehileit will hurt no single man or woman
to read this peculiar hook, yet to all who for
obe•ikrst time enter the married stat* it is
atmplyaNEC1t;SSITY. They must have at
nor can the °entente bogivon here, but it i
enough to say the book contains all the sec
rote relating to newly tnarricdcauplea. Others
who order it gill have to bear the euueequen-
ees,asitisonl.yintendedfor those who wish
toknow bow to acs atter the knot is tied.
.,tverysucn conpio should have it, and as it
costs only a paltry 2:. cent.. or ;I for ci0 ata.
Every one eau hare it by remitting stamps or
„diver and this slip to
A11r hIlINBY, Yarmouth,
Nova deo tie
DIVORCES Ailv.0 T1, ,z"m CT:S 'Eolt
TE IPERANCE ACT penadatesetiont ohs
a United Stelios and Canada for e;°scrtion, nnu-
suppert,intemperance.erualty,ineompatiLili ty,
1878. etc, Advice free. Stateyour case and address
ATTORNEY WAND, Worid Building, 1367
iiroadway, New York,
secure the prize. He found that it was d Notice is hereb given tb qt a notice addres-
compact and tightly roiled, which made Survival of the fltest. Down's Elixir has sad to the Honor Canada, embodying a petition of certain
the Secretary of State
a. fo
it suit his purpose all the better. Ile outlived every other cough remedy simply electors of the County of Baum, addressed
Canada in Counci , praying that His ExoolIen-
:yapped it in his overcoat and it because itis the best. to his Ezetnenelr the Ciove•rnor•Goneral of
made an excellent pillow, and he en- cymight be pleased by an rdex,inoun
ell to
joyed a good night's rest. What was - -- nectar° that the Second part of "The Canada
his dismay. however, in the morning' THE NEW TemperanceAr...,. said Count be in force and
when ho discovered that through the' take effect 0ito said County of Huron, and
solemn hours of that long winter night
his head had been pillowed upon the
earthly remains of a defunct Indian
baby. -Toronto Globe.
One peculiarity of the wild goose is
that if its mate dies it never takes anoth-
er. We never knew why "noose" was
used as a synonym for foolishness before.
London Truth tells of a sculptor who
had to make the limbs of all his Venuses
remarkably thin because his wife was
very jealous.
At St. Anne's Sunday school, in Low-
ell, in answer to the question: "What
is the greatest church festival?" a little
orphan of 6 years promptly answered:
"Strawberry festival."
Four out of five treasurers which Ten-
nessee has had within seventeen years
have been defaulters. The proportion
may be put' thus -I: 5 :: 17 : Tenn. -
Lowell Courier.
A Cleveland paper says that John
Senter, of that city, shot himself on the
south side. A man who can't come any
nearer the center than that had better
practice. •
4 �r �, �!`�' R T r� that the a•nid petitioners are asirous that the
N V IN CI -13 ■ .t ■ 1' 'd c t I1
totes of alt thu electorsof the sax oun y e
to kon tor and against the adoption of the said
petition will be deposited in the ()glee of the
Sheriff of the County of Huron in the Court
in the Town of G dericix on tbo 30th i
dt y> of Au(,nlst(A.D.)1884, and that the same
will remain thcs sin for illi space of toss ease . 0 RIJ
G ST' 0 B E
f � � thereafter for public OxA8linOtion try anygar-
---•-IS stat. i Oreille the Secreta, of State.H
wt* U tl MS, tun •.... . Inonn . rr : t , ' ' - tt i,•r
ott,u n. thaw. Int•t.••n t.^,.tn tt'a: I. m-•su ,tt
cal ata. t hats Int; F. 1±.,• Ito:. ,•<n at £.T;•, 1!:•it.:'Y-.
er 1'.ttLLTNe SICK,: Ls Lx tiro lint -ninny. I war an' vile
temr•rr to euro the %runt mutes. meant( nt:or% 1.
1111cd t= •,.• r• •.,•t tr a--', now reMlvin5 ncnr,. �,,,,t -
otic• 1.• n tr-4te.e at.•1. a Free Bottle. or my 1t• ✓. ",
renway. .: ••+ . ,re. Viand Yost ortea. It c.' t% ;•+u
aotfiln^t.•r 11 vial, and . wet cure ran.
Andress Dr. II. 0.1100T. ta;PeartSt..'Ste:.i rt'.
tics, preceeding its being laid before the 4r- I
Secretary 1
D. Dir,
Pres, Huron Scutt Aot Association,
(Patented in Canada, July 13,1863.) Secretary.
Dated this 1st day of Aug»st.1884.
Mr. 0. Rau wishes to inform the iuhabi
tants of Lxeter and vicinity, that he has solo
right of this washer for Huron County, and
also that Ile has appointed Mr. Bobt.,Pickard
agent for Exeter, and any person wishing tc
see the Machine, will please call at the Exeter
Tea Store. It was thoroughly tested, and its
merits approved before the patent was ap•
plied tor, It has since been placed in com-
petition with a great many washeis of note,
and in every instance proved its superiority.
It is, without a doubt, the most perfect in
action ever invented ; the improvements are
prominent and well defined ; they are not
imitations with a -slight change of parts of
some old played out patents, such as the
public are often fleeced with by Patent Bight
sharks, but they compose an original and
Cucumber green is the new shade for genuine invention, containing distinctive
ties. The man who is tied up in a knot features, whichare fully set forth and claim -
from the cucumber he has eaten will edin a legal patent that will koep infringers
have the intense satisfaction of knowing at a distance.
he is in style.
"What is a woman?" asks an ex-
change. It is -well, we suppose she is
a combination of dynamite and mule,
for she looks as innocent as a mule and
talks like dynamite when she is mad.
"Yes," said the mother of a daugh-
ter, "I shall stop Mr. Tommy's calling
without any trouble or unpleasantness.
I shall merely ask him to stop to dinner
and then invite him to carve. ' 6th. The house is not to an irproa'e with
"I like your new hat very much," he slops, washtubs, pots and pans, at Beast one
said. "It's a chic; there's a sort of day out of each, week
abandon---" "There isn't an sort C. EAU, l4. PICffiARD,. Agent,.
pouting, "It's
of band on it," she said,y Crediton. Exeter,
a real ostrich feather."
Few Reasons why the Invincible' is Best
let. Only one-quarter the amount of soap
used as with other machines.
2nd. Only one-fourth the fuel.
3rd, No lobo: in comparison with th
machines. .
4th. Na wear arae tear, as steams and soap'
are the prircipal agents.
5th. It' requires only one�fourt1t tete time
to do a washing.
Cleating Sale 1
Back's Old. Stand.
(2 Doo: s north of Post Office)
Butterand Eggs Wanted
In Exchange for Goods,
Wo have just received a large consignment
of goods direct from wholesale houses, which
we will sell at very close prices. Splendid
value in Oasbmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Soar
let, Canton and Homemade Flannels. A nice
lot of table napkins and covers. Splendid
Wiucey, Grey and White Cotton -very cheap
Also Tweeds and Beady -made Clothing. A
lot of groceries to be sold cheap. In Boots
& Shoes we have added some new lines, and
are prepared to sell the best goods at close
Farm for Sale or Bent.
Parra of 100 acres, 70 cleared ; Bank Bern
6€x40 ; Good Bowie and Orchard. Prise,
84,500 ; 81,000 down. Bent, 6240.
Apply to
1ifi*y 2911a. Exeter.
A full stook of all kind of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand, Wivan's
• Powd-
the best •
in the naark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
;the Central Drug Store Exeter