The Exeter Times, 1884-7-31, Page 7Socxro :Cot c'ii `Trays,; It is a. bit of coincidence that the comet upon which Napoleou'e soldiers gazed several years. ago, when they were ma':ing that dreaded march front. Moscow, which resulted in the death from cold end exposure of 400,000 men, should be accompanied on its reap- pearance with ;t bitter coact spell of weatiebr,: likien. it swept out • of sight tee`' eeeld sw ttae se l 'tie unusually se- vere winter:. The itieitfent, ss well as the present cold soap, recalls otic. a see versa winters. In October, 703, and Feb- ruarv, 704, the deiriz net of the eitiessif Mosques and Minarets were estoui (sed by a cold shell eft weather and the ewes aces at Catistaantinoplewere frozen oven` for twenty clay;. In 1003 the Thames was frozen over for fourteen weeks. In 1407 thea/oid was so intense in England that a:1 the small birds per- ished, r r • i o• and " 3 the large. few lied f, 3 i t ' ,n,ln the air were driven by the hterrible cold; into the turns and cities of Germany. In 14G8 the stint' r. was ;:so • fiSFere m Flanders that the wine dietl;Ibttted sits out with taut.,' e. The yen: 1655 was noted for cold sr.. leans# Thousands of fori4slr trews „were split by: tri �tl tr �ef stoeltr steel;itjt'lahed. a Hue' of: at iia. ran Alt tke Thames for st,vuraal weeks and shops were built on this fee in the middle of the Thames. In 1810 Lite wolves were driven by b Lire cold into Vienna. v,•here these et- esekeci men and cattle tin the strebtSe Iu 16Itl qu;c1 a»Par fruits in the fuer- 1nonlsto% Oldie lift. One cf moatocit drkna',1 e es of temperas Uwe as witnessed its. xlo;tied: 41,40, Halttnttromitit, tic:11 Jautidoa, ir. 1867. The thermometer was three degroee below stere on. the 4th, of ;January and seventy-two horns ia*F'r it had d tined to fifty-five degrees r a to sera,. tvithrespeet reru44;:4i c cold site Is were as follows; in 1780, and again in 181„ Now York harbor WAS frozen over so that teems were driveix across the ire to Steen Island, The net''ld.toring Slate of fn= dulls saw weaatth'er cold enough to a n- geal the mercury in 1555, to Winter of 18$1 wars mule memorable by cold weather. Oa the i:itit and 243th daty3 of Jantlatry many deaths occurred -from the intense call, and the reoidente of Mobile rr'tsv the thermometer sink to zero. A'rtfeeniti' + .+hese vrmiirt fifer t're perfect without a mention of the terri !sly sudden. storm that sweat over the country in 11163, which luta gone into history as the cold New 'car's. A draynittn was frozen to death in. Cin- ciuuati while driving along the street; a luau climbing a fano.' in Atinnc+sota froze to death ant toppled over into the snow, while this logs of human anti Animal lives in all parte of the country was immen' e.•G'detwalanrl itera.'ci. wuao'iVonIttri t Be are:Ir►teart • Into, acetous Items• It' is very refreshing for one that has .There are :at the present time 305 inmates I spent his Situ in the country, to read to the Central Prison, agaiur•t 247 M the same the oa,lo effusions fY Fons o urban writers f li te periodhet year; ; 112 iu the hfereeriteformat, cry, 40 in the Refuge, and 704 in the Luuatie Asyleie. on t e independence and delights of rurnl life and scenery. As we have spent a useful and happy life arida. rias' tie and pietureaclue atcenery, we ;may be pardoned if we attempt to ;glee ,e pencil portrait of the novelist's edeal--x a home in the country. Wef maty •poss sibly get the poetical and the pre©tical mixed, but wo shall cling to the truth like the old man of the reeuntain to Sinbad the sailor. How delightful in early springtime to loiter bcaie the 'purling brooklet and gather daises and forgetemeenots! Hew ppleasant to wateh the playful" hunbkIns In the meadow. and -have the heaving bosom of your 1 0u s©l7 butted 'nate tee back of our neck by the fain -law of tate lambkins! How robin slugss its matin, end, reit: echoes its,ves How joyful theft eked elow7'aoy. , �• etch lyre :sore shin. n cover ore his ;Rani peaals. the f+itW{i"eltlpu't+4+ coletrcl jktusir , ptin;; eltiss her n idle hncgarc►1vl < <•-,f,, the_ m the the the rod clown an um Wheat llG3td when he *tem in her coma soft altl, i':f ley ang crows ate The o Bncklen's Ar ien Salve. , The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brute- f ee, Some. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever 'Sores, letter, Chapped. . hands. Chilblaius,Corns,and all Skin Eruptions, end positively: curse Pilest, or ua nay required. It is guaranteed to give' perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale by all dreg. gists. —The Canadian Press Association starts from Toronto for the Yellowetoue Park on August 1. $500 fr`e't ard. -Ave will pas- the above reward for Any ease of Livereompkaint, Deepepela, sick head. l ache, Indigestion., Conatipalion or Costiveness we cannot cr;rewith SF+st'a Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are atrieiclycomp) ied itlt. They are purely Vegetable, and never 1togire satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large xes, eocitalninfi 30 rills, 25 cents. For sale all Druggists, Beware of eennterfeits and etnitations. The Gamine manufactured only y JOAN C. WEST k CO.,, "The fill melt - re," al h 83 Ring etruet Bask Toronto, Ont. Free trial package trent by snail prepaired on receipt of a, three a tat stamp, A 8T'. AMS VICTORY. ltir.Tohta'Worrlaon, well known in St. Anp'rt, I1, i3., had serione iiidney Complaint alai bor- cred on dropsy, After twee heti nearly find, e wets cured by Burdoek Blood Bittore. Ori TIIllITY PAYS' TtiT.iLL, Telt Voir ja Derr Co.; Marabell,11ioh.,wi1. send I)a.Dxs'eCrraar.A-r-r, Fineesno-Voxrtto Batas .LN lrnNeXarel .'ream;ices ontrlalfor thirty days to men (young Cr ole) vette are 44 - aloud wlth uervous slcbslity. Jost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing sia4edy and Complete reateratiuuof health and roau)yvigor, Address as above. i'1.B. Ne'. glut is incurred, as thirty days' trialisAllowed; --.ObcdiManuel, a boy twelve years of .age, was drowned while battling at Port Bowan. elet11 1601'kl;d1 F Y 01,10X. . Biesry purcbazer of common ecuaae bueiuese eaelty, when requiting an' article fora ear-� tainpnrpa:e. pureilaaea only that which has! been tried orb allowed first to toot, before haying, You are sneered a free trial bottle of McGregnr`a Speedy: Cure, the great remedy fu% ny p.'peia, Berne Bleed and Liter Disor- ders at J w, BYowniu ;'s Prue -Store. sem sit' 5t'c. anwt til perleil ie, See teetitiwnials freers' pawns in ;'our oven towel, - t. , A RE:tlAftEAbl l; Ici':i t}it11. The meek reinerkable Cure of S4rvful4 onrC- ec,ral is that of the Rev. Nei. Stott, of Wier - ten, whale+ ease et' Scrofulous Abscess baffled tlw Skil; of eeventecn Sargtotte for twenty. Ilti ea yeatr's. Iia wall perfectly cured by Bar.. II dock Blood bitters. eeClareno Carpenter, ten yesrx of age, was drowned at Welland ea Frill ey, McGregor at' Perktee Carbolic Cerrito hie been tested by years of trial and has been found the most convenient and effectual molt- ed et applying Carbolic ;Acid. The greata,t anticeptie in use for Cnts. Burns atnd Ohl Sores. Ba sure you FetIicGregnr tet Parka's Catholic Cerate, Sold for 25 cents by S, V. l3towning f)rugrzi t. $ RBST AND COM -MUT TO TICESUFFERING '•11rowrt`u SIauseltoltt Panacea" ha n aoerlual tort, etiovingpnin,bothi morels 0xtornel It eurespaiu lu the Si4a,beck or bwattle, ,sore throat • Rhauwatisan,'Touthnelle, Lumbago end any kind efapain orache. "It will must surely quicken' the blood and heal, a: its acting Dower is wonder- ful.'"Brown's Household Panacea' beingaok- rcowrledgod an the great Pain lteliovor,nnd of dolt bTo.thestreuyithofany Other Elislr orLluiment iaitho wvorld,zhouid be iu every !molly Itaudy lox use when waated;'asitrcatty is the bee trime dy in the world for Oramns in the Stomach, and Palm and Athos of all kinds," and le for GO a lay handy, while the Ito usu do aaa., sire, explores the otwin jr! to ss-atr1lee it- happy sons humming bird sips roan the ;olden (lupe vi All earth and air d sky tete hushed and calm, and pro is no sonnet to disturb tilts farmer tti►hd hulttd441"4 belt#ttstrleit :'burnble- bee in the Ieft to-, of his trousers,! Ha p ^indee( who possesses so 21fi' �t ,,,,:. t The pest plow - bore Sri t o rttnrw,atio prldo o lila a3trengtli, wa&Ja has tail over theMe, end trar;xppl�g down one row of corn s4d;plowlAg a another, is the feather's pet; while the brindle'bttll its the br- eltArd, which gored the farmer's wife to dentlt, still wears a corset ell lila horns aid. her hoop•skirt on his shaggy neck. And then on the heaut;foal Sabbath rtloreaiug, the 1i j-py farmer, with piety fit bti heart and d.es.1i)g tabaceo in Isle Itoakat._starts to the genet house of God -ith'his farnli'y" in alno1 l lumber wegent to peer fortis pratieler and tobacco- u?eez! He sits oil that spring- heat and drives like John, while til. boys sit Flat down in the wagon. Test dear reeler, the country le the place for health and wi:alltb. In the. country you will not ,lndthe kid -gloved dude in iultttacnlatt-: eulT-. enrlsin-stain ed eintperit+R ,sultlt No, nothingbut innocence will it. found. You will lino instead the stun -browned hero of the poet's fanex, who wears No. 10 boot, beneath a Nu. fs hat, and fastius has collar to hie weletbanil to keep it from jumping over hisstead when he sneezes. e thinks he is a dude when he gots his yellow doga iu gloves slipped ever the warts on his hands, anti they At like a circa tent would. fit a cancel. He is not a dude, but an ale*, and le smells like a tanyard stretched over a clothes -line. Snell area few at the beauties of ag rlcultnral Mei Who wouldn't bo a !armor? --.t ew,'Ir a (.Il.) Independent. A Ho; Story,. Says the Salisbury Advertiser:, vertiser: '"Tho most remarkable occurrence we ever heard in connection with hogs has hap- pened to one belonging to Mr. J. Shelby Gosiee, near Delmar. It was a large animal and very fat, weighing nt least 3t10 pounds. About the last of Novem- ber lair. Goslee noticed that it had stop' J ped rating. For two weeks it ate nett - mg and then seemed to recover its health. About that time a small crack in its skin was observed along the side. Then a similar one appeared on the other side, and then ono on its neck. These cracks extended gradually, and the skin appeared to be 'getting. ]bole. Tho process continued until about a week ago, when on going to the pen, Mr. Goslee was astonished to find the skin lying in one place',nnd the, hog, alive and, Well,' another; An inch'of fat was still adhering to the . ,Oast -off coat, and the 'Weighed thirty-three pounds. The skin on the leg' 3 and head remained on the hog,' The ani- mal is now in excellent health • and a new slcin is beginning to feria."' ' What IFill zonitires Eat. Joseph E. Brown, of Georgia; _is' =Elie wealthiest and one of the oI'est of the united States Senators. He, is also one of the plainest men to be found any- where. lie may be called tri,`"home arannys!' He Wears long white whis- kers and store clothes. He is fond of: old fnshfbinedthing i; "d§ Z`'itt11y i51deu- time dinners. The other ;say he sat in the cloak .room on, the democratic side of.the sabers:with 11; nulnbc r of lits ; old 'senatorial frietids,'smoking' and` joking. Finally, the conversation turn- ed on dinners and good things to eat. Se'iaaterB elel,?if Sisittli"Ctrl rtrina kno ; a good einnt#i its well fie any teen when it is served out to ;him, ;and in hls most eloquent terms he told how he liked canvas -back duek and sauterne, and Canada grouse and champagne, and terrapin and 'goal. old sherry, and how lie wanted it served up hot, with a royal crowd of boysaround hire. Then several other senators nanieti their fa- vorite dishes. arvorite,dislhes. Senator. Brown looked on and listened with a streaneof water trickling from his mouth. Finally he liioke Fn: ,,Well gentlemen, you may talk of your terrapin, tied champagne, and •yoiir•crowds,end all that, but youniny. just dish up old Joe Brown and Iiia :old woman puddle duck and sweet po- tatoes." - And he Wiped his month on leis coat- sleeve and fairly worked his jaws at the thought .ot. it.—Cor. Indianapolis TTournai. , A certain, gentlemen', a wellknown. business man, in' this city has a now plug hat. A young lady Who bad not seen him for some time, thought that nO.ono hut ministers wore silk hats, and asked him when he had joiued the salvation army. INVALUABLE TO EVERY LADY 'MAYBE The Great MA Lotion ioi Beats the' e. bac 3 It °Q Orsistheevidence. of ante. Orta sple3i- nation will *sate the moat stubbor;aiy red alto rough hands liemttlfullx soft and w')tte. Ire: anomer that” MAYDla.W",ts haat st paint or powder that Ells UJF the pored of the Akin, and that is injurious to' i h a _plan, but a new and great discovery, a Tegetnble liqusd, thet'pauses, the cheek to glow with health, the peck, arnhs and hands to rival the Lily in whiteness„ I,x- os i D e bla to detect ia:P ttap,bea>Yty 'itdGnf ' arttatclal era: kin, Frecklesg Ore. til. F Dai.. elresvy . Reeds. Crowle eet, Hto in Ies, Face GGiube Sun Barn Tan eetin ererm, mates ed leads, sore or (314.4l)pedrdps.Barber's halt, Totter, dc... It trees the P vi, ell glynds,..a'Rct t:ibc. fronn,th.t iejur- toaeseaecta,gr eoweeri and cospzifgfc washes. By its use all redness and routhbtte!s are pre. vented ; itbea.tfftes the skin; and will znske it soft, antootta and white; icttparting a-del;4toua softness rproduoing a perfectly healthy, other. al,ar}d..ortp u#hint-pyarengo. Tbq *est Baca lotion at the world ever produced, We will Send" A ZsAow no'ATt a " teeny aprons on' re. collet 01 jrica,:ft, Whonordering meatinnthi paper. Address allfotteisto Ileo MAT DEW dOsiiCl", +. 71' 'Youni;atreet, 'Toronto, Ont. , k.rioraail Reeeptlon #locant for radio.. ' :% >. y .� ,`/.. Such Mesio as Indians Mare. allllruggiets4 0conts At the a eopitfter the parade at San -,A CUREFOA Cfl0LE1iA. ` is Fe, N M., • the Apaches put ;:`side `rocure from your druggist bno'.bottle of Dr,. much of their finery and gathered In Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and take groups for &attnes and ,songs. Their ss directed. not/see aril fiutnmer Complaifits. singing always attracts a erowd. to the teams. 'Thofashion is to sit in ^a circle, the'leadersr in s. row, provided . with tamtoips or otheeeounding Iastrttntente and the rest of the party. with",twigar, if procurable, orsticksor anything with which they eat heat time -on the pial'01 of one hand . Twit Comanches, rene- gadei1rom their own tribes and known as 'Gpiicanelca- John. and Domingo, handsome.feliows. With :hawk eyes',nnri peyfeeCteetir are_th4 best siegere in ;the band. John.hae provided himseif,with a large iii3lipan. '.His knees.are spread A-, ' .'?to sil.whd.ate suffering fro= the orroraand. its;direrstionicgtxrttth;aorvonaweakness, oar*. dpcayttosaof manhood,. ckc.,I wiliserd arecoii, 1a(wfl1 cur ou, V1 OP a13ARGE' This grcatremady was:dzseovered byamissionaryiu South America Sendasefr-addreaseti envelord the 'toy Tosi ruTIrgx.or.Sfalion D,NesuTer* Oily CAN DEAFNESS BE CURED.. - ;tlr. John Cjarlt;.of Alilldrifage,Ont ;declares it can, And: thatitiagyard's "Yellow Oil is the remedy. th t cured )ism. Ives alio a. specitic for all inflammation and; pain. , . Ildl7owah' Ointment and Pitlr.—Diseases' of far apart to hold -it t half dozen °titthe gen, ringweotni;, ¢curvy,ftcotbatieernption era have Lina• of variou.4 •sizes the- email -died AFeihngs, Bare heads, Anil the most invet- est bal`ne^ a `-Buckskixi ttilSlser. has been •erste Akin diseaae�to'w]aien the human frame• strctohsdiintd`drutn iiovers'forr)titnts;ta�i tri subleet, a iemo be troateri pith a more easy^ 7 and reliable semoilp titan Vide loft sys Oi'i:; etove pipes pnxi'for kettles,° Kowa;tiahtr and Pine;.tivbiolt elbt ao'pecitlisrly"oil th''e con Iy, strung rest,upright between dbe legs„ titillationand se petrify the blood, that these.;, ' of three or four others and one gonitis diseases are at once eradicated from, the sys-. has fashioned e.;•41tde inatxu'i ant •with ten, ,and a lasting cure obtained. ' .They. me „strin`gs re�Coniktlitl',Y„n banjo' : very per equally•efficdc .:e 7n the ettre'of =excoriations, former -has it clack about double the hinds; ''scalds,: , glandular swellings,. ulcerous length andthickixess.of: a lead' pencil. wounds,.rheumatises and,contraeted and Stiff Jebtt,:or,Dorningo sets,. the ,naovemeht, 'aped joints. These, medicines operate' Mild&. and ivies-411'1ho-little this and tomtoms hitt surely. The cures effected by them' am have oiessjet the• rftyth;m,Ywhieh ten fast not tempornry:or apparent only, but complete- reo-ula;.• heattna rind the bow strtings •are dud permanent• thrninetiinsr and this palm. swi:tehes fall=' Aiiswsn Tir:s oclt8TzoN.—Why do so'•niany. Ingle, time with it. whoever may>bo in the lead startw,•;l,song. A eenipeee of five notes is rarely exceeded except to strike an occasional octave arid"there invariably a/minor:refrain. The;entire band: keep at _this: for houre: with only occasional ,momentary resting. spells.. As the sone goes on inemliers of the people we see around us,aeem to prefer to snf., ferand bo made miserable byiudigestion,xon- etip}ition, dizzine st lose of appetite, coming np _of the loop sylow akin, wizen ;for 75 cents; we will sell•them.Sh loh's Vitalizer, guarante ed t' cure them,. Sold by d. W. Browning, Exeter. ' - • r o n•i WOMAN'S. WEAKNESS, circle "rise, three or four at a tfine, atnd' Inch efthe „wearyweakness peculiar to fe- ralales it•eaused by irregularities that could be bob up and t%own'with deacon like faces. `,promptly: remedied by that Dxoellent Regulat- The bobbing is' said to cell retiselet••i ito inggTonio, Bnadoek B1dod Bitters,, play that would soon. exhaust persons not •tccustomed.tq.it,:but it looks like a: tame ;end lazy performarnce. The she. nal for the end of it is given by an or'd strspes roc 'on •w pipes a'succession of nerve -trying notes. —Cor: 1Iu-falo Courser. • •.A,.practical Jose bi;som'e:itnglisn cern, lege men recently bad .a terminatcon:.of an unexpected kind. At half-hour in- tervals. throughout the' night they telegraphed to' a 1rieppd in jersey asking lifter his health anti' bow he liked exist-' once in Jersey.. This was no doubt year •amusing to, the jokers, but the luckless: ''jokes'' did'ikot, enjoy it at .all;. for hiss father, who couldn't et. a wink of sleep,, -disinherited him on t e spot, declaring;' 'that only tri bad son woii)d have Such's- pack of fool93or his friends. -Terouto has•120 Hebrew families. —Beet -root augar-making will be begun once More. in Berthing., . Quebec. fellawe wiwitha "' i d jis' 'h hA. Fluid Lightning meg Neuralgia in one =_ To the Front as Usual Wif i ' all the latest Novelties in allenartm ants The place to get everything you want at prices to suit the times. COME , COME ALL. No troubleto show Gooas. FAMES PICKARD. .RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S -PILLS 801NTMENTj THE PILLS P.urily alae Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMAOH, ITDNEYS, ANDO sY ELS. They'Asvigorate and restore to hgalth Debilitated Conetitutigns, and are invaluable in alt Complaints incidental toFemales ef alleges.: For'ehildrtn and the aged they are prieeless THE 'OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Logs, Bos, reaeta, Old WYouuds,'Sorea and Ulcers. it is. famous for Gout and Rheumatism, I+0R 33I90RDE IS 0 ' THE CKEST 11 1145 '.0 equate For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings,- and all akin disease it has no rival ; and for contracted: and stiff joints it netsuke a charm. Tho Pills,and,Ointmentare gold 6tTaouig.Hozaoiw s'8Establishment, 78 ,,NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFOBAsSTREET ,`LONDO ,' ; also: b marl e, . _.. ._..., ,: .-. y y very respeotabie Veiidor of Aiedioine„in Boxes ausl•Potrr,at 41. lid., 2a. 9d., 4e. fill lfs.'„:22s., and 33,s:,.eap}a.,...:Tl a 2e. 9d. size' Contains three times the quantity of the is 13d, sage.;: the:4a. 6d size -six ; ,the'lls, size siateeu ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the •.330 size.iifty-two times the quantity of the sutallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directichs are affixed to. each Box and Pot, and can be had in nny:language Purchasers should look to the Label ore tile' Pots and Boxes: 'It the address is not 5333 Oxford 'Street. Vanden, they; are spurious. MINIM :is "i ritiLLIA•.DRE.. tenni e. Fluid Lightning' - cures Toothache , iu , one Minute. - 1'+ittid Lightning causes Face Ache in one hahinute.• !liquid Lightning cures Lumbago in one Fluid Ltghtning relieves Bhetanatish in one minute. s •" viand Laplttiiiug cureaatny pain or ache in- stantly. Psice.95, cents per bottle at i,• W. Biowniiai s Tigers store. 6 :FlBl)bf;1t1i7GS"PON: N C Peldoit at Co., druggists, write that, -' -aril I)r. Fowler's Wild Strawberry has long, been; `the best remedy for Summer Compluint in the market. Undertak-ir inet* .�mai er. �. .A. IO ONE DOOR FORTH MOLSON'S BANK ,.