HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-3, Page 5p.A.RM. .S --roll-•-�,__._ New & Fresh. —ALL KINDS OF FIELD cf GARDEN SEEDS �st>'rived. Try our 5Oc. Tea. STA 0-1QQBPZ - New & Eresh --ALL KINDS OF— FIELD ] —FIELD If GARDEN SEEDS Just Arrived. Wines and. Liquors Wholesale and Retail, Cozmi i c ,tions. The Scott Act. 7',f Editor' of Ex, Times. DEAR 5111. --Having had the pleas business of Halton tow:as had been ie)ure 1 To Editor of T.r,,ter t intra, Is there a in ton who willerivolnnteor to:41mA orGicorroborate ness that REAR SIR. --It ie my duty as rt gent: statement by submitting !,roof? it'll! lemma to rectify n ttlistalte whielt teas oOTo-- ee le chow by his kr.ks hi what extent his trade made by Mr. Johns', through a min: has fallen off, aril a.,11.1aul}• decline that it is u d t d' between 1 and hand we have the tc•,tituo"1 of so o the g worke3 f J.Doupe& Co IRTO OUT$TRUPS aVERY"riiING h?o8 C]EEEAF GOODS! If you want the bestva1ue for BUTTER & EGGS • n Arg an hug a ;veep hihn my: pups chargeable to the Scott Act•? Olin the other eels, iu adveitisin that I had w e + e urs of reading your vahhablo paper t leadfns merchants in Hilton sal oGr: rgp- at Edy Bros. of London, ►chic!! I had shell thelutthg of the Sett Aot town that their b:i,ine3� has increased, one not. It was not done to deceive any: agitati,:n, I soca tol,.asso to rat c�a that iu Milton to the est, tit t'f *3,0it0 dune;, the body blit entirely by mistake. nithnu rl vo t have olhosen to rolu411u past year, and two in Georgetown to the ex- neutraly.incealf let yeti !lata very in addition to this, in Milton, at nun►li�r of Exeter, ,!11110 St? A. A. IRuby. ! 1 h feet of between S' -e.,000 alhd 03000i each. Aud Yours respectfully gen p.onply °pealed your colu,n"te to now gore!' 111v0 Sp►ungt u 1 within the past the t`tilihe Air the free titsquseton a two feat's, that are &mg a very good trail() - and at the punto timo comptp+a+' with the old cstahlishel houses. Th] this important subject. This IS no donut A question of grave importance IiIRICTON, ods E OYMEyNT a t<iP'• ..Ca. s , WAWA ioiniest1x rats. 04111 N g *Co. isi (avows° Kt. t �nalaep* Fronth 11 Numerics. 325 ACRES. 325 ACRES. THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Salesl„nen Wanted, To begin work at once on Vali Sales. Steady employment at thxe+:t •salaries to ash who are aviliiug to work. MEN AND WOMEN ea:: have p it. a .a°:t WORN TIIF YEAR HOUND. Go„l Agents are earning from et') to FTi.e. uafalitlaitilCspGai .s. i' l etra:x t tau c,aittit fire.. .'t•.aiA' $ S d Egli; ,t- wEr, I.f:�t:'1•os.R•oroitt;, SV3AM ART pAtEERY lo s comp titian won1,l .Ib R 1t(v .I';xrttr Times. ' ,tatnrAlly hall. �1+: t ff'a, nu ler ordinary cit•- Dl>Al, Sin. IV liavc !lege Showa1 i The undersigned begs l o intimate to the I)t'o 'tiG of and it b i ovos ata to�npllronclh it with cauua,nn ra of ]njnrin tlio b,l5ine=d of ole hau�'.�bill circulated by1�Ih. JO" ail due oantiott tlnd r.s ere°t, and glue hou+:re, but the tae•t io1nai,ls that their bus] 1'lioto ra ilho ter and su rQ1uL it our inapt euro th c n0000rathan. A s9 n t te, .e. ii-ineis �t lie " 1 fleet! operator in our gallery tllu�r colllitry that lle has better facilities ref "our foal!, in which £o�, tarn z�n ant fi>st•c1a55 than liel'4tr�fcal'c�. tlllsi� _„ b r has tt e l l r! b I h t f 1 I he states LIeast, M . iiiitl that while uety all. of the s rle, to Have M. i,•.1 Hoot it tar at Itaby y trade, azul yet M . Ilubis ileus not ()vim be=• bee bees Journals In tt a County of Ilttrnn !have a fl 1 1 r hero,. as that 1 licca that for ho Ea a the tea , in liquor is taken n st;tnd for :and lending their in. not stoppei. wto "lnrg,equnutitie; of the sit -gentlemen las never fitteuee to further the interests of the , oat kiu,t of w]tistai$ i, soot in th.. Loves; worked for us in Act', yot pole colon the lip,1.,,tuh' h., `` Joe a whiskey vii! toes;:,' whizla characterizes evert w4 w' 1 pit"o l itself tooth and wail tosionbt it `� '1'hiy any mnttiher what; `tures taken in all he is 1 you would in the inter. i; sohuatllmg whieit, unlike. este of truth, g- ' , t lir. Dodd;t, ►ti, ;IN unable to is all tho Mnrekaarnrising wh sp,alt nntharh• denial, ave tllc etttttnteut a fiat oars very truly, on toiled). up an Who is to lo 1 :' 1 Recount- London Jul Isi 3 i ii.+ ave take into eonsidArot'lon the past able, if whish. ha sol t history of the it,i "or of tit,rt J heal. "er th A,.i win are doing Prevent ata sale ti Ne Usual Styles of the Art ? Is it t.icse who Hell + F .co.f.rdy Brow. t! • + iii •Alt iltl:cir p,i:ver to Life-Size oil Colors self, if not all, the ^�.�.,� - - _ - I Pictures oil liotel•kt eprri tthPi have gaga charged with it- NEVER 1 R t IVE UP, tlh-* vet respcmaible pnsition of Head 1'gat st,Iblig, 111Wt; gore that they here not It you aro troubled withluw end depressed ,llai.ttlr at the it !bless Public ' gtrilty, and we certainty prefer tak If T all! righty it'fornlcd ha latelvheld It;; their sprits, lass of app.. lite, gent, rut debility alis.' rIeLoObb, aposition is avliieit it tt'at? in. !swore wain -sous. to the vapid assertions of •1 • 111.000 , Crayon, or Sepia ardcred gleet! weak conitittttic,n,lmnilaciu�,i,r Th..) N-1,4 0.1N S I. LC 1.t ► ' Y, , - Y r , a elan w io i31 at.a rug halt for ;Tin any disease cif a l,illions nature, bs all means ! � � "(11- ,i � joined upon bun and be watt in duty wog such fagot, what t 1 1 Tl i t a 7, ►tt a}et sc t� . tc procure a bottle of Electric !titters. You will 1 bound to teach temilerence and mor whiskey wen engage Mr, li�ai;ia ata princely beallr rivet! t"a see tlrcrs idiot ru i it t' wilt follow,yon will be insiiiiaa withm Rtreugth and activity will h i•tnrn ; !fain and energy will cense, andheneefarth you Win re taco ill the praise of Electric Bitters. Solt! at C Lutz's, Drug Store. 6 t Qzlery far the purpose of p p p tit ie the Anti al Lowest Possible Rates, Qlity, to frena rho rising generations, ° } }t: g+?hug about the y nt fife, filtin pup IR to take span thetusAlves i country tilling pi in.() that Ffattou Wt. -keep. the rti ioudi[i 4i4ttigs al adult life. I arR aro hablitually aiulatiag�the law by selling C alta thlsst kine! ,sf witm,'y 1€o !: ntia;u t14�; tt;t;eber'e position a! Now surely the public wilt pima aecgnti to none, nut even that of the, more nce in the etatemeuts ministers, and a minister cr teacher; ontaiuetI inepapere publiabed, where papers t the Act is in force, than the !;utter. vaporings of those who know not thing more than thov aro told. by a few hiroltugs of the Anti Scott party, whose whole business seems t to be to crush out the greet and ;nighty temporauca iu4uiniente that is milking such rapid etridea in this fair Canada of oars. Then ngtiiu the promoters of the Aot in this and other counties are fully encouraged by tho following resolutions adopted at a Conventiou of the temporanee people of Halton, held fur the purpose of who will not put !iia shoulder to the wheel and help au a pause whioli baa for its object the stamping out of a aurae which has too long reigned sun• retro in the laud, blighting rho pros• pecks and desolating the harms of thousands, is in toy limb!'" opinion, net fulfilling the be11e81,8 a f his high calling. True the editor of the Re. , Peery), hepta that he is t1,,in ; iliie iu the intoats of true temperance and morality, but I, like many others, inuet contest' myself ignorant of those virtues, if opposing what is oaloulated to check vice and put down dranken-1 counteracting the efforts that aro be- lies, is a true temperance principle. iug made to ropattl the Act in that This Scott Aot will become the law oonnty, Only a few of the maily m- ot the County jf a majority of the solutions aro givon, and run as fol. ballots oast is found to bo for it, and lows all that remains then is to see that its provisions aro rigidly carried out. "' Resolve,! that in Ilio o},iuion of this Con This must and shall be doe. Those n rho working of the Scott Act in the county of dalton during the pest two years r"houses of assignation and dous of has given satisfactory evidence of the follow - iniquity" witt be rooted oul,and those, fug results t--• echo according to the lirfiectvi are so (1) That tho open sale of intoxicating and the public treating system devoid of principle as to break the lacy have been alto - of aha land so recklessly, will be com- pelled to submit to the law or suffer the oousequonce. It is a very la. meutable state of affairs surely, that there eau be found among the lute'. anent and lav; abiding people of Hur- on, men who will stoop so IOW, and so degrcde themselves as to eetnblish suoll houses, contrary to law, and deal in such loathsome dark hid- den Ways. If there are south char- aoters, and the editor of the reflector says there aro, their trickery will soon be discovered and a cheek applied to stop them in their mad career. I have often thought in readiug your totem's accounts of the working of the Scott Act in Halton that it is true n :ran must go abroad to net the hie• tory of his o;vn household, for realty the editor of that, Wonderful sheet pretends to know more about the bad of Halton County, than any other place in Canada. It would be well to allow the Halton New a paper pub- lished in Milton, the County towo of Balton answer this knowing editor in the same language that it uses to. wards E. K. Dodds and a Mr. Bell in its issue of June 26th. It says ;— !" Neither Mr. Dodos nor Mr. Bell cau be expected to know much about the success of the Aot in this county, and it is presumption to the extent of insult to the people here for them to declare'solemnly to people in other "pl'ages that the Act is a fraud and a failure in Balton. -Wo seize this opportunity to correct Mr. Dodds' statements so that when he ap- pears before Halton audiences the people may know how much value to attach to any- thing he may,say upon the question." Then again the Antl•Scott Act party are ooutiuually asserting that attics the passing of the Act in Halton ,business has been almost rained. Here is what the sante Journal has to say with reference to such .state- " Not n tittle,of evidence has ever been iprociuced tb establish the statement that the 1.. 911 Work harcalloi. P.S: Engravilag.ou Gold, Silver. or Ivory ; also Gold • or Silver Eating dnun nu time shortest notice. W. Wt —T. JOHNS, H. HASWELL & Co Wholesale Druggists, Montreal. Exeter Butcherg Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer ---I:i ALL BINDS gather abolished, and consumptiond iof liquors LYS 1 A_ 1 S 1,A5 materially dlm]lli]led and. crime greatly lessened. (2) That whereas we have not lost coufid- Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- euce In the Scott Act,obut are confirmed in DAYS A;tn SATUBDAYS at their residence. our opinion as to the good results of its en- forcement, and also that' it is an excellent ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE stepping stone to prohibition, wo pledge aur- OEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. selves to resist to the utmost of our ability any effort to repeal the law in this county. (3) Eosolved, that the information receiv- ed from the delegates attending this Conven- tion from every part of the county justifies ns in expressing our confidence that in the event of a repeal vote being taken the Act will be sustained by a large maj ority. (4) Resolved, that the thanks of this As- sociation are he;eby tendered to T. J. Star - ret, of the Halton Wens ; H. P. Moore, Acton Free Press ; Mr. Neolands, Georgetown Her- ald, and R. C. Orr, Oakville Independent, not only for their able and consistent advo- cacy of the priueiples of temperaube, but for the honest and truthful reports given during the past two years of the working of the Scott Act in this county." I have included the last resolution to sirow the public Hint I am not quoting from an unrecognized author ity the Halton News, and also to show that in that county nearly the whole, if not all of the public press is in favor - of the Act,'ttud that those who wish to misrepresent the working of the Act must resort, to outside journals. In conclusion, I would urge the pro• meters of the Aot in this county to renewed exertion, and not allow themsblves .!o be over -awed by the loud boastiogs of the opposers of it, nor to, cringe in sympathy, to the pathelio elamourings of the liquor in• tereat for.00mpeusation, but go nobly forward and victory will crown your efforts. i • Yours sympathetically.,. Cliuton, Julylst,'84. Boo Asn. " TIME, 'ITS :VALUE. To -day is oars, why should wo care ? Today is ours, why should we fear ? To -day is ours, why should wo sorrow ?. For the gods belong tomorrow, T herefore for today, chew GoM Coin Toll.. aoco is the best.., SEED, SEED, SEED ! Tho undersigned offers for sale at his Store- house, Exeter Station, the following varities of seed grain : • WHEAT. White Russian per lb Lost Nation " McCarling Johnston Peas Barley Clover Seed Timothy 11 e1 40 1 25 1 20 1 20 90 60 7 50 '" 2 25 J. SWENERTON GEO. WILLIS. THE EXETEE Planing Mill! SASH, DOOR, and DLID -YT0T! ALL 'KINDS OF T U,R NING Done to order. Rememberit1e place. 3 vez "tk HOwaxd. STATION -ST. • SAM 1111 PHA GENERAL DEALERS --TN AN2D— ===FANCY DIW - 000.1 )S C2�t�TH2NG Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes GENTS' FURNISF3INGS, 1111111111 110 N�VTIE (.) CUOC CUASS \•1 \ AXIS GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS, ETC., ETC., Full Lieges in all :Dep rtments„ Do not fail to' examine our stock before purchasing else- where, as you will slid prices •cort•eeb and Goods fiirsi cltiss. Inspection Invited. SAMWELL '& PICI ,ARD,