The Exeter Times, 1884-7-3, Page 1NMI
XI., No.. 44
and reprietere,
�-- Just Received--
1 A. boy named John Convey went wife. Gregory °emitted.
with some companions in the °anal A Portland (Origon) telegram says:
1 ou Monday itt Montreal. The lad S,ttnrday two boats sspsised et the
thing. The next building to eatab
was a lames frame stable belonging to
the Central Hotel. It was soon burn•
I was seized with cramp and drowned mouth of the Oolientbis River, Cap- t ed down. The Cezttrel Hotel next
bafot•e aasistauce could bo renderee. tam Q#eer, a< piopear Mitten of Astor. caught fire in the upper storey,
'file btpdri of a ansa) valued b'reder- Sam. Blair, James Qrisig and four George Bailer's two-story hick build -
ick sIaaiten, who Was drowned abous others, unknown men, were drown- ing, used as a grocery below and
le week ago, in the Rideau, teas cis• ed. dwelling shove, wall soon one mase of
- i
coveted il,aating iu the -titter, During the steeple chase race at flames, The Tecumseh Hou8o,a fottr-
,a>aaai>atri, p A young mast tae n (date nudity, Foepauglie circus, in Detroit, two storey, 111411.7414 roof, veneered brick
;duce rec rttutzod Its Dennis Daenelle home tare's' their riders, who were, bnildtni , :'tables and plied:, owned
ti tla k f th eahoaq- of Mout eM , a
itfra, Smit , e floc , o a r 1 rr s resat over this after• wromon. One of the horses felt Rad and occupied by air, F. Frey;, being
I noon bya 0.j? R. traits near Ilocltel- broke it* neck bet throw its rider in the next building to the south also
er G. iii, Nelsen, caailtnitte�I :visite . ,� g �
llaudean, ago, The deeeaoed n.i+pea, ed to o e each a wale that she escaped isithout took fire, end in spite of all klieg te to
SgRR,ISTE,,SQLIIfiCRreto etIt is said that the ,teaches aarrougst
tde-ed on the traiik before the tram anyserioue tnjnry, The other drag- Aare theta?, were completely burned to
the shad its Lake Ontario iv a fnngui 1 ruo1; him, at no attention W4li paid god its rider seine distance. the ground, 4 part of the furniture
°face instanwo sietocx. Exeter, growth, I' to the repeated whistles gtve:a. The The action of tale House of Repre- and stool; woo. awed. The followiug
Fergus hotel kaepara refused to en. bony wart tc+l'flat$ torn up' tale Neeeentnttsos upon repeal of the pre•ern Are the Losers : F. Frey. leas ou build.
tertian' delegates to A Scoff ?1ct C011- i being tin. , ;:',y dastiugnisllab a faat• ellen taws metes great elute• ing and stock, $0,000, insured last
volition licit s't flail town on Thuya. u►'a, meat among eettlerein the north. $4,600, George Banker, I: sa cf build-
dey. Aa atrccions (intim, a art ; erl'etrnt- , west, Proteats ars being sent to ing $2,800„ on elide of grocerioa
The steamer, Annie Ca Rig, eeilieg ea Saturday' uieht by a. craw of the 1\ esbiagtau from *11 tlireotious. $1,000; iaisnre(l far 2,200, Tiiaa,
ear Toronto on Lake Ontario, erns crew of the berk Li lv 1�llibenk, et at- ' At ileal l,ttentl, near TialtIaaore,Md. Mo0nlloata, barn* sod tso:s, losfi un
footed to sort a wilt oat of her course lobus Nfd, Title broke Matti filo Capt. 1�la t stool; nn;1 tools, $vOO ;1oa;i oar form-
itoinatt Gatohd thatch S y f lure, etc., ,,enee ; in4itrat s0 c p Rkaek,
$300. A. Miekue, Ies* oil building
Col Middleton fobs comes to cont favid damage to Central lintel, $2,100;
Maud the militia cooed of (lana b , rtaactuary, and wile( i.e, (leseerated i the ionic blowing fun baggy witil the insured, T. O'Neil, damaging by re.
will stall from kingland on Thureday tllec Murch, Five lamest: Imre been i child in it over the tier, Re sprang ono fol ()Vetoer stock and furniture out of
ea for p�nset
Glace cloak.
Tooth ex-
out pain,
tltoaJountyalJuron. (bloc. apposite to
)rir.I •(larliati'setoxe,F.profer
11 F. BROWNING M. D., M. 0
a P.ti.taraduateVicteriaa,'oirrp;r,itt• iaffi:c
udreaidence. doff «lopl4s.torat0rr.11eeter.
nit, 3. A. ROLLINS, 1�I. 0. P. S
A. Offtca, )falu 6t-I•.aete=r,Out. Residonc0
liw.•uve recently occupied by P. ;,IePlhllit'e, Esai.
i LUTZ, M. P„
• ofq,rathie reaiene Fxettr•
VE1t1iTY `rrtntt)Coll eg�isu'l-erCellego
pt(TilRtana .'i't ver. moons Out..efaceEirkton
iMl'ORT. N1'.f°TICES.
neer lialesptoauptly ettendadta. Aaysof
calesarrencedatthte office
.TENRY EILBLR, Liceused Ano-
ttaneerfor tlay,Stephen and McGillvray
Tuwmtii'iea. SON; pon,tuctcd ai.moderate rates.
nice—At 1'oet•ofitoo,Crediton, Ont.
tattler the Hutu & Erie Lein '•!faving*
Seelety. Low ratesoltnicresi. Apply to John
Speck= n ,1.3 xetor.
J. CLARK, Agent for the Us -
Company, Residence—Farquhar, Orders by
mail promptly Wended to.
tl 1n the Court of Common Plotts-hoods,
WVilis,]forteuges Lcasce,and all forme of agree-
drawn and executed according to law.
OFFICE—Lithe CentenuiaiHotel
't ONkole 'lO LO4N AT 0 AND Gte
1 per coot. aecurtiiug to forma. I'rivato
Panda. Apply to
t]et,boii:;, tiD Solicitor. L•'xatei
to avoid the bnllete from a veltanteer
rifle range.
' i e drove 10 t$te wharf rata
1• sof t Alar to his 4 -year-old eon. He left the child
Si. titaiy'e Bay. deitaulislte:l the furni. in the buggy for a ruoufegf, iia oa
lure and the nppotuttnnatr of the turning around was horrified to vee
made, G ft ,
Protoasor1i, A. Arnold says in a . The speelel train cuuveying the t turned oyer its it fell, and, it le tits- Danford, stock of clonic,, etc., total
letter to the Live Stook Jocrnat of Sixth Fusiliers been 'tontteel to `i"o.' nett stuuned the child, as he did not Nee $1,�I, insured for $500.
Chicago thee "Canada has become the routo, Hien exesing tits so Mien west ries to tate eurfaoe.
greatest cheese roductiug country an of Belleville S:inday,cellided y The bailer in Von Beltran & filtaff- lf,t itti)fug and Cyclone.
the continent, if not in the world, era with :affil partly wreaked a freight
proportiolt to population. train that wO. fstet,•tiug cin t
Two largo.eaoks of gold, which it Three car+ ware ba'ily amaubo(t and
took sevorat TOO to handle, arrived et their conteuts a;csittred ab>nt, The
London an3auda7 forlhelocalbraneb •special was not injured, stmt the All were heals of families. Pieces of Arty end kilhug asevereti posers and
Beek. of the Federal' Bi. ibis is to track was swan cleat ed. boiler. inecbiucty hall bultldmg were lards meant of live st'e'm. At Mut-
meet any run -which may teles Once, The Montreal 8'Uhee«as ratuarks filet throwu half a mile. Uta piece of boil- rnyvillc, Pa., A boy named Wolfe and
coral er seae$thro;vw agstust a dwelling a four horses vera atruok by lightning
to trard but too late. Tba vehicle . Central Hotel, '700 inured, k;
rte sidint;
et'a flour mill, atrykar, O., exploded _-•- --
on Saturday oveulug lrlovriug to MOM A. terribte thunder storm pesse.d
it burying over 80 RM. Ekren over. a IportiOU of aettt:tu 1'UI Usyl.
were recovered in :a dye condition., Tam and easter Ohio (imaging prop.
After *thou% four all attle' drilling, in couunarciat curies tet -
tt bed of salt hebeen struck at lasting at tttia 1r11t+tnea,t is an + whole quarter of a rade distend, taking the , A l instantly killed, A younger
Courtright, ata depth of 1,635 feet. oce of the eTieerfolnt'ae and cora once roof away and seriously Wining tarn brother of tete boy Kae b•Idly binned.
The salt bed vraa reached fiat nlgtat cuing to the bright 011111ia i; of the oocupauts. The cause of the exploa. , At Wayneebury, Pa., gins, Josie
About, 12 o'clock, rid by 7 this morn- crops '{he,prospetts tare at enteaaat ion is nnkuawi,, Keanar and \'ililaw Paver were esti-.
ing R dretnnce of 5 feet of the solid milli the esatcf plash of totalities In
°roily injured by a lightning bolt,
Pore) rt ItriOdC
which also killed these harass, At
salt was Measles It is supposed Eastoru Oetaari re there has hetet
Corry, Pa., several heads of blooded.
that ,110 salt cep sit wilt prove (ally l a drought tv ors (tent scorching }
1iobole aro uaaaaaiug nesse Abotl nom- atoolc belonging to Ifoltry Cave were
100 feet deep. a people at Court.' 01 the oroPrit t surf, the gen. g Ef
right acro jubilant oyer the eatiaftidt- eras yield ittt over a Dttnlinian is a ed. There was iacreksed firing it kilted. At Saletti. f],, Miss Mivaia
g jlzankittl Tllnrs sty •veniug. Weetslpar, aged le', while standing in
cry reault of ties test, good one. \Ir. Bur e, ii roarlrttenl London
Advices tecta Calgary report °°said- A joyous *tent came cd on the d p, the daorwRp, was *truck by lightning
stook broker oe 1 uloids Fri j and killed iustantl
erebie Gulag. by hoods west of that find gancesltiosr of licClillivtay on the dR Recent 1 s�sos a. se Yt fit. Yt.uugstotttr Y
poiut. Railway es up the Bow 20th of duet The occur= was the y O:, lightning struck the roeidonda of
l b swept atva and else marriage of ].Ir. CVnI. f3aut, of i3rins- The Egyptialt aonfer`noe will meet Abner 31eedskor, killing ids daughter
ly formal business will be trausacred
at first erasion.
At Antwerp, the agitation against
iu the Foreign Oracle Seturdatr. Oa-
13iver have been sty p y'' to to Mite liariauWindaor, of le Miuuie and seriously iiaiurifag several
the uneasy bridged over the Bow and y p other numbers of the family. Three
Dlbow Rivers at Balgary,also the `ref- Ledge. The presents on the occasion harts: were also destroyed neat'
fio bride over the .Elbow there wag were exceedingly liaudoore and will
g cover two large fables. The brides. Youugatcwu. At Newoomeretown,O.
partially destroyed and trmf'fioatapped, fi the propose tax on im orted meats
The total da,mago is about $'100,000. 'Haid was Miss Lottie Windsor sift is iueroaasia It is ills ed that such `las storm was Accompanied by a cos,
Five inches of rain fell in Bow River the best nt+tu Mr. 1'. J. Thornpeac g' , g sans tornado, which uprooted tree.,
Valley bet+ween Sunday and Wedues. teacher. The young duple left Clan- a las would ruin that port. blew down fertoe�, and did creat darn ..
day night. Triflic will likely be re• deboyde for An oxtonded tour laden The roads and monutain passes iu oge to graft),
with the warns congratulations of France ere being narraniy guarded (xoorflei 13roal;s'
house in Graaf;
eataVeiled soon,
Coluaty, ryas stencil by lightning
Mr. Aied �o I1iaNabb of Soutlltvald g Ellie,-
� , 1 n fi
unloading hay on Saturday was set week two. auterprlsing i'vie's and hie daughter Lfile •eisteon year,?
had hi r. Ilarding alit 'lfr.A. L. Hughes
of age, Was killed and another dough.
ter, named Cora, was stunned. Tho
house was burned to the greuuti, but
Cora Crawled from the burning tim-
bers and was saved. The body of
Effie was found with the arms and
legs burned cif. The mother and
father of the children were at a air -
"08.n the afternoon of Wednesday
Jack �Vaflile started from Riohfteld
Springs with a loud of lumber for
Springfield, and when about three
miles from the village a bolt of light-
niug knocked down one of his horses
and a second one killed him instantly.
The horse finally recovered, and got
up, and the team took the wagon
to the home of his father, where it
drew up in front of the door. The
hands of the dead masa stilt grasped
the lines. The fluid appears to have
sun around bis body, and then jump-
ed to the ground, which it tore no for
Were! feet.
A terrific hurricane visited Council
Bluffs, the exhibition building at the
rage track, which cosi $11,000, was
levelled to the grannd and torn into
ehieds. Davis's circus was blown
down, ,causing a foss of $5,000. A
Targe number of shade trees mecum -
bed to the storm, while chimneys were
blown over and houses unroofed. .
, their numerous rie s,
whileL 1 f
wounded. He a R car of 3rd =cession McGillivra after
arranges to take the hay from wagon half au flour's work, succeeded in
to the beck end of the mow. When
empty the car was run book and was
to prevent the passage at persons
infested with the cholera.
Fires aro burning in the streets of
for purifying purposes, A, post-uiou•
tela of two bodies has been made. In
each case there wore signs of Asiatic
There was a furious hail storm in
Erivan, in the southeru part of Res-
ou Thursday. The hailstones were
as large as goose eggs. Aboai 70
houses were raised and property des-
troyed to the amount of 300,000
roubles. Forty lives were lost,
A. Spanish revenue cuttet, at Gib.
rafter, on Tuesday, seized a British
steamer a mile from the batteries.
The cutter subsequently released the
steamer, but took a passenger as a
hostage The Governor of Gibraltar
ehas ordered au enquiry.
In the Ptesbyteriau Council at Bel-
fast, Friday, efforts were made to raise
25,000 on behalf of the Ancient Mor-
avian and Bohemian Clenches. The
Couuoil hoard with satisfaction the
statements as to the condition of
churches in Europe an America and
asked for general support and pray-
rayers of the stronger churches of the
Alliance in their behalf.
MON* i stopped by a block. This block gave
way letting the oar fall ov to the wag.
Y can levet cny ud 7 peunt of accordMoney onng to tel so- on where McNabb was stationed.
surly its, e# sad 7 per cont.accortlinai to terms
Private rends a specialty. Chargeamoderate, l A fork on the ear struck him, une of
lI W I1ALL,Barrister,Esetor. the tines going his left ear and into
"INN ELLIOT, REAL EST&TE his neck, passing close to th
AGENT, vein, and coming out at the
Money to Loan on Pam & Town Property Dr. Irving, of Lawrence, w
At loweet rates of interest, tom on terms toeuit and dressed the `round. ilia.
borrowers, A cumber of Arst.olass Parma for 1s precarious condition
sale. Mortgagee b^ught and sold. Ofuce in
Fanson'aBlock Exeter
c jugular
as called
N • intim Court of Common Pleas•—Deeds,
Wills,itfortgages, Leases, and alt forms of agree.
menta drawn and exooufedaccorling to law.
110NET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Parties wish-
ing to borrow money on account of recent pur-
chases of land, or to pay off existing mortgages
�-illfind a groat saving by giving mo a call, Can
lend money at6 and 6} per cont. according to
terms. N.T.CLARS.
situated on the Thames Tioad.2} miles east of
Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving
shod ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re.
tired farmer. Will be sold cheap for cash, Ap
ply to THOMAS ALLIN • Exeter P.O jyi19-tf
C. I1t+CA1�TNIl�TG'S
Central Shaving Parlor
For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair
cutting etc
r� Clean towel for every customer, -
Next door to Central Hote
Established in 1863.
This eomi<any has been over Eightteen years
A8uccessfui operation iu Western Ontario,and
continues to insure against loss or damage by
Fire ,Buildings ,lgercbandise, Manufactories, and
all other dascrip ionsofinsurnbleproperty. In-
tendingiasurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium Note or Cash System.
During the past ten years this Company has
:sued 57,096 Policies .covering property to the
amount of A40,872,088; and paid in losses alone
Assets, 18176,100.00, oousistiug OXJ Cash in
Bank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed
Premium Notes on hand and in force J. W Wirt
'DAV, It D. Preside). t. C. 55. TATLo1, Secretary
3. B. HvaNes,Inspector. CHARLES{ SNELL,
Agent for Exoter and vicinity,
giving vent to an exceptionally strong
overflowing spring, capable of water.
ing all the live stock far miles around
end this after pumping water for up.
wards of 40 years' Messrs. Harding
and Hughes estimate the value of the
spring to thaw at $1,200, but the be-
nefiit is pratically iucalouible, as Ilia
event is proving a powerful stim.ul-
ant incentive to a number of neigh.
Iu a preen bore, w,ts believing that "What man
A sad drowning accident occurred has done man eau do," are boring
about five miles from Durham Sun-' vigorously in. all directions and with
day morning.' Two boys named Mc- a pertinacity deserving of. euecess.
Donald went bathing with a iaft. On Sunday night burglars cow -
The younger one, about 18 years of mencedoperatiotis in Brautlord They
age not being able to:swim very well first entered Walsh's G. T. R- hotel
got to:far from the raft and could not where they trete disturbed. 'Tueytheu
return. His brother immediately went to DIrs Sortie's boarding-house,
tried to save him. but the raft kept on Sheridan street, and from there to
floating away. The elder, becoming Mr. Fitzgerald's opposite the Central
exhausted, finally tore himself away Sohool, where one of then was cap
having been however taken under lured by some railroad -men whom
water twice by his drowning brother Mr. Walsh had aroused. This arrest
and reached the raft. Assistance ar- ? led to the capture of the others. They
rived but of no evil. The body was
soon recovered.
A number of young men had been
fishing at Port Burwell on Thursday
and in the evening one of the party,
named Taylor, from Glenmire, while
in a boat on the creek, through some
mieohance caused the boat to careen
throwing him out. Being unable to
swim, he was seen to be In a drown-
ing condition, when 1)e Ploy sprang
into 'another boat which happened to
be at hand and went to his assistance
and white endeavoring to pull him
out of the creek drew his own boe,t
under water, so that it filled. Be-
coming frightened. he sprang from
theboat and endeavored to get a3hore,
but being unable to swim, same, and
was seen but once afterward for au
instant until his body was taken out
some three-quarters of an hour after
he eauk.
gave•their names at toe police court
Major Allow the Pigeon Indian
1 his morning as George Morris, John I 1 g
Turner and George Watson,
from'agent of Northern Montanus, reports
the United States. lvlorris was sen the Pigeons dying feet of starvation
fenced to three years in the pent. because of the scant food supply at
the agonoy. The carpenter had fur -
rushed 30 burial boxes in a month,
but he believed the deaths were in.
side that number. The death rate
was the greatest.am3ng the children
- of 5 to 12 years. •Suppltes will be
exhausted entirely in another week,
wheu 3,000 Indians on the reaerva•
tion will be left to starve or subsist cat
the cattle of settlers. Trouble it fear-
tontiary; Turuerto one Year iu the
Central Prison, and Watson was dia-
Ante can.
A report was submitted to the
United States Senate Friday showing
that thegross errnings of the Suez
Canal last year were $13,000.000.
The dividends were about 13 per °out.
Parnell has written letters stating
that he is unable to attend the Irish
National Convention at Boston iu
August Sexton will come in his place.
At Trenton, N. J., George Gregory
fatally shot Richard Coleman on Sue-
day afteuoou because Coleman inter-
fered when Gregory was beating his
A Big Blaze at Brussels.
On Saturday morning at 1:30 a fire
broke out in the frame building ooe
cupied by 1s'. *Danford, merchant tail-
or, and T. McCulloch, boote and
shoes. The flames spread rapidly,
suiting: ofd all chances of saving any -
Afore people, adults and children. aretroub
led with costiveness than with any other
ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Hit-
ters will cure costiveness and prevent the
diseases which result from it.
Theron P. Keator,Editor of Ft. Wayne;Ind.
"Gazette," writes : "For the past five years
have always used Dr. King's New Discovery,
for Coughs of most severe character,as well as
for those of a milder type. It never fails to
effect a speedy cure. My friends to whom I
have recommended itspoak of it in same high
terms. 'Having been cured by it of every
cough I have .lead for five years, 1 considerit
the only reliable and sure cure for Coughs,
colds Ate," Call at C. Lutz's Drug Store an d
get a Free Trial Bottle. Large size $1.00 2