HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-8-28, Page 3WIT All tt HUMOR. An exebange says that -Earl Dullferie has been jiresetite:i with iht insignia of the Order .of Bath-," which is a very neat way of stating that lx:s lordship has lbee i a)tclThtr•h� putout. with a bat of seep.this hospitality is the result of falcula. ion. When a man is going. to visit his U• R,sr. .l f!\t env enitic�l l tt t 1� the i An 1 r r* i sstraight h))e i neR i he never )t.a a t . 11to tho t 114 distance between a church an 1 the house, but walks :donee'the road, and nearest saloon at a mile. We're afraid stops as if by chance at the window mid this leaves mighty fete spots in Ken- bogies a, con+en ttiou•' theta, if the nuts - WOW, where it's legs! to build a ter or mistress wishesto see him, they church, invite hint in. The conversation begins A Brooklyn colored than who was by inquiries after every member of the having 3n affidavit prepared for him to swear to, was a•sked by clic notary; how be spelled his name, -Nebbtre mind the spelling," said the tlttsky affiant, less put it clown." Sib3ria11 Hospitality, Even hospitality, that trite Sclavonic eirtuc, has not beeome teelitnatized in this inhospitable region. Tee j)eas: nts like to visit and treat each other, espec- ially on high -clays and holidays; but family by name, the samovar is pre- pared, and whilst it is beating the guests discuss the crops, the potty saltn dal of the p1alace. etc. When the samo- var is ready; they drink tea, out of sau- It is now asserted that the plumbers eers, now aud deem taking a.bite of a are an oppressed and much -maligned -piece of sugar. In this way they con - class, and are forged to band together sulne about three cups, and then turn for self-protection. We shall presently the cup upside dealt. placing on the be discovering. that the hotel elerk is a bottom the remains of the wear they timid and unobtrusive individual. have been nilabling at.' The beet and Pittsburg Uivo(& hostess now IItese the visitor to leave: more tea; but that is 'Merely a matter of forth, as custom forbids any mare being taken. As soon ae tea i over, the guest rises tU go, andthen the fullenwing dialogue. invariably takes pl'aee: "Why etre you in such a hurry?" says the hostess. "I like. company well ellouede-` said Mrs, Planetung,: "but I'm not going„ to put myself out too • mneh.e? 1 believe in looking out for one's e,nufot't first." "That is to say," renlnrked Fogg, "that you follow the custom of the shop sign end put the etunpany last." ./losfoo Tninseripe, Thrtttign the volume 4f the New ""Ti1ne to tfo 'Moine,'" ttiiswerS the York ,11(ul we bear of n lirooklynstates, gstesr. ., mall Who.t)r'lerDii eie:Il'lnttce russc, "Stay a little louger." to eat you; eon "liavu given us Plen• blew the froth otT the tap of it, thea, lehtm asked to (explain Why ht ty U eat anti drink. Isere ebut little did so, said he thought it was It new `'\ othoo lve kind of been. , was quite en4ngh; we w Same people. will never reeenive asci. bad pleats. me etlnversatlou,which alwaysvier in the right tray, The Cincinnati takes place and is almost mechanically Enquirer says: "A noted physician reheated, beim; ended, the guest ap- advises that the strawberry never be .•)e oacbes the bolt and, takinohis hands, eaten except *half an hour before break. says, "1 thank you for the vodka, the fast.' The strawberry is nice, but not tea, the enkes, ,he sugar, etc." quite nice enough to take to bed with It is indispensable when thanking the us." host the neutletilan who catches 1118 host to enumerate everything the guest ball,"raid bushel; an y doeca he wearr ba consumed during his visit. At the a mask?" And Anabarl looked upon ende shislh el is tuleometto seogue the e hioe,wbiebhumbl, her cousin \ed's tate With b* OIU t after a time, he does, and things s o on pride, when be prumt y answerew exaetl\ the sante way. Care must "That is to protecthis fare, Bel; an be taken that the viands provide'l are uoiy mutt; wouldn't harmonize with a nteo pitcitor. you know,,, Nearly two hundred skulks were re- cently dug up frons a trench in an old mound near Redfield. Dakota, They had double teeth all around the lower of -equal quantity and quality; If at any time a wan eats or r d -. more that( the host, when his guest. on a former acasiun. dict. quarrels. uphrtidiu s, or sareaStie r/enlarks are the result. "1 gave them tea and sugar,and titer jaw and the average teal'ity Letitia hold lave the nothing but teat" or; ""I gave.four pound's of brains. Thee luu•.l them ,cake. and Diad laughing but bread have been chief's r•f the brand that our in retyrn."-'=-1 iferarU Ii-vrld, dude .factory --pardon, the otlense, we ` -_� -•� • --------- mean our university -proposes to turn A Coward Chien a &anai= Habuke. out -Texas yllai is . A tragedy was preveuteil at Cape "Have yen ever triad the faith cure?" May recently by the presence of John - asked a long-haired, sallow -faced son, a pr1tft".sional swimmer, who is stranger, addressing a gentleman who hired to stay in a boat outside the dap. sat behind. him its a Brooklyn street ger line, through bathing hours, and car. "I have," fru, the answer. "Do watch the basses. A iii ori'rfully-built you believe in it?" -1 do." "':bitty 1 ask nate whose name. unfortunately. could then, of what you were eured " "Ver- not be learned, wee Nu Mug. to eompa- tainll'. 1 Was euretl of ntr• fuitll."--- ny with a young woman. whom he was L'rotiklyu Eagle. teaching tat float, Il„ u a. a goo.' swtn- Manager of the Parthenon:, "And met'. and. proi,;tblL tt i.'nout tete n'liu:r what ;experienee have you 'h'ati, my, it, took her tetu:.i.l,"rabl\' (tett of her lord?" "Oh ---1 played Romeo at the depth. Suddenly she learned this and jollity last Thursday moraine.. 1 was beettnie alarmed. kicking_ and streanm- ea lett before the curtain seven tithes." Manager: "Then 1 think your lord- ship ordship may study the first servant in our' next piece. Ile eomes iu in the last act, you know., and says 'dinner ready.' " Somebadv who knows says that. Clara I•,lniee Kellogg, the prima donna, - fug violently. The nitro could easily have saved Ler. but he turned, and with a dozen strong strokes, swam in himself, leaving her helpless. She trust have drowned had not Johnson rowed quickly to the spot and jumped in after her. Diving, he brought her to the surface, and ihcn. without troub- never had auy ilea of marrying Mr. 1e, to the shore. Is of - "The rnntlernati who ere hat tchilom escort was waiting, was pleased Miss Kellogg g most some years abotand ittto supporttting Iis lll+ r half -fainting rm nd 2 form ago,` he says, " i. now the brilliant' editor of a 1)rolltineut Western paper, to thebttll , house, but anutwho who is till uiuiutt tied." This state- had seen. the whole occurrence from the ment Is true with the (exception of the bier arrived in time to prevent this. last sentence. W * have been married several years--11,.evil Free Press, xtonding his left arm rather suddenly Ire touched the felicity behind the ear with Itis knuckles with sufficient force ---~-�r• �" -- to send him flying a dozen feet away, faini:tzra Should Sp 'ak Sarllmns, Not Read when he. fell in the water half stunned. Them. Then the last tomer, amid enthusiastic cheers from a hundred wituesses, took the girl himself to the bathing house.-, New Yor1:.11eralcl. The lnan:tgers of esu)rt•hes cannot too 50011 hew :tit ny the (.kilt.:, made an. open platform, put :t little at one side the smallest of desks, and hid the minister, if Ito has anything to say, to stand out like a inau autl saw it. There is no other way to speak eftceti.vely to audi- cents, sail! an antis darks to a man ences which no longer take the sermon with whim he had settled for some for granted but want a voice. of livigg wort; a short time before power.aud instruction brought home to. • "How del you make out that i owe living interest. No doubt therearesome you fifteen cents?" inquired the man. "Dns was a trade dollish yer guy me fur•my work, sale an' site ain't worf mor'n eighty-five cents." "Slit won't give it away," said the man cautiously, and shaking his head, "don't leas anybody know it. There's a. Almost a Monarohy, - "Say, boss, yer's owin' me fifteen readers of good sermons who could not change for the better; but of the rule there) eau be no doubt that life andpoty- er aro lost by roading, and that proper training and preparation. to speak with- out the bondage of notes can alone make the best type of preacher, It is s method kits in thf..country against taking trade which requires better training and more dollars for pay, and if the authorities thorough preparation than the other, hear about it they will put you in the and for un trained and unleaeued preach- calaboose." ors it has pitfalls of sorry failure. But for the scholar skilled to speak, there is no method at all equal tole - The thoroughly living prophetic word comes only through spettkin'n from the heart; only the ut.art must `have- material of true learning and well considered con - elation. -Edward C. Towne. Seven years ago last January a couple near Bennington, Vt., quarreled as to who should light the fire iu the parlor,. and from that day;to this none hes been made in that room. A. word to the wise is sufficient. The wise man of the house will take a, •pint front th(e proceeding thus stated. • An old lady in the Conn tvy had a, dandy from the city to cline with hor on a cer- tain occasion.. For dessert there hap- pened to be an onormotts applecpie. "La, ma'am!",said be, how do you.;manaae to handle such a lee? "Easy enou;h,�' was the reply; "we make the crest in in a wheelbarrow, wheel it under the apple -tree, and then shake the fruit down intra It "Am dat a fan' boss? Well, for de Lewd's sake, cis conu.try nen gittin to be almost a monarchy of do laws am dat stringent. All rigett, boss, doan't think for a, mina it I'I!guv it away." -- Texas Siftings. The Viceregal carriage, with its cav- alry escort the officer riding by the. door with las drawn stword and thecae of the detectives following, is a familiar sight ,in Dublin. Police protection, however. short's lately signs of being on. the wane. A French paper gives some informa• tion about the submarine cables of the world. Nearly all the lines :under the sea have been .made by English :workmen, bought with Euglish money, ancl laid down byEnglish engineers. The capital of the ,three companies reaching from London to the countries of the East rep- resents more than 31,000 mites of snlimn. rine cables. Tire E'eglish companies own 13,000 miles, againsi10,000 miles owned by others of the c ables between Europe and 'America. 'Net more than. a tenth of the 12,000 miles of cable connecting En - rope and Brazil with the West India Is- lands is owned 'hiit,ii1e tf• (tett briiaiti. . C: tc, .S . GI llI.EY, • tj1L(i 1'tfil ety.; aili(I I1''tr.z nitnre, r QUL1) S- 1-'1"0 Shore .vh t:ittnd purchtts ::k to 4. so luau, the hl.tuufactu,..i The le L dealer who buys tt i,•1, again luust tot:a,sarilt have a profit. We #thetee to girethe onteehasi,rs the benefit. which on tail to meet the view,. of the Grangers. Our aanouses t.. are less titantbosc of oleo InanUlaeturericonseg••<.nt t sveunu seltahoaner k+ , , - • %1aMilli ctu e9 44 I LD� y call one..;i! tentic I ooul•Ian dortra� ag-delo,rt ulent,which is more vain; plat ethe nover,as rte have .t ed v now designs az Inc cies' iia a Ins of ]gte The host cofRlua caskets shrcuds,and every 'ulueral requisite at theJ ton est prict a Our new Hearse is Prouounaed by oompetenI Judge: to be second to nary en the aro vine Hs Emblems e•. l.: of all the Different Soc eties, I "31TR, .&!-siirari- URJIERAKER RR Funerals ,urtaisleeal oouelucteti at the very lot: est rates• ktv'Stoek of ten ltn'ta:.itr; geodsis tango, 'complete and the cissorre•1, and any perion':eQuiring an$thite:. iu this line will fln.lit to theirRt1' ei:t3p,et-• ^,it'o hie call and ex.:mine fa. themselves,. CABINET-MAKER. I have just rens Ted, et arge stock Walnut and 1 Rosewood Caskets; also Pardus of every descrip- tion. A eamplete stock of Robes and Trimmings alwny on hand. rhe latest styles of Chamber and Psrto - suits All kinds of Furniture et tie lowestratea. 'I; Atli ittis'i` tett::LlltSi; 111 TUE I?B l\'t ' Remember the pl:l'C N,'tie t� >i 1...,sitt, Krinp'aTobacr4 Store, :Main•street, Exeter, 7O13T ,AWN Exeter Post Office Time Table. HAILS Strktou,li oodilato, Win helsea and Etitaville Souttl,east anti %TR:,luclnding Loudon. IT and Rau, uba,Vatted States. English And foreign *units ... South, eastantl west ... North end ea,,t•iuelu,lieeoederiels, lt'ikaghaut. E:ne aireteoui,•Carolito, \toutrcal,atot (•astern States. 1 Artallit; oLose. ... 8.15 arm a5G0 pm Toronto Montreal, Manit .2.30 e.. n1. 0.00 a. to • «•(G MM �.2U.ii d0It. t3 ) aatlineand all potntsuostlt,i 1 •... ... IC.00a.tu i$.$G a. nt i bTertlt .ao p.tu.S,M1 p. ut tree O.top•tn. thee p.m. 1t0 ET (minus a famed and meld on a n.l from any 1f ausvurdcr011lce in the Dominion of tea oeula,,Qi-entlfsitaiuraud q' Gelated,nrItishIndia,Newfouudlautl./ermau.'.Anstria. Ita1}',Snstrtaliaand the United. States.' t P0tTO1'tISE SA VINGSDANH. lieposits oil! be received at this Wilco teeth :+1 to epee. Depositors obtaining tiro Fosttuaater- i HAMILTON, CANADA.. DA.. tteral"t special , • Gee1, rmbe,. SEN Ll E ASID t . •^'• k: mos as the successful r.:.. rof Lw • r. 1.1%,681 Eliterprise3 <�rtit vr.tt while e a r^teary Fe= t-en1 ..a, SJ''. ai• :odt'ayti ,tsc..t. uaa t„:::t- thlt t ` ,,.:tee . • t. .1 hi.. �Y t tr tits $thee the'i :gr. L1il,4::P Los recommended Ali•.x's t aitS.tP4RI1.14 its matey sauitar case:,, and l,e itns never yet heard of its fail- ure to effect a tad1cal one. Swale yr ac.: sgo one of air. I s:Lax:es farm 'laborers bruise his leg. Owing to the bad state et his blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling or lump appeared en the injured limb. Icor- riLle it -ring of the skein, wttb bnrect'g and dotting pains through the lump, lunate life almost intolerable. The leg became -ener- ntensit• es'nrge'at and running ulcers termed,. disci's ging great quantities of e.trnntely, offensive matter. 10 treatment 1(118 of any avail ul.t;l the man, Ur fir. I. t.Axit's'thee- ttou, was BUT/lata Lri:h AVt.a'S SAttikrA- Ott fres v. hid: ayta .'-1 the pain and irritation, beilcd the sorra, moneyed the aaclthkg, affil stun getely rester ret the Meta to use. 1r. Lnns.iw has personally used Ayer's Sarsaparilla for It's 'umntl at, w'ttt en: '•t ; alltt, aft r t r..e.t , .:.:a, c 1;:a1 : t e;: 114I la, t .. t. .. ..re, Gent, 5.I 4.: 0' , . . .1 Iiheu I,, 1 •,,c':, . ... ,..1 the various f..r,n,. of t. - .* " We Lave c L:.t...,...:; .. : silts„t., , e:..:.v° ....,rr• ata. :ci t0 thtt C.::...:...... j etc- xe hot a;') et AVE:: a S.t;:sti'.titit.I..t to :.,t.0 1.411 1 `, at17 tiiils r at Lis lusuouota Cavan 1.i tel, LenP l::ass:e,orat thei,e:attlpr a:,.a.1 l , to', n l: =tit Strects,::ew York. Mr. L t. iii:. s extensive kno1icdge 01 the goad dear t } t`.ls unequalled er4ttteatarer blood t"'ions enables idea teGise lnptitrexs much wiet,tbie iuf;erutatlou, loft 'A'8'f n fl Dr. J.C.Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. gold by alt Dru;,gtsts; r°1, si:c bottles for 45. WI.$LEYAN LADIES' COLLEGE, touan 000. cdeposit 51Deposittou Satlflank account reeeivedfronr, The oldest the largest Ladies' Coilege 9.nt.toIY1,lags theDonuutou, Rah overitt(iemanates. }eon' Office hours f.ons i.3n'1t.tn. to7 p.m. r ty 5gentleman and1S ladies. The building , cost $110,002, and has over 150 rooms. Music LetWMintlntilmtfore,egistrat neemcd Iso posted la minutesbetore the closing of each man. her;?rbi iren the PiiacfpKj lkeu,au sey)tew• N 1:= It is p:lrlirnl:l) r re ine.ted that Ilio'nu:lers of matter will kindly add the names of tit A..I►L'Itlg1;, I1, D.,1;I, Comities to the midi egeee, P:JOHNS, Postmaster. ITCHING PILES $Y II"j'o:'4 ,' AND Cr tiF, The t•yull•tonl., are ie ittar,', 111:e. perspir- ation, intense i" .Mini. increase,' by t^atelitug; very dietu.ssin j nttrular at night; wenn at rf piel-t\ll)in Were elaw1tn;{ to and about the reetILU, the privates parts aro sometimes af- fected. If allowed to e+,ntinnn vary serions re - stets tnay fol'oty. ..SW .1 N l '$1)IXT,1th.N•lr" is a pleasant, sure sure. Also for '.Getter, Iell, balk-Ithentu, Se.tid Head. I:ty'sipelas, Ilarbers' Itch, Iilntches, all scaly -crust Skin Diseases, Boy by nail, ail Cts.; 3 for $1,25. A,ta wrie, DR. SWAYNI: tt: SON, Phila., Pa. • Sold by Druggists. AI)VIC 1: TO MOTHERS. Aro von tlistU lima at night **unbroken of your rest by usickrllild suffering awl crying with pain of gutting teeth 1 If so, send at once and got a bottle of tint:; WINSLOW'S SthOTIIING sYitUr• Itavatll'" i- iueaaculable. it will re- lieve the poor little sufferer luunediately. De- pend upon it:nether•I, there is no misti Ito about it. It cures dysentery 41,1.ita 1 rh nen, regulates the stomach uh,1 ben, -Is. votes wii,d ,•otic softens tie ;,uwea, reeiu,•c•; inflanml:atiott, and gives tone anienergy to the whole system. .&fns. WIN4LP.w'» SuoTILi No S7ILL'P ria t'IiILD. nnx TNIimnl'to it; pleasant to the tare, and is the prescription of ruse of the oldest aud best female noises and pity"iehtns in tlto T'nited States. and 1- ior..41t,by nil,tru„sists through- out the world. Price 25 •eu1v r bottle. twerse:toammilpet.r4-4crsersf,grre.rfavirimeoicrot i ARMTIC and OIL LINIMENT CURES ALL Paris and c e ' AND IS THE MOST PERFECT FAMILY MNICINE in the'WQILD SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. PRICE, 25 AND 53 CeNTS P=R C TT:.C. • �- i4: •4111 a) 04- .1 - •• •11..1411. 111;1 , 11, ; :1 1 4,4T.1., 1 .k:. '�., , ' 1„k i... , • . y' a,'.' 0 1111^,e�1.,. )j g Ig' • • • SULPHUR IRON 'BITTERS, Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, indigestion, Dizziness, jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering or the Heart, Ane every specks of di,tase arising from Impure Blood, &c..&c. tern'.',RIO 111' Tint Climax Chen cal Company, MOI'ITRE!.L. 33.E NSALL PORK PACKINGHOUSE lltpiii t`�tt�1!i'l�l eee.. I •r.. Having commenced busiliesttor tlae Fall and Winter Trade We itreprepatea topnrollaseanYquantity of Pork ;subject to the followii gr•egulations We will takeoff two ponudsper hundred if dry, and throe pound soft. Shoulder tacit twenty-five gents. If any of tliel nay guts are left iz,25 rqutsextrawill be deducted.' No proK will be bought at any price it warm. We *ant all ktogs..Uiittin gright .tl'il)tt;;h breast to.IleG A, and Hams opened out to tail G.& J. PETTY-` PRE1.7,111AN'S WORM POWDERS. Aro pleasant to take Contain their own Purgative. Is n safe, surd, and effectual chew er of worms in Children orddult& TO FARMERS I GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. NOAH FRIED, --OP THE Dashwood Flouring Mill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past liberal patronage' given him, and sines making im- provements, which is a large sat 'mg on feel, will do --CII.3OP.PING— tlnt.il furthbr notice, at the following --rates :— - OATS, SIX CENTS PER BAG, And for all' other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN. CENTS PER L.AG. TUESDAY, THURSDAY CO ' SA -T URDA Y, etre my eguiar grinding days TERMS - Strictly Cash. I1. T3 i'lptu d: I+eed'sald at a close 'mar- gin. Don't forget to give usa Call Dashwood, Feb'y 70, '84