HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-24, Page 6.troletsvlfle is ntaning great prepare-
GLEAN i?lQae tions for an indristrial exhibition to be-
lt is estimated that $6,000,00Ct are an is n next August- Residents, have tinh-
lewdly lost in Ssetetsas b the unnecessary scribed $250,00!1+ tee' put 'up ti building
exposure of farming,s by
covering thirteen acres, and the rail=
lattsin' ss al:.ran is not now nett .. .: - t road companies likely to be benefited
`' ' aro expected to give as much more.
ry."x Says the l.:9ia; r :i11F:s t', F ,.., but The show will last 100 dllys, and eaten;
business can`t in :c .,
The aunuat produt is t,t the British
America sea f sea eheries are set down at
about $aa+,000,teet
tvill ho the chief feature.
`!'here are now living in San Francis-
co, within a .few blocks of. each' otlaw,
five generations of one family. Tho
*211th -hound steamers from Alaska j great great-grandfather is seventy-one
take at each trip, Eiur',1)g the Summer years of age; the great-grandmother;
months trent telt ttl fifty tuolritid (Ail- fifty-six; the grandmother,. thirty-eight;
Lars trot 1 th of gni t diva, her son, twenty -cue, and his baby daugh-
In China, t,orl,:i:eerie is tat;! symbol ter, six •months. They have been pho-
alike of social and. spiritual distinction. • teerallhell ill a o'roune
All their gods are repreetmt6 i. its en Lrt i-- The ei.S. it'en of the htte l$, S. Rotch,.
rusty frit. o'' B04: on. have carried out their fath-
Peeent fore +t fires 1U t,r z"L. and ` t 1 :• r;: z u of ion:king tt rias t 1Ing
'Washington Territories have Dleetroyed, ul t t) tor the b:•richt, of sttelents
it is estimated, tt1.00' 600 worth of L)1 t E tire, n,1 have placed a
ti her, : > l t, ! a r to be devoted to. that
> . x.'eul M1 'Jeer i ry is 2 1 i itrltu=a°.lin the hands of three trus-
The i x!. :
r,«00,000 acres. s : jet -t foul: time: that of . tr ..s, w-th tin: trustees of the Boston
the State of U te). Her :F+ rttualuo t Is a 1i
•uarter of .dtt:.ter if a man's 44itet Contans fitlyh-celsL
!lienees end one 2 -cent piece, and he is
creasing. uwE
• lit tele trli+ldla of t¢ crt diving! for an
The teeter of the eaae;•rvetu .1„1 the ° 1 t at ed retain as though, each otic had
Waltham greet Factory has been taken R blit:i moment to live and wanted to rite
op :eta is behee8 hanged til a fureaee iii icm the train, he tl ill certainly pees
easier til save =1 n< a.s li. river nine! i that T-cenit piece out, Then be will
gold dust, erste p ;,sett tube woe tel 1
gl. lll�. - ` . drake it back, and, in entdeavoring ..0
a.'i, -t ` ..,a 1 n.,�'.,., a,ys ,tte always i f.. lilt l,a!f a dime, fish out. the 2 tie dt r .11 CtR ?::-., hd` tae *N 1 Hysteria, r.nx-
wa'4 ever is he e
rii tel only Y t:again.And, t
lijgter s it « e- °1) r to ae` eo In tis 1 ! ' r.atesa e t stelt3 io..., tine , ervuna 'Neuralgia.
IteYt9tei£'i :ei ?, 4).a le t f/eo Lk y!Sete P �eae't4 L)eit t1tG }tilt-d1In0 is to lege!! out a , Heedaehe„eier eee tneee.aticir.eaReed 1)y Om
A,1n ul 4f coin at 'MeV'. Puck- , use of alcohol ortob::ccc,, wt tkefulhless.nental
f iit' f the t h' ' e is keels be teal !lel scion setteeseee fte a /nate re,rtlting in
•for them by feeding a1iii them out l f 1 f +tenth, l'rinlattare Old Age, Marvel:nets, T,o>;s
AT PHE--•---
Z E ,
J. W. 13,p7.v7m 'INC, Prop,
is Wealth.
+,elllati ; then 1 it ) .a, . . !v ac -
theta to + e•llt it law, he gets is ;;t,od value A 7 -year-old girl ;wine; oa �S'e,: street Insanity and lee(tiert to )f:•er?, decay aucl
s a "good, reader end very t.nt •. pot!- o f . : v ii. cit11. I SM. , rt voluntary Louses and
The returns of `io a n-t;.l taken on i• teY• i ft.tt days a"0 agt_ntlenh:lu of 88 Sretlnatorrltera,e,ensedby over-exertion ottim
January 1, 18;43, which have just been
;)ufliisi�ed, show that the Empire °fib, -
pea contained apppu1atioa Gf 66,700,100,
matte up of 15,598,998 male, nut
18101 113 f l teles.
Stara :ii+Lit cal her grandfather who is brae,, reit-elms aria 4YVT•iuduli'euce, Quo
8i 11 Tl into h n nee ehtleurereeenteases. l:ac111"e oontau*
Lhflh iht 11Gutt1 pt.!}4 .: thine, a: it •tet- di busP9,aec wyai:tctiexi:]x fie'A dollars, eve
ted tt? tilt; telco entitled, "What van an wtllsesut thAlnlraliusernurnrttteu guarantee i `r retware
old .flan de but cue?.ev r temirtrefundtel if the treatment dues not M1f
yolYce.t a onto t,.lts .ute•as ieruecl crit} by J.W.
t t.:lr� Tie( a gn'i, tt iS hie a 181liont3t't ilt'afxuc•ltt. flue doAar n hot, or
to E Il:a`rt'cin ;Item,
, al, t
Jeffereean was the champion absentee
lt!'railaht 4nf it i boil sic l,oD:t fur !Svta ,le !!ries ; Felht by utniilueyaicl
,, " flaw.-reef[ofiner 1!•o uarvntvesixboltesto
of • t)E•nl� :feet resect -td nue tl°ii c n stip
p *urn nli 'cash. ',t -cu tear older reeefYed !Jr
Cures Dir,:tness, boss of A, p,ctitc, Indigestion, Biliousness,
.Dyspepsia, Jaundice, .,ri eetions of the Liver and Kidneys,
.Pimples, Blotches, Boil.•, Humors, Salt _Rheum, Scrofula,
Erysipelas, and all di'SaISes arising from Impure ,Blood,
' Deranged Stomach,k or irregular action of the Bowels.
> , . ,e , ^ a---- to a 1,1Wlel i N ..
ington 7.. el..�•s• :n cigar years. hiouroe ince hearty latish that f4tlowe !i from the Spades
is next.w'h, ! t to ti o ,, % 3 _ t
flaysfury Metes arias feria absent hefted her that her efforts !Ferre a: re-
dttya !a lour-y'eat' . and Washington 181 ,uiatetltwit It tt �. ! -
cloys iii eight years.
cedeie ,n. who Was out liuntiu;
the tial c.e Hever, 1taa:•, saw ;t bear go
into t hallow tree. lie blade hie! come
out, .hooting him as he I114 so. There-
upon in repel eueeeesion six other le rge
bears cater out of the same tree, all of
whom the mighty hunter Inid low. It
is supposed thnt the hollow du the tree
cou2 nucleated with a subterranean entre,
in willed' a colony of bears dwelt.
Ile:rts i> Oh Pea ler h iowives nllliet-
ed with the pest elf witches: It is report-
ed that the green peel of cucumbers ildd.
along the edge of the floor where they
most do congregate, and repeated freshly
for two or Vireo nights, «111 strive every
eockrnacih frum the- premises. This is
an unfaillin'• remedy and the secret is
eresid•snt, lila was away from Wash-- with that
22 O I
cheerful G, ntru, t. Than 1 BR0W�f'ec..�,lo �"eatforl.s ncr.outarlo
«h OS la •~ in eight years.
two, hale and hearty old „L ntdenieu sat-
t'1; ` lj ax i e
John �'i b t 22
• --
eLere,eew t4ntDRUG STORE
!laic'2 iO, a0, N by which.
wt � cost of ;1,2.Y0,000, New street
strttien, Birmingham, Eng -anti, will leis
converted into the, l;lrt i ,t railway depot
in the world. It will cover a total area
of forty -live thaneanti equsre y arils, eir
over eleven acro,, au'l will hare three
pl:al:erne; a aeh oust /11041442.4111 feet long.
1>.ufu a C'hoete once chided his elerk
for hilt charging *client more for a ever -
talo eervieo t'c::tderrad "I took every
penny the num lied." was the meek
au:lce r. Then Choat.' ran his bands '
through his Burly leeks gad :aid:
"Yorke triad. you did the beet you euuiei
under the a ireettnsttlnees, and your eon- $t
duet in theatl'•air has been strictly pro.
fessiilnnl ,
in the fact t&tat the juice of the peel ie 1 In the ae: te; , of en 401111.4848 024 the
.alike erre ietible and polieneoue to teo 11,h supply betore :in auttienco of Irish
i.ein:natio :t hillier sgete Market the
selfishyoourwish to prt,l;,a*,lata a hardy ether ,tae, lir. Blake, M. P., related
shrub that e1*Ps not spr0lit from the .hat eeventi .ears ago the supply of
roots, the wav to do it .is by layeerin`, cot slerr: at 1j tlthf,t,re, in the county of
`elect a slender, low -griming braneLi, Wittertor,l, havitie, begun to fall off, it
strip off ell but the trl•miniti leas=es, ,etre' •%2...c-tt41 that the breed might be
bend It down end fasten it against the .tepre;vas, be ;ni,artatie)us from North -
ground and cover with earth. From 'ere Europe. b:anelinitrian lobsters
the leaf noel's tiny rootlets will start wort' ae.'c.r'tlif giy iutrudueeeal in the
and a new plant form. Which, when i%tl:t,,+:•a.) water.. but the Tri -ii lobsters
woe! rooted, can be severed from the' :teen„e-1 t;.eir utdvut v.SO itlrinti :y HIM
busb. -ce d!<uo•nlbered 0011WA of the new ar-
eva 5 were Strewn on everyailnre i11 tile
te;i:.e,'ihta)rleielt of Dee more. .At this
edit, ie Mr. I31nke's diseuurae an an -
lent ltls.t li..,ermstt from Connemara,
situ had been it toning with eager tit-
:elation, exc418ueeli -IBe orral after
Professor Arnold urges dairy farm-
ing; first, because it costs 10 per cent.
less to operate a dairy farm than grain
or nixed agrieulture; second, the ever -
age returns :ere larger than for other
fumble; third the prices are more
uniform and trustworthy; fourth, it ]list Ot ilii:tv 1, morn -mit for the lois`
does not exhaust the soil, fifth, it is -"' 01 tuner b8.1 before
more secure against changes in the
Supporting Grapevines.
An Ohio horticulturist gives the fol-
lowing plan of preparing supports and
training- Ttapevines: Set a post of good
material in the ground, 2i or 3 feet -3
feet out—say, four feet from the vine -
by what strikes her as a dry, process, root. If the vine is a variety of thrifty
which takes the victim in the middle of growth it would require 2 posts 2 or 3
an emotion, as a horse is caught with feet apart. Bolt to the posts in the
all his feet in the air.round a scantling of any desirable
The Cincinnati News has received eight -5 feet or more—with a bolt
some very cheerful intelligence fromi near the top. of said post When the
Lexington. It is to the effect that vine has attained sufficient length, cut
Councilman Mose Kaufman has invent- a notch in the scantling above the top
cd an electric front -door lock, without of the post large enough for the vine,
keyhole or key, which is a, wonder. You and plltthe vine in anti nail a piece of
can ret it when you go to the lotire, so lath over it; then, after it has attained
that if a sober man touches it it willring sufficient length, bend it at the distance
the fire bell and knock him down, but of 2 or 3 feet, and bring it back through
when von come home at 2 a. m. well another notch, and so on till you 1111 up
corned, it opens noiselessly to the touch, the post, putting them some 20 or 24
tights the hall lamp, pulls offyour boots,
winds',rour watch, helps you up stairs,
and paralyzes your wife's tongue • till you
fret to sleep. rinse is a member of the
Fodgeatnd knows it would supply along-
- Frank H. Norton, a young scientistol
New York, claims to have discovered s
number of newlaws relating to planets.
This is agratifyingg piece of intelligence
The old laws relatingto planets are
pretty well worn anfrayed at the
edges, and it is quite time some new
ones, more in spirit with the progress of
the nineteenth century, were adopted
for their government. One of the new
statutes, we suspect, regulates the sale
of whisky in Mars on Sunday, and an•
other probably reduces streetcar fare tc
5 cents inJupiter. It ishopedMr.Nortos
will be able to enforce his new laws.—
Norristown Herald.
In the Connecticut House of Repre-
sentatives a bill has been introduced
providing that "every person who shall
shoot, snare or kill in any way the bird
known as: and called the Arnerican eagle,
shall for every such bird so killed be
fined not less than $25, and be im=
pprisoned not more than thirty clays, the
bill to take effect immediately on its
passage." Iv; view of the fact that of
late years laro'e, numbers of American
eagles have been shot in that State by
sportsmen and others for no plausible
reason, and that the eagle is likely to
become extinct unless action by the
'State interposesto prevent, this bill is
tikelyto become a, law.
5Af Son.
Janes. Harriet Beecher Stowe says that
the novels of the day lack romantic in-
terest. Human passion has cern, to be
synonymous with a mawkish hysteria,
to be photographed without grace, and
inches apart. )? it is thought best to
use two posts, nail a piece of fence
post from the top of one po t to the
other. The advantages are: 1. It makes
the vine its own tr`eflis. 2. To trim the
vine or pick the fruit set a trestle, pull
out the lower bolt and turn it down on
the trestle, and it is easily got at. 3.
If desirable to have the lower buds start
their growth first (as the upper ones
generally outgrow the lower ones), pull
out the lower bolt and leave the top on
the ground until a sufficient advance is
Image. 4. If desirable to sulphur or
smoke for mildew, with other materials,
it cttn be more easily done if turned
down on the trellis. 5. If the vine is a
tender variety, by taking out the upper
In and'laying the vine on the ground
t can be covered by some material that
will protect it from the; itevere exposure.
6. If a night of frost appears tobe come
ing after the buds have started, by lay-
ing the vines down and covering with
carpet or other materials they may be
protected. 7. If it is desirable to grow
a number of layers from a vine by lay-
ing it flat it gives a superior opportuni-
ty. I believe there are advantages in i1
that are desirable, and that may make
the growing -of tender varieties a better
full strath t$ all kinds of
Dye -stuffs until packa;e
Dyes, constantly 031 •
hand, A" 'dean's
the best
ill tele 1 merle- ''i
et and always 1
fresh. Family recip-
Barb wire and steel strip fencings.
local of Suggy tops
es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
�III'EiL 11D
and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erysilielas,
Eczema,Blotches, Ringworm, Tumors, Car.
buueles, Bolls, and Eruptions of the Skin,
are the direct result of au impure state 51 the
To cure these diseases the blood must ho puri-
fied, and restored to a healthy and natural condi-
tion. AS8it's SAnsa.r.snILL . has for over forty
years been recognized by eminent medical au-
thorities as the most powerful blood purifier in
existence. It frees the system from all foul hu-
mors, enriches and strengthens thoblood,removes
all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves it-
self a complete master of all scrofulous diseases.
Captain Eads has thus far received
$4,800,000 for his work at the mouth of.
the Mississippi.
The number of cattle in the United
States is said to be 33,365,355, and their
value is $659,000,000.
A 1lccent Cure of Scrofulous Sores.
Some months ago I was troubled with scrofu-
lous sores (ulcers) on my legs. The limbs were
badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores dis-
charged large quantities of offensive matter.
Every remedy I tried failed} until I used Iii sp.'s
SARSAPARILLA, of which I !lave vow talc= three
bottles, with the result that the sores are healed
and my general health greatly Improved. 1 feel
very grateful forthe good your medicine has done
me. lours respectfully Mins. A2( O'Bitraw.'
148 Sullivan St., New fork, June 24, 18$2.
A11 persons interested are invited to
ran on litre. O'Brian • also upon the Fier. 7..
P. Wilds of 18 East Goth Street, New 'remit.,
City, who will take pleasure in testifyin:: 2
the wonderful ofilcacy of Ayer's Sarsaprrtt-
Ia, not only in the cure of this lady, but in
his own case and many others within his
The well-known toiler on the Boston Hercld,11.
W. BALL, of Rochester, N.FL,writes, June 7, 1882:
" Having suffered severely for some years with
Eczema, and havingfailed tofiud relief from ether
remedies, I have made use, during the past three
months, of AYltR'S SAi2SAPARILLA, wi:ich has
effected a complete cure. I consider it a n.niii-
cent remedy fora5
all blood diseases."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
stimulates and regulates the action of the di-
gestive acid assimilative organs, . renews and
strengthens the vital forces, need speedily cnl'es
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bhcumatic Gout,
Catarrh, General Debility, and all diseases
arising from an impoverished or corrupted condi.
tion of the blood, and a weakened vitality.
Tt is incomparably the cheapest blood In i n,
on account of its concentrated sti•ongf4:,ap ••::*
power over disease.
PnEPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
cold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottles for 15.
Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes
Oo0' )ataASS' '
Full Lines in all Dep • rtments.
Do not fail to examine our stock before purchasing else-
where, as you will find prices correct and Goods fiirst class,
Inspection Invitee..