The Exeter Times, 1884-8-7, Page 7k
W 1 inst was 'ightiug,
Muscle don't make anybody belliger-
ent. On the contrary, it is a law of
rlature that the most muscular Plea are
the kindest in disposition. They barely
ever get mad. I've seen these prosy fel-
lows who could hardly knock a fly- of:
interesting items.
In Love with Fawin Booth. 1 —In the case of the Camila Life Insnrance
Speakincz-'of filet stteeutiOU T of Ret-) Co., whish resisted assessment by the city of
on reminds a writer' fa the :New York Hammon of i.uoome, Judge Sinclair ou Friday
Star of a very pretty story regarding deeided that policy holders' profits are not as -
Edwin Booth. It was while he was seesabie,
playing in the Winter Garden that a Bwwk1eu'sAnt lea Salve. .
a wall; get furiously mad and buckle young miss in her teens fell desperately The Best Solve in the world for Cuts, 33ruis-
in love with ;line. She was the clay es, Sores, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Bores,
up to a lmen ttwic i his
size. One o' daughter of wealthy patents, :dnd night I Tetter, Mapped hands, OhiIblains,Corns,Awl
() mit. telt t nage am -
mond while he was making a speech
against hila in a Iuntice court, and
don'eedl up :and down behind hila and
struck kiln tart; as he
could drire. The judge's back was two
feet and a half wider, and he simply
looked ,around 'a nh a smile of surprise
and said:
"What you doing Wilkins, what are
flu about F'
"rna atightin'," said lri'ili:ins with a
hyena scream, and the judge Piet' went
on with his speech. --.cit
.he following story, says the dome
Journal, was told at a dinner party iii•
Boston the fairer night. ,s1. man from
W'i`oonsoeket wee obliged to make a visit
to Boston on st)nre business. He timed
his visit so as to be able to hear alecture
of k Twain's at Tremont Temple,
By a rittatttttler;t:amlrng the IiTroonw
sockeitman mistook the day of the lee -
tare, and happened in en one of Air.
Joseph Cook's lectures. 11.1i;tened to
the long diver»trete without discovering
Ilia rntatatie, all the time that;
the lecturer was the famous hunteri'atr.
On his return to Woonsocket his family
questioned him .t; to the le>etnre-
""Were itfunny?' Wa asked. tt'Vall.,lt.
Siowly rt ;,lira the traveler, 'it war fun.
:ry, Nit it svtiru t n,l clerceet € finny':„
after yoga site would malee•sowe excuse
to leave home and go to the theatre.
She deluged Booth with love letters,
and finally: he wrote to her telling her
all S11tn Ertiptions, end ,positively duras Pi:lere.
or no pay required, It is gnaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or auouey refunded.
Fries lir cents porbox. For sale be all drug -
meet hinn at the stage door et the gists end of the performance on a; certain .--Ilurglars are operating in Sherbrooke nud
evening. She was there aecording to Lennoxvilre
appointment. Booth ,.girded Ilei into, ,Ffuilatcuy'x iaftts.—S1,'ithdnrkenini;tayaziud
hie carriage and gave some. Svhisp" changing temperatures, the di sedan breomes
ered instructions to the driver. Thet impaired, the timer disordered, and the mind
norsea were driven rapidly, and in Rfew despondent, unless the cense of the irregular -1
moments the girl found herself it front ity be expelled front the bigot# all body by
of het' own home, The, carriage stop- s e I a to !terurttiva as thetto Pill,l. They di-
d d Booth d heralight.
pe an ou assisted to 1 is .t, x I a ao le sanrce tr fila evil, thrust Dart
eking her seal in leis he walked ivitii a1i itepnxities froze the eliculs tion resters tlact
lace. ftp rite stoop and esus* the bell, It distempered organs to their neteiral state, and
t 1., Ctalldefeetive or contaminated ,e ere:
bee late any the girl's tether, who bad Sonia an nary morose of instrtutiu health,
become leery ens:"Jus ;;bout ltur' rher`e1„ airocosii., and abeerfnlness sho.,hl 11 "
abouts, opener'! the dour! aPFndd
., „ . by alt giroae stnnrnchJs ere weak, •
! - - --T, said Booth, 're ttietl Q R n n* a ars
,a � q y', one mach hrassed, or whose braiuz nre urer-
I have brought your daughter home- woeked. Holloway's ii -e- essentially a Wada tem -
She has been very foolish, but she. bas 'tering aced/Rine, wherebyits intivauoe reaches
prouuiset f:dYrr tar do lea again,;fig remotest fibre
would advise Sou t ? take bettor tiara of pnnisersal gaud,
of t lte franca and effects a
her." With tI&vset words he turned and ' Stip() It(rw otrci.
left. That young girl id a happy" wife,V. still par tate above reword far any
awl rif4tlrvaru
z w, brit e nevert nevertires of ease of Liltit4omplirint. Dyspepsia, sick head.
telling the lesson she rceeived from the 1ache, Imdigeitlalt, t onatiseticn nr Costiveness
great fetter. wit cannot enrewith West's vegetable Liter
ill$, molten the dtreetleneare , tih'JJcomplied
with, They are purely Vegetably, and never
fail togiee satisfsctic:u. Seger coater;. Largo`
boxes, oontnining 301'iils, 2;3 cents. For sale
by all Druggists. Dewar* of couuterft-jte mud
Iutitatinne, The Genuine menefeetnlstt only
be JOHN O. WEST tt CO., "Tho Pill mak-
ers," 81 it' 83 Eingstrcet East Townie, Ont.
VII 0 entry's Minaret Pr;rtucts.
From advance shoos of the "Minolta
Reeeureva a tht+ 1 nite"l $t:tr:'z," a re-
tort by Albert, Williams, Jr., COW a
ilio 1),visiou tat Maine. Statistics, T1 ;3.
Tb,n Post n t L3u" f a1•, f eologieaD Surrey; q number of inter,- Pini alai package scut Ly snail prepnired on
t rs_ceipt of a three emit stamp.
eater? s bete ere, take ►li ee. t
critic and ,i�rdt t. F4", diva s.•••1 I,"nrrj'^ gtaneet prO4ttrd,l try labor I•n rite;Tether; Mfr. Joint 1'tnrrison, nen knewit in tit..An's
$Qn 4$ a pi,gi,d it rig ,•+a la:, )'t{e , o ) :i, S., had sone' us Kidney "
� . Sta�trs dnrihd. }gar trig„ :furl ..Sti- y Csmplaint that bar,
}, and gn„tes freely to Mensa Iiia __,arra of Ti'tarrtount .. "Wig the tie+i tiered on dropsy, After bore had nearly ilea l
atecortioult- he WAS 4urm1 by kiOMA:l• I:luP4 "titter&
It Tan l; ol.w. is Bata Vo., Metaba 1, Stich„wil
send nal,Iiar;'c.C`J:raaaasrU F.,t•1;,:rtao-Yckattet s
If l3ai,ra :axe Er,cex;uc ..1,t�ri.tnsere on trial for 1 �'il .�. eNovelties
thirty days to wren et t
y (young or ul,li who at- ”
1)'1.". Gl.t t,t'It ICnowA .. " n lt;.; ing, o the
.. , ,atue;nt3 end values; of the mineral suit- A ST ttiti'S 5'I(tTO1#Y.
Of ail living part Alfred Tttnni Wdn
belief zSS'vee
Ile the most renowned for originality'. In teal.luu l''')31 hoots 1'1° list, whir
l: et. p: le tl.a a till the, great ¢puota Lf `ornp'r'ses anthrytite,biturailaons,laren
toN err:II:try ha is the moo it;ri: Medi tat tAai,,G.sT. ►2; a ts:la:lt41 it i nr u+fila
the older writers. educe, Ids recent fail- is that of I'rnn ", lvattiti ;tatbracittr, P'
or. :a dratuati t the' :.v:le;r litersrryr•' irntt r: of nuxt, it+ astlac beta, $i(n
j„r14ua1, of Enw.,igaar^! 1:;tya idhi.prti"el,' 830,42"9, to -+slut; nr�ly be aurad frit+
call pre�tt>;• lousily too. that his b•:s: do. salmi of e.irora iron ore, at iltilt:nro.
tn•rilatante3 Ire bl.'trrfl.s't'�1 �-titaW hat lA �
me"rc6° an .'nibull'Esltttr and fnrbish''-r oV co ran; mrrlsct, %I�L3.thiJ. Of Silva
s :woe
ul1 stories; and that he 1t..s the MOO oft il^til.'.,, , fatnext n,fi a'':ln'rof,.'n $1?
rancho n n what. oo fds.11is Iworko also
l of said
:-;;.1717).'"7.6170 otitis nletaiilc oras lies.•
that he dal s a„t l,uild tart only area-. (bleed cre ca:pport, lead. rine, 'quid:
anent"„ that heti not au artllitee't but 3 +,a„ n. ,a„ n' •• =willow. t,e:sa.nueu, nu
-director, that be aler res a large income firs, 6l pl;itinuall th*• total vacIuo wati � 1.
nttt of it small capital. WO, . at.&1 of tin the quantity WWI zits
Tdn::,r.adrir's earlier verses did not Ttmail tte total value ono fth,,iis m metallic i products
:rive match pront,ise of a rich and shun- of then country' for 1832 was $219,756.-
elaut harvest, He sang of "Dyin ti vol.
),'.gets," of ""31.1.r ;angst," ••utYi .r In th„ non-metallic products the one
"hews." •Ionic -e atria" Qtt. Christ o. =kin... next rafter gold in value ii
giber North .sift —""utterer is greatest cruth1 Ixrtrolcuns, $23 ,ilit,ha$; then
ria stn nal, A1 tart errors lei to n' bbt* litud�, F�l,+tat,tw)ra; builillise :gone, $21,-
;:tnffi el an'i taut, is " f1.13 1 reaves n b. 000,000; salt, next in value to buntline.
•" ,antic umnttrtel in thio Belfield Mose- ,Itnnc, is only $4.3e0.140. The tut:q
n. this critie?iern ivfts severe, but it substances, in -
Was of much benefit to the young poet. eluding
nI lays,noo.etalilc
Tie stopped writing and for ten yoartt eluding cls}s, buhrstout"s, grindstones,
;Awned hard. lie went tbro,tga the lithographic
at riugti nto nf•,ctnufactu other
s $ 3,-
st,leetlid field of English literature, tie- yl,, 406,
`etiu_ iuttrhtins,to a perusal of the '
rand old i" ".'' Of tit,' n.ti., r el:.v .. This Judging by the rytimates ma,da fol
ours, of study so enrieleed his i.megin- the firm, six mantles of 18S3, the value
ration and tenlareed his voeebular that of iron produced err ed ii isomewhat 1le,+s than
y that of au equal period of 18 i .1 ht total
where hes ,wrote again. he produced local or "'spot'' value of iron and steel
something worthy of his talents. The
writer of ratty drawing. room verses to the first 1714 of m;tttuf;tetltre for
while the es-
ci;tonis erect the world! 'gay." ""Locksloy tt'im atesifor' ng $1714336,429,
e fir t half of 11883 are on -
Hall," "Maid."The rine ss, Idyls n Maumee,f The Iy $71,uuO O'. 0, equal to $14"x,01311,000
King," etc. 'The latter is yTolrnysou'a for the year. But this eoznparisun of
favorite tverk and he devoted -much market values will be modified by the
fact that the price of iron has been less
in 1883 than in 1882, a dif:retrce of
something over three dollars a ton.
Gold and silver were produced in in-
creased amounts in 188`2, the additional
value over the product of 1881 being
I V- .L A 1E TO EVERY 1:,.r3DY
Th Great French Lotion %r Gi;a itif •ins'
the Lace.
It conceals the evidence of ago.. One appli-
cation will make the most stubbornly red ;and
rough hands beautifully soft and elute. it e•
member ;let"MAY DEW"is nobs paint<ir
powder thetfrlrwuP theporos of -the .Liu, ,tu4
that is injurious to the skin beta taetY anti
area; dtaeovetv. i►xea;etv4le tteltld, thatalusi
1C ow with ti#4taetelr
the eller to arm'•
,and hangs to rival the Lily i'u whiteness. Ier-
powtible to. deteet'In the beauty it confers on r
Artificial Character. It cnt4si brassy bkiu,
P'ruekle3, 'Wrinkle Piu1Plex. 131 Lek Heads.
Taaq Rin wOrto, C pr ddeHands, f i o Clu.p
red Lips., Bather's Itch. Tetter. 40. it frees
the pnre3t, �o 1 Ornate, aka Settee fruits Ore l r, tIr-
i.ol,eefreete nt pcef.ters :=;141- coaltleti' %TA: ong.
By,tt, nae all veddees and rouoltitecs are %vs.
vented : It ben.ttiAes the akin. and will mike it
soft, smooth and white; iutParilu5 a ttclLe tc as
softness;.lrroducing•e. perfectly healthy. natnr-
etl.and youthful a ars.itce. Tiro Lest ;,on.
lotion that then world „ter yrudad:c3 Wttwttt
aurid "` 1 taxon wo'rr-z.:" to any t •dress on re-
ecii,t: u; prics.41. Whenordertng nit ::tiett'hi
Address tell letteas t.. the
MAX 1t1;'.�ti
ii Ytuinis•street, Ter. -Arta. tat.
riyr,�u4 2teoregion Roger ter
To the Front as
°g Qtete,l with not ruuo debility. lost vitality ft �+�
sad kindred tronbles, a"lar.'inteeiug N .�all De 3t '' cuts
ala^W is sari template restoration of health tool
r.; tonin vigor, . ddretis as above, N. B,---iio
r, rb"l:i+Xineurs.1, "t�fir444's'iriaiisnllov:etl, The • ee toeverything
a - C'l: le o ru "a noon, faeta y at St. Iienri,gnc,p get y o i.� want
• Sats biltiied on t'laturduy,
time and study on it. The poet has
made a mistake of introducing the grace
and chivalry of medieval civilization of
France and England into the barbarous
fifth century period of those countries.
Krug Arthur and the Knights of the
Bound Table form a beautiful and at. $.1,600,000. For the fire six months of
tractive group, but they :are only nn trolenmthe current year the ,291, ,tion of pe -
ideal anti poetic coneoptiou. They nev- against
has been 11,els ; barrels,
er existed as painted by the poet; against 3O,Oa8,,JtO barrels in the prevl-
In the full splendor of his fame and has twelve months. In copper there:
in the full maturity of his powers, Ten- has been an increase, the estimate for
nyson wrote '"Enoch Arden." The
poem obtained an immediate and wide
popularity. The story was new or
supposed to be and the characters were
taken from common life, thus securing
a large class of readers who had not
been interested in the poet's more
courtly productions. We do not think
Tennyson has ever been licensed of
plagiarism in "Enoch Arden," but we
find that the story, the treatment and
the whole scope of the poem were take
en from the ,poem by Miss Proctor ca17:-
ed "33on ewtard, Bound." - The heroes
of both. poems 'were sailors, both were
shipwrecked, both left wives behind,
both returned after an exile o. ten years,
both foetal their wives re -married, and
both saw their wives seated at the
hearth with.. their second 'husbands;
both of the second husbands were friends
of the exiles, and botieof the latter re-
turned to their homes 'on :•tohill autaniti
evening. Tennyson, however, with
finer art mattes Enoch Arden only sea
er his wife through the window of. hereat-,
tage—ho does atot enter to • disturb her
domestic happiness by claftning her,
which was morally wiong, for once n
the first six months of 1883 being 58,
000.000 pounds, against 91,636,2
pounds in 1882.
A slight increase in the amount
lead mored is estimated for the presen
year, and also zinc; but as these esti-
mates ire based on -increases in former
year_, and not on actual statistics, they
may be taken with some allowance,
Mz:ItIT PItCttl:;f at prices to suit the times.
dollar i•" frequently d dollar nmol; r quently eche nt on tilr
faith of reennr„ endatiuu Ger article, entirely
rortilleve. Not so with d Gro;'ore al.eect;,1
Cure; you arc nut asked to purchase it until 1
its ant+rlta nre proven. (•all nt J. W. Brown.
in's drug.atnre and get a free trial battle, and
if not c. ethic ed it will sure yen of the worst
tunas of Ilysrepsia, Liver e,.,n1elniat, tar.. np O
matter of how long standing, n costs you. no-
thing, St I,1 in Clue. andel bottles. See tee. l
timonials from persona in your awn tuatii. 1
A REllAfxARrd BECO1U>.
Thee n,n. t remarkable ,nre of Scrofula tlnte-
vertl is that of the Dee. tom. Stout, of Weir-
ton, whoio case of Seloinloua Abscess bailipd
the skilt of snveuteeu Surgeons for teener.
three ,vara, He was perfectly clued by Bur-
dock 111004 Bitters.
-- Customs receipts at Ottawa fur July, $1,.
749,32 --en hue ease of $331 over ealue period
of last year.
There are but few that have never suffered
almost intolerable pain from'.rootenelre, Neer.
algia; of like shine pains. To them such an
instant relief as Fluid Lightning is an untold 1
blessing in time of trouble. No disgusting 0
fenejve medicines to be taken fur day's. One
,application of Fluid Lightuiu; (tures. Sold et
J. W. 13rowning's Drug Store 1
"Brown's :Household Panacea""has no equal
torraliovingpain,both internal and external It
cures painin the Side, back or bowels,sorethroat
Rheumatisru, Toutha cbe, Luuabn go andany kind
ofsplatter ache. "It will most surely quicken
the blood and heal, as its acting power is wonder-
ful.'"'D'rown's aonsthold Panacea' beingack-
uowledged as the grant Pain Relier er,and of dou
bletho3lreugth of any other Elixir or Liniment
intim world,should bo in every family handy for
nee when wanted,""aa it really is the bast remedy
in the world for Cramps to the Stomach, and
- Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is fpr sale by
$2 all Druggists at 25 ants a bottle.
of Procure from your druggist one bottle of Dr.
t Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and take
as directed. It aures all Suzumei Complaints.
To all who are snlferfugfrom the errorsand
indisaretioueof youth, nervous weakness, early
deoay,lof;sof inanhood, eze.,I will send a recoil;
hatwill curt you, FREE O] CHARGE This
greet romody was discovered bye missionaryin
South America Sendaself-addressed enve1or 3
to the Bet roar:rsi'INnrax.8latiot+D,NewYurk
says the New York Uommerotae .in.
vertiser: "A calf with a double mouth
has just been mounted by an Indianapo-
lis taxidermist." He must be a sight,
straddling such a beast.—Boston Post.
A new • funny • paper in 'Brooklyn is
called . Gas, and already the owners are
beginning to realize what a beastly er-
ror they committed in selecting that
name, as nil man pays his Gas bill with-
out=finding fault. -Boston Post
At a prominent theatre a young act-
ress was recalled. She had been play-
hig.the title role of "Satan's Daughter,"
and when she reapppeeared s .stentorian
voice asked: = • "Is the old man here lo -
wife always a wProctor, . Miss ProctoProctor,ori The last place in rho world: Mrs.
the contrary,` Teskes hes ot.Who Ne jigence (who bitecpuiptegreat haste
' to her room' for herggluves)--eJane;•mys
speaks in the first person, enter the cots gloves!,1iasteeand find them." (As,'1de)
tage, meet his wife anti her second hos- t*1h t stns 1' . She's Iookin in'rny
band, aned -tiieethree'mitit le their teen
together. '
There is not so ‘ranch similarity
the langn•ige of the poems; but their
plots are.,uientically the same,. With. the
difference already mentioned. ' When
we remember that Miss Proctor's poem
was published in 1858; and Tennyson's'
six }ears later, there 'win. be no doubt
that the first poet of the age did not
hesitate to borrow 'the plot of one of his
most successful poems:%from,: one who.
next to Mrs, l3rowtaiug, Ras, .the most
gifted poet...,; of the last generation.
4 o
,"M-boa•;ziliihaa,':'"said; a 11ttlo, lorham bo►t
'f"f gave. Catirie a ppretty good 1int to go
hoiue tA-das ' 'What t zd .j=olt do, my
son?":saidethis' mother. ,.""dh, I tilled
hereeoutteppeWith: mtistaid and caller),
itapplestlave,Kar#!She took he, hie e
Three Boon •editors own •ta ' whole
railroad in Florida to themselves . And
it issaid that they have got so ascus
omed'to the•habit that t.hevwou'.t:even
ride bn their own road without a pass.
• •Pemu's Seen,
bit!, •
Mr. John Clark, of Milldridge,Ont., declares
it can, and that Hagy'ard's Yellow 011 is 'the
remedy that cu,'ed him. It is also a specific
for all inflammation and pain.
ANSWER 1n'.8 QUESTION.—Why do so many
people we se;, around us,seem to prefer to suf
fer and be made miserable by indigestion, oou
stipation; dizziness, loss of appetite, coating
up of the foop,yellow skin., when for 75 cents,
we will sell them Shiloh's •Yitalizor,'guarante
ed t- mire them, • Sold by; J, W. Browning,
Birder.. ar o dtt
`Taub c 1 the weary weaauess peculiar to fe-•
males is caused by irregularities that could be
promptly remedied. by that Excellent llegulat-
lug•Tonic;Burdock•-Blood Bitters. .
=0u •Thursiley evening three children of .
Jymo9 Btirg¢e's., of Grindstone island, near
Kiugetoni were killed by:the caving 'in of an
embanirtine t.
I .:tronbled_With an unhealthy, slow=healing
sore fuse McGregor, dr Parkes' Carbolic Oeiate:
'Yee ;viii iuvnlueblo for healing, cleans-
ing and courpletel,y removing your trouble. If
tlni l3loodis out of order, take with it' a' few
dosed of MoGYe goys Speedy- Cure from ,3. W.
rOwitiug'o Drug Store 1 • •
• N. C. Poleori. cC Co., eli:nggiste, write that
Dr: howler's' Wild Strawberry as long been
the best' remedy for Slimmer Oompluintiu the
trouble to show Goods.
RENOWNED iED 11Bi4hEit DI!".►).
rrArwr=z"''s"f',,,.... is
Pin ifythe leitod, entrees all Disorders of'lre
They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated (;oilette:aiuna, mei are irevelnsblas i t'
Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For chiltlt.0 mill the :sr. ,1 tie: y.ire veieel ala
Is an infallible remedy for I3ad Lags. Dad Breast,;, 01.1 Wreeards, int ", :,uCi Ulcers. It 11e.
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, toltts, rl:nrdrlrer :;weePv,Fs, mid all sl,fn dives e.
it has no rival ; and for contlpeted and stilt joints it acts like it Ohtu 111.
The Pills and Ointment are sold rat Tragus Horrow.eY's Ettehlishmee,r,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pore, at Is. 1ad-, 2s. 9d.,
4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 83s, each. The 2s. 9d. size costume three tithes the gentility of the
1s 1 ed, size ; the 4s. 60. siza six ; the lire, size sixteen ; the 22s sive thirty-three ; and the
38s size fifty-two times the quen.tity of .the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed directions aro affixed to each I3ox and Pot, end can he 1111.1 in any !Repege
es Purehneers should look to the Label on the Pots and If the address is not
533 Oxford Street, London, they are sprniou
fol ij-