HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-24, Page 3t
A Voice from the Farm.
"You say that my life is a round or tom -
Tee stajwavt farmer Ftiel.
.that I Fealrce can wrest from the oft -tilled
My 1.ttranCe of deity bread?
Well, khat pee te I me in pert le true.
I uta+, i' m a.t elle , ur.
But 1 rainyU : of t, as you,
wltep het, ni.; it of it, he.. 1 can,
"And, surely, 1 :Lever have w ratted in oafs,.
From tate s. rh,g to the giddier n fall;
The h:truest has ever brought s. avleg grain.
Luou;,h and to Spare for ell.
And when in the evening, treed freee care,
1 see at my farm honsa. clone
Aly life and httie ogee watt tug there,
h, what has the tn£lliortnire mare:
"M eht-ldren ;nay nerve haver hoarded wealth;
i•lei, lives may aL times be wU118,".,
Taut ifire their korner they ha e.Iovo and
They will tlnd these riches enough.
Tho only land tixeywiit ever own
Is the lam l that the etroag right arra
Arta th:+ t, st e.id, fe tried heart alone
eau tilt to a fertile farm.
"I have nothing beyond my iteple wants
And to tittle for cloudy d•l5 e;
Nut no grim .spectre nay h mestead haunte.
Such ai silver mill goal miegigit raiee.
Around eee are e'1 shut with a arkling mirth
Or with pl,tei l c• :meet went &bite.-••
And no t eattleelo,-1(f'd lord upon all the earth
hats a let more Nee- el tl an urine,
"Cllr yes.1"nr lithe -ring all day long;
1vith the mind and the rn x,cle. too;
But I thank the Lord, who has made we
And a;iv.•n rue week; ti, tan
Lor what rake •1, l.t the triter drone
Buts e ore.. on the hunt.
I>;rarpiree t. i; , r r by other.; Ivan hewn,
And i it , ; wit right handl'"
Rich By Fals taco1,
Whatever propellor may l e popularly
felt in this eouutry agt < ,t.4 - ver rie
ittetl relate: not so emelt to tilt• feet of
being rich, but :el to the pr•ibabletneatls
by whioh it is acquired. A ratan Who-.
succeeds by being able to look farther
*head than other jlec,e.le, ;tett toetllou.,
late euuse andeffect in trade, as real
statesmen iia in polities, is a natural fi-
nancier anal is respected. Such tt man
may work no harder to gain a fortune
than thousands who are trying about
hinx and yet fail,. nor aloes be neee sarily
comprolntse his chant<es for eternal hap-
piness by success. H(* simply follows a
natural bent, and if stteee:;R does not
.lepravee his luanhood, he is alt right.
But there are rich ilnanehnst of quite
another class, and unfortunately so
many of chem as to almost give char-
aeter to the whole fraternity of rich
alien. They are those who, with a &stud
deal of finaneiering talent, have also
very unscrupulous moral natturt:5 at the
outset. We do not refer to those who
openly mud without disguise break the
laws of the land, lout, instead, the clans
nest below them. who nolnioally re-
spect the civil law, but break any
moral law at any moment when the
act promises profit. The first consider-
able mueee•as of ;t now famous million-
aire is said to have been in Itis manage-
ment of a certain railroad as its superin-
tendent. Ile secretly depressed the
stock, partly by neglect of the road-bcd
and rolling stock, and partly by false-
hoods silent its condition, and, when it
had dropped enough to meet his then
resources, with a few hundred thousand
which bo had scraped together, bought
:t majority of the stock. Then he
worked it up and sold c iii.
That one step outlines not only his
policy, but that of as great mass of men
who aro getting rich through stock
specttlatimi . their 0110 groat business
hualiticntion is falsehood. They prac-
tice this so much that they eventually
look upon it as a legitimate business
weapon. How much harm may be clone
to others is not inatter of the slightest
moment. How match harm it may do
lo either the material or moral interests
of the country ut large is also a matter
not to be considered. Their business is
• to get rich if they can, and "others
Must look out for themselves." --Nita-
Oetlld Identify Them Under Any plenum- C S . GI I) T.Ti: Y
"Do you think you eould identify the L" €ld , .'taki;•;ttr-1 • tt 11,C � " t l"I1 t1,71
pants if you were to see thele?" asked
the chief of police on meeting tite dis- \\TQULD i A. k TO
tressed. stunt r of a pith of missingpante rhose ult. intend
eurehaelitgto do so trent
Shorts. the manufacturer. The
A°lines yea s'pose I'se one of dem nig- tleaiet. who buys t'
gars what ntiblillr learned de rudiment-
again mutt uee:l :3 t Il:
&ries?" was the indignant response, have u profit. We +lkaxiti
a, l to givethe curt 'lasers the
""But can you identify the pants if henetlt,tvhieh eaanottail
you see them a;;lt• ell to erect tiro vietes of the
A pitvinrr smile came over the color- Grangers: Our a of
l n ^ arelosstlran abase of nit°
ed man's face as leo replied with scorn: mauufaettlrexroonaeq,tent
""I kin identify dem ar pants of I Deb- O°art eelioheaper.
ber seos'era agin."—texas Stings,
An Ineidtint of the Wer.
Among the ftf'aiCaga conttuerci:tl tray -
eters who visit Chillicothe aro two pen- - j 0 i 3E3 1 TR, 1 .1,1. 17,,, 1 j1.
Ma u'tz.# eture s I
r'. WQUL.D1
• ealispeelelatttentio
to our •undertebiug dopmr t i
rent trltieh. Is more coin!
plotc•thanever,as we have
Added sever al new designs
of tato The het* contras
mseeets shrytyde,er'<1 every
unere requiieltc at tele
lowest. price:• Our new
Iluara,ois 1,roacuneedLpi
competent1ttdgea. to be a
seeond to nor: to the
Sooietie .
of all the Different
tlemen, now good friends. whose first
meeting was under circumstances just
the reverse of friendship. Mr. P-- is
a Virginian an(1 air. II---.- is a New
Yorker by birth, and both were soittiere
during the civil war—the former a cap-
tain in the famous confederate troopers
commanded by the celebrated Sten.
J&iu S. Meshy, and the latter a private
in a \ w York regiment. In one of the
many skirwishe- !ti the vieinit-- of War-
reetuwn, Va., Capt P ----- was captur-
ed Its Ii--^-•` s regihlee:It, the e(,axlunauder
of: which, in pursuance of a previous
order from his euperlors,to "Shoot
Al:o;iby-'s ellen whenever Otttight," trrders
ed the immediate exeeuthei of the tats
fortunate 'captive. He was lead out a
short distance from the command, and
a detail of seven then, of Whom E -----
Was one, was ordered. to execute the
drumheaad:wittouce. At the word "Fire"
the igtiad diet~hargetl their wo;tpons
straight itt the victim, and poor 1---
f1. riddled with six Minnie balls. He
was lett for dead ata food for vultures,
and his eaenutioncrt mounted their
horses and folluwed their regituent in
'The v'etitn un-
prtr.urt c f Mosby.ettnaeiatle for twenty-four hours, and
when he awoke and feebly culled for
help there was no response. With six
ghastly wounds in hie :hest ;and cover-
ed suint blood, he dragged himself a
mile to a negro cabin, where he was
Funerals furnished u..,,
condluoted attire yorl° le:r
est rates^
meehtock of rSndor•takirlg
geetleis large, eomplete
and we aseortod, au(t any
ttersait: Iutrftu1 uny'thinr
inthisl£ne will And€t to
ihoiradvantage to give me
a call 444 examine tri
alletusei cF.
I leave jeetreoe. vett a
,• ergo stock Walnut itu d
itoscwood Caskets; also
/logiva of every descrip-
tion. .,. complete stock
of Itr.bos and 'Yrinuniiigs
elway oubaud.
The latest styles of ;
clamber and Parlor Suits
All kinds of Furniture at
too leweetrate,.
't; t.Il:1,t3ESV ft1 .a'A.It1I;I i:il'L'HI:1(YOV: 't'k
11eatetnL,erthe ell :: - Lr :al. eo,te.,:.t{•Kemp's'ri keca Stare, 5,tin-slicer,1:xcter.
rot 33di�,. 1
E=titer Past Of -lice Ti e Table.
MAILS 1.ts.ntvn :furl' i
1 <
Sir .
k an 5S oodhaxn i,Vbr:helsea-
r , and 1Sihtnville .. ... ... ... ... . fi lt. a, in i•;02 1t m . ;
Sonar,oastaudwe,l,includingLondon Iialniltou, Ta.rellt, hfeutteel, 9fanit i
oba, United :states, b:(tgtieh and foreign mails ... ... ... .. .. ... .. .t.BL a. tn•`g t0 0. u1
South, eeptezitl west ... ... ... ... t
... ... ... ... errs lr,rn.j3•^,At P. ui ;
Norther:4 eaokiuciiriieati,tlerieh Wit:el:sur Rineardr,e and It + i i "
Strattoi•d,Turonto, d1antretrl,uird Pastern +tater... .., t„ a =-at4nort t,
. ... - 'IC.t'Cn.tt! ip`"0 a, to
la. ;e thrt14a.CR p. le
tl,;,tan"n1,!f..ia 1'. T1i, !
ttoM Y trltlIURS
N'extil ..a «.
loudly recelvett and nursed for a week trey ... ... ..,
until. \ioeby'a forces had rallied and
driven the federals from the vletnda.
Then for tile brat time his wounds were
dressed by a eurgee 1, and in about six
months he rejai wed his command and
fought to the thud surrender at Appo-
mattox. IIis health has ever since been
delicate, but he is energetic tint puairing, 1"ur17co1rl°zol:a.ltii;�t:stur X.
and is a very impalair anis :successful
a;tl141nan,unal has no w;trtuerllutSUU1,l Lteti cents win bereceived att'raroffice from 81toellen. Popa:Ater-t obtaining the Postmaster
tewuedand ppwildonend front nnylfoueyOrderom eoinShuLetuirriourateatixda,Grentiiritxinand?
Ireland,llritisb Tndra, Newfounrilaudearuany .Auatris, 7taty, Auytr:alia n nil the United states.
A fomnnmbnlist,
Jesse hillier, a farmer, living is
Greenville Township, Somerset County,
Pa., is ready- to swear that Isis House-
hold is afflicted with a witch. Sonte
time ago he found a. _addle hauging on
a hook itt the ehihnnoy. Ile bad placed
it on the balusters. This occurred three
times, end every- member of the family
accused solemnly declared that they had
net touched the saddle. Miller took it
to the woodshed, and again it was dis-
placed. He then removed the saddle to
a sawmill and spiked it to a standard.
It stays there. His wife was washing
ono day, and stepped out of the apart -
meet for a few minutes. Returning,
she was amazed to find the articles
which she had left in the tub thrown
about over the floor. Miller was arous-
ed one night by terrible screams in his
front yard. He bounded out of bed, and
rushed out and found his daughter
there alone. She• had. no i nowlectge of
hate she got there. Every window and
door in the House was lucked and bolted
as when the young lady went to bed.
Twice since site has been spirited out of
the house in broad daylight, in the
'presence of her mother and others.
The spirit of darkness that exerts this
influence over the young lady is invisi-
ble to all others. Site described the
witch as resembling an old woman, with
hoary, hairy face, audwearing a white
cap. The Miller family is thoroughly
terrified, as is also the entire communl-
f ty. Miller intends to leave the locality
as soon as possible. Meanwhile lie has
been in lifeyersdale in quest of a 'witch
doctor, to snake the place tolerable for
a short time at least. Ho -is firm in• his
witch belief.
[Solutiont the girl is a sornnanibn.
friend than 13 -----, wito was one of lois General a rrpaclsti j *rotting can dapotiit $leis?, Depositeou Savings Itank account reeotvodfrotn i ..- - --
�, m. to 4 p. rat. ,
executioners, or thought he was.--Ghil-
(00thE (Mo.) GVit3ll:dt:au8. omeehours f.o1u7,3eu.tn.to7lrRt.
Lettere intended for reels tretion i t tlel.oat•' 11: 1, tiuute;:L-etnre the closing of each mail.
1\ Reettia paztiesdary request( 4 time fne emelera of matter will Lindiy add the names of tb 1
Xisalluding to un uequaintance tri ilounticrtothe 44141r•asec.
terms the very reverse of complimen-
"Curious to hear you -;tying that of
him!" remarked a friend; "I thought
you were melee oi,li;:ations to him,"
ta1•l314t1 I E I
tti.la alYMl i
knd for Purifying she Wood,
ft lots it.",at:u efcr')eara;amt s'
proved to 1,1 I'ee beetpreparation In the
marta6f+rSIt.•i;l#I'A"1ACII: ,1"AIN I1
.tI1U. S IN flit .N4t1. Ia' '.1t CI»1-
daI.4l:vT, Pl?iPL1 s O'. wait FACE,
17Yiil'E1'$14, Ill and nit Diseases
that Ar£iefrom ati endere•iL-rvcroran
ft j,•ire h'ao L Tan •-_;:e3,.3 of care' best
ye ;Ge t•i o is and g telt to their ciiil-
a•-•t n. i i. n e:ans pr(stu�ilte It deify-
;;,.,GetW .e,,.a a:s�ottce 1'�ea.�:,.tmeal 1 to
It ie rn•i Tr fr ,r* T -lea* Doek. iTnn&u-
is a l.-ri. it,,.tiraar, 5 in zerreeneand
oiler ay.1known valuable lasers i:ttd
ixt rl e. It iastrietly v, - r .stere and eau-
aci rt tl:u mint deb a,. (.c ti'itt£.n.
It7»c:: ctthe best tr.;.Lieire;,,rrtele for
1 a ll; r.•; titePs tel.
AZ ,x t • 7 ell rt porrr:t.:e •:.^.: ,;:••a at
n cat -•. f a !y^,,,.,:- Sett -e, rat :ta`.e+�
- thin
,. ,`n , s: . •.•,.gist,,.. •..•t
.,..it..t..., .
`...int reed-:trerx,
re t. net..
Although Kansas has for eleven years
had a capital -punishment law, nobody
has been hanged, except by Lynchers.
tinder the statute a person sentenced to
death is first imprisoned a year in the
penitentiary, and if at that time the
dent .warrant is signed` by the .Gover-
nor, the execution takes place; but
stherwise the: irnprisonnent continues.
y retia .L Aug
"Who? 1? Oh, no; next tat :til. You
pee, he lent nate 4toino Money Wire, luta
the next time I wanted to borrow of him
he refused, merely becanse I hadn't re-
turned the first, and so that made it
The prince of science, having cast his
eye over the table to see that none of
the instruments are missing or mis-
placed, is about to amputate his pa-
tient's leg.
The patient burst out into lamenta-
tions. •
"Come, come, my good fellow," says
the surgeon, encouragingly, "don't take
on. so. Try and fix your minden some-
thing else!"
A visitor having rung the bell at a
friend's door, is received by the friend
in person.
"You must excuse me," says the
friend, "but the fact is that everything
is in confusion—my servant has left
and so I have to look after the house
work myself."
"No servant?" says the visitor, cyni-
cally, making a broad finger -mark on
the dust -covered table; "no servant?
Why, look at this!"
Two old gentlemen, ovet whose heath
the seventeen-year locusts have passed
repeatedly, are wanting along a public
promenade which they have frequented
for litany and many a year.
"It's rather curious,~" says the first,
"but things seem to be changing here.
Don't yon remember how, ever so lone
ago, we used to see lots of old, old men
crawling up and down here in the sun?
What's become of them all? I never
meet any of thele any more."
"My friend," rejoins his companion,
"we are the old, old men that we used
to see."
To lake Maidens Forever Young and
A. ray of joy shires open the pathway
of the elderly belle whose physician
sists upon -seta bathing,. bat whose com-
plexion savors paiefii'ly of the antique.
A friend of humanity—aFrcuchmitn, of
course—leas '.everted a set of cosmetics
that resists the et1'eet of saltwater to
wash them off or i..jure the delieacy of
their bloom, so that the well -rouged
will route out all rosy and blilahiuo, or
ns if the bathing hetfput health and vig-
or into thele, mud the •froz ;u,yellow and
Vac tiugea.will be hidden. from the
carping—.gaze of a heartless world. No
more azure -noses and old •gold cheeks
for thess ehla rly uuaide.us, hut 'peach-
like, ore p defying • scow white .and
rose ied, fair and fresh as the • biti bes•-
of dawn. 'The damsel -who has hither --
to emerged fret the waves grim and
ialiiti ars a damaged mermaid. too • 1904iopt.c..ii e litbition May •nosy rise, like a
new Aprodita, perenni:Illy young and
f;tlt., 13ostgfz Courier.
ft:Joints, Postmaster.
ITOIIINtrltlT+k: i—SYdXPTtl;1LSAND 013RE
The flaiptrlive aro moisture, like perspir-
atiou, intense belting increased lays'r.atcltur„t r
very distressing, particular at night; seems is
1f pin -worms were crawling ire and itbe.ut the y
rectntu, the private parts aro sometimes af-
fected, If allowed to continue very serious re-
sultatnayfaUctt^, "lili.LT\1'5UINTr I1 Xi"•
is a pleasant, sure coria". Antal f•+t' 't'a'tter, ^
Ieh, Iaalk•Rheum, Seald-iteral, Drysipulas,
Barbera' Iteh. Blotches, all scaaly=erust Skin
Aiseases„ Box, by mall, SO Cts.; 3 for $1,33.
Address, DR. SWAYNF & SON, Phila., Pa.
Sold by Druggists.
Are you disturbr.d atuip,ht and broken of your
rest by asick child suffering and crying with
pain of oattine teeth? If so, toedatoncoand
got a bottle of AIRS WiledLOW'S SOOTHING
SYRUP" Its value it incalculable. It will re-
lieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. i)o•,
pend upon it mothers, there is no misteke about
it. It cures dysentery and iliairhooa, regulates 1
the stomach and bowels, cures wind toile
softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and �.
gives tone ant energy to the whole system.
MES. wrxsnow's SoOTlliIC SYitnr Pon CHILD.
REN TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is
the prescription of one of the oldest and best
female nurses and physicians in the 'United
Status, and is for sale by ell druggists through-
out the world. Price `:5 coats a bottle.
Pains and Aches,
• ri
• .a1».1551 ,S1s (
L 1 , n• t.,.r,t
' ` , ••,--••,Z1‘1.•
.st f t� f, 4',
k., F• • •,.:r,
t• •••1•41.
Health & Happiness for all.
Biliousness, Headache, Dys-
pepsia, indigestion, Dizziness,
Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering
of the Heart,
And evert' species of disease arising frau
Impure Lienal, &c. &c.
1.1<ti1•AR1;i 15. ', 5I1
Climax Chemical Compare
Armes & CO., of the SCIENTIFIC AISBRICAN con.
linen to act as Solicitors fur Patents, Caveats. Trade
Marks, Copyri!hts. for the Unitee States, Canada.
England, ranee, Germany, O. Ilan( Bnole
Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years' experience.
Patents obtained throuzlrxlvItJNN & CO. are noticed
la the Some:am AREIRICAN, the largest, best, and
West widely clrculated,scienttfoporter. $8.20ayear.
Weekly. Splendid engravings and interesting In.
formation. Specimen copy of the Scientific Amer.
lean sent free. Address X LUNN& CO. SCIENTlrIO
AmmRn:AN Office, 261Broadway, New York..
=�.�! FOR
Loos of Appetite,
Sour Stomach,
Itual Costiveness,
Sick Headache and Biliousness.
P1 ice, ?G. per bottle. Sold:oy all Druggists.
Raving commenced businesttor the
Fall and Winter Trade
We areprepared topnroilaseanyeUantity of
Pork ,sabject to tine tollowingregulations
We will take off t rye pounds per hundred if
dry, and three ponnci1f soft. Shouldertecrr
twenty-five cents. If any of the t nag gats
are left. i i, 25 rents extra will be deducted.
No pi'oK will be bought at any price
11 warm,
We.Van t all /logs Cutting right through
breast to Leal, and Rains opened out'to tail
.G & J. PETTY. •
W01111 POS w-.,:: R�.
Aro pleasant to take. tai-& their own
Purgative. lea cafe, sure., a..ri effs'C WZl
%carrayer of worms in ChildronorAdults.
Cherry Pectoral.
No ether complaints are so insidious in their at•
t s.lk IN those affecting the throat and Iungs : nose
trilled with by the majority Of sufferers. The
u:•.ti otry tough or cold, resulting perhaps from a
tritl'utg or uneous sinus exposure, is often but the
beginning of a fatal sickness. AYER'S CirEunY
1't.trcuLAt. has well proven its efficacy in a forty
y •ars' Bela with throat surd lung diseases, slid
should be taken hi all cases without delay.
A Terrible Cough Cured.
-1111157 I took a severe cold, which affected my
lungs. I had a terrible cough, and passed night
after right without sleep. The doctors gave nye
up. 1 tried Armes ORRERY PE(Tcsi.L, which
relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded rue
the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength.
liy the continued use of the PECTORAL a perma-
nent euro was effected. I spm now 62 years old,
hale and hearty, and ant satisfied your blunt (v
PECTORAL. saved rte, ltORACE yAA 11110Tttt:lt. ,
Buckingham, Vt., July 15, I882.
Croup. —A Mother's Tribute.
"Weile in the country last winter my little
boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; it
seemed as if he would die from strangulation.
One of the fancily suggested the use of A ei:xt's
OnunRY PECTORAL, a bottle of which was al-
ways kept in. the house. This was tried in email
and frequent doses and to our delight in less than
half an hour the little patient was breathing eas-
ily. The doctor said that the Cinnuw PECTORAL
had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at
our gratitude? Sincerely yours,
MRS. EliltA G1D t1 V."
150 West 198th St., New Yorlr, Mary 10, l e' 2.
" I have used AYER'S OIraRRY PECTCIl.t 1. in 150
family for several years, and do not hesitate to
pronounce it the most effectual remedy for cuulths
and colds we ltavo ever tried. A. 0. CRANE."
Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 102:
".I suffered for tight years from Bronchitis, and
after trying Horny remedies with no success, 1 was
cured by the Use of AYim'S CHERRY PEceonet.
Josnen Weisner."
Byltaliaa, Miss., April 5,1882.
"I cannot say enough in praise. of Avtat's
CELu1t" P CTT nM, believing as I do that but
for its use i should long since have died from
lung troubles. E. Iaxt tenon. "
Palestine, Texas, .April 22; 1882.,
No .base of all affection of the throat or l uigs
exists which cannot be.greatlyyeller gel by the use
of Area's Gummy PLcroitaL, iaml it will always
core when the disease is not already beyond the
control. of medicine.
1'Itr,P.vtrti nv
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell,. Macs
Sold by ail Druggists..