HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-10, Page 7J. GRIGG
Wholesale and Retail
well kuowzt in tins oouuty, and par- the Coupon adjourned to meet on
titularly iu the Township of Stephen, Saturday the 2nd day of August at 11
where he hes stolen alarge number of o'oleok a. In.
1. J. CLARK, Clerk.
4 Cowardly .lct.
A few days ago, a youug lad tieing
$QO2 5 Ij i B fu the North end, deeermine on telt-
rowed a. horse and wentto her teed;- Self binders are tate order of the
Hay harvest !zee thoroughly cm-
ing bits "fair one" for a d ye nor. meuced here.
sits holtse,whett he arrivedd the young day.
girt was in oomptuy with a moven. Scott Act workers. ere yet'y quiet at
A lou, who, of course had to receive an preaont,
GOODS td iavitntiou 'Alter making necessary Ou Friday Nets the shooting club Sholtid not fail
. , -, ONT. sand were oc„tfortallly seated,tvlzeu their friends, proceeded o the River * si
EXETER, o' jut of Ahsyoung 1ailles, hoiste1 iter: Thames, at its oioeetog the tomato°J a n
parasol, The horse being somewhat between Blensharti and iyissouti,
where they were joined by the 4is•
eouri team, after whioh three rounds i,
of seven belle eaoli were shot.. It being t.
a friendly gtree. each party had to do
pteparetious,�they all started for the of this Placa together with tt few of
d ant 1
TEN CNNTs poetize) for first Insertion, and
FOUR n win be per Una
for each ices sappearing
in Ibis column,
titer ,nets.
Looa . Happenif P'S.
ItusectP'oivtler,eure Hellebore,
1'arla (green, and School ptooks
tend Stattentersa at the Family
Drug Store, W. IL Coulson.
dater itswc uvt:t,,---1t•.st awl cheapest lot of
boots and filmes we havens yet seen in town
is et C. 1;acrett'e. Also Maud-nzade work
aud repairing done as usual. Hanlon of
wary Lind always on hand, whips, trunks,
t:lzll.lr4tzs eatraage;, t•v.preee w:i=uH,
Call end see.
A smart aud intt!11tg.;nt lad to tears the
.Art et printing. !lust have a fair education,
;lppty lat:ran,iatlly to Tmire Office, Exeter.
A. Good Otter,
We will :+t aid the Thies for the rouaintler
of 1681 to any address iu Canada or the
Crated Stites, Iwo:Ay: I for tli ts. Sebseribe
tat once aul gvt the full benefit of this oiler.
Pure Hellebore and Petri: Gwen at the
Dominion i atlratory.
For pare liar;, green call rd tine l't utak].
Prue Stare, cs. Lutz, prop:ietar.
The Maiwetreet t3 t iug grttvt;lyd, antes in
:, few day's will be finished.
New Bill.
Exeter has purchased n• new boll,
which is now lying in the t3ustonm Of•
iic'z at M antler. It was purchased at
Troy, N. Y.. at at cost of nearly $800,
and weighs 1500 lbs. ,. Tho outy dif-
ficulty uoty is, that the Connell are at
a lose to know where to place it, The
greaser lnnjortiy of the people are in
favor of hating a suitable building
erected in the vicinity of Drew's Hall,
and having the bell placed therein.
F.lectton or Olmleer,.
At the last regular meeting of the
Sons of Temperance the fulluwiug of-
ficers were installed by D. G. W. P.,
Bro. Ohne. well :—W P., Bro W. G.
V"cllt,s ; W A, Sie J Gould ; It 8, Bro
W Shirray ; AU 8, Sirs Iiorue ; FS
Bro 8 Whitlock ; Treat, Bea It
Crocker Chap, Brei E Bissett ; Con
spirted, it because frightened, sued
began ruuntng away, It had toot
gone far when the young man jump-
ed oat leaving the two girls void of
tines, oto run their chances. The f his own work. 11 fttmaily closed with 1 1 It
lime rail q i�e a dietauoe wheu the Ur. Jas. £ awtonm boadiug the score, In in :,
buggy Dame in contact with a tree, breaking nineteen Palle out of the
eamteia it to u_ ret, and precipitating twenty-one. The weather being very
the young ladiesto the ground, Oue damp, they thou proceeded to an ad.
of them was tbrosslm against a tree joining bare, where a fess ladies ofrill :,
with such force that a number of her 1\Tissouri bad eatabtea althed up
grand style, which the filen very
readily don't away with. After the T seiewsse .114
repast one of the crowd pieced a bot. i O E t ,
tie on a t:tutmiri a fete rode distaut to 1
sae elm could break tt. All firing i
ribs were broken, while the other uvea
less injured. The buggy was time.
what damaged,, but no further injury
Wee done.
at and uiesiug it except elle egad 9 Scotch and
Exeter bane belt club, will ploy man whom, the crowd oaleulated WAS
Winton Club, on -Saturday next, the only tide aleholiotslly embarrassed, i
Mise liaggie Garlick is Fettered to and he, nu the on the fleet trial broke i.
reoeive Music pupil's at the residence' it into epilntors. They then begau to I
Ur. Chau Rowe left last week for started for home.
Itliolnigau, where he intends skieuding Cretlltotrt.
a few dayotwith his brother Jack,
OTRBgeluen o 'The Ha-'T'orusbij Farmer's Mu.
eiuity will celebrate the 12th of July, that Fire Insurance Company, nun et 1
of �Iv. G. A. Iiyndman, Exeter, thiuk that he ,vee not the worst, and 44.
f si.xaier and vi. -
at Clinton.. Grant Bros.' hotel iu this piece, on
Rtapbetries aro plentiful in the JtIne t?0tt 1884, The following
ueigtiberiug townships. at presont,nud members zpresent : The Preeiaeut
large numbers of people are •eugaged Mem s. Lewis,pDouglas, D. Surairue,
in pm tog. Ieert,'er, Torrance, the Secretary, and R
Yon can go from Exeter to any A$ent, to. Ilo�tatenberrv, moved by �I1lspection invited. No trouble to slum, Coot}S.
point mentioned iu. this Allan Ltua Peter Douglas sea by Jahn Torrauoo
advertitetneut for $21,5m?, Apply to that the followingletter of ooudolenoe
vw a s.
eady-made Clothing a speciality
both in :Kens and Boys.
the agent, John Spackneau, Exeter, `
be furnished to •1f r, Iluse sieve, of
Mom. Hanlon tC tkutttiloett, who Tillie Green :
ltave been oil a ftahtug tour at hake f,r.tr 3fadain: y cholera would not have been introtluc:: :meat thing ever exposed to the public
Huron, returued bents on 111auday 11t�,the »irt'etoreof tate Any Towualip' ed Tutu Toulon gaud Marseilles. In ;gaze; names are eapiated over and
last. Farmer'e Untual Fire{ lnsatfince� Company, tl the littler city placards were panted over again; unmet, are a it of men
A;game of base ball was played hero , Ale'iraa to Ialee :el r cord aur deep rt ares that . in all parte of tete city caldug on the , who have been dead nearly two years
on Friday last between Lucau and ne d, Ruthtatuct ie Alts It ss taf Four bota-
y hand, lbrglz I.fl('t i:etm., l;sq., coo of our people to rine alt and bang lI, ,Jttlesl or who have been that f(�t:gtll of time
Exctor, of moo ill tmtuge eaoh, result' 'Directors. vi hire this board feels the lose to " Ferry, and stating it was owing to Ids fumy from the conutry; tile saute uann-
iug Ill a victory of 15 in favor Exeter, this Company, aul else of bie wise cuuneil, i colottiul polioy the scourge was bro• es are ou the lists of two er three diff
score 2::-8, Wo sincere y dvauv to sylupnthizo with you ught,to the tames of I!'ranoe'' ereut lauuieil�alitioy; n tincts of nFuni-
Wo were •ustertlay presented with In your b; t� felt ulttit. Vi t. e�usulor it a '1`uL'l.o:t, Tuly 6.—There have been 'opal voter's aro Aldo on it; and after
uttlaueliely l i mine to dwell upon the virtues
a sample of yfalt whom b4 Jr' Jolt. ma ttieotu lli�lttnt:Pts of your beloved hue- four deaths sicca 10 hila wonting. the thug has been thort-ughly revised
G111, judging fou the sauueto, It, baud,. aud if any consolation can afford you Aloo cnejhundred and thirty naso in and corrected there will to traelp be
ought to yield frutn 35 to 10 Web: aeaiatttet metert„ibeivynuamictiun 3you hoe it cls, aistcea in a tlaugerutta eau- Vx,000 good newt) left. Of that
dition. number there ,are tunny write will vote
Meuereenua, July G. -The heat is against the uetitiuw And tniQ is tho
o u
' "u people ,Q f f.a
to uthe
deaths t
reGlulld 91
were fifer l
' 'e It
root p I p
Cen61F � };
to -day', i oda have heard o utuuh about that in-
T'ouro:i July S. --There were four dicetear a change of seutimotat in this
deaths to -day .aud hero are out) hun• ti{ country eg,�*z. the Seett :"Act !• -II ;tau
dred and tidily nasus in the hospitals' News, ditty 1ird. -p
Their condition le ant regarded seri- t -� n•'�
oue.Dr. Hoch, the Prussian cholera i FRANK 14F:si,tl:'s :3L vnAY MAccAzlxe—
int + micro oa ie exam. 1 'rho August :ember nbeendiug
expert is making p
illations of the disease j with edifying mill plangent reading is
els to the sere.
"Happy Bailey" was thrown out of
a buggy on Friday :last by the autiea
from. n higher powered an n3. slaving been
aware of the painful Mimeo under which
your husband h:id been suffering, we
ofim fractious horse which ltolwas drly. loge) sorry to Maser tiitt alter his journey to
1 t lima, t lilt ` nt u \w'ra
ing ou his ratty to Exeter.—St. Mary's, ars native it's' udl w.ir� t ft ip. iv s t:
so soon realized. 1S e trust that you will sup-
port your t+pirit+ both for yours rind your
ebildreue' sake, and look forward to that
higher and happier world ill, which we etlall
The Rev. G. R. harrow will advo-
°ate the claims of the Scott Act in
Deetv's Hell, on Tuesday evening, ga to thnso whre:uulut return to us.
July 15tH, commeneiut; at 7:80 p. in.' Accept, Dear MtlTh1u, ramtr tnucreat con-
dolence under this i�ad burtiavemout and fit -
Further particulars will be given. illation, believe us to .remain yours eiueerc-
e lzetve received from Mr. Harry
Bro E Harwood; A (1, Sis J Mutter.; Piper a complimentary season ticket �isi;uaturesof Directors)
I3t ,
I S, Sis E Ste rrrt • 0 8, Bro W to the Toronto Zoological Gardens. � Moved by X&ter. Douglass, seoouded
Delve; Organist, Sia 'S Bail. The "Zoo" is it popular place of am- lby 3. Berber, that J. B. Geiger, be
usetneut and we aro pleased to learn nun is hereby appointed a Dueetol in
A Urullaut Meteor. the prosperity of its managers.
On Thursday evening last, about An ia,(iividual came to town ou I
eight o'clock. it being almost day- last ou horlebact:, and rode iuto 1%lr.
light, it very large meteor bet across
the eastern sky at an elevation of
about twenty degresg item the pori•
zoo. The light was so very bright
that it attracted eousiilerable atteu-
tion. It course seemed to be from
south to north. After travelling a
great di:tattoo, it busted into a thou-
sand pieces, leaviug a silver streak
which teintuned visible for nearly ten
minutes. During its passage it had
all the sppearaueo of an iummeuse
rocket wall u very brilliant blue head
and a long bunions phosphorescent.
Quarrel. jyet the woods are full of people who
On July let, a dispute arose at I want to be editors.
Grand Bend, between several persons!
of Stephen which resulted mn a gratia
fight. The inatigatiors were brought
before Messrs. Lewis aud Wilson, J.
P's., when after a alight investigation
James Cronozm and John Polloek,were
Isltmmoned to appear before John Mc-
Donell J. P. of Exeter, on Saturday
ast., for assaulting Dennis O'Connor,
when handcuffed and in the charge of
the Police, at the conclusion of the
row. After hearing the evidence of
both sides, James Crone') was fined
$1 and costs. The charge could not
be proven aizaiust Pollock.
W. T. Johns' Photo Studio, and bad
a Photo of hiumself and horse taken by Wm. Lewis, that the bonds of
after which he rode out again. This Ed. Bossenberry be accepted.—Oar-
is accounted for by their being no ried.
troublesome stairs to climb to get to Moved by Peter Douglass, second -
Johns' Photo Studio. ed by Win. Lewis, that whereas, Geo
An editor is it man who is liable to Parks having hon:zrably discharged his
grammatical blundore,toothactte typo eccouut dee this compitny, the sore -
graphical errors and lapses of memory tary send elr. Parks it :receipt in full
and usually he has ninety-seven then- of his account.
Saud people watching to oaten him Moved by D. Stuart's, seconded by
tripping. He is a man of sorrow, ao- J.•Iierger, that the secretary remit
quintet.' with grief and poverty, aud the sum of $40.67 to the assistant
frequently liable to go ragged, ban- treasurer of Ontario, per post office
gry and die= for it loins period. And order, beiue the statutory assessment
to the Goverumeut for 1884.
Moved by J. Eergar, vee by D. Sur -
Ares, that policy No. 2033 be and is
hereby oaucelled.
Moved by D. Surarus; sec by 3.
lieigor, that applicaticus from 2090 to
2146, the latter inclusive be acoepted
aud passed.
Moved by Wm. Lewis, goo by D.
Surarus, thst this meeting do now
adjourn to meet agaiu at Zurioh the
4111 of October, at Huron Hotel, 10 a.
m. •
plane of Hugh Love, Lege dooeased,
and that the secretary draft a by-law
to that efleet---Carried.
Moved by 1). Smartie, seoonded
John F. Graham,'
Last week Constable Gill, of this
ulaoereceived word from Lexiugton,
Mich, that John F. Graham, the uo-
torious cattle thief (who' escaped from
Exeter leclt•up three years ago) had
accidentally shot himself with a guu
while hunting in the woods, and .was
instantly killed. He has ever since
his escape been engaged' as foreman
in a sawmill at that place, and could
have been captured by Constable Gill
at Port Lambton in Nov 1882, through
the Chief of Poli3e of that place, had
the County Council of Htirou offered
a reward for his arrest. Witham is.
P -4.-111P-0-4
Osborne Council.
The Couucil met on the 5th July
inst., pursuaut to adjournmeut. All
the members present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and confirmed.
Moved by J. Hackney, seconded by
J. Shier, that James Ballautyno be
appointed colleotnr of taxes for the
current ytsar et a salary of $75, and
that he furnish bonds to this Cuuuoil
signed by 'Mattel( aud two good and
sufficient securities to the amount of
$12,000 for the due 'perfornlaume of
his duties.—Carried; Moved by J.
Shier,seconded by J. Halls, that Jas.
Shoubottom be Paid $25 for extra
work ou bridge at I irkton,-Carried.
Moved by H. Horsey, see by J. Halls
that Thos. Wilson receive $8 to luta
nish provisions &o., to Joseplf Hewitt
and wife. ---Carried. Moved by • Y.
Shier, seo by J Hackney, that Mr.
Johne receive $10 for relief. -.Carried.
Moved by, J. Hackney, sec by 3. Hor-
uey, that Alex. Carmichael receive $5
for relief.—Carried. Moved by H.
Horuey, see by J. Haokuey,'that Mrs.
Dinneube paid $2 for board of Thos
Bennett, an indigent. --Oa motion
NEW Yolcx, July 5.—A Paris specie
dated July 4 says:- "The excitement
over the cholera was greatly enhanoed
today by the announcement that the
military students at the school of St.
Cyr, about twelve miles from this city
had revolted and hauled down the tri
cols of the republic aud hoisted the
white color of the Bourbon regime in
its stead. The seYvices of the.gen'dear
mes were required to restore peaoe.
The feeling against the Government
is daily becoming more bitter as the
opinion is becoming general that had
ii not been for its action in Tonquin
T.ra:tuoN July 5. -An Eugilah steamer
from Marseilles has been signalled off
Lisbon with two oases elloletaaboard.
\Veen/sGToN, July 5. --The secret-
ary treasurer hag issued a circular to
customs officers, directing them to
use all possible means to prevent the
introduction of cholera, warning thein
that persons 8fram infected districts
aro liable to arrive in others than in
French steamers. Full details are
given regarding the inspection and
fumigation of baggage where necess-
ary. -
Scott Ant.
Tho ebairman of the :4tcliillop
township Committee announces that
nearly one half the voters in the towu-
already upon out :tabic aud ie always
w:eluome. -New Zealand end the
Canterbury Settlement" is the open-
ing xrtiele by ltev, 1,f. Nuttier, 13. A. -
with numerous illustrations. The
late Lady Blanche Murphy, Bev. E.
A. Rand, F. E. \Vdatherlp, James
Croil, James 13ncl:ham, Alfrotou Har-
vey, Mrs Alexander, J. Alex, Patten
and other favorite writers, have cou-
atribub O. to this number. The editor
T. De Witt Talmage, D. D., gives
excellent "advice to yomuzo people,"
and the Homo Palpit has at seruiomti
of his, "Is Life Worth Living?"
There are two interesting serials end
sketches, essays, peeing, ete., etc.
Pike 25• cents a number, $2,50 a
year post paid. Mus FICA:rx. LESLIE,
Publisher, 53, 55. and 57 park Place,
ship having signed the petiition, the New York -
committee thought it wise to diem]. 1 -»
thine the canvas for signatures eo as
to avoid unnecessary work.
The Wingham Times has the follow:
ing aeusible words which we heart:
ily oommeu,d; "Now that the Scrip
Act campaign has commenced in this
county, we hope the friouda of tom;
pemperauca will not bring injury up:
on a good oauso by abusing and vilify:
ing hotel lesepers and liquor -dealers.
11 is not at all necessary. There titre
many respectable and honorable men
engaged in tho liquor business aud
no good can be accomplished by ab:
using them. 'Jae every legitimate
argument you cau to show .the bene:
fits of temperance and the evils of iu:
temperance but lot it be done in tem:
perate aud respectful language. By
so doing you will gain more converts
to the cause than by substituting a:
base for good solid argument.
This precious document was depos•
ited in the Sheriff's office, here lest
Friday one day prior to the date ad-
vertised, as on the 28tH was a statua-
ry holiday. There is said to be ab-
out 2.500 names on it out of 5,000
electors in the county. In ward num
ber ;one, Trafalgar, thirteen names aro
ou the petition twine; in .Milieu about
forty are nen-residents, repeated, died
removed non- voters, and well-kuown
Scott Act men, The petitionis ohm.
Mr. Win. Tiiolnaa,of Newton,Ia.,says: 'Afy
wife has been seriouely affected with a cough
for twenty-five years, and this spring more
severely than ever before. She had used many
remedies without relief,and being urged tctry
Dr. King's New Discovery, diel so, with moat
gratifying results. rhe first bottle relieved
her very much,aud the second bottle has ab
solutely cured her. She has not had such
good health for thirty years." Trial bottles
free at C . Lutz's Drug Store. Large size'
$1,00 6
J. A. '1'atvney, Esq., a leading attorney of
Winona, Minn., writes: "After using it for
more than three years, I take great pleasure
instating that regard Dr. King's New Dia-
oovcry for Consumption, as the beat renledy
in the world for Coughs and (;olds. It had
never failed to cure the most severe colds I
have had, and invariable relieves the pain ill
the chest." Trial bottles of this sure clue
for all Throat and Lung Diseases may be had
Free at 0 Lutz's Drug Store, Large size,
$1.00. 1
As Isaac Hodgins. jr, has left my house with-
out any just cause or provocation, I will not be
responsible for any debts contraoted'by him
from this date. .
Stephen, Tune 18tb.1881.
Ily addressing GEO. 1? ROWELL & CO., 10
Spruce Rt. New Stork, cau learn the exact cost
of any proposed lice of ADVERTISING in
American Newspapers. i100 -page rani.
' phlet, toe.