HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-17, Page 7J. GRIGG
Wholesale and Retail
sec by 11). Johus,tbat orders be grant.
01 for the following sums :—Thomas
Snow, $2,00 for labor ; Jno..t'arsonae
$18.75 r1a ; Jn9. 134se4, $27.75, do ;
Jas Atkiusou, $$18,75, do ; Jas Ws.
den, $78,00, do ,- A Bissett, .$108.75,
do ; Wan. Ford, $51.0C, do ; John
B00' LMt''a Thowpaon, $87.75, do; Thos. t3uell,
$2.25, do ; David Bissett, $40,87 t,
do ; Thos, Biseetl, $68 00, do.; Wit.
Long, $88.87it, do ; ;Silas Ilandfurd,
$81.75, do ; Wm Webster, $19.50,
j'-/°.loreahead, $28.00, do ;
Ruth L'inot'mbe, $86.50. do ; E. R.
Bissett, $54.75, do ; -i no Gillespie,
$78.75, do; and Jou Stanlako $44 02
:doe—Curled. Moved by D. Johns,
!sec by W. Bissett, that this Council
:adjourn nntil tail of the eloov,:.—Car.
Tex melee per line for tares insertion al. u1 % ri; ti 3I. j e4l'RET1, Clerk.
nor i (1.NTS i,..+ litre f. t ari1h11,.t "Fat et
tertaonwirlbeeltarr:cdfor notices naxl,( using
, ----
:n this ceh lou. ror the SS rung Place.
y --` 11i-a;NWTWo11ormat) of Brcitu
L t•g,
I fli d. \ yet Promo., left that Waite sone
'_^ 1t time ago far Exeter, .N. Ii., U.
at; site tlsengh^,---bat through a alis-
TIIL'It'SDAY, ,JULY 17, 1894. take --made dither at New I rk or
Barmherg—,Ito µt13 Mayan a ticket for
Exeter, Huron C ,uuty, Out- She
arrived baro on Saturday tug uin,;
leer, anti enquired for tr: lters.t,whnse
Miss ,l egg o Garlick is prnparted to address elm hall ; but atter emus) per.
tied had extanunetl it. sae wee iutorin•
ed that U M persou dirt not live koro,
but in Exeter, N. H.. U. S. The
young lady not being able to uudor-
I'aris Green, [herd School BOORS stand our language, was iu an awful
and Stfoiron, ry,Id. L th1 snail} prc.dicalueut, thud hied only 25ota in
_ her yeehut. Me. Johns' peetntaetor,
CST Arcery en.--letet a➢:.l ,b,:tl°C-t lot of Secured her board and lodging, ulna
boots and elvers we nave as act amen in town word could be received front her nnale
is at (', Bacrctt'e. Ateearad•wade work in New Hampshire, whorl she watt
And repairing done as usual. harness of going to. Oa al;ouday, word was re -
every Mud always on hand, whips;, trunks, ueived that money that beau scut co.
ebilirrne carriages, t-spress wagonq, d;e. y
CPA and are, tuy her ticket for the right plata, and
it ie expecte'[ oho will Iowa in a day
Waimea rut tri rent itit;el sett lad to learu the or two.
lilt of plinth r- sheat lista) ! flir r,lett•itlnn, [school Trustee :eiecttoS.
apply revs:malty to Tse!r- Office. Exeter.
The Exeter School Bonrlmet in
roma °trete the seeretary'e oohs', Exeter, on Fte
We wall -end the Tierce fir tlsn reureit.d'.r day last, at >a p. bp. Jails Ramo).
1""" "WYs.:Un:, i" f` .41.3 t=r the absent. afiuutert of foremen meeting
ISntte i Striate react ill t ter ettele. 5ntterrilet; real and approved.
.iuved by
W. U.
1f t tier awl net tie, el t it V+t nee otter. , 1?p y
Verity, sea by W. Grigg, [het the
ace'[ of A. Trnutnncr, ;42.55, 13m,
Sestina wee t ,e faaut t tr, n c!" lr +r ➢In a, (ever, $00.00, for hood, rind J. Peru
orke t ;tl1 tet.. • i t, ,; .t ea et ventral . , ,
St,,W. C. 1411.4 l'a ip p eetone, 18.00 for gaiting and piling
Local Uappeuiiws.
receive Music pupils et the reeidenco
of Mr. G. A. IIyndnran, Exeter.
.insect Powder,Pttrit lfeltebotre,
Drug t,,
Petr.' lft:ttett ne and Pans green at th.' . saute, be paid. --Carried. 'droved by
il?tninienletbratory. G. Eaorott, sea by W. IL Verlty, that
For pure prem ,;liana (jil at ti:.. C',•iittnl W. Grigg, U. Senior, and the chair•
Drug Stew, t. x este, perp.:[ tee.
'Etta etete arae[ ie t ue, grey...net, eel alt redo be a Coriltittao to look after re-
t ear tree e will be tinieleel. , ps:re in Soho,ll buildings and proem()
n ladder,—Carried. Moved by 004.
Bair nen. sec by W. H. Verity, that the chair
On Saturday Iasi, a bn. a hall ohth ' [pan and seo-treas be empowered to
composed of pert of the first and Seo
mud nine, waited Uliuton and played
a friendly game. The nlayi!3g all
through was one aided, Exeter being
too =oh for their opponents. At the
conclusion the scare stood 18-7 iu
favor of Exeter, with au iuuinge to
spare. This was a great wtirpriie for
the Exeter boys, as they expeotsd to
Imo been beaten badly.
Having secured the now patent
lightning process, 1 am now prepared
to take photos as long as Day Light
tante, whether it is raining or shining,
call and be convinced.
W. T. Johns, opposite Port Office.
Mr. N. Weekes, and Mrs. D. Clark,
of Owen Sound, who have been visit-
ing Mr. Waukee, of this:place, return
home on Friday, after a months' stay
in this vicinity. --Mies Kindsman, of
Wingham, is at present the guest of
the Misses Kindsinan of this place.—
Mr. Speakman and eider cf St.
Thomas, are visiting Mr. John Spaok-
mau, of this place. --Miss A. Hender-
son, of Goiierioh, is the guest of .Air.
Chas. Manning.
Photos have been taken after 8
o'olook in the evening at Johne' Photo
Studio, by the New Lightning Pro:
Opposite Post ' Moe on Ground
A Warning to Young Men.
A. habit which is not frequeutly in-
dulged in by the young men of this
place, was to a certain extent damps
ered a few evenings ago. 1t appear.
a young man escorted a young lady
to her father s house, and while stand.:
ing at the gate, the conversation be
tween the two was overheard by the
lady's father, who was overly aoxirus
to hear it. However, they were per-
mitted to convene) undisturbed, and
at the conclusion the father aforesaid
borrow the sum of $450.00 for ech0oi
purpoaee.•—Carried. Moved by Chat
Senior, sea by W. Grigg, that the
Tillage Council be requested to raise
the sutn of .$1900,00 for school per
poses for preeeut year year. --Carried.
Moved and sec that we adjourn. --
J. Brox, Sea.
A Queer Lot of Vsgrante. Ye
On Friday afternoon last, the
loungers about town were provided
eith a new eeusation by the appear-
ance on the streets of decidedly the
oddest company whittle ever graded
thein. The party comprised two men,
INTO women, and half a dozen or so of
children. The men led each a huge
brown bear, two lads of fifteen or so,
each lading a mailer bear, and four
monkeye trotted after the procession.
The bears were mangy,aud ill -groom-
ed, the men were wild -looking, ragged
feud dirty, and as the men chanted a
monotonous ballad in some unknown
jergon,while the muzzled bears oirm-
sily danced to the melody,it was hard
to say whether the men or the bears
deserved to rank highest in the scale
of civilization. The women more rag:
ged,dirtier,and.lnore unkempt looking
than the meu, led each a pony, fitted
with a packsaddle, on which was pil-
ed a miscellaneans lot of clamp -equip-
age, with a. conple of little children
stacked on top of the pile, while one
carried au infant in a basket slung
on her hip. Two•pbilosophising look-
ing donkeys one bearing a load of
bundles, so big that only iie nose end
tail were visible, brought up the rear.
The men, the women, the bears, the
girls and the 'children, all begged per.
sistently and assiduoualy, from the
spectators, and the only self-respect
ing members of the cavalcade were
the donkeys, who looked very much
as if they were in the prooeesioo sol.
ely in discharge of a disagreeable duty
and were themeeJvoe ashamed of the
_whole thing. The party,,by their ap•
lead his say. After rddruaeing the pearanoe, dress, and equipage, ap.
youi g all 7i11Llt1om in parvo, and ap- peared•to. be Bohemian aid Hunger.
plying the boots equally as forcibly, iau gypsies, bol in a few. words of
Engheh which they bad'tt command,
professed .to baetecome front: Europ.
epn Turkey. elfetliey really Were from
Turkey,. they had tailed to acquire
•ttespeol for that text ref the Moham-
medau religion which eujoins abstin-
ence from strong drink, for the whole
party, men and women, appeared to.
take as naturally to the curse of Can•
Tho Council met by order of the ads as if They have been brought up
Reeve et the Market Honse, Exeter, on it.' One of the women went into
111h July, 1884. All present (except a bar -room, laid down five cents for a
Mr. Pickard. Moved by W. Blued,' glass of whiskey, and tossed it off as
the young man left for bonne, con•
soling himself on getting off so easy.
The young lady war, we believe etek-
en ie hand. The young man consid-
ered the ['Old Gents" conduct rather
hard toward him, and says his daugh-
ter will certainly die an old maid. ,
Council Doings.
neatly us it eonld be done. The party
camped iu Murray's grove, about al
mile north of bare. Just before;
reaching their damping {Taco, me of c
the crowd mot with a mishap. It ap-
pears, while a lad reading one of the
large bears. with a monkey mouutod 4
upon ite bank, %vee walking .•torose a
platform in order to reach the house i
of Mr. Alex. Taylor, one of thea
bonnie flew nit, preoipitatis.g all three
in at heap iu the ditch. I.
The b.'y was n'rinewhet injured. Sat.'
urday iuorlling they started for Cliu Should not fail
ton to take part iu the Orangernens
proceseien. iti 1u -twines. E lfl a g1
xt.o ,11sr414 -1.5 .f ;,a,. Pi. el/t ter-btn !
Sabbls h mile 1. ae00111rastied by t
Mho: eon/etre," l tci:lee;.1 in Like liuron
ou Lt t e-•1:ey rt! ;,•- ?L le wall:, r of
BI iii .it at,l theme:env. n touched 1 1
throngs Iartn et ire date pieta) onIll
Platteed y rte to the s:ati an ..h t
they Ru 9e, train ler (Minton.-- , a Of
Grtinri'l(n '.: lall-Jte•re brave eficninuu tt t
rou:ori: `-Ar_:
UP.0 SASE-- --
cad won,. tut the cies• iron btedg.
which 11 itt,::.,, r F,''rrl hit O77. flip r:Y
it at tote pike ,.--`V !it a tufornlad
that esetnitr Bailey a -el sante hared[
l.ingnege towards the lathier ut. Wed
nesday s:g., Got t.-•-..1 ;.t:ter teen) bell
club iti.ontl playing with Breese's
hold[', for the a iiempionship of Her.
on. -51r. T. Fitton l:ae a cloak which
well run 400 Jaye without winding.—
Scott Act debate largely altoutied on
Tuesday (.v.;, We regret so learn that
Mee. dames # .Pant is auriously ill,
Mrs. tart) Remy, of Hamilton ie
vieitink f,iind in to°yo.—Mie, Geo.
Stephonaoa, of fi.inbnrn, and Mre. W.
Glair, of Cli'ttou, are the geodes of
Mrs. N. J. Cl ick, of Usborue.---',rata
to insp4 ct our
cent Stock
In Worsteds,
Scotch and
Canadian 'Tweeds=
Q ' o `v44
Misses Stark, of T+ar(attte, are vieititrg . ea f ,y-maa,e 'U. (t. %i , a specia ty-_
:lira. tr.. (Yttllaf. bath in Men s and Boys.
Oh 40+4
llensttlt. Tileipecti011 invited. No trouble to show Goods.
fe: % t=[,tela,
Zi': -Onr village was
vary lucky in ree-riving n vied from
tins feriae -a:4 Pete detberonz its but.
(~,,tsut uuy, alio xhihttiori arse +.;tt au
t on the etreete w itll eolleotlou fur
ivariatioue. The caralc.ide caneleted
i of two gest, mob t NVV1 ;allies four
bottle, five u:ateneye, .'nt' jackass, one
kale two It -trete:, nineteen cliildrou,
land parasite --ref inlinitu m. They
held no t xtrotut,Iy inter .ting &cane to
the setup on ;tttit,l.iy, -=-D iplete3 on-
ion beds mil emptied chicken coops
mirk the hue of their march.
Oisn:i AND x;tus:•--Berrypiokin.; is iny
Season..••-Pielmive tete at a discount. -
Haying is tleiug prr•grestod with very
favorably. A large tiuentity war
housed in good shape, lad woek.--The
-Tho Northern Stars" aro laying on
their care. --A. Kelly is away on hie
annual trip up the lakes, \Vo wish
hint reuowed strength and extra vim
for the battle of life. --Mr. G. J. Suth-
erland of the P. 0. 13ooltstore is do.
ing a nice business in .iouveyanciug,
deo.--'1'ho Rose is wilting yet a goodly
number of our young bloode still en.
joy lovely button, hole bequests to rho
evident delight of the fair ones.—
When will the eunflower be in bloom ?
The Zephyrs echo when?—Mr. Mar,
shall us getting tbo material for the
new block of stores on the ground and
work a ill be progressed with forth
with. It wilt add greatly to the ap•
pearanoe of the place filling in a long
vacant gap in the business oentrh of
the village.
The B. 0,'s AI. L+'.'s and 0. 11f.'e
have been petting their heads tegeth.
er and,arranging about their property
here, they are still dividend. The
new potato is the latest arrival ou the
register. Other visitors of a less
pleasing disonsitien are expected in A
few days. To be forewarned is to be
forearmed, Paregoric is it order.—
The officers of fIeneall Lodge no
223 I. .0. 0. F. were installed last
Wednesday evening by D. D. G. 11:
Fatrgrievo of Loudon assisted by P, M.
Shaw of the same place and Senior
land Pickard of Exeter. After the cere-
mony the brethern were entertained
at the Mansion.
Presbytery of Htlron.
A. regular meeting of the Presby-
tery was held in Knox Churoh, God-
erich on Tuesday of last week, agree.
able to adjonrnmenl.
The report of the delegates to the
Assembly was read and accepted.
The following standing Committees
were appointed :
Home Missions—Revs. J. Priob•
ard, Dr. Ure, and Mr. McLean, and
Elders A. Young and J. R. Miller.
State of Religion --Revs, P. Mus
grove, Stewart and Barr and' Elders
Calder, and Symonds.
Finance --Revs. McCoy, McDonald
and Thompson.
Sabbath Schools—Revs. T. G.
Thomson, R. Y. Thompson, and Mr.
Danby, and Elders R. McLean, D. D.
Wilson and James Mitchell.
Temperance ---Rev. Mr. Fletcher,
and Elders Martin, ()eerier. White.
ford, A. Goveulook and McCurdy.
S abbeth Obeetv.nIeo--Revs. Mar- Considerable has lean very often
tin, R. Y. Thompson, .\ Stewart and et:a te:renrd by the dicer; ;tangy in
Ehlers G. Honig, L McGowan and D the weight of unt,t:.'d 14;(0:41.‘f. Thus
Fraser. lir. Intal ac:34ol1 to all amendment
The following resolution was uuauie' being made the weights and measures
motteiy adopted : Act of 1809 which well be wneloarne
Tins Presbytery, in lutrtiug with to the retail trade se Well all to the
Rev. J. A. Turnbull, for the last three Cildrqult rd. The Inland revenue Do -
year nue of the pastors of Ku:ix partwetrt has issues a circular calliug
Church, Gotlerioh, and the cougrega. to the date at which the t,meutlment
tions of Le".buru and Uuiou Chitral), gotta into force—the filet of Jarinary
Godorioli township, desire to place 1885. Tho snb•section added to sec -
and hereby do plane on record an ex- tion 1.0 of Ghia sat reads ria follows;--
preesion of the high esteem for trim "Every hermetically settled paokage
as a faithful and sueaoseful minister of canned goods euoh as fruit, veget-
of the gospel, and as ane who has ap. ttbles, fieli and the like shall have the
proved himself to his brethren in this weight of the contents of the tin can
Presbytery for the highly effective j or paokage aotainiug alta same legibly
marked on it; and any packer or other
person found guilty of selling or ex.
posing for sale matt goods in auy such
tin Gan or package ,on which the
the weight of the contents is not
marked on or which snob weight is
inierepresented shall for the first off-
ence incur a penalty of $2 for each
such tin can or package and for each
subsequent offence a penalty of not
less than $8 or more than $20 for
each tin can or package." The am-
endment might go further and add the
date of packing which would enable
the customer to know whether he
pas purchasing old or uewly canned
manner in which he has ever dis-
charged his duties as a member of
this Court. The Presbytery, while
deeply regretting the .loss, follow hint
to his now field of labor with earnest
wishes and prayers for hie continued
80000es in the Master's work.
Teo Presbytery adjourned to meet
at Cliutou the second Tuesday in
September tit 10 o'clock, a. m.
The Anti -Scott Act Petition.
The more closely this petition is
scrutinized the more olearly is its rot:
tennese revealed. About 88 per cent
of the names ou the Milton list will
likely be struck out an they are use-
less; in Oakville we learn that out of
some 206 names, 46 have been pro.
tested against; and iu the little village
of Celbride nine worthless names were
found on the list by a gentleman from
there who knows them all. We have
not heard anything definite yet about
other districts in the county, but it is
probable that over 500 names are on
the pelitiou which:should not be there.
Some very glaring oases of fraud and
it is said, forgery are coming to light
as well as other despicable means
'which have been employed to swell
the petition. The Antia are by no
means confident of success tbougl
they are whistling loud to keep up
courage. They are destined is a very
rude awakening ou election day.—
Halton Netts.
We clip the following from the Pilot
Mound Signal, and whioh alludes to
Mr. Thos. Greenway a former resi-
dent of this vicinity: "Let tbo
Manitoba Government now tremble
for the opposition has lately reoeived
reinforcement that they little dream
of. Our M. P- P. the leader of Her
Majesty's Loyal Opposition, is jubil:
ant although he cannot explain 11
but somehow he feels younger, can
step higher, longer, faster; the birds
sing sweeter; the groes looks greener;
the sky bluer, and bis faith stronger,
in the fertility and great' future in
in store for this country than in any
other previous period of his existelice
and his chief reason is that his hope
is in boys. May their brilliant future
be the glory of their distinguished'
father and their star shine with the
effulgence of:a Ramulus and Remus
of yore."—Pilot Mound Signal
The Scott Act.
At a Sooial held at Auburn on
Thursday evg., a debate on ilio Scott
Act took place. Mr. James .Tohnston
of West \Vawanosh, was called to the
chair. Revs. T. M. Campbell and
Mr. T. McGillicuddy, of Goderich,
spoke in favor of the Scott Act, Mr.
Moir, of the Exeter Reflector, and a
lawyer named Collins, of the same
plane, (under the assumed name of
Bell), took the anti -Scott Act side of
The discussion wasvery well sustain:
ed on both solea, the audience ex•
pressing their enthneiasm very warm-
ly as their respective sides made good
points. James Wilson and Walter
Taylor got quite excited, and inter-
rupted the speakers so often that they
became diagusttng to the good sense
of the audience ou both sides of the.
queetiou. After the debate was over
it was put to the audience to decide,
when it was decided in favor of the
Scctt Act, by a sweeping majority.—
Goderich Star.
As Isaac I•Iodgius. jr, has left my house with.
out any just cense or provocation, I will not b e
responsible for any debts contracted by him
from this date.
Stephen, Juno lath, 1884.
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