HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-8-14, Page 4the peter rims.
IrURRSDA, AUGUST 14, 11384,
We have been wondering what the
Grits propose to demonstrate -about
in Toronto on Motrat"a arrival from
Ruglaud. What hoe Mr. liEowat ao-
oompliehed worthy of a dewuustra.
tion ? The bcundary else now stands
in this position ; -
For years the Conservative party,
beaded by Sir John A. Macdonald,
havo contended thut tl+e proper course
was a reference of the case to the
Privy Council. It was proposed by
Sir John's Government to blowat's
Government, but refused. in .[arch,
18'62, lir. Meredith moved a resclu-
boll in the Looat House, asking for
swill reference. Mowat and his fel-
lowers voted it down. After tea div-
gra;.eful farce at Rat Portage hail
played rte part, :lttereey•Czt*uer:rl
Miller, et Matnitoba, takes a haud, in
the game and cowoels Mowat to
agree to the reit,rence. Mowat al.
ways contended tlUat Ontario extend-
ed much farther west than stated by
the arbitrators, but, according to the
t.i'fobc of the 8th inst., he cawtinily
withdrew that claim, "becausothe
judges seemed entirely fuer to that
view," This was gallant and heroic(
conduct surely---abaudouing Ontario's
rights through fear. Then the com-
mittee of the Privy Council has not
gtveu a decision. The colutnitte tote
that they will make a report to Iter
Majesty as to the boundary beIWeeu
Ontario Mild Manitoba ; —nothing
MOM ; and that Her Majesty cttu
accept oc reject that report as she is
advised. So the question iv still on.
settled. The report is nob nude, and
when it is wade, bas to be accepted
or otherwise. And the report (so say
the committee) will not touch on or
fix the northern boundary of Ontario.
Who's going to fix that ? And sup,
pose Ontario eventually gets the dire
puled territory, who is going to 1•a
soup lite Dominion for money ex -
vended in extinguishing the Indian
and Hudson Bay title to the country ?
All the provinces alike e3ntribotted
funds for the extinction of claims,
The only point in the whole centro•
vera fixed is that the Privy Council
.state that they will report to Her
Majesty that the western bounctary of
Ontario should. in their eeti'anation,
be fixed at the north -:test :Jangle of
the Lake of the Woods. And this
small point fills the Grits of: Ontario
with howling joy. Not a rsord ae to
the territory Ontario loft through
Movent's backing down o;t his claim ;
not a word. of praise for the men who
counselled and compelled Mowat to
refer to the Privy Council and thou
gain this coveted point for Ontario.
What the Grits see in the history and
present mired of th.e case whereon to
base a demoni,trsltion to Mowat is
Lard to find. Wocldu't it be well rot
to hallo till they are out of the woods,
and when they get out, to hallo for
the men who carried the torch fcr
them ? We advise the Grits not to
make themselves ridlculonsbyill-tiroed
and unmerited demonstrations.
BELOW will be found the numbe.f of
signatures by municipalities on the
petition for the submission of the
Scott Act in Huron County. The
number of names appended to the
petition is 5,000. There are some
16,000 names on the voters' lists of
the county, but the average vote
polled is not higher than 10,500 or
11,000, owing to names appearing on
lists more than once, absentees, etc.
It is not possible that the entire vote
will exceed 10,000, therefore the tem-
perance advocates feel confident that
the Act will pass in this oonnty. It
is said that parties who refused to
sign the petition have pledged them-
se1ves to vote for the act if submitted:
Name of Municipality - No. of
i Ashfield . , , . , , ., 94
West Wawanosh 165
Hast Wawanosh 253
Morris 326
Grey.. ..... ........ ..... . . 310
Turnberry 193
.HowiOII:... 399
McKillop 272
'Nutlet 355
Colborne 242
Goderich Township 314
.Stanley. 187
Hay 170
Stephen , 389
Unborn 255
Tuckersmith 180
Goderieh Town 227
Clinton 175
Seaforth 116
Wingham ,,, 126
,'Brussels , 97
Dr. Price's Gream Bak-
Powder and Fia-
TJrited Stats Governrnent
The first conditions of healthfulness
are secured when care is taken in
selecting the articles which enter into
our daily bread.
Let all the articles used be as pure
and wholesome as
Di!,� ries Cron Bakinl
And Spacial Flavoring Extracts of
ORANGE , all the helth of tiie
family will not suffer
Consider the health first. This is true
TEE London Aefrertiser Bays that;
present hard times whish prevail
United States are caused b
the loss to that country of h47,506,•'
784, by the failure of crepe fast year,
The Tiser and all other Mundial* �otico le hrrelil ivcn That a notice nddree.
]reform free trade journate forget to ,setts th 1I 41 t1 E t fats
C ll lnt;as 111 it. t �, „cuig a nett ,ono cora n
• electors of the County of limon, addressed
1 , e On01'n i e lb cote arse to
r ttribrle the present i t C fortum:s la , mbed l t' r t t
ria n crape tart y0$'i, to his ilxc,lloncv tiro CovFrn0 -( eneral or
but for political purposes lay all the C u�taila iu 4oil:lcil, it a; ing that }its klxcrllen-
blame on the Government aid the «eel 11 t rel
National Policy. l,ts a howl, and
da to a fa•
ilure 1
Urlht he )'1,:,st,l by ill:16 Council to
are that Oar, Second cart ,f "' t Ganndti
."emperance3ct••-1878"E,all be In force and
take effect in the said Con e 1
— - —.r met the said petitioners are desirous that the
SCOtt'S E11tlttsion. of Yore t'et.e.i of alt the ok•etorsor th0 R„(d County be
trkeu for alidaoaiurtthc adoption. of rho said
Cod Liver Oil, with Ilypophospllltes, petition will he ,repo: itcd is the o:aleo of tl,e
Sheriff of the County of Moven, In the Court
.For Pulmonary Tronbiei, House, in `he Town of Goderieh, on the Moth
T, J. McPALL, M. D„ Andernen, R. (.,, day of Anglia, (A, P )11,314, and dint the snake
says: "1 consider Scott's l.mulsiou rnio of trt11 remain therein for the speed of text days
Pill- tl'en.iter forpuhiic g"ial untfon Ly any ), tr-
thobest preparations in tett. market for 1 nl' tit;, ir0recdillg its beinC laid before tha Iiou-
111a,11ary Troubles. X have used it in my erabte the Secretary of State.
practice since 1876, and ani well satisfied I).1i.WILSON,
with it.” 1'rt•s.Iluren St att Act .1.s.sociitiou.
AN EDITORS TRIBUTE. Dated ]fated this 1st day of August.Il:E4,
Theron P. Keatoraiditor of Ft.1Vayneand.
„Gazette," writes; "For the past five years
have always used Der. King's New Discovery,
for Coughs of most revere eharacter,as well as M
for those of a mild er type. It never fails to
effect a speedy cure. My friends to whom I
have recommended itepeak of it in same high
terms. Having been cured 11y it of every
cough I have iladlor five years, 1 consider it
the onlyreliable rand sure cure for Cun<'hw, •-
colds etc," Call at C. Lutz's Drug Store a and
�A Z L ABZ�i ^--
get a Free Trial Bottle. Large size 31.00 2
At Simcoe la it week the ptintvis F1aiin Property -
beat the haruer:smatters at base ball. ti
Score, 74 to 66! I - IN T1IT:,--
orLgage Sale
J. A. Tawny, Esq., a, leading attorney of
Winona, Minn.. writes: "After using it for
more than three years, I take great pleasure
in stating that I regard Dr. King's New Dis-
covery for Consumption, as the best remedy
in the world for Coughs and Colds. It had
never failed to euro the most severe colds I
have had. and invariable relieves the pain in
the chest." Trial bottles of this sure cute
for all Throat and Lung Diseases may be had
Free at C Lutz's Drag Store, Large size,
00. 1
(Corrected at5 o'clockp.m. Wednesday.)
WhiteWh¢a 1 ... ... 1 05 to 1 Go
lied ... ... ... 1 01 to 1 O6
White Wheat New ... ... ... 0 00 to 102
Red Wheat Now ... ... .. 0 00 to 1 00
Rife (new) ... ._1 05 to 1 70
Barley ... ... ... 050 to050
OLts0 05 to 0 35
Clover Seed ... ... .. ... 7 00 to 7 40
Timothy ... 1 25 to 2 00
PeasGS toU70
Corn ... ... ... ... 0 60 to 0 05
Eggs ... ..• 014to814
Butter , ... ... G 16 to 0 36
Flour perbbl. ... ... - 6 00 to 5 501
Potatoes,per bag ... ... .. 0 55 to 0 CO.
Apples,perbag ... .. . 0,70 to 0 75
DriedApplespr b ... ... .- 0`06 to 0 08
Geese per ib. ... ... .. 0 05 to 0 06
Turkey per lb ... ••0 O7 to 0 08
Ducks per pr ... 0 50 to 0 05
Chickens per pr «.. 0 25 to 0 37
Hogs,dressedper100 7 00 to 7 50
Beef ..., 00 to 6 00
Hidesrouhg, .... ... . 5 00 to 6 00
dmissed .. ... ... .. 6 50 to 6 75
Sheepskilie,eac11 .. .. ... 0 90 tor1 oq
Oalfskins , 0 50 to 0 70
Wool per lb ... ... .. ", 0 ]8 to 0 £0
... ... 800 to 0x00
Onions per
h . 080000,
b0 toe 75
Woo per cord ,,, .,, 3 GO to 3 50
TIME, ITS VAL.,(7......--.....‘E.
U E.
To -day ours, why should we care ?
To -day is ours, why should we fear 7
To -day is ours, why should we/sorrow 7 -
For the gods belong tomorrow'.
Therefore for today, chew Gol'dCoin Tob-
aeco is the best. / i
Blyth 58 Every bottle of Arzlioa & OilLiniment bold
Wroxeter .....,• . , , .. 38 is warranted by the proprietors to give adds -
Exeter 134 faction or money will be refunded.
Bayfield . ,. , „ , • • • • , . • • .. ,,17 Survival of the fitest. Down's Elixir :has
Total, 5000. 4pt(liyed every other cough ` remedy sinhply
ecause it is the best.
!Township of Usborne.
n Power of Sale contained in a certain
Indenture of Mortgage, ,fated 2nd August,
A D„ 1870, made by Elizabeth Bell, lfind
liam Bell, default having been made in the
payment thereof, there will:be sold, by
1 At the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, in the VIL-
A uctioneer, on
FRIDAY 15th day of AUGUST 1884
1. At 3 0 elocic p. m., subject to such conditions
( as shall then be prcduced, the.followrng valu-
i able Property, whish will bo put up is two
separate Parcels, viz :
PARCEL 1.—All and singuler that certain
t Parcel or Tract of Land and Premises. situ-
,• to lying and being in the Township of Us-
borne, in the County of Enron, and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement
33 ACRES, more o+-less,being composed of
the^IVestexly half of it part of Lot number
31, in the'Sth Concession of the said Town-
ship of "(Johnnie, containing GG ACRES, more
or less, which said part maybe described as
all that part of the s id Lot lying Westerly
of the 70 Acres thereof heretofore sold and
conveyed to William Boll, excepting 25 acres
off the South West corner thereof, described
fl'Uhi IAlii!
Every Lady its the Oo'ntr5
—CONE A\'D Si E OT'R- --
Wool :Shawls !
Qrcal Barga�a
We have just &Captured over
Ten Dozens, which we offez
at Startling Prices.
New c BeautiIu1 Goods
All the Ladies wear them.
Comfort as well as style.
Needed every evening.
Cheap Goods for the people.
Now is the time to buy.
Rautoll Bros, is the place
All the Ladies come.
A pleasure to show Goods.
Money saved by
buying from las.
• R elnember our great exten-
sion. Sale,.
The people delighted with the
prices at
sonausam DOWNS' ELIXIR
Ilas sto id the est for Fir iv -ill la:
Y1:Als, and lir,; l rovtd itself t.he haat
ss remedy l;n, an Pr tic: c: r •('
o Carts t h �; ; i ; Ot-x2a;,c;,
_il CoIds1 W' hcop,, Jai. i7 T
and a!!E.u1]a 1. rx. -,ii '1
yours* "r o1,1 S 11:1 t
re.co 25e. :al Bitt:ti,
iiiikszaism LA), • . ' t L(?.Ite 12 iereueeetr=
For., Sale.
A well finishedaudconvenient DwellingHouso
and Lot oz] urou Street, East of Alain street
For particulars apply to
Solicitor &c,
1V.ik.N1E� wAGE`'T8
-to sIoilT
New & Superior Canada Maps 84 Charts
As paying as any agency in the world. For
full particulars, ;free. address, U. C. Traisasue,
Map Publisher 388Bichmond-at.,Loudou.0ut,
Seegmiller Plows.
Having tleoilled to close his present stook of
'elle above plows, will ecll
FOR i3 CASH, and 514 ON TM
The plow can be seen at the building oppos
ate Bawdens warble shop. (A few door
south of the market.)
Points and repairs always kept in stook.
Parties illteniting ulaltitlg a ptrellase will do
well to call early.
April 10, S. POW'FELL.
ARMNRS, THl1BSIIBItS, ANA)titin men will say e ulcus,•, 81131 save their
Maohllmry by using /sardine..
Has boon ytatorioue at all the laadiug: exhibi
bona and induatrial fails, since 1878, cerryiitself
first prizes and inedalsin every instance. IG
luta now no equal as a lubricator, and will out-
wear lard, seal or castor oil, and warraatod not
to slog or gum the/Meat luachiaery You will
Nava Moll by using this O11. Try it and you
willtestity Hsi favor. Beware at imitation.
-MA;:CFACTCiir,A e$la AY
MCcoll Eros. to Co., Toronto.
sALi:, JY--
BISSrT'i' BROS., Exeter ;
J. BILB1' R & SOFT, Crediton ;
\IcDONELL te W'A[IGH, Holman,
The Marriae Lasting Mass
For Eery Married Couple,
While it will hint no single man or woman
to read thin peculiar book, yet to all who for
the Ant time enter the marrkd stats it Ie
simply aNE•:L;I:SSITY. The* must havo tt
nor can, the contents be given here, but it
enough to say the book contains all the sec
reterelating to newly a,arricacouples. Others
who ordarit will have to bear the consequenu
c05,6e itis only intended, for those who frisk
to know how to act after the knot is tied.
+very alien caliph, should have it, and as it
costs o:.iyapaltry 25 cents, or 3 for 50 cts.
Everyone eau Have itbyreu'ittaig stamps or
silver and this slip to
AW K72 N EI, Yarmouth,
Nova Bootie
Cleariiig Sale
Book's Old, Steal&
(2 Don north of Post Oflice)
Butter and Eggs Wanted
In Exchange for GOWN.
We are selling Goods at Wholesale Pricey.
A. nice assortment of Dross Goods, heady -
made Clothing, Sugars, Teas, Currants and
Raisins, at a reduction of 25 per cent. on
former prices ; Cashmeres 25 .to 50e., Prints
5 to 10c., Nuns Veiling 15 to 20e ; all shades
in Figured I3untings 10 to 120.; Kid Gloves
for 75c. worth 1S1,25 ; Parasols, 25c to §1
Children's Hose 5 to 10e; Men's Stiff Felt
Hats, 75e: Soft, 500. up ; Overcoats, ,§4, $6
and $7 ; Tweed Suit $6.50 ; Coat li3 ; Pants
42 ; Tweed from 50 to 75e; Boots and Shoes
at very low prices.
(Patented in Canada, July 13,1863,)
Mr. C. Rau wishes to inform the inhabi
tants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has sole
right of this washer for Huron County, and
also that Le has appointed Mr. Robt. Pickard
agent for Exeter, and any person wishing tc
see the Machine, will please call at the Exeter
Tea Store. It was thoroughly tested, and itE
merits approved before the patent was ap •
plied f or. It has since been placed .in com-
petition with a great many washes s of note,thu
nor stakehecEst theSouth
ethence and in every instance proved its superiority,
North Eighty Rods ;thence West Fitty Rods It is, without a doubt, the most perfect in
thence South Eighty Rods to the place of action ever invented ; the improvenients' are
beginning. prominent and well defined ; they ars not
PARCEL 2.—Also that part of the said Lot imitations with a slight change of parts of
t h
rmxng e South West Corner;,thereof, eon -
taming 25 Acres and described as follows
Commencing atthe South West' Corner Stake,
thence East Fifty clods; thence North Eighty
Rods ; thence West Fifty )rods; thence South
Eighty Rods to tha place of beginning,
TITLE. The Title to the First mentioned
Parcel is perfect, but is subjectto the following
cbeiges,viz :—Legacies to the amount of $800,
and Interest under the Will of the late Robert
Bell. The Title t o the Second mentioned Par-
cel is also perfect,' except that an undivided
one halt Estate or Interest therein of Rol eft
Bell in remainder after the life Estate of his
mother Elizabeth Bell is outstanding, and not
inolnded in the mortgage.
There is a good 1f Story Brick House ; Also a
good Frame Baro, Frame Stable aed other
erections, together with a young orchard in full
bearing, on Parcell Number 2.
The Laud is of good quality and well sitnat
ed, being about5lmiles from Exeter, and ]l
miles from a Post Office and Sahooi House.
Further particulars maybe obtained on appli
nation to -
Vendor's Solicitor,
Dated 24th July. 1884. Exeter
some old played out patents, such as •:the
public are often fleeced with by Patent Right
sharks, but they compose an original and
genuine invention, containing distinctive
features, Which are fully set forth and claim-
ed in a legal patent that will keep infringers
ata distance.
Few Reasons why the 'Invincible' is Best
1st. Only one-quarter the amount of soap
used as with other machines.
2ud. Only one-fourth the fuel.
3rd, No labos in comparison' with th
4th. No wear and tear, as steam and soap
are the prircipai agents.
5th. It requires only one-fourth the time
to do a washing.
6th. The house is not in an uproar with
slope, washtubs, pots and pans, at least one
day out of each week -
C. RAU, R. PICKARD, Agent,
Crediton. Exeter.
A. full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
band. Winan:'s
the best
in the mark
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central Dritg Store Exeter