HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-10, Page 4ailtido ations in our premises We glrc, Land Ise,! gala can:ilit� $ ti+7 si-Il a-it:,ut him or 7s 1r,. , a ed brin;:tabaotantilesfrom thetlnirinl;vi!lnRu •will offer for the next O days cot"su, ele,gie-al tial ty, t Alen i+ r , tr w 111 ItllllSi u of l�rient, aged wFtlldn 1 almeellltiltlo evt a :+drool - 1!e Alla tta tsvaril>l} refuse(1 1� [lilnly I I3onae and Post nttten. immense reduetio11S in all QOu late !e nnpu; encs t$ would be c1 nlpieted from ne,,nu to to his to , eIer Vines. PRURSDAYr'JULY 10,1884. the fsetest amateur walker in England handily, 1Iaelc wof) the seven mile walk at the amateur ohalnpiousbip meeting lase year in 50 minutes. 48 3 5 seconds. Tfn Breeek is credited with the ((meat utile ever run in this sou ntry 1,39 Longfellow is next, with 1,40: George , lolls has ft, reea)l' at eepg- head Bay, as a. four year old, of 1,41 • Mortgage Sale 4 VAL ' ,ABL NOVA SCOTIA SOUND. Cumberland Comity, which was re• rau:DIT presented by:Sir Chas Topper, has g ' d SL sleeted as his eucOeseor, a conserve, As he eai•riettl 111 pounds, or three ----- _1NI1Hr----- tueetlt this J. Townshend. Follow more than Longfellow, end seven WT1 of a> ora of (nape m re than Ten Broeck, and last to Berton County elected l41 r. H. P. Blc. .start in his field, George Kinney tutuDougall, another N. P. ndvopt>!e Aly It be considered the fastest American horse of the present or !last; very handsome intLjority. The aet- T. M.111alene die professional sprint ions of these two constituencies is er andjuniper, has been gaining fresh proof that they are not so badly op. laurels in Australia. At the games of pressed by the National Policy, as the the Stawel Athletic Club, April 12, free trade Journal, of Ontario, have iso was eereetited with rnt'niug 120 from time to time, ,aseet•1e31 they were; yards in 113- second and, 180 yard In the pt>ople of boll: conetitueueies are 131 aee:3nds and in the fourtu heat of &live to then own i1111seSts tai well as, the thind round of t# 150 yards Shef• of the Dominion at large. In Cunt- tildei lttentiie:tt>, at B3tatty, May 7, he berlauil et.unty, the unopposed tMarii ran fr->nl scratch in 11 4-5 seeende. of \Sr. Tow:irxheud, a stannoli sup- , Kemp, alias D. Bll h 20 yards Siert ,AtTWO 0clocl:ba.tn..sabjes, to such conditions ,1 , • Ila ► } as tiralt tui a,a; ^3,ra'.Fuee,l, aha f,,, twang vale- l porter c.: t.iu G.$verntiient of Sir Jona won the Beat in 14:1 sec. able 1'reeliold Property, 1Fr.: .`t. 1'Iaet'+$r;talti, is an enderselrle'tbt 1'101 Vanderbilt to a re rreseutntiv- .Df , 1 llltrat street <t Laud altdPrenaises TNDF e AND BY. 'VIRTUE OF a.I'ower of Sale contained inn certain Indenture of Mortgage. dated l2tii I' obruarY, A D., 1878, made by Charles Banex•, (I.ydfa Dauer. his wifo, jc'iaing therein to bar ber Dow- er,; default Having been made in the payment tbertof, there will be sold lay 1'T.:B L IC`• AUL TION At TDEIC1IERT'S HOTEL in the of 217ItICR,Townsbi1 efiUAY,by MIL EDWARD ARD 11oSS1 uu1tutY, luctioncer.,ou TUESDAY, nth day of JULY, 1884 only of too trade rillli'.y of 1118 Govern. the spirit of the 'runts in reference of *ttnato,slog 141311'org r1 tin 'rowiasrip of 1'� the t llzllent,0 ti Lase '.0 tJ'Ot Slay �� tl ; t.a.ario, contaiuiug in^ kotrnAsurc omit Vertu - unlit, but alta Pt the. the railwa 1 . lln, ins tlet"ountvolllnrou.an1 lro'mee of 'b Icy, of which ilio late member pili •ts'r3e ?Psi" alai t eitt� horse full' i� t �.. r. c.f Lana lie ti;t' anir nutrrcar 18,88, i; 1,4;10,0014 r,,rntpnstnt 1311 \} l st„ if alis of 1 oi4uN L •Ilse i< Shades Tuli!'t`r, was the i•'uttqurator. rho (1lntll:tge beinn exl`re�41y irltaudt:t "'N' lel N,.•� i..1li:il lto�1D 1 �r;'t' OitAt<.i,�S- 13trfiltE hie retirement Ie Rave a tt �, ., 1(7\ nttbesall!omtlrtiill .etll;ea-. ,1 4 . guar. for 1lanti U, of Ch^ y,.Otie Sald It 1si onto° to rho CouctrP that at all early [ ' D!'812fnE1 'i h>^ i'lI Ale Tllerettb4abcllt4r}r„t .tr=rail ,i,.t, SI.e. • RANTON ► BROTHER; PROPEi1TY LL$T For Sale A comfortable tante dwelling. one and a half Story.stendingon. 3 of an acre 01 laud, situated on- Andrew St—:title clear For full paxtieatacs, a1Lptly to Alit GEORGE X;rl1lP. '80 !ting-st.,East. Hamm7� M For Sale. A well ilnishedancl convenient Dwelling Souse and Lot oniluron Stroot. East of Mainatreet Exeter. For particulars apply to 11 S, 11 ELLI'JT. Solicitor &c, Exeter WANTE —to sell • TUNISON'S New & Superior Canayyda; Maps Charts t l pnarticu'lars ng (1(0 t,etdresss„ 1.0 world. tap.Publtsher :3-st.,i.oncion.Ont. 'The Seegrn l.1cr P`ie`s. S. 'QWEL Saving aleei.it a1 fuel -se his present stook of the 1.b we pla+..s. ,.ill eat i FOlt $13 CASE, algid $14 Ori TIME FOR CO BATS. EXETER. 1 The 3, b 4"me l t )t at the la:titling 01,p . tx 'l,.tts,kils .1..:,.1 (A few boor south I'f th,� market.) 1'c»intr:;u l rel,>Iry ;:!tweeas kelt 1!a steel , tartie5 ilI$<'D111U Ditnli in g a pi rehire will do well to call tt3"rly. Aril in. ;'1. l'tltt Ti LLL. } las• 1Ii� Q •.11.1 ' •(,•', ., t. 4 • In view of extensive alter date 3,rtl great national itigltn'ty could 1 the 1 t odb41" ,z n 3 hall; Ler to be tr i't,e(1 in a tin' er nl:ttCh.l t cnr.;ttt:,,., a. t., ..,,"'".4'PI 1} tie 111'•.33411u classes of Summer Dry Goods ,�llort:illg; Brevities.Eeer,a,rtu IIs ;vas well satisfied iv 1318 <> iv 3l Mind alit, 11 v ..l,pl(iT, AI ht� Glc'sPlilnti blest: L:il! olath lzas that she tva+ the fastest piece of trot-`1ita ;ton Tutt Irl. "14'4;soli setir, the ..- P rtic.tilars next weer. !MACHINE IL (Ili l;. A.l. RANTON BROS 1 T It will. pay you to call on us. LARDINE adopted ieli,,n dog for leek. ting lie i e filch in the woil.l, and if Sutton, of the Boston club, has n:•t t110 Il:and10llust and 1nr: t petfcct.; made but one errar in the last ten. games. About 75,000 persona t1;tw the le.a. 1 playtimes i1 Iiaat.ell t11113 far this SeaSeli. Lord Itoneberry hae purchased the Auitit:ed.I' 11(1 'L ;Foetal, paving 414, 800. A Wide Awake Druggist ..: 31r. (G. Lutz is always wide rotate 113 hes!, ll: live St{ ck, Ptlultry. Miry, A rlvultn3al 0:13'1;;iii e t;t+ t ,1az,.. w., l+-.1 drat Stu• `aess,antl spares no vainsto secure the bets, and norticultnral 1 rntlue;:, lnllleln.,01,, day base b:11 Intl,' ing is illegal, of very article in his tine. Ile ha+ z.k.oureli and 3faniarttarrs a•f all Annus, and that 111 tvots ell) !a,' ;arrested. the agency for the celtl,r1',l Pr.h11rt':. Nov 'tore people, adults and clliltire,l, are tranb ,:0 with costiveness than pith any o•hel ailment. Dr, Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit. tors will cure costiveness and prevent ih diseases which result from it. Industrial Fair SEME•CENTENNIAI. EXPOSITION AND 1884. It is ri-porteil that Gtiorp;o W. Ham a le sully jumped 1.1 feet 0?, lushes in one single jun.14. At the recei,t Ascot (England) mac 1.11 ZdiL`t; 11.0 b03110i1.lt•liees came nut of the etrue1',le x,171 ,000 abetad. F. T. `V1l'tf1u was offered twenty tbone.uzd for the O'ilt Richmond tIvo'd hoots before his s=talest(; fromEng. s lanai. a Alar. John Mcri:4y'ut trotting horse ' 1 :4lolnto111, ie entered iu the 2,34 ctaes•: Ri Toronto races this weak. l8 There are 8( i 0ittlle.i fee the Fortr• 111 of July week fretting aiming at Chicago. The purees ;amount to $05, l 000. At T vari, Mich., S;!tnreley, Little 1 Billy, owne.iby 1Lk1gins of Brantford wen the free fel all trait in 2;85, 2; 293- and 2;29. } M EI ' " TI C NiI !tet! 1 oA to 1 t1; Discovery for CousunIpti0ta.'l'ii( only e..;tam cure known for eonsnulpti Ili, a 30x$,1 i l ', .; r l t �� 1. () N ri '0 hoarseness asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, or'; a any affection of the throat an0 lungs. 58,111' SEPT1S3111ER tiDo It3th in the •3tttli, on a positive g; u•ir,a:rte e. Will vine you a 1113311 bottle free. Regular tiro c1 'i be l,t 14-t Prize List in the 11331U 1133.3!, • NEVER GIVE 1.1. • If you ale troubled txithlow told tleper3rst-31 pints, loss (If appetite, general debility, 0is. or 1orcd blood weak eanatitlltit,n.IICa0ltel30 er ny disease ('f (1 billiOnx nature,l,1 1111 meati ( traeutoabottle of Electric Bitters. Litt till be.tu prisod to Bee illcrapuliruprt,venuc tit that trill follivv.you will be ins!)iliid with r tt life; tri01 tll and activity •twill return: rain and nerg,y will ee1..3, atidheltcvfortii }.'u will re- inee it the pria.e of Electric BiltI Or, sold at C Lntz's, Drug Store. MA.RKETR EPDRTS. }Corrected at 5 o'cicek p.m. Wednesday:) YAW. 1VUU31 1 rs sta, slt031 1001336 U. Ic 1• olas of Paris,I�g., to lecturer White WbcaG ran ... 0 90 to 1112 worth of race Horses a8oiljned to.trnst iPIL NG WIIN.T r to Nicholas. Filo (new) ............1 05 to 1 hi i41r, Gregory, of St. Catharines, has Harley ••• '•• •• 0 50 to 030 sold a 4 year old oielt,by Gen. Stanton , t I"1iI o Lists Mal liner • F01Xnt=Cae 1.0 ub131i2w11 fr<rtlatlne St ra t11 de. c>#nn I1 xc alta:lag S3 diet- ( lc+ltaal31eoinilliel' Ialstitlilts ortber 11113 he 130311an}wreloonalgtll3U.aatillylu.rt (33rd .t1 ilxcfitrrt:tart. lit.Terua,te. T:tn3ri3oc1,' o .put;. nat'ndrd. '1btr trillIns the GR NDBSD1' EVENT 3:1 Tori •,t•+ . 5 4141 1'3.1111 s,4.: + 3.(83. AN 11131ENi 1. l'ltcIt111.1.1111 'SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS', Ia,being prei ared fur that time. ;;'heat, Macs and Exciir-ons <.n all ltailvay,t, }•h„ t est time t1, sisit1110city of Toronto, Wait for it .T. J. WITill:Olr,1're„ideut, TT, J I3TI.T,, Ziuua;;er ts:u Secretary, Toronto. 1; 00,000 Red \Shear New .. 0 90 to 100 0}IA A --alts 1 to Mr. Geo. 11..rbaat, -of Cleveland 0.. for $1,100. 141x. Forbes' George L. was second Butte) .. 111 n mile and a quarterhaudieap race r1ourrerbbl, .,. at Chicago o11 Friday last, Imogene beatinio him by to short neck Time Clover Seed Timothy Peas Corn l`lggs , 065 to 035 ,. . 7 00 to 7 40. • 1es>o;uo -- ., ,. ,.. 0 00 to 0 OS 014to014 C le to 0 Is • 5.00 t0 5 81) • 055to00J ... 070to075 • 000 to 000 o Geese -, 005 to 000 '10" T Doe a 1,©tr Pr .., 0 07 to 0 OS ;lir r- VV Hay, Crptia it of Histo-• in ens perpr .. 0 25 to 0 act well Bieyele Club, made a run from Tfogsylrossedpert00 ... 7 00 to 7 ra l'otatoos,por bat; APples,per bag DriodApplespr b per es 5 00 to 0 PO .,, . srourg, ... S 00 to 0 Oe Listowel to Palmerston, distauc3 91 DV.I f miles , In 98 minutes and returned in shoo sdrenea }r O lilt to a 5l 78 minutes, roads'ataything gotid but calfskins eac for the wheel. wool per ib ,.• Harper ton At Coney Islaud shooting gallery tYVtioclpee3aord' the other day the Marquis toe Lenville held all eight pound rifle out at arm's 4— The British Grain Trade. ft50to0 0 ... 010 to 0S0 .., 800 to 0 00 ,.. 000to075 ••. 300to350 length with one hand and put the bullet into the bull's eye four times out of five shots. p Ed. II. Wade of Broolclin, who sty. g les himself the champion ocean swim. mer of the world, challecges any man iu the world to swim a race from one to len miles for $1,C00 Ia side anti the Championship. Ross IIcXenzie the well known :member of the T. ronto Lacrosse club, lias become huffed at newspaper erit- ioiems of his play, fazed has publicly announced his intention to retire from active lacrosse playing. The Cleveland Driving Balk Com- pany offers a purse of $4,000 to Jay Eye See and 0lingiitine, both toenter and,start July 31, the race •tn be toile heats, in !harnes, best three iu five heats, the winner to tale the whole ultra.). Entries close Joey 8, Four\Valker•ton young ladies walk- ed to Paisley and back, a distance of. 32 miles, on Saturday last. They • started nt 4 a. m. loaded will baskets of eatables and n large liltiitnook, spent five hours-p>iOnIOing in Paisley, then walked back, .uriviug home at 10,30. 1Villiatii 11. Meelt'of the Welt Side. Athletic Club New York, at the altse ual amateur` ohampiou8llip meeting at Birmingham, June 21.,' won the 7 rails walk in 54 minutes '27 seconds beating II.,. Whyatt, who is reckoned LONDON, Tune 0.—The ;trark Laue Ex - rose, in its weekly review of the British rain trade, says : Hot tveatlser increaser) in severity during the week, but the drought s now apparently broken, rahi. storms being reported from all parts of the courtly. The crops are thick but weak, owing to t}ie waist of rain, and considered to be of good average quality. Sales of English wheat <lnring the week, 28,295 quarters at 36s, id.. Foreign trade retricted, the_ demand being for con- sumption only at barely t>levions rates. 111 oft coast cargoes there has been,little iuquity and prices aro slightly lower. COnttuental buyers who supported the "market the past fortnight now hesitate to buy. Eighteen cargoes arrived; seven were sold, three with- drawn, an twelve remained. Thirty cargoes are nktritie, Flour: 4111f and unchanged. Maize,I8d. to 6d. dearer. Barley firms 7.IME,1TS VALUE. To -day is ours, why should we ears ? To -day is ours, why should we fear ? To -day is ours, why should we sorrow ? 1 For the gods belong tomorrow. Therefore for to -day, chew Gold Coin Tob- acco is the best. Libhtiing t,truellan 03311 tree on the farm of Mr. George Mc(:egor, 2ud' con., Stanley, stilling three owNe and',I three lambs. He ' expects to lee +ver insuiailee. - —,_.-- '•' Every bottle of Arnica & Oil Liniment sold is warranted by the proprietors to give satis- faction or money will be refunded. Survival of the fitest. Down's Elixir has outlived every other ,:cough' remedy simply because it is the best, GREAT REDUCTION H4 PRICES, NOAH F RIEU --or 'rat Dashwood Flotirting 3!1111 Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past liberal patronage given him, and since snaking im- provements, which is a large sEAm taving on fuel, trill do --0 LI 0 P P 1 1\r (3— f until further notice; at the following --rates DOWNS' N'.H. 1 .3ETt18LE et ,, X r.- re. Iles 1404 the Fri YEARS, and has z remedy la: miti. $Yy�,ya - CO3r3SU •n�'•'p :_Ccldk"+,ytri l and all Lunt y,..,; -.n2,. , -r al. 1. Price 25c. szia ELIXIR ..D 0 I V1VY B9LSAYi0 rii test for FIriv=11lr1-r. proved itself the for isle; Mart: 'J y A 3ony d4 Ltghs8 t.li1r •3:itizil Diseasesl:3 ' T.:' }: } 1.1. r',V,131. $i 00 per Bottle. . , Y� . t. `f 0 2 !tont , 1 L1 t. V'1 Ig , ,,. autandszeza DOW I,46' ELIXIR THE NEW I VJ CIBLE OATS, SIX CENTS PER SAG, And for all other grain's (Pens excepted), SEVEN CENTS PER BAG. TUESDAY, THURSDAY d' SATURDAY, Are ply regular rrisding clays TERMS - - Strictly Gash. N. B,—floor & Feed sold at a close tnns•- gin. Don't forget to give us a call Dashwood., Feb'y 7th, '8 TENNENT & TENNENT, Voted. nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary y 0ollege.mo ron to, have' op. for the treat Doniestic An Street. Exe-t - E distance �'�' 1>rom:,tly at tendedto Medicines for Horses, Cattle, &c, ened an ofiice anent of all inlets, on Mein ter. Calle from —13 THE jl Milt risen will so vo eller, 833.3 save theiS. r 8ebt:ecr1 In* '1 1' �1 l.ar0ane. a ilea lit c 111 iet5?11oi . at 1111 the leading 051.13$3 lions gnat tt ,7abvtb t((1*d1"z i11re 151tl..errt,*a3Gli 31rs1 L'8 ,11.,1 medal "i a c atry' JoastmIer, It bas 1380 110 (14)003 ;a 1+31.v.eator•, •aa1 will out, wear la 1, • enl or t111• r 11. and W81' a Act] rot to Clot or roan 1113 n e;' 3alacl13ner%' lou 'AM tare 311 e. 1.+;„ 3:et., -: t i Y$ it :304 1301 trap testitg in it�,fait 3r. lit 1313:.-ot. imitations ...,.ne . -3airie ,.... _3 . =call Bros. 1.�U., Toronto. 11tt1SS1',i'v 1111131 4. 1t.ILI31'.1t 6:. SON, tlretliton i Tell18.'44A.1'fhI. Heima11 The Mar , e .1ookincP Glass For Every Slurried Couple, ~Whit 3t `.411 11113 110;)41,11,01,3,1:3 4tr wu33n3' to re:a,i 11' : pa, lir, ;ism t 1+ tel 3110, few the fi r•3 tnei,+ . s'a r elan i o„ 1'11,1 .3(at0 at 33 situpdv• Ala'$ +'r t :, 11 .fir ettf a butt' it Iter esti 1311.00 its :t 1,11 , `1 tau : 1'ut it. t -AIIOugll.to say the 13(101 t int ai,a 1411 t1.e sec rots ra bating t,1 atowly uri'+e i.•,l4' , t; inti, Otherx who order it will liars to i ear the coiuequen- e2s,a93.t1only in 14'346,_3 for tltunu ;Whet wi'.la to know raw to nc.i of 1 ' the Inlet is tied. t•nrysn3n confide ;timid have it. and av it• costs 34.1yarattly :';rant1. or 3 for :0(1333. Every one eau harp it 11y remitting e.tanlr,s or 1`'tvt'r ia34 this 3113, 1..,i .1}r 3 I "c'N NES, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Cloariiig Salle t. Back's Q1c. Stared. (2 1)130 a north of Post 011100) Butter and Eggs wanted l Ill Exchange for Goods. 1 'We are se1Yiz*g Goods at ,,\l hoksalo P1ice3t. A nice asaortulent of 'press Goods, heady- 1 made Clothing, Sugar;;, Teas, Currants and Raisins, at a reduction of 25 per cent. on former rices ; Cashmeres 25 to 501., Prints p oto 101.. Irons Veiling 15 to 20o ; all similes Tin Figured Buntings 10 to 120.; NM Gloves for 750. worth $1.25 ; Parasols, 25e to 61 ; Children's Hose 5 to 10e; Men's Stiff Felt d } Hats, 75c.; Soft, 50c. up ; Overcoats, $4, fib and $7 ; Tweed Suit 66.0 ; Coat 63 ; Pants RING of ALL WASHERS (Patented in Canada, July 13,1888.) Mr. 0. Ilau wishes to inform the inhabi tants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has solo right of this washer for Huron -County, and also that he has appointed Mr. Robt. Pickard agent for Exeter, and any person wishing tc see the Mechlin., will please call at the Exeter Tea Store. It was thoroughly tested, and lit merits approved.beforo the patent was ap • plied tor. It has since been placed in com- petition with a great many washer s of.note, and in every instance proved its superiority. It is, without a doubt, the most perfect in action ever invented ; the improvements are prominent and well defined ; they are a,ot imitations with a slight change of parts of some old played out patents, such as the public are often fleeced with by Patent Right sbarks, but they compose an original and genuine invention, containing distinctive features, whicliare fully set forth and claim- ed in a legal patent that will keep infringers ata distance. • Few Reasons wily the (Invincible' is Best 1st. Only one-quarter the amount of soap used as with other machines. 2nd: Only one-fourth :the fuel. 3rd, No labor in comparison with th machines, 4th. No wear and tear, as steam and soap are the pcircipal agents. • 5th. It requires only one-fourth the time to do a washing. 6th. The house is not in an uproar with slops, washtubs, pots and pans, at least .one day out of each week, C. EAU. R. PItISAR•D, Age.rt, always on hand. t Crediton, ,,Exeter , $2 ; Tweed from 50 to 750; Boots and Shoesat very low prices. JOHN MATHESON. May 29th. New Prug Store W. H. COULSON, Would inform the inhabitants of the sur- rounding country that lie has opened out In Hepburn's Old Stand, A Complete New Stock —ore --- Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Dye -Stuffs, Spices, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Flavouring Extracts Special Attention given to Dispensing. Remember the place, W. H. COULSON, Coiner Store, Opposite Central Hotel.