The Exeter Times, 1884-8-14, Page 1.,t • wommunrimareprormeommommmor "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE OHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." o. 48, EXEreilt,, ONT., THUBSDAY 1VM©BNING , ATTGUST 14 1884, Feived�-�- --SOaIETIiING VERY FINE IN - OH.00Q7 &TES and 0000A, bi4eTE SON Pua1r and Proprietor*. 1 congregation, Nwcisee • Letouraeau, be better than for many years. It possible, destroyed aiid for no cause treceived so severe and Gudden a fright will be folly ripe about the middle of witetever,jtbere mould be ylgitanoe y -iousuce ganzed to care for the sinceat hreturned. leftis reason Thet m+elrtberle of bis the present. weather the and bait not the month, and with a onfualit wiil laws a mar a ter6 Herts cf course, family, feernig for their oonpnon safe• at least equal that et the fall wheat, we follrtrr a Metter eacaulllie: 9e tat All kinitls of FRUITS, ORANGES, LEMONS, FIGS, BATES, BANANA. ty, have sent hint• to Ottawa to be The following table gives thee Sees! the outrages continue in the hope examined by s 1euia.liote a•1 to the ne- and produotiou of the Grope of this that public opinion wi',1 ultimately ciesity of inearceretxng hitt in a lu• year and last year, toe production of compel respect (r private rights end natio asylum, g p beiug p p y g at even the y the present harvest bein based on public deoens3 , and that A splendid opportunity for dein the estimates of 1,160 oorres ondents •rdaurantine aoveriti which seows to Widower ie presented to the trait for 1884 ,--Fell wheat, 864,961 acres ren (tertian jeernahnte iwpergiaus robbing fraternity through the Grand 17,498,356 bushel* ; *maim wbeitt, to ordinary oritielem will not allow of Trunk railway forcing its basrgegemen 729,682 rarer, 18,224,841 buvhele-- uni,uterupted violation of the laws total, 1„585,598 scree, 80,682,697 and uauisges of civilized society, bushels. In 1888: --Fall wheat,++-+ 1,091,467 acres, 11„687,8759 ,bushels ; Sporting Brevities. 1Gl(ATj. W. HALL, BARRISTERALLITMetc ;Qt1Ree lu aaslu.wetroluleok, Exeter, DENTAL, 11 11NSM Cteitaaian. A vote will be taken in. Halton is Septetnbrnr to determine whether the Scott Act shall be repealed or mate- to sot as brakeameu. l3aggaga top taine(i, are responsible for the multi boxes, Wagon, the manaceuee4 of brutally valises, duos in their care, and they outraging a little girl named Crow at eauuot Attend to the braise and look j epriyg wheat, 586,410 armee, 9,726,* tautto)1, of the Boston (;tub, was the 1'arharn a month ago has beep, ar. after the valuables at the sante tsulo. 068 bushels—total, 11677,877 acres, first lea>riae fman to make his hundred- reared at Kingston, He denies All It le now vera easy for a person an 2,182,992 bushels, Tbo Lad harvest rix base hit. knowledge of the affair. rho lookout for uhanoes to steal, to and o d while the baggage.tten 31 tthe brakes ease the car, and, after irecuriug i of toe one (imp and the increased area something of value, leap ont of one of of the ruler this veer. the aide doors, Ou the other Baud a ..*..L,' baggageivan eau not get near the Not Fur From. Comte. brakes if he has a oar full of trunks ,". e DENTIST. 1, D. A. frame house at 1Vetvuxarll:et,Oot,, rho board l; train, WAS but•nod to the ground Saturday man is a iiasremos afternoon about 4 o'clook. Tures ea to Port- children were fouud looked up iu a oiuoo131ook. room, but were happily got out iu Teeth ex- timd. The adjoing buildings were Eractedwitil out paiu. saved by ttie fere brigade. Another silk factory ie mooted to be and outer luggage. The a1'outreel erected at Beaullaruoia, It etete:l apers hotly denounce this evaelon of that the town has offered Mr. J. A. the IA.w, which requires two brakes. Corriveau, the introducer of silk mon to be planed o:t encli train. rnanufaetu*e into Cana ° da,bonus of —"'�" ''"*"�` ALx.I.Garinag'artore, Exeter $18,000, site for a mill, and water- - power free. as au inducement to start T W. 131tOWNIlvNG M. D., M. 0 a new factory. • P.:1,OrnduatoVictoriulrzaiverait • Otho audrosidence, Dom:ruler14ebonite* v.Exeter. We. btetheul puraliteed a pair ot fowl at the Kingston market on Sat - J E. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. J. S utility. The foul wore roasted, and O. qui y, Datta fit, xeter,Out. Residence Act likiu their a earan°a they were huueerecentl occupied byP. McPhilli )a Ea g pp y thrown ou'. Two cats that ate the chickens have died of poison. Au inyeetigation will be held. Ou Saturney afternoon Eddie Lee, a boy outplayed to Lewis' butcher ehop, sorter of Sing and Berkley eta,, Toronto, while nailing' a piece of scantling to the wall, slipped and toll. Hie arm Delight on a largo hook end be was snap nded tor several minntes. choler:,, in the provluoe of Turin and The wound billeted was iv very clan. three in the provtnoe of Genoa the gerous one, t past two days. The little village of North .Augusta TottLON, Ang .t:1. --Three deaths was the scene of a most fiendish ant from cholera last night. The heat on the evening of Friday last. A. man hap increased the severity of the at - named Pal rick Ludlow visited the 1 teaks. house of A. Bratfort on Friday even- ALRxANDRLt, Aug 11. -The steam- ing last and enquired of his wife if her ship D'Jiuuab, from Marseilles for husband WAS in. On being informed China, has bad a death from oholera that he was in the field he at once aboard. She has been refused tran- caught the woman around the waist, sit through the Suez Canal and will dragged her into the bedroom and be q'ieritutined. �-Ob. HUDSON, 00.11 hISSIONER there outraged her. He was arrested Remit, Aug 11.—There has, siuce in the Court of Common Pleas—lleeris,� and On Saturday sent to Brockville bast rt'llort been 0110 deitth from chat \yips, Mortgages I cases,nnil ell forms of agree- meets,liawnntid et,.eutet1,teeording to law, by the police nlagisttate to stand his era each at Montinott.e, iillnlleoian0, 0VPIOL'—In the Centennial ;latelllloel(,1ien- cud O:tssio; two a$ PdnCAliet'l; three sail, Ontario, 1 ONLY TO LOAN AP' 6 ANI) 6t at Castelnuro. MARSEILLES, Aug 11. --Three deaths 1. e per cont, 04, LOAN to terms, Private , from cholera last night. F11uS- Apply to 11• V.ELLTOT, Octot7er15,'Q3 S.'lieitor, Exeter [ R RYNDIMAN.—CORONERFOR titoC,ountyotHuron,, tsmce, opposite to of fall wheat tact year and the cora- Fred ?,reby the celebrated Euglielx' pitretively good harvest of spring jockey, is 27 year oil, and iv7 said to wheat aceaunt for the decreased area t be worth. $500,000. Herbert Slade, the 1JugICiat, who could not (lo up Sullivan, rune it play houee at Saortuelntu, Cal, Mr. Alfred Lyttletoll. the beat aux• Aisne Condensed ateur wicket keeper in England, lots Charles Noble, a shoemake, of seven brothers, all of thein ix rat alas;. Eingabrid'ge, county Haran, Attempt- players. ed to commit (suicide on Wednesday John S.;:t'rince, the chituipiou bi°ys of last weals. , LUTZ, 1t 1. D., • Omcoat lair residence Exeter. TIE. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI VER$zTY TrinityColiogMember College ptivaicianemud alrrgeour Ont.,rfdeeBirkton Iiefl'0RTANn $oTICE8. TAMES OSE, COUNTY AUCTION - ea neer. Salosipeauptlytttt0ttdodte. Paysof ruler arrannedatthie *Mee EN1i,Y EILB1M , Liceused Alia- tionaorfor Hay, Stephen and MeG;Iivray i Township': aloe conducted aimotlarato rater, Dolce—At Poat•ofitoo, Crediton, Ont. The Cholera. LoNoa*l, Aug. 11. --The British steamer Braoadaile arrived at St. Lucia, Aug g, with imwigrauts front Calcutta, Atter the steamer lef.' Calcutta 81 canes of dialers appeared i On ,l!orrday evening last there ware 1 tvrenty of the patitlnte died. No fresh shipped front the Blake butter factory Wed have occurred an the vessel for 14,050 pounds of No 1 creamery but. 29 days. She has been quarantined. ter, beiug the largest shipment ever MARSEILLES, Aug 11.—During the sent from this dtetriot. past two days utero have been four Doge have beou playing havoc' deaths from eltolera at Bacalonetto ; among the sheep in the neighborhood eleven at Aubiguas, nine et Vogue, of Porter's Hill ; Ur. A. Black bad one at Luxell, four at Caroecaone, about 80 worried and are nearly all three at Celts. deal ; John Young, 17 worried and Roam, Aug 11.—I+bur deaths from all dead or useless ; S. Qox, 8 dead, and the dogs that dist the mischief cannot be ft und. Messrs. Jaoksan ,,said Huilett, of Guelph, baying purehased the butter at the Blake creamery, shipped a tier. load of it at Kippen on Tuesday lett. The price paid for it was 19 cents per pound, being one and one fourth cents less than the first ship- ment. Butter has evidently cammon- tnencell a retrograde nl'Ivemont. The baby left at the Grand. Trunk Station here is still iii charge of Mr. Pattison (though being looked after by several ladies.) and has been sent to London Infant Horne. The foll- owing parentage have been learned: About a week since a woman named Mary 6lorrisou, who had been confin- ed in the London Hospital a couple ele rifler will ride ten or twenty utiles Mr. Wm. Ourinloro, cattle dealer of ags,inet a trottingborau at Louisville. Ripper', has six ear -loads of moat ex. Ky., on Aug. 14. nellent cattle which he lurvases ship. Corbin, of theeOlneinnati base stall ping to the old country whither he club, has made the wonderful record is himself resorting to attend the mars of 36 games iu the right Meld, withont Weis. 1 stn error. 111 tato for theHuron d;ErieLoan4-Savings Sooloty,., ,Low rates of intereai. ApplytO.Tohn Spac3tnien, nxoter, TT J. CLARK, Agent for the Us. . bornoaud ilibbort itutualPircinaurancc Company, Residence—Farquhar, Orders by mailpromptly uttencdod't0. trial for rape. On Monday the Ontario & Quebec Diyieion of the Canada Paoifio Rtul- lvay wah opened for paesonger traffic. The first through train for Ottawa, Montreal and Qn(.bee Loft Toronto at 9 o'clock a. m. The entire Ontario Division of the Canadian Pacific will DOW bo in °r'eration, and through traffic between Chicago and Montreal ti W IISL L,rarrister,Exeter.' 1. and Qaebee opened on Monday. A LINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE new time table tis went intra effect, AGE\T, 3.rr N. a te11• I can lend any amount of Money on farm FO- earityat(;,Ol a id i percent.' a,ordi1i to terms Private Funds a specialty, "harass moderate Money to Loan en Farm & town Property At lowest rates of interest, arm on terns to euit borrowers, A number of first-class Forms for solo. Mortgages b-nght rind soul. Office in Panson'sElock Exeter J. CLARK. COMMISSIONER N• inthe Court of Common Pleas—Deeds, Wi11s,Mortgages, Leasos,and all forms ofagree idents drawn and execufedaccording to law. MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATE. Partieswlsh• ing to borrow money on account of recent par- •abrins ofland or to pay off existingmortgagss will And a great saving by giving me a call, Can on the various bl'tr,clles 011 AZ')tiday. The man henry Bruce, night watchman for the city of Montreal and Districtoompttuy, who was run over by a hotel omnibus on St. James street Friday night, bas died from his injuries. An operation was per- formed ou him at Notre Dame Hos- pital on Saturday aflerui:on, a piece of bone which was crushed in and was preraing as his brain being re - lend money ate and 61 per cent. according to moved, but it was of no avail. fie terms. N.J.CLARK. died in lees than an hour atfterwardt+. FOR SA.LE.—TWO-STORYFRAME Breen Ieaves a, wife and two married iL1 DWELLING ROUSE andonemore ofiand uanghtere. Ire wag 52 years old. situated on the Thames Road,2i miles east of A stlauner who arrived at Niagara' Exeter. Goodlargeframe stable and,dri$ing y a shed; splendid orchard of choice fruit -beating 'Falls ou Sunday afternoon on the was regarded as Ilardty worth saving Globe engages when it assails the bus - tree a; farmer. Willbel and isoldc cheap lefor ra re. Sunday excursion from Buffalo corn -;in manyped harvests have been iness and staadin of. the manufact- ticedfnrmer. Will beanldchoapforcash, B11 ply to THOMAS ALLIN. Exeter P 0 IY 10 tf �tnitted 'suicide by jumping into the l reaped. The moderately enol weath• firers of Canada That many of its :, atpititi troin.tlie Third Sister Island er and occasional rain ehowere favor• so called facts are the grossest false- on the Amerioan side. He took off at} c')ntiunous ,lrowtii -end healthy hoods has been ;)clearly proven; but bila oratt'itllri vest and lay down under inittivity, an i the grata ii of an ex- even if itsstatenaents wereall as'true as ,rills. of the treep, apparently for the e'aileet sarnrle, b''jni, IlI't'np, • hard they are knoven to be untrue, the IU a recent game of baso wall play- ed .at Siwcoe' Out , two clergymen played—Rev. ttlr. McGrath aod Rev. Mr. Parker. Each made four runs. Charles Rowell is said to by the richest professional athlete in the world. Re has invested $40.000 iu good farm at Ch:eetertoti, Eng., h1 home. F. H. C+tlnpbslt, of New Louciou, Corin., °aught a trout 27 itches font and -weighing eight pounds. It too him 25 minutes to land it. Louisv111e, Ky., has gone crazy o base ball. Matches are played thsr every day in the week, including Su day, and on that day even the de cans do not fail to get the soote. The lougest and beat game of ba ball on record, ie that played on An 17, 1882, by the Providence and 0 lroit clubs, eighteens ienings with score of 1 to 0 in favor of the fur er. Fulmer of the Ciucinu,aie,hasoh lenue(1 any player i'1 the llrofetni to n tont to see whici, zee drool for. field in the quiv'keit time. Ile cls. hecan :toiti1,{:a.tile r omiau The Clippt :,f Iae,l,?+6L1 atuf' their fire; def,at l:, a, leeee,. gam NRw Yoni , Ana 11.—Health O is-' of weeks previous was arrested at that the hands ot the Print.' a. - of er atuitb, port of New York, has tak- i4lctitution on a charge of stealing eity, net Moeaei'.y. by et se e. of 11 i en preolutions to prevent the iutro• some jewelry and ciothee fron a fel The Clireaere ail Ot..19 eeie:•a 11u auction of cholera rrem infected dis- low-border,in a boarding house it c m- Prime 10. tricts, ple ofimnnths previous. ;She ieli'iui.- The Q.la•,,n I- t - r • .'.111'¢* AIA.RsEILr.Rs, .tug 11.—Fifteen lrndeed her theft, and having two smell and the P:in.c-' .'f \V al's- :7.35, tote drtths here during the day ending 0lijl Irl:u to take core of the 'Ma'gistrate defraying the t xpt..lsr i ,.t .ee lir 8:30 this evening ; two deaths at allowed her to go on basil beim given ertillery toile:, ‘vIiieh ii.r.s bull fo llontfortargena. Three new c:.1,es i to ttlrpe^tr when celled ft•r, She then , to go to Ctneete to c ).npete wit here today. I stated she was going to visit friend^ r Canadian volunteer,. LONuoet, Ang 11.—The cholera tits Inear Exeter. Instead oif getting 'AT A rake borne named, Hiddin appeared in Mttnfrogee, near Vaal''n- 1 at Exeter she carne on to Clinton, left, while running in a mile tient r eie, and is ragiug violently ; t,oplli- her offspring .is before stated and dis I Gras Valley, Oaliforuia, in ne ation, 400, and sic deaths iu three appeared. She issupposed to be not 1100 short, a turn broke both his days. very far from town yet, ,batt exactly Mets off et the pasterns, and sto where is not known.—Clinton New his stump~ until he was shot. trio,. The funeral of Ernest Met prominent member of the Enfi cycle Club of Liverpool, Eng., tended by about fifty members club, who followed the hoarse ed on bicycles. One of the m on foot wheeled the bicycle cf ceased in the cortege. St.-enevieve, Missouri, Int ball club made up of nine b More singular still, all the named Greiehaber, thus show there has been ug stepfathe vase. They challenge any ot brothers to a game. They a to find a scarcity ref battieflei nine of a kind is not ais.oiltt elty in bail. In 1878 the brothel's operated ea :t unit. them were really export play having it sufficient number o lying ti rand look), they thn would (int. (linin to fo; 111 th ing five 0111he Of a team. ' IIOITlats 'jf eVO/lo. of Ler Nerittle. wit" ie on Y t 1111• 1 norlil 012 a tneycie, i)tla•)t 1 i Y)ik. Flo loft 8rib 1+'•,ter n 20. lie will s'1il ti 0112 jthrlf lllni1, Ito will vkit•;"i. ItudtCJnn(+frl,i.,tiii i1i a. a nil 1, Cenntl•r' Jef'.?ewer ASie, 1-t erlg Kong 1n the fell Thence he will Fail for Se Ontario's Crops. The report of the Bureau of Indus- tries for A.iiL nst givee la cheering ac- count of the wheat crop of the Pro- yinee. The fall wheat Appeals to have. made steady itnproveinent throughout the season, and in localities where it Unpatriotic Work, Froin the Montreal Herald There can not be °sympathy in any quarter with the unpatriotic and dis- reputabe work in which the Toronto --TRY— C. 3 AST�TIN C' . Central Shaving Parlor For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hall cutting 4:0, Clean towel for every cnstomer,'I Next duo • to Central )Rote purooee of cooling himself, when he l and b•iefht. Iti n• f'tv localities it was. Globe's prooeoylings would still be dis- etiddlitlly :sprang 1121 and these him.e,f el tacked by the nlid-N a'ad weevil,bo reputable audl¢sdisgrnceftll. If there into flit? rapidFromht,nere O'ltinli the e:tteut tf injury by theme pests is is any justice,., in ,the Melltimerlt whish were Rill, ti iii 1)18 pockets 1118 name is l 11 4 nppreci,t.E'le tin the;nggregttte crop, finds populnjr expt•e'sinn i*' the sat'— teamed to be W. odl•'e, but his resits. Reaping -be 7110 io the south western ing that “it fie a dirty hied that fouls HE Wa.PrItRLUO AlU'1 UA1,1P'I1tE ei ee i) unknown. The _ b ,dy wee a 1111 ti ,i of the Province about the its own ne Irk," what, opinion niu't the INsuxl.,txu 1'1130•, ,sell grid, over the Burnie-a'Iloe Fell.. loithlle' of Joie, and by, the let of world nntt•l,)dn of Cene(1a, have of the An'ru-itthe :bulk of the crop was ant ill cnnditijoned 1)1211)211sln which i. ILEA© OFFICE , - WATtRLOO ONT. i,i't &illi ,-till afterwards was lost sight a.cil 181nell of it safely housed- The '12,1 i illnyjt1,226 by tai;, fxrobe's r3 "Atflc( This coml.le any asleen over771gltthrn year of. harvest weather being �'erjY'fatrn191i1122 It ik, 01)ir:P. �, r, 0,i llIl(l (2 1lULt Nttell tn111&6 '.tnun;easftil ot'erarar,li lr Westel11 Ontn1•J' are] �•. . contiant4 tO in,lne n,gainhtlnes Ordain. fie b.,.•, Attain• 'the celebratj^n fit St. Syl the grain tial beenge,t herdd j 1 fit• sea lie %illll•, It i9 'nnty 11r 1s thltit the vire, aBain(,b,ilinrolio,dire,Mauufactera',wes' *7.'3t1''+ of shoo twee.; lr, the, parish rate c'lndilion. Tn' actin 1lite iif, 1bAeir..41f ii.ter el i s of'the (('1111try tt'0 all l f,on.j eti0csoftnsnr hie pr„laelt3'. Ili'- cls 11 011 0 1112•0'• 11t;^r called ant, the' A. rine+ whent are, e,'1,lly rgnri(l,eeeel'ea 1,9'30•iti;G••(J 11a )11e Rhl•1 ,0 .:2(1•Ini'a11, ', If teadlu.).,in-oire)s !no.° blip 1,01 Ma of iu,u)Ini: on 1' n r tin P,,emou„la Note C"s11'3%4te121 ,',,al,i.13'', 4)1' P,+ter i'f%,'',IEC, 111attlt)ttilt, int.. fur. 17:(13 n„t•t11 (21111tln1'1•1,1-P,t'tet' 1,1211 3' •ln,e••R711g1.1 t+0'•(1 eittelrla)te(1 1n routes, tate mast ton ye,nre tl ir, Coninl11 leas sued X7,0123 poticleu,eorerior propmIy.to,tits ,o' 1oltl, pAa'i.9il, t., tl 1.1 lllQFn that tliell' o' 1lnlit?R,�uyhPCP:7t9 a'le'slyt�t IS!'t' C`1PCii• n her C•'nlltrin9 t!'llit:11'i,1lRbFbe'ta.11)ea: ar15n'intm4104;2,02;8; amt. paid in IOs1esalum' t',,,'Ilnr bud 1'119t 287th it aolarll death. ell b,v t1111.12(11'llrt cif .)nee. 1) it,'3.'ll if t,,no (0.1#,ilt 1lhe 'f31a,t(;a1.1 stalllilog Lilo x700,719 00 fissotq, 18172,100.00, (.onsiafiing of,Cut3111.1'QUI e 8'001111111,11)71 Oe011r1•e3 in ttrA i'1 111e43A,117+t1'1Ct1 it' 2')'3(1171 4 a, f.(1'' 'veep, rfa.mititltllniI of .ta,nae ftlt'2 ,,,1 ri.fik G.iveriiuleurpowlsit:siirl Cuonan-4-,-1, Pl'emiumNote. onhaoil •1,,2,1infor( h .f •tv.WA2 f'<"11ti'"'' -- isle II 9' •.. c'>~'(llllate.�l ...,yield, tv11j.1A 'pi elle 1J lit e.: 0 1t1t1'I'1, ItA.,I)rt ''tile:ST'>lrE•rhl'19e5 rn•, r. f"l• p171): 8132 Til 1) preside, 1. O. 22 .'bill, 1001 eta y',Itjla,rl, 11o'l reval•.i1 tteonle left, the \V047,.i4i,llalli, 0olriaien 13 ie, and 'lit: sfai ttthy•'1n,1,'kunuot wr,r, A,'r1u•1 J.'is. ITueux s,Inspector. onauI.Cst5,Nieree' l 1• ` He nitglre9 ii't]m fifty 10 81 Agent for Exeter and vicinity, tt:.%ere(1 eLInes. One nitiulbee of the Likellurou oeuutiee It le reverted to a3aaaele, surrendered, a'od as far as Established in 18G3. by at 1)11' obey of people 0n the C *mad 1.