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Wholesale and Retail
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seer gimes.
TR RSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1884.
IACAZ. ,NE1t'S.-'-Wc shall be happy to re -
care at alt tivass, front any part of the
County, items of /will new, such as ac-
eiderts,or any interesting incident what-
ever, from any of our subscribers or read-
ers gtntraity ler the purpose el public-
coal Ilaypenium
A smart Aad intelligent lad to learn the
art of printing. l><tubt have a fair education,
Apply personally to Tinea Ofhee, Exeter.
Cattle Shippetl.
On 'i;liuraaay, Friday and Saturday
last teu car loads of cattle were ship-
ped from 'here to Montreal, thence to
Liverpool. btesars. Oke,Devis, Willis,
Coates and Ballantyne were the ship.
ram soil.
Mr. A. Gibson, Thaaaes Boal, rase
Bald part of lot 2L north Thames
Road, coutaiaing 70 acres, to Mr.
David Resnick for the sum of $6,705.
The fend is of excellent quality, and
M. E. got it at a bargain.
Rev, Mr. Martin, who has been
spending his holidays at the seaside,
bas returned home, said occupied the
pulpit last Sabbath.
Mr. Jas. Sweuerton left for Wiuni-
neg last week.
P.—zebrine et Pulpits.
The Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Forest,
and the Rev, E. J. Robinson, of
Christ Churob, Exeter, will exohange
paipits next Sabbath. Ur. Robinson
will preach and lecture to the Masons
of Foaest, while .stir. Henderson will
preaob Sunday school sermons at
Exeter and Hensel'. •
A Good field.
Fall wheat harvest is completed,
and in general the yield is good. Ara
an instauoe :--:lir. Wm. Dearing, of
the 3rd concession of Stephen. has
threshed and reports a yield of sixty
bushels per acre. When have we had
better crops 2
loran. .
OU Sunday afternoon last a moat
terrifioe rain and wind storm passed
east, taking for its coulee a narrow
strip just a toile and a half south of
Exeter. Wind blew fences and grain
before it, Tne lightning did not do
any damage here, but the outbuild•
inge of a farmer on the fourth line of
Blanchard were struck and burned to
the ground.
Ptenies at the Lake.
Almost every day this warm weath-
er parties lease here to enjoy the
cooling and invigorating breezes of
Lake Huron. Indeed this resort ap-
pears to be well patronized by people
from all parts of the surrcunding
country. No doubt many citizens of
.Exeter are anticipating a pleasant
day at the lake on civic holiday.
This summer has been remarkable
in thia section for the comparative
absence of lightning. But now when
the barns are full in the time for the
electricity to do its mischief, An emp-
ty barn seems to offer but little.temp-
tation to the electric fluid: With
crops inch are ibis year and barns
literally crammed with' the fruits of
the earth, farmers whose insurance
polices have expired should renew
them without delay.
Great Property Sale.
Remember the great aale of village
lot* and farm property, which takes
place at Hensel' on Monday next,
25th inst. This bale will afford capi-
talists a grand opportunity of pur-
chasing property in One of the most
Prosperous villages in Canada. Year
after year Heneall has been improv:
ing, and it now bas a. grist null, Oat
meal mill, salt well, planing mill, ex -
Itensive pork packing establishment, J udgingifroua the excitement which
and other branches of industry Are prevailed during the ease ball match
eetsbliehed. The sale will be without ou Tuesday, one would be led to be.
reserve, and will commence at one neve that it was a league Aon es
Interesting to Stook,Raisere,
Thole who are ,iotefested in 'too
raising will be glad to reeetee an ee.
The weather has boeu intensely
warm during the past two week., the
thermometer frequently registering
98 degree' to the shade,
We are glad to hear that MrRabb,
count of the comparative value of the Gardiner, of Farquhar, who bas>been.
prizes given for live stook at aha Jif• ill for ntany weeks, has eufftoiently
ferent fairs to be held in the prey recovered to be able to drive around.
moo this year. The following het
does not inolude medals and diplomas,
the sums named toeing the amount
in money prizes alone :--Industrial
Fair, Toronto, 11,649 ; Agricultural
and Arts Association, Ottawa, $9,201.
Provincial Association, Montreal, $7,-
965 ; Western Fair, London, .$6,281:
Central Fair, Hamilton, $4,451.
Perth Caledonian Society..
Wo have to thank this society for
a complimentary ticket to the games
and concert, which will dome off at
Stratford on Friday, the 29th inst.
The programme is extensive, varied,
and of Imola a character as will draw
Sehoolo in this vicinity opened on
Monday lest. The attendance at
the Exeter eehool is yet small, oon-
sideriug the u.ual average attendance.
Several gravel sidewalks are being
made in town, and we think they
will give better satisfaction than the
plank walks, which they are rapidly.
asking rho place of.
The season for wild duck ehoottag
oomrnenaed on Friday last, A num-
ber of our village ',ports visited Lake
Huron nn Saturday and succeeded in
shooting some fine duck.
Reed Csrliog's dosage of adver-
tisemeab on this page. There is some-
thing in it which will interest every-
thousands to Stratford. Shoal& the € body. Carling's is the place for new
weather prove favorable the 29th of
August will be a big day for the town
of Stratfurd. About one thousand
dolisrs are offered, in money. med-
al; and special prizes. 11lembere of
Parliament and other prominent men
have generously donated valuable
and cheap goods..
S. S. tea in James -street Meth.
obnrcb; next Wednesday, 27th. inst-
Tea for the children at 4 0 °look.
Atter to the public. Addresses by
Rove. Veale, (lane, Ball and resident
ministers, Admission as usual,
fThe Exeter Fire Companies Nava
reoeived an invitation to attend the
council Meeting. i Caledonian games at Brunie on the
The Council met on the 16th of 9tb of September, in oonneotion with
Aug. 1884. All present except Mr. which there will be a hose reel rase.
Dyer. The minutes of the previous 'They will go if they owe secure a epe,
meeting were read and confirmed. alai traiu to bring them home is the 1
On motion of W. Rieaett, sec by Jas. evening.
Pickard, a by-law was duly read and Rev. E. J. Robinson and wife, of 1
passed to levy the following rates, viz: Exeter, have been guoate at the Brit -
County rate, oup and one quarter ish American Hotel from 'Thursday
nail's, Village rate, seven and one of Jest week until Tueplday. On Sun-
quavter mills, and Salmi rate four day morning Mr, Robinson read he
and one halt mills. Total rates for servioe in All Saints' Church and
the ourrent year, thirteen mills. On preached in the same church in the
► a oUTnB inti eye riln •-- 227 rpr arae
call of the Row. Some farmers have peculiarities,
M. EaeazTT, Clerk, end amongst them there is ono .that
may be noticed. In doing their road
work they repair bad epots mud do
e l' b' h Ili Il "'
nrotian the Council dj d 1 g ll" d R' u>.
The annual grand re -union picnic
will be held in Ur. Joseph Glavin's
beautiful grove, two miles east of
Limerick, ou Wednesday, 10th of
September, when a liberal pro.
grareme of sports and games, son-
eistiog of running, jumping, pitohiag,
loosing throwing, eto., will be pro-
vided. Liberal prizes will be given.
Cboioe music will alao be provided to
enliven the proceedings. The grounds
will be opened at ten o'clock a. m.
All who can should attend, as this
picnic will be the grandest of the sea-
son. Admission, 35 cents ; children
10 oeuts.
The Western Fair.
Announcements of the date of haft
ing, amount of prizes, dm are placard-
ed in conspicuous places in this dis-
trict, and the prospeota for this popu-
lar institution ware never brighter
than they are this year. It has the
entire northern and western peninsu-
las from which to draw its competi-
tors, and we feel safe in playing that
it will be one of the greatest, if not
actually the most comprehensive ag.
ricultural exhibition ever held in
Canada. The association offers 17,-
000 in prizes—an excess of $2,000
over last year. Admirers of this in-
stitutino have given over $1,049 this
year Re against $862 Iaat year, The
list of prizes in all departments has
been greatly increased. Don't forget
to attend.
Base Ban.
On Tuesday last an exciting game
of base ball was played on the agri-
cultural grounds between nine married
men and the same number of un-
married men. The game lasted near-
ly four hours, but during all that time
the interest of the spectators was in -
term, and perhaps the most amusing
and attractive feature of the whole
was the pitching of the "vast youth."
The weather being intensely hot, he
so belaboured himself that be threw
off clouds of fog and smoke like a
ateam thresher. The "vast youth" is
without doubt the champion pitcher
of the Dominion. The betting was
heavy, as may well be imagined from
the Boors -63 to 24 in favor of the
bachelors, and it is said that the "vast
youth" "roped in" a large sum. The
result of this match will, ibis thought
put a damper on the matrimonial
market for a time, as the . naen who
enjoy single blessedness proved so
much superior totheir married oppo-
nents. Mr. James Weekes noted in
the important position of umpire, and
decided all disputes fairly.
The salt' well company . are re-
building 'their furnaces.
Several: loads of new wheat have
been marketed, and the sample is
pronounced good.
Division court was held on Mon-
day, ' when several oases were dila-
posed of .by His Honor Jucige, Tome.
am e grit ing w io ey OA am-
provementee," but the very first time
one of them happens to be driving
that way he turns right out and
avoids the "improvements."
Another peat has made its appear-
ance in some sections of the Prov
ince, that has hitherto been unkuown,
and bide fair to annihilate the black
°arrant trees. It is a worm some.
thing like the red currant worm, but
larger, and is of a hairy nature ; they
are stripping the Welles of their
Round the Country,
RETURNED.—Mr. Wm, Graham, of
the boundary, has returned from
Scotland, whither he went Bolus time
ago to purchase hones. He started
back with a yalnable entire bores
and a mare. but the horse took siok
and died during the voyage. Mr.
Graham's loss will be heavy. The
weather during the greater part of
the voyage was rough.
Messrs. George and William Bates,
of Stanley, a few days ago bound 8
acres of heavy fall wheat between the
hours of 12 o'clock noon and 8 at
night. This is good work.
Mr. Thomas Johnson and Mrs.
James Armstrong after spending six
weeks visiting friends and relatives
in Dakota, etill prefer to live in On-
Our town sports another tailor.
The merchants here have done a
good business in butter and eggs this
summer, and ,the prospects for a
good general trade are cheering.
• •1• f
FUNERAL SERMONa.--The funeral
sermons of the late John Atkinson
and isaao Moody, of this neighbor-
hood, were preached respectively in
the Methodist and English churches
on Sabbath last.
HOLIDAY.—The inhabitants of our
town are wondering when the Mayor
is going to proclaim a civic holiday,
but is he has gone ons harvesting
the duties of the civic chair are home.
ITS 34014110 3 '
3:17 TOTTR poozoners.
Ladies, now as the evenings are becoming cool, you will
need an EVENING SHAWL. We ha,ve a fine lane, which
we offer you CHEAP. They are beauties.
Our UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT is full, and-K"gives
good. satisfaction. .
We hvteloa a of CLOTHING in all the latest and .new
est styles.
A. full line of HATS ---ill the latest and newest styles—
both in SOFT and DERBY. Before making your purchase
it will pay you to call and see us.
In GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS our Stook is com-
The Other Stare.
But when you come to see our BOOTS c- SHOES you
will find they cannot be beaten for Rtyles and prices. We
warrant them and live up to the warrant. ��
is full and varied. We sell Teas and Sugars as cheap as
any house, and with less BLOWING.
Our Canned Goods are the best we can buy ; we do not
deal in the seconds.
We have just received another lot of 50 boxes A-1 fruit,
which we offer you at $1..25 per box 20 lbs, Gall early
they are going fast.
We want your Butter and Eggs and anything else you
have to sell. Call and see us
IMrRovzNr—Mr, 1. Bean, a re-
tired farmer, of this place, has raieod
hie house for the purpose of putting
a stone foundation under it. He in.
tend(' making a handsome residence
out of it. May he long live to enjoy
13ootem.—Our enterprising shoe-
makare, bteasre, Weafob d; Wurtz,
have just laid in a big stook of boots
and shoes for the fall and winter
trade, and they arenowable to "boot"
any one who may floor them with a
Our AGAIN. —141r. Hoibain is out and
around again, but not without some-
thing around his eye. Emanuel Preid
is also out, but has something around
his optic also.
VISIT1Nn.—Miss '1'horewel. of Lou
don, is visiting at Mr. Hall's for the
benefit of her health,—Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Toone, of Howard City, i4liob.,
are at borne on a viait.—Bev. Mr,
Mower visited the Dashwood Sunday
school last Sunday, and delivered a
very appropriate address. The at—
tandem's was good. --Mr. J. Freid left
for London on Monday morning after
a good visit here.
Fox PORT HURON. --A number of
our young folks are thinking of going
to Port Huron to see Barnum's white
elephant and °ireus to -day (Tours.
FIRE l—The fires are . raging in
this vicinity and quite a number of
miles have already been burned.
GREAT quantities of water haye
bean drawn from this place by the
farmers weal of no,
EVERY lady in the village•is sighing
for rain. A few drops fell on Monday
last, but they were so very few they
ould have almost been counted.
School opened on Monday.
and that
A. most terrific storm passed over
this part of the country last Sunday
evening. The wind blew a perfect
hurricane, levelling fences, trees,
stacks of grain, and knocking things
around an general. Rain fell in tor-
rents and hail fell in aoino places to
the depth of two iuohes, doing a
vast amount of damage to standing
grain ; but the greatest destruotion
was wrought by the electric fluid,
whioh leid in ashes all the barna and
outbuildings of lifr. Jobu Burns, of
the fourth line of Bleushard. Mr.
Burne' loss will be very heavy. as the
buildings contained the most of his
harvest, Iu this calamity be has
our hrartfelt sympathy,
Kingston Women's Medical College,
(An afliiiation with Queen's t�nivcrsityl
Sir R. •1, CARTWRrGRT, Chairman of Hoard:
14. LAVEI,L, President of Faculty, Twelve
departments, with highly competent professor
to each, including lady graduate iu chair of
Graduatod three lydies at April Convocation,
College opens Oct. 2d next, with Arat, second
third and fourth year classes. Annual Calen-
dar may be lad from A. P. KNIG ST, Reg:attar
Strayed or Stolen.
Frani the Rltxnville Hotel, on or about Thumday last, July 24th, a red haired collie dog. Any
person giving such informawion as will lead to
its recovery, will be suitably rewarded. Any
person found harbouring this dog after this
notice, will be prosecuted according to law
T a0s1PSOld
Voters' List,
that I have transmitted or delivered to
the persons mentioned in the Third and Fourth
Sect.ons of the" Voters' List Act," the copies re-
qulrea by said Sections to be transmitted or de.
livered of the listmaee. pursuant to the said
Act of all persons appearing by the last revised
Assessment Roll of said Municipality, to be
entitled to vote in the said Municinality at
electic s for Members of the Legislative As -
This week completes harvest with eembly dna at aElections,
ea.d list.wasfirst t posted up
a number of,tlhe farmers.
Messrs R. A. and Cyrus Callander
have gone bo take charge of their
sohoole near Parkhill.
Mr. Alex. Wigle, who ,pent, naso
week at Mr. Win. Stacey's, lett for
her home in Leamington, county of
Essex, on Saturday.
Miss Blake, of Toront9 is now vie- •
what negleoted. If he don't attend ting relatives it this neighborhood.
better to the duties of his office he Mrs. Will Stacey ani son, of St.
may find himself behind at the next Ignaoe, Michigan, are at present vie
tally: iting friends here.
Tux WEATHER.—The fine weather Rev. Mr. Lund, who has been sup-
plying for our absent pastor, Rev.
Mr. Harris, bade adieu to the circuit
laet week and left for home. During
bre brief stay ho endeared himself to
the people, who are very sorry to
lose him. It seems, however, he felt
that he wasn't, from the attitude as
sumed by one of the denominations.
composing the union, the right man.
in the right place, and heads bis so -
formally good results. It is the only prepay- tion. The work will be taken up by
ation of Cod Liver Oil I use." Rev. Mr. Watson, of Woodham.
bus enabled most of .our farmers to
gather in their harvest in good order.
The threshing machine is now busy
in our midst.
Scott's Emulsion of Pure
Cod Liver Oil, with 8ypophosphltes,
For Throat Affections.
Dn. F. B. Pmarorr, Salisbury, DSc., says
I "have used Scott's Emulsion in glandular
diseases, and Throat Affections, with ani-
• n,
• At my OB'FICE, USBORNE, on
SATURDAY, 26th day of JULY, 1884
and remains there for inspection.'
Electors aro called upon to examine said
List, and if any omissions or other errors are9
found therein, to take immediate proceedings
to have the said errors corrected according to
Clerk of said Municipality,
Dated 26th July, 1884.