HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-10, Page 1vol. XL, No. 44.
FIXET B B, ONT., THURSDAY RSDAY MOR1."t IJ.`f G, JULY LY 10, 1854 Publishers Remix 'rrrE oprriQ arty.
_'-''-Just Received
CH() 00.1
N---UT-I000T. ATES and 0000A.
alt G. A-. HYNT>M A..N'S.
Special Mooting In Re•Equallzatton Ap-
The Council mat ou Tuesday last,
pureuOUt to uertioe.to consuler the op -
peel of the townsh]p of 'Whom° aealin
ITurnbevey from . 29 to 81
L. Wawauosll from.. 28 to 31
W. Wawt4nash from.. 32 to 37
Ashfield frena ....... 80 to ee
Colborne from........ 87 to 87
Godtrich frons... 86 to 87
Stanley from.. ..... 40 to 40
Tuckeretuitb from.... 44 to 44
Usb,:•lne froze..,..... 44 to 44
Hay frorn 81 to 85
1?LrI lQUS It latiLIC.( .N11+.
Lobo 1111aa,-,o Almost Levelled to tits ',
Steplleu frost!...- ... ... 80 to 34 i,
side, peuotrating a lung He threw Drowned, Or ZI:twice'.
up his hands, staggered olxt on the -- ••
street and fell dead. The girl wait are C nceieroneA1, Jule 4. --The work
rested, but public sympathy is entire. ei clearing away the debris from the
lv with her. wreak of the train which welt through
` the bridge on notedly evening i$ still
Foreign Driers. in progress. Thus fur, the Whetof
eta men have been recovered, but it
The report of the eapture of Kbcr- supposed that et least 40 more are
toaw is not yet confirmed. bailed in the wreak. Tha men were
Smallpox lute broken out el Livi- nearly all workingmen. Some days
gan, France; seven deaths occurred. mast elaps=e before the rear loss of
DeLossaps deoIarea there is Kw life can be ascartttined,
ground for assumption that the Pana- 11lozaaRl.>}, Ifo., July 5.- -Tl:tt het el
ma Canal is not to be finished in the drowned and seriously wounded
t 1 . is the Grand River bridge oetaetroplte
at the et11.141i4a4 aasesiimeut for the On Friday, a furious b,urtioaue The 011112sa;liiulater, in 000farenoa i>a iu()reasiug lie the truck of clearing
ae„,....,....eme ._ : �_ current year, the mit! eat, Was nlov ng north- tilolic cut atatou the part of falliutto :l that twelve men were drowned nod as
► It is' estimated
After the reading of the initiate- of t as
ur,*�T4I,. If last day of rho Juno meion, alto oaa.t. duet a'1 the atone reached the 6 the Laugeton affair. many more fatally injured. The
()Mee 1tt'+atuwell'alrtocR, Exeter.
eel to Post -
()Mee Week.
Tet'th ox-
out polo.
Tile Telegraph's °eh° correspond- nallaa received this i%*
warders addressed the Council au the wester.* pardon of tile' village, it took = morning are.Jol*n
question of the appeal to the Ouuuty th.a ('rin 3'f a e ldrliviud, The Met i gilt sec's advices from Catholic 0110= ,Long, drowned; llobt. baster, wound.
Judge, stating that to had called Iiia !mesio term* was thee of lir. Irvine, i d ementia a nlirm the report that Kilter. ect mortally; James Young, sl*UmI4er
oemeefttoo tugether, but they could The roof flow off, tool Om rear portion i totem boo ,ellen, Atid that Gordon is ernaltea; P gies '1'ti,tzg, lig brolteu;
not arrive at any decision ao to fhcl of the Tlou>'(1 svaq *t mollehedl. TIm a0fa. Frets. "i'i,targ tl.-seed; :'!. Heller
e()wee to he pJ1•euetl le etletnillu*t; thtl main ;eat, lyes*, rites, rereei1hotl sett•11- ; It ie rumored there wilt be a r`eiag dray<11eJ, D. II'tytw,F(.c1, Intermit Itt-
appeal, and rota instructed situ! to cell *uta, although badly danarcd. The i at Cairo towards the end of the beast j4trtea, c 4naaQt live; Ward t, badly
the C,tut:uil tu'et11e at c d:c• to aclviY'a tt; .; f line" readz� d eas :*r. T. It- of Ramadan- A serious attack ie ex- cut; James Bruce, temple crueised; 1,
Po well's °table and wothello.', hoof pectod on Suakin). The Governor of leg - on urs the wafter. x B. Bremen, is broken and iutcrual
MI•Snic-tI, 1loveI by :tlr. iCetly, s(t.zu41i d by gone : ,.he)n tin r,*a;Itd. Pro sing en,1Dola telegraphs he has fougata great injuries: John A.1.)ill+au drowned; (leo
battle with the robela and killed 4,000 tz- Aril Beal* eu.
11 1IYND\IAN.---CO1tONlet. FOR
tltt ('oadu4yoflt}ar.m. t'ilicr, ai.postto to
ylt s.(,,t:lie^': vtoi- . it tt r
Rao w imi M. 0..M t'
1'.$,Uraeluate1ietut al tthertit1• drat
3 na.•e+ielt tee. I)m1- tint 4 .baAate x s,1:.x1'tor..
LL O refute, Art+in Sr.1 tt• -.Uut Ile:.idruct
14 ,U4e r,*c•T•attl►►w��o^e•atpiod bI' p. M,1'h;ilil't',11Pci.
i,1'VZ, I. D..
e)fueeet I;I .,'.otene4- i.:tt t(•r.
1 In. 11a� I�i(A, (.'dR'Ai ULTF (INI]
t'l:l",*r1' T init; eoilet;Moot *e•r('c•lteee
k,:3eso••*MIS s. t•) s,rt«'ai;t i1nt.,'` Mei I;.irktoni
i fl tart tN l , lTIC'1�$
11i1I1:,t 0K1,, cit?i,°�t`t'Y AI'OTION•
es nt•e+x lalt.n•, a,aptlyattr.*n+ltoltol. llayt.uf
aalra.trran'edat'tb.n 'Mite
f..fEN1t'. 1rt:IL,1t1',1t. Licensed Atte.
+tioneerfor flay, Stephe:Land Alcfiillvray
pomp ihfps. Slit.. t et:chut•trtl ur itietdt:ri.te• rates.
()!rive At Pwtt•,dtl. •, t'rt.litita, Ont.
t )tillTO I,r1.t ON ItEALES-
tartsfat•th 'Iit't:..1•:.i.•f•i,a • Savings
v. how rata :of interest- .t , lvto,Ioi n
11 .
XT J. CL:11i C, Agent for the Us-
sbornt•anei-llibbert SfutnalFirt•inaurance
Company, i 4;Ji.lrueu••-3`:.r�,tr. Orders by
tnailproutptl'. tttoridetlto.
e in Olu, ('..art of Common Pleas- Deeds,
lieu t ;tl4;ct,.I,c �tsr;+,and ell forms of a ree-
t t'rta.,t•tttnatiud (•ve'rut.,:.4'el) rug to,iatr,
0rPIG El --in (no Centennial lXntr11:1nck,Iieu-
WONEY 'l'() LOAN .1.T 0 AND 61;•
1 .L per tont. nme .t 'ing to terms. Private
rands. .apply to
Octoberl1,'80 S ,lleitm. Exeta:
MON-1d�-11t t
I caulend soya ta« ut0f M:,ney on inrm to-
curity at 0, di sad 7 per cent.accorting to terms
Private 'undsaspecialty. Charges moderate,
II W TI.t.LL,Barritcr,Exoter.
Money to Loan on Farre & Town Property
At lowestratesof interest, and on terms to suit
borrowers, A. number of first-class Farms for
sale. Mortgages b-nght 1.u.t sold. Olhoo in
Fanson'sBlock Exeter
1 • in the Court cf Common Pleas—Deeds,
wills,lfortgages, Leases,anc1a11 forms ofagrno-
menta drawn and executed according to law.
Mextre TO LOA'S ON RPALTSTATE. Parties {vlsb-
ing to borrow 1130210701 account of reconbpur-
aliases oiland,orto pay off oxistinginortgagss
vyFallflnd a groat saving by giving mo a call, Can
Nand money et 0 and 01 por cent. according to
terms. N.J.CLARE.
DWELLING HOUSE and olio acre ofland.
situated on-tho Thames Road. 2i miles east of
Exeter. Goodlargo frame stable and driving
shod; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trees; good well nud cistern. Suitable for a re-
tired farmer. Will bo sold cheap for cash, Ap
ply to THOMAS ALLIN, Exeter P.0 iy •I9-tf
C. MAi+��iI rc'S
Central Shaving Parlor
For Clean and easy sbaving, fashionable hair
cutting &c.
t;3 Clean towel for every customer,`**
Next door to Central Hote
Established iu 1863.
This coml.any has been over Eightteen years
a successful operation.iu Western Ontario,and
continues to insure against loss ordamago by
Eire ,Buildings,lllerahaudise, Manufactories,and
all 'othe rdescriptions -ofinsurable property. In-
tendinbiusurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium Note or Cash System.
During the past ten years this Company kas
saued 67,096 Polioies,00vering'property to the
amount of $40,872,088; and paid in losses alone
A. sotS, 88170,100.00, consisting off Cash in
dank« GovorninentDeposit, and the unassessed
lrromtum Notes ou handand in force J. W WAL
mai, M D. Proside'Lt.' C. M. TAYLOR, Secretary
• J. 13. Iftl0lsns,Inepector. CHARLES« SNELL,
Agbnt for Exeter and vicinity,
Mr. 'Dieeett flint the reeves of each the aui(t leached ti4ta 1,r14vel rued 4 , , Brawn thigh bral.e
towtiehip be autlzozixed to seed for "belt' Mr. Graham, too L.b%) eelzoeel tt'f
them,c»ahimself bpi e4v losing, men. b,t`eer of tlto train, hilly or live; and
three man to give evitlet:ce zu tho alt. tef,0l*cr, W11$ ilii (�: .e biey alt*. He g Th t t ) both arras Doan, a 7floQt live; J.
tcdts a:4u' all i+t 111 i1;«hitt turned ; The sol mnnists of I aria propose Mc(.ozd, his melted, ekes! once. Jar.
heal gainer the esseeetuetit, e11ge t' to march to the hotel de 'Ville on hips
tome to seed for two cruel each village round, his l)iayele sent in one direr. a Hagan, beck and hips hart; Arab. Hill
f1 that the C' t ^ the lion mid himself in a44utiter.
The bi Jul 13 hearing n rets flag inscribed b9iiy ernithed; Abraham Webb, of
• . . er •.. p , t
d bstatuteC t C rt eases hula lauded lit a fcnee,whielr the next y eon in the «nater, J. $. SIRhowe,!, of
..t , i :.,"NI .`•4....)411*1.41ra, h: -4,4 a 1 .:in,l. 4414 Pledge Formosa or !seinen until l hack; Al Short, of Stunner, rib brok-
enseteo of the rd44t.a1 calrit.di• France leas pine full possession of
collided b-.', idinca. t building. Doting tlii, time, i g P en and internal itouriee.
, . • a e ,t • ••. • •t t 0 Prti"" 9 on ulu on e
nla;tt(i' of ct nRlizatluts n(aw being- 1id.�14at1 ii it ti We 10 Itoaver his breath. -!ler. It title IA not alone fiance weal erect by (divers. 'alto portion of the
Torero the Jtuige, a CQinlzlitt(t Icon' i He (e1;1)('eted each 1tli.11tr4t to be lifted initnediately forcibly seize one of tI*e bridge deem raprese*ltl the venire
ei-ting of llesers D D. '11'ileou, mo. i'tp 1111(t dashed to 1 iee(t4. II,tvover, i• lfti1d0 named.open abent 150 feet long. The strue.
Ur 0410 ; and t U4 l4' art 4') pO.)
expenses of earl witnesses, as proved- ;vele erroal,ed all right, but Mfr. Gra. with the WOl'a'"amnesty." Cunninghrtu John Darts, of Stunner
Frame will waive indemnity
for t
these reitnetaes to be its ail oases tax- instant tv'iq lar)) r:w14v a1tdl togetl*ertlie :Lxu,gstelt affair if Mem trill Sumner badly bruised h* 14e hila and,
al l
Mr.SCr. 4t* U on, thatinvtc:tlf the i Pah 41 O ft se ot,.l t tr ,lit, tit tl*Rte h N t' f '.1.' a ' c' ced d for Three more uuidoutfied were,recov-
Milian Griffin Ride anti Heine be t711010 11,41 44torm 1)a4risd "1 (1' 1*f` fonnii .: Canadian. tura i$ what is called the'"falae work,
appointed oi' 'edt to atteuel to the Metter of'11)14 1)401 ('«c tpod with ,4 141•ttlso,1 4411 •j
eteualizetioa daring eouttnuauce ! ernelte,t lets, which will he all right A fire at Tetchlne Montreal Bator;
Moved b • lir. E.as41», secandett by i In 0 troy Or 'ta. Tile next else(}.; day which originated in Salabarry
r see stn that Mr. Cooll'8 tllOt*'4.41 t.rrllel( w"te nu 0481417 1t1ttClihttttll*'e'' hotel, dies treyed1 about forty housoe,
lI . I . rc , f sho , This was torn all its acct's. * ,
be laid, nn the table mail next moist. 1 • T a 1,ru14 tpRlly oc4upit3d by poor laborers,
ing, Rn(1 that 1110 Council 11:0 rl,iw 114 ' Tho benee of Mt'..fQltn I'.t4warl4 wits, About rixtpr iawdiea are rendered
jouru to meet to -morrow at two t next "4t) e}'r'4, ft wa4 4 ripply tear" l Il,atllyletas. Tho aatnal less ia (8111nat:
o'elnck p. *,4.--Carriedd, all it, pl.�coe, and rcilttarr'tT for a bint;lc led at abed $.00,000 only a quarter of
see:een Dt7----weersesneo jly damaged shoat the roof, but on the A tramp mimed Wager, who has
whole stood Eizo afl(•c1( bravely. sloe -� � ,• t
atoned. 11e .Tpine'tt store t.aa slight- i wlliclz is covered by insurance.
The Connell again niat, pura114ut to g be(.0 tt;saderitlg about North l ran en
ndjennitnent. the warden in the er's hotel was not sit fortunate. r'lle i see for s+,ate time, on Suoday met
veranda was carried utT told the roam Mica Clow, aged about 18, and brut.
Moved by Mr. Beacolu,secandea by raised some four or live inches, but ally tlsseuTted her. A passing farm-
er discovered
11It'. ICoily, in amendment to Mr, settled limit hi its 1tlace a�aiu. 1' d the young;
C'ult's 11)Otioll, t11Rt e41Q11 ro°Ve, or ill The wind theft left the village, Wk. woman, and gave the alarm.
hie unsence the deputy reeve, attend Ent; a too t114•ithteriy direction, and It t3 1 t clez:
Wag 44 1lfiat res0Ortd 0d o. t
Lir their own municipality, and that making towel do Mr. Tole lllmtau's en meat with titles Bet out ]n search
said re(lyes be a committee to advise helm.,PIA t;otltlerutut «tits nn eye. of the wretch. They traced Wager to
Otic F011altOl' ]u the twitter of the il.p- witaess or the wl14.10 al}iair, and dos• rhstilt ool(iug for
peal. Carried on a division by I. Ina- cribod it as simply grand. The err hitno. tvuuTdileo, and yontagera woman llies in a
jority of 15. was filled to i4 great Height with flying 1
A guarantee bond from the Coauty rails, boards, blecl(9 of wood, hay,
treasurer to the Council was read straw, in fact everything, which were
and referred. to the Finance Commit- being tussled around by the wind in a C1u61tin they the millions of dead fish
tee. futiona manner.. Jest before 111o' uott floating in Lake Ontario are
very precarious CJnditioli.
The Dominion Marino and b'isher-
lees department have coma to the con -
The Conned then adjottrleed until 9
o'clock a. 10., Thursday.
Collodi resumed its sitting at 9 a. )!lore people tock refnl;e to thecellar. 1 tribntary to the lake. It ie also be
m.. the warden in the chair. The absence of loss of life seams re- I li,7-ea that the falling off in the catch
Moved by Mr. Keine, seconded by markable, but is due, no doubt,to the l of dcisite fish In Lnlro Ontario is due
storm reached hie piece it tool: a sed- young shad batched at Seth Greeu's
den tern southward and he escaped firth breedingestablishment at Rooh-
altogether. Many- eases were relined I ester N' Y. , anti placed in streams
Mr. Rogers, that Paving heard the
evidence of several parties as to the
relative values of the different (.)WO -
ship municipalities, the leave the mat-
e eels of buildings were 4n
'roma, provided His Honor is satisfied most cases left standing with their
-lith the iitfbrmatiou now before him owners *061de il1 safely. The storm
from the evidence rolls nud his own seems to have beeu confined to a space
knowledge, and' whatever assistance of a few hundred yards. Roti while the
forces, barns and outhouses of one
duan were carried away, those of his
neighbor, a ample of hundred yards
away often remained intact.
It WAS i feet from the water to the
track. The oauso c,f the oeoident is
not fully eetabliahed. The ungiueer
was hacking hie train an the britt,ge,
and chec1ing Inns speeds to cross safely
the whole train was brought almost to
a stop in the centre of the structure.
When extra steam alto rut • on the
frail bridge began to topple anti soon
sail( beneath the ponderous weight,
Tho engineer sa4n that nothing could
be done to prevent a disaster au41 be-
gan souuding his whistle, which con.
tinned until the engine struck the
Rio ecen4ant of the tight cera would
Have been eaVetl.
water. But for the alarm not a Sin.
Not Par Prom. 'Wine.
News Condensed
Last Tuesday a cow belonging to
Geo Armstrong of Brussels was being
taken home when for some reason it
turned! ugly and chased eyeryono who
carne in her way. After fiu_htiug with
the animal for some time elle got to
the river and rashiug into lay :town
and died-
Juo Moadey of Morris has an apple
refs with fruit and bloom on the same
tree which is a very unusual ocour-
fact that 111e people were -thoroughly i to the poisoning of the waters by rears.
frightened and remained in their I deed shad. Representations will pro.
Mr. Noel Great of Mitchell met
hcusos ill safety. The tendency of the bably be made to the United States with a painfrl accident on Monday
wand was not to knock over, but to 'Government re= e�tial'r 111e matter.evening last. IIo had just closed the
ter note solely in the hands of judge lift rind the
he may require from Mr. Garrow.—
The Couucil then adjourned until 1
o'clock p. m.
The Council resumed at one o'clock
and after some unimportant routine
busiuoss adjourned pormauently.
The matter of the appeal now
stands as follows : Ssgeral witnesses
have been heard, both as to the aver-
age value of land in the County, and
in several municipalities. lodge
Toms will cousider the question in
view of his testimony, with any more
e that may be thought necessary and
then deoido the matter. In some gen.
eral remarks to the Council, Hie Hon-
or stated that 110 thought the assess-
ment in towns nod villages was al."
)ready too high.
If the evidence obtained to the pres-
ent is borne out by the wituossee to
follow, it is quite possible the follow•
ing changer will be made in tile, var
ions townships 04 their next rating
for equalization purposes:—
Grey from $28 to $31
MoKillop from85. to 88.
Morris from 80 to 32
Huliet from 38 to 40
Howiok from 81 to 33
Took Him at His Word:
A. Bradford, Pa., despatch says :—
Three rnen today entered the bar-
room of a disreputable !house in a
section of the oity.known as "Pig Is-
land." The house is kept by Frank
Meadows, who has a daughter about
20 years of age, of whom ho is very
proud. She is a beautiful girl, of
modest demeanor, and has always
been kept from intercourse 'vith the
people visiting the salloon. She hap-
pened to be aloue ;u the bar room to-
day when the men entered, and one of
them, Jacob Head, aged 85 years, be-
gin) .to use insulting lauguage to her.
She ordered the men to leave the
place, but Head' repeated hid insult
ing expressions. and closed by saying
that if the girl felt her honor wound-
ed. she could revenge herself by shoot.
lag him. Quick as thought the girl
sprang behind the bar, seized are•
velvet. which was in :la drawer, and
pointing at his hee4, pulled the trigger.
The bullet« streolt the man m the left
ve p ' door:of a small ail stove, when it ex-
�Vord wee received iu Halifax, N- )laded• burning him frightfully about
that the Furness line steamer Lincoln the face and head.
City was ashore bear Isaac Harbor, Under power of mortage, the farm
the iuformation coming through the of W. Wilson, being Ir128, and half
telegraph office at the latter place. of lot 22, lst., oou. of Flay (adjoining
The steamer is from Stockholm, the village of Heusall) was sold on
bound to New York with alarge num- Friday to Mr. John Wilson (nephew
ber of passeugers and .general cargo of the late owner) for the sum of $10
on board. Her commander, Captain 925 winch is somewhat more than
the upset price. Nine lots in Hensall
belonging to the estate, uuld at from
$45 to 8150.
her first atlantic passage. Nearly 100 Brooklyu people are
prostrated from eating ice cream on
Sunday morning about 8 o'cloak, a July 411). The cream in every ogee
burglar entered the residence of W. J. purchased fro.n G. H. Gerlcin, a fash-
illcHaffie,. and proceeded to Mr. Mc- ionable confectioner. The sick peo-
Haffie's bedroom, where he was help. plc were attacked with violent cramps
in their stomachs and vomiting with.
10 au hour after partaking of the
create arid only prompt attention
saved a number of lives. Every-mem•
ber of five .families is suffering in bed
while other families have from two to
knife r. four people sick.
Oue doctor experimented with ';the,
cream by feeding it to kittens, and the
little creatures .died almostimmediat.
ely.io great agony.
The fittniliee of (Geo. Stoddart ' and
J. A. Wilkiveor of Brooklyn, were
poisoned• by eating castor-oil beaus,
MrN, tuddart and ono.ohild.;will d 0..
;Witham -Harrison, telegraphs that
she is not malting water but is work-
ing badly. Assistance will be :sent
from Halifax as soon as possible. Tho
Lino�lrl City is a now steamer, staving
only been lately lanuohed,and was on
ing himself to valueblef, when Mr.
McHaffie awoke and told him "Drop,
that," when the robber with a large
knife, turned on MoHnffie, who drew
his .revolver; but it missed fire. A
scuffie,eusued, and th e robber made
several plunges with the 1 al M
MoHaffie, but, with a pillow, he ward-
ed them off the knife cutting through
the pillory, and inflicting a elight flesh
wound-in.MoHaflie's arm. The blx;de
struck the bedpost, and the blade
broke in two. Tho robber then fled
through the window. McHaffie again
fired at him, but missed, the ball,paes-
ing through the window frame.