HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-7-3, Page 4culvert, $40.. The Council adjourned to Meet on 22nd August. S. FosTEu, Clerk. Following is the prize lilt of an in - The nem loan s of the tere;1ing aeries of sports and games oam Isillob year Lormaltcv,x l+3 heti to conducted at Luean Tuesday: Run - �s Wee. It lie iii liter . " jlf of 9r.luat i,ng liiglt lump—. -1st, A. U. Reid, 5ft l dill,; tad, Ii, J tacretl, 5- ft. 3 in. Rnu- he Hoods for Wr 50101r''ft*�tailled its :lug"' Iona juuap--�].at: A, G. Reid, 201 ft the last session of Parliament. The publio debt maturing .at 5 par cent,., the Canada 1 o &' Railway lean, and other public veceaeities, make these yards -1st A. 0. Heid, ; 2nd, >i.Eac- loans ?i ecessary. A,ud they wit! no' . y material!; add to, if indeeio they do raft. 1.00 yard racy open to all --1st' clot ovebcuelle very great clecrease,the A- C. Reid, 29d,11. Bacrett. !loss public burtheus. race --let A. McLellan; 20d, E, Ste►, Tile average interest payeblo on our ley.. Gide' race --le , Lilly Baerden; debt on Leaden has gone down from 2u4 Maud Gutlfoyfe, Uitoh.and-Iliok 5 a5 pie teal, In 1841 to 4 37 per —16$, A.- Q. 1teid, 8 ft. 11 in; 2nd, cert i'i It+s , and lila deeltne from N. Motesughliu. 8 ft 4 in. Polo 11 in. 2nd ,N. McLaughlin, 18 ft 7 in Standing len jump—let, A, C. • Beicl, 9 ft, 8 ill. ; 2m1, N. MoTetugh- lits, J ft. 51 in. Hurdle race, 150; 1 7:1 in 1878 to 4 '3"r in 1.).. * is very Yoolt�-.l at,C*, Golding,; 2414, J. D. Til irks I. 4 La 1878 we .nil more ill,McColl. rut Itlal:, rzu4--1st J.Aflatns tereet f wr less deist then we did in Amateur 100 faros race ---let it.'. 1%1. Thus . Escrett ; 'Yid, Clea S1,g11)9' Vont- about'' c' �i ; ? by t lifts jttsl ming flop step and gimp --=-lets. A. C. Boat & Shoe Shop, wondering what hint! of bads tmt....t.,,....,,:....,. :+,730,;01 liti,•tl ft. cal rtcttit:,g la4at, �+•.�.., - 1tliose were that went by the I ARIKETR $PORTS. (Corrected at5d'elocl:p.ux. Wednesday.) 2X0.1. 1SiU 4T WhiteWizc14 t ,.. 105. to 108 iced 104o108 Wltlto Wheal. $w ., . .. 0 00 to 102 Hod it heat New 000 to 100 rttt+r wisuaT Pito (hew) ... ... .. 105 to 1 10 Harley 050 to 050 Oats ... .... 0 boar to 0 35 Clover Snea ••- .. 700 4o 7 40 Timothy .-- •• 125 to 2 00 1'044 •-• .•- 060to070 Corn -. ... 060 to 060 Eggs .. (411041-1 L3:ettei . C 10 to 0 16 Flourpsrl•bl 4 00 to 5 5e Rotatoes,per baf. .•• •• . Q 50 to 0 60 :lppplea,perbag • 0 70 toe 75 11rmdapples l+r k .. 0 04 t 0 0 00 .,ee:o per lb. . 005 to 0 0s Turkey per lh ... ... 0 07 to 006 rine tcs perm ... ... 0 50 to 0 CS C hiekene reg lir 0 „�a to 0 3t) clogs dressedpea 100 ... 700 to 7 50 Aee! ,,00 to0C9.. �laestonhb. ." ... ... 500 to 6 001 '• dr. Vaal' . 6 50 to 0 75 ?ae:,11 471. Baal' ... ... 090 to 1 00 1 e_alfskine .. o 50 to 0 70t Wool ler ll, 19t 0e0 ' ,fit nee porton ... ootonsnexbu;t Wood per cor.1 PBBOPE12TY tIrsT For Sale comfortable f:atne dwaliiug, ono and a halt Story, standing ou of an re of land. situated on Andrew St Tacitle clear For foil partioa:aes, apply to Atli GEORGE HIEMP, 1°0lOng.st., East. iiarollt(x C t i0to0C� • •osteo osco Hallo, You Muter. New " W'hat are you thinking t.,.---e, flee; :t ii ,:1.::e..M.1.`2i1.t15 Reid , 44 ft, 7,. in.. 2nd, N.',iteLanel ., i. --1st J, D. {llt;�'�al, 31 11. tt to. ;tel. y window there.'' t6 Perhaps if 1$•;'3..1) lily t in LAI l,�n..l 13018 Oki flit real,.., ,401.074 N. : 1 tfeLetiehti.i.ft. 4 i�:. For Sale. A well deished and convenient Dwelling House and bet onHuroti Street, Nest of Ala)ustreet Exeter. For particulars apply to Alit. 11 V ELLIOT. Sottettor dco Exeter W N EDAc's ., -to sell TITNISON'S New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts As payingas any agency in the world. For full p.,rtieula).s,(roe,address %I. e.T>:NI.SON.. clap Publisher '?651tiohIno tit st S,ondon,Ont,, The Seegmiller Plows. S. POWLL }laving ale: del t e!)ro lois preseut stock of the abovt. plows, will sell FOR $13 CASH, and $14 ON TIML Veil :0 PAYS'. you would describe them 11hn r ,„ tau b.. *ecu at the bultu„g 5oppo�- !!alit atone—let, J. l'. sIcl"oll, 4e f'. nee t...., i a tee,. I::tet.1 hl:, ► la.tl• l.. might,helpyou.), “yes but ice Bascdeve Marble shell. (A few doors. ai.14., • • • • • • • • • • .. tt•.7 8! its . ;`1etiEj, :i a ll oLenglein, 8 f°. 4 3'ett:�utt'4 til•, g eco tet poor.) where 1:0 SCareely of It pont! look at Fontk of the market.) Pr...ra t i11interest ....... ... :,:" n 1,a tri 3144'4,- •t'.t Acinic nt ostle�, 4 wt, tile111, OlilS' 1 Blew one was Pr'f1 t :.: d rr) lit al;t°;ts:; rept in »leek. III.•}.'}o:tIs• '°" liabilities R +it f }� ,rout !cane s urn Jiitlges1 U. 1'. tt iu'.:.ati Aa i W. #',, ` l 11 White { tl being t,enu: its :l a . 9.1 f ':tQ,^. s : ,, . 1`'tdi'' i11t6'n+lin''' "Al" n l't°11aad will du 1,n; Isnusry. .1' 4'5.st 4+ r1's :A 1tlt,,T Elf triter loci .T'ei:lc Ci#l,t:iitletl,r other nearly all Pink, and the typal4 f1 POV 5LL. Eta td,$a . t t .!)scant . 1 t t Stanley o+int.•.,.. ...t31,.i,J,431 bcstll:ittaslll nftl t'a;,;,v !sae s:c,lt lteIGive !cull a t•'lil. I,r•�a tiia'� n- 1""cot' f 7�; •'nt �, , 4 * 1 had lots of plumes on Clair nearly )' R it a :!lit, l4 Rile Sewed Werk a Speciality, wen t.1 mil , eaxiP. .t.,.......e 1... .. ...,.,,t,i BDI Thi.', ----^-^ heads, and round their 11eeli£ w r ► r n r r �c-r -r s n . .............. • 9•.,'4 507,377 , ante -wee fair. The b.iseb:tli ltnatolt 1' 1 1 ~;lila looked to me like bog . ► �. 1N D; ti utc;r4 rasY.Ible its f. •l:.ian..5 3 '1*'.°134 . betlr. n the 'nett Leine of !;!tests: :tats ; l+,ccka psy::h1e let Canada ", ?,++5�i wag woo by Limn. man. Satre. 23-16. 530,519,922 _ .. __ . ,, •• _.. _ Ikbeuttlrs Pa:Pan its Cntlatta.• 9514r4° Clipltero of IIc cz all, fora silYa: r up':. t cc Hat 11tL 1 iia. • Tile Scott Act• It ie obviene that ea rephtee such r. - 1 from London ; they carry the ken :t three and It half per cent., will sins cGP eased thirty tlirRe of ouch NOAH �, have been won by the termpitt:iiee -_ 4'1 ettt:. 1 the outer a Pink N'un's Cloth; the tea coati* of itaietest Evil tyle pnblie ; party. The total number i t votes d¢b' c t the t tl forty r t "f ' ri '��{�► anti those collars are the let- est. In London they are cal- 4letl Elora collars (because they look like them), auti in Toron- to crazy collars (because the ladies are crazy after til ern)." 'Well, that beats cue, Huy well I declare, why those GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. were the Misses lean tti:t that at five per sept„ wall a' "Ther© hag bon fatty re=nt anon. , StSle I tell you. I flaw them; et x'ct a ver•; c-usi+lt',rdWa sAvtug is Ione had on a.'1�ltite Muslin, The f.t.siai of the liecilasary ,:?:?,,= as for a me ill tt+aa ar y c..n.ae a w as WOO aurin , tf t was 40,103, ftiA the total number . 00.0161) for the Genetift R..oifio Rett against 26,014 givili . tt lu•ti•artty for «lilt• a t' churl: dna-, to hi -4 unmet one way tarn rayl nut be without its fitlatt-: the Act of 22.15S. ee ••'lucre, forth;, fact 111,4 rel patronage tial advaut.sges. 'Pita sato ie a Inau, j The fallowing ceeetiee in tits D.►- 1tim. and b n� 1, making i�fi. for which wo have aeoarity. Tyro"minion are getting ready to snb:nit + rTNv4ntf•i:te, which ui a !erg.' - cent, 1 t Ito � 4 tii1ti11}', on fad,H'll1 ills inhale* weieb. may perhaps borrow it Stormont, Gleurarry, and Bandage •'- �` () '%'� I? T N cowpane- Nay a per cen , to the ure Act • at 3,, and in that Daae Altera will be Onterio, Norfold. ¢ !tassel and Pres. until futfltrr notice, tit the following l eye sight ht must be, failing me, a very eneisi':ierttble gain of interest. l Dolt, 'Rork, C'ortli• curium. reel. ; t The 1168 loan lute been uegatiatedGreenville„'bill x could spot those collars Lambtoa. Leeds out: „ Ander certnia disadvantages. Thee i '- ,' OATS SIX CENTS PE FAQ all right, "Never min t►11 g al•ucat , Harem Lennox iota Ad.' 3f a t actual iiapressioa, however :!calci, in l dington, Gley, Bruce. Prince Ed. R An,l for all oilier arsine (Pots excepted), go up to canton Brothers anti baoine9a has been msgni&ed by the ' ward, Birent, Neut. liorthutnberlend SEWS they will show you all these gra t?d: ' ,,. , . , Oppo,ltttn, and this exeggeratic.i�lua's and Dubuc. Elgua, Davin. Brut. I.:� (l.h l a I 1 ii DAG. cr t ilaii l.s effect oil the market lti Lu new tilint s, for Bare a ` ` ` g' lard. :ll, Th::,nlatf, ;llitteilraex. In :and. It itt obvious of course that ° Quebec: Artirabaska, 5Lef1'urtt, colli'TffESUA ,THURSDAY +i SATURDAY, Dile Q.1 new summer goods jut (;lulls 13 caurageautty bearing great ; $taustead. Ili Nova Scotia: Jot 10011 1 Aro n.,' t,•gatlia•eriitlin;;tlays bnrthen+s in the laudable effort to de. l ber g. valet.' the Nnrth-\Vest anti oouneci rho ; Ata meeting of tho Licensed Vic - two oceans by rail. These efforts are loaners of the County of Huron, held 'TERMS at Clinton, an association was formed for the purpose of opposing the:pass. age of the Scott Aot in this county. The new association has been called "0 The True Teneporenco an -bill. Scott Aot Association," and the follow lag gentlemen were appointed officers: President, Wm. Clegg, Wingbstin-- who has deolinet'ithe position ; Vice- Preaident, Gao..h . Jackson, Egmond • ville ; Secretary, L. Thorne, Seeforth; Treasurer, N. Robinson, Clinton, and Hay. a managing Domniittes consisting of John Dineley, Wingham; Fred. Fray, The Court of Revision met par Brusdele ; Geo. B. Cox, Gederieh ; suant to adjournment ou W edneglsy John Farmer, Exeter, and Jaa. Bloom 25th ult. Clinton. We understand the new as - Moved by Mr. illoEwen, eec by sooiation have arranged for the publi- expensive, and we tatt00% expect all the world to thing of them as we do. But in very few years, pechaps in two years, we hope to see the world recognizing the wiedotu of the Can- adian OaTerutnont in undertaking great W.)1116 and incurring serious tea. poneibilities for the sake of accam- pliehing for Canada the destiny of ti great and prespertlus country. --Tor-' onto sled. Mr. Surerua that S. Lot L. R. E., catigyi of a paper to influence the pub - be taken from 3. Billier and assessed lie =din their favor, conies of which to Edward and Zereok Briaseau & are being circulated each week grail: - that John Carlisle be planed on the itously throughout the county. Roll as Farmer's Son. Moved that the Court of Revision (:ol3ileil Dainss, for 188:1 be now closed. - ---- ,A.t the call of the Reeve the Council • The 3ouneil met by order of the Reeve et the Market House, Exeter June 80th, 1884, All the members present. The minutes of the:previous meeting were read and confirmed. The assessment for watering a por- tion of Main otreet waa examined. Mr. Picicard's asaesement was placed at 125 ft. frontage on motion of A. G. Dyer, sec by D. Johns. Mr. R. 1)avla' assessment was placed at 60 ft, outage on motion of W. Bissett, t•ec by- J. Pickard. Moved by' D. Johns, eec by W. Bissett, that the assess- ment- of li,,Lembroke be struck off.— Carried. A. by-law to levy and ool- leot water rates was duly rend and passed on, ;notion of W. Bissetf,sao by A. G. Dyer.e ,. `Moved `6rr J. - Pickard, sea by D. Johns, that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized • to borrow $1000.00 on tlie'credit of -this torpor. ation t3 meet current expenses.—Oar- rood. Moved by A. G, ,Dyer, sec by D. Johns, that E. Fultous aeoonnt of $147,93 for lumber bo paid.—Car. vied.—Moved by. J. Pickard. eec by W •Bissett, that this Council adjourn un., til call of the Reeve.—Carried. �1 M. L' AOAETT, Clerk. met for the despatch of business. The members all present except Mr. Heyrock. Moved by Mr. McEwen, seed by Mr. Surerus that S. Rennie be in • structed.tb repair the side road be. tweet; lots 5 & 6, con 8. Moved by Dir. IVfcEwen, seo'd by Rannie,that this Council do make application to the Lieutenant Govern or to cause a survey for the purpose of establishing the position of the true Boundary Line between Lois 8 4 5 6 7 & 8 in the 17tH con, and Lots 28 2425 26 27 & 28 in the Lake Road east con, marking the swine by per- manent stone boundaries under the direction and order of the Commis- sioner of Crown Lands as provided for by chap 146, sec 43, 44 & 45, of theft, S. O. Moved by Ur. nannies seo'd by Mr. mot wen that the reeve and Treasur- es bo autilotized to borrow $500 to pay currant expenses till the taxes are collected. The following aeoounts were peered: John Maga], cedar $9.95 ;'J.. Cook, Stat -labor refunded $4.00, J. F. Shetler, making onlvert, $12, J. Bonthorn rep. con 2, $14, N. Deich, ert boarding indigents, $1.75, M. Beelilor. malting Calvert, $8, H. C. faction or money wilTbe refunded. Baird, •3- :ecrapers, $18.50, Hart & Survival of the fitest. Down's Elixir has Co stationery, $9.00, G. Nicholson; outlived every other cough remedy simply (teaser, $1.20, G. Morcel., building because itis the best, 9, 1.'6 At) o"o l�r r) rr! gra ?z as! oo er a 'orf ?0 14, O+'147,4, . e 611 /et ere Jek I+.,ek Every tiottleot Arnica & OilLiniment sold' is warranted by the proprietors to give satis-. Strictly. Cash. :c. B.—Flour tt: Tced sold at a close mar. lu. Don't forget to give its a call NCAA,,' pR?sl, Dashwood, Feb's. 7tb, 'Si TUE KEW `INVINCIBLE' SEEM WASHEn I —IS THP— KING of ALL WASHERS (Patented in Canada, July 15,1883.) • iii•. C, Rau wishes to inform the inhabi tants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has sole right of this washer for Huron County, and also that he has appointed liar. Robs. Pickard agent for Exeter, and any person wishing .tc see the Machine, will please call at the Exeter Tea Store. It was thoroughly tested, and itt merits approved. before tho patent was ap plied ler. It has siuce been placed in com- petition with a great many wnshei s of note, and in every instance proved its superiority. It is, without a doubt, the most perfect in action ever invented; the improvements are .prominent and well clofned ; they are Lot imitations with a slight change of parts of some old niayed out patents, such as the public are often fleeced with by Patent Right sharks, bat they compose - an original add genuine invention, containing distinctive features, whichare fully set forth and claim- ed in a legal patent that will ]:Dep infringers at a distance. Few Reasons why the `Invincible' is' Best 1st. Only one-quarter the amount of soap used as with other macbines. • 2nd. 'Only one-fourth the fuel. 3rd, No lobo in comparison with - th machines. 4th. No wear and Oar, 'po steam and soap ate the priecipal agents. . 5th. It requires only one-fourth 'tine Limo to do a washing.• lith. Tho house is not.. in an uproar with slops, -washtubs, pots and pans, at least one day out of each week, . - C. RA.U, " R. PICKARD, Agent, •' Crediton. • r Exeter. ill ; Com '' aild see those. col- lars, 'Cream Bunting, Pink Nun's Clotll,lwlso Cream!, Pale Blue; Myrtle, Navy and Bik, Spot and Stripe Muslim, White Brocade Satins, Darn. ell Laces, Ostrich Phllnes and Embroideries. Oh, Illy 1 we can't tell you half about thein but visit' the enterprising Dress Goods and Novelty House of BANTON BROS. and you will see. u1 5) 0 0 DOWNS' ELiXIR N. IL. DUWZ%W' V:.'Q::A3L5 3A.4111:C ELIXIR Inas stood the test for FrFTy-T:ri:sl; YEAits, and has proved itself the bast remedy known for the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Col ds,Whooping Cough and all Lung Diseasesi:t young or old. Sou) Price 25o. and $1.00 per Bottle. bl,i113 £SNMOC 4115022i6110251 DOWNS' ELIXIR ��,, 4: LNNENT & TENNENT, Vototi• limy Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College ,Toron to, have op• ened an office for the treat meet of all Domestic An im els, on .Rain Street. Exe. ter. Calls from a distance .,_... •.._��--..,--.promptly at tendedto. iliediieinosfor Horses, Cattle, &c. always on hand. 000. argon Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he lilts opened out a Boal and Shoe Shop iu the (Amine. Storo North of Barnwell & Pickard'n, where he is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MAN SON Late Manager C. Eacrett'sBoot and Shoe • filatablishment. May loth 84. { �AMil *ecu wiillTavo neF an O 14•411.• 1 • llael.utu eg It+: ttF its^.; Laraine,. T.A 1�: DTNE±� 1 a t .:.•t t �+ :•; at 141t the I►e.11ub otlhllli ti.. tp sisO it it'trhdd fairs sinoo' 1'7o', Carr\ ingoir first t rig s and ttzo,tatilln c+rery iutttnnce. 1t .,tlkb t �. 1 611 1"e.a 441 E 1:slot H' 40'1 , art 1 win out - weer lot l 't8Y r.r ctistor e'il, arid w•arra•oted net. to rl..; t . „•alta te.0 e1:e8t nlaebinrrt" You Bili save Metas c l+} u�tnhtl6i4 tl:i. Tey It and you +till tv4.t it) illy ir. t+irt,r. Ilotcaro of Iulittttione -• tksurtwrcu T o?4TX 11r -,- /Coon Bros. & Co., Toronto. 1 Oa'. .1,:. 1.1 BISSF.l,L i;ltOK., Exeter ; .I. I:TI,It1:R & SON, Crediton ; 11t�tafl;�l':LI.4.• WAUGH, Banally The Mania c Lnklucs Glass 1,,* I' reel 314:1 o lw1 Couple. WIMP it Arch Watt a„ Hint:10 utast or .roUuul ti read Ibis rue uhu r 1 :'o i ..veto all whotil the t..ret time enter the ineiricd etntu it s limply ttNECESS1J.Y. Tl,•y roust have tt nor sass tt,t. a .outx-tit•! #liven hero but it i enough to Any the rook contains ell the eec rote relating t.' ut.aly married ooupies. Other', who eviler it t..bear the coneoquoR- 0011.1V1 it l-, unl; Intended for those who whb to know !tow to eec alter the knot is tied. .:very anon couple should hnvo It, anol as It costs only apaltry 25 cents, or 3 for 00 etc. Every one eau have it by reu.Itting stamps 01r elver and thio slip to AWKINNEY,Yarmouth, .,.- Novo ysotia Clearing Salle 1 Back's 016. Stand. (2 Doo e north of Post Office) Sutter and Eggs Wanted .Its Exclittiige for Goods. We are selling Goods at ,Wholesale Ptices. A idea assortment of Dress Goods, Ready- made Clothing, Sugars, Teas, Currants and Raisins, at a. reduction of 255 per cent. on former prices ; Cashmeres 25 to 50o., Prints 5 to 10e., Nnns Veiling 15 to 20c ; all shades in Figured Buntings 10 to 12e,; Kid Gloves for 75e. worth 4125 ; Parasols, 25e to el. ; Children's Hose 5 to 100; Men's Stiff felt Hats, 75e.; Soft, 50o. up ; Overcoats, el, $6 and $7 ; Tweed Snit 40.50 ; Coat e3 ; rants s2.; Tweed from 50 to 75e; Boots and Shoes at very low pric00. JOHN MATHESON. May 29th. New Drug Store W. H. COULSON, Wouldiuform the inhabitants of tho sur- rounding country that he has opened out i • In Hepburn's Old Stand, \' A Complete New Stock -OF— Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Dye -Stuffs, Spices, Perfumery . Fancy Articles, Flavouring. Extracts Special Attention given to Dispensing. Remembertlee place, W. H. COULSON, Corner Store, Opposite Central Hotel.