HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-17, Page 51 FARMER'S STAR - E (O EPY"_ _—FOR-- 1J. Den •po1 New & Fresh. —ALL KINDS OF——ALLRINDS Olr'- 111;p New & Fttresh, K T R n y 0 N FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Just Arrived, Try our 50c. Tea. FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Just .Arrived.. Wines. and Liquors Wholesale and *Retail. 3 sorting; Brevities. Wallace Ross of New Brunswick, and John Tomer. of Pittsburg, have signed articles for a eiugte Moult rause at Oak Point, A.nguet 2nd, 2 miles. and return, for $1,000 a side Joe Panted,est sass he will fight •tacit Killen* .of Boston for $1,000 or $s2,500 in public or private. The glove fight between, Pete Me Coy and 'took Iiitrain which was to have taken place ill 13o,+too. is off for fear of pellet bat it will d:subtloea take place elsewhere. Harry Gilmore says he is prepared Ell meet Joel; Ilial; anti fight to a fin. ish with hard gloves. He will give Ring li poundal in weight (iilinere fighting; at 125 lbs.. Iii' is pt•ej:;ti ted to put up f:Ail it at ata' time bind match and will melte further arrang• molts `i1,.'i.. ,?t King i� \\rhitnry its no fougar the slugging pitcher of the League. Ferguson out bads him. 'Wiwi ,.,, awtft liner hem this bat 1.1 .3 ttw (.'itid,taith, Chiesj,i r Pito ..', lie .. lti .t lit 41 t:*'Fi : "'`C•;11. as we pada by. The t33t1t�th� ; 1 to Hamilton July to p:a .lits Ana Of the beet oldie; Tip O'Neill, feelin:.d of tilt Aoti,'�es of \\roodl;tnekk is paid at the rate of 1 till t3 day fat the hull se•:te:i)n re*e•iving $1,111110 (remthe it Louis club for seven months' j:itehing. �.L'hetu Iia :t ruiner that at bill Close of the present seas 0:1 the reserve rule will be done away wall, as tnt)st of the 44eaglw and Aitierie.vi club- ore iu favor of this move. Collins, of theBuf 10 club former- ly of Hatmit n hoe been released for for what reason it is not kne+wn. He bad nude a great rec rd In the posit - ton with an average of 990. He will be a valuable acquteitiou *to some nine pud will undoublly be engaged immed• 'lately. Sullivan nays he intends to reform and will drink uo more liquor. Welsh, she Naw York pitcher, has made more rune than baso bite this' ae26013, The proposition to have horse rao• ing et Chicago on Sunday lead been abandoned. A female rider was thrt�wwi.. from her horse and fatally injured. Mr. liaerbee" steopleaha®er Mien Mousley, bolted in a twoetniile race at Chicago less Friday, and 'threw her jookay. Rette, who was bi�$ly hurl, Blodk, the little pitcher of the Quincy, Illinois, base ball olub, wee batted hard by., the driitnleapotie (.flub iu *regent grime, and as a penalty he was 63184 $115 and suspended, and told that if he did not play better he would be blacklisted. Ln a lacrosse matoh at Tompkins- ville, L. I., \Yedneeday, between the Toronto Lacrosse Club an the Areri• eau team just returned from Europe, Toronto wan three goals and the American feast dile. An effort 1s bring made this year tb arrange a eirouit of gainers of the ver- ions Caledonian Societies of Canada ti) b 1 lis'ht itt Oioie 3necesMiun, dills insuring the attsntlrtt.eo of all the pro• .minent athletes, of wh'ln this year' them is a grtaater array this), t.vor. On the 28:h of this month, ,lack the 1�.1.g',ialt jtugi1is , wh. so lingers have lone itclle,l fur the wealth t:;tt th' Hadi ass - Square garden lgra""ts, will hex Mike (leery four three-minnte rnnid:it for the gate , Inouoy. Burke Saye that win or lose, he will either box or fight Mitchell »egornug .any atnaiint from $1,000 t $2,500 on the reeutt. *(r. A. C. Reid, of Parkhill, writes: —"In reply to J. A. Farrell,of Wood.- altoek -I will accept his cllallsuge to run me 123) y trite over six hurdles but not this Weal:. I will send moll and money to Snake uaa3oli and the titne it is to close. I will also leave it sped fo any one, and put up $100 each, let the winner take all, and have the race 120 or up to 220 yards, on any good treats. WEeTI R\ ONTARIO LEAGUE O.13IFS. Won. Lost, Baysidee (Hamilton) 3 0 Clippers (Hamilton) 2 0 Primroses (Hamilton)..-. 1 Imperials (Petrolia)3 Londone (London) 2 Woodetooke (Woodatook)2 Alerts (Londou)1 Beavers (Guelph).........,0 Atlantics (Loudon)0 The Canada, Pacific Antt its As- sailants. Montreal Herald.-- A friend has sent us from London a uumber of clip: pings from London journals of great- er or lees influence beteg extracts from Canadian newspapers and New York and Ottawa telegrams reproduced in London, with a view of doing injury to Canada and the North West terri- tory and to. the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company These comprise ed itortals from the Seaforth. Ont. Ex- positor and the Stratford Ont., i3eacon oontaing the most dastardly attacks on the credit of the Company, based on the purest fiotioua and savoring of a malignity which -seemed to know no bounds. The Ottawa telegrams wore the grossest concoctions, having ap• parently been produced to depress Canadian Pacific stock while at the same time aiming a blow at the oom- pany's credit. It would be difficult to imagine in fact, anything. conceived in a worse spirit than these, product- ions which have been given to the Lon. don press as hold tide statements of fact and as emanating from disinter. ested sources. We are told for inst- ance, by those Ontario journals and these telegraphers,'aud it is circulated in Europe as gospel truth that the Canadian Pacific Compauy are iu "straightened oircntnstences," that they are on the''vorne of bankruptcy" that " the affairs of 1110 company are trembling in the balance" that " only the slightest pressure oh either side of the beam is required to make the Company sink or swim a tehile longer and much more of the same deeeript icn of maglignant lying. It is perhaps useless to toll such journals that there never was a particle of* truth in their whole story, that the monies supplied under the Government loan of last session are ample for the Construction of tlie main line as intended and that there has been no thought of asking the Government to. release the Mort• gage ou the road, as one nthority sug- gested, or of issuing "new guaranteed bo' de,"etc., as another equally well informed authority has declared. The grounds of the Hamilton base ball club is a swamp situated on the mountain. A new bicycle club "The Bamb• len" have bean orgaization in Ham- iltou and they will -soon hold a tour- nament. Tne breeding stallion Alutont died Friday at Lexington, Ky, His owner had refused $40,000 for Lim. At Chicago on Saturday H. B. Wiushop, with running mate, trotted two heats iu 2:103 and 2:09.1,- respect. ively. W. Walesworth, from St. Clair, Mich., has bought the trotter Victor, at $5,000, from Chris. Walker of Ailsa Craig. A piaut, now graces the club room of the Brantford bicyclists, an upright instrument being placed in on Fri- day. Other 'additions are con.em plated. E. S. Tisdale, of Simeoe, offers to run James Quirk 300 yards for $250 in Torout + or elsewhere as soon ax he pleases. Will Qnirlt coma to time now State Senator Tim McCarthy, of California, formerly a New York newsboy, came all the way from San Francisco to witness the mill between Mitchell and Sullivan. Hanlon has accepted Wm. Beach's challenge to row 8 miles 340 yards on the championship course on the Para• matte river, Australia, for $5,000 a side. , Beach and L%yeeok, of Australia, are expected to pay a visit to this country to meet Wallace Rnss. Hau• law is to heavy for theta ; therefore they are tanager to try America's second best. Joe Hornung of the .Buffalo base ball club has made a bit in eyery cue of the last seventeen games, averaging almost two hits a- game. He. has made more runs than any other play- er in the league. Tne graud stand at the race, track at Butte. Mont,, fell on Friday. Fiye hundred persons were upon it. One was killed aced Is dozen` seriously hu:t. TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TO -DAY! Wands wave :ed. es absolutely pure ccaa� .oa weer •el. aeztcerem a... Tae TEST: remove thcox sd pd on A' A ebbeods5 will not be re-- quire4 to deteot tt*e preaeaca et Ammonia. f)9Et;.NOT :CONTAIN Ard314tNIA• r.wVl:lt 041:. vet ,1e:rp. tw hes "' 'TrT:e: 3.1 : • t.at,, *e'�tt t:l.it CO., "'tilt:"; Films,..l ,. i c it,. ets i • . n I,4110: •. ! - THE..' PRITN B.• I.; ., .. . +....• tar '9aor Aaca,e.:.,.A Ii Price's ,;^;i't; Yeast Gems ar I,1 -Ac, 't••lt*h.• 9 , r , ,,..0 1 r If p Yci Gia tin` iia ! - Y • , FOR`;ALE Sul GROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIS LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD vikPRiefjo 014 ¥EASTGEMS 0 Tho best dry hop east in the world. Bread 1 raised by this yeast is light -white and whole - 1 some like our grandmother's delicious bread. GROCERS SELL THEM. PRCP1,ne:o 9Y TNr. Price Baking Powder Co., l�an'1'rs el lIr, Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, Chicago. tth St. Louis. Mo.• 2 8 2 4 THE ASSESSMENT APPEAL* Vsborno'a Contention Against the Comity Equalization. The County Council haviug decid- ed, on the advice of Mr. Garrow,their solicitor, to cp).ose the appeal of the [municipality of U.borne, the matter was, as stated last week, finally refer- red to Judge Toms for settlenleiit. Mr. Garrow, for the defeuee contend - •d : 1. That the municipality could only appeal when it was sheen they had made application for a reltdjuatrnsnt of tho rate to the Egalieatie+n Com - mi tteeanil the Council ; and, 2 That the quo'atinn omnld only af- fectthe municipality appealing. Their assessment could be rednced,but other nniuioipalities not appealing could :lot be changed. Mr. Davison, of Davison & John• atun, argued fur the appellants : 1. That the right of app al ,res given to the municipality as a corpor- ation, who were not fettered in any way by the action or neglect of their reeve before the Council ; and, 2. That the language of the statete was to broad to confine the question to the municipality appealing -any re- duction from ono must be made up on the others. • He glinted in proof of this subsection 3 of Eire. 33, ebap, 31, 42 Vio•, which reads as follows "The said court shall forthwith appoint a clay for hearing the appeal, such day not be- ing later thou tem days from the receipt of such notices of appeal * * * and may adjourn the appeal from time to time * * and the court shall-egua•l ize the whale asse,ss,nent of the county. The court agreed with the la (ter. contention, and went into the appeal. Some evidence was then taken, Mr. l,IoMut•chie, of Clinton, testifying as to the gel oral valuation of laud throughout the county ; and Mr. John McMillian and Mr. T. Graham, reeyes of Holten. end Stanley, as to some townships. This closed the ease for Usborne. OUTSTRIPS lvERYTR.INo F01 CHEAP GOO Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer maps er—r. 1ML T Customers supplied TUESDAYS, TRUES - DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence. DS! ORDERS LI NT AT THE SBOP i3TII,Ia RE GENE PIIOMPT ATTENTION. If you want the bestvalue for SEED, SEED, SEED 1 BUTTER & EGGSI The undersigned offers for salea,t his Store- - OOTO--- J. Doupe & Co's KIRKTON. TO TARMERS GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. NOAH FRIED, OF tliF. - ....- Dashwood Flourr`r g Mill Wishes to return Liuo1ks t+, his numerous custvnler., for the past liberal patri inane given 11101, et11d since mating ini. prove:aunts. wltiell it a largo, as int.: alt foul, will do 0 P until fnrtlltt ,+bort, at the feit•.u.:ing OATS, SIX GENTS PER BADi 1 Ana.for all other grains (Peas exec ,ted►,, SEVEN CENTS Fl:::i1 BAG. ,r: TUESDAY, THURSDAY ,P SATURDAY, ere my ivguierfirinding41*L . TERMS - Strictly Cash. N. B.• -Flour & Feed sold at a close mar, Don't forget to give us a call ST011.21 FRXIED, Dashwood, Feb'y 71b, '81 ALLAN LINE Shortest Sea Passage. AVERAGE TIME -8 DAYS. • Three of which are passed iu smoothi Water and amongst the beautiful scenery of river and gulf of the St,Law. rence. Routes of Pass:tgu': .. Quebec to Liverpool and' Londendetry Cabin, $60.00 and $70.00Ireturii 380.00. and $150.00, :. i'' . Intermediate to Liverpool, Londonderry and Glasgow (including rail Liverpool to. Glas- gow) 336.75. Steerage -Liverpool, Belfast, Queenstown, Galway, Limerick, Londondarry,, Glasgow, Loudon, Cardiff, Bristol, $14.04„, Intermediate and Steesge Stewardesses are appointed to each vessel. . • • Passengers in Intern„geaiate are found with everything, and the accomodation offerce is equal to what is called Sc.ond Cabin in some of the lines sailing from New York. The last train connecting with the steamer at Quebec leaves Toronto on Fridays at 9 a, m. Passengers can•leaye on-Fri,daya at 7:50 p."m. also, and Connect with the steamer at Rimonaki, by paying an additional fare of $4.45 lst, and $2.25 2nd class. • No cattle, sheep or pigs aro carried on the Mail Steamers of the Allan Liue. For Tickets and Berths and every inform- ation apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, AGENT ALLAN LINE ExL'TEn- houao, Exeter Station, the following verities of seed grain: wuEAT. White Russian per lb Lost Nation =' McCarliug Johnston Peas Barley Clover Seed 7 50 Timothy 2 35 J. SWENLP,TQNN 0E0. WILLil$. i( .t i4 $1 40 1 25 1 20 1 20 90 60 `0004, Utaalitoint Wishes to annain:en 1•; the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that ht' has (pilled out a Boot an i11 the (:Gruel- Store :z. lett ..f i;!uenweil & Pickar,l'r, whi-re he is Kit arcd to make all knolls n: ord,rt,.t work. .Sewed work It speciality. 11etaditii,g; MLN SON l.at l': i .. r, 1, t I Shoe • f.>;taleistiment. ;liay 14tti 81. r onthill Nurseries. 325 ACRES. 325 ACRES. THE LARGEST iN THE DOMINION SC1lesrnel1 1'4 (luted, To begin %%ea at mita. on Fall Slim Steady enlploymonit a t fixtal Ea1nries to all who aro willing to work, MEN AND WOMEN can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND. Good Agents aro earning from $i0 to $75 per month and expenses. t. Teems and outfit free. Addresa STONE tC WllLLINc;ToLToronto THE EXETEII Planing Mill! SASH, DOOR, and BLIND racTORT! ALL AKIN DS OF TUR :N ING Done to order. Iiememberithe place. beer 4 Howard. STATION -ST. MEM AT. GALLE7. The undersigned begs to intimate to the people of Exe- ter and surrounding country that he has better facilities for turning out first-class than heretofore. *Pictures taken in all the Usual Styles of the Art Life -Size Pictures in oil Colors Crayon, or Sepia DONE ON .SHG ILTEST .1\TOTIOE And at Lowest Possible Rates, All Work . P.S.--Engraving or, Gold, Silver, or Ivory ; also Gold or Silver Plating done on the shortest notice. W. T. JOHNS