HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-8-14, Page 7The. Discovery of Luray.A Mae M kat. The faint sob of a violist conte steal - A correspondent of the Atlanta CO* na doyen the still corridor. 1'h ,woof tau vstere lore end how the party who Remenyl, the world-famous Hungarian sstitution to is its readers how the Case note came from the room of Edward made the discover* wile d • • .: • a 'chalet,. a "I ala matin;; the toilet of my vier the3h• r as ! de t }r Plf, - •spiv " s'lea? spa virtuoso. Iietnen- 011aitl a `e Ise stir 'air l' s sa ' hose's be center of the rairle) was impressed with the idea ' at ; oor, int dug the nstrttmeut' •"I al - there was it c•ayernous formation -,in ways make their toilets during the some of the hills that thrente ataottt the tdra " •its .continued. as he !aid his village, Why he thouglitso Only those etieek ic>irt:*it' writs fhce, and as them who know how thoroui^hly suoit_,a man of ret idly answered the 1u11nhc o£ his must study Nature and acelnaat t hit»- hand. *-Some places always *o before self with woodcraft's: n tinderatend. At• the people without looking after the any rate, he persuaded to hialvi.ews a wants of their violins, anti have to do local hunter named Campbell, and the all this while they are waiting. The two started out on ;a systenestie and uhlle don't care about heating such persistent search for a ]sole" in the kind of work; the want to heir the ground. music." ,,;or a long time thevwere unrewarded. • To tell the changes Abet came over • a une morning, taro ev er, tAev earue neon thegrand musician's face its • his bow a bowl like depression in the side of swept the striae's, 14 not in the power the mountain, from which they thought of rint Tetleier mister; sews and 1 • interesting Items, —Ea.Sheriff Oolbath and Mrs. Leatherman, while riding together ;n a buggy Friday night,. at Lima, 0,, were struck by an accommodation train and instantly killed. Buckle n's Arnica Satire, The Best Salve lax the world for Outs, Bride- s% .Bones, • ears. Salt Rheum, Fever Moores,, Tatter, Ohapped'liands, CJhilblains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively mires Piles, or uo payeeetaired. It is guaranteed to plies perfect eatnafsct1on, or money refunds; aU drug,, drice 2$ cents per box, For sale by ate. 18irWe will p�ayy 00 the�aab verreward for any ease of I,iveroomplaint, Dyspepsia, Sick hesda' ache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costive eogt we cannot curewith. West's Vegetable Lige Pills, waren the directions are striokiy:complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail toitive satisfaetisn. Seger coated. Lake mos, con a LW30 Villa, 25 cents. For dale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and L:nitationa., The Genuine morula$ d awls• by JOHN 0, wnsT e4 CO„ i,.The Pill mak- b tl a vague current of :lir was issuing. laughed in the me ody, and fright ere," 81 it 83 King street East Toronto, Out. They bean picking through the loose flashes of joy and sympathy carie sand Free trial paokagis sent by mail laxopaired on stone and sand that made the bottom event lige shallows on :t rnoun•`nin pools receipt of a three .eent stamp,. of the sink, and after going about ten feet', dropped through an'open cavity of indeterminate dimension. A. rope was tied around C:nrnpbeIi's hotly, and be went far enough to discover that the new-found cavern was vnM and seeas- urelcss. The hole was then carefully covered over and the discoverers, keep- ing their secret, sought ilia owner at but thio is the best. I have two I prize the land. On a shirt bargain they above any prier One is the Priueees deals, 17tki, aua the other l' this one, made Then they disclosed their secret, tie- by a son ofraneis I,upot, as ;mint •of mired help, and trestle :a thorough ex- Strmliaurom. and e'rngn:N., s. m 1818. It ploy ation of the Bale. Ttaisexploraation is ab�solutelt• perfi':•' in tvorkntanship, opeued up the weirdest, most plctur- beauty ;:ed` tone. Listen! You shall esque aur marvellous range of under- hepar h: +.ptak," Re?naenyi again eau ;ht ground seeuery, in rny• opinion, in the up his matchless violin, and there was world. I do not sec liow anything eau a well of sorrow like the cry of a child. surpiass it. For more than five miles He wasp asked if his violin was so sus•• at a beautiful, rat 4114 slowly and silken appearance, rs large enough to semi a stranger Isom it Several caeca of Toxaa fever aud pleura - Suddenly there was n. hush: The mass ON THIRTY DAYS' TATA tee bolted with dreamy eyes for a U10 Tura V°IMAM Barr Co.,'itarslrall,�.� „wil ment at his visitor, and then dashed 'send Da.Dyle erreeaseee ELEcrRel taste with apparent Violence, the magniti Thirsts ANo Er ezzuo Atrt,x,txcas on Waller cent instrument on the lied. thirty days to men tyoung or els) who are af- '•Thut is at wonderful instrument," tlicted with nervous debility, kat vitality he said with a happy laugh breaking, land kindred troubles, guaranteeing out. 'lI have .over thirty violins it nIJ , speedy and complete restoration of health and snarly vigor, Address as above, lv, B. --No milt is incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed, Speaker Carlisle, Cougrestennu Morrieou and several prominent iron miners and Manu. Wearers, will make a tour through Causal nepit month. For its soothing and grateful influence on the sealp, and for removal and perventien of Ifiaudruffstisy'er's Hair Vigor has no equal, It restores faded or ,trey hair to its original dark color, stimulates the growth of the hair, and grecs winding passages lead through vaulted "own to the touch that he could toli and flute( chambers beuelbt the land for $}'fit), len:! tint the grade byStradivtuthti, in Crenwntt, in nr 'r quarter a regiment, past pools of crystal ,,eater caught hi glistening, basins, through corridors of encliantia4 beauty into vast and silent cathedrals and be- yond archways to pass ruder which a child must bow its head ---all titled with. stalactites, knolls and columns, fash- ioned through the patient and ceaseless work of oenturiee upon centuries into the most strikingly singular resanehlau- cos and simiiituties that are startling. Nowhere is there at sigu of Life, •etxeept that in one huge e,hautber a solitary bat Butters in uncertain e rcles anlitlat the lofted tops of fluted columns. No other bat was seen there—and this one was 80 wizened and Wrinkled that he might have been distilled from the darkness and dungeon -like vapors of the cavern, ---the one blind and patched and chilled evolution, of a eycle of gloom and Si- lence. There iS one other sign of rife -the skeleton of a human being half embedded in the bottom Off a gorge. Ages ago this w:tn, of perhapsa, taus the memory of which -demi not exist, was doubtless lost in the esvat;n. Falling Into this chasm, sirutnliug against m ciamx nidus in the utter darkness, sand tilling the awful stillness with. his. dying cries, he died alone. And now holhueav crowds of a rave as strange to him as this tri:antoeus .with wh'i, h his last terrors peopled the biaeknt a of the cave a ttltie with Iran sflin spr•a ulat.on over los l esnee. and the te•et of children run trippingly over tilt: ways where he perished so helplessly. Ae soon as the railroad people became sat1 lied of the extent and beauty of the newly -discovered cave, they organized a company with a capital of $$100,000, and bought the cave Trete Mr. Camp- bell and the photographer. The price given was $40,000; but before it was paid over the former owner. of the land, who in his ignorance of the cave had sold it for$400, moved to set his sale aside on the ground of fraud. He con- tended that he had sold simply the top of the ground, and not what was under. The courts decided he was right, and ordered the $40,000 to be paid to hint and not to the discoverers. These lat- ter got nothing, and Campbell is now a uide for the company on a .salary. After paying $40.000 for the cave, the company built Luray Inn, a perfect model of a Swiss hotel, • at a Cost of $50,000, A charge of 51 is made for entrance -to the cave, anti last year 25.- 000 persons paid this fee. Excursions are run twice a• week, and brie,.: front 300 to 600 people on a train. "Indeed itis," wait the answer- "It tie umauiA•bas been discovered in Lancaster. Is so delicate that, 1. myself. only lake ME1tIT PROVEN. it by the reek ami bottom. Let a stranger touch it and it shows on the Dollar upon dollar is frequently spout on the faith f ^� surface anti affects the tone It is a a recomn endatiou for articaea cutirely trust wtnitle:r•fatl in;;trllnient,There are lure; you aro not asked to purchase it until i. all( latest the lat not mous than three :are anywhere near at- 44 4�+ 4 pat; a drug store and get a free trial bottle, nerd' equal to producing anything as good. ' ; if tit+t convinced it will euro you of the worst "When you Isla ; y-- forma of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, etc., no ' Alt. my dear frions1, I don't pia , I• matter of bow long (dandies, it costs you no. make tiae music from the violin. And'; thing. Hold in .10e. and ,f1 bottles. See tea-, `worthless. Not so with it£eeregota Speed, � • 1 INV.ALT.TABLE TO EVERY 1.,45..1:3"Y 'MAY DEW' • The Great hone Lotion for Beatifying the Face. ""•t,; I conceals theevidence of ase. One anvil,. cation win matte the most atayboruly red;aud rough hand# beautiful) • soft and white. Ire• member that Z*A C DEW'" Is not a paint or powder that Ala up the pores of the skin, and that is hilmolous to the skin but a new and great discover , a veget 440119,inch thateauses the cheek to glow with health, the ueck,ar; rye awl bands to rival the l ply is whiteness. Irr- uoseible to detest in the beauty it confers any artificial ebaraster. It cures Greasy Skin, Freckles, Wrinkle", 1'intpies, Bra.ek Sita+ti, Crow's Peet, Btotchea, Face Grubs, Sun Burn Tan, Itingworm,Chapped liauds, Sore or Chap ped I4pa, Bather's Itch, Tatter. &o. It frees the pores oil gland!:. ^ea tubes from the in'ur- 1ousefiecte of powders and cosmetic wit s. Jiy its use all redness and muchness are 'pre. vented ; It bea.rtities the skin, and will stake it soft, smooth and whits ; imparting a delicious softness ;.producing a perfectly healthy. nntar- al,enciyouthful appearance. The best face lotion that the world ever produced. V4 a will send" aLARo,E'no1 w.s"toany address onre- oeipt of prico, $t. When Ordering mention *hi paper. Address all letters to the MAT DEW AGENCY, 71 'Tounr-street, Toronto, Ont . Parlor and Reception Boom for Laaies. F 06D Brii11111111 ! �ovsz To the Front as. Usual 5,000 neikers ilk the knitted States, stud rte merits are woven Call at J, W. Brow Novelties in all Departments ,when I make the tousle 1 forget every- ? tiwuniahs from persons in your own town. The place to get everything you want one and everything. i NM :OA in my- NOTBAT) self and my violin speaks and sings to It is ao agreeable that ere.u an infant will t} me."« , take it. For coughs, colds. boarse'eua, croup at prices to suit the times. "It br.,,,ks in hn1'410 widen made by other than natural t ;rages. But na- ture's voids never interferes with tuu- sic.. It lifts it mi. I played once when altlo temperatures are proctraeed peri ds of the roar of Nt:tears eau ei+ be heard trial should seek this earliest opportunity of re. t ppIttinit, autos the beautiful bass wus a t xnovule ad obstacles to good health This lmekground that trade the concertsoue of the hest It was so once in Colora- do, where the surge of a river's torrent helped No wondeerfuliv,. Old Dr. Samuel Johnson knew what he was talking about when, in his dic- tionary, he put thus' definition: '•Net- work—anything reoticulated 1 r. decus- sated at equal distances, with inter- stices between the intersection." A solid man of Syracuse, probably the richest man in the city, married the guardian angel who had presided over the kitchen of Ms widowhood. Not long after her sudden promotion a talented sculptor was in Syracuse, and his services were in demand at the --' mansion. The new made lady wanted her form preserved in marble underher -own supervision. When the sculptor had completed his.work, Syracuse was on a grin. At the subject's direction he had carved. a bust of a woman with high beck -eon -1h and Jon,;' ealriri ;s, aall in ;garble and all gilded: ' .• in the well known clergyman North of England :emit tined recently, a brother clergyman from some dis- tance., The.eaening being unpropitious ire asked hind to refrain or She night. At dusk the clergyman asked his guest to step into the inane while he gave orders to have his conveyance ready in aide. morning. As the visitor entered 'the manse the clergy Ar sir's wife. mts- took lura in the dusk for her husband, and seizing the pu.pit bible which was ,on the lobby table, brought the full weight of it across bus shonide s, ex •claiming cmphaaticalEy, "Take that for. •asking the ugly wretch to stay all " .tre.y on aaimoyed hr env noise?" ' asthma and bronchitis. 13ayryard's Pectoral Belem is retable for young or old. • IIollonray'a Ointment anst Pills.—Counsel for the delicate. -loose to whom seasons of change. Tba Canadian Indian Policy, The good fruits of Canada's Iridian policy were shown in a striking way a week ago when a large body of red ;nen met to dedicate the council -house which the Missisaguas have erected on their reservation. The Missisaguas, who now number only 220 persons, own 2,000 acres of land divided into fifty -acre farms, and all tinder cultivation; they almost intolerable pain from Toothache, \*eur- have$2a'r00,000 in the government funds.n a church and a school, and algia, of Rains. like noose pre. To them such au have Thinking that their prosperity entitled instant relief as Fluid Lighthhpg is an untold cooling,0intesent, perser•viugiy rtrbbednpon the No vein, is the most reliable remedy for overoom- ire all diseases ofthothroat and chest. Quin - Fey, relaxed tonsils, sere throat, swolleelgiantis ordinary caterrelt, and broncitis, usnall pre. veiling at this season, may be arrested ns soon as discovered, and every symptom banished by Holloway's:simple and cff+etivc,treatment. This Oiutment and Pills are nighty ooxumend- ed for the facilityiwith which they successfully conquer influenza; they allay in an incredibly short time the distressing fever and teasing eoub, '1ghe Governor of .Arizona reports yellow fever epidemic in Guaymas. FLUID LIGH i KING. There are but few that have never suffered them to the eonyonfence of a council - house in which to transact their bus- iness, they erected a neat and comfort- able building, and asked their friends to help them dedicate it. About Moen hundred members of the Six Natio ns and Indian delegates from remote points were present. Song's, speeches, dances, the music of brass `wands and an abun- dant dinner made up the regular pro- gramme, and the afternoon caused with the formal adoption of the wife of Dr P. E. Jones, chief of the Missisaguas.— Mrs. Jones, is a white lady, and her husband, a regularly educated physician in irr time of trouble,. No dh bless g nesting of. fensive medicines to be taken for slays. One application of Fluid Lightning cures, Sold at J, W. l3rowning's Drug Store 1 THE FRUITS OF FOLLY. Eating green apples, cucumbers awl unripe fruits generally; may be so termed. Dr. Fow. lor's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures all Summer Complaints. Quarantine has beau established at Chyenne W. T., against cattle from infected districts. Ayer's Sarsarilla is designed for those who need a medicine to purify their blood, Luild them up, increase their appetite, and rejuv- enate their whole system. No other preparat- ion so well meets this rant.—It touches the is a gentleman of many accomplish- enact spot Its recordof for Sears is one cou- ments. She was received into the tribe latent triumph over dit.e•ese- under the name of Wabuttooqus, "Lady Mr. I-, Brown of Bothwell, declares that he VALUABLE FIND of the Morning " Token of Regard. • Wo believe in presents of all sorts— Christmas boxes. New Years's gifts, birthday presents, especially for child- ren and young people. Make them joice because they were born, and re- joice with them. It is well for children not only to receive presents but to make them. Gifts need not be costly to be very precious, and if they are chosen with reference to the tastes or needs of the recipient they have a double value. An excellent present for a child is a microscope, is cabinet of minerals, a historical ch-art.:a writing -desk, a tool - 'chest, a work -box. Any one of these gifts will be of lasting utility. some of them can be so shared with others that a whole family will be benefited by. them, as the chart, the cabinet, the mineralogical cabinets can be bought' for a small sem, microscopes are for sale at every price and .are of great valve to young:stnslents. IL ll. Tutts,''oi' remitted, Ore., like I)iog mss. lavers in a tub, only on a er ancleir scale than did the old:philoso- j1111% It is oblong, being ten feet long, six wide andfotrr,feet,deep. , This hab-. itation has as tirx CQ.vered rod and the. space between the top of the staves and the ceiling serves 'the double purpose of veutilatioo and light. A carpet is on the floor, )ictiires- on the walls, two chairs and a bed swinging hammock: fashion, occupy prominent ;positions. No woman is allowed around that tub.. Totts is a bachelor and takes his meals found one bottle Burdock Blood Bitters worth 11.500 to him.lt cured him of Slit Rheum from which he had suffered years After other ti eat- ment had failed to relieve.. ANSWER Tn.S QUESTION.—Why do SO many people we see around us,seem to prefer to sof ler nasi be made miserable by iudigestion,eon- stipaation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming up of the Poop, yellow sliiu, when for 75 cents, we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarante ed t- cure them, Sold by J. W. Browning, Exeter. E 0 wl WARNING, She most suddenly;fatal discuses of Summer and Fall are the various forms of Bowel Cnnx. plaints which Dr howler's .: extract of Wild So awber ry ill prt mp:]yretnedy. WHAT TO DO. If troubled with an unhealthy, mow -beating sore use McGregor & Parkes' Carbolic Cerate. You will find it invaluable for healing, el„ans- ing and completely removing your trouble If the Blond is out of order, take with it a few defies* ,of McGregor's Speedy Cure from J. W. I3l'u«11Irld'ss Drug Stere •• 1 STRONG ADJECTIVES, ” It sells ire Int nsly, In fact it liss the largest sale of any, limpet medicine" sa s J.'1'' Smith druggist; Di nuville, of De. bowlers -Wild Stemxl. .berry. The great remedyfordStrnairior 10enn-, plaints, 1tUSBAND AN]:) ,3VJi. •. Mr. James, Mere .and wife„we$ 'lcudwu in Leamington, were bolli cllydnre`siifferers frnin dyspepsia; that the best maedietii aaid':failed .tri relieve. Three bottles efBairdoek Blo)ad Bit- ters mired ,hottli hr sherd apt! ati`f�e; 4 J C i L 1 H TTw>a.•-/ •• s'o all Min cure snlrering from the errorsnnd indiseretioieEof yea th,nurvotis weakness, ,early decay,lossof lnanho od, ttc.,I wi�ll'serid 0 reoeire hmtwiiiauv. you ,GlEEROb' CHARGE nes' great roinedy was discovered by a Missionary in, bonth America Saud oself-addressed envelot .,� to the Tae% ' osnrrxT. isxr.0 . Stetiioxl»,Nc'w 1e+•rte City COME ONE, COME ALL. trouble to how Goods. JAMES PICKARD. AMMI RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS &OINTMENT THE PILLS° Purify the Bleed, correct all Disordera of the LIVER, STO1IACH, KTUNEYS, Air"DOW ELS. They Invigorate and restore to health Debilitettel C'nuStitutious, and are ievaltaablt• in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages, For children suit the aged they are pnicelt•s=t THE OINTMENT Is an iufallible remedy for Bad Legs, Batt Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores tied r;leers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DI30RDERS Or TIME CHEST IT NCI NO RtZt'AL. For Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Coughs, Collis, Glandelar Swellings, and all skin disease it has no rival ; And for contracted and stiff joints 1t actslike a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Tweets Hoi LowAr's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots. at is. Bldg 2s. 9d.. 4s. 6d., lis,, 22s., aid 33s. each. The 2s. Od. size coetnius three tinges the quantity of the is lid, size ; the 4s. 6d, size six ; the lis. size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to moll Box and Pot, and eau be laau in any language 1:3-- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. MIEN WILLIAM DREW `seer e� a nd ea and Cabinetmaker._ ..1" izz, 0 IT J.. ,ICD 9 ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSONa'S BANK