HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-26, Page 7The • Aft ble itmum
Of ani the fiends that infest the
jungles, streets, and saloons of large
cities in search of prey, the sociable
fiend is the Most to be dreaded. By the
sociable tient( we refer to that ((niet. #a-
miller demon who !mite you on the
street. in :a manner teat (_ :trees yon tet'
infer that he has something t+>•eommu-
nieate to which it will 1,e to your inter -
e t to'listet7. After 1 tett• persuesive de-
mon has fastened out. t,t hie des -newt!
tetrteele, on ti'to t'.t:at collar. or into
:your button -hole, .t i :alint,.t n ateesen le
to shale. Itfnl
on his own motion. 1:i lli.e she iest lye 4th
of July pistol, lune •: ieues anyl:r,iy
by going oft promo tingAs soen as
the elIa1)1e sleev 1`:t11"d kris
tentacles o;t Wheal, he .wlJ necks
tlntt friend up against a wall, tt,u .cut.
Hug oil" all c'lr ees of retreat. Having .
anchored bis Victim against a wall. he.
bogies to climb uta on (tint ee if hr were
a bolder. The If'a1,it demon then
ri c r'4 lei: month within a few inches of
the ►:e:car e nose, ani it'e isle t';1 chew
hail up. \.t hetet. u ;aa¢ 'ia„tiy across
the sheet n•hc) oysters;,; the upward :end
l \ it 'i
lu \1 tT'",Til 4.. I O• ,4
r n1 t k 1 6 y it esven
as if the vietini was 1('.11 t awn up
:dive l;y titc fiend. The vietinh, 1, n ever,
acquiree :a er,;;t deal of int', eenation,
and Fert¢:Ip' el ^ t..Fetee.) jr;: ,• ir, hie
itri.iltirr bosom. Nd, nta1;t'r how emelt be
, ,
tt)., , relax hie #,e 75h1:'e+. the all:r-ta,• fiend
never relasee it:e grasp. `.pim le no
teeee t° ' a':, �t a.:.1 .•1:+l.: lit 41:ty•
lee tra.iit¢1,tictl htook, of -teed with
\►•(fuel! a (((other clings to her otrspring
alit ;epee teas l)i.' eo ihpn ' '1 to the
gra- se of a ,.eallhol see:able fiend.
`the .,,Int ant1.. tl.• 1. t:•1° Lie le
Tr ,i. •. ee' i , , t7.
to talk. ., It Is teed 1. 1 t'• t.t..a S+t 1415
\so(((ar tile, lie is .:tai in.. of Nature.
Ile wee intt-nded for a teeiiita lable Ivo-
man. t)e¢ 1 hti llv the etriiib. tltelaon,
'tail ;ea t e:tene a :a,re 1'J i :t. i spark
ha; (led 1 f, *a is 1. he 1 uekiu r the
blood out of a vietiuc, the newt ob.
serves a group of eonnstle men ehntting
tossether, he will quit the victim tempo-
t'nip -
1 arily to Break up that group). ll) ere.
Ttnn ` 0n144U 111atk'n ov.'r the street
than a1 deputy .ht Sltl' in - archof a;ury.
There .tit- :4 t F h, C r i t^:>I 4:•••:tan:
initis id the ee)ciai deed. 't nu best
:.glen is ') hili' -4 a x4,1'0114,1'.tut►'i1 his
throat ;13 -th" ih aa•• r+ l . 11: u¢t.'nth.
Mitt tire it tilt six eun.eeutire dares.
This eine cd s r• lmtnet r:sec ltrndueee a
fine m 3ti t l1tlt; Another method 1
1 1 t l II 4 C 1 .. t l. U
✓ 1 R\ i tial front l i a l t t o
the et.ahln r ativte plan. ';1 eet-ret lelety,
eontething like theMa.uts, 1sIorganized,
,¢It•inilr'rc id, ii•'t' thew—•,e•:4 h'
fc'arfttl t,:tilt; to Melte to rte�¢'ui' a lirittli
i'r whenever they seta haul in the (dutch -
es of this lnunari devil-li•ie The usual
,t a uppretend t
plan a reelsand I t nttf be
1• tattt'i h seine i > f I 1 tai
charitable port'(:. This (-susses the
fleinteil to rohu,1ul..h t'1:, t^'rayh.:ut.1 tIu:n
the rt'<e'ner and the Ieetmed flee around
the' isomer, and vendee+ te the vietnty
t1;er oomph, Of `¢•:I14+)re•1
ergs/ e
Fair Wieneit's Sn¢i.1a,
description of a woman's v
New York Fdr.a ,tJor
essi'1 1. he, latch from a Ilea-
tiisan rete :1n1'e, (sit; t itt•re is a eon :lin
a tele:Illila-, rout it .'T::::ie•1 SII create
,ever:ui doubts in the Isabel of the rt"ad-
ei, "t'r'Nin'hetl fit iia' fusel t,f tee old
maid fence that lull the humble *heeli-
ng from the sharp eerntiny of
sassing vehicles and men. She WilS fat
.nil large of limb, anal her round brown
'hooks glowed with the rich warmth of
she cheetnnt. llerlong lashed eyelids
bopped over her lustrous eyes, and the
hiek tresses of her bine black bnir
tlladeti her neck and boson(. Suddenly
tome passing object arra-ted her attest -
1011, and flue) dark pupils of her eyes es
?ended in amused surprise. Her rich
•ed lips parted, and there flaslhetl upon
le landscape two rows of .b
A (Jiukl's anristntes Precaution.
Some little folks iu Bangor, Me., who
Aad seen pictures of Santa Claus stand
ing ;on the batecnt• of his North Pole
reeidenee,•keeping a lookout with a big
spyglass for goon and naughty children,
had been growing somewhat t ;lnxiotis on
the subject et the near approach of
Christmas, when, says the IW'dhi,/, a clay,
or two ago a bright-eyed mittet of 4
years, who bad beengently chided for
shave fault, was observed tugging away
to remove the screen that closed a 4is-
llc0 fireplace in the sitting; rooln. Just
as she had sa7eeeeded anti stepped upon
the hearth, her 7u -ether asked her what
she i►Ras sluing, ee.`,en she naively re-
plied: "Pin In going !t)•lltllkt upupelchimneyand ta'>e away Sautes
s spyglass: I try
to be good, but I can't ell the time, and
I don't want hint spying around so."
Av:;id Ptrni Moi ages.
• gives r►O`
A. t 1. .�
..1r, lI. ll n \ t the following
whole -else ad\ lu' r` on mortgages to
farmer; in the lm•,1.•gn ,4grieulturist,
lion 'r are •rr}- :tsui benefi-
cial in t ati.iT,ed sot :,,4•. teat there are
unpla t -:int fa:uures about them. They
often enable man to tleeomplistt what
he could not otherwee do, and they
often involve :i bran who would have
been a,iheru•iee ,na'ees•,fid. They often
enable ;t, elan to get out of trouble
tyhieh Ise could not otherwise avoid,
and they pn'haps equallyettcn make
teleeratee a ate wdh'nl ly+rltit have nthete, i-` been iseptpti It le ea -4 to get
them on to the farm, but it ie not ale
ways so. ea'cy to treat these off. Farm
nlorte"tesee are :t(a)ut the hest invest-
nve tnmeint nett eapitni eau find. Inye:tor:3
generally like theta. 1'l,ey partake of
On nature. lneen, Int")!t•1'. nett t.ttta'r-uh.
atanti•al rllt'tiit: , e of rent p.u'.I} crty, but
aro rcliaSe 1is en Taping' hlli'.lt•09!intra.•.
ed upon leeel..
Therefore: •-1. Do not mortgage th
fern unit -.a it eeems absolutely gleed;.
sats, But, a, a general rule is less
valuahit thee ea ti:.,•tiler one, it may
be. well to .,1' •, f s• h;1:ulding: 2. Donut
Mortgage to build a line house. By so
doing you will have to pay minty for
an investment which ti oes not urine
money. :l. I)tt not tnnrtgage tate faria
to buy more land. Where there is tib-
solute certainty that mora can be made
nut +•f the lana than the cost of the
mortgage, this rule mie-:t not apply.
But absolute certainty :s rare. mists' .-
'o •ul n
calculation 7a t lltl! tl.0 `
civ n 4.D not
.r ,r .+
tit the farm milese sit r .t Il t i fel r 7 tutyou are sure
meg:we ul
of the continued fertility of he soil.
Many per -nn, burro►y with an expecta-
tion of reps, anent baser( on an ent eri-
enee of the land ►'i 'einity only, whieli
an failing, mar leave' the land loss pro-
ductive, anti the means of repayment
b 1 t alt \ s d. In this \► 1
thus r .t► trouble
beginsln, ► iu.t1
anay result in the loss o#
the farm. Keep rues elver of mort-
T'htt ltrinee ot Wales leas at brand -now
palace ear to travel in, whia'ta k Ite.�aritl-
ad a Iuarv)'hously ee thntl,' anti altreth.
er utterly too -ten. It is fifty feet longs.
and contains t saloon stud', two bed -
Nome,. two drt eiuger"nlns, anti ,t bathe
Nom: Tht\ Prinee's b d=ronin is brim;
with old gob( sail:, and the furniture is
epholetiered to match. :tlirrnrs are let
into the doter -panels, and the whole
suite can be Helloed either by candles
or' by eieetrieity.
The Wilms Greeley farm in Chappa-
Westche ter Corlett-. N. x., has
(leen dvrtised to r
ent, null will before
long be �l under the provisions -of
Mrs Greegeys will. Cl.
Smith, who occupied the farm until re-
cently, has removed to Kentucky with
his three children, and Miss Gabrielle
Greeley, , who \vitll these children,
s n is
heir to the property,is. living in New
York. The fn n contnilas eight), acres
and hes several buildings upon it, in -
eluding Mr. Greeley's big stono'barn.
The old homestead, where "Tins • Life"
Interesting items.
--0no hundred nal tlilrtyeinitt children
front the Old Country atiived at the 1erareh.
mount Home, Belleville, on Saturday.
Bueklen's Arid ea Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruise
ea, Sore's, ricers, Salt luteum, Fever Sores.
Tetter, Champed, hand,, Cliitbluins,Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no nay required. It is guaranteed to •give
pe fec r satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 2a cents per box. For, sale by an drug.
—There were sixteen heat prostratious in
Ne. v York and Brooklyn, Saturday, of which
five were fatal,
$500 .Reward.
A_�'1t•o will p,av the above Iewatrd for any
case of Livercomplaiut. Dyspepsia, Sick head.
ache, Iuthigeetiola, Constipation or Costiveness
f we gannet cure slap West':; Vegetable Liver
t Pills, whets the dtrt:etioes are strieklyeomplied
with, They are plut:ly Vegetable, and never
fail tegive sa jsfc:diem Swear c entcd, LereP
boxes e;)rrtaining :'0 nille, 25 e.Irt•.. Fut: sant
by all Druggists; Beev:ahe, of e,nnterfeits and
I1aitetiors, The (genuine nt:arrufaettut 1 Grill'
by;v,:X0,WEST & CO. , The Pill rank'
er.e, ' a 1 ,ti t33 Kiugatre(t r:a t Turuato, Ont.
Free trial package rent by unlit prepaihed ,n
weeeipet of a three cent stamp.
We have ¢a spa.::i1 and positive euro for
Caterrh d)iptlieria, (' mlzrr month and Beall
A uasal,Injecter tree with c elh Pottle. Uee it
if yon desire health and a sweet Wads. (trice
50 cts. !vola by .1. W. Itrowe';,,g Exeter=
a -1 ee reeeet et pious it:e end e.t.a
,',veath•-t• imee retie. -1 a \vo:. f,1 , o'vtlt in
t'nw.s in the vicinity of nontrial.
1'rcataineet emee , the :,rt,ttt at medical .lir:
eovt:riga,by ale many dirt Itino; :aliceteil,•
iJe(;regor'. Speedy Cure leads tate van. Sub-
jected to the wiuutcet diem/eel analysis, it
leas beer. found t,• eontalilt neve of these in-
jnrioas i .;;rolieut 3 charades/eine the well'.
lose spe:eides dishy efface:l to the l' 'ilie.
Every nen tail la. ,-to;.;ee,ee: y'eti(;:ar eth.pta.
blurs i, 110 eerie ee comp( i t e rt l idn h at
has been rt .;l t is :dt d, ena t:.- „illutcy is 1 isle
establishes! by tee tintt> i lt; hourly received.
We are therefore eolufldt t t fleet y:e Have a
preeer etian whrelb WO clog offer to the tnblie
esht,li 1 t ::stn e
t tune the t\'1 1'r , i
tit 1 1 f(t t
only a relief an Rl..•,.ZTafe mere for I), step.
(.etal,a1tla:et. is„r ti;^:tiro, ('on-tipat.
lion a;net Impute liked. ,°.tee tint( bottles at
W. 11rowniti 's Iitn•; Store.
Tutt \nl,rew Hits 4u.,Marshall. \fieh.,ail
Send f n,Dru's CarnnnLTisn h' tsterue-Voseate
Items .ata• Isseasime Arnii,::ere on trial for
thirty t14t3,i to men (young or tela; wheats, af-
flicted with nervous debility, hist vitality
:tilt k'u tirl I. troubles, emaratitering
speer(} and complete reetoratiuu of health awl
ruanly vigor, Atbre tt as Aare. N. B. --No
reek is incurred. as thirty days' trial le allowed,
..-.t eeldit'r,na;ntetl instep, eli'murdered six
comatides, Stat: cuts 41 nttedis,y stir Nap-
on” tu3d1'a a a
tArow'ra all. el nate hn.tn equal
forr.'licviu'tpniu aatiaieteruala;ut eeteinal It
cures pain in the Bide, back er iota t l I. ,ire, throat
Rheumatism, Toothache,Lunhbe .t,and afay kiue
et apaiueratelre. "It will meet enrolee quicken
the blood studhoe 1,asitsactinguaw. riswonder-
f'il. e• 7 :even's 4. o 'l, td Pasteeve* boing.ack-
nowlerd ;ed as the groat Vain [tali. vem,:tudof dem
isle the atrengtirofany other Elixir or Liniment
lathe evnh'Id,ahou,tibe;n ever:: f,eltitle :tautly tar
nee when weuted 'aa,itually • etltebt4tremedy
in the world for Cremes in the ltoruach, and
fain• road .((elft. Leh ,tit kind,,,'" oad .create ey
all Irvn„ -tetsatlemoltsabottle.
To all who ere auiforiug ;rem the errorsaud
indiscri:tto)>eel youth, nervousweakne;s, early
doeay,lo-sof manhood, ae„I wilisend a recoil'
hat will sura you,SREE OF CHARGE Tliis
great venaody was discovered by a missionary iu
:volt r .America sendaself-adtlreeeed onveloe
totlie: 11rs TOar i'tt'r Neve .Stei!ion D,NeWrork
11\nwZIi'En.s QO3•.STION.•—Why to so many
A failure to relieve or cure suurtuer coin
piaiuts can never be truthfully applied to Dr,
:!'owner's Extract of Wild Strawberry. All
deatere Atoll ON •
An old favorite is the remtl'ily known as Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Witd Strawberry. Thirty
years reliable for cholera )Morbus diavrlroea
and summer complaints.
$1000 Forfeit.
Ilaving tate utmost confidence in it omen.
ority ov.ir all others, and after thOOSantls of
tests of the roost complicated and severest
cases we could find, we feel justrfrsd in offering
to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any ease
of cougbs,eolda, ;ore throat, influciza, itnaree-
ness; bronchitis, coiisumpilwl, in its early
stages, whooping • cough, and all diseases of
the throat and lungs, extent Asthuxa,for which
we only claim relief, that we can't euro with
(Vest's (lough Syrup, when talent according to
directions. Sample bottles 25 end 50 cents;
large bottle, ono (loiter - (Germine wrappers:, 1
only in blue. Sold by all tb t *•late, or sent
by ;nail oil receipt of pr°ce. JOIN C. WEST
l.t `i r
3 Ki
ug 'e , t
+fit..• East, n
I;a ttrtut 311.
At all eeasone, schen the sy;ttin is feel anc1
the digestive power, feebly, or the fiver Teel
kidneys inactive, 13nrdcek Mewl Bitters. a,r.•
\'it.. rO:e[ OF MISPLACED (:0M 11)1;N4'i?
The individual
whop L,e.t. trust in r,;i errs c f
the claims of aelsertl. r•.1 ri int Ili. s is often sad-
ly disappointed, but the an aye (•f Picts re.
ge thug the Ireeest tittuee Of Minkel: Blood
Bitters are indisputable- It re -Wetly center
dieeneee of the 1I'lood, liver and l:itln =y <. I.,.
v ti' the pr,nifa, and teetnh a is '.
1e tuts Erik's de 1141 de. el>. 1)., E. t'
West's Neve and Drain Treatment will cure
Iiyatcaie sniff ail uerveus troll/les. Sohl aft
J \S'. l:aere 'rug '4, Dr lig More
Whet sere— p teen should know—Ili ,•; rand
tinlets tefdiyea e fh(.nr the syStet,t :tr 11*
l+ >web, awl the kidne'y's, ,Tohnett,u'F. SereePee
rills ie the anon safe, plhoasant eine cileetuul
liSlr]`ii.r t'f Lite d,) sttenl known. TAT u6e lultti(•
an i he esnshuld, Air pale at the (aoldon'
Mortar, .r, W. Browning, prop, jy 20, Ozn-
44 • �v
REi4.', BaEoGE44 E*Ea:tr? SFE r F” o>i'(PAV j, Id
A4, Tne
Dune to order.
Vomer(ez "tire
Direr '' nOwa C'C ,,
people we see Around us,scem to prefer to smf e °i
• ft's and he made rniserable be iutligestion,eon- 1 C ?T'M'G �p�erHINE
• • I Rf; O n) appetite,
t _ itxn . dlzs'ure loss s
a,t I t a) ,
up of the heap, yellow skin, when for 75 cents,
we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarantc
ed t• Mire thorn, Sold by T.'t W. Browning,
Exeter. r•, o w
-- yowls twain named Mos eney was drown-
{ ,
t !CHB 13rFARIei SE\\•I\,lx:1IACElI\I:, .11thoUah
this Sewing alschine is offered at the unhoard of
and ridiculous low price ofri5, it must not he
snppos.. 0 that it is a toy. It will ,lo the. work of
any rrrax DOLLAR nraeuINJ, arid tlo it as well
Xtrs constructed upen new mud scienti0e prinei-
Iles and is simple in conetrnction, easier worked
nany ma -
• r1'7c
t ?, 'S f l , 1 4Zi' "-
e ,'
t ,' .n.-tl`r`a ftia,ii
▪ �:, 0: t a .. 1...„
1 -'..t .+s t .,i
1'. sae ,^•, 41,1 r . Q tfca. .. ,
F a 3 1 1.
'1`, ^. 4), •A,,.
xetex Butchei;', Sh
R. DAA',
Butcher x & General Dealer
11:L :^'I .iia n�.".'----•
1-17 S
Custoaaers supplied TUESDAYS. THURS-
DAYS AND SATti I3DAY S at tier it r. lidence.
t)ili)1 rya:
I .T Tun f
T I l �>I P WILL I11:
...4‘4. rrl\1':i..)
1,.t t,
4 J
1 )
FARMS c � i�z.r.. l�I���I,rnTI:Q a..i, P,}r•iLk 1:w . • ; t,.
Anyone( tri*(,tut; to sett :Isle cleee: of l't'4. reit -
tom r ets t.n t, t.4 as t,81.-1 seer } ep+Ldyini to i
CHAS. F. 111t1TeCrk.?,
,1t . 1..,L.neiea,aawt,
ivC ;T, T1 w `t 3,40.4r21
r.t1t1'•aS r,ht, ,; (t it t ,r ,1,Apply t<,
14,. Y1.'1 l,tr:ztinu.
l`.IA (a'f't?N
Cotton Com
IIAMII:'f ON, O`TA111o.
\1 end f', t4o2 i, ;sir;, -1 :4o.l
RARPEt' WARPS, While and all Cohrs,
BEAM WARPS of ovi.eP;j d 'scriptian,
Hosiery Yarns Balled and Knitting Yarns
"IMS, Tic'KINieS awl C&)TTONAl)rs.
These anode are tie ivereally l'tO4.etntact 0 by tlto
tendo to Lo fatly I. to arty elate, and for
t re-
gularity mitt even nets i make 4>ntl coloring they
are Tsueurpeassed,
CARPET e VE118-.Sou will find our
War oerupeii.)rto any in the Market ewe ask
you wit t to give '
J t them 1•
i g R•atr.t.
I your r• 'n
,1) Goods 7 man nose
Dry a h not gut 'It write
to us anti we will Fee you are proanitlysupplied
01:14 YARNS, of which w•a make all doscrip-
tio>aswrithe found equally good. Attie for
theta. Try them.
TltiaComnnnyrest. awarded two firstprize tit
vernrntlftle at Toronto t•`sltitatinn-ata lest, and 11
flra�pri•tesatProv lactalIlxblhtionat itlng Ston,
AGENTS %MAN S41 Cn,.Ternnto t le, Mc•
I:1 E14.itY S CO.,M'>utreai. iv le.em
How Lost, llow Roston&
Wehave r•eetutiv o'iL'lI-Ired a, nese edition, ot
DR. 0'fl V1 1IW:3LL' a CELEBRATED 1ES411c
on the radical tool t,eranautonteure (without me-
tlicinteof Nervous 1)elaility,ltental anis' physical
tucapacity impediments to lrarriago, otc*,r -
sufting frons reccesses.
Price, in sea1041 envelope, truly i; eeixts, Or tent,
postern. 'stamps.
The celebretedauthor c4this 'rade
olcarly4lemonstr•,etos,froni thirty years' suttees-
fill practice, that alarm ing cense queue es may be
radicnllycured without the dangerous uaeof it
ternalmedictne'4orthe roe of the knife; Point-
ont >i:rt>00e of cure at once sfmpli> certain and et-
fectu n t,by m0:111:1.1 d which every tuireror,inomat-
torwhat his ct4n litinnmaybe,nay cure himself..
,privately and radically -
lecture should he futhe liandsof every
'oliage of an at'erhan ;iiia bough, illu-
ninated the deep cavern of her mouth,
cringing into view the back of her head.
then, seeing the gaze intently upon her
she shut her jaw, and darkness fell
spoil, the scene."
The census of IlliSSton$ to be taken
next year will, it is said, show an in-
crease of 200,000 native Christians in
India, Ceylon and I3urniah for the last
ten years -500,000 in all.
.A Norwich, Conn., family saw some
country friends coming to return a
day's visit, and hastily pulled down
the curtains, locked the doors, and fled
to the kitchen to escape the ,infliction.
Nothing daunted, the farmer baited
his old mare on the sidewalk, and put
his women folks on the steps to await
their friends' ratlurn. Then the mali-
cious neighbors: took them in and kept
then( till the family showed. up.
Clarence Fitz -Herbert sends us a
beautiful poem beginning, "I will wait
for mylove at l:Ieavveu's gate." We
thinks' a are :shout right, Clarence.
Peopleiwho write that kind of poetry
seldom get. further than the nate. You'll
probably continue to wait - there long
after the rest of us have passed QM in-
side, unless you reform and quit writ-
ing poetry, and learn to spell heaven
with one v. -Burlington 13awloeye.
"I shall soon be at rest," murmured
the dying Bostonian: , "I am ready to
go, and should', die supremely happy,
were it not for one terrible stalu upon
illy otherwise spotless reputation. The
consciousness cif this blot goes with me
and will, I fear, rob heaven of its joys;
but, my son, you can do this for me.
You can prevent my naine from being
made a byword upon earth. Tell no-
body that I ryas ever a member of the
Common Council."-- Boston Trite-
a .pi ,a e �— 1
establishing the cables is estimated by
good authority at S150,000,000. A fleet
of nearly thirty .ships is kept in service
laying, watching and repairing the clif
feraut cables, of which nine cross the
Atlantic. A writer well versed in the.
subject says that the type of the cable
varies little from the first one laid, but
the character of the material employed
has greatly improved, so that the break-
ing strain of the homogeneous iron wire
has reached ninety tons to the square
inch. The methods of laying cables •
lave so greatly improved that last year
a cable was laid across the Atlantic in
twelve days—only a little longer time
than that required for a gnick ocean
A Boston paper Hives the followinn'
story as evidence that Oscar Wildet's
visit to this country was not wholly in
vain:. .A youth, who is well known in
the social world for his fine feelings and.
highly attuned nerves, rushed "into a
friend's room with his face of ashen hue,
oink down upon achair and called for
smelling,. On .being asked the
cause of his ao itatior. he could not for
some time reply, but at last managed
to ejaculate: "Oh, my dear boy, such
a shock as my nerves have haid, 1, was
watching a green horse car—and our
horse cars are painted a beastly raw
green, don't you know —when I saw a
elle with ayellow dress get into it. The
combination was really frightful. Why
didn't she, wait until a- blue car came
along, or, if she must get into a green
one, why didn't she wear a red egress?
The ignorance or disregard of the value
of complementary colors that prevail in
this community' is positively dreadful,"
and he swooned away at; the dismal re-
flection,. Rabbit -hunting by moonlight is now
41 fashionable sport in some pans of
Illinois. , Men in that State are satisfied
itle almost any excuse for staying' out
o' nights. -Boston Post,
Wife --Why don't you e o J.
ing's Drug Store and get a bottle of Fluid
Lightning ? You know it cures all scelr
things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache,
L)unbago. Earache, Sore Throat, els. It gives
instant relief. 4
The \vife of 1Ir. J. Kennedy, dealer in dregs
in Dixie, Stas cured of a chronic cough by Hag
yard's Pectoral Balsam. The best throat and
lung healer known.
--Colonel Middleton. the new commander
of the Canadian forces, lids appointed as his
aide-de-camp Lieut. Wise, of Kingstcn College
Holloway's Pi1is.—Any dyspeptic sufferer
aware of the purifying, regulating and gently
aperient powera of these pills, should permit
no one to cloud his iudgment or to warp his
course. With a box 0f Holloway's Pills, and
attention to its accompanying "Directions,"
he rnayfeel thoroughly satisfied that he can
safely and effectually release hiinaelf from his
miseries without impairing his ttppetile or
weakenin" his digestion. This most excellent,
medicine acts as n• cervine and 'bodily tonic by
aiding nutrition, and banisees a tlacnsaud an-
noying foetus of nervous complaints. An oe.
casional resort to Holloway's remedy • will
prove highly salutary to all persons, whether,
well or i11, whose digestion i3 slow 0r linperfeet,
a condition usually evide)10ed by weariness,
lavgenr, listlessness, and despondency.
Are von troubled with Salt Rheum, Roagh
Hands, or Old Sores of any kind that cannot
be healed ?Even though it bat of yeets sten-,
cling McGregor t'i I:flake's Calrbolie Cerate will
cure it. Be) ond the shadow of a doubt it is
the best healing cospoutid ever known. Boils,
Fester•ings, Frost Bites, Barns or any Shin
Trouble, are alike. cured by it. Sold,nt 25
cents" by• J. W Browning, Druggist. 4
Tl) It prel)alatlOn is undiscovered ` which can
sung nos 1)r, Fowler's Extract of Wild' Straw-
berry es a cure for Oholora iliurbus, Dysentry
and Summer Complaints,
Lieutenent•Governoi• Robinson end- Mr's.
Robinson are at the Fads. "
!'here is great neglect with most people to
maintain a regular action of the bowels, \albeit
causes rnuah •disease. Burdock Bloocl 13ittere
cure emenipatiou. ..
knowing that oyory laOy iviil want one
rections with oaehmachine Agents Wanted
Agitating the Public mind at present is where
cau tney get the best Bread, but this matter
can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the
people of Exeter and surrounding country, by
calling on
the old established and reliable bakery, where
they will find just what they want.
A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand
Also a first-class stock of Btrsevl•rs, Buss,
arms & which will be sold
cheap. While opponents have started lewd-
ness., and sold out, andleft the plefee, ,lir. Bell
has been found at his post, daring the past
eight years,•ready to attend to the wants of
' the Public.
C.t .00E' itx .
Owing to increasing business, "Mr: 13e11 ha
found it necessary to remove to more come
modious premises, and has added largely to
his stock of Groceries, and will koep on hand
Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup,' -and everything
usually found in a first-class Grocery Store
Allkinds of Farm Produce talc -
en in exchange for Uloods,
REMEMBER Tan Sre n`:•-Southrot.t's•Bl.ock
Four deers Noi'thPest !Office •
aProerieto •
That Diphtherisa is ono of ti: most, dangerous.
diseases oval annually sweeps away thousands of.
children, is a fact wleoh no ono 'can deny, and that
doctors in ninny eases are. powerless against it fa
just as true. A medicine than is a certain and sure
cure for. this::' dangerous andcontagious disease
should be hailed' with joy and warmly welcomed,
fsy ovary family for use in time of need. A eon-
eagration is much more easily .checkeS. at the be-.
giaina than after it has ranted headway. Souls
With this, disease. Keep it on' hand and do not'.
wait till it i4 too late.. Such a medicine' is oflcred
the public "in DLLItLAMI,t'S 'DIP»ITHDDI:1." and .
Rl',\I1 DY. re are tilorouxhI con111nced
.lest it will answer its ,perppose, Letters. patent
Have b en 'taken. out for -the Dominion of Canticle
. and )ra •actions„era token that no. one shall imitate
it. eve kilielyy ask medical men to give ihisrenedy.
. a triad; Testlmoninls, eirealars and •trial •bottles+
pontton npply'ii\g' for Agents lyalii yd in every city, ,
bwit Writ( Couti$y A'sk 4,�+b�ut drnggrst for' It: ` '
Address ltev. H. D11tIU.AMl)I, Zurich P. 0., Oat. '