HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-8-14, Page 5WU SHE ,XILL4I1 RIX.. A Story of Italy, Traveling through Italy, a party of us stopped one misty summer day at the little town of Pisioja. Nest morning a storm kept us in doors. As I stood at the window, watching the torrents of rain, 1 saw a stream of people hurrying in one direction, despite the bad. weather. "Where are all those people going?" I asked the landlord. "Giulia Saviera is to be tried and sea - Next morning when 1 went. as I haat ireltmcoaxisoltTTOTHEsv 'IBB1N promised. to ask hint too with. me, li tonna him yet in bed, When I called ho slid not, answer, and on going nearer 1 found him dead, with a gaping wound in his neck and a bloody knife on the floor, Horrified, l` hurried to seek Giulia. and found her busy changing her clothes, but as I discovered bloo un her bands. 1 was frightened, and hastened to have her :arrested. I have nothing snore to tell, but I will shear' that Giulia is the murderer of my uu. fortunate brother'" His testimony did not seem to make the toast impression upon Giulia, for fenced to-day,"she preserved her marble quiet, a re- "Who int slier" pose in fearful contrast to herself. child - ""A young wife who murdered Iter ish features. !ler brown hands, which husband." were clasped. appeared so dainty and "How dreadful! Do you. think, ehe is small that I could not irnagipo bow she really guilty?could wield a murderous weepo>a, "Yes, without doubt she is," Still other witnesses testified, Woody Why did skits do it?" clothing wits recognized as belonging to “That is a mystery; but kis hoped l Giulia. rand the knife with which the that to -da; she will confess her reg• ° tnurtior w.w oolutuittad. as Giovanni'$ nous." property. There could be lin More "is it far from here to the court doubt. chili! 144(1 killed her hna)iand, room?" 1 could have sworn to that. Bat why 4'No—tlae next corner.. It might its- had aha done IV It was Impossible ntat (crest you t"1 go," As the tt (+grater would not allow us to visit points from which we expected tine Flews, We resolved to attend the trial. 'e 1i i n we entered the Dort- it n l t; room was crowded with noisy, gesticulating peopie, who became suddenly quiet upon seeing strangers. They readily mads' room for ns, se .that We gut seats done to the bars judge, witnesses, and calm officials. Before we were seated the hubbub reconsruenood. Lintas soon as a door at the left opened it was so sti11 that one could believe that all pros. eat held their breath. A moment later the accused was led in by one of the officials. Hor nun -like garb diad not hide the extraordinary beauty of her fact(,and figure. She was esidentlr very young—as we afterward Iearnetl," just fifteen year's old. Her facts was mile. her profile noble, and her iha"eks hair still a childish contour; but ti,,' full lips; were firmly compress. ed. 1Irr t'htef beauty was her abun• dant, cutliii hair, of the bronze red which is still °evasionally found in ser. taro parts of She w;isof medium size, last very slightly built. From our seats we could henr and see all the details of the e:multuttlon, While sato judge asked the preliminary quos - tions her glance was fixed an the floor, her pale countenance bore a calm. de- ternnned exltression, but no sign of ob- to laity the beautiful young creature. and I could not believe her to be the criminal, unless soros dreadful disgrace had befallen her. The judge now turned to the :moused: "Giulia, Saviera't4 wife, before the sentence is pronounced yon hove the right to ',ionise yourself, or, through a frank and sincere confossion, mitagato the decree, What have yon to say?" ""Nothing," cause clearly aril dia- tiuctly from the proud lips. "Do you acknowledge your elf gull. t; of this murder?" .,Yes.,, "Do you feelno reluorae over your shocking net?" For the first time she raised her ;lance, and showed two eyes in which a consuming lire burned. ""1)o you not wish the deed undone:?--• thtst youu had your husband oliva again? --and that you were not guilty of his death P" "No! if he still lived I would do the game thing again." She said this in a passionate tone, quite unlike her for. mor quiet. She was terrible, but un- spaakably beautiful to look upon, "Willon us what ytell l t rove cation you had for the murder, and iwhy you did it? Perhaps Giovanni tormented you with his jealousy. "Giovanni jealous!" and, shaking her bead, she laughed bitterly. stinaoy or malice. In happy days she 1' "Have you nothing to say that can j must have bean lovely, for her features soften your sentence." OW Los, ReSased. were soft and mild. She gave low but "'I do not wish any mitigation." s '"8rown'sl ou,seltoldPauaceielia no ;Knell orrelieviugpai1,bothiuterealand ezteinal Its ,adyespa1n in Mite Bide. back orbowela,'ore tbroat} ifheumatfsw, Tootpaobe.Lunab4Ao and anykindl k qt a painor Tobe. "' It will note surely quicken, the blood ud haat.at its aetinguower iP winder.- " onder fel, "`t p wn's Itous3hoid Panacea' beingaek-1 uowledged;utiegreat l'ainItelievex andofdon blethos ength of sny other Elixir or titimeut iuthoworld,uhoaldbainevery fautily'.taudy for use when waatedt oaf itreally is riga bestremody in the world for Grange hot tk,e Scomgeb 4n 1 ?eine a:pdAches of 941 kinds," and is for safobyI all Druggists at26cents bottle - $1000 Forfeit* liming the utmost confidence in it superi- ority over all others, and after thousands of tests of the most eemplieeted• and severest cases we could And, we feel jest ifts 1 in offering to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any ease of coughs, (wide, sore throat, influenza. hoarse- ness;; bronchitis, consuwptloa in its early stages, whooping sough, and all dlsea.ea of the throat earl lnngl, except Astbttla,far which we only olaiut relief. that we aan'e tore with West's Cough Syrup. when taken according to directions. Suturae bottles 2li and 50 Dents; large bottles one dotter. Genuine wrapponi only in Moe. field by all drugaiata, or sent by mail on receipt of pr'ce. JOHN C. WEST CO., $1 tk 83 Bins St. Beet, Tcrouto,Qplt. Keung lady, do not despair. Ds. B. Q. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment orifi euro Hysteria and all nervous troubles, $ooldat y, ,B;own;ng's Prig Store. 5 What every person ghoul dknow—The grand outlets of diseaaa, from tate evstem aro tile bowelsandthe kidneys. Jobnetun'w Serest" - ill* is the most ante, pleasant and effectual purifier of the ai stern known. Try ono bottle and he aonsiuceci. For sale at the Golden Mortac;J. W. Browning, prop. jy 26. but. Aa E ONNt.Y VEGETABLE CURE FOR laces of Appetite, .;4;,;,tia,l, Sour Stocr.:"1, Habitual Costiveness, Sick Headache and Biliousness, los, S.pmrb.it(s, Seibyau MANHOOD unhesitating answers to all his quo. "Will you not say when the thought tions. The complaint against her was as follows: Giulia, daughter of Matteo, tiecensed,had married six months previ- ously a youug shepherd named Giovan- ni Saviera. They had lived happily to. gether, had knownanydisa- greement, ell er no one of � sa- greolnent, when ono day Saviera was found in bed murdered. His throat! had been cut with a great knife which lay on the 'ground near the bed. Giulia was fount{with bloody hands and''', clothes. Sho made no resistance when they arlested her, but at the first exam- ination maintained an obstinate silence To -day different witnesses would be of murder first came to von?" "Only two days ago.'p "And until that time you loved. Gio- vanni?" A flaming rod spread over her face, and it seemed to me that tears shim- mered a c i hereyes. kfi ho is not so hard, I told myself; but a Moment later she was icy cold. "The sentence can be passed sonic days hence," the judge continued "Father Rinaldo shall talk with you; perhaps he can move you to greater candor, and bring something to light which may mitigate the decree." "I have saki all I have to say," was called, and they hoped to find an expla-1 the eold answer. nation of the awful deed. The judge sighed, and sorrowfully The mother of the accused appeared shook his gray head. as the first witness. She made her "Lead the prisoner back to her eel!," statement amid tears and sobs. At the he said to an official. "She has ae- first sound of her voice a shudder rain knowledled her guilt, the last hearing through Giulia's slight form- she lifted has taken place, the sentence can be her eyes but dropped them at once, and passed." was again cold and silent. As Giulia moved toward the door "Ola! what shall I say concerninit buy with more the bearing of a queen than unfortunate child!" 'lamented the moth- a criminal, her despairing mother er. "You, my lord, know, and elf rushed to her, threw herself at her feet, those assembled here, you who have and embracing her knees. cried: seen her grow up, played with her, and "0, Giulia, Giulia, my only child, danced at her wedding—all know that my sunshine, say but one word of con - she always lived in peace with us. Yes, solation before you go; say that you re - she was the happiness of our life, our pent, and heaven will pardon your ter - sunshine. Giovanni Saviors, was her rible act. Only tell something which only love—she had long loved him, and can be an excuse for you, which can the day that saw her in her bridal dress' lessen your guilt and my trouble, and 1 she called the happiest in her life. I will press you to my heart, for you :are have never heard them exchange un- still my beloved child. You must have kind words. Giulia was always " mild been craty, beside yourself -you did and good, although Giovanni some not know what you did! Oh, when you times showed unlimited greed and ava- were still' small and rested in my arms; rice. Oh, my lord judge, I cannot be- when you, a rosy girl, went with me to Have that she has done such an awful my work; when you stood a radiant deed. Men may disagree and one stab bride—how could I then foresee what I the other, but no young wife commits should live to see you? But whatever such a crime. Giulia, my child, say- you have done, I will pray for you. Olt, that you did not do it." if you would only case my anguish and But Giulia remained immovable, with downcast eyes. Several witnesses were heard; all agreed that the young couple had lived happily together. But why, .then, had she perpetrated this horrible deed? Giovanni's brother testified further: "Two nights before Giovanni was found murdered in bed I went home with him from the pasture. I had been up en the mountain for more than a week with my herd. Among other news of the village, Giovanni told me of two Englishmen who were passing some mays here. He intended, so be told me, to transact some business with one of them, but what sort of business he kept secret. When we reached the village Giulia came to meet us, and greeted us: gayly and cordially, She tack a, bundle show us that you are not so bard and cruel. Tell us, Giulia, tell us, why did you do it?" During the mother's entreaties Giulia softened, her bosom heaved, her eyelids rose and sank again, and her lips trem- bled. She drew her 'mother close to her, clasped her arms around her neck, and whispered the.words that, we alone could hear: > w "Mother, he sold mel" Then she fell swooning to the floor.- Argonaut. What Keeps Some. Americans Alive.. r a An American whose health is not good will assure you that if he can only pull through the summer he will get well in the- Bold, tonic air of winter. Somemouth hater he will assure you of wood from Giovanni's shoulder, and thht, if hi ; *till only pull through the said, laughingly, that it belonged to winter he `will get well in the fresh, her to share his burdens. She was en- balmy air of summer. Every time, too, tire's, herself, prattling as usual. She he willfully believe just what he says, had no evil thoughts then, I will swear to that. On the contrary, there was something constrained' and stiff in Giovanni's bearing toward her. sNext day I asked my brother how his busi- ness with the Englishman went. His face darkened, he muttered curses, and answered that the Englishman had gone. T laughed. at hi v., for I thought (tic struuger probably admired Giulia's beaut', and Giovanni's jealousy was the whole business. I did not see Giulia the whole clay, and Giovanni said she had driven the, herd, for they used to change places to relieve each other. and it is this continued expectation, based on whtat,, for the time ;being, seems sound reasoning that keeps hun- dreds of thousands of overworked Americans alive long after invalids of less sanguine temperaments have sunk into the grave.—Plailadelp/aia News. A man lives a few miles above Ath- ens, Ga., who eats in One county, sleeps in another; smokes when sitting upon his piazza in a third, :and has built his barn in a fourth. He lives where four counties corner. Walleye recently nublishoda new edition a' DR. CULVEBW LL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY, onthe radlcalauitperm anon tcure (without me dioiuo)of 1 arvouslaobility,5ieutal and physical Inc -opacity Impediments to Afarilige,etc., re. SAMOA from o[ce148o7". Price,in sealed euv olope,ouly 6 cents, or two posture stamps. The celebrate dauthor ofthis adniirablcessay olearlydemoestratos,frem thirty years' success- ful prnctice, uccess-fulppractico, thatalarxinsect/sequences may be radically cured withouttho dangerous nseot in ternalmedietnesor the use of the knife; Point - out ainode ()Score at once simple certain and et- factoal,by moue of which every sufferer,lnomat- terwbathts condition may ba,may eurehimsolf eh aapty,prh•ateiv and radically. *."Thi lecture should beinthe handset every youth and every matin iu the land. Address THE 0ULV1:RWELL MEDIOAL•Oo 41 ANN T.,Imw TORE Poet Witco Box 450 FIVE DOLLAR SEWING MACHINE THE PARRY SEWING MACHINE. Although tbie Sowing blseliino is offered at the unheard of and ridiculous low price of 55. it must not be supposed that it is a toy. It 'will do the work of any EMT DOLLAE 3rAcazr:r•., and do it as well Itis constructed upon now and scientificprinei- pies and is simple in construction, easier worked and leas liable toot out of order than any ma - chino in the world It makes the same stitch as the leadine machines iu the United Status The principle of construction is entirely new, and covered by broad patents Having secured this maehine,webave decided to put the price =GET nowt ro izAzan PA.: for n short time only, well knowing that oyorylady will want ono run di- rections with each machin e Agents Wanted ANGELO ART CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN. REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! THE GENERAL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present is where can they get the best Bread, but this matter can be settled to the entire satisfaction of, the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling on JOI-IN 23ZLL, the oldestarlehel and reliable bakery, where they tit in find just what they want. A Superior quay of Bread always on Hand Also,a first•olass. stook of Buscurrs, Buss, CARES & doNn70TioNs.nY, whichwill be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- ness, and sold, out, andleft the place, Mr. Bell has been found at his post, during the past eight years, ready to attend to the wants of the Public. GROCERIES.. Owing to increasing business, IYIr. Bell ha found it necessary to remove to more corn; modious premises, and has added iargely to hie stool. of Groceries, and will 'keep on hand Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, unci_ everY thing, usually found in a first-class Grocery Store, Do not fall to examine our stock before 1Jill'Chanllla e .GOLDEN; R" E D'D1,r aebeetprapaia!ionknown. to eienceforbeautifringthe COMPLEXION.., QR:I6 SINGLir. APPLICATION is warranted to Beautify the Face and gave to the Eadedor Sallow Com- plexion a. Perfectly 11"ealib . NaniraL and Youthful Apps ce. It neeala res Crow'at [rest, glad Ev of Age, leaving the IUM Soft., 60esa ta. to any tiiMleelt, rootage on. Address a letters to 0' OR, Rimer 2.070, Tom% P.O. for it. Wholesale by all whole, TIMES u tfii 1st J a ass But (1011k BLOOD BITTERS Curti; Dizzln s$, Zeesuf,Appeti#(',1"n .dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affeetiatsq fl £'imps .3totclies, J3aile, Hunters, w* Rrysipelem ante «fl .diseases arising .Deranged Sfonuicls, or irrc tf ar' atct BISSETT EROS. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hard,warr Spades, Hoes, Pocks, Scythes, Barb wire and steel trip fencings. CHEAP 8T BISSETT BROS. i1111 AD PirK1io GENERAL DEALERS STAPLE --AN7�- ---FANCY DRY - G-OODS READY—=== `MADE— CLOTH=NG Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes GENTS' FURNISHINGS, 11111111:11.y SND IIIITEE z GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS, ETC., ETC., Full Lines ice. all Departments. Au l hide of J3'arxn Produce tal;,. where, as you will i nd: 00es correct and Goods fiirst cl en in exchange for "GtOods, REMEMBER TEE STAND t—Southcott's Block, Four doors North Post Office, JOHN BELL, "rourie tor. Inspection Invited: SA:W LL & PICKARD