HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-8-21, Page 3k Brother's l ill. Disa:rree, It is frequently, said Oat about the worst thing to'ltave lerotilnd the house is a reckless haeunteseartme boy, who seems to care blit little for how he acts and who he torments and makes trouble for. This is a ruistxke..a, popuiaa e Tpf'.< There is something infinitely' wept and that is two boys, partiiullarlyif they are brothers. Your boy, and the boy belonging to the Next neighbor can play along day after day, and have roy- al tinges, and they will not bothan• or molest you with their boyish troublies,'l but to the family with two boys of itis own there is music from morning until nl lit, and, for that matter, generally > the night, throughoi*t'the ,'Har;— Brothers do not seem to ""hitch ' well. They are in coustant trouble, sucl the way they wake things up for the balance of the household is a caution. In all their play or work there is aenerall turmoil and disturb: at s winch` fie' be settled by ansiii)pligatkot f " to both, or it never will lte *tits one can explain why it is that brothers of the ages rouging from to sixteen, sometimes older or younger, seldom if,ever agree in their play of work around home, but it is true, and anyone who has ,over watched twee brothers have seen sample of pee, unadulterated cussedness that is rarely equalled. In all their play they ;lever agree. surd Ali their work around the house they engage in disputes and die. sensions, that to see them in the hottest part of the debate, one would swear the widening clhasm between them would never be bridged, But in this you are mistaken, as probably in fifteen Whin• utes they will be busily engaged in plundering the nest of A S5varnt of Willie biebees, and in the excitement of the oevasion they forget their differences, and they become solid pards ones more. But why is it that brothers donotagree, se do either of them agree with the other boys of the neighborhood? Why is it that they stand for half all hour end wrangle as to which shall saw and which split the wood, when probably in fifteen utinutes' tiwo both of them will be over in a neighbor's yard, helping agonist boy elm and split his wood, so he can go fisiug and they will work, like boar. ere, and never stop a minute for Swords, and you would think to see then* there that they were two of the lovincest lite 41e brothers that ever was Wily is it that when they buy x dog ora toy pis. tot, in "snuck:, as it were, that over that particular article, whatever it may be, Deere is bound to rise clouds of Will and dissension. As a general thing, unlesa there is a very wide difference between the ages of two brothers, their actions toward each: other are a study, and you will notice that unless they are engaged in a sport that brings to each an equal amount of pleasure, they will, in nine cases out of ten soon bo engaged in rending each others locks, or knock- ing the second crop of teeth down their boyish necks, rind iu the :�e��xt minute they are loving little brothel's, to all ap- pearances, who never had a word or o blow between them. Their work in the garden, at the wood -pile, or running er• rands, is filled with nameless woes, un less the scales are evenly balanced and one has exaetly the same amount of work to perform as the other, and who. over saw the work laid out before boys to the supreme satisfaction of both. But they will go away and help a neighbor's boy work, and both near- ly kill themselves working, and not a word of complaint will. come from them. It ;las often been asserted that broth. ers never agree in business, and it is e good deal true,though of course, there etre eases wherein they do. But itseema that the natures of boys, the diflerencer they had when boys together, when they owned " on shares" a pet dog or any other article, grows with them to mans hood. One never forgets how theothel made a sneak on him one day and coax- ed the dor away with him, while the other wanted the dog at home, and the dog shows the least feeling of affeo tion towards one that he does not tot wards the other, the life of that doe from that out is one unceasing round of woe, as the brother he did not take tc will make it warm for hint and tie cant Bios' "Melinda man no Babe cookee said a Mott street Chinamen who wee. industriously washing. a big an, gf,> sae, on the edge of the sidewalk, . ',Sh® so washee plenty:. Heap-ww►shee; . q e lace good.'! The Chinaman ponied on wat41", carefully rubbed the wet rice betvean the palms of his hands, bringing the grains just to the surface, Again and again he poured the water off and re- neged it, When he had washed the t rice in a dozen waters, <earefully remov- ing imperfeet grains, he drained off the remaining water, leaving the rice in a, snowy mass. "How cookee?" he said, ill answer to agnestton, "Put 110 too mucbee ter.' to the poor dog's tail and make his life one of sorrow and misery. And the brother who could not get solid with the partnership dog, cherishes a feeling of resentment•against his brother in the scheme, and that feeling grows, and is fanned by thousands of other -little diaf- ferences, and by, the tithe they reach manhood, there is a feeling between them regardfog brotherly business part- nerships that disbars all such arrange- ments. Brothers are all right enough togeth- er—if they are separated by about nine hundred miles distance, and can play through the long summer hours; or go fishing. and in the winter live on taffy and mince pie, but when they are to- gether they make it warns for the re- mainder of the household. — Peck's Sun. The Fashion in Are In the. August Century, G. W. Proth- ero, says, apropos of the paintings of "Mr. Watts at the Grosvenor Gallery":. "The fashion of the age prescribes for art bounds which it cannot pass with- out forfeiting its universality. It is no longer the business of art to teach but. to amuse; and if Orcagntt or Michael Angelo were to live and paint again, it is doubtful whether he would not die in penury. We admire these masters of old days, because our ;instructors have dinned their greatness into our ears till we are fain to believe; -bill .iflthe statue of Moses wire to appear for the first time in next .year's Academy, weishould be told that his horns were ridiculous, and his bearchhalf'a.yard, too long..°'And so it is with Mr. Watts. Tbose who wish to•be atitused;ago aiafey'u'nsatield fled, and laugh al the pal,r. . they sail not feel." 1• t t l e, A Chinaman uses just so, much water that the rice will cook dr , He never touehes a spoon to it, and when it is done every grain is whole, soft, and ORB B AKER AND thoroughly cooked.—New York Sul C. a S. Gi'IDx,EY',, Uudertt*.} or.s aud .1, s? c.4in 0 1/D SQA X TO t1aose wb autend purchas.,.t to 4. so from the 11.10uuf40Ill •.el . 'Am dealer who ouya to sell again must aoeessarfiv have a profit. We claayat a k' E %QLD. eatoour •unde tsskingdepi. t oleatwlifehii more coral pletetbene.ver,aa we have added NOY *designs of leovary u� r fo. 0n new ea Ar4Y C e Hearse is leronouncedbty colnpetant judges to br ems "e•. *#ting, 4r ''idle plrovine e* 11 aralamlaalrttloa 0 marlptactnre7;l;e0Rieofre0t waean aelleheaver- Zinb1e ns of all the life sties. %141Q1:1-111\1" i jf i Slteslaeft 0 1.4r A j°;girl whose earl' ghees bid ben nipped in the brie/ ' y thea frost of her father's failure, accepted a posi- t on in a cottlntty choir, and eftarmed the congregation with her sing.ing. Ops Sunday she was absent from her ae uts- tomecl place and; after church was die- missed, the pastor appt'oeched her, say - in ' "Wfl tzti�tl your zaeiodiuus volt* this morning, What is the matter, "'I've quit warblitag its this ohuroh," sbeeurtly replied. , '"Why, what is the trouble?" anxious- ly asked the domini:, "I've been insulted by that nitstty choir leader. That's what's the matter. ' 1 ~"insulted, '*What did he say?" "He called me a'eelestiel canftatrice,' That's what liediW..' And I won't stand no such sass from any such looktn' snipe as lee is. ,Good bye." ---The %nus. '"1 served in the Jenne -see .ata'i,;a,ata- turo." said a lean to a new train ac- quaintanee. ""I served In the Arkensxs leg3sIatuze," replied the acquaintance; and each man arose and arranged a pocket -flask to keep the heck ixolu, be- ing exposed. The Carley s sent the Browns a peace altering in the form of a hoe of candies at Sacramento. The families had boon euetub for tear , and the f'aseys had been le tar the more villilietive, of the two; so the Browns were inert+dulous. andtried some of the sweet token of amity on a dog. The brute died of the stryohniue that was. iu it. Thera are four ladiee now living in Cincinnati, each of whom has locks of hair cut from the head of the Prince of WART, while he was visitin thatcity in 1850. There was a great deal of anxi- ety to obtain relies of this Prince, and the unterprieing barber who shaved the royal head netted some $70 over and above the $10 he was paid by the Prince. The practice among many German peasants of making their property over to their children is having a most dia- bolical effect. In order to escape the care of their parents and to secure the property all to themselves, children en- gage in the most unnatural crime of pparricide. It has so increased of late tlhet the Governors of some of the districts in Germany have issued ad- dresses advising the peasants to retain Ali* property till theyare through with Mr. and Mrs. Lake fellinto intemper- ate habits in Providence, lost their social position, and sank so lbwas to bo frequently arrested for drunkenness. The man at length conquered his appe- tite, and lived soberly for several months. The woman determined to do likewise, but one night she declared she could stand•total abstinence no longer,. and started off for a spree, regardless of her husband's protest. Next morning she was found frozen to death in the road, with an empty bottle in her grip. In Switzerland's lofty mountains thn Alpine horn, which sounds also the far- famed Ranx des Vaehes, when the rsun has set, is taken by the herdsman and through ithe loudly pronounces the words ""Praise the Lord God." At the sound all the herdsmen issue from their huts and take up the cry. At the last darknees'fells and the highest herdsman calls "Good:night," and "Good: night" again 'resounds from all the mountains and rook cliffs. The following are said to be the six- teen American inventions of world-wide adoption: The Cotton gin, the planting machine, the telegraph, thegrass mower and reaper, the rotary printing press, steam navigation, the hot-air en- gine, the sewing machine, the India rubber industry, the machine manufac- ture of horde shoes, the sand blast for graving, the gague lathe,- the grain ele- vator, artificial ice-1$ftking ort' large scale, the electric Magnet in its practi- cal application, and the telephone. The editor of the Oconee (Ga.) Mogi- for advertises for a. partner. Re wants a roan who can "edit a paper, and quar- rel,;andcfght,, and play polif'i'eian er non- politician, eollect money and at the same time pretend that he don't want it. ,'Who can run a newspaper without money its 'Well as with it, who Can print a paper so'loud that a deaf and dumb person can read it before it gets out of the'pestofce: Who can get up a paper that will never get lost in the mails, not; be borrowed by deadheads, ' nor be grumialed . at by soreheads.. Who van ru$r'i.ar, paper. .to ;'suit fill -:tile difE'erent.:' whims «of . subseribers Who lthbws more about the •newspaper) business, than Horace Greeley did.' We "want' a man' who' will fight' with'abig nigger fox a, subscription.. In feet, we want avian' wheetan °blow hot and Cold 'at the sante time. Who ,can carry ''wtiter ori '.both shoiil°dere. 'Who can bark, With the, .Togas, audrun with the ;rabbits. " Punersls furnished conducted at the yory low oat rates' 1KY•Stock of Lligdertaking goodets large. complete and we assorrod, nag any , person,Tog nirtng anything to thisline will Audit to atheiredvouttageto give mss a call and es.uu1R. Ccr ihemselPes- 0 +.tide have Wi lnut adnd t:esewood Caskets; also @clang. of *rosy descrip- tion. A eo>saplete stook oboe mid Trimming, latestt styles of Chamber and Parlor Sgaits Lilktoe of f 'lrtaitura et the towestr*tei, e place --.Nearly oppoelte Kemp"e Tnbecem fltore, Masine:treat, Exeter. E 4o Roz PYa�ll� 11� Ot oo 0o Table. a B 14S 1 Altana sea Eirkkln,woceter. a,wee:bettie"and Eletalvtlla dt¢ a.hu,1500 phut . scuds,eastand woat,ineludingboradon.lianititon Toronto Montreal, e[anit obs,guitedStates,Englishandforeignmetla.,. ,... ... A.3Oa.tu.;tOOa«rra Sent], eastand went .., ,.• ...� .•• .•• ..• QiS p•rR.�+t''idfF t1 tut' North and ea ait.tteluditgGoderich, w ingha�ni, Kincardine and alipoiattnorth, strettopd,Torouto, )tortreal.and rastorrt dtetee... ,.. ..• IC,Otla,m;6�p a. tt 'a. (SAO p.m L. aS0 p, Irr. NOrtit Hal MO:iET ORDERS red and pafdenandfroman7sloe:lrOrderomceintlrel)omiuicnofCeiaacle,eirwatl3rttatnip iand,ttritisla Futile, 31e�efounolland,fiarroaii r. Auctriat.ltaly„ltwtralla and. the United States Pon 0177l g AAVINOSAANE. Deposits will ho reealved at this office from Otto 13154 Depoaltors obtaining tho Vesting'tt General's apodal permiselon can depoalt$l000. Deuoaitson S*vtnge Bank account reoeivedfro e,rn.to i p.m- General's Oft co hours f.on17,aaa,m.to7 Letteratntendeatfor registration must be y040415 rntnuteibetare the closing of oath mall, N l --It Is particalarr� rortuested that the senders of matter will kindly add the mates of lb aunties to the rtddtwatoa. D:aCTINS, Peetmaster, ITCHING PILES— SYMPTOMS AND CUBE The symptoms aro moisture, like perepir, • Minn, intens:itching increased by scratching; CVery' digressing, particular At night; seems as if pinworms were crawling in and about the irectnhn, the private parts aro sometimes af. feated. If allowed to continua very serious re- f aultatuny follow,, "SWAY`F :S OINTMENT" Iis a pleasant, sure cure. Also for. Tetter, Ich, Talk-Itltcnw, Scald -Head, Erysipelas, Barbers' Itele Blotches, all scaly -creat Skin Diseases,. Box, by mail, 50 Qts.; 3 far 51,25. Address, DR, SWAYNE ah SON, Phila., Pa. Sold by Drnggists. M)VICE TO i 1OTRER$. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest byaetckMind suffering and crying with path of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of `In8 wINSfATU S SOOTHING SYitt71"' ltxvaluo to luaalculable. It will ro-. Have the Poor little sufferer lmnloctiately. De- pend upon it mothers. there isne mistake about it. It cares dysentery and diatrheea, regulates rho stomaeh and' bowels, cures wind colic softenstho gums, reduces inflammation. and gives tone an .1 energy to the whole aystetn. Illus. NrisLOW's SOOTIxING S1•Erp ren CHILD- REN TaETar`o is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription. of one et the oldest and beat female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through- out the world, Price 25 cents a bottle, ' •1 ARNICA and OIL LINIMENT CURES ALL Pains and Aches AND 1S THE MOST PERFECT FAMILY MEDICINE in tho WORLD ! SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. PRICE, 25 AND 50 CANTS PER BOTTLE. prFOWLEA'S EXTRACTQFW1LQ CLIRES Lp CHOLERA INFANTUM D!/7RRHa-77, AND ALLSUMMER COMPLAINTS IJED kiYALL DERLERS. +its* I 4 , ko l Rhd a „ 1 l e- ,.,1I.In@{ 150 5ta.•ti V' le i '.u;ar.:Meserno +lu 44,, 4 . f. ,x'' „t t'. n Ellin l., -, t'$, 4,I rr,lrt rt,.Ntre ,'drl." Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, And every species of disease arising from Impure Blood, &c. &c. PREPAOI'D BY THK Climax Chemical Company MONTREAL. RE NSA,LL PORK PA OKING H OUSE �tiu , i til 7::Ia i,t'r.I t1P,�f;:li • Having' oonrmdiic0ia'bii I? leVs^filF'ilr'e • Fall and Winter . rade We areprepared t o purohase anyquantityof Pork ,subject to the foliowingregulatioits We will take off t wd pounds per hundred if dry, and three poundlf soft. Shotldertacit twenty.fi-re cents. If any of the 1 anggats are left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. Ngo proK willbe bodght at'a,ny -errbe it warm. Weyant all Hogs Cuttingright through,3 breast to 'o heal, and fitmrl,rened out to'tnif., AYER'S 3l0othei4erilM14lrl•ar ri: ., in their Stack oasts:00;tft:rt' tirr..tlr t . :':Bigg: rtQA4 so 1x140.1 a lk t t.l141'17' a c a ; uI asrTer, eso. T)te Oa ...,., Y. f , :� a .•l. nsulUng, perhaps from: st trig or yr.a..l.4-eious Ba. wfup;eCno1 51::1•Ut i.x e11tt1 y * eDfsrssknesA c , a vrtak tlie s fight with tkt cot �o ,; .1.. .. ,:::se3. Nn4 *bouldio '1t Cb1Wsti4r<;1;.unitdela&.. A T It a Congls [ ure4. • " Jrz1 1'1 i,sereCold, which WWteotsd• my i a > 1 v s, r;:ille eeucb *uslpasas4 moo. r ! , e a: it34aut sleep, a doctors gear tl t D' 1 rclietZ. 4, e4 D4 414 'k''*U Csasil151144y ] C - 'r 5I,0.14 slot a•l.d t, ldcd me t7re leoiteeee.uy $4,:-a t.o ;< of Icy strength. lay thesa eon, 1' the Rel. at 1.ermat• 1;a; . . r cured. 1.88% *OW tt' 1,';04 " ;,and .eau setas:•e4 3�cr Cn usr. 1 at. eared me. I1oi 1I sial, Xt., duly 15, rfsb (I.Inp' t# 1tletlrear'as Trlbnte, "• t t • rswutry halt irh;tcr Ivy liWo tri a !,11145 taken 1:116141, croupy, wotAt die fr.Mrr 0.rsmga. , .• fal,•:lg rugae :vp the. use r r PI:CTGRi1.. a bottle 9L F a •.. t.. pt 114 the !louse. This {a c. _ to • fee cue: t 154.080, jolt -1. la an haft *I p•..ar the ,« 5; • ,. 42.0 doe- - .T. bed . „ • rsrv," u 1^l, l*tl• "1 1 ,,-_^ . •t 4 • ,s ti 1143trRh% tt t .. 6 • - 4 *WI nosh 1 .. a t.. , n • • ' n .10 , e:IF1`tWFI n + .. c r • •,' '4,'1r 154 eta 44:4,' 4 ^ ..:t , .. ., 4,1 ;Ea ' 4 5;. to 45 • • e a f a Ct at"e. •! . + 1L#t 4 F ,1405 • -4' of au z f ' -t cf the tlarelat alt ltittqr scats a l . la e':.: , 1 : gr +!.► n;iared by tix toe of Avri.' 4 Rue i'r:l.T+rstti,i $ari at1,4104-01:.cueG ,:"4t3,e 41402.4tt, not 4.3re.43 t'c;••a :::,. t i .t,d (it t1:.idaGLe. e'hra a° ^ r•* -la tau Dr.3.C.Ay ar :Co., Lowell, Mos**. Sold by a:1 Druggists, WESLEYAN ES' COLLECIE, XWAaIILTON, CANADA, ' The oldeetand the hapset Ledka'CO3laaaa,,Y, F the Dominion. Thal over 1lo arraduates, Faoul a t 11 0,AQO, aundhas everlI 0 no bnilding rooms. Music hand Art apeetaltiea. Will re•opeu;on SSeptanh- bar S, *Adroit* the Prinefp►aoal. I A. BCYi"f 6, A, A.,1.Ia,D• II ;CUF1Es.__ H I~ i. A'1" ins hiS PREEMAWS WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own lar;:ativa. Is a safe, gum. and ctkeotlaaa skeervei of ►rot's iu. Children or Ldnite.. B?rdok BLoon BITTERS TO FaRntERs! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. NOAH FRIED, --OP THE Dashwood Flouring Mill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past liberal patronage given him, and since making im- provements, which is a large saving on fuel, will do --OH0PPINC— until farther notice, at the following --rates OATS, SIX CENTS PER BAG, And for all other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN GENTS PER BAG. TUESDAY, THURSDAY ce SATURDAY, Are my regular grinding days TERMS Strictly Cash. N: - B =]"lour' & Feed sold.at a close mar- gin.' Don't' forget' to' give us ;'ball •N0�.9► 'R.IED PLmT DaAhtvoodi Feb'y 7th,'584 zf