The Exeter Times, 1884-6-26, Page 411/0110rearalaseralera•bareselememeglY he (ofer Eimes. mporting Brevities, TEHMSDAY, TUNE 26, 1884. Torrid. Temperature. There were eixtee heat prostrat. bane in New York city alai Brooklyn, Saturday, of whioh five were fatal. There were two fatal eesee of pros- tration by heat in Jersey City, Friday, and one in New York. A number of pereons were taken to the hospital. suffering from the effects of the heat. Jolitt S4latb,, aged 6.2, & prominent lawyer of CovIngton, Ky., where he bad lived 85 years, was overcome by the heat. Friday, after walking eome distance, and dropped dead from * During divine service at the, velini. tear camp. Toronto. Sunday morn - lug sen men were suustruck. Noue Of the eaeee. liewere-, are leaked upon as serious. 11.11.1111.11., •••••110 England's Proposal. 1,centoN, June 23.—It is offictally RIlunuticati thet ou Juno 16 Gran. villa addreesel la note to the Freneth blioister, the 'tube puce vf which was as messes undertekee to withdraw her troops from Egypt at the beginning of the year 1858, in me the powers consider such with - avowal possible without endangering public orders. The Came do Ca. &Ate bene After 1885 will have Oonsuitmtve voice regarding the bud- get and have a right. to vote any in. amaze in expanses by the goverument. It shall eontinne to exercise the right of financial ioureation after the evac- uation of the country by the English, to insure complete and regular eel- let:lien of the revenue. Eugtn4 un- dertakee during her ocenpation to propouud schemes to the Porte stud the )03WOlal for the neutralization of Egypt like Beiginre, and for the neutralization of the Sues cittnal. " The roach minister replied that France accepted the proposal, and testified to England's moderation and friendly spirit. A truithatia'rsifeTustort. Andrew Long, iu jail at Detroit, *barged Oh the nattrder of his wife near Muir, made a full confession in the presence of the sheriff and two others. Ile says that about midnight he wont to a barn without putting on hie pantaloonte got an oak olub, and asime back to the heuse, vi hero his wife was still in bed. He struck her three or four blows on the head, and Knew be had caused her death. He then got a razor and ant his hande, to make people behave he had been attacked by burglars. He then got a gun and knocked out a right of glace, and fired through the opening, broke off a nail that faeteneil down the win- dow, and throw it do:1n. Ho want to the burn, tuned his horse loose and wont back to the home. Here he took some money out of his pantal- oons, hid it in the straws and (maid the pantaloons outdoors. He their went to the house te see if his wife was dead, and fouud her still breath. log. , He struck her again with a club, and threw it in the grass near Luey's window, after which he start. ed to the house of Frank Connor to give the alarm. He threw the razor iuto a pasture lot on the way. When he returned he found Lucy still alive. He says he ha4 a distinct recollection of all that transpired, and did it as deliberately as he wound go out and get au armful of word. He says he cannot give any reason for killing her except that be thought he ongbt to. This is the most brutal and cold- blooded murder ever committed in the Iona county. Tha motive whioh inducted Long to commit the crime is still locked in his own guilty breast. The confession was made at his re. quest. The money was found in the place where he said he hid it. eseitese FRANK LESLIE'S P0PULAR MONTHLY.— This magazine.is really what its name claims for it, and each number should increase its tpopularity for the pub- lisher is constantly adding to its at- tractive features. The contributors to this number ars: J. N. Ingram, Evert A. Duyckinck, Dr. Robert Brown, Herman Merivale, Mrs. M. E. W. Sherwood, Philip Bourke Mar., stop, Spencer W. -Cone, Alvan S. •Sonth.iarth, T. C. Irwin, Etta %V. Pierce, and other celebrated writers ; and the contents embrace articles of great interest and replete with inform. ation—serial and short stories,eketch- es, adventures, pop rns,ete., and a mitt oellany instructive and entertaining. "A.ustralia and its Colonial Confeder- ation," "The Sons of Liberty, and New York City iu their Time," "Two American Ships," "How Plante were Distributed over the Earth," arelsonie of the leading features of the present number. There are 128 quarto pages, over 100 illustratioursend a beautiful- ty colored frontispiece, "The Feather in her Cap." Pries 25 cents,or$2.60 a year, postpaid. Address, Mrs. FRANK 'LESLIE, Publisher, 58, 55 & 57 Paris Place, Kew York. staff, to eantest every inch of terri: tory, and edeate the eublie wind to Jay I See, is to have a new forty pound milky very soon. HanJan N not oc.iuiug motley in Australia. His success is profeasien- ally great, but finanoially small. Jos. Coyle, seed 18, was strnok iu the stomach at Allentown, 1'a., Thursatty by a base ball and kit. led. ketr. Victor Martin left Paris May 11, at 21.. to walk to Rome and baok by June 80. The wager ou the walk is $4,000. A. hive's tournameut for prizea aggregating $5,000 will be held at Jambe Park, Philadelphia, Julie 17, 18. and. 19. Qniek, the sprinter, has been matched by his baoker to run a race with Moffat, formerly of England. Stakes $1,000 a vide. The directors of the Chicago Drivs lug Park have resolved that hereafter vices shalt be run there on Sunday as well as any other day. The Penble Club defeated the Cal lerado Spring Blues in a game of football on roller **kettle, played et Colorado Spriugs, Col. Score, three guile to one. The largest 'base ever cousht in !the Hudson between New York and Albany was taken by Rtobard Ward, of New Hamburg, on Tlinreday, It weighed 84 peunde. 'Pnere is a movement on foot • among the promineut oarsman to draw up a circular requesting every professional oarsmen to refuse to re. cognize or row a race with Courtney. • Hugh Burne, heavy weight pugi. list, and Leonard Tracey, a novice, I fought seven rounds in Iscrig Island, Friday. Tracey knocked Burns in- sensible and was declared the winner. The beat amateur trioyoliug record .as recently made by V. Beevee an 1 the Belgrave reed grounds, Laical. ter, England. He covered twenty mil.* in one hour, seven minutest and dam mond.. The proposed track between Lon- don and Brighton will be about 45 long. .11 will be eighteen feet undo, paved with asphalt, and demote grad. nuts. 11 is estimated to emit *never. a.re rf Z7,000 per mile, or /815,000 in all. The road from Brightou to Loam, is the favorite one for south actuary e,yoliste, thousands of wheel - men going aud returning within a day during the Benison. Duncan C. Rees ban reoeived letter from a !Nit speculator in Atte offeriug him $10,000 end axe pauses if he come to that eottutry and place himself under hie manage nie, the Scotch athlete, is now in diet °wintry, and the gentle men writing the letter is anxious to hero the two Soots meet. Rosa will accept, but will not leave before September or October. Communications. To Editor of Exeter Times. DEAR SM.—Would you be good euough to allow me space in your valuable paper for the following cir. outer, issued by an Association wleich has beau formed at Toronto known as the "Brewer's, Wine and Spirit 'Merchants' Protective Association." This circular has been issued secoutly by this Aesociatiou to those engaged in the Liquor trade, marked ; strictly confidential; destroy wheu read." The following gentlemen engaged in Toronto eorupoee the Provincial Com- mittee : E. 0. Keefe, F. Manning, R. Davies, Geo. S. Mollie, F. B. Taylor, A. L. Millard, J. M. Lottridge, and J. S. Millett. This is uow the docu- meet roads: " In view of the serious nature of the attack uow being made all along Ike line by - the prohibitionists, the Brewers and Wine and Spirit Mer. chants in this section have deetned. it necessary to form a Dominion Protective Association. Already thirty. two Counties in Ontario have been setected, in all of whioh they propose torcing a vote on the Scott Act between now and the 141 of November. if they carry even a bare majority of the Counties of Ontaria, they are in a position to denaanti from the Government ot Can- ada a fulfilment of • their pledge,— " THAT IF THE COUNTRY Pin- NOUNCED IN FAVOR OF THE PRINCIPLE 01? PROHIBITION, IT WOULD BE GRANTED." At the present time the whole of Prinee Edward Island, two-thirds of Nova Scotia, and two-thirds of New Bruns wick have been carried for the Scott Act, and if a majority of the Counties of this Province also go, •prohibition, without compensatiou, is.the alterna. tive. In view of the grave character of the position we have started this organisation with the hope that every man interested in the business will unite to defend his trade against the fanatical onslaught • inaugurated. Arrangements brie 'beenMade' with Mr. E. King Dodds, and an effieient appreciate the groat injury that will be done TO THE COUNTRY by the . passage of sneli unjust lawe, To acootnolish thio a large amoen 1 of money is nea -see, se EVERY BREW: ER here has snbsoribed ONE TH:OU: SAND DOLLARS, the DISTIL: LERS TEN THOUSAND DOL: LARS, and all the 0111 ER BRAN CUES of the trade have been; EQUALLY LIBERAL. AIT.. 00d(18 will, io a few day., -eill upon yell for your ca,operation, and we hope that every effort will be made by yon te assist him in the eArrying out of the object which is el 1.1cli vertu fin: port:wee to our intorests." 11 will be ()heel cell that the Afore- said b,..y.vers and di:tillors e ex- tremely solicitous about the welfare of ,4the country." They have accord- ingly engaged the eervices of Mr. E. King Dodds for the purpose of "eduentiny the i!uhlie mine, to appreci- ate the !peat injury that will be done to! the eountri by the poslogo uf suck an- jusl laws. " " The eoentty, " the eeregeieg nitrous it will be noticed, ire anethet time- fey THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC. It is not the conutry" that will be endnegered by smell lees, and well the tune knows it. The traffic yea's ago °noised the moral 1110VOltleta 3 lanehed at the idea of Intel ahetionee ; ridiculed total abstaittere ; tied called them, fa. unties just the 141110 as nuw. But tho usevement %tent, on in site of opposition ; to -day "the eouutry" is speaking out boldly in Payor of total prohibition ; and we find the traffic pushed to its eit's end far some meare to chick the onward tetogtee# of this reformation whioh will not brae!: reeletattee. Ite, Duly mean* of dame() buntings of money, end the atruggle will be fought ons on tiles line-- Itleney rants 1 Survival of the ittelt14•1:;.'711.1a c Nbaz. s outlived every other cough remedy simply bet -Anse it is the beat. IMF.% ITS VAT.A.M. To -day id oars, why altoutd we cars? Today is outs, wily Should, we fear To -day is ours,. why should we morrow For the gods belong tomorrow. Therefore for to.day, chew (old Coin Tett. sumo is the best. BURK= ISPI)B,TS. (Or/mooted ata o'clock pan. Wednesday.) ',ALL wrizaa• WaiteWlis ........to.7 to 208 — 1 tit to 1 CS Whits Wheat Now 0 00 to 102 Ball Wheat Now — a. 0 00 to 1 00 strallo wneee Pito (now) ... 1 OS to 1 Kt Harlea 0 60 to 0 AO Oats 0 SS to 0 35 Mover Seel ... 7 00 to 7 40 imotL 1 zo 2 u0 Potts 0 (34 to 0 70 Corn — 0 60 to 0 65 Eggs, 0 34 to G 14 Butter „, C 16 to 0 36 Flour erbbl. ..• .. 5 00 to 5 60 Potatoes,por bag 0 55 to 0 00 APPlos,per bag _ ... 070 to 070 Dried Apples pr b 0 00 to 0 08 (loom per lb. .. 0 05 to 0 OG Turkey per lb... 0 07 to 0 OS Duck's per pr 0 50 to 0(0 Chickens per pr 020 to 0 30 Hogs,dressedperl 00 ... ... 7 00 to 7 50 5 00 to 6 00 5 00 to 0 00 6 se to 75 0 00 to 00 0 30 to 0 70 0 3O to 0 20 BOO to 0 00 0 60 to o 75 ... 3 00 to 3 50 Hoof Sides rottlig, ''dressed . Sheepskins onel. Calfskin(' Woo) per lb Somerton Ouions ner bus Wood per cord •• - - A LAWYER'S OPINION OF INTEREST TO ALL 3. A. Tawucy, Esq., a leading attorney of Winona, Minn.. writes: "After using it for more than throe years, I take great pleasure in stating that I regard Dr. King's NOW Dis- covery for Consumption, as the best remedy in the world for Coughs and Colds. It had never failed to euro the most severe colds I have had, and invariable relieves the pain in the chest." Trial bottles of this sure ewe for all Throat and Lung Diseases may be had Free at C Lutz's Drug Store, Large size, #1,00. LLAN LINE qhortest Sea Passage. AVERAGE TIME -8 DAYS. Three of which are passed in smooth water and amongst the beautiful scenery of river and gulf of the St. Law. • rence. Rates of Passage. Quebec to Liverpool and Londonderry Cabin, $70.00 and $80.00 ; return $135.00. and $150.00. Intermediate to Liverpool. Londeuderry and Glasgow (including rail Liverpool to Glas- gow) $36.75. Steerage—Liverpool, Belfast, Queenstown, Galway, Limerick, Londonderry, Glasgow, London, Cardiff, Bristol, $15.00. Intermediate and Stomp Stewardesses are appointed to each vessel. Passengers in Intermediate are found with everything. acid the accomodation offeree is equal to what is called Second Cabin in some ofIthe lines sailing from New York. The last train connecting with the steamer at Quebec leaves Toronto on Fridays at 9 m. Passengers can leayo on Fridays at 7:50 1).'".m. also, and connect with the •steamer at Brmonski, by paying an additional fare of $4.45 1st, and $2.25 2nd class. No cattle, sheep or pigs are carried on the Mail Steamers of bhe Allan Line. For Tickets and Berths and every inform. ationto app • ly mix SPACEMAN, AGENT ALLAN 1.4272 EXETER' see. ,te ste' 1 0 KI 0 (.> 0 . For Sale or To -Let. A commodious store and a convenient storey dwelling house, with good brick collar almost new. (At prose:at occupied by Mr' John Parsons.) !nth° village of Centralia, and 4 au aoro of garden ground, with good stable and driving house' Possession can be bad ou May 1st* Apply to— It oBT. McCOY, • PROPERTY LIsT For Sale A. comfortable flame dwelling, ono and a loifdagi Partioithes, apply to Allt Ka131P, les icing.st„ East, ilamrk • For Sale. A well fizmis medend convenient Dwelling House and Lot on Huron Street, East of Alain street Exeter, For particulars apply to Mb, 11 V r,emer. Solicitor dm, Exeter april 10 Centralia Ont. Hello, You Mister. "What are you thinking about ?" " Why I was just wondering what kind of birds those were that went by the window there." " Perhaps if you would describe them I might, help you." "Yes! but' scarcely got a good look at them, only I knew one was nearly all White, and the other nearly all Pink, and they had lots of plumes on their heads, and round their necks what looked to me like dog collars." Ha 1 ha 1 ha! well I declare, why those were the Misses C—'s out from London ; they carry the style 1 tell you. 1 saw them; one had on a White Muslin, the other a Pink Nun's Cloth; and. those collars are the lat- est. In London they are cal- led dog collars (because they look like them), and in Toron- to crazy collars (because the ladies are crazy afteethcm)." "Well, that beats 140, my eye sight must be failing me, but 1 could spot those collars all right." "Never mind,you o u to Ranton Brothers and they will show you all these new things, for they have a pile of new summer goods just ; Come and see those col- lars, Cream Bunting, Pink Nun's Cloth, also Cream, Pale Blue. Myrtle, Navy and Blk, Spot and Stripe Aluslins, White Brocade Satins, Darn. ed Laces, Ostrich Plumes and Embroideries. Oh, my ! we can't tell you half about them but visit the enterprising Dress Goods and Novelty House of BANTON BROS. and you will see. DOWNS' ELI) DOWNS' ELIXIR N. H. DOWNS' VlatETABLI, BALSAMIC ELIXIR 0 0 Has stood the test for Firrv-TintEx YEARS, and has proved itself the bat remedy known for the cure of Consumptlon, notighs,x Colds,Whoopin--; Cou1 and all Lung Diseasorti.1 • young or old. SoLn EV.ExY .. ..... ; Price 251 and 2100 per llettla. DO W ELIXIRf.a.m.ra•- j MENNENT & TENNENT, Veleti. JL nary SurgeonsGraduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, ,Torou to, have op ened an °Mee for tho treat mont of all Domestic An imals, on Main Street, Exe- ter. Calls from a distance_., -...,&2.....40.---a- • prdroptly at tended to. Medicines for Horses, Cattle, rte. always on hand. COIN SOSO Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he bas opened out a Boot ani Shoo Shop in the UOrner Store North of Barnwell dt Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds of ordered work. Sewed work a, speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON Late Manager C. Eacrett'a Bot and Shoe • Establishment. - May 14th 84. A.Cr.ENIT"§ TUNISON'S New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts As pa; iug as any agency in tho world. For f all portieula is, free. address. H. C., TIINI.SON Map.Publisher atialliolumendad..1.4onflon.Out. The Seemiller Plows, s. rowzza1 liming decided to elate hie present stook of the above plows. will sell F011 $13 OAS11, and $14 Oli TIME FOB 80 DAYS. The plow can be seen et the budding mos- ite Bawdens Marble ahoy. (A few doors south of the Market.) Points alai repairs always kept in stock. Parties intending making a ptrehaee will do well to cull early. April IQ, S. rowELL. LARDINE MACHINE OIL. •••••••*•••11.00.1. FAR myRs t THRE StHE RS. AND fg%et4gl7hler. and skVA heir4uulyy;1rcli, Sas been viotorions at all the lending exhih ti on a and industrial fairs since 1878, oarryin go ff first prizes umdalain every instance. It hag now no coma as a lubricator/an.* will out- wear lard, seal or castor oil. and warm atect not to clog or gum thorniest machinery' You will save money by fining this Oil. Try it and you will testify in its favor. Dewar* at imitations ..NIANUPACTONED ONLY EY.— Medi Bros. Co., Toronto. -•.YOXIacWiEY— BISSETT BROS., Exeter; J. EILBER & SON, Credtton ; IleDONELL &WAUGH. lionoall The ICarria e Looking' Glasg Eor Every 'Married Couple, While it will hurt no single mon or womau. to read this peculiar book, yet to all who for the fast time enter the marrictl state it is simply aNECESSITY. They must have at nor con the contents be given hero, but it i enough to nay the hook contains tho sec rats relating to newly married couples. Others who order it will bora to bear the conscquem,,.. cos, OS it is only intended for those who wish to know how to net; after Vim knot le tied. Jverysuen enople s.hula have it, and an it costs or.ly 0 paltry 20 cents, or a Inc 50 eta. Every ono can hare it by remitting stamps or elver rind this slip to AW KINNEY, Yarmouth, Novo Scotia AGENTS WANTED V2.;111.11MptoBga, NES. No more trouble to movo wick,. Every family wants it. Fit any lamp. Use same globe. Solis at sight. Three bunion for :al to any address. Roller Lamp Burner Co., 73 Mur- ray Streot,New York. CONSUMPTION 1 have a positive remedy for the above disease; by its nee thousands (leases of the worst kind and of long standin g have boon cored. Indeed, so strong Is ow felt In its °Matey, that I wit send TWO BOTTLES rItEE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease, to any suferer. Olve Express and P. 0. address. DR. 1'. A. 81.010031, 1st Pearl St., NOW York. A DVERTISERS se.ncl for our select list of .-c-Ja Local Newspapers . Geo, P. Row ell & Co., 1OSpruce Street. Now York. Clearing. Sale ! Sack'Olct Sta,nd. (2 Doo P nr th of Pont Office) Butterand Eggs Wanted's, In Exchange for Goods. We are selling Goode at Wholcsale Prices. A nice assortment of Dress Goods. Ready- made Clothing, Sugars, Teas, Currants and. Raisins, at a reduction of 25 per cent. on former prices ; Cashmeres 25 to 50e. Prints 5 to 10c.. Nuns Veiling 15 to 20e ; all snades in Figured Buntings 10 to 120.; Kid Gloves for 75e. worth 1.25;#Parasols, 25c to $1 ; Children's Hose 5 to 10e; Men's Stiff Felt Hats, 75c.; Soft, 50e. up ; Overcoats, $4, $6 and $7 ; Tweed Suit $6.50 ; Coat $3 ; Pants $2 ; Tweed from 50 to 75c; Boots and Shoes at very low pricee. May 29th. JOHN MATHESON.