HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-31, Page 6L7 t1d. tlepperheId. .Brother' Goodger on Ohrlteity. • In ""Pavia Coppexlieid'" Dicker! 3s • .4Iie Good iBook sped ,ot charity a freer frons defect than TIP, any other of thousand tunes, an' e+'hsl ^`sheet of de Me. works. It is rarely that .public coli- people believe dot de word as used in de pion has ratified an author's judgment 1 Hilda means dat we, arms' open our so c enepletely as 'White here.. As we all - parses to de poo'' In de lust place. I klarow, this Was Dickens' favorite,' and tirnestly believe dot de charity of da the reason: we all know. It may be Bible -means• beekin.' lightly upon, de noted in passing how characteristic of 1faults of our :elite -mu. It means doe the twee Meals t oro eluoiee. To Dickens . the must oberlook, excuse an forgive. 0WA words, his favorite child, because Doesesity cove mean a of o fitude of sins! 4"David Cuppertieid" was,. to use here i ' dat mean a loaf of bread passed in its pages he saw the reflection of his outer de kitchen dealt to a beggar, or own youth, Theekeray, thoughho never does it mean, dat he who oberlooks do spoke out on such matters, is g.enerelly faults of others shell hnvo some of his • believed to have looked not alittle intoown condoned? I hold to de latter. leis WA heart when he wrote "Penden- ' "But let us admit dot de •eharityof sins." Yet his favorite was 44Esineend." . de Bible means oidia' de poo'. If I for "4Emund" he rightly -felt to be the ' airn ten shilhiege a day an' work in cold as meat an' reen --i# My wife economiz- iin tsthi that pnt~ bole hiD w id Copp ed i dr me I am ker ul—et we go slow Sit' meet complete and, perfeetof his works• an'h 1Vit 1. se exquisite widen our means an' Maria- to geld," no doubt, the secret of the lay up a few dollars, what man or Wo- e writer's partiality is in some sense the man on air*, has de right to tell nee ddt secret of the readers. '.ihc.tgh none, erhaps, have been so outspoken as oo , every man takes pleasure ben rit- Ina Gout himself, and we are always pleased to hear what he has tosay; ego - !ism, as Macaulay says, so unpopular int conversation, is always popular in writing. Hut not in the eharnt of auto- biography alone lien the fascination zthieh the. delightful book hes ext rclsed on every chess of readers. It is not only Dickens' most nttr;sctit-ta work, but it is his best work. And it is his best work' for the reason that whereas in all his °there he is coutinua]ly striving to rea- lize the conception of leis fancy, in this Ilene his business is to idealize the roe ality : in this alone., n; it seems tome, his imegination prevajea over hie fancy. In 1 nlua' pass any pare of my aaviu.s out to people who ani poo frc w their cora fault? Whet A }awe work -eel they have loafed. 'It'htmr 11xp.Yo .piaclied da have squandered. WYhsr' I have denied myself dey have cut loose and a free hand, "Dar' ani nut mu able bodied Man ire America, who c:in t *len suf leient to board, clothe and att:`ltool H gamily of six aua eezel his wife to ehurch on Sundays.. i -e • 1)ar'gree not a wielder ins d s 1. utry who c• it't eine at ]east a (toiler a day at so ntt' weep:velem. Dar' am not an or - fail who has the shadow of a right to seen* any ratan fur a nickel. ,.Our public charities am so many frauds upon taxpayers. De $20,000 -reise,l lot; tax in Detroit Sally into de this alotio he is never groteeigtie, or for hands of people who have no bizuess hien so rarely that we hardly care to, with one shtllin' of it. It goestu drunk, fluency the adverb.. Nowhere else iseras an' idlers an' pretenders. who his teethes so tender and so sere; no- make it a duty to lire upon eharityttana where else is his humor, though often one y'ar to weeder. Id* de roost atd- niore boisterou and more abundant, so ent philatuthropist in des kentry to show eesy mai ao due; nowhere else is his ob- me one ease whar' a city 1►0o' fund dealt eereetion so vivid and z o .deep; nowhere out to paupers hes lifted anybody ebofe else has he held with ao sure aband the gain' agin. De city which raises dp i balance between the elms. If in the motes' nuuey, has de motes' pauper's. theraeter of Daniel Deg,otty more elo- ' 11g4�ers p�ereve H. ale'Set plulnnthroltigt4 (weakly and more reasonably= - than be 1 tvoreet attenit dat it proves anythieg. has ever done elsewhere\ even m honest "Let rue start out to-roorrmw ere he JoeGar cryy, be hes enlarged on his ** each to 107 solicitors of charity an' favorite e txii''ing place fur virtue, he has how yuan - would have'a dollar left by also nowhere else been so ready* and so night? At lesat half would spend a glad to welcome her in those more portion for beer, whisky or tobacco. seemly pleeee wherein for the most and not twenty of de lot would buy part be can find no reeting place for his feet. Weal: usinded at Dr. Strang 3$, fatuous, if the reader pleases, we aro never asked to laugh at the kindly, chivalrous old scholar, as we are at Sir Leicester Dedloek; Clara Pe otty is no better woman than Agnes W'ickfield. And even in smaller matters, and in the characters of second -ratty importance. day turns up snu1etliin' to convince me we may find the same sureness of 1 dot I gin correct. But now whom do I touch. Fortnightly R.'rim. feel fur, en' to whom kin I give? If I assist en able-bodied faun to airn his own bread dot tun charity. If I kin prevail upon a father who amwastin' h'is money In ddat rink or at cards to put it into his remedy,am charity. It pea' not bier loses his horse I have a .1e5 bill fur leen. If he loses a child 1 have ten. If he breaks a leg or an arm I'll sheer my meat an' taters an' wood wid him until he kin work ao n. If aiather falls sick, an' has naltlin ahead my kind o' eliarity chips infur a shake purse to pull him !raw. If a stranger comes among us un' am ill let us make him well. If fire or flood devastates a sec- tion, let us send relief. If a wild ,r am left helpless let us Gill her coal ]pie an' Hour bar'1. "iu twenty a ears .almerica has raised up a elites nunberin' tens of thousands who shirk work, who makesaloons pay, who have doubled ihe nuneber of police and jails an' prisons who steal, role and ravish --who infest street corners an' prowl frew alloys—who add nothing ex- cept to illiteracy an' vice, an she has raised 'em up by her system of mistaken charity. Philanthropists may squirm an' women make wry faces, but de preachins of de one as de sympathies of de odder have made de word charity synonymous wid Vice and Wickedness. Let us now assault de usual prop aunt. my. "—Detroit ^J're c Press. —AT GREEN DQiviJ.N ION • LABORA[fl)]HtY EXETER, s. w. 33ao57717270, r:oa $1000 Forrr+tet*, 11a Ing the utmost confidence iu it Iupt,ri ority orae all other, and;. atter thonsanele of testa of the most complicated end eeveiest in cases tau could Cad, we feel justified inoffera g to forfeit One Thousand Dollen. for any ease of coughs, cold=,+ore tiered, italluenza, hoarse- siess; bronclsitle;. eonsarnptiort in its early stages, whooping cough, and all disieaces et the Hereat midlungs. except Mehra serer whech lie Poly oleiut t hef. filet, we eau's, cure with \V"est'a Cough Syrup. ;Theo taken aucun1iue to lirett' Pae. Sample > pttlen 2G rd tie Peels: large betties ono eLeeler. Geuatiaae wrapi'ers duly iu blue. Solid by nil Llroggiete, or gent by ruedou receipt of pi'ee. JOHN V. RBST VO., 81 & 83 Mine St. Reid,Teruuto,Ont. Young lady, do not detpakr, Dr, B. C. 'Wesat's 14.n -a and 3trnin Treatment will cure Hysteria acid all ut:ivai+s too l,1ts. Mast 3. W. I3rotclaieg`s, Drag Store. G What every person at. out dl;uaw.—The „rend outlets of disease front the system are the botreleand the kiiuey"i. doliuttun'a Saa lute"- ril!a is the most sate, pleaaant, and effectual purifier of the ssesteua known. Try one bottle I and be eouvincee. For sale sex tete Golden :trotter, 3. W. Browning. prop. jy 26. ban - STOP Itiourol U44i 41104 s UCL Jorisstit ri 40,04 F':N IIi710 C2F.1N`„ $� t, r'nwa to eb. &Babe 0(iaR a b erred gar a attar prat;; ea 000 liiEk1,ARD, st Cossto'.Ai, Y►t boa n seesaws ors <1.$4a dtmrn a. repeals, , e,' -a/ F7 toe ;=,...71"1"4 " 4m tint4epOeiai. �r a`taa 4.0114 0( 7, ..'4x54 %K. fa Lit! Naem at!of tAt+a. 74e rd1i41r_ 4 i0 Droggl, aril a04 e2P1IIrr f$. HtK. 1i1 aAdt,Tnl n•Aera lf.iz prrprr. to J..n!... CL (05G>ptctn wood, flour or elothkne. ' t ;a.,"'at` L,snet r+s+ARtrdttareisses, '110 who gives to a tramp eneourageat loaferisrn, tliiev'in an' a dozen crimes. "He who gives to man or woman able to walk de streets am a supporter 1 of vice an' idleness. "bat's whew' Istau' on de one side of de queshun of charity, an' each passin' Time it Takes to Kies. The other day sones New York don" plies tried to realize the length of a tninetc by holding; their breath, but that pastime proved too e:chatetiveY, and had gatiekly been dropped when two girls met and kissed on the opposite side of the sidewalk. "What's the :average duration of w kis?" was asked. Interest in the question languidly arose. A. proposition to investigate the subject WAS u node, All pians of pro. eeduro were rejected as impracticable and untrustworthy, however, until somebody hit upon the idea of going to the Grand Central depot at the time of an arriving train and accurately obserta ina the kisses.as unpremed'itatoly made. I am able to give the resulting data. Thirteen masses were measured as to duration from the instant of contact to that of culmination. Two of these were so instantaneous that the observers noted them a hundredth part of a sec• and, and four were rather guessed than acurately 'tinted at a fiftieth'. All these were between women. The next group of five kisses were recorded at a twentieth. The couples were divided as to sex, but were made of persona. whose ties were presumably those of consanguinity. Then cauuo *full half - minute Kiss—that of a little girl and a man ,tvho was, douietle s, her father. The longest of the thirteen was over a minute, according to the time -keeper, but the reliability of the record was questioned on the ground that there WO a succession of kisses instead of con• meat of his hand upthroe h his gray tenuous conjunction of the lips. This 1' g y haird thenettl d h' It t' ll Leg !Ingo and Heart Music. One of the young men began playingr on a violin, or rather "fiddling.' — T Presently. he struck up some jig—the REMOVAL i REi1'lOVAil Arkansas something. AGerman pro- fessor involuntarily made one wild move - But dutk BLOOD BITTERS Cares Dir; inessa Tom of .Appetite, Indigestion, I3't!tiou�nr.ss, Dyspepsia, .Tatrttdtcc, Affections t f riga Liter and _Tallier, Pimples, Blotches, .Bolts, Uuntora, Salt Rheuuit, rScrrfteta, Erysipelas, ariw all diseases arising front Impure T3load, _Deranged Stomach, or irregular action G 11 I J `©wets. .TT BRO! HEADQUARTERS IPO► ardwa e, Spade Hoes, Forks, Scythes, Barb e an steel strip enc ngs, 14414)( Um) osos How Lost, IoW Restore& Clinar Wehave recently enblitlicdit new edition a 1 Ulf. (1 L\'it',ZIW-':LL'li (ellf.. LIUAT&D ESSAY entberadicalandnerniaxentaura (without me. chietnelotliervousDebility.fsfeatol and phyrtcal tneapecity itupeditnonte to Montage. ate, re. imitate trona excesses. 1"rice.in Boohoo euveleue,onlr c cents, or Ewe inn v stamps. t The celebrated. author oftbis adze Irabieenay clearly deauoustrates,trom thirty years" anccess• 1 geltpractico, thatalarmingcons0QAcucesm maybe raclfeaiiycurodwithout the dangerous Int.'f in ternelnedlcinesortheuse of the knife; Point-, cot aiuodc of cure at once simple certain and et- fectutel,bp means of whiob every sufferer,lnoma:t- ter what ills condition miry beauty cure Weisel f' ch +ai'ly,priv'atels* and. radically, rr'"i'hi lecture should be in the handset ever, youth mai every man in tis land. Address THE CULVi' RRWLLL MMEDIGAL•Co :1 ANN r.,liE W TOME Post Office Box 440 FIVE COLLAR SEWING MACHINE THE PARRY SEWING MACHINE. Although this Sewing Machine is offered at the unheard of and ridiculous low price of $5, it must. net be supposed that it is a toy. It tv111,to the work of anyr'lixrpora.An ;stacarixr., aril do it' as well Itis constructed upon new anal• soientirlcprinci pies and is simple in construction. easier worked and less liable to get out of order than any ma- chine in the world It snakes the same stitch as the leading machines in the Plaited State; The principae of construction is ontirolyllOW, and covered by broadeatents leaving secured this machlne,we have decidodto put the i,riceMroar DOWN x0 iiABD FAN for a short time only. well l:nowingthat every lady will went one Pull di- rections with each machine Agents Wanted ANGELO ART CO.,DETROIT, MICHIGAN. couple was composed of either young an s a lwsc s Pica y, married folks or of sweethearts whc with folded nrrns, to bear the 'martyr - felt sure they were among total dom. When it woe finished, with the strangers. There' VM/1 hurry oc re. aecompanienent .of ,pedal bass on the senora about their nttee zonate greet the old ro or broke out, say- ing. --••Albany Journal in in, a gay 41That music is -.. scandalous, ,see .d ve any music of . that sort any"iuore. a of is music only for the feet; it doesn't go any further thau the legs; but real music is a story, like a book, that . you may ^ read, It doesn't touch your feet; it touches your, heart; it doesen't make your hands work like a saw; it brings the tears to yonr:eyes." There was a dead, painful silence as the young; men tipsy",that wheat they loved was only a lie' andaeounter feit..i And sb^ it is .with others in ,other thi�n�a,•s in fife"; Thoyrd i'eiisutre;+vhere :wisdom FOOS fell y, "iaud‘lcisteltitiitiga that have inthem no truth inlet. Times. Ond ,niYtry...Snndily *`minister wart A Tableau. M. Gaulthier de Rumilly, Dean of the Senate, received a visit a few days ago from his landlord. It was a question of repairs to be made,- and the -Senator ex pIained what he wanted to -have done. Six o'clock struck. "Sixo'cloek already," Said ,the. .land lord. "Exactly," *replied"M. 'de Ztumilly; "but that doesn't ,natter, fair •I hope you will :do me the ; honor of: dieeng with ine." "You are very kind," replied the landlord, "but—" "I insist; I shall not let you leave at this hour; your plate is Already laid." "Itis impossible." "I shall be angry." "Itis impossible, notwithstanding the desire I have to remain. My affairs call me elsewhere . at precisely this hour." "You do not wish tp 'share ;my din- ner?" said the Senator, slightly vexed. - "You will understand why. They dine at M. de Itothsthil$'s at 7 o'clock." "Ah, you are his guest!" "No, I am his cool!" ' • ,Tableau (Pa'ris boner.) • THE GrENERAL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present is where can they get the best Bread, but tbis matter can be settled to the entire satisfaction of, the people of Exeter and surroundinggcountry, by calling on JOHN 3:1DLL, BISSETT BROS. the old establithed and reliable baked , where they will find just what they want. Superior quality of Bread always on $and Also a first•olass stock of BIIscuira, BUNS, CAKES & Cosriiorsos BY, whioli will be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- ness, and sold out, andieft the place, Mr. Bell has been found at his pest, during the past eight years, ready to attend to .the wants oI the Public. thundering away sties dikevsy cdeg"rege- tion, the majority of which would go to GROCERIZ5. sleep xn spits of all his efforts. At last he. shouted, "'Wake up here! There is a man ptreachin .:to you wholes only half a shirt on his back!" It woke them tremendously. The next day a delega- tion,of ladies visited the parsonage and presented the pro c her with a package cont ining'some pky nice shirts, saying . "that At was a shat , e, that he should be reduced.' to' half .a,*shirt to his back." Ile replied, after accepting the shirts with thanks, '"that. he was not literally redtueed to a half ' shift, 'althotroii he ~oro only'a'half.; onihis bee,k; :he viers, ,the other half in front of him." -Rome wlMeHM.7 Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell ha found it necessary to remove to more eom, m.odious premises, and has added largely to his stook of Groceries, and will keep on hand Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything usually found in n first -,class .Grocery Store. All kinds or Farm Yroeiuce tank en in excliatige,for qroodtk. •.. i11tiL SND NICN��D GENERAL DEALERS =ANSS_� -==FANCY DRY — GOODS =-MA17E= CLUTH2NG Hafs, Caps, Boots & Shoes GENTS' FLTRNISI3INGS, REmr:nrsz;nMt, STAND Bout hunt's Block, Four doers North Post Office: 3CO.N SELL, vi'ovrieto UI[ERER SND 1111111g atpwASSWA, GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS, ETO., ETO., Full Lines in all Departments. Do not,fail' to examine our stock before purchasing else- -where, as you. will find prices correct and Goods fiirst class,. Inspection Invited. p SAMWELL & PICKARD. L