The Exeter Times, 1884-8-7, Page 8GRIGG ' pereutesion, they succeeded in securing Council. Doings. his cervices, and ups 0 to sign au agreement a certain quan- tity of rods were delivered at his learn. Wholesale and Retail Fiudiog that the scheme worked thus far harmoniously, they then preseeted a note requesting the farmer to situ it, in order that they might have 'souse guarantee for the money. Thinking that everything wee all right --AND ---AND __ _ the farmer signed it before making the slightest invottigation of de con- : tont* ; but after oonsidering what he `ANO ` GOODS DEALER bad done he came to' Exeter in search n hi9 eoneeClting of tae agents, but could not find them. Ho, however, was informed that a do. EXETER, ONT. 1cutnoutithed peen siguedcalling for $150, payable twelve months from date. Farmers should be on their �p7guard for such parttime, sad not per - TE QE\TS per Hies for erst insertion, a,:4+ a fellt tlternselvea to be " taken in " in ia"OViI Ott .TS per our, for aac>; ani �ecAr est fn- Buell a maunor. W erninge have bee Benton sial 100 ulxarBed for 3otfcesy apr.eerrs g im this ealernn. gives) repeatedly, atilt the deceiving gates ou. The Conseil met pursuant to the. call of the Reeve, at the Market IIouee, Exeter, on the 30th ult. All the mewbere were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read Hutt approved, A cowmu mention from R. G. Scott, concern- ing a woollen mill, was laid over, Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by D. Johns, that the iuepeotor be ivatruat ed to repair the sidewalk at Hawk- ehaw's hotel with hemlook lumber, and at the market square with gray. el Hud oak plank, and to put a .stone oreesing at J. Pickerd's eters, one M Samuel! & Piotcard's, and oue at Forth et, --Carried. Moved by D. Soleus, seconded by W. Biesett;, that Mr, Specimen be at liberty to eel'. the property referred to fa bond to the corporation.--Catried. Moved!t t by W. Biesett. seconded by D. Jolene, lal int that the inspector be •iustruoted to GENTLEMEN 1 —ABOUT TO PUR.CHASTi;- Should not fait Magnifi OF NEW ti7rl�., fl XeiE.ss innate n..opesariortamonCFaranare. clear out drain at J. Pickaxd"e, Car If the flamer' Ina single town/bite, riled, Moved by A, G. Dyer, second- , oughly organized for the purpose with Treasurer be authorised to borrow TUESDAY, tai 7, 1584. or "au a ualghllorhovd were thor ed , by D. Jo has tile! the he I;+neved but little expense to cacti they could $400 at the credit of toil corporation LOC -4i beWS._Wc shati he happy to rt- produce the firm* bloadad horses or our cent+: at illi tune`, pent any part of the County, items of local ma's, steels a� qe- ekd.4itts,or any intereatins ;incident what- ever, froth anyofOur faabseribera 'rreaal- err , reerelly jar the purpose ofpnhlic. tense!, Leal H�,p nen .1ws. ' the f ,rent expenditure,-- Oarried. most showy and graceful cattle, the Moved by D. Johne, saoonded by W. E„f 7 0Sp Heaviest fleeced elteep or the entreat' Biesett, that Jotters & Co, be paid the bed hone, Cud the gain would more baiaueo duo ou bell.—Carried. Moto than compensate fur the effort, They ed by W.13irsett, eeeouded by A. G. tvottId be enabled to coma laud Lighe3 Dyer, that this acuuoit adjourn for prices for farm stook, the heat of trees- weeks,- Carried. portatiou would be leoleued from the M..EAORETT, Olerk. ability to tlierket In bulk, the ince +-••4-4------- oostly agricultural implements could Staled/en Counon. wane , welted he procured and the advarntagea of MIR to inspect our t ...Min to arty address is Canada err the ['uited States, postpaid tar GOete. Sebetrihe at once and s et Me felt benefit et this offer. A atusrt and intelligent lad to learn etas school ahuralles ltbrarisa ae rrvailabla The Council met ou the 4th mat., t. cf printing, :dust bavo a fair education. rot alt. In outer wordy if capital esti all the ineutberae present. Miuutoa of ggly personally to TIMES °thee, Exeter. - last meeting reed and signed. I'eti- etoo tuts emu walk Isermeaude of rails ,ores* the moutetea Tenet liglii- tion of J. Mitchell and 17 others re - ti t seed ttaa TIMES LI the retusinder uiug speed, and bund up by hundred; c'oromendiog h . Dickey to tine 0114th- e MAO eaueiderat'►oit of the Colwell.. ta Mored by H. Hilbert seconded by D, sante courant they can"do many Unapt French, the; he receive $5, and that Scotch and SPRING aad Ovorc@a1ings Canadian Td wees. • ' ►v oGt grit quer *ee4 Zatimoil ''e'► dy-made Clothing a speciality-- both in Mens and Boys. Splendid garvest Weather. Q. On ino.iou of J, R an, second- Tbe weather for the pest three Ale fox the single individual to par• y' creeks hes been all that could be da form. United effort overcomes all ed by (. Etlbor., the Reeve and Dep.. aired for harvesting, and eeldoin have difficulties and surmounts every ob. Reeve are to attend to the ditching farmers enjoyed a better venison thea staple, great or small. petittou on 19th eon. On motion of the present for this purpose tend it of mammoth enierprires,pt teaches the farmers that by follotrsug the fee themselves that wtsuld he iwyeee. the clerk fart#ier inyeatigate the mat. J. Ryan, (seconded by D. Frond:, Mr. has been tekeu advantage of to the Don't forget the exoureiou to Lau• McCormick's! bill for fixiilg appy++nollss utmost. The fall wheat harvest nitsy don on tho ocoesiou of the 044013441!o Holt bridge wee laid over till next now be said to be stood in this locality, Ia lb and will he meetly coulpleted in n few days. The reports of the yield, with a very few exceptions, are moat Delis - foolery and the yield will bo large. ('attle Skipped. �— On Saturday last a quantity of fins looking cattle and sheep wore shipped from this elation for the English mar- ket in lots as follows :—Nine oar loads of cattle by Messrs. Coates & Willis ; one carload by Masers. Oke & Davie one oar load of cattle and ane of aheop by Messrs. Biesett & Bobier. This stook was purchased iu the vicinity of Exeter, and is said to bo the best, gen- erally, that has passed through here for sumo time, which reflects mule credit upon the farmers. Mr. Bobier went to look after the sale. important to School. Teachers. The legality of keeping a child in eohool after regular houre for not learning his lessons was tested in an English law court recently when the mother of a little boy had the head master of the school he attended be- fore the court. The judge in giving hie decision, said that the master had no authority to impose upon the children the fluty of studying at home, and that he, therefore, had no right to detain him, and he afro said that in his opinion this detention amounted to an assault. As the plaintiff in the ease did not wish to press it the me- ter was discharged on paying costs, Canadian teachers can take the lesion home. • Imposition. Last spring a family known by the ac name of Weir me to Exeter from Hensall, and took up their abode in a dilapitaled building on Victoria street. Their apparently indigent circumstan- ces somewhat excited the sympathy of ;their nearest neighbors --Mr. and Mrs. Easterhrook, who supplied them with mousy and provisions for a con- siderable time. Finding that :this scheme worked aatiefaolorily, Mrs. Weir, imposing Mill more on theupl charitableness of the old coe, made a pitiable lanientation of iheir nob be- ing able to attend ohuroh ou a000unt of not having decent clothing, and she wished very 'much that her husband should attend for hie soul's welfare. Promising to make a remuneration when work could be secured, M.s. Hames there Wednesday, Aug 1811, meeting. Mole by H. { l er, sec. spectiou invited. No trouble to show Goode.. special rats ou iota 4, fi &El 6, con 4; and \V--1ote4, 5, 6, 7,8&9,con 5 ae per schedule prepared for the put- 1)050 every effort bach, a been put forward to onnod by D. Frenthat the follow provide teal edeeui DebenturaQ's• ink- , Blake the games the mut interesting ever held in Canada, the greatest ath- lever, dancere, and bagpipers in the world having agreed to be present. Tickets good on regular trains Tues. day afternoon and Wednesday, and retnruing ch Wednesday and Thumday. Special trains will return from Londou Wednesday at 7 p. m. Traius leave Exeter at 4.50 p. nt.. on Tues: day rind 8.28 a. m. on Wednesday. rare 85 cents,. Brevities. Revd's 111'esers. Pascoe and Dickson exobanged pulpits on Sunday list. Mr. W. H. Verity loft, ou Monday, for the seaside, where he will remain for a few weeks. From some cause or other—per- eumably with drouth—quite a num- ber of the maple trees planted during the past two years have died. Tho Western Fair prize list London has been issued. The show will be held this year from the 22nd to the 26th September, and the prizes offer- ed amount to $17,000. Twenty-oue thousand widows of sol - there of the war of 1812 are stated to be still drawing pensions from the Government. At marriage the bride always meets her bethrothed at the altar with glavea on, hut after marriage she generally handles her husband without gloves+. "I'd hate to be in your shoes," said a woman, as she was quarreling with a neighbor. "You couldn't get into them," sarcaatioally replied the neigh. bor. Oh, dear ! " said Mrs. B. with toothache. : "Why •can't people be born without teeth ?" If you will re- flect a moment, my dear," replied Mr. B., " you will be convinced that such is the fast." An excursion from the various eiations along this line war run to Sarnia and Port Heron on Tuesday Iast. The cars were fairly well filled, but few perilous want from this station Easter base -ball club will. play the return match with - Brussels teats shortly, when, it is hoped,' au- unpre- judiced umpire wit ,perform, the im- portant duties. It is also Idiquested that they use their own nine, and not bring.in outsiders, etioh as H. Mo- Easterhrook supplied 'her wilh''cloth Heady; of Bluevale,'catcher. ' Ing for herself and children, Easterhrook gays Mr. Weir an order on oue of the stores for a new snit of clothes. They took their departure for parts unknown, on Saturday last, leaving their kind friends to solve the mystery. auk Mr. 'Weare sorry to learn of the sudden death of Mrs. O'Brien, of SI. Marys, mother of Messrs P. and M, O'Brien, of that town. Her death, whish on Burred on Wednesday of last ` week, was very Budden and unexpected by• her family, she being a healthy and vigorous woman. ' Lightning Rod Schein. The Stephen & Uaborne Agrieultur. On Friday last two lightning -rod al' Society -are offering between $1400 agents visited the farm of Mr. Joseph and $1500 in prizes this year, whish Mertene, 8th con Stephen for the is mush in excess of amount offered purpose of appointing him their' agent( by the County Society laetyear. There I for the township. After considerable are 388 members. Ing raise be vatted, fed, viz, , of ecru y g iu favor of the L. i1. 13. R. B. sinking rate 2 milia in the $; 1Towuebip 3 fund ant. mills; goners! school 1-5 Hilll and the 1'Fioved by J, ITiiokuey eecauded by amount required by elle *axions . 11"136S" that a Bp-Iaty be passed eahaol seotiona. After passing the legalizing the levying of the the cool- following orders the Council adjourn- ty We, 'C'alvuahip, Scheele and ether ed till that Monday in September rates for elle current your.—Harried. J. Worts, N. B. approach, $10; J. Moved by J Shier, seoceeded by 3. Hatipho nil 1 0. R. culvert, $12; C. Sto- Heekuoy, that the account of Mamaplum, 4th 8. 11, sou., amount omitted in counterfoil,3. McIntosh, gully Gould and Cameron for cedar and bridge, $4.50 ; E. Diokey, relief. 5; hemlock plank amoudtieg to $70.90, Heitztnan, house for eleotion, $4 ; Dishertain, culvert G.R., $4.50; T. Coughlin, ditch S. B., $2; J. Hall. ropitiring scraper, $1;20; R. Fulton, limber, $15,19; H. B. Polite, Gnity bridge, –10; G.' Tapson, atone for road, $2; P. Shrooder, do., $8; T, B. Bartle', oom. Exeter s. r., $12.25; F. Killgallo, gravel, $4; N. Boohan- non, lumber, $25.97; 3. MoDonald, gravel and work, $81.60; N MoLel: Ian, repairing road to pit, $6; 0 Chrzotie, repairing culvert 2d con., $8.75 ; J. Lawson, part M. 0. D. contract, $25; W. Lewis, L. read near Bend, $40.75; G, R. interest, $200; H. McDonald, gravel for C. R., $10; F. Hicks, balance for ditching, 75c.;cedar posts and hauling, $17.50; 11. Hodgins, part contract tet s. r., $8; J. Lawson, work let s. r„ $1.75; W. Cunningham, repairing culusrt e. r., 60c. C. PROUTY, Clerk. Us -borne Council. ' The Council met in the town hall, Elimville, an Saturday, the 2nd day of August, inst. All members pres- ent. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Moved by H. Horney, seconded b3' 3. Haokney, that two mills, three ten- ths and three hundredths of a mill in the $ be levied on the ratable property of the municipality in order to- raise the sum of $4,006;34 for County rate and Legislative school equivalent.— carried. Moved by H. Horney, eeoonded by J. Haokney, that one mill and five ten - the of a mill in the $ be levied on the property of the municipality in order to raise the sum of $2,578.65 for local purposes for the current year.—oar- ried. Moved by 3. Haokney, eeoonded by H. Horney, that a rate of five tenths of a mill iu the $ be levied on the ratable property of the muuioipality iu order to raise the aura of $860 to provide for interest and sinking fund to redeem Debentures issued in favor of the L. H. B. R. R.—Carried, Moved by H. Hackney seconded by H. Horney, that the sums legally re- quired by the Trustees of the various School Sectione for School purposes for the current year, be levied and en- tered on the Collector's Roll and col - looted with the other rates.—Carried, Moved by 11. Horney, seconded by J. Hackney that $125..48 be raised by be paid.—Carried. Maned by J. Shier seconded by J. Haokney that Wr. Diahmau recelvo $17.10 for wino weeks board of Wm. Stark, being up to the let of August. Carried. Moved by 3. Halls, seconded H. Homey, that Thomas Wilson be paid the sum of $16 to procure provisions for Joseph Hewitt and wife—Carried. Moved by 3. Halls aocouded by 3. Shier that dire. Johns receive the earn of $3 for relief. --Carried. On motion the Council adjourned till the let Saturday in October at 11 o'clock a. ne. N. 3. CLARK, Clerk. MUNE LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY. —The August number of this highly popular magazine has, as usual,:sev- eral finely illustrated, interesting pa- pers ; serial and short stories, ,ketch- es, adventures, poems, etc., contrib- uted by N. Rnthven, Alphonse Dudet, Helen W. Pierson, Etta W. 'Pierce, Evert A. Dayckinolc, M. Seymour, Alfred tI. Guernsey, Ohms. Callaway, Oeoanyan, etc., eto., "Where Oottag es are Palaces" has some twenty il- lustrations of residences, etc., at New- port, R. I. "Lebanon and its - ante," "The Rise of the House of Ho henzolleru," "New York Daring the W Revolution," "An Old Continent in the Atlantic," are among the illustrat- ed leading articles. The renal, "A -- 1884. ------ Dark Deed," and the several short , Canada's Great Exhibition I. CABLING '1'he Bev. Mr. Gardiuer, Chnroh of England minister in Lucknow, bas received a unanimous call from the Episcopal congregation of Cairo, .dichigau, at a salary of $1,000 a veer. Strayed Or Stolen,. From the lilln,ville hotel, on or about Thum way last, SlilyC4th, a real haired collie dug, Any person riving such information as will lead to its recovery, will bo suitably rewarded. Any Person toned harbouring tins do; after this notice, will be prosecuted according to law It. C, THOMPSON THE GREAT Industrial Fair T AND SEME-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION 1884. Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy, Agricultural and Horticultural Products, Implements,gf, and Mxnfactures of all Kinds, TORONTO SEPTEMBER the 10th to the 20th, The largest Prize List in tho Dominion, Prize Lists and Entry Forms can be obtained fromthe Secretaries of all Agricultural Societ- ies and Mechanic s' Institutes, or they will be sent anywhoro on application by post card to the Secretary, at Toronto, Entries close Ang- net28rd. Tbiswillbe the GRANDEST EVENT 01 Toronto's Semi -Centennial. year. AN IMMENSE PROGRAMME SPECIAL ATTRACTIONde Is being prepared for that time, Cheap 'rates and Excursions on all Railways. The best time to visit the city of Toronto. Wait for it J. I. WITHROW, President. H. J HILL, Manager and Secretary, Toronto estern Fair stories, ars deeply interesting, and, with the sketches, poems ands choice miscellany, will be found most de- lightful reading 128 quarto pages, over 100 embellishments and a hand- some colored-piate frontispiece are in every number ; price 25 , cents, or $2.50 a year, postpaid. Mae. FRANK LEeLm, Publisher, 59, 55 and 67 Perk Place, New York. VOTERS' LIST. -1884. MUNI01- PALITY OF TBE *ILL as OP EXETER, (County of Huron.)Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the "'bird and Fourth sections of the "Voters' List Aol." the copies required by staid Sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said Act of all persona appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality, ;to be entitled to vote in the said inunielpality at oleotions f or 111 ambers of the Legislative As. sembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office in Exeter on the 5th DAY OE AUGUST.', 1884, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived there- in, to take immediate proceedings to have the, Said errors corrected according to law. M. EIACRETT, Clerk of said Municipality. Dated 5th August, 1884. AND INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE. LONDON, - CANADA, SEPTEMBER, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 $17,000.0.0 - IN PRIZES. 82,000.00. in Excess of 1883 1 81,049 00 in 6peoials by •Friends of the Western Fair 1 • OPEN TO THE WORLD ! - The Western Fair for 1884 will far au rpass all iia predecessors. The prices are large r and the new features and. novelties to be introduced will make it the most attractive exhibition ever held in Canada. Wait for it. ;Write to the Secretary for Prize Lists, Post. ers,Programmes and other informs tion requir ed. E.B. R OBINSON, GEO.MOB ROOM, President. Secretary TENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri- 11 nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College,Toron to, have op - for the treat Domestic An ened an ofilce ment of all (mals, on Main. street, I;xo- ter. Calle from a d,stauce promptly at tended to, Medicines for Horses, Cattle, Sec alwayson hand. 44 414,