HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-8-21, Page 7HOLLOEWAYS PILLS&OINT9AENT A Cautions Oonnuissary, Ilrileee he has actually seen thent, no The New Fork National. Convention of the MHO T SR 13 t 'Q1 RR TO -DAY! Interesting LtenIs. form any adequate idea of the one cash s" tessevergetakrttsetatrty vara ex - Teat numbors of white-ooTerod wagons voar r►xsar �'a�icltrftca►7Alfat•ta. i'trteiet4# prder Haibwrrtiatte Wedneisti4; ex wbioh followed our armies, carrying tett Micas: t pelted moral prominent m mloere ion the food, forage, and ammunition; nor eau any<Pee, Whit haps lett aetually witness- ed a panic among the drivers of these wagons, form any conception of the terror into which they WATP 1i011101111ea thrown. The drivels"! of the alumni- tion ixmuni-tion wagons sovo espeel.illy- an\ions to keep well out of the range of shells; and no wonder, for if a situs were to fall among ;t lot 44. a;tgun lessor with percussion shell, the result tray per- haps be imagined. It was not tr,inge, t therefore, that the driver of an ammu- nition wagon. with six fuses iu front of hint and several tons of death and destruction behind saint, felt somewhat nervous when he heard the wide of the shells over the tope of the pines. In looking for my regiment I passed one of these train; The commissary was dealing out forage to his men, who were standing around him in a circle, riariov• i cove '> e' e;w` e't it Viet 1,* charge oof rder bust- Otintroduce t odutcnetIIrish Cpol as utrett to a®tect the preFpacA er•,pemamia„ merge Buckklon sArnicaSalve. The Rest Sainte is the world Ier Outs, Breit;- M, Bores. Dicers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. • Tetter, Chapped baiuh . Chilbiaius,Corns, sad all. Skiu Eruptions, and positively cures Pits, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give t�ari'ect satisfagtiou, or an.iney refwultd,. Price 25 emits per box. For sale by all drug- . . Holloway's Ointment and ring„—Baro re- liof.—Tho weak and enervated soder sever- eiy front. nervous :affections, when storms or electric di itur'bauaes agitate the atiaoephtre. Neees ala, gouty pans. and lying pains very diatressung to a delicate system may ba readily removed by rubbing this Oiutmeut necne the a Ue ted pert, after it has bet'n to- i meted with wttnn water. The Pills, taken eeeaaronally in the doses pre-cribed by the insornetious, keep these digastioa in order, ex..' each holding open a hag for his oats, thq a fres flow of blood bite, se eherierepumiu-1 n V the #nipogoti> rah libod withfrom those ru hrit o i.s which the c.ntttnc.:ary tea; altern;ttel - DOES NOT CONT AMMONIA, C sstituentu wleoit result frolic, thoroughly sta- y 11i lieldarustaattas itae NEVER 240 914411esxs. �sitnitated food --in the absence of which *el dealing out to theta with a bucket --•a: �r Gael society,. -" bucketful to this man. Ilion to the nest. Inaa0ltrot, boors for w qu.tter ora taetur>; tt tsa arongetlt must inevitably soon sink into „�. and so on =wild tits •etre. it was 'TOE 'ter Of 'ARENEW tA• a4,Ato e rotor*. tec,f, feebleness, and the delicate figs it difficult tt, clear. howtprer.. that Ips was more Oona e r maintain existence ffolloway's °ointment d about the shells i than interested af�int Fills art infa►liiable remedies, seine ' I A t \(� 'Qi�'� i. CO,CQ, ,� 1 u City, lortttttta, tiicpatah ways in the oatg, for lea due�ked his head al- wt,:restt o. t Fxanoill Ifedhursst, Alrtr AROT Of Ole Lexintttoa toast every time he poured a bttcl ettul nn Vit,, t ' 1 Flavoring• Silver slitting (ampxwy, bar fled to Europa, into a bag. 11 t .l�'i 0 t } tit -Extract; y le+triu$1#?3,QUtl of ttainblitag 4ebte ttuPettlyd. While 1 was looktn.t to. them Page, ow. nor oownon.:,twe.n4•,i,, raatwnsomoho „ $1 OO ReWA rd. a ]i1it:ltig.am slut:, or.I 'ls to our bpi a- F• Drk . ia V n,Ilagi Goma Z" 11c will pas the above reward for any diet -general. t;ttue up on his horse in lushes, se.ttitr oleo. Th. Matas Dir Rup cavo of I,iveroospiatint, DjsPepsiar :31ektiesti. aearch of our division train, - for he re Bet ra the World- sebe. indigestion, f:ouatipation or Cosrtiveuete wanted oats for his hor'te-. Ston;,int FOR ;ALE BY CROCERS. "Nr.! cannot curewith West's Vegetable Liver A moment to Vint. tnptate Lie scene l` CHICAGO. e ;17. wine. Pills, when the direetioueare etrieklyconplied was atlndirint.r, he said to lute In a let! with. They are purely Vegetable, two never tone. tail WaivesRtisfactitri. Sugar coated. Large ,‘You, justkeepaufey e on my horse. fail containing 30 Mile. 25 Gents, For wale will you? and I'll show you hurts 1 grit a rsr►tilt 111't tt 1 Y"rllll Irllltl* 11 by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and ter oats.tt -it was well known that Page could Tet eats when uob+xdy OLIO could. hough the wagon trains were miles and tortes in tint roar. and had nettled?, l seen for a week. Page was determined Ids horses should not go to bed sup10 er- leas. ()ate for the geeueral'3 parse Page would have by husk or by crook. that ttittuttt ..ars- ; sunder" said Page. a'i he di tununtea and threw a bag over his aria. ••site•, a tetiward, 7nlitotione. The tieuuine manufactured only: 11hi.n� fl s tfrw141,17t I h,- JOkIN t . WEST & CO.. "The fill mak- !era." di & 63 l ingetreet East Toronto, Ont. x s Free trial package sent by mail prepairetl nit t 4a retteipt of a dares cent atautp, t?N TFIII3TX h?ATt3' TitIAL- ` : td a.DvAieYOL.TAIO C3ais r RATED BRECT . ?-VOZ .vr c iscud ]fie hors's BEAT O., Euriall Mithararc ,Binas AN:e Eutc w ArtLrtN(t;u eelltrial fur shirty days to wee (young or Wu) whoare at- elsted tvitlt nervone debility, tout vitality INITA.TATIABLE TO .VERY" L `MAYDEW' ?fie fileatt hook Lotion fog Beautify) the Face. It aonceala the evidenee of sae. Oae appli- Oretiotr will seats then beat atisbboraty red;,and rough bends beedctifu lv soft and white. Be- uuunher that" VAX Dlr:W' is eat a paint or powder that pie up the pores of the skirt, and that ieinfuxious to the ttltin buts new and great d;ionvery, .* veget t-ble 1 4rtid &tuft,',r.a,uled the aireelc to glow in* bemttlt, the neck. arms andhanalsto rivalbbeI,dly in whiteness. ls- oabetodtctit tebeekettyt*os yPtletGreasy beta Freekitts. Wrinkles, kiruplea, brick Beets. Crow's Feet, Elote rsa, Fitoa frttfir, $am Iinru Tau, Ringworm, Chapped Rands, Sore or Chap pod Dips. Barber's bah. 'Telfer. &5. It frees tiro koraa.oil glands, and tubs from the i,tjyr- fOtraeffects o powders and cosmetic washes. By its nae an redness and roushDaw.a ire pre- vented; It bea,uiltas the aktu, arts xiii nuke it sot% smooth and whits.; imparting a delicious so;tnse t apradnotng'rr p. rfwtly healtby.n*tor- al.and youthful appearance. The beet face lotion that the world ever produced, We will semi. A 1.AOGE BOTTLE " to RAY 14d1.e01 On r..- tt rotprlc•.$t. %Vienorderingmention tbi A ddresis all letters to the MAY PEW AGENCY. 7t Young -street, Toronto. Out rt4r and Iteaepliori Boom for I.alies. — -2" 0611 ET1BIISNED HovsE To the Front as Usuai !With all the latest Novelties YEASTGEPIC ant tisttekeJ trnubk a; ;;nttratitkt'ing' t 1 i t a' lie is,-lunttt dtrtt rt .tc.1 its flue ,hells i mauls vigor. Address, as Abort'. N. B. -.,No titan tlnvtltin'� IIIto I)ttc't knuvr'all:1- ?Cita ttrst ars lice rag fes th4 tarsrld. irsiad' Y mak to incurred. as thirty' days' Walla allowed er he's dealing out oats to the right raised by til'''"'" is f9ht, whlla and shote, ' -Monis Coon. a ptumi,tert Chicago Mer- 1'nAR or not. Just, keep an eye op my some tike our grandmother's detiolous *read. chant. Has been heli in I1(1.000 bail at Mil- burate, will your Weekes to ensurer numerous charges of torn. GROCERS SELL THEM Pushing his way into the circle of vac.'aw eV Ta1 cry. tean•ters, who were tis nitwit engaged Price Qakin Powder Co., ;; lI1•:1tI'I' Pit(i41:N, in a tithing for trolls to nouns• the lies I el Dr. P1iCsi al Iliiililt mos, Dollar upon dollar is frequently event on the pre'ene a of a stranger. Page opened his Chicago. 111• its. Louie. Mo.. j foul t reolininrndntion for artiehs entirely •hag while Mr. Contmi.�ary, ducking t his head at every crack id the cannon. poured iu four lin4keeta of oats. where- upon Pae :ho;tidel t d his prize, and returuitr , mounted his horse. with a laugh and wink at me. - Proof "Repot- rlettibiat3 its tits Drill Shed, at Walk. I waster Of how !Gag et;uldiug, it voids you 1u. spot t an. ratup a e restore Bei lir htstltlt an • p a Speeds wY _.- . . < i t:'ure; you are not *eked its urcbs a it until trort 1 rss. of RP +est et+rr rn C+Otb ri 4't in Bruer. lata moats are proven. CaU at J. W. 13rown• !lug'. drug sture sued get a free trial bustle, atol • if not eonvinced it will euro )'e+u of the wart Ctota on three tbaUMantl people aft. form of Dy.prtrssin, Liver Complaint, etc., no lectiuns o ei is. urslrn:r:Atl1, ' in arty- art on, on Thuriaettty uis;hl, t.0 the, ail• slung. Sold in . 0c. and Si betties. Su. tee. est St. ,\re'ltoPetr. t 1! f t.tu tour turas. 1 l neon a si r00* p'1 resale in 1 nasion of the anti-Saot1 .let r eet:ng..• ;3t?'rI1t1D Why We're, Dysp•ntie i'i Rot Weill •r wtiicti way adlres•+td bye Ms's ' 4. D It • 19 ,,, a>;r(etible chase o«u wt 4 iufaut will lung llutiila anti '!'..l- I;ell In uppiite• take it. For asuglss. Bolds. I arse'aesrs, email) ition to the ilsasatte id tis a Act in asthma and bronchitis, Ilagyard'S. P\etotai Bruce County. itbv. D,. Ayie:jwe rth It^lsinr its ret`able fur young or old. of Mount Forest, spvtte its favor of the FLUID IJ(+II1 NINfi. yesterday, "the Anterk'nn lunch is re- sponsible for Anieriean dyspepsia. The prevailing etctent of pore:lunag on high stools where elbow taunt Is 0i is proud- Aet. Mr. \I eNatu!ta n, d, l',. ocen pied , Ther: are but few that have never stUTtsed uta, and shoveling tktwn hot dishes is 1 the chair. Abort flue ]sone#ted ladies almost intolerable pain from'Toutnaelte, Mur. barbaric and only tit for Hottentots. t were tre�eirt and hundreds of farmers algia. or likes arise pains. To them such an Mtn,t at tlie: luue•Ii-ratan•: in t:i.• dower 1 ]natant relief as Fluid Lightning is an untold part of the city are fixed rep in this way. i from tate Herroue.diug country. Thu blessing, in time of trouble. No distrusting of The American breakfast, with its steak, i meeting, which was ov• rwhu,niine!, ft'usive malleins to be tatron for d,.ys. Ono potatoes, hot coffee and ire, water, I ..,.,,n,,,,rt i., rete an`, closed with tine* �ltpdic+ttiou of 3rluid Lightniu; eines, Sold at g taken at an early hour in the morning, "hearty' olteers. for the Qneien altlit3 three 'p'IlE `ItUIS OI` FOT,Li, for Mr. Dudtts. Eating green apples, cucumbers and unripe • N. Browning's Drug Store 1 is hard enough on the digestive Nue- "' tions; but the repetition of this thing at noon or r o'clock is even. worse. swal- lowed as it is with precipitation and want of care. "Lunch should be a small, cooling, quiet meal. It should not be heavy enough to fill the stomach, but just light enough to stay the cravings until the heavier meal in the evening. "In this weather lunch should be a cold meal. Nothing is better than a slice of cold Spring lamb with mint sauce and salad dressed in the French style. A leg or wing of cold green goose, or a bit of cold broiled gosling,is dainty and palatable. The heavy meats, such as beef and veal, ought to be avoided. They overburden the stomach, and ren- der a man practically unlit for the af- ternoon work. Beer and ale ought not to be indulged in except by those who have heavy manual labor to do,and who can, therefore, throw off the somnolent effect. A good glass of cold claret, not iced, is refreshing and sustaiuing, but ohampa;ne, Burgundy and Hungarian wines are anything but ,good. They heat the blood and deaden the brain, and should be reserved for the .dinner hour, when there is sufficient time to properly absorb them. But champagne, unless very dry, is. not a fit thing to ac. company eating. It.elogs the internal functions and is conducive of dyspep- sia. "If any hot dish is eaten for lunch it should be at the most a slice of fish. Nothing is mare delicious than a piece 81 cold salmon or blue -fish, with either. mayonnaise or plain salad dressing." fruits generally, may be se ti,111tetl. Dr. Few. -�+- . -- leges Extract of Wild Stnuvberry cures all Canadian wireless. Summer Complaints. Near Female City, Miun., 1Van. 14ntrt shot and Idiled hoer Keller in a quarrel about The sigma election case wnv cot:- cattle. Both are farmers. eluded on Wednesday, anti judgment Don't fill the styetem with quinine in the reserved till the Bird of Setatereher. Miss Colville, the Port dope ,flirt, .apposed to have been &vouted by bears, has returned home of her own aoeurd. it id elated that grave irrNgnlarities in the method of coeduetiuts the fi unncial affaires of the City of Winni- effort to prevent or etre Fever and Ague. Ayer's Ague Coro is a far mare potent pre- ven'ive and remedy, with the advantage of leaving in the body no poisons to produce diz- ziness, deafneas,ueadaehe,and other disorders. The proprietors warrant it. A. V aLUABLB FIND Mr. I-, Brown o1 Bothwell. declares that he fonnd one bottle Burdock Blood Bitters worth 2500 to hisn.lt cured flim of Srlt Rheum from peg wiit be exposed by the *udders' which he had suffered years After other treat. report to be presented the council on mut had faded to relieve. A MEn TH:9 QOEsTION.---Why tin so many Monday next. The city, however, it people we see around us,seem to prefer to suf ler and be made -miserable by indigestion, con- stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming up of the loop, yellow skin, when for 75 cents, we will sell them Shilolt's Vitalizer, r;uaraute is claimed, .Ai'l sustain no ]nye. Mr. Samuel Montague, an Witten tial Hebrew banker of London, acebro- oanied by Rev. Ur. Asher, a leading ed t cure them. Sold by J. W. Browning, co -religionist, are exereses to urs ive Exeter. E 0 wi iu Montreal in a fortnight with the WARN11VG. . i:li She most suddenly,iataTdiseases of Summer object of concluding. negotiations tv and Com - the Dominion Governinetxt for the en. . Fall are the various forms of Borrel Com- plain", which Dr Fowler's extrnet of Wild tttb•ishmsnt of a lonies in the.N Ttlt Strawberry ill promptlyrennedy. e est of their pea seented brethren Young, old, and u iddle•aged, all experience from the RaBsian empiee.. the wonderful beneficial effects of Ayeara Sar - The supposed ar The'supposed cholera refugee trottl Marseilles, who Watt recently reported to have made his way to Quebec, old to be Working in a machine -shop in Paul -street, turns out open investi- gation by the Local Health B lard to be a Frenchman named Louis t.iivet, A Tramp's Siesta, who lelt Idavre—where he Itad prey saparilla. Yonng eh .ldren sufferingfrow sore eyes, sore ears, soald head, or with any sore. fulons or syphilitic taint, made be made heal- thy and strong by its use. WHAT TO DO. If troubled with an unhealthy, slow -healing sore use McGregor de Parkes' Carbolic Cerate. You will find it invaluable for healing, cleans- ing and completely removing your trouble. If ! the Blood is: out of order, take with it a few A tvoin'u who had been swinging in, ',study been residing for two years— closes of McGregor's Speedy Cure from J. W. 21st July, and recoiled this port by Brolvning's Drug t3t..re. ] • STRONG ADJECTIVES. " It sells immensly, in fact it has the largest salo of any patent medicine" says 1. F. Smith druggist, Dunnville, of De, Fowlers Wild Straw - The etperts ientilt,yed by the Mar•- berry. The great remedy for Sommer Com- e Sat mation on Aug, 3. Thete wet. ohelera then and there i:, noire yel avre. a and Fisheries department to re rt' upon the millions of dead fish. atiug upon Lake t utario state haat fish etre shad, and not aleo iveg, as ted by ill r. Setts Green. They. end the ,.peciuiera esaruine.i full' wn,,and not young fish, several ng altnost ready to spawn.. Their Ory iii that tine 6.11 lire shad batch- at Seln Green'', Roohester estab mount. They find tbeii• wsy into ke Ontario and did' for want of pro- food. plaints. HUSBAND AN]) WIFE. Mr. Janney Moro and wife, well known in Leamington, wero both eltronie sufferers from dyspepsia that the best medical aid failed to. relieve. Three bottles of Burdock Bleed Bit- ters cured loth hnsbund:and Wife:• a To. all who are snRaring from the errorsand tndisexetignrot youth, nervousweakness, early does ,toss ofruanbood,.c.11 willsend areeeil) hat will curt you, FREE Or OIIARGE - This groat remedy was discovered by a missioaaryin South Aenerica''send aself-addressed onvelore to the Re% Tosnfx r INMAN. Statin.. D,Now vent city in all Departments The place to get everything you want at prices to suit the times. COME ONE, DOME ALL. . 3'o trouble to s .ow Goods. a JAMES PICKARD. RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify tIte Mod, soirees all Pistodtrs (tithe LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AN DOW ELS. They iltvigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, Ana are invaluable; in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are priceless THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. 0141S'ouuds, Sot ea and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Itheumatisin. San DISORDERS ala TEE CREST 1T Ma No KernL, For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Glandrlar Swellings, and all skin disease it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a theme ThePills and Ointment aresold at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establislimeat, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medioiue, in Boxes and Pots,, at 19. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 228., and 33s. each. The 2s. 0d. size coutaius three times the quantity of the is lad, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lls. size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hat: in any language Ra- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. TILLIA1YI DREW • .at2.. ' ��1ff:.11111111er 1 a , Ba. yup Wp 1 ll:e'�t' Abr..LLi:: Undertaker andCabinet-maker. EXETER,. ONTAR,2C� ONE DOOR NORTH. MOLSON'S BANK