HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-3, Page 7Not a Stupid Youth. • A Sau Francisco millionaire, hoping to encourage his promising `en in ways of thrift, proiuised to give Itiu two pet cent tL month 'interest tris(,? any Dolley that he might save out of his spending al'losancc and deposit in the patcrii al treasury. The 1'4nuIg^onan Was getting $$20 a week for pocket money, and prom- ised to show los a ppr4 .•i:at inn of his fade- er's atllteetionatte o12e1 1i(• laesan to make deposits without delay. and kept the lir zctlt a up with rt bi It katll(e regu- larity, The old gentleman noticed pre..rutiy tied the de•po.tt. t•x(ee...4-.1 the wheel' of tlio boy's allow e e, lane eo11ntP(1 f•ir this- by Seller/sing that he had sa a .l some mousy 1.t'esi"it.ly. 1:C• sides t111.', he los-Ise:I nlontey frequent- ly from his soother. So the fe is., letr e& lx•j((le."1 in the .'(ting (14 jro.;tion that his 8111 was td•.pl 11i11 r. Tetis eon - tinned until the beat's deposits :Assumed slosh dimensisols as to denet an ex- planation. It then turned out that zraoR 4,f the money this ;nee 11:0 been tler^,sil- int II:L"1 lasso I"•FrY41e.•;l• - lint.:!Allta•.: Its he•etre'+ tic w 811. interest (.11 his dep,sits. at two per cent It month. and was pay- ing only te,n 1 tt« l year for tl.e"111, he had -found 1' ., di•.eitl•11.. at- 1t•tctive nod iA1•R -t:••. 1110 11'i'i 9 .yr11^ Bunt, .tr>' 1' a .1•l ir, 4 L11 •1'0115 again in the Il" 'c WI-. + *h. e:,:• of 1((,000 11114 rot n!]t •4 Nn there. itt Oakland. Cal., the coot t of fe4etling the 1' o Flea,.. 1t t':,• t ei i r:40111, 13 cents dt r -lo , or .i? 4 t :It. 1. r int.:al. 1••i•Rt A•' i elation, t r o.tll A untie 111 veers e•.:t1t'.1 41:7:et1y in titin ;lle'x i .11 L woos Il:tib•6, Idaho. tl town so that it has too 111aeet: in geography, find • noter- i?ts a, the place in it hielt nine mten gree honked 1(t} for al'. )gains murders. Geo. o, I.1:lpvlloI.i•, eaf(ltitiln, 1e ,,1i to le:etl tett ]t'e'nt his la t:4.tel.•. t,, i head. of an I1l"lhtll torr.tu :ILA w6:1•< -.hot into dint . i.stteten yt.' yrs n o. IrvingWW'hitford, who tires near Ad= n 1•e ('cant#';•, XY.. lies s,t hall 11ehtlting k " vs -saints that lee liartilo.ses :slot tr.es t.4 .it:att lliilk, (nitivntt' corn, anal slo tr('n, . : forte work, A 11;ttt'nc11n, been tolled from :(Te!t:e l land office to Iii -'hard ZCLIm the canto man. conveying to Hint a title? to I:16 square leagues, or over half a million arts•'s 41t iand, While ringing the : e lic4t1.1 ell in Franklin cotultr, Georgia, tine teacher., was instantly killee1 by the hell foiling from the tower and 1`trit;ing hien on the #► s4'k of th46 raecl:. • $urllettels Bditoria Pets. • Peoplewho live in glass houses should pull dOwn.the blinds. ossi Nothi impossible. b e David n� is. 1 sa, 1 . 1 avl(1 I,?avfs buttons hos own suspenders,. fore and tett, Elizabeth Cady Stanton Is very -fond of billiard -s. but doesn't say whether she likes there) hest raw or in a box stew. . `pile recent state treasurer, Vincent • of Alabama. Was a good poker player: Ile didn't seem to stay m very well, though. ITarwin says s there were no -hornets until the world WW2 iii:40,000 years. old. By Jove, then, what (lid Ilfethusaleh have to make his j ,.cos on? f Atttl yet '11r, Ileeeher sato he does not believe man is dc30.,eile'1l fr'm the monkey. flow. then, :tel. Ile:viler, do you neeollnt f 4l Freight. (:t.bh.trilt?" Win.* ]Loi;; net ays'1/:irarraplhers have • no love for the 114>:tlttifuf." ('OM*, COM*, Olive, they lave, hest flit•,s you, girlie, ' thi•tyyear- apt is a long Bret,?, reme•nn- be.rlledieal oven think flint t!s:' alarming int•rens:. - ete•uiraelm treinens i ril1•:11 children of nine year= tale] cud under is [lrubnhly tine to th:,' 1 _lith:tied importa.- tl(ln of .laa(parl * 4 tintl;. = Sings all Leal 7 :1, et 'l (t' rreinet t.14't -Tiff Ea 1 F t^ a t 1 :It'd t eye-. Atl1Ih. ,Liv 1tt•u.c • :True. But ilie 41.4s: lin' the biggest heed as ;1 unreal thine. 'l1 i+Igtt1> is n.=t aas iaiia; eetlt up be e:m ''- the ().el.. ILtf. t „lea along before • 1101104 time 1" 1,4..111(..1 it. 118' ii 100 , bad. If Wi o;r,. hag' 111'atfal4a e.i4ea1 it the i4(81n detest es41n141 have h:tppi•ited. Y It was • a mighty mean tiling in lien 11utlt-r t4 go to the mnte Ire oile•rOla t, a.s ent]41te tel..! helpless I.risene•rs lel 1 large peen, then and there make tb • sprat?ell 10 the -in. We thought all tltan.v • Inhuman llnit,,i relishes had bit•en libel= i;he•d in the 11!•1-5x11+, •"Witt was it,' .writes l le•3no1i, "•i1•bn error( •with ell thyfaultsI luta thou Still:, li+eli'I- ;mow who wrote. it, i Mentor, hitt it 1011-'t have l 1 •ti about n itteiiian. !^+611•e•. line, 1hatt. ' a itis :1l thy fai's' eye hair- Owe still.---II46f.' Ib, What is a• Altt:.ol'?le sae word ].' •'.. • e:4'R,f r.4 ae.,::n,'l:ly,o.1 in the mind 11:111 the l• gal ,t:r,M at'tita11:11 1n+•notteliei of the lets4 thr4•.• essalttrioso Snob,- for itA t°lf ane. la': the Ih#r'a E224 India Company. wide's. the (ens two t di it iyn;tt pi -onion et of tf tea. 1'1•.1' l•: the?rth:ail le11,r't'r the 14ra.•.• by il: ire ride . theallele to market. ''thee td,erkinss, of all t1t.•.r old monopolies were opposed to the t'uhlle g(xetl, as thewt•re armlet' in th.' rnalrlleu:lneeew• of high pro. •'t. In Ing - Iand, under the a1aeces^.irs of Henry VIII, they11.111 hemline 4gt nt1111nrntti:(nit grievous, that be; tn•t nit .]:net•, I, .all moat 411®lii's were :1114.11+il(e41 t•xte(4pt1rlr the right t(1 patents, 10 this 114; stnee. been added. in England :tall America, the government monopoly of the postal service. Yet, all railroads tire monopolies in a certain sense and to a certain extent; that is to s.,',. Un rare without practical competition between certain points. 'a monopoly, The ns(tit . 1 t e ofe word i how- ever, as applied to railroad., should he gatalified.by the word natural. Natural monopolies are sae?h because. under 111e free and equal operation of the laws of nature and of the nation, they nniinopo- lixe tl• business by doing it more satis- factorily, annre eetn nnlieaflw. tool )bore expeditioti5lti, than it eon be done by any other rnteans. Insomit(eh as they fail in this, they are not, monopolies. There sunned not, then, be associated with the idea of natural monopolies the old and well-grounded hatred that ex- lsted against legal monopolies. The latter, under the operation of special laws, were operated for the benefit of the few; the former, under the operation of general laws, are operated for the greatest good of the greatest number. There seems no better illustration of the change which has taken place in the meaning of this term in the popular grind than its present application to free competing corporations; and that one, among thte prominent measures of re- form proposed by the "anti -monopo- lists," 1s the absolute destruction of all competition through the operation of the entire railroad system of the country by a ,great government monopoly-. Combination and consolidation being the spirit of monopoly, are supposed, in the public mind, to be opposed to the common good. But they contain the actual substance of natural monopoly, which is such from its merits and bene- fits, and not front privilege. -Gerrit L. Lansing, in Popular Science Monthly.' Antall in Delaware County,. Pte., has .604 hens wide)* produce ti l,titl0 "thicken buds" per ttnnun)•-an average -Iv of IOt; eggs each. His profits amount t0 about *1,000 a year on eggs Alone]. %14 JI 1ttee'tt const .'t In Aenes.a ee,•nnty, '.4.; T., 1121A tle.'11':. 1 t'• ( i t' 1-(('1re forma is itomillehlit. i,' , 1 ' a:_;••.. o�ft, and, therefore. a prL, ate�e gni aura•.', bleb any person a:r!,r1"%e,l 1114+,: right So Abate. 0 Lecturing in 11"sten on the : nu, Pro. f t..o•S 4 > ( 1 atnni 1 P. I.nng'le 1 .4141 that if a eoluhnn of ice haying 't diameter at its base id forty -live ntih s and e•?iteniling lo the moon, were ereeted on one of our western prairies, and all the heat of the gun wore concentrated wttddeitly Mune it, It would melt and become vapor in a single second. A woman relates that site recently sat beside another W1])ll:ln, a, :tea rigor to ]ler, in an Old Colony ear. As the train passed Quincy, the stranger point- ed to the crowded burial -place, so near the track and remarked in a compla- cent tone: "I've got three of the best husbands layin' there that ever a wo- man had." Doubtless some men do enter the ministerial profession for the money they can make, but we read of one Fall River clergyman who supported him- self, his wife and two children on $300 last year. Ten dollars a week won't enable a man to lacy up a great store of this world's riches for his children to fight over. A Phiiadelphia widow finds herself is nn unpleasant dilemma, and thus seeks advice of a local paper: "Being a Widow and about to remarry I would kindly request you to reply to a question at an early date, if possible. I would like to know the proper finger on which to wear my wedding ring, as the one I now wear on my wedding finger is large and does not leave spates enough for another on the same finger. The name of the niatn "who struck Billy Patterson," was George W. Tilies- ton, and his daughter, Mrs. Jennie G. .Covely, of Athol, -N. Y., has made ap- plioetiAn for the reward of $1,000 which the lite Mr. Patterson bequeathed as a reward to the person who should give to his heirs the name of -the man who had struck him. -"Billy" was "struck" in aL fight which occurred in Franklin. N. Y., one hundred years ago. In 1872 nine • mun ooses were intro- ) dueed ntro)dueed into Jamaica from India!, to seo -1' what they could] do in the way of 'de: stroying• the rabbits which. threatened to depopulate the island, because of their ravages of the crops. The result has Wen most favorable. They hare rapidly mnitipl ed, and. it is estimated that they save the island $1,000,000 - yearly, by rho saving of the cros. frons. • the rabbits. • The newest English iron -clad, Con gueror,surpasses . the Invincible; in weight and armor and is said to be proof against the heaviest shots ever hurled from cannon's mouth. She will be ready for sea by April. She is a, tur- ret ship ancl rang of. 6,200 tons, and is fitted with ongihes of 4,500 horse power.' The hull, which is of steel instead of iron, has cost $1,400,000, and the vessel will not be completed much under $1,700,000. a• - Mrs. Laslie's Marriage. In reply to rues:ors as to her marriage Mrs. Frank Les:.e is alleged to reply: "For what reason shouldI ma(rrw? 1 ton making more money than I know what to do with. My newspaper establish- ment and magazines of various kinds, wide!' .the lawyers tolyl me would pro- duCe notltitin', are brin'•iter me an in - corn,: of $150,000 a year, and 1 tell you that when :t woman is making money like that ther 1is no' earthly reason why she should marry ai 111:ui to help hot squander it." One of the roost ominous signs that at man of n woman is likely to marry is to have t'.en1 say that they never will ma ft i5 notorious that when a girl has a. particular aver- sion to Certain style of a: Ili tt.(v^ttether it be a tall one, a short one; red-haired, blue-eyed, or what not, it alrnosOluva- rin;bly happens that that is -exactly the kind of man she :lftertsaids:falls in love' with 11111 marries. the Iirui Dr. Dix, after publishing abook in t•trur..of the. Celibacy of the clergy, went soon aftet and M (111041 •1 1i1'4 8011111 Stnne. poor fellow who hasn't i;,ltilling' 18 biays 'aimsoIr with is 1.011 abi\' destined bit 0 •. ly to be 11Its. Fronk Leslie'scnshi';i• 'u1J husband. l.ntetesting Items. 1Bev. d, Y. Smith ut London. will be one of tine speakert at the (irimbsy Camp , Grelut>><ls i during the sunnner meeting, Buak}en 4Al•uiruSslve• . The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts,Bruis' i es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt 12heutu, Fever Berea.l a Tetter. Chapped hands. Chilblaius,Corns, 41.14? all Shill Fru Lions and positively ours files, i or no lin} required. It is guaranteed to give !perfect satisfaction, or money" . refunded,; `• Price 25 cents per box. For sate bya all drug- gists. a GREAT FATALITY. 4 Tho lavages of Cholera ilrfalttnm and tum- n10r Colaplaultsa]nung children is truly- alarm - ling. The most reliable cure cure is Dr.: Fowler's 11 ilrl Strawberry, Every i:ottte guar- • iWhet)to give satisfaction. 1 The 3.011).itoyat Grenadiers' l;anel wilt en- tertain the 7th Fusiliers' Dane 1 on: tiwir al:- A :vouching visit to 1'oloitto. 44 00 Steward.. a t i-'S;14C• will pay the &mug,. rtwar,l for any e:a e Of I tver44'ia14:a tet l).si 41a,L4, Siek Sir110341• a•el" Int.ligt t.•,s:, (ona:111:1.1 :A our E'er. litenets; ',re cannot cnri".rite 1,57,•.4",: V..,.,44.,.1.,, 1.ixaz 1 kills. wait the tiironit.Ie .4(r..t eicl.:"i e.tnil.@ic , i i lritln, 'i'lnlb i ,1. .4., � r ,:ta..1 1.k . . 'fail to give .ate f ':Y 1.a. �i,.,. a e.itt^.rt 1 Art:,. rbaxe. , cant slit..,; :'t 1" .. :C-. For aar l.y all Drar„1. ts. 1, v.ate :et 4 int',: rf. 1s and Itnitatit•?:sa. `TAS. tic, 1..G_.` #Dt, ll 4. t.'?••1 .'lie`" ;115 Jt)ti=*:Le Z1 :y 1 to., ...I!, ' 1']'11 „....,..o..- :- rete: ' i.l 4ep�. 511 11ie4 Fin t 1 Kirt . i, -n' •, Ont, ' Fitt trt:t%'1 . ' t.,..,; t l',.• ]:ewe ..1 tv. ; •l 411; , la.. ii t 4,f t4 tram, 4,141 ka11t41 I• .1trat4t 11• •It :at:1 P. t yl 1 t ev-r 4 F -. ;, 114tela111.?It tla.e 1'.... , t1a.i.,4as f r Itlu=t titilnic 'It fir. %In -,t. Tithe v.':al na:a' T -1 ,• , CO atl.u* they 11111....4 1.,.lt 11:.,,x- h. , 1en 11 tent' "01,.11461. i '►It:e1l1 11'1 MSG it .lii(t lnlaidi! it roorgeroet,r e'e=ata ,%A. #it. 1.4111 ::1e. ll.,w Di) 1..14 ..u111tiv,tl- in* in dreg I- ',,, :7tat'iii:lit tillle,, 1t .'e1. In 0 40tiin:t )t•nlntt4.r fol tall Jaw 1#afltalutitl.-U. Cato -. t l;e 41 otiti-]n. t'r.Ag14, l It...„fnr.- -, 7$(,:t• 1'I11aot. gni 143ll18i Illjntie A 1'll,if (il'1 I(i:1 ; ' Th. rata of t)rni 4ea ..t i i h, 411 t, of , l'!t0.YllRr°, . O. 1.' , ' +44]1 111 t i4. i' ..r.e? 4•f tlaa lr r„>" 1:1•01,14.11 I !4•.,1. . :"4,:144 '11.1.1 ("4 t �1:1•a/r1►e4 . Il. 1i ..+:, I't .. tr" 414 ••Made 14 bR taut lie it4''14 eit.4 1t"• "..,1,-,11 .10-'11.',, ....1. •lls 4%70- . -sAtata.•n 'will -.41%-': 1,, . tui ut . 1. , a, 114-Q.- 1 11, 2121tiiitIti ii, 1 t° a ' '1 ' t 1 ► txta.,, 1 ay 11 at,,, ,,gra (".• 1101 . 1. 1/,.;-! .,,-,,t , l'ott. ,,,u1,0 4,.l.. ,,,(tt i n 4'..,. n} -.1 -.'11 , at .,,1 - 4,„ .;-t n 1'; 4"11%.'1 ntdfi..:' 4 cl tit asi, el..^ t»: t is .. Is icier!.:.... t f.le-',t,1. s!744,t_.a#,v, 114t'th. - 1,*• Y 14stays! .4 1 11 ;ad ILA. .'d, i, 111 117 ..I lila 1«: lre•41 a 1 .114(1( 444,,' tie 14 .:Co , 44- ', or a. 11. ]0'1414 sr 4t. 41•'14. 4 e• 1 i1 it x•1..#-`. • h 'telt. i P. lay :44,1l t*i 221416-, Ilse Vom .1s„ ;4$14•, tit *Us, .44 a is ,lit holt , .e e:..,,,,.,14.”.. .:14. 1 a:,,,,, l'4'l (,i14 1,2,,..t illitY 4.1.1(e ! , 443 W....4 44-.4,1 , (s°10-4 i ' 141.11.1. V. iia 1 into,#.» f1 alt«^ `°.4 t 14,141.,- '.'1121417 :t 11•• . frim i, .fast 1 ° ,t; ;4:41 a,4.'.(retie. )Ir,11. ttr41 er :(rugine h4.te,4 bus til' n. 'l'ttllr'.41a7 aft.ru alt. Iteruft 94f (]14'144114. 1;t6°:dti"•t nitu°1 t1 4ti� ` 0,0,41 fi....., 11,:,;- the ]nut 1 tut: it lean, add. t'o'te,? 1I. dr'a't Ar''s .' J#'rllff cure h•:,114 the 141!1. Solo I Iret.'ll tot tete ]linter. ,f rt:.-'ut t•.i1 made is, it! 1ta•t l•.eu fi uud to tttnfa111 let nes id !how 1!1.1 j:tti.o,.111e:villei seine inlet isletstie 91 o' 'h• 14e,,•,'+pet'hles daily .41141ed1 to tett prblie. 1;1, ry 1 iti lint 14 4?•($ n lovelier 8'181't8. i bila; 19 de: sAlte.is:) Q. la#plaini. for 8.1(8) it • bees laa(en crudott(a.lt41.nitaf it. (ilitary 1.lot'itel; t:.t•at1i:.hed by trittllleltials honey 100* ir.•d. WW -t' ate ell• t4•fnr4' t1'1tfi41e'1.t (lull 1t4' hare n prep, ration 51001 we *se, 44trr lo the' l.nlelic 1(' e % .• with the ,Ill f ta t n am Let 1,I1 14• f l4 Ite t # 2 x tall) a n If4pP 14111 au nb•tgut e run: Leer 31y.4.I4t'le- 't4itt, Liy(er ('croup:a'rt. Indigestion, Ctoo,tiyot. tons ;and Impure 1rleT.l. Fite trial bottles at .1 W. Browning -a f(.0iito.1e, t i ON THIRTY TUTS' TWAT.. THE V4)Lr,(tc 1;1.1.^11!x„ ,lMar:shall, itielt.,wil send I)n,l)rs's(li rinaatrl;it El.l:vrn...l oLru, 1(4LU1 +8c. TIMIttlitte it 1't,l,(xrtt5is On trial for !lustyslaiys10111411 (V.4111:1;t.rIll 11114.alt)111- ilieteil with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing • speedy and ro'le1$.'te restoration of health and 11410117 vigor, Address as above. N.11,. -.No risk 15 iucnrr.iil. as thirty day trialisall(4844, HEST AND C 031 1'O it'r TO tr HEST! 1+' F X.n X\ o "r ltrown's Household Ptutneea"bas not quid forretlievingpain,butit intern:* laud external It enresl.arn in the`;1.Io,btual:orbomols,,aerethroat Ilihcnr,iattsnl, Teettiatchte,Lnmb.,goand arykind ofapainorache. "It will roost surely quicken the,iluod and heal,a.1 its acting cower Is wonder. tut '•'Brown's nous:hold Piulr.eea' beinggack- • uowledoed as the great Pain Itelicver,nutl of (lou • blotho trcngth ofally other 1 i;cfr or Liniment hallo worhl,s11on1dbeinevery family Sandy for use when wanted; c1 it really is the best remedy in the world for. Gramma in the Stomach, and Pa]n,-nndAches of :111 kind," and isforsaleby all Druggistsat85 cents a bottle • CARD. To all who aro snlreriug front the errorsaud. intliseretionitofyou th,uorvous weakness, early deoay,lossof teanbood, d-e.,I wilt send a reoei f hat will curt you,I'rrI':al' CHARGE This. groat remedy was discovered by a Missionary in SOut1(.(meuca4 Sendaaolf-at lressedenvolore totho3l, Tour:gra'rXax.u,SlafimlD,vetuYorn City A SUDDEN ,1TTA()K. All people:anti especially traveller's. are h ''1e to a sudden attack of 01tolern lfo:bus, Colic, Di:wrllcea and Dysentery. 1'r. Fowler's wild Strawberry is the most prompt and reliable re lnedy known. Lt. Col Cole left Thursday on a. trip to Gr•,nt1 Islalu(1. Wife-What,s the matter now, John Husband -0h. that newotlg:a andtooth- ache near kills lue. Wile --Why don't you go to J. W. Ba.o ing's Drug Store and get n bottle . f Fluid Lightning ? You know it cures all such things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache, Lumbago. Earache, Sore Throat, et.:. It gives instant relief. 4 BEJIAf1£ABLI' 1IES'IOBAT1ON Mrs Adolait] O'Iiaine of Buffalo, N.Y., was given up to die by her physicians, asinenrable with Consumption. it proved Liyer Oomphiint aid ;was cnr4 tl with. Burdock: Blood Bitters Edward Pirkins, who left Galt so mysteri- ously some weeks since is in Detroit, • Are yon tlonbled with Salt Biieum. Bo igb Hands, or Old Sores of any kind that cannot be healed ?Even though it fit of yen, s RUM - ding it1eGregor'tlt P iti t e's Carbolic (;(:rate 11j8 cure it. Be) and the Shadow of at doubt it is the best healing compound ever tonowo Boils, Festeriugs, frost Bite,, Burns or ' any Sk.iil Trouble, are alike cured by it. Seld at 25 cents Iii J. W. Browning• Dinggi4t. 4 A GOOD `TIMB When is the best l imo to take a _blood inn-- ifier? when ever 1ho,blood is foul,and ]tum- ors appear, or when the sys'Cui idebilltetl take Burdock Blood Bitters. I Tir..5,..LTT.; ,. i3'LE TO EV MAY DEW' The Great French Lotion for Ileantifyiug the Face. 1te'.ucealstheevideuea'ofale- (1toa.4a1i- 1exti0n,vill 1:1141(0 the most stub)itilly ret-till.1 rough hands beatlttfulIT sots ana white. 114 x:,eutiwer that" MAY ])L' 1 i.+ n•it 4. :aiaat 4,..t(.on powder that Bit. up 110 pc^res of the skin, at. 1 that is injurious' to the slim but a now 2040 (;react discover y, a veget 11;10 liquid. that eau SI, . the cheek to glop with health, the 1,..1., aitn, a#.tlltanils r 2 riv..^.l't14e Lily in WhitIu- 5"''ai1.1e to (detect in the beauty it e4 zf,? , ,;: artificial c414.1 ttor. It curs- (.r.t.,.; "zi,,;e. freckles. 'tFrii,fclet„ I'dlul+le;. Bieck (rc+^, feet, Blotches, rave 4e (Ira ► 81r- 11 rn 14th Ringworm, Chapped Hauls, 'al'e or lir.: 1. ),.•41hips, Il:t.b4r'.i 11,4: Tett..•: eft^ 14 f;', -t..$ peres,ofl glands -and 1.14:," 5Ir 'a ti.. t11.,effee.•t*,.1lta,vlcr,anal. eu-t..ct., (-e 12y its aaea nil redness ronOnz.y,FaCu 101.tc'd;Itb,alti£esthe iif., $4.52 ftir.tttOoth, and vtitii.. .:C ',a:-1t1t.rtt,c.ng,:a1'erf4 '1y r f t t i s•atlkl.f.l(.5 4 ' (..t , . •r l • • - t t..0t the troll etei^ 1 r :$ t.t. ii tCi A I..txt +t: G o 11 I n 1 it.: • ,.ails( cf l'rit•1^,r"t. #ti: lnr.;,.t.:G^., tele,E a4a.'te-3 f1I••t.e ,t 4.1;1 MAY 1'I't: lr (`.telt.', 4ra-,•r„, ,,: • , et e :1 y I ► 00,00, 0.0101,4,10,00.1,040.04009.04.000.004000000000.00.00110110,00.1.00,0, 0111 1,1,11111 ! xovsa; To the Front as Usual With all the latest Novelties in all Departments Tile place to get everything you want at prices to suit the times. COME ONE;; COME ALL. 'o trouble to show Goods. jA1V[E PICKARD. RENVWNE • LiJ./iiJi/I14.s. HOILOWA�=� P(LLS$D�}�3M1 THE PILLS Po:its. the 11144Wt, 44.i ft -et nil 110'4'( 4111 41i )18• i.1Vl'ti, STOM 11C}I, KIDNEYS, AND 1101\'l';1,S. They Invigorate and telltale to health 1'i('L111tatt'1( otatitttti4,l,,, 0414,1 ".1.' h.lnlnul`I<• iu .41; ('elm1'lShtts incidental to Females of MI ages, For ellil411.0 nal 111•• a;,'.1 they ate. eii,•,1,'4. THE OINTMENT Is an Irtfatllible 111n0dy for Bad Legs, Bad Iltea;ts. Old WY.4ned:, 1010; 1,11,1 :'bels. It 1. fan,..us ter Gout (sloe Ith llutttism. ken nAnnEus or Tedi tefll•t4T 17• Ute- 5.1 1ttrtt., For Sore Throats. Bromehitis, t:'. nils, (a'ltis,(ihan.h'tar Sr:cllia;,•s .and all skin di.ea.,- it has no rirnf ; and 'for cdoral-pen,41 and stili' juintt= it att.Iikt• a elan M. The Pills and Ointment ltrex44141 at 'l'n.eut's 1I.•1 (.'rust's 1:st 1141i.-hlu .nl-, 78 NEW O OUD_STI E [ tete 033, OX1k)1(11•STREE7'), LONDON also by neatly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, 111 Boxes and Pot...at 1.•. 14.1., 2s. lid.. 4s. lite., les., 22s., and 33s. eneb. The 2s. 944. size c.,.,lailts three tithes tilt• quantity of the Is lid, size ; the 4s. 6.1. size six ; the lis, size sixtetxl ; the 22si'ize tl.nty.tin't'e ; and the 338 size fifty-two times the quantity of the -lnallest B..8'.$ teti4l. Fo.t-.. Full printed directions in a affixed to cue)] Box- and Pot, and can be hate in any language t'•' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. It the ttaltb•ess ]s 18 533 oxford Street. London, they :use s('n:Jous. 14 ;:} T ndertaker and: Cabin*maker. � O 'ONE POOR NOR E! M L