HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-17, Page 4Ds, 014 Loa °hatch,
De old log church is tumbi#n• down.
An' its tnos,trivered hoards are lain" drown'
'ltlong de we -o rank. i high;
a et t . k + e: a root earl see de sky,
kit:' tl It t i c tl ).i1 oh years,
Anile kaiii til,: i .ie:. stn.,t t..i:t ut, teary.
In :tat oft (hi}1';') max:
A young' 1 '•L:to Jim Crew.,
she .:.tai come ten ,ill CORM). Did me;;
But 9n de home like[ a "c^:on I lit,
An', 'Lord, bow me an' dat nigger tett
I got him down tierces. a bench,
I Uutt pedthis bead agitm �ntlhle'''t;renCh.
Ark !Mug bt.'eareass eut tit do',
For it arms dict Fzet next tt r me
When a man base stung ray gal wid a beer
Me tut' dal gal was niarrted soon—
Ilecued of I want a happy Gaon
When 1 had tuck her ter lily house He failed."
Are beed her eat hog's jowl art' souse. Of course this must',. permeate -4 the at-
For months n e libel so flay an` free—
But she lett laid de nigger dal stung her will mospltere of Boston in, less time than it
de bee.
D4.‘ ulr to atureh is rotate' away, earth. Butler's comment onthetalewas
But tet me kite 1 by its was s an" prat:
Dat do nigger *bet roti e 1 the ob illy wife.
An' go downier de bur tv yv, a , �4d y Funer+tls furnished r„,.,
An' Leet .de sting, r t,b =tea >: t.wn lit t+ K l t rates y
t A Story of Ben Butler"
Speaking •of great men rentiuds Ino of
l Ben Butler. There never was a. better IJade-.1'i;li kt al• -a
1 target for abuse than the present gov-
ernor of Massachusetts, nor was there NATO SAa' TO
' ever a target that a eea'pted abuse with 1 thosit ,. b a atend
more philosorlty. The last story told purehaa;z7; to d ao ;[.Ilia.
of him relates to a marble bust just ex- the tuauutaeturer, The
eeutel. The artist was anxious to ole-• "taaaln' vine. Unca to 3711
again must .lancas�.axily
tain an honest criticism from a knowing have a profit, we slaizaz
friend. "You cannot fail to have made to givethe auroliesers Gila
a likeness." said the critic. "An fool t oxtefot, t)ze 0aq,not tail
y ko meet the views of the
On csteh his likeness." Grangers. Our expenses
"Trtler" replied the artist; "but you atonessthan tbeee of else
see it is very difficult to get a likeness unt441actiminee erste
wecan 0eilobeaper
of Butler and not make a caricature."
""Yes," said the other, "God Almighty
tried his hand at it sixty years ago, and
took Puck to put a girdle around the
ear i.
"I'm. afraid it's true ---New York nor. UNDERTAKER AND
a I -- _
In de Ii' b'1's o t u ny WA t )+e hit life G'it:.o r,r+ai; ,...,- .
1, n e ' Mina. oaduoted at the Yer low
- 311. n;awlraveler. At a recent meeting, of the Lime i n es '
- 3tr',(itsick of Undertaking
Club Judge Cadaver arose in his most tloodafai terga camptate
tenting astd c. tiines Pr<.ei?us Butes. solemn manner and announced that he sad wnee cur a d. End any
Gry.talliuc "rt�tlza, lil:e ili:ezwud and felt it his ditty to prefer charges against I thisllae wcttsinnlatt to
topaz, are getti r Ills 4,,:1t es a eh a ul:tn- Ambulance "S alkcr, a local member, as a aheDaltiradvand antanexeatomiMnyne tri
ner so to have slat, s'tiootlz face::. l'rec- follows: . "That the said Ambulance Walker. on 1 the:ua,elves,
It t1,43 b'14 vulture.
:�' a rite �l (.t t.urf'ls
7 oatiapecialsgtetntio
40 our 'uniter takin d
orentw tfhis'moro: cora:
pletetlianevex"as,wo have
.addedsevere 1 new designs
of late The keit cofitte
easketf slircude ap,d every
utters1 requital( at tI o
Ioaeest puce', (ler naw
Hearse is pronouacedby ,
oompetent judges to be
second to nore an the
Emblems of all the Different Societies.
,. `101 1 1 .1. ►.!W I "'
low stones that de cow ooe the light and
thus produce a play of colors; are polish-
ed in such a manner asto heighten this
efieet es winch ay}'useib.o, which is ac•
complisheel by making a large number
of small f;.sets. This brilliaut is au ex -
Pree,ous stones that do not crystal- 1 wont.
lige. and aro di t ngu:shed by play of The brother tied up his shoes, drew
colors. like the ape!. or i eeulier effect;; bis belt a notch tighter, and slowly
of light, like the cat's eye, are usually limped forward,
polished round or oval like a loaf of "Hi you heard de charges, Brudder
bread ora bail of an egg.
the 16th day of March, A. D., 1883, did,
in the presence of several colored .nen
of Detroit, announce and declare his be-
lief that there was uta Divine ruler or
"llrudder Ambulance Walker will
please walk dis way,"observed tthepres.
Gem=s aro set in two different ways,
' distinguished as a, free setting eafeur)
and baud setting (ea cusaette). In the
former the etont> is exposed on all sides
and only held by little elespa. All its
propertles, its fire, its play of colors,
show to the best advantage hero.
Hence very valuable eferns are never Ret
in any other way. Flat stones that are
set in rids are sometimes fastened on
Walker? '
""Yes' pill' to 1$,irkton,Woodhare,Wiu:belsesand Elintvllle ,.. ...18•15 a.tn
"".fin' what has you got to ear? ,.. ,., ... .,.
"I has got to say dat I has changed sontb,aastand wesl,iueludiug London,Hauttltoa, 't'osento Montreal, btanit-
my mind, snit. 11'eckon. 1 war' a need° obs,GuitedBtates,Engliehandforetenmails . ... .... ... ... ... ... ......',,9675 a.m.
sprung det da,y." south, eatstaud west ... ,,,y m,
'•Bruddt>rlt ulker, said. the presitiont... ... ... .,. ..,
after Welting him over,"we play keerds Morhrhrati et
Fnnot , M n anal ena•IFasterrnhState d ne and *II pointsnorU l
it' deuce au' go to de opera an' de sir- ,« ... ... ;lc•sea sa
I kava justreoe vert a
ergo Attack, Walnut and
no.ewood Peeress; also
CoSlna of every deserip-
tion. A eoreplete stock
of Robe* and Trimmings
alway outland.
The latest styles of
Chamber and Parlor Suits
All kinds of Furniture at
the loweatretee.
'TIRE WS] 11111A.IeSE IN Tit/ c V]\'PY
l ewember the pla:cr—Nearly oppuette gemp'e Tobeceo Ettore, Main.street, Exeter.
JOHN 3311.4.WN.
1Cxeter Post Office
Time Table.
! lanivir Ql
Cushbut we dean' 'want a Haan in dis Nortlb ,.. ... ,,, ,,,$.00 p.m. 5.00 p. ra
Itis ed"rie so as to leave lane the to and chili who denies what you am d nay
p id bel' It m a fool 'x114 t#G.SOp.iu. tela m,
bottomilurfacas axpotred, - drunk, but it em Ramalteioutt idiot 'who
In band getting the stones forma the preal!he iufidelism, I'sc g iue to keep
d of a gold =lox„ and if the gem is lu eau on you fur ttiHH weeks to come,
ransparent the upper surface is goner- �� you'd better hall. party straight
ttoned and paid on and .teat
ally made flat andsaltootu, while the Go an' sot down, irn feel ashamed a Irelend.ltr#Iieti India. Newf.:,
under endo fortue a 1411 py timid. yorself dal you have been preaebin' de
In thane stones zyhich receive a eland same doctrine fur nutria" dist Bob Inger-
or box setting, end are less valuable, soli Bits paid tt dollar a ininit fur pro-
the beauty of the stone la increased by mulgatia'
an L1oney OrderQQlce in theDomta#on ot Canada,Oreatlirita#n and a
uuruanil,a,c rmany.Auslria.ltaly, Auetrella and Om United States.
' Deposits will be received at this oSice from $1 to $300. Depositors obtatuhiC the Postmaster-
_ r
,r'` CURES
//-17PF/N7 - .
oz„ rho rear 40
L! Ea COlf liiftliZ DitMi fl tiiAl
And for Purifying the Stood,
it be.. been in use tor 2O years, and has
proved to bathe belt preparation in the
marketforSlCKIi.Ed:I)ACIIE PAIN IN
DYSPEPSIA, FILES, and all Dtseues.
that arise from A l"i.ordered Liver or an
impure blood. Tim sands of our hest
dpeople take it and give It to theirchii-
rett.. Physician* prescribe it daily.
T ese's/4 u.o tt anon recommend it to
#a triads 1'rert S ,:let+. Dock, I%nda-.
rataaare.aI.ar, la, \1.,1Cherry. BtiUiog#a
Dandelion, Se.xafra� Wintergreen, and
other well.known n0wa valuable Roots Mt
Inertia. It isstr#ctiy vegetable, and ean-
notburt the meet delicate erustitutien,.
It is ono of the best tuedeaue- to use for
xtoiwulatinx the lloleti'r.
-le is Rotel es- all r epoaelh.e dnwrept*, et
one debar t - r *quart, boat, tar .4 atC @
ter Etre de;:.te
7A we x . a t.nnrt et':,. rt a b+ntle M 11.ls
R• 4 r • . n a ........ t t+• ; -tilt q:440
tie„.e . 44..1 • . '. i .Ind it to
a ?O., lit:hfsttAzttr,
r i-,•-•'tetA Cltt. t:,: Y4.
lining the box with colored tin foil, the---•-^^�'„t►e "�'—` General's ipeC#alpsruii stoavau deposit $100o. Dottodteon &arin!<s Bank account received from - '
%unto 4p,ra. -
Office haute t.om 7.30 a, ztz.to7 p. m.
Letterainteneledfur rt laistratiou ruu.t be posted 1.i Ininutoshe tore the closing ot each mail.
N li—It is perticulary requested that the senders of matter will kindly add the names of th 1
D:JOU1 , Postmaster.
calor of the foil corresponding to that
of the stone. Thus, for example, a
piece of dark yellow foil is placed under
very pale topaz, a deep purple foil un-
der a pale amethvst, au eu on, so that i Sherman consulted an old memorandum
the light re fleeted from beneath through book end created some amusement by counties to the addresses.
the stone will have a deep yellow or
violet color giving* the .tone a much murmuring; '"Seventy -male? Let's she
Didn't ICnow Joseph.
Being questioned at the Star -route
trial as to the condition of affairs on 0110of the Arizona routes ht 1879, General
finer appearance than if it were set E —seventy-six, seventy-seven, seventy-
When setting C0111111011 stones in cheap
goods, they do not take the trouble to
line the box with tin foil. but merely
give it a coat of some colored varnish.
This method is not ono to bo reeves -
mended, fora stone that has the foil
beneath it looks much handsomer.
In order to ninke a cheap article with
genuine stones the following ing�,enious
device is resorted to; Thin slips of
some hent, as emerald, for example, are
backed up with a Mass of exactly the
same color, and the glass likewise
polished. By setting one of these doub-
le stones with the real stone outward
and the glass beneath, the surface will,
of course, exhibit till the, properties of
of the gem, such as hardness, etc.
These half genuine stones are known as
4 "underlaid gems," or in French as
•"picrresries dou&lce." When these
underlaid gems are skillfully set, it is
difficult even for the expert to distin-
guish them from perfectly genuine
stones, But still it is easy to distinguish
them by holding the stone before the
eye in such a manner that the light re-
flected from the top enters the eye at an
oblique angle; the surface where the
stone and glass meet can be distinctly
recognized by the difference in the re-
fractive power of the two media, hav-
ing the appearance of a crack or flaw —.la-. a-7-
in the stone. The public are frequently • .doctor is called in to prescribe fes
deceived by dealers who represent these a sick child, and having examined the
underlaid stones as being perfectly gen- patient writes a prescription and leaven
nine.— Ncurste Et firldungen. instructions as to the treatment of the
little sufferer.
On making his visit the next morning
the prince of science is surprised to find
the household in tears.
"My poor child!" sobs the mother,
""I never thought that he would have
died of croup!"
"Of croup?" echoes the doctor; "do
you mean to say the child had croup?
Why didn't you tell me?"
eight, seventy-tune—say. when did. Jo-
seph coma in?" he asked, turning to
Jude Ws lie,
"Joseph? Who's Jfeeph?" asked
"Why, Chief Joseph, the Indian wars
rior." said General Sherman.
"We don't know him," said Bliss,
and the witness was then allowed to pros
Deed in his own way.
Wouldn't Help Him.
A crippled man entered the door
yard of a sensible old fellow and asked
for aid; "I am crippled and cannot
work," he said, "and if you will only
gave me a few cents toet something
Lo oat, I will ever remember you."
"I never turn a needy man away
from my door," said the old fallow,
shoving his hand down into his pocket.
"How did you get crippled?"
"I was playing base ball and—"
"What! get out of this yard or 1111
cripple you a blame sight worse. Can't
pick up a newspaper without seeing
something about your devilish. game.
Go on away or ono of these days, when
lou are unable to lift your hand, you'll
ook back to the slight ailment which
now effects von and regard it by con-
trast as the happiest time of your
spent life."—drkensate Traveler.
She Took the Dry One.
"Single ladies," said the Captain of
an ocean steamer, "often cross the wa-
ter under the special care of the captain
of the ship. A very fascinating young
lady was placed under my care, and
three young gentlemen fell desperately
iu love with her. They were all equally
agreeable', and the younlady waspuz-
.Zlerl which to encourage. She asked
my advice. 'Come on deck,' said I 'the
first day when i'• is perfectly calm—the
gentlemen will. of course, all be near
VDU. I will have a boat quietly lowered
aown; then doyou jump overboard and
see which of the gentlemen will be the
first to jump after you.' A calm day
soon came, the Captain's suggestion
was followed. end two of the lovers
juntped after the lady the same instant.
fie ween these two the lady could not
deide. "Take the man that didn't
jump," said. the Captain, "he's the most
sensible fellow, and will make the best
husband." And she did.
A Pittsburg paper, speaking of a new
Senator's spread of statesmanship, was
made by the types to say: "A colored
Senator gives an excellent spread."
And in conclusion, the spread is said
to have cost in the neighborhood of
$10.00. Colorado's Senator Tabor was
meant, and the cost was $1,000, instead
of $10. Thus do little typographical er-
rors sometimes mar the greatest efforts
The dear child has seen a visitor open
and shut his patent hat, and fired with
a noble emulation possesses himself of
his uncle's new and rigid stovepipe,
which, when the old gentleman is about
to take his leave, is produced sernewhat
resembling a disreputable accordion.
"'Tain't a bit funny, your hat ain't,"
says the young malefactor, soornfullyi
"I Sat down on it three times and It
couldn't get it to shut up."—New York
Silicate of soda mixed with whiting,
and tinted with ordinary dry colors,
will give a paint that is fire -resisting; it
is also cheap. If used for wood -work,
give it two or three coats of the sikate
of soda as a preparation, and for tho
last coat mix with whiting to get s
body, and color to any desired tint or
shade. In general practice the paint
should be of the same consistency as
ordinary paint, and is applied in exact-
ly the same manner. Tungstate of soda
is rather better than the silicate, but
is more expensive. - Oil and Paint
al statesmen's lives. Review.
The symptoms are moisture, like perspir-
ation, inteuseitching increased by scratching;
yery distressing, particular at night; sezma as
if pin -worms were crawling in and about the
rectum, the private parte ate somotimois af-
fected. 11 allowed to continue very aerioas re..
i,ultmay follow. "SWAYNE'SOINT!t1ENT"
is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for Totter,
lox, Belk -Rheum, Scald -Head, Erysipelas,
Barbers' Itch, Blotches, all scaly -artist Skin
Diseases,. Box, by mail, SO Cts.;3 for31,25.
Address, DR. SWAYNE & SON, Phila., Pa,
Sold by Druggists.
Are you disturbt distnight and broken of your
rest by aeiok child suffering and crying with
pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and
retia bottle of 161(8 \V1.NSLOW'S SOOTHING
SYRUP.' Its value is Incalculable. It will re-
lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De-
pendnponitmotherl, thorn is no mistake about
it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates
the stomach and bowels, cures wind, colic
eoftonstho gums, reduces inflammation, and
gives tone ani energy to the whole syutem.
RES Ti:ETHrxo is pleasant to the taste, and is
the pre ecription of one of the eldest and best
female nurses and physicians in tho United
States, and is for sale by all druggists through-
out the world. Price 25 seats a bottle,
Pains anad, Aches,
FA Y xEDICI1 ill tho WORLD!
sruxx & CO., of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICA/T. con.
time to act as Solicitors for !'stents, Caveats, Trade
Marko, Copyrights. for the United States, Canada.
England, France, Germany, etc. Hand Bookabout
Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years' experience.
Patents obtained through MUNN .k CO. are noticed
in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN the largest, best,and
most widely circulated .ectentiso piper. t3.20a year.
Weekly. Splendid engravings and interesting In-
formation. Specimen copy or the Scientific Amer.
lean sent free. Address M17NN da CO. Sczssrr }s0
AMERICAN Office, =Broadway. New York.
Loss of Appetite,
ii;digestion, Sour Stomachs,
Habitual Costiveness,
Sick Headache and Biliousness.
Pticc, 05. per bottle. Sold 'o, y all Druggists:
al, w iii rats iii .:. >M/ v�,,
• :i.e. a...11 t r IAS n,,, i8#aeZ'
,; t+ .
�• gas t o .ar vi...•••./.1 t 621.1.t et +•."
.•R•�r,t : K•:t, 1 te+rui !oil
„ r, tatia tst.r stn al t+rat 04.
.. •-i .ar t o Ilan r ,neat r. A
Health & Happiness for all.
Biliousness, Headache, Dys-
pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness,
Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering
of the Heart,
And every species of disease arising from
Impure Blood, &c. &c.
Climax Chemical Company.
'r= ;Tk
Having commenced businesstortlle
Fall and Winter Trade
We areprepared topurehaso auyquantity of
Pork,subject to the following regulations
We will take off two pounds per hundred if
dry, and three pound it soft. Shoulder tome
twenty-five cents. If any of the 1 ang gats
aro left in, 25 eents extra will be deducted.
No proK will be bought at any price
4 warm,
We want all Hogs Cutting right through
breast to heal. and Elam s opened out to tail
Cir & J. PETTY-
CURES :w::`'`.511
Aro pleasant to take, Contain their own
Purgative. Ie a wife, Enre, and effectual
W.y er of worn in Children or Adult*,
iminerry Pectoral.
other compldlnts are so insidious in their at-
' ices those affecting the throat and lunge : none
tri ,ed with by the majority of sufferers. The
(ns:wary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a
hinting or unconscious exposure, is often but the
} eoiuning of a fatal sickness. AYER'S CirsUST
1 errORAL has well proven its efficacy in a forty
vrarr fight with throat and lung diseases, and
should be taken in all eases without delay.
A Terrible Cough Cured.
" In 1617 I took a severe cold, which eifeeted my
lungs. I had a terrible cough, and passed night
atter night without sleep. The doctors gave ins
nr. 1 tried AYER's CHERRY PECTORAL, which
relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded me
the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength, •
By the continued use of the PECTORAL a perma-
nent cure was effected. I am now 62 years end;,
hale and hearty, and ani satisfied your Cji mile
Rockingham, Vt., July 16, 1882.
Croup. —A Brother's Tribute. -
hile in the comitry last winter my
boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; it
seemed as if be would clic from strangulation.
One of the family suggested the use of AYxli's
(»nntRY PECTORAL, a bottle of which WAS al-
ways kept in the house. This was tried in small
and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than
half an hour the little patient was breathing eaa-
had The
ed mayor das lin that s fe.o Can you ponder at
our gratitude? Sincerely yours,
110 West 128th St., New k,lMay 116D 0.2. "
"nave have used Arnie s CHERRY PECTORAL in my
family for several years, and do nothesitate to
pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs
and colds we have ever tried. A..7. CtANE."
Lake Crystal, Minn,, March 13, 1882.
"I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and
after trying many remedies with no success, 1 was
cured by the use of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL.
Byhalia,:Mis, , April 5, 1882.JOSEPH \WALI)Ex. "
"I cannot say enough in praise of AVER'S
CHERRY PECTORAL, believing as I do that but
for its use I should long since have died front
lung troubles. E. L'1:A0 DON."
Palestine, Texas, Apr1122, 1882.
No case of an affection of the throat or lunge
exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use
of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, and it will always
cure when the disease is not already beyond the
control ,of medicine.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.', Lowell, Mass
Sold by all Druggists.