HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-24, Page 8RICG
Wholesale and. Retail
ly ttdveuced to show any injurious e- ins luta purchased a eery fiue driving
feet of insect ravages. Indeed the blare "Bruce Maid.' ,She .allows a
early eoaxu crop is al,eo illy fine, and 'splendid gait and our local horsemen
the tubers Mete attained a oenstder- say she can, down .anything in these
able aaze. '.The mangel being only a parts. Reused ie second only to Craig
!ergo beet, if this insect peat had be to fast horses.
come general in the Toronto district, ODDS AND Ertes,— 3exrftaidkieg 41111
it would likewise have 'attacked the tampent.-.-list lieu will their glory,fedee
garden variety. We beer nothing of Iucubatore area success;--Rleuaou'e
title. txitaeken:x lire doing nely, -- eraitslla
- - baook is began, the corner stone was
Or-l;lties. laid with no masonio ceremonies,—
i The first new irheatt of the season$trees sermons Saturday an1%uuday.
r The
received at til' .Anchor axilla, OFOAings, title hi °Quotation with the t 810111( not fail
Kirktou, on Tuesday. Mr. Sperling four churches should ''rope the boys
wtitee rand says tbesemple is good, inn.•--Coxwertleit one hundred and
Barnuee talks of becoming en Ott- fifty foot skating rink is nearing cont.
or. Although a young man, P. T., tion, the coutraator Mr, It,leGaffery 11 ag11 fi
•^— - .:: • == Ilse seen the white elephant, and has deserves great credit for the manner
rENrexcereeertinefor first insertion. awl great attainments in the way of a fee- in which he expedited the work, .Tire OF .NEW
eoeia CRNyrs per tine for each subiKy,aent an- rid luxagi11miQn present weather is a few degrees to
sertionwill becharged for notices ap earang,
in this ca::raa:. j .A, man cut went • a3 cuing a paper . warm for goods ice.° because it Was a..no:weed that he was
?# .tile father of a thieving boy a week, kola
Dna. !old. the editor rueaut to stay "rude -
6 1nsh ird. Suitin s
,i„„..,,..,,,,,,,,,. encs the tv setter order- ' The regular meeting of the Canned
Lxeter baseball club will playa the held ou Vaulty the 7th, inst, Ail
THURSDAY, JULY ;l1, 1434. the wenxbara pre:eut. Minutes of
-_� match uu \Vednead*y next with Brns• last meeting were read, ;approved, and '
t:r)C.4L Nt:;"N. -We st:..tt 1,t•r..at•. to -Fele fair the chAtupiausliip of Huron, signed by the Beets.- Measle. Sleek
Cil l:tbeewise.
.'rice of at@ s "' nal+a aP f• " 47'.:It is nut decided ret whether they will k alai �.Iitehell applied for a,graut to aid
efer: ie+��:�r a ! e!�r<3rri, . Fi a«D ntt,t.L,f. play in Exeter or Seaforth. The; thein hit gtavt:l1;o>~ beat No, 23, lit the
reel, era t :ty►,a tat.-rt'r t+t,-tsarreal. +haute will. no doubt be a lively tine, as;Stu t.e. ---Muted: by .lir. 4"Lelhmga..
ere se:ere:l{;.ar rF.: t.,rt r,/f i,u! e. -;bath dribs are brat claw=. : see wied by Mr. Pearn, that a grant
arta,'. 1 Among the +andidetee who wrote i of $50 be given. Carried.—,\oven
at (he entrance examination for ail- by =1r. Poem, sec by fir. Hudson,
Local1161i111'a. inaeaioat to the high Selaoal,eight from that tells Conned eubectibe $25 to the
wa,_, .: - --- Exeter were stteeeaaful. ;lir, 0 rea;ory Blowhard Agricultural Society.
;ir,:r, res:. rsv£r.... ll+'ct sial 014.,4,,,?,,.: tart cf', is to he Congratulated upon his etre. C -uri,3d.•—Moved by Mr. 1'enrn, eco
Vete eu t se -vice- t a ;IA : • , town t+Nee ittifitting his ecbolare; he cable Ilg #r• llul,3:°n. that :t grant of No
is at C. Emotes. a AI :alland•uaaa a work ? out about S0 per out. Ahead of au1 b3 given on tb., road leading from the
ace rephing ci: e.:-, u., r.:mi. Barak ss '- f lower ec100I in ilurou. 'North baauu t try .o the Stratford ro'ul
c.v.-4 t.;nl l,•. ,•, a' .•.1. iritis, hill:I A'''. 'thonta+r Catuerou, of li:ty. WM Stun- t to be laid out in 1 est' nlliug. Carried, i
tl►ittri n3 a terra;. s, rxnre•n ri:tn: ns, �• ; mooed by Mfr. Jahn Spackmen Cui —Noted by Lr, lintalliuye, sec lay l,
*iia Cil'O ragout to appear before John 13Ir. ilndsou that a grant of $10 bel
tEant.•a it UeDenuel J 1?. on charge of itlagal I made to beat 5 for gravelling. Car-"
3 rinse awl Y:,t a"i:'set i -..d to team the ly awning tanxbor on the Banti of data nod. -.,-loved k Mr Mutton, sec by
�Tt lea eta i ,`qr Zci:t T� z ftl o 3t` ext tti r: it i""3"• The Matter was settled by dee, Mr Ilittehiuge that $100 be granted
teudaut haying $31 fee ttatnafie. sled le the South bauudery. Carried.--
MOW ,M1.10 4 rw+a utter. . $2 cots, :foscel by Mr. Ii:uletdiuga, Sae by 1lr,
We is411 rtn,t tits Tsxw:; ;•r the re,u;tiu+ler i The Ito' E. J. Rubiueou, Cheplaiu ' Hudson, that Thetuas '-1 hontpeon re.
et feet to ata, address its Canute or thei Lebauou Forest Ladle, do 183 delle- ;i suave $1 fur 4 Mini O3 from drawing
17 one's tat. s, raatrllt 1.4* Mete Sets -alt. ered a lecture to the brztrtrra in the ;gravel. ('urried —11r Archie Lemoud
*t t 3ze.- a::t art ttx, is t lctis a f t:li4 cffrr. Masonic l:Iail an Tuesday en, the 22 I appealed to the hoard of assistance to
'iAs1.. WAX sur trait jute ribber rings.; inst. :subject, --"The t►ymbolisut of ; drain the veva of Soboal Section No ,
., over . r. r
a•eka.�t iatt si,..', iu, .t pasters, at Cental Freatuarnuery and treating on the . 7 tZ i h3 11 G naaw, sec by
»rug Stora. V. Lutz. Paula. Groat Pyramid in Egypt. The lent• :i Mr. Hudson, that the Council pay i
i':;s:e liv'2 bare amt. Paris r a n et the' use was very instructive +ltud highly M halt of the drain. Carried --Mr. Gra- j
Peu tuien li abattc+rr. Iona aakett for leave of absence for two
For para Faris green cell at the Cetatrat spoken of by the broth cru. A large
Deme Store, C. Lutz, t+rop;rettar.'Amber of visiting brethern were pre. ;� utouthe WNelt WMgranted.--Mloi:ed
rite \Iaiu-str,:at is beteg grave:lest, :inti iu tient and enjoyed an intellectual treat b) :1'r hatchings, kee by Mr. Hudson
a low cies. wit bat CU/While ` 1tucb credit is due Rev. Bra. Rob. thea the Clerk ba untreated to draft
insou far the very able address. a by-law for the ueuwg 0f debentures
Prizes For Tea of Beauty. The particular' of :tfrrt. darns Piahgrd's to borrow $800 for the building of U.
Tho el entnittee of Inc Indnettial lie- Wilt lie given next week. Sollool No. 1.1 Blausherd and Fuller -
Exhibition isaeeiatitatl, of Turouto, 1L and Ttteab Piques. Ifl ;uta. wt`re °ton.-CarrieJ, The falloty og orders
art eslnfine+t iu one *;f ilea ca�l[a of the locknP last
truent t !ma decided to offer e of the �two ovale. set Iii l iu w It ie ra'•1 t th tai y J. sic .i —Geo RobiI were touted nson binnedull 191 culvert ioThoe
able print; for tiro portraits of the two flannel, J. P.,this m•'rnina. tl Murray, 8.75,;grn:+ol ; Wm Davis,
most b3autifnl living Canutlem lathes.° 1.01 tiro; Jus Brown, 16.00, culvert,
Those who wish to enter into the chin. " ""�" ....---• Will fltrtttiebnel, 5.00, gravel ; Ino
petition are aesurtl that the utmost' Dasit«ooct. Sloore, 0 00 cleaning ditch ; \Vr»
secrecy will be preserved in the regia ---- - Somers, 1211 gravel ; Jas Wallis,
trot alien anal exhibition of tate per. Xi:rms.--The Scott Aat has to some 15 00, abutments of bridge ; Wm
traits. No natuea will be attuehed to extent become less exotiing, and the
the portraits, but each picture will people are wisbiug for rale rather
bear a number to correspond to the than whiskey.—Business to dual dur-
owuer's ualne, which will be recorded hit the day as the fartnere are all
to Inspect our
cent Stock
t stip
moms, J?+
r >Onrcoating:
u Worsteds,
Scotch and
Canadian wrw cds
e ady-made Clothing a speciality --
both in Kens and Boys.
Zll;apoetion invited. No trouble to show Goods.
iu a tegister to be kept in rho Seers.
taty'e otilet. Ne Maines wilt be made
ambito beyond thaso of the winners of
the prizes,.
busy harvestiug, the results of which
they prow nnoe good, --The crops
utast be good, as we do not see so
many 1 ing faces as last year.—Mr. J.
Thome has no Iesa than three engines
weenies weeds, to repair at his shop. Bueineae has
The act for the suppression of nox been good in his line.—Mr. N. Fried
iousttwoeds, provides that it shall be aur enterprising miller has been at
the duty of every owner of laud, or Galt purchasing some more inacltin-
oocupent thereof, if the owner is not ery for hie ruin.—It is rnmered that grading Stratford road ; James Ito -
a resident within the lacca m uicipal- he went to order rollers, but as yet malls , 8 87 rep hill ; Wm Paynter,
ity wherein the same is 'situate—(1) we have heard no particulars. He wilt 13 00 grading and rep. bridge ; Geo
To cut down or destroy all the Can- however, run the Dashwood Mill for ' Buckle. 23 30 grading ; Thos Hol-
adlan thistles, ose-eye: daisy, wild all it is worth this summer to make up
oats, ragweed rind burdocic growing
on his land, to which this Act may be
extended by by-law of the municipal-
ity, so often in each year as is enffi.
elect to prevent the ripening of their
seed ; (2) To ant out and burn all the
black knot found ou plum or cherry
trees on his land, so often each and
eyery year as it shaft appear on such
trees; (8) To out dawn and burn any
peach nectarine, cr other trees on his
land infected with the disease known
as the yellows, and desteoy all the
fruit of trees so infested.
New Pest.
It. is reported. that around Toronto,
in the Township .of Scarboro' and
Markham, u new pest of a most seri-
ous character threatens destruction tp
the entire uhangel crop. It is a small.
white maggot, about a quarter of an
inch in length, of great uumbeia and
activity, and having a most voraoione
appetite. It burrows, in the tnangel
leaf, and then works rapidly up be-
twixt the cuticles, eating away the
pith in large arena. "'ween it emerg-
es it creeds rapidly au inch further
on, and burrowing'a second time. re•
peaty the devastation, so that a whole
leaf is ,destroyed and begins to wittier
in a day or two. After attaining ua•
turity it drops to the ground, and,
after: remaining in . the pupa state
for seven or eight days, emerges as a
fly to repeatthe saute stages again.
This fly is common in diffasent parts
of Europe, and has been 'known in which he is p titronized by the travel- Annie Gregory,
England for a considerable timm lu Hug public 'chows that his efforts are Mary
PAS A. Gregory;
ls aibtriet there is 170 appearance of duly appeeiated. 'Augusta Holland,
any damage being done to themsugel NEW Dntvsn.--Oar•ge ial host oaf Maggio Waukee,roe. and the plant now is 'sufficient. the Henaall 'House Ur. W. R. •Hodg• 8'B
Dykes, 9100 culvert ; Thos Murry,
10 72 gravelling ; Gowans :and Fair-
burn 149 50, bridge and culvert ; F
',Harley, 26 25, grading, culvert and
tile; Bark Oliver, 30 00, grant ou
beat 60; Coronets & Ogglesby, 10 60,
ditohiug ; Jas Moore, 11 00, bridge
and culvert; i) Swaoaon 206 00, bal-
ance on contract ; Win Cade, 5 00
eoyeriug bridge ; Wm Pearn 15 00
approach to bridge ; Win Staff 18 00.
gravel and anivert; R Moir, 16 25
gravel and repair; T' Hughes, 26 00
for fast•-•-11f'r. R. Cook is not running
his salt mill at prePeut in consequence
of his employees being harvesting.—
Mrs. Hall of Detroit has been visiting
friends in this place, but ie now at
liugshead 2 50 tile; Thos Pearn, jr.,
12 00 grading; 0 Skinn 8 78 culvert
N Vernon, 8 80 gravel; F Bruce,.9 50
culvert ; 'rhos Muriay 92 25 gravel-
ling base line ; Philip itiowberry 7 50
culvert on 12 con ; Site McComb, $15
In addition to the above, the follow -
ng whe have failed in Romo one sub -
eel have,been recnnnended for admis.
Joseph Edward, 0 Goderich 888
Adelaide Chilton, Conveut Sch. 307
Ethel J. Iiodgine. 3larris, 848'
Hilton Holmes, Goderiolt 11. S. 807
Luther Brained, Exeter, 851
Luther T. Gin, " 888
Thomas hockey, 4 t sborne 851
Lydia 111. Madge, 2 854
;Mary E. Monteith' " 297
Isabella Stewart, Godcrich M. 8, 814
Fred. W. Johnetou, " 818
Harry Ball, t. 800
Sporting Brevities.
There are 8,000 entries for the differ-
ent events at Saratoga.
The Bostons went through 53
games before they failed malting a
Wallace Roes is training hard at
Oak Point for his approaching race
with Teemer.
13ounie Bird was second in a axile
heat race at Ohicage on Friday. Musk
beating;her a length, Time I;45e.
The Canadian lacrosse ,team again
beat the Amerioaus at the Polo
Gronude, New Yorlc, Thu rsday. Snore
six to one.
The Detroit base ball club have
played just half of the schedule games
and have won less than one-quarter of
Ottersou, the shortstop of the Oil
City team, is probably the lightest
Ilderton.-111r. J. Kilteruau ,and Miss grant on beat 31,• Jae Crouthers, 22.- professional base ball player inAmer.
Killernon, both of Hamburg are visit- 75 spreading gravel ; John Riuu 9 17 lea. He weighs only 120 pounds.
ing their friends here. --The Miss gravel; T Murry, 55 40 gravelling ou Wallace Ross, of New Brunswick,
Graybeil are home on a visit.—Mr. Mitchell road; Thos Thompson, 4.00 and John Teemer of Pittsburg, Kaye
B. A. Beau, teacher of the Phillips- damages ; John Donald, •8 86 gravel • signed articles for a single scull race
burg school is spending his vacation
here. -There was no service last Sun
lay evening and in consequence quite
a number visited the neighboring vill-
pleasure that Mr. Senior of Exeter
has rented Mr. Stoneman'e Gallery
and will begin work in the beginning
of the week, when all who may wish
to secure the shadow ere the subetan-
oe fade may rest aesured that they
will get work done in the city styles
at hard pan rates. Give him a call.
New CARRIAGE.Our enterprising
and accommodating livery man Dir.
Murdock is ever alive to the events of
the public ; he a4ded to his already
good stock of rigs a verybausome and
comfortable covered carriage. It was.
built iu London and is one of the
neatest and best rigs in this section
Tom. is determined to lead the van in
thelivery business and the manner in
111 Day 5 374 culvert ; A Stevens, $78
gravelling ; A. Stevens 85 00 ; gra-
velling ; H Bolden, 50 00 gravel-
Ttie Council
meet on the first
at 10 a. m.
theu adjourued to
Monday in August
High School Entrance Examin-
ation. •
The following candidates have been
provieionallyadmitted by the local ex-
C. E • Orabb, Goderich Model Soh. 844
A. W. Whitely, " 351
ttlaud E. Maxwell, " 886
L+'tizabeth B. Hodge, (louvent Seb.382
H. R. McLeod, 15. Asbfield, 839
SereuaFisher, 16 " 382
Barbara McConnell, 6 " 852
Sarah A. Linklater, 8 Colboine, 361
Anuli -D. Shallows, 1 " ' 866
Martlia M. 'Smith. Gray 308
Joseph Bawdeu, Exeter, 344
William A. Gregory, " 884
John White, - 881
Mary E. Gill, • - 472
at Oak Point, August 2nd, two miles
and return, for $1,000 a side.
William J Morgan, the noted bicy-
clist, has been matched to ride a ten
mite oace against the trotting horse
Bob White, owned by Cope Stinson.
of Brantford Ont. The aloeis for
five hundred a side and will take place
at Buffalo driving park on July 26
In 1876 at Hardford Stnuggler trot -
ed a mile in 2;15e, the best record for
stallions. Monday at Chicago Phall-
as trotted a full mile in 2;134 after
having won two proceeding heats in
very fast time. Tide not only the
fastest stallion time, .bul the fastest
fouth heat trotted by any animal.
A green pacer called Bulldozer won
antatinee rano at Lexington, Ky., rA-
oently in 2;26:1.and. 2;22. He is by
Standard Bearer, sou of Volunteer, out
Press, by Ilinnoy's American Eclipse..
Dufur bas covered McLaugblin's $50
deposit for a collar and elbow wrest-
ling 'match for the championship of
the world and $500 to take' place at
A. game between the Windsor and
Chatham Lkoresse Clubs was played
ou Thursday. The match ' was wit.
nessed by nearly 2,000. people. The
game resulted in a victory: for the
Chatham Club, which wou tlio 8 first
Ata piosr.ie in Arlington the other
clay a glove fight for $16(1, between
Pete McCoy and Jack Steward. oh im-
pion of Canada was won by McCoy iu
two minutes and twenty seconds, Ile
knocked the wind completely out of
Stewart by a aiagle left hander on the
On Saturday evening a yeti* man
from Detroit who iehtt !present sit
leading hotel in Btaufford, and whof;e
general appearance invites ouo to take
a close look at hit», saw a bicycle
standing against the corridor. After
aekiug permission be mounted it and
proceeded to show tl1e boosiera of tilts
pity clow to ride a wheel. Ile vas
having fill the fuu to himself when
Fred \Vestbrooke, our champion bicy-
clist, strolled in, and after watching
the yonug man froth Detroit casually
remarked that he would 'like to learn
to ride one of them.' Tho Detroit
man volunteered to teach Fred in half
an hour and Fred accepted his kind
offer. He taught him how to mount
and worked like a Trojan ateading
the wheel, while the crowd had their
own fun out of it. Fred played his
part well and finally wauaged to ride
a little bit and then aakipg 1Jis tutor
to let him try it aloud ran jumped on
the wheel, jumped over it, #mooted a
dozen different ways while the Detroit
man stood with his mouth and eyes
wide open. When he had recovered
from his astouishmonl he asked who
it was and being informed saw how
badly he was sold and did what was
expected of hint. 'These smart yoang
men frequently find just as smart in
their travels.
DiwovAN.—On the 21st inst., the wife of
Alex. A 0 Decovan, of a son.
RlRAEa.—At llashwood
fist., by the Rev. F. L. S
Lutherine Ohurch, Mr. F
Stephen, to Miss Annie
ter of Mr. Jacob Raeder
WxLLEAT— , on the
15th i Schroeder,
in the redWil-
lert, of , secoud
daughter of Hay.
.�--._...--. 4.. •--
Pxcxrextn.—In Exeter, on the 23rd inst., Eliza
Pickard, (wife of Mr. Tames Pickard, aged
59 years: Deceased remains will be interred
at the Exeter Oemetry, this (Thursday) af-
ternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
As Isaac Hodgins. jr. has loft my house with-
out any jest cause or provocation,I will not be
responsible for any debts contrasted by him
from this elate.
Stephen,-7nuo latb,1884.
The old est and the largest Ladies' O.ollo a su
the Dominion, was over 180 graduates, .rs acul
ty 5 gentlemen and 12 ladies. The building
cost:8110,000, andhas over 150 rooms.. Music
and Art specialties. Will ro• open •ou Septem-
ber 2, &d'dress tate Principal,
A.bIYENS,D,.D., L' L.D