HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-17, Page 8l.)oesn't Knows What Re's Talking; Verdancy tet'It(elt Knew Enough, to Interesting Items.
About.Take Care or Itself, ---
The Caughtlawvagas will probably play;lire
„ c
'x0121 would 1 were a bap again," 1)tti coir go into the side show, 'mosso matches at the New York Polo Grou
once sang all idiot, writII a memory cut ; asked of the eonntrytu:ut at Greeley, Wm on' July 2a, 24 awe 25.
off so short that leo cotii(in't recollect r Colorado.
whether the last he took was beer or 3 Qn"NO, six,- etndi I the fd oil paintings
bratliiy. And so lie suns, and sena , go in, I.
Auld made others idiotically sing wish- t meta hau(Isonm looking man there
frig they were bora if not girls ;main, : near the side show, though, that seem-
forgetting that bovlio' I mei girlhood 1 od to take an iuterest In me. Where
ss a rule le spent The most miiserzblo was a lottery along with the show
step of human tl;istenee. What is it' and he wanted neo to go and throw for
that cries. every half hour for some- I heal.
thing it sari t gt t? A 6 or 7 -year old' "'Capper, probably?"
child. What is rt that wants ev orytiiinet ''Perhaps so. Auy hotiv, he gave me
ft sees and doesn't know what's ;-ooc t it dollar and told me to go and throw
for it? A 6 or 7 -year old chaise. What . for him.,"
is it that lie., on it, little stanineh and ` "Why didn't he throw for himself?"
kicks with rage :(oil temper l excuse it ! "Oh, he said the lottery Iran knew
Can't have candy ere tette to make it 1 him nud wouldn't let him throw."
sial;? A. 6 or 7 -year o 1 child. WIULt s "Of course. Slane old story. He
is it that pempert d with .All the "belies-': saw ,you were a grecney and got you to
cies" of the season, c les for s omet11inM ` throw for him. 1'iU stood in with the
to eat, it doesn't know what, anti re. game so that you drew a big prize for
fuses out of the i?tr e quinteseence of the capper, created A big excitement,
unliu e; s to be sat:; ire i A 6 or 7 3 0 : and vett and the crowd sailed in told
Bttekten's Aenieft$a*Xe•
Tho Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruis-
es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheuul, Fever Sores,
Tetter, Chapped haude, Chilblains,Oorus, and
all Side Eruptions, and positively cures Pike,,
or ea pay required. Itis guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refuulled.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all drug.
Mrs ' fa Arthur. of lioptville, Out„ says she
could not keep house Witent R'ageardee Peet•
oriaf Balssm to cureperlailing throat and lung
Butler the Shamrock obi reliable, who was to
have retired from lacrosse for good,, will again
take the field.
$1500 Reward.
the will pay the above reward for any
ease of Livercomplaiet, Dyspepsia, Sick head,
ache, Indigestion, Uonetipa(iou or Costiveness
we cannot eurewith R esi'a Vegetable Liver
Pills, wheel the directions are strickiycomplied
clttld. 'What i ; it in the sunlltler
there(, lost all the money you had, I it Who with, '-'hay axe pure13 Vegetable, and uerer
that steitle the hard careen apples and „ was a titan with a velvet coat and a fail toR►vc satisfaction. Sugar coated. I/nrge
pp bodes, cantainin • 1U Ills, ,.cuts. Ft1r sate
then feels teem •ei Y'? The owoulii I roustaebe (Eyed a Oeste hlaeu 44'1 w:t� h at Drli "i is wvartr
5 1 e d as spar as a cambric needle,,, y 1 g s lit of eonuterfrits null
were t boy a' i t :''" 1V hat is .t that is `: ., p i ‘ lmOadon8. The t'utiiu( 2na,Ilideeture l ons
beaten ,with rotas straps and w iups by "'rest that's h1s descr; )tion to a dot,. by. JOHN C. EST tit}., '•The feel uiak
the an re fttth( ? Toe G or 7 v O, 1; wonder if he really (lid the that ;, -per ers, 81 it 83 Eine street Fast Torouto,
boy. l% 12:t is It Geo is sleets l b} Alio poste" Free trial package sent by nail prepaine(1 rn
telulr. ate?eiu, mother :anti hill:.,. . Aell ` poled "Well,
ne a b :tme 1 ft ool telit l how oes ale e'rt Ho Hollowa el ay's Ill Pine e ea: and Ointment.•.--Ptriar to
er}yeti}. it.4 us.tiit„ to �a,�. ,t21 1
have more ter lees .still rt'tl, :anti t11I3 : Io t his nnonev. Don't you see I bet the di.e)very of Ilene nenetIito all easy, ready
ti:C e0nipt'4141.:441 uE nr eeey , the moo yoer avri vitrd Ways and general green- and reliable remedy for on.w.er.1 disfigurations
iv it& 1 1, eyrie t of %surest ate,i fr. tttliaese ne,es rtru(.+k that tapper the first thing, and inward complications 1%1,i lentetiet►11 pi1e1k-
tittit Ale a ifl $ .%1 ill. 3I Un? tf:0 mar E •sn`1 you net only threw away your 1nf', Ulil`.upwii, ;io.no nretl n„wv lie=Rt n iDS
th.oe,sitt 1 v wwi ' l,t' i, talking •theme iiwn I1loncv, but two or three hundred d they, s11un.d tultartl,t.nti, StttYrt rani i cerj,
... dd (t • `'...w.. talking
♦ - ether tv:tpliy'-jateee, pelicane Saw you .sores, turners., 1J811u, 2 i-ni e, Vi-ni1iA, (te, o,,n.
t; e i ,
Ti.e:e, t .,.. , .., 4 2
el :tww ,t Li•* ,rat, tend theeeht it was v(•lopinti lI'dIw ay'aui iii u.te era very intellig-
yon A. t1241 tiler clepositetir'weet little j btu lJrilltetl directives fun tome olein, wvhieh
„ j ahoulil Is,: attt npv(•lw Reeled :aril iniuh�diatel
1 4 who resort Qr 11 6 Y
` ` r •le "�Ft:ll, 'Ili ten, w Otr bort it
wvns if it'll ii ]l wet i b, all it t t #u his treatment..
Sooner or later the sufferer ter will assuredly tri.
unlplt over the worst insea•t•:. lids reaching
Clinttneut disperses s all those lualig want halo.
curd whielt aggravate di:wasels of the shill, pew.
e e • o ulcers, n( excite m-
ttrlllnal W' ' t('at elle tea rA t le P 'at(+
- f 1 1intoau tllwr..r t hautialways
ocket.w \ money
.11, SV. H, ('r krr,kiirj�� 1t1E(>i1CaiLAST.
rd(wcn Fa s
f 1 p og` ` y '
:1108 n11;.,tl.t 2'tt 1►-eU Ili► e, apt. t1E 1U.0 game'. Aa w oil '--w 1 dr:}1t C;1 :t, bit" Strttwl!et'ry C4nica i retie.
tQ 3 to 5lll.sior r t :f t t�' 1 i1 nn l'.r:n: aout nti prize, $:.O� enii a silver cup. Thu T'tc lxeitcl of a hr(sltnuP ulnchlno sect the
1 main offered 1ne $3 for�the eup ants 1 I'farm of 1Vm. Cai•euder,'Middletown, Deie es.With
"etaad-caterer " wrt•rt fr%tl:t,'µi It. i.n,. 412 a fEtok i, pioded Honda •. ecaldi»g fire nen. 'Three
?ne irate Helly eznthntg wwa.a lovely , y
xI;(1I. n u i +. • (o au} go'd tali s.tw a otbel young iuen
nen tin t Ee at: , t :e1 , y•":r t lira - n c,
. 1 in ,lite future. lion sea this caliper, as
emaetfE"4 (if ti tr ti -1t i'l&,t t l..n.ri. ti , y.ota cari him, ; ave. rue ft $I bill to
trite1'aa'le'tt 1l+ till E I::t tg11,E • tin h t "Mows for 1'iIu :roll 1 )ut It into Ai 'vest
1 } jv ut th crcatrtz ulcn -f a 1
erta'1u leI�oi1 tyle lzcetieetzr ih In ti}ua'It
pocket 80, tt'ong w: ith tlhe •V, tilut father ifly le i i y ui
titres o toads were t)1rnnrte ,
nrlt n l fi'()sn Frames. 4 en's teat or 1 Satiety up to the game, Witt• its old June- when all other Acro .ince {ilii Sol, Bawl '(tont- f
atugbt ht' ..� :a teem. E:.,,r i.., r.'I1 1.'a himself and pill ;t de ear into the ' 1`lniuts, ;lieu I:r.1 tical, rs's l:strict of Weill
The Great French Lotion for Beautifying
the Face.
It oouceals tiro evidence of ase. Oa s m441 -
cation win Idako the most stubbornly red And
rough hands 'beaetifully soft and white. Ile.,
member that " MAY DEW" la not a paint or
powder that ills up the pores of the skin, Writ
that is injurious to t he skin but a. new and.
great discovery, a veget t l to liqu1d, that ceases
the cheek to glow with heftlth, the nock, arms
Awl uoasiblvtotdetectin l the beauty In litconfer's any
artificial character. It cures Creasy Askin,
Freckles, wYe•Ink1ea. Pimples. Nyack Beads,
Crow's Feet, Blotches, Face Grebe, Siiu Burn
Tan. Ringworm, Chapped Rends, Snre ur Map
trio ed pores oiIglands,and tubesfr. ni the tulip t-
iot,seffects of powders auto cosmetic, washes.
By its aro all Fellness trod rauglu%o. s aro pre.
teutott ; It boa.itiaes the skiu, and will m' ke it
soft, smooth end white; impartieg lt'delicions
soft:tuts; preducina a perfectly healthy, u,etur-
ui.and youthful appearance. The bast face
lotion that til; woad ever prodeceil. We will
send" A easel: eerriog " to Any actclr..: a ou r,t•
eetpt of price, at. %Yhcuorttertna monition Arte
Address all lettets to the
71 young vtrect. Toronto, Ont.
parlor a, nl Iteceotinn Racal fot T,R•tier.
To the Front as
literature. There is. t •rne. a ', hen it flashed over my mind that
, .'tltlrte111' aux f'rzy :2C;t , 1.t ;.i .:Alia' ' 1 zeinllt have got 1113 dollar and the
its Parris. soli it is un"lerstoo 1 t11at tial other feilur'ss i ixe(1, so I says to the
lana. not sold to c 11ee aeiltttnbr lh lel to (u i proprietor, 1 will now !tweet a dollar
service b t the de truetion of wr m t In for a scut who asked use to draw for
gardens. Our neighbors ere. u the
other hand, systematic devourer+
a of
frogs, whielr are . regular tk' a of
cotarneroo in the Hance centrales; but
these more frequently make their ap-
pearance at private tables than m the
,arses of the reetanraute. At the last -
maned es tabli"i! hien►.; 8 41:,12 of frogs
wibutt s only be the !e ind leif ge eofljtllo nimble ((Welt,
ndtha aspained k(, tov-
ereatures nre eaten, n "fries "Plat*"
se ale if I hada't time to j�., o away into a quiet
eenorrilles"' is a very C'(;n U'fi a plat. lace where we cotilti talk it over b
Why En_ri ;h el1ieure'. slstittlti dei: line. p }
will probably die..
Tun VoLTAIG BALT Co., tfarahall, titieli.,wil
scud i)n.DVz's(kTReaATne, i ldterao•VourAie
i31enTs A3I1 1 1,,RCTRIC AL'reterteEs on trinlfor
thirty ds.ya to men (yuuug or of z) who aro af-
flioted with nervous debility, lost vitality
"Thereupon I took out tiro other ►see kindred troubles, guaranteeing
dollar, and I'll be eternally chastised ifspeedy stud complete rest:ration of health and
I didn't draw brass locket worth i manly vigor, Address Aa above. N.
about two bits a butihol." Flak is iteemed , ns thirty day to trial is Allowed,
"I did not say auythin, for a long --Alexnuder ),I8Uregor aged 87 years 00:0 -
time. Then I asked LIlin hewn the tuittt'd snicidee at Port Colburele on Friday by
capper acted when be got his brass bangiug. He nits highly respected. Cants
locket. uukuowu.
If there is airy Jerking taint of scorfule in -e
the system, Burdock Blood Bitten$ are warren.
ted to search it out.
The Otldfellows' deinouatratiuu at litooltville
eloscd yesterday. The tttteudace leas beau us
was exile.ted.
eat frogs is its melt :j. mystery a: i11) ourselves, but he had a kind of a cruel
:they= refuse tit eat eorlger tel uncles, tis
Sir Henry Thompson has recently
pointed out, the succulent anti emeriti).-
ing conger ;Appears in the guise of
Cereal" turtle*- soup. But stveresnn from
frog eating has ceased, it. would _cern, language,
'to extents to the whole of Anglotea:tm- "Afterward T saw hint talking with
dont. America has begun to :(sale the proprietor of the lottery .and I feel
somehow that they had lost confidence
in me. I heard them speak of rue in a
jeering tone of voice, and one said as I
passed byt 'There goes them meek -eyed
rural convict now,' and he used .a hor-
rid oath at the same time.
"If it hadn't been for that one little
quincidenee there would have been
nothing to mar the enjoyment of the
occasion." --Biel Nye.
lusineuro' look In his eye, and I said no,
I believe I ditto t care to, and that I
wits a poor eonvereationelist anyhow,
and so 1 came away and left him look-
ooking at his brass locket and kicking
holes in the ground and using profane
largely 1n frogs, welch are now served
regularly lit all T1rst-class IrrlteIa and
vestaurants,--London Telegraph.
&tukhanaod People.
We shake bands as a salutation; a
Chinaman shakes bands with himself.
He stands at a distance, and, clasping
both together, he shakes them up and
down at you. We uncover the head as
a mark of respect; they keep their heads
covered, but take off their shoes for
politeness. We shave the face; they
shave the head and eyebrows. We cut
our finger -nails; they consider it aristo-
cratic to have nails from three to five
inches long, which they are obliged to
protect in silver eases. The Chinaman's
waistcoat is outside his coat, and his
drawers outside his trousers. We blacken
our shoes; he whiten* them. We have
soup as a first course at dinner, and
dessert at last They have dessert at
first and soup at last. We want our
wines ice cold; the Chinese drink theirs
scalding hot. We bury in the earth;
they on its surface. With us black
clothing is a badge of mournin`g, with
them white garments indicate the loss
of friends. In that land of opposites it
is the old men who fly kites, walk on
stilts, and play the shuttlecock, and to
keep up their odd. ways of doing things,
they play the latter with their feet in-
stead of their hands. In China women
do men's work, and men are the millin-
ers, dress -makers, and washer -women.
With us the right hand is the place of
honor; with them it is the left hand. In
dating letters we place the year last;
they write the year first. They always
speak of the mariner's compass (their
own invention) as pointing to the south.
We pay our physicians when we are
sick; they pay while they are well, but
-- 'as soon as they get sick the pay stops.
Here men kill their enemies; a China-
man gets revenge by killing himself.
We use a soft pillow; they a block of
wood. They launch ships sidewise, ring
bells from the outside, and actually turn
their screws in the opposite direction
from ours. --Rev. Selah Brown la the
Christian _ch:acute.
An undertaker of Detroit, Michigan,
is charged with cuttiu, the hair from
pauper dead and selling it . to the wig-
Some French showmen are to open i►
$500,000 wax works museum in :New
York, showing statues of noted people'
and groups of noted events. Thus, a
tableau of an assttssinetiou will be suc-
ceeded by one representing the capture
of the assassin and others representing
the trial and execution.
Actors and Riches.
Your great fellow -citizen. Forrest,
died rich, and, by the way, the Forrest
home, which he so thoughtfully pro-
vided: and generously endowed, would
be a good subject for inside treatment,
if it was possible to photograph et
faithfully. Tho great Booth tied poor;
Charlotte Cushman left a fortune;
Sothern died poor, and Edwin Adams
left nothing. Of all the actors living,
the list of rich among them is very patent as a valuable diecovety.
short. Mr. Jefferson has some money, Aboy named Bravin was struck by a falling
not much; Edwin Booth was rich, be- boom from a derrick, at Welland, on theaque-
camc a bankrupt, and is now making
money fast; Lester Wallack is not re-
puted s earthy; "Solon Shingle" Owens
had much money and has some now;
none of the Thornes have kept a dol -
lax; Salw7nf's fortune is very email; applied. When you hear of Fluid Lfghtuing
John T. Raymond spends money faster you hear of one of the greatest marvels ever
than he gets it; Robson never saved a known in the way of a medicine, as it never
dollar until he found his mascotte in fail to cure, and not in a week or a day. but
Billy Crane, but now I am glad to un- the instant it is applied -to the affected part.
deratand the one supplements the other Sold at J. W. Browning's Drug Store. 5
so admirably that the two are getting NO RIVAL IN THE t'•IELD.
rich; McKee Rankin has a little farm There is no rival for Dr. Fowler's Extract
all the latest Novelties
in. all Departments
The place to get everything you want
�? eS to 'Suit the dime,.
Salt Rheum, Pimples or 131otebes can be
thoroughly removed by proper application of
McGregor 1C I'arke's Carbolic Cerato to the
part, and a few doses of McGregor'a.Sueedy
Cure for impure Moos. Be sura and get the
genuine. Prepared by McGregor & Parke.
Sold at 25 cents at 3. Browning's Drog
Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is
the remedy for Cholera, Colic, Diarrhoea and
11. evut,•1;v No person is bale without it.
siBrown'sUonaeholdPanaceae"huano equal
fo rroliovingpa in ,botb intorue,iand external It
curospain in the Side, bank orbowels,sorothroat
Rheumatism, Tcothnehe,LnmbegoaudaIry kiwi
of a painor ache. "It will most surely quicken
the blood and heal, as its acting uowar is wonder-
ful. "'Brown's iionsehold Panacea' beftigack-
nowledge d as the great Pain Relievor,and of don
ble thestrength of any other Elixir orttninweut
bathe world,ehouldho in every family handy for
use when wauted,"asitreally is the best remedy
10 the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and
Painsand Aches o1 all kinds,' and is for sale by
all Druggists atw eents abottle.
Many people are prejudiced unrest patent
niediciees but all wha try Burdock Blood Bit
tern are compelled to acknowledge it worthy a
duct workse`yesterday, and fatally injured.
Fluid Leglitning not only Toothache instant-
ly, but also Neuralgia, Headache, Earache,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, and Seiatiea. Pain of
any kind cannotremainone minute whereit is
in Canada, butnothing else; the young-
er leading men and women of the stage
are receiving good salaries, but there
are not more titan three who aro lay-
ing anything by. The fact is that
among the deaths might very well be
put the names of economy and pru-
rodence. -Philadelphia Press.
of Wild Strawberry. It acknowledged cham-
pion for the care of all Summer Complaints.
The following is from J. W. Ptolemy, of
Winnipeg, formerly grain buyer for William.
Gillesby, of Hamilton and Grimsby : "I was
WAR for many years much afflicted with Cos-
tiveness, Biliousness, and ultimately Dyspep-
sia. I suffered very much and tried many (lin
fereut medicines, which gave me only tempor-
ary relief and then I was as bad as ever again.
French doctors almost invariably I was recounnended by a friend, who had been.
prescribe red wine rather than white, restored to health by it, to try 11IoGregor's
Speedy Cure. 1 did iia, and it was 1101 long
before I felt like a new man, and I have enjoy
ed excellent health ever since. T first com-
menced taking it February 7th, 1870. Sold at
3, W. Browning's Drug Store. 5 = r c
To all who are suffering from the errorsand �>
indiscretionaofyouth,norvousweakness, early . .i 1A !l
decay ,lotssofmnanllood,&o.,Iwill send areceilr finder a e�
and Liebig bears them out, as the fol-
lowing, found among his writings
proves. "The wvhite wines are hurtful
to the nervous system, (musing tremb-
ling, confusion of language and convul-
stuns.. The stronger wines, such as
champagne, rise quickly' to the - head,
but their effects are only of short dura-
tion. Sherry and strong eider are
more quickly intoxicating than the gen-
erality of wines, and they have a pecu-
liar influence on the gastric juices of
the stomach. The intoxication of boor
is heavy and dull, but. its .use does not
hinder the drinker ftom gaining 'flesh.
The drinkers of whisky and brandy are
going to certain death. Red wine is
the least hurtful, an 1, in some' oases,.
really Len etieial.
trouble to show Goods.
Purify the lllcod, correct .a11 Disorders of the
They #tvigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and aro invaluable in. all
Complaints incidental to Felonies of all ages. For children and the seed they are priceless
Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores lied Ulcers. It is
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
Por Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings, and all akin disease
it has no rival and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm,
The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOMAS HerLOwAY'A Establishment,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d.,.
4s. 66., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 3d. size contains three limes the quantity of the
is lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; Melia, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; andthe
33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot-, and can be hair in any language
t.. Purchasers should -look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious.
hat will curt you, FREE OF CHARGE This
great remedy was discovered by a missionary in
south .twiierica Bend aself•addressed envelor•,
to the Rev cosEi'xT INMAN,StattioaAgate Fora
A$SWER T11.6 oonsrto3.-Why do so many
people we se_srouud us,aeem to prefer to sof
fer and be made miserable by indigestion, con-
stipatior+, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming ] M j E �E ' o srrri.i /� poi
up of the foop,yellow skin, when for 75 cents,
.L�,, IR,
„J�V ..1...LZ.j Z..L.
we will sell them Shiloh's Vitaliser, guarante •
ed t•• cure theta, . Sold by J. W. Browning ONE DOOR NORTH MOLL `ON'S BANK
Exeter. 3 o wt