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The Exeter Times, 1884-8-7, Page 5
.1 COMMUNICATIONS We welcome communications on +say stab - ,eat of general interest; but the editor does not holdhimself responsible for the opinions of correspondents. AU comr2nnicatione to. be addressed to the Tates, with tho writer's name attaehod ; the name will not be publish- ed unless desired b y rho writer of tho article. The Scott Act, To Editor of Exeter Times. DEAR SIR, ---I have 90 far watched the discussion of the Scott Act question since 'fie inception with 'ne. ver a ward,' bat a let et apilearieg in your ieeue sof July 31St over the nom de plume —Moderation, ill reply to one signed 11. G. centaiva attacks on the honor of the citizens of this county so gross, Rncl preaches ' doc• trines so outrageees that 1 have felt constrained to "(ship in" with the red. Your correetoudent opens with : "x think it would be better if EL G- or such writers in place of disc:.ssing scores of points, of no rtractical utility would try and explain orprovo scum twat genuine gaol rho seat Set i9 to do if passed. So far the discussion by H. (Land others on the Scott Act side is %telly theoreteczt and fgneifu1.. His disousaion of the subject, if 1 tart allowed to judge, is neither than, retiQal. Her fauoirnl but e.cc,ssively non. sensicat-•-..to say nothing worse, "It ie unjust to glass such a. lax, he tl:<ys, "beoauee as hi G. himxelf allowe there is only one drankalrst in every 700 meu, and eucit being the OR5e, ie the 699 to hay() rtc ootls dera- tinll ? " (I gttllposo consideration wane 1);+4 r lir wllial,ey", 101. If aa, t4t f, v l ii leiatiir e win n ala• 111 d 113 proportion of the eai"1 090 will nal plead guilty to the toilet itnpettchuleet iueiunated here.) " Hae the one drunkard, " he cout/uuee, ." more Oahu.; on aoeiety than 099 good mein and true. A now and :strange doo- trine that." Gto_I rarest sand true, for- eootel. A damnable and cold-blooded dootriue t11ie. yny our population ie four millions and ahalf, or about nine bundretl thounttud feruiliee--say that in eaoh average family there are (counting grown up sone) two men,or in all ono .Million eight hundred thou sated WWI, acid that gee out of awry seven hundred 01 theta --•or nearly 2,000 risen are drunkards. Is there not room for ser(0us ootleitaarattion hero 2 The blighted hopes, the blast- ed prospacte, the wronkcd oharaoter©, the tuisery and tsretchednese indicted. upcu themnelvee eua upon the farm - lista of these 2,600 sten while they are going through the prooeee here on earth preparatory to this end is I suppose as unworthy the "eon:adere- tion" of this Moderation as is their eternal ooaditian is the world to Come. Let him imegiuo himself within oar shot of that pit—let hire listen for nne hour to the rhrioks and groans and mites of theeo 2,000 tor- mentedsoulrr—and, remembering that this must last to eternity, And that three 2,600 were only ono orop from the ever -yielding sonrce—return from tho association of tlrorie who, when en oarth were his kindred spit,. ilii--aud prate of " consideration then. But llerhllpa he aud the other friends of the True Temperance Party would not believe though one roae from the dead: still it is a fact— if he aaoepta the leachings of Holy Writ, --that "no drunkard shall inherit the 1,inydont of heaven." But he tells us, further, that this law, wherever in force is " deliberate- ly ar.d purposely broken by 65 or 70 per cent. of the people" aud that if passed here " Huron Co. will be ne exception," adding : Is there a man in Huron County who would sooner see his son, father, brother or friend, slink around corners, into collars and dark roams, thorn to drink bad whiskey, drugged brandy or fml gin, and bre ak the law and de- cency by so doing, than sae him publicly, de- cently, and legally walk into a respectable bar- room and take his Mass of lager. Ono or the Other states will exist. Which is preferable?" It is said, sir, that if one would hear virtue sneered at, besmiehed and defsn"ied, he must tf5tea to the verbal garbage of harinte. Utterly -degraded themse'vet—having uono of that in then], whl,;.h would elevate either themselves or others, they would " drag an augel doA 11•i' ,So our Modes atian, inetead of ; evel- ling up, endeavors to level down. Do: e he mean to toll the intelligent renders of your paper, sir, that 65 or 70 per cant. of the neople ot this County are drinkers, and world become Int w• breakers if this Act should be put in operation, and •'slink around oornere into cellars and dark rooms, there to drink bad whiskey, drugged brandy or foul gin ?" This is what he calla discussing the question—" taking humanity for what they are worth." It .night be so, if (judging from his doctrines,) be was a fair specitnen of the genus, but he ain't. So, forsooth, 65 to 70 per sent. ;of this decent people of HIuron would 'become late -breakers RA soolt lie this ,terrible Ael would be in force—would .they 2 Do 65 1o'70 per seal. of the ,people of Halton voilate the Scott Act :there A ' How came the Aot to pass :? Do 65 or 70 per Dent, of tee people of Huron violate the prohibitory clauses of the Crook's Act, which, limy no li- quor shell be sold from Saturday at 7 p. m. till Monday at 6 a. m. ?--that pone at all shall be sold ou eleotion days ? I fanny, sir, if this imperti- nent Jaokanapes had one hundred of the overage decent electors of this County arranged in twc rows and after making his insulting charge to their Newt, had to ruu the gauntlet between them, he would find more .than eighty per oenL-,—if they did not *real him as a drivelling erbioile, would dust his pants pretty lively be. for© he reached the end. He then proceeds, sir, to rave about the "awful state of fashionable society it the largo cities, --'-(You see these moderators all travel,) --.sod the pre- valent of((Ileum of Chloral, Opium and Morphine among women, there. Now he may have enjoyed the con- genial privilege of ulookiug at" * certain class of too fashionable soei- ety in some large city --say Loudon or Portland, but I am afraid never ahoitat in airy other, Judging from his wild as=sertions and his doctrines, decent sooiety he has only looked at as he halt at "Mina," Metaphysics,,' "Drug.,'" aud the morality of the people of Huron—at a mighty long distance. Yours, in earnoat, .stv EttiR0?i ORBE''.M0R i, Who hasn't Travelled. llama% August .511,188#. Damm Sirs —While Treed To Editor ofthe Exeter 14 reading the re- port of the sptiaohes dolivere i at the Soot% Aot meeting, wbioh was held in the town of .Goderioh, ou Monday evg., 28111 ult., I notioed that ;tlr. t ` Mote mitda the following stiateitaaut:•- ""In liwiuies, aaveruor St John, the pro., Maim)orator, who had been triumphantly elected in 1880, was defeated by aver 50,000, when he next sought election. His defeat Might not have been chased by his hostile attitude to it license vet= but the vote showed that he and his principles did not stand SS high In the ostirnatien of the people of the State as formerly," I will quote the words of the �fau- treat Witness of July 80th, 1884, and sae WTI they both oorreepoud, In its ztkeloh of the life of Ex -Governor St. John of Kansa'., it nays "Tile :Near Turk Witness wag one of the fires journals to asticante Ex.Uoveruar, St John at his tree worth, aud recommend hie re,nomivatiou for ttovarnor, in the year 1881 which was followed by his election fora lies. end term by a malorlty of Aired 50,000. If we are to lake these last words, which are undoubtedly onset, ;he wae not defeated by a majority of 50,- 000, as Mr, btfoir would have the pub- lia believe. Oh 1 no t he doss not garble at ail. However, 1 hope Mr. Moir will lean a little more toward the truth in future, and not so delib- erately falsify. Thanking you for the space, I remain, Yours. &o,, Ueborne, Aug, Pith, 1884. 4r To Edi -tor of the Exeter Tilney. Dean Syn. --Week before last 1 Left at the TIBBS and Rejtsctoi' ofbeea, for publication, a letter oxplt,ining to the pabiio the mean and heartiest man- ner in whish I was treated by Dr. Cowan, of Exeter. Now it so happens that there lives in Exeter, a certain individual, commonly known as the "vest youth," on, heir and prototype of the subject of this letter. bald youth getting an inkling, by solne means, that a latter had been left et the Reflector office for publication, and also getting an inkling as to its purport, performed the very clever and cunning feat of sneaking into the Reflector office aud purloining the manuscript, or in plain English, he stole it—lie Mr. Moir informs us. Not content with that, he circulates the deliberate falsehood, Wet Mr, Moir gave it to him. So anon as Dr. Gowan became aware of the contents of title stolen letter, suspecting that it would appear in the 'RUMS, he evi- dently beoame muoh exorcised and re- solved, if possible, to prevent it pub - Leaden. Like Captain Cuttle he bit hie hook and was plunged iuto a pro• found cogitation, resulting in a hur- ried visit to my neighborhood, where going ;oto a neighbor's house, hs blustered and threatened me with law, and all its attending costs, pains and -enmities, even to utter ruination, and elro, glY advised the woman to hasten to my *tile and frighten her into ex- erting her I,:fluonoe in having the let- ter suppressed, (0f course his name was to be kept prore• ondly secret in all this.) Well, he did lee:peed in very much exciting and ' frig seeing my flick wife, but with me it only streugttlened the determination that the letter should bo published. When Cowan chooses to play the Eluetoriug bnity be reap frighten sick and u er- vous women ; bat with men it avails little. Go to law forsuoth—his Lilly white reputation sullied. Shy, sir, any Judge on carefully viewing his meek Land child -tike oountenauoe iu the witness box, and on hearing his evidence iu the matter, would begin by statiug that his conduct had been humauu and delicate in the extreme, and would end by strongly advising him to go home and wash himself in a strong solution of T. D's. celebrat- ed' ulagio soap. !Failing by bluster and Irick to sup• W, T. J. press ;;the letter, he next resorts to misrepresentation and falsehood iu order to escape the odium attached to his conduct ; to meet and explain, which is my only excuse in troubling the public with this Iaiter. This, sir, being the only means of self dofcuce from this attacks ou me. Cotten states that be did not use an oath or shut the door iu my fade. I say he did and I am prepared to make affidavit to the same. Again he Metes that Itis reaaun for refusing his ser• vises Was that I have owed him for 5 years, (his son --modest youth.—pate it tit 15 years,) and that he could never obtain payment froul me, This is a direct he ; I o,re hiau ao:itiug— not even the fraction of a cult, and 1 challenge him to produce a hill. I repeat that Cowan stated it deliberate aIsehood and he knows 11. I also understand that he states other in-- suiting acrd offensive things regarding me and Mine. This, however, I con - TrDoupe\, it DAVIS Butcher & General Dealer EIE1 K 0. '-'^-I;i ALL MM..S e2.«---. + �v..�... -J L 1 T I s silex as purely personal, and purpose dealing with it accordingly. I still maintain that Cowan treated rata in a professionally mean and heartless manner, and when he re: aeras to misrepresentation and false: hoods in order to oxeu"le his eondaol, it only adds moral meanness thereto. I remain, Xoura truly, JOHN I)P.SIPHai. Tiiborlle, August 6411, 114, Daslt'wootl. (Received too lata for taatiasue.) PuRsoNaL.--D. L. ehapmeu, a "Banker, is,,tlae peat of ?Hiss Fried. 'Ire. Rtzthering is also visiting here, —Mr. Rellerrpalt took his departure for Hamburg last Tuesday.—Eev. Ur. Hauuoh, visited the Dashwood Sunday School last Z,uutlay, btzt we are sorry to say q,nile it number of the teraoitara were absent, ---Our boys Save a grand open air concert eau Ssturdsy evg. last. Nares. —A shower of rain Poll a fest days age, which wad welecnied vary much. The loot orqs in eouae- quenoe, are making gond headway. The greeter portion of the fall wheat'. is out, aud spring crops err ripening rapidly. It will not he long ere the wind will blow over the oat elubble, and rho reaping machin give way to the threshing meebino. Fsrmers in. variably, are pleased with the °rope, aud aro antiioipeting good tiros.— The fruit prop is si,leodid, with the exception of peaches and grapes. Largo numbers of flax -pullers, to as- sist Mr. Hoppel, of Zurich, in liar vsetrng his flax. --The Inspector' of weights and measures visited hero hast weak and examined all the scales of the place, whieh were found correct, with the exception of a few lie could not get hold of. More people, adulla and children, nretroub led with costiveness than with any other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ters will euro costiveness and . proy,"nt the discgsee which result from it. TEST YOUR BAKING, POWDER TO -DAY! Brands advertised as absolutely pure CO117T.Eix o A213300SPIA. THE TEST: Placa a can top down en a hot store until heated, then remove the cover and smell. A chemist will not be ra- Quired to detect tho presence ot amntan1a. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. ITS 1lCALT1iFr1.`:ESS 1119 NEVER BEEN QUESTIONED. in a million hone, tor. n quarter of century it has stood the ennsumors' reliable test, THE TEST OF THE- OYER, PRICE RAKING POWDER CO., M'X1:7G, 0. Dr, pllicc's Special P!aTarinf Extracts, �9,t roafi.d,mwtdellelaaa "n3 nathral Savor lmosa,and 3r. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gams ,or Light, }lcaithy Bread, Tho nest Dry Hop Yes,t In thr world. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. 6T. LOUIS„ LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD pgPRICy3t OYU* ¥EASTG EMS .me best dry hop yeast in the world. Bread raised by this yeast is light, white and whole- some like our grandmother's delicious bread. GROCERS aSELL aTHEM. PREP-AED srPrice Baking Powder Co., Ian'Prtoi Dr. Price's Sputa' Flavoring Extracts, Chicago. tit. St. Louis. Mo. 0 OUTSTRIPS LVERTT1.WING FOB CHEAP GOODS! If you, want the best value for BUTTER & EGOS oro— J. loupe & Co's KIRETON. TO FARMERS 1 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. NOAH FRIED, --OF TUE-- Dashwood Flouring Mil Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past liberal patronage given him, and sinco making im- provements, wllielt L9 it large saving on fuel, will do ,... H O P ZNGar— unfit futtllrr notice, at the following --rates .-- CATS, SIX CENTS PER. BAG, And for all other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN CENTS PER BAG, TUESDAY, THURSDAY SATURDAY, Are my regular grinding days TERMS - - Strictly Cash. N. B, ---Flour d Feed sold at it close mar- gin. Don't forget to give ns a call VOA .= J' East, Daalewood, Fob'y 7t1i, '84 health is Wealth. DTI. E C, Wear's Ni nes evn A,i& TnsaT. N I;NT, it guaranteed Specific for Hyataria, Mr - shim, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by. the use of .alcohol ortobacoo, Wakofulness,Mental Depression, Softening of the brain,resulting in Insanity and loading to misery, decay and death, Primatnre Old Age, Barrenness, Lose of Power in cithet aex,Xnvoluntary Losses and Spermatornccea, caused by ovor-exertion of the brain, soli -abuse and over -indulgence. One box will curo recent cases. Latah box contains one month's treatment, Ono dollar n box, or sixboxoator five dollars ,•1 tient by mailpprepaid oniocalp t of price. We tlatarantee six. boxes to euro any case. With emelt order received for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a aura. Guarantees issued only by S.W. BROWNING, Sole kuontfor Exeter, Ontario. WESLEYAN LADIES' COLLEGE IL/MELTON, cAA rAnA. The oldest and the largest Ladies' College in the Dominion, Ifasover 180maduatos. Facul ty 5 gentlemen and 12 ladies. The building cost$110,000, and has ever 150 rooms. Music and Art specialties. Will re -open on Septem- ber 2, A ddross the Principal, A.. BURNS, D, D., LL.D Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS Ano SATUBD ATS at their residence. ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL BE OEIPE PROMP.T ATTENTION. SEED, .SEED, SEED l house Exeter Stationed offers hey folio is g vAt nis erities o'fseed grain : ~BEAT.. White Russian per lb el 40 Lost Nation "" 1 25 McCarling 1 20 Johnston •" 1 20 Peas "" 00 Barley ". 60 Glover Seed Timothy "" 25 50 J. SI't'ENERTQN 08 GEO. WILLIS. 44$134 Wialies to annonnca to the inhabitants of xeter and vicinity. tlrat Le bill, opined out u Boot and Shoe Shop In Ole i.iot•IierStore North of Samwell ds Pickard'e, where he is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speeiality, I+apslring promptly attei;ded to. *, G!O. MANSOy�{ Late Manager C. Eaerett's Hoot and Shoe Setablishuli nt. Disy 14th 84. Fronthill Nurseries. 325 ACRES. 325 ACRES. THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted., To begin wort: at one on F`ait Salsa, Steady employmontatAxed salaries to all who aro ;willing to work. MEN AND WOMEN can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND. Good Agents aro earning from 840 to 575 per month and oxponses.t r Tormsantlo atilt free. Address STONE fi W5LLIN(#TON.Tor.onto TH +' E�'ET Ii ._ Planing Mill! SASH, DOOR, and ELIIID !tCOM! ALL l i -mg ? S 1 U E N I J..V G Done to order. Reinemberitlle place. :Over .0 I oct'ard. STATION -ST. $VMEEAM AT �&LLL The undersigned begs to intimate to the people of Exe- ter and surrounding country that he has better facilities for turning out first-class than heretofore. Pictures taken in all the Usual Styles of the Art fife -Size Pictures in oil Colors Crayon, or Sepia DONE ON SHG RTEST NOTICE And'at Lowest Possible Rates, ' 111 Ik Guaranteed, P.S.—Engraving on Gold, Silver, or Ivory ; also Gold or Silver Plating done on the shortest notice. W. T. JOHNS,