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The Exeter Times, 1884-7-31, Page 8
J. GRI Wholesale and Retail BOONSIOXILEIls —AND— 'FANCY GOODS DEALER EXETER, ONT. TEN CENTit per lino for first insertion, and EOLilt CENTS or line for each subsequent in- sertion will be charged for notices appearing In this eoluntu. fines. THURSDAY, JULY 81, 1884. 4004L NOWS,—We shalt 4 happy to re. cave at all tinkss,from any part of the County, items of toed news, such as ae- oldcatti,or any intsvating iscidont what. aver, fret* any of our subscribers or read are gonoralfy f or the purpose of publie- ;Wow. lianeniturs. Saar Brearrao.—Best. and elstapait lot of boots and shoes we harass lot socn, in town is at 0, resereWs, fileoluualswe and. repairing done as usual. HarnesS of every kind always'on bend, whips, trunks, thildrens earriages, express isogon*, &a. Call and set. •01,••••••••, Weenie A smart owl intelligent le4 to learn tire art of printing. Must bete e fair edneatitas, Apply personally to Tams Ofider, Baster. i. Good We will send the Trims for the remainder mato:1state,, poitt,alor eocts. 134bson-be at once and get the lull bane o! s ofisr. of 1884 to any address in Canada or the ••••••••••••••• Sealing wax for -fruit jars, rubber rings, forks of all sizes, insect powders, at Central Drug Store. C. Lutz, Prop, Pure Hellebore and Paris Green at the DominionLabratory. For pare paris green call a* the Central Drag Store, O. Leh, proprietor. The Main -street is being greeelled, and a few days will bo finished. and senously injuring kfrs. HunIi about the head and body. We under- staud she is doing well. The Health of Motor. For the month ofjuly the health of Exeter has been remarkably geed, and on au average more Avertible than in previous years. Tbis may be atiributen—though in some slams bevies a detorioratieg effect - to the cool weather, which to a ca - tins extent prevented. of 00Illagefrali dIsealaia. The Health Inspeotor,how: ever, has been bully for the past font n laair 0081P001111 ooking .0111011/11111021112.111041110 We endemism(' Happy Bane/ re- ceived a postal card not long since, that he would he tarred 11,0 feathered if he ma not leave towo. The cause is said to be ou SeCOu131. of him using insulting language Otte of the meeilA Inge. We, 110Wotref have 110 seen I3ailey's smiling face for some time paO. Geese he took the hint. The tit, Marys Argus gays that Enron County wente again to °stab* lisp old fashioned availing unitchee a loge percentage of those who wrote et the entrance examination recently, were plucked. We ask the Argus ma n if he saw thepaper on dictation ? GENTL.EIVIEN1 ABOUT TO PURCHASE P11116 Should not fail wee* vomits, in other nuisances that are If so, is ho rosily urprisea that 80 ivf a trit likely to breed dimes. may were plucked. OF NEW Last Cheap Excursion otTrds season. _Don't forget the excursion to Lou- don on the 000ssiottiof the Caledonian Hareeeeino goes tough with the Games there Wednesday, Aug 181h. aohaamaya, n 1 sassy *Mitt b" b"u put 44914114, I° A 'hooking time with the farmer', make the games the meet interestaug from 7 a. to., to 10 p. m. SU1 imbela in catisbn the grestut lith* Sacrament was edminisiered in the tow, dmwsrk and batcPiPere hi th.e Presbyterian Chung) last Suoday. I world boring IMO. i° .dl1", P"„,""" The regent! quarterly meeting of TiOkS41 good on regular ireful 411"' the Eirizion °heat will be held tit day of"Tuu" and Viredesed.'1n„,im2i'ean4 Zion, Mitchell 'cod, on Ilfundoy next, Wedit returning en nianY yam "1 A. Gospel Temperance meetiee is daY• SPecbg 1111" will "Iturn "cm now held in the Methodist Ohnrch In Worsteds, eyery Sunday, eommencing at 2:80 p• m. ildi•••••••••••II•1I•1•••r • Iniecton, London Wednesday at 7 p. in, TrItius leave Exeter 11 4. 50 p. re. 'on Toss: day and 8,28 In. en Wedneldllr. Fere 84 twele, re • ss Dal*, head milliner in Mr. junta PlekarCe establishment, is peasant taking her bolidays.—Mr. Ott *en. A. lits4lit, © Welker ton, ate visiting11in* frieudi in towne-:-Iiliss Haile, of Lendeu, is et present the envie of Mai arca, of this taw,— Miss Tillie While, head Milliner in Mr. lificklusiti's eetithlithree a* Sae. ie it hems for hollitoyi.—Miss Dunlap, of Sarnia, is visiting blends in town.—)Iles. Stephenson, of Eine bunt, who hal been visiting friends An this vicinity for the past few weeks returned home on Saturday. Miss Emma. Oistk. accompanied hey, and will remain foe some time. -Miss Kent, of Lucan, is the guest at the Mime Iiiterkehsw, of this place. Base DOI. Yesterday afternoon a plats al bass ball was played between the Exeter and Brussels olube, resulting in victory -for Brunel' by score of 6 to 12. The match was largely altend'ed, and great excitemeut prevailed. Fur- ther particulars next week. Concert. On Friday evening Iasi a concert was given in Drew's Hall by a number of Italians in aid of the E 20 WI ' bees ball club. The attendance was speed obusidering the short notice givent-et being bub a few hour,. The receipts *mounted to $87. Before the J. E. On Saturday last two lads were summoned to appeal before John MaDonell, J. P., on a charge of dis- tuibing the Salvation Army while engaged in their work. After the _evidence of a number Of WilLUISIOS had been heard. the noes was dismiss- ed, leaving the army to pay all costs. Mrs. Morrison, the woman arrested by Detective Pliair al London, en Tuesday morning on a charge of lir- oeny, was brought before the P. M. in the afternocne when she plead= ed guilty. Judgjment was resent& and the woman, with her Iwcennil- dren, were sent to Euler. Wlio is she ? Nerds Died. On Monday morning, July 21s1, Ricbard QUADOO, of the 3rd oon. of Biddulph, lost a .valuable young breeding mare, which he valued at $200, from infiammatioreof the lunge. Mr. Queues having lately engaged in farming, and purchased this young mare for breedina purposes, will un. doubtedly feel his lois very much. Brositidr. Howatont a (smile holiday ? New potatoes ate pits plentiful now. A huge number attended the hese. bell match yesterday. A few Acts concerning the lira and career of the late Mru. ,Tinso Pickard will be found in another column. Mark Olark, ib is rumored will join ilia Salvation Army, or at 'eau the eudience. A. large number from Exeter vis- ited Port Stanley by the Exoursion train on Tasidey, Business, at present is dullin town in consequence of the farmers, being busily engaged harvesting. The raspberry Womb ie still good and large numbers visit the venous patches daily. The itheattirvest is, in full blest, and from alt osppearandesjethe crop will be a good oete_ .* The St.'MarYs Areas says that Happy .(?) Bailey has removed his traps to Exeter. The canine:dote for the erection of the new iron railway bridge at this place, are progressing rapidly with the work. A. new oath!" of potato bug, resem- bling a spider in form and agility, is repotted te be at work nese Whitton. Paris green has no effect on this in- gest. We have received parts 81 and 82 of "Picturesque Canada," They Con- tain some- good •views of amen, in thellaratime Trevino',. The- next two nun will complete the work. Be maul that your children no not ohew any kind of eolored paper. Allitle girl in Tara*as needy pole - cued by the arsenic in a piece of en- amelled paper the other dig, and was only @Oat after great exertions. The Detroit Free Preis tells of a firm in ihat oily who began business with nothing, ind in seven years net- ted $200,000. ...In one year they made $10,000 sat spent every gent of it for advertising. That explains. The north end people are eemplain- - ing of not being able to hear our town Commendable* The energetic'and thouhtful agent bell but very little farther ,thin the of the Confederation Life Association, R. Manning of Exeter was in town last:Tuesday with the necceseary pap- ers/ram the head office in -connection with the claim of the late Donald Scott, who died last Friday, for 2,- 000. Suo,li promptness is worthy of commendation and speaks volumes for the. Association and its agept.--.Brus- eels Post. • Up -Set. On Sunday, of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Hunkine, of Ueborne, met with an accident which proved somewhat serious. As they were returning home from Exeter and while driving along the Thema Read, the lions became frightened at a couple ot Wayput a quantity of sulphur in it and diets, whom they were meeting. The, then Plug it up tight. By thisnmul. . anima' gave a sudden jump, Predie- the thraugh the Hating the opeopante lobo the diteb, The meeting red flundey will be SICOtall and addressed by Mr. Wro. Beta,' Bev. Ur. Walker, of Nerth Ewa. hope, preschedin the ?ruby -loin Chub on Senile, *vire lest. Upwards of 10,000 ihe of butler Were recently .hipped from the °roan eq. "If you would but oleo ns with the drunkard we would *tippet the Scott Aot," said * moderate drinker *be other day, Tell Its wins Drinker whet is the differseee betwesu *little pig end, groins up hog :1' ,&e the one is cert*in to grow to be the other, with almost, the setae writhe, ty is the moderate drinker to grew to heeonte Qat objet of pity ised, dis- gust—Ilse diunkord. This k the rule, and although sone may oentin. us moderate drinkere all tbeir lives with comparatively little Injury to thernielves, yet the example they 114i to the puns is infinitely- more fnl than that of the drunkatO, as no young man would for a moment think of imitating the wretch in the gutter. From your ranks come she thousands who annually ell dishonored graves. market. It should be .plieed on a higher and unsoh more central buildsug - The other day one of our bioyclists rode about 10 railea from the: village, when his maeleinkbroke down. He was compelled' to'rvalk and "carry the machine, Quite a ramie. Last week considerable excitement prevailed- ennongs1 a .few of our citizens as to who could catch the most fish in one day with line and hook. the largest number °eight was *ome 65,' all of which were pike. It as said Oat sulphur is a good re- medy int bleak knon The way to ap- ply it is by boring ft hole in the tree, 5 41. I if Not Far From Rome. News Condense a , A. traveller pronounces Gerrie the heiteet place in the Comity. A. span of horse' belonging to Mr. Wm. Guest of Sb,Mary were killed by ligbiening during the storm oniWed. leen Permission from the Dominion Government heving been obtained a census of Winn= will be taken with a view of obtaining another hotel it- COMO. Be,. Father West, pastor of the R. 0. Ohuroh, Ridgetown, has been call- ed to Ashfield, cleanly of. Pluton, his future field °nelson One day lest week as Mr. J. Me. Diarmid, of the 4th concession of Stanley, was returning home from Kipple his horse got mind at the giggling of the buggy and ran away, precipitating Me. MoDiarmid into the ditch, leaving him insensible for a .11 .1 , C to inspect our cent Stock SPRING and Ovirclatinp 44, Vortoot riot guevaatosid 114404* rofirok4.4 Beady -made Olothizig a -speciality — both in Mers and Boys. ion invited. * No trouble to show Goods. In Death or Hrs. James Placard.. In last week's issue it was our veinful duly to announce the belle of Mre. James Pickard. Sum then we have been able to *Oleo soros faotr pain her life, Wok, on account of going to meg so soon after the re- port of her deethore could nob pureed to our readers et that time. Eliza Welsh was born in the Medal of Mouton, Bei/land, in the early park of the year 1824. Her youth Wan spent in England, oho having mill grated with ban Amity to Canada in 1842. Her parents took up land in the Township of Usborne, while the remained kin the City of Loudon. After living in London for five years she was married to Mr. jamas Pick. ard, About five years subsequent to this event they removed to Exeter, where Mr. Pickard established a gatl- eral store, winds was the first of the kind in the piece. At this time the spot where Exeter now stands was el - most a forest. The inhabitents could easily be enumerated :-Mr. Lau air- line. tannery, life, Joseph Atoheaort's oboe shop, Mr. Sander's farm house. and Mr. Pickard's store, constituted the entire settlement, and from this short time, but we are glad to learn nucleus has gown env flourishing that he ie around agoin. Mr. Robert Armstrong, of the town line between Hulled And had hie barn and out.buildiags all burned down on Wedneadey Morning, last week. There was 1 calf fastened ill the ensble whittle wee bared alive. There were 'bait "twenty ions of hay and a reaping maohitie end farming mill also binned. Origin of fire an- kinteulannece3„loei is pprtialiy. mend by Mr. -W. fibillinglaw of Milton left on Monday lest, with fat cattle for the Montreal market, and also for the purpose of securing owe for a load of cattle'as he intends shipping:to' the old country next month. We hope he may be sueoesslul in his new en, bowies. *Mr. Jae. McNair, who for a num- ber of years kept a seed Store in God. eriolo, died:at his home, •Riehmond Hill, on Sunday 20th ult., after a long and painful illness. The deceas- ed had many friends in Goderieh. He was a member of the A; 0. U. W., and W. R. Miller represented that Order at the funeral, which, we learn was ono of the largest .seen in that section. Donald Scott, of Brussels, third son of the late Douald Scott, died at the residence of his mother on Friday the 18th inst., of consumption of the bowels. He had been in Denver for she moat of the last three years, but finding that 'he had this disease he came,home last April, and continued getting weaker, there seeming to be no euro for his disease. He was bur. ied on Sunday by the Oddfellows of which Society he was *member. He was also a member of Denver Encamp meal. village. From them humble began sling in the little brick sioire, which, sidl ternienii as a relict atomiser days to the present time, Mrs. Pickard has been slander:it eounsellor and ardent co-worker with her husband in busi- ness meets's, *ad then oan be no doubt that the substantial anderlegant buildings which have supplanted the old oilman in no small degree the result of her 'diligence and indnetty. In soma" We MrS. Pickard was 411 slesplienal women, we say this Mohr. idly. In storm of sunshine, in ad- versity or proeperity, she vas always oven -tempered, generous find forbear- ing. She was at all times witting to undergo any self-sacrifiee for the sake of her fatally, who, though they have arrived to years of malutity, lose in hie their Wien friend and most faith- ful adviser. • Her high social qualities were bub an exemplification of the faith she so much cherished, and an outcome of her Owlet obedience to, and praotioel application of the teachioge of her Master. ln her youth she was an adherent of the Episcopal Church, but as the result of Revival Services held in the old log church al Provi- dence, she and her husband connect. ed themselves with the B. C. Church. She took a moat active .pant in the opening of the first B. C. Church in this place, • The zeal which she then displayed in the cauee of Uinta* never decreased. Her house was always a welcome home for minietere, many of whom will hear ' of her demise with feelings of deep regret. In every movement for social reform, she lent a helping band. Every effort for the advancement of truth 'received her booty so operatiod. • fr CABLING Physically the diceneedtill roo*. ly has been a strong healthy women, she had been poorly too some week*, but was apparently improving until Omit a week preyious to her death, she was prostrated with a severe Or teak of pneumonia which terminated fatally WI Wednesday meriting. Dar- ing her eicknese oho endured *Wel- ing with great fortitude and met her approaching end with Christian resig. nation. Besides her husbaud, she leaves four sous and a daughter to mouru their los*. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of the oom. =nay in these beresvement. Every token of respect was *Shown 11111 the funeral service. As the large procession of 200 memos moved out of town, all plaose of Duuineli were closed and the town bell tolled. Au appropriate memorial earyiee Was held in the jentes-st Mothodtst Church conducted by her pastor Rev Mr. Pascoe. "So live that when the summons comes to join Theoivnensumerablo caravan tbat m To the pale realms of shade when each shall take Sia me iachabre in the 'Rent hall. oeath. Thou go not like she quarry - slave at night, - Sienna to his dungeon r but, sustained arta soothed By an usdaltering *rusk approach the grave, Like ono who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." as was avideneed by the feet et her having laid the corner stone of the present Methodist Chute on James; at. " THE GREAT - Industrial Fair . AND.. • SEME-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION 1884. Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy, Agricultural and Hortioultural Products, Implements,* and Manfactures of all Kinds. TORONTO, SEPTEMBER the loth to the 20th, The largest Prize List in the Dominion. Prize Lists and Entry Forms can be obtained from th e Secretaries of all Agricultural Societ- ies and Mechanic s' Institutes, or they *will be sent anywhere on application by post card to the Secretary, at Toronto, Entries close Aug- ust 23r d. Thie will be the G-RA.INDEST EVENT Of Toronto's Semi -Centennial year. AN IMMENSE PROGRAMME —OF— SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS, Is being prepared for that time, !Cheap [rates andExeursions on all Railways, The hest time to :visit the city of Toronto. Wait for it J. J. WITHROW, President., H. J HILL, Mane.ger and Secretary, Toront