The Exeter Times, 1884-7-24, Page 5COMMTThTIC. *,TION Wo welcome oomwutatoaatione on any sola• jeoe of general interest ;Jam the editor does notated. himself responsible for the opinions of corresnondenta. AU Communtoations to be addressed, to the Tuners, with the writer's nameattached; the name will not be publish- ed unless de!iredhy the writer of the article. Tito Scott Act. :te =tor of the rixc.tcr 'Carnes. Dealt Sin. --`our issue of the 10th lust., coutailied 1ti1 Anti -Scutt Ant communication, with reference to 'which I must ask a short apace in your widely circulated journal. to make a few remarks by wuy of reply.. In the first place I can assure If. W. B. Hutt the promoters of the Act have not suffered their unre:liug to s}rn ..e oft this "'mortal Dail'" as Ire terms it, nor does it need resurreQting, but on the contrary its promoters are work- ing not with the bluster Qharaoteriatie of rho liquor party, but, Its. silently {and seelously as the hearer, and the Anti -Scott -Act party will find that out when voting day rolls around. It is net ra matter to /peak lightly of, nor treat insincerely, , but aa a nastier of ieullortenee it is reeei1idg due eon- attleratisltt, the "publio pul'id is boat• lug high ale ata favor, and very noon, the passing of the Scotts Act iu Iluron isifl be nn more it e+objeet of aonjeot• urs but an aceaerapiielted foot. 1 oleo with to aesare 11. W. B. that not silt Dere prowelter of tate Act has been guilty of a,lluatog the hotel -keeper, on the contrary they .bare been err} dare rt el to lire due cla jt1. 1a those opposed to them, end if over ally thing to tho a ntr:iry bee been Staid it hate #unset by irresponsible persene whose zeal eversbalancea their better judg- ment. if the hetet keepe:e .!owe boon the subjects of ittteropreeentetion or abuto of nus laud, they have to theuk their own orgena and the edvaeatt.s of their cause. wile ars oatatiunally 141. ing the people. that li-I"td'ls ,sill h • sold in direct oppel•iitiqu to tits last, that it will cauda the oitab:ielaing of hostiles of Resignation. aril as il. W. 13. *ay/ will cause merit doublo•aierattng, false tawctriltg wet other crimes. Nuri this gives rine to a falx important qusattioue. Wlta,a;will oatablieh snot houses, fiell ligit'tr oa.itrary to law, do tho double dealing tautl taloa *'rear. mg? Not surely the promoters of the heart Act. 11 meet thou be those engaged in lite liquor business. Then if that be co who is abnaltag the hotel keeper, but tiptoe who Fay he as.ill ootumit; those (Irak decile contrary to the law of the land 1 11'ta surely have a bettor class of hotel keepers than their advonatoo would lead net W be- hove they are. I awn inclined to think so at any rate, and 1 etnuot dueo thyself to fillet; otherwise of theta than that if the tuaj•,rity of the election of the; County of Herne, 'vote for the Act, the hotel keepers will soli init to 11, raid there will be nowt of this double dealing. false sccearintg;, d:c., than we hent ,ala uattott about. Then nimbi the eeinee writer ettotupte to boldter up tele hotel keepor'e busi- ne04 SSA at legitimate oast'. Well, I do tint dotty flint it is le;;itimete, but in what way i3 it legttitl►ate ? 11 is not like farming, blaokaraithing, cerpetlt: ering anti such like purauits, for these ars a benefit and absolute neeeseity, in our land ? Iy liquor selling an abe,olatte necessity in or land ? Is it ono of those occupations which elevate manlciud, and is ragweed to produce the necessaries of life ? No. On the contrary, it is not legitimate as a necessity, but hes to be made legitimate by au act of Parliament. Farming needs no Act of Parliament to make it legitimate, -- it is a prime necessity, not so liquor seilint,. Liquor sallnlg natty be legal in that way but is not legitimate in the broad sense of that term, viz, fol- lowing by natural sequenee. Then again H. W. B. netts, roe we not free agents ? Well it just depends on what we wish to accomplish. We are not free to go about the laud as an in cendiary, we are not free to take our. neighbors life. If we are caught in the sot of self murder we are punish- able for the crime just as though we were guilty of an attempt no the life of our neighbor, and no ono will deny that drinking liquor to excess is only a species of self -murder. No, I main• tain we are no, free to do ne we please. As far as eating porta and beans is costumed, I'am inolined to thiuic this idea at far fetched. Those are two very nourishing species of food, end it to very seldom, if ever, we hear of people endangering their lives by the use thereof, bat excess in any thing id injurious. 'Viten boils are calculated to make muscle, snpply file wasting tissue consegueut on the wes,r and tear of the Hyst;em in perforating the ditties of eotive life, and how nobly they perform their work. . Can this be said of liquor ? Z:i their bone or muscle in it ? Does it support the .system in any way ? To all of these questions we must give a negative an- swer. Then why compare liquor,tbat which is degrading, worse than use. less, the greatest curve that ever man has ever beeu visited with, with pork X and beans, that which is ottloulsted bo build up. the system, support the sturdy fellow/ who do battle for their country, that which is a staple food and feeds the millions and brute none? Again we stave*aha t 014 times argu- tneut of muzzling the 699 because the one abuses the privilege of tieing lis quor. Well if liquor Is thecenee of losing 011e ilfe in seven hundred it Omni I not be tolerated., if out prig. triples of right and justice are confin- ed to ourselves and never extend to our fellows we are miserable erase. urea indeed. We can ill spare and one out of 700, the country can not spare him. In rt l)ecul:iery eeaise lel ne look at thin question. 11 le often *eked If liquor la done away with,bovi is the revenue to be raised ? A sear important question I admit, but tot us see, the revenue is some $0,000.- 000. Tim populAtion of Canada we will say is 4,20Q.000, one swain dying annually la. ovary'100 through liquor ix a loss of 6000 risen every year read the country values vsery soul in it $1000, there is ilea $6,000,000 destroyed annually, to gay nothing of the deeolateal hninea,the broken heart. ed =there and the a Alen tenon and misery thot follows in the train of dsuneenees. ,rust one wore thought and 1 obeli conclude this letters TI. W. B. refera to the loos of life and prop- erty throng)) accidents, omit ad the Oliioaao fire, &o. Now tideisa Very extrema view to tnka 00. tine Mattel',. au accideut is an .ice deut, And the life and property that is destroyed thereby 18 not dolts by a "illitilnate baaillese that li. W. 33. so warmly advocates. A porton plecoa himself in a very rili- ioatntta position in Rdvooatirig the ol*irlaa of a ""legt{iraate bleariness" that ie the cause of snare Civil, more dtw- i no.iau of life and property. than all rouser causes glut together. Art aacoi- dent may occur and great teas of life • rtwcalt therefrom, but the tinny or parties causing en accident if any body (lauded it were not lieensod tv do un, this is just the tidioulouspart y of tate triode Direr bat;incoe. o- oasionelly via bear of $dreadful asci: tient+, but tits minor usiness is h e anstant thing, rano it ii the "con- tiuu.tl dreppi"ug ;hat r•eareth away the HAM". Thanking you Mr. Editor far the space allowed me. 1 r„main yours tally. Centralia, July- 29rd, 1881. II. G, 1)r. Guthrie ns a ""rue Temper- ance Miall." Td Bai t+r ,;t the Exeter Times. Dsna tin. --I oras as a Scelobutan ertrprised mid shocked the outer even- ing at hetaiug llfr. Muir the Whiskey advocate plaint as ernoug the t'''tree Temperance Party" -,save the mark - the sainted Dr. Guthrie. It is true Sir that in the early part of /decanter that Dr.;Guthri. »ae was ooininou at that time -did take his toddy in mod' vatiou. But his experience iu hist pastoral work among tbo iuhaabttet:ti of the Cowgate, stud nttor Shuns of Edinburg soon einvinced hien tlwt a, fares tete poor were concerned, drink was the root of nearly all their deetitu: lion misery and crime. Thit glade hint not only a teetotaler, but an abol- itioniet. This was the origin of his "Pled an behalf of drtotkartts anti again: st drunkenne's,'• whieh product e0 great an improseion at the time of its pilblieetinn ; and the series of dis• eoursee also afterwards published nu: der the title of"2itc City --its Sins and Sorrows" -which perhaps produced as still more profound effect. If Mr. Moir wants to make use of this honored name again, tvo would advise him to do so guotiu : the following extract from the first mentioned work. Speak- ing of the drinking oustatn Prevailing he says: --"On principles of patriot. ism and Christian expediency, we think that the evil has arrived at such a pitch, that it were well if, instead of either attempting to muffle or uvea to muzzle the monster, the country would agree to tint a knife through its he art, in the entire disuse of all ie. loxioating liquors." Yearn respectfully, A Proabyteritiu. Ueborne, July 18th, 1884. e;.,..i - T'o Editor of Exeter Times. DEAR Sin. -Would you kindly al- Icw me through tete Columns of your paper to lay before the public the mean and heartless manner in whieh' I was treated by a certain medical man of Exeter. A short time since my wire was taken snddeuly iii dnrtng the night, I immediately went for Dr. Hyndniab, the Dr, uufortun• aately oJuld not attend, I then went for Or. Rollins end them for Dr. Dr. Browning, 1 ;Ali were away and engaged,.t then applied to Cowen. He evidently suspected that 1 had been elsewhere, for ho at onoe flew into a passion, and 1n a very 'coarse and in- sulting manner informed rue Oat he would not go, Heti he would not be mede`*i "Jaok ina pinch" for dile or any other man. I these applied to Dr. Lutz, who explaitred to ane ,ghat for certain reasonshe wished to avoid going out at nights, he asked naa to try OQarton again, and in case he still refused, ho (Lutz. would go, w (Lutz) (which he kindly did) 1 Shen applied again to Cowen and pleaded with him to go. Ile met ma with a scowl,hiseed out an oath from between Iiia teeth and shut the door in my floe. Now *ir, 1 will not offer any cow - went on suoh coudtict, further than to state, that any msdicel than, arena, aotnated by a pleas contemptible, petty feeling of jealousy and highness of temper, will heartlessly refuse to grant bis teuuietau ea to a woman in her dire neceesity,ial certainty no hon- or to an honorable profession ; but when be supplements that refneal with uncalled for insults with heart• lose insolence, with art uotlf,nand abuts the door its ones f.ece, I state boldly that that man is a disgrace to en honorable prole/43n and to lttenitood. Thanktrlg you,, de., John Damper. The Scott Aet- The Scott Act has been carried by 1,200 majority in the county of Arth. abash. Tito Ontario Grandillitilge of thed '^^ son° of lemperenca has dnusl.11$J00 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, to *mist Site friends of the Scott .Ant in the repeal campaign in [fatten. t The Seott Aot oampeigu cotinnee in the ()minty of Cerlelon. The aSrc- retnry of tete Control Committee says that thiuge look encouraging for the (tarrying of %Ito aol. A public meeting lit tiro ittterest of the Soott: Act was held 'Tee the Tows ballWinglietn Thursday night; The hall wan orowded, auel a number of Clorygman *noire. CC a standing Tote tiro* audionos declared tlternaelvo4 iu favor of the Act. it barge rani entlinsiestiu Scott allot 1ileetina wpi held in tin. rrsrsby':rriau Church at /Myth uu Faiala}' night Ad. dressed by lies. (1. 11. )[atrow, who *poke fur nearly twit hour,. Tbr ala p.-otents of Ili,. Act a ere i► c'ittd but 1.uted to Arne: r. When a vote was J. Doupe & COi°Vucher Shop DAVIS, r!utteher &r Ge eras Dealer EIRIETON oL T$T3ai�S EvJ1tYTHING FOR ax.r# RI1115 tsastonxers suPPlicd 'T1:L^SDATe, TRIMS - BATS AND SATURDAYS et their residence, IITIAP ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHAT' WILL BE (;E1Y1`. PROMPT ATTENTION. SEED I If you want the bestvalue for V s (� : The undersigned offers for raleat baa hIore- BUTTER & EGGS ',:niZ amSn Meilen, tie fol1oiig verities R71E4,T. 4 gore-, White itussisn per 11, 1 40 I.ost:Sagan •• 1 25. Otsearling "' 1 20 Johnstone " 1200 Peas .. Vit* Doupe Cols Barte-,90 y 44 JURETON. cl.:.. er Seed 7 o0 Timothy tlalran Sha ala*.'tint; BUS utranimr•us tor the sot. The limn tor payitig .he Scott law lax expir.il tei tvi„cueattl Fridsy. Act- ing upon the plat iz►, c,f niturlaeya that tile law pill he dceisrrtl aliouta- stlttttinnal bythe Supreme Vont t 3,200 of 8,G00saloon-betapers 1411*rel to pay the Irot. Suite it be brought about. O POISON -IN THE PASTRY IF ARE "C3'SEi�. 'rr anrila.a7.enion,Orange, stc.,ancesCnke*, Ca'eoms,ruddrn,r,,.tc.,,ta dellcetelynadoot- »raalsnathetr it(Toes�ahacittheyoremade. FOlt STRENGTH AND TRUE FRUIT FLA.YO]it THEY STAND ALONE. PREPARED DY THE Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo. RAKERS OP 1. Price's Cream Baking Powder Or. Price's Znpuli)), Yeast Gents, Best Dry clop Yeast. :FOR O.A.Z.= $Y GROC=2,0. WE MAKE BUT ONE QUALITY. - LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD 1,PRiefit 911/4, EASTGEMS stee nee Thebest dry he yeast in Inc world. Bread raised bythis yes asp t i light, white and whole- some like our randmmother'sdelicious bread. GROCERS SELL THEM. PREPARED BY THE. Price Baking Powder Co., gau'frs of Ir. Frica's Special Planting Extracts, Chions°. tit. At. Louis, Mo. T S MUNN .E CO.,or tha SCrn:n -rrTr.0 nRucAN con- tinue tajaut nS elicit as for it,t s, Caveats. wrade Marks, Coppyrights, ter tido Unttc 1 States. Canada England. France, Germany. etc. Hand Book about Patentssent,free. Thirty-seven years' experience. Patents obtained thrnuahMUNN A, CO. aro noticed In the SPIENTIr1c AMERIoaw the largest best, and Most widely_ctroulated.selenti8o paper. S3.20 a year. Weekly. Splendid engravings and Interesting in. formation. Specimen copy of the Scientific Amer. Sean sent free. Address MUNN & ou:urinIe £MZRICANN Office, 201 Broadway, New co„,Rork. NOAH FRIEU, 2 25 ,T. SWEN1rk:TAN art t, EO. WILI4.I3, o •0 Wieliea to announce to the inhabitants at Exeter ant sinr.ity. haat hotline e'reutd out a Dashwood Flouring Mill Boob an Shoe Shop Wishes to return thanks w 'u numerous Wishes thanks to his numerous cnstotners, for the pat liberal patronage given him, anti since making inn. provenaente, which is a latgu salving on fuel. will de -CHOPP:ENO- uutit farther notice, it the following ---rates t OATS, SIX CENTS PER BAG, Au.t for all ether arsine (peso ezeeeta.1t. SEVEN CENTS PER BAG. 'TUESDAY , THURSDAYtF SATURDAY Are n1;' trgrular minding days TERMS Strictly Cash. B,-Plahur i% Feed sold ata Cht;o Mar- gin. vangin. Don't forget to gine ns a call N'04.7 3'RIZD` be'1►wootl, reb'y 7th, '81 alt the curvier Store Ner11 of Sanq.,rell ata Pickard"., utast, I.,: is prepare.l t' retake au 2uid. of ordered Rome, RepaiSewed work a speciality. ring promptly attended to. i P 1. 1T AN SON Late Manager G. Bement s Bot and tilu:,a E4tsUlii4aanent. Eley 1411i4. Fronthill Ntreeriet. 325 ACRES. = 325 ACRES. ALLAN LINE Shortest Sea Passage, AVER:SOB TIME -8 DAYS. 1 Three of which are passed in smooth Antal and amongst the beautiful semen* of ricer and gulf of the St. Law. renes'. Hates of Passage. Quebec to Liverpool and Londonderry ;- Cabin, $60.00 and „x70.00; return 450.00. and $150.00. ' Intermediate toLivert:col, Londeuderry and Glasgow (including rail Liverpool to Ghia- gow) $36,75. Steerage --Liverpool, Belfast, Queenstown, Galway, Limerick, Londonderry, Glasgow, THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Sn learnt n Wit nt c To begirt work at i.n23 on Pall sAira, Steady cmplf.rMeatettlre4'tedartt4 to all who are wilting to work. MEN ASI) WOMEN +Ern have pleawuit WORE'. THE YEAR .ROUIhll. Good agent., are taming ; front $1.5 1d, A7.; Ter month null exp emit Qd rs•Teeraosaa:elz utlit fere. :idtdta'*.s nef.: 4i. NV CLLI\'{iT0N,Tordi:te THE 1. XIi.ETE . }. Planing Mill SASH, DOOR, and London, Cardiff, Bristol, $14.00. Intermediate and Steeage Stewardesses are appointed to each vessel. Passengers in Intermediate are found with everything, and the accomodation offered is equal to ghat is called Se.ond Cabin in some of the Iines sailing from New York. The last train connecting with the steamer at Qnebee leaves Toronto ou Fridays at 9 it, DI. Passengers can leave on Fridays at 7:50 u.'m. also, and connect with the steamer at Bimonslti, by paying an additional fare of $4.45 1st, and $2.255 2n41 class. No cattle, sheep or pigs aro carried on the Mail Steamers of the Allan Line. For Tickets and Berths and every inform- ation apply to JOHN SPACICMAN, AGENT ALLAN LINE EXETER' 3L1111 PACT01171. AM.,'KINDS OF TURNING ' Done to order. Ilememberithe place. 37ver A Howard. STATION -ST. VgMAT �LLEATk The undersigned begs to intimate to the people of Exe- ter and surrounding country that ho has better facilities for turning out first-class than heretofore. Pictures taken in all the Usual Styles of the Art Life -Size Pictures in oil Colors Crayon> or Sepia DONE 011 SH.C.1RTEST NOTICE And at Lowest Possible Rates, Li ork Iarsttti P.S.-Engraving on Gold, Silver; or Ivory ; also Gold or Silver Plating done on the shortest notice. W. T. JOHNS.