HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-26, Page 3raruanac+w..a; •.Este;
Plznt tiae Philo-1
Icer caun•it cool de rel a n. oh iieto. , f
.• + B: �:t t I 1 th 3 Well. `
II no tire Cast ww u'm ale ..tail. ou death.. .. �,e .:sial one of the $U*1 ` t 1 ' ''. F:1:1t't"my /tither wtis a vee strict man' U 1-1 .E 21)e t1••,iii es w hob in d ht „inn to oh, with los chlldtenitis til reit t: .,, .•d .'dt .. 1'i :r •IL 'e t Oreille pm=ts of AL'.: i t'9a, •':and I!'.. OLL31 . 1.41
pleasures j ttou't think 1. we knew to t'1 w'r•iwe k i t',ust. (Y,, . *.tete,;
ens *aria from z fixed 1 au !+o • kIe Inrchar. t t'• . ret r:
I'ovt•;? ww, o t u t -. tare will to looked upon 1I boyish p1.tnle as a viola- �41a `ut. of icte ie le 't';r;
UI e- DL 1 1 t w•a; ei, jet is don of the f:il:etl>. law, come! I dinet. '
11cr' set' Why } tie tie.. 1,:, rise*. blink on sreh an occasion 11• over fail- , bare u pro9#, ww a �iaini
I eel to administer iunlbhiitent. One: to gi robe lux;chasers the
I lt' a i ., Wen spa let. els?.. ol► di loss- looming. while the family was at break=' Ue -see tl.e osuuot alit
. r to •
Meet the xi,earx of the
terleS old death when 418 ain't 43Len font fast, I. Ikea out to the well, onti-Ouutl. :Grangers: Our expeneei
4)Ut tie Int trona•: oil Him the ell Sin /runt rile wwindl1458, and let: i arclesscllan tltoso oloite
the busker down to the waster. I -napnlaetnrel�conseil'ient
De downfall nit lit , -eft 1• ; ova goI jj wrccale eell.lteaper
1 i thought it would be a good joke to tell t I
4'njoy eel kV 811 in !sista. , de tat b ei— , r
of da (loan ii long ter de saute church. I hind that the bucket was in the well,,. i
and 'ales£ g; etc br:+'at33e concerned, to 1
f r. 1C S. GIDLR 1
gond i' x1 teTl'Lt1:'1'1'k
_allTlj2tCOtil tare]. 1
. rnb1ern of al
o our -ender teking ttei t,rt I
eut,wbiele it more coir. •
pletethaxiaver,es we baso
1ddedsevert'F new designs
of late the feet coffins
caskets sl:rcud4,and every
uneral reguisitr at ties i
Lowestkaric14.. Our Ilowr;
Benue to •ronouncedtoy a
aoutlietellt judges. to 1+e
second. to nor a t>: tLe 1
the Different 0c etica.
De collo!l gen'Ieman i= t+uis. He calls drtvtr it alp alit! have a 1:18g11 at
hilt, ' i• ' I ••• pense. 'thicket's in the well,' I said ! �----
. elf a uta.,,. t. lett ww.." .i le white
doll. say; flat he is to uig`,er, he gets I ►then. I entered the Maung room• The 1 " �" f ' "' 1 '-*
z 11 1 t w in 111. ' 1 old gentleman didn't say anything, and, I w I `�*' t -}-�*- t -•1•.
I intended to correct the statement. but A VI
De mos' 1 :i mful intro* n'1(s (•'o di•, i bending my ener ie:s to the demands of i vaunt) ineun, Au'1m
life 1- sone r sleet! 11tH:$ de origlit1 :t Ii:iv- 1 a boy's keen a ppt•ttt •, I aural fo •,gvt illy s
• r. Ile black-u..lkt :shit nigh so putty i joke. After beeakOtet the Hid gentle- Funerals funti1hw:d;L..:,
t ale copper. ht•:ai, taut ht� all:' ( half so °wan t distal t0 t bili' - •...411 it shop, ani iL tc t at tae very to;
piztn. _ ! about four atilt ttI :ant nett lino an stY,Stoeeetuudbrteoiug
Vine hien (Brea t..., what 1.. a, lope P Iron Leek wadeo Ile tL atelier! home, -4,00)&43lwlargo. aaa(.lete
'" ' tilting the ltot,k an file s tial Uf ]t. I in Otis line will /lady tai
Wine (men onie•n tan what •ain't got ti�. 1 a� • >• - 1 tllCiraS1'atttrge ko Ktventb
reputation, i• I:tt(1t 1 e :reel. 1)e illerraied 1 noticed the work. hat it diol. not occur a kat ata ei<.:ml...• »lt
nkat what is hone, may tell de folks i to It►e that I w MS the itist.c,:it(ii of tilt? tli61i i..;; .
'eat tots 'ii'r1, ;a value is pl:tet:d on his . Performance. *%Then the !tole was ,
ales, alt' do take it a r•-ilro:tell an' a I, properly arr.tuged,l*e went to the well
t.a1Irei.1(iu oil de :net flat he feels flat and began to lull for me •.:;4:: •t. °L*, .
underrated think art ay s'ayltint he ainme 't ltlrawet n uta, but/Ail the n 441 t''r'r :leas 1 b,en '
valued high i uoilgh, an' tla has a wus 1 t •! civil. I was ntraid to seT :Iny-
"piniun oil ham dela da (rid llefO'.— thing, so I went down to the barn and
..irbinziate T i•+a"+ Iii•
tatlon fila h:•atl' -ntat't ot.;•rr•'t•:.l Rn' ,et.t a lona, pole, .end spent cluetitue In txtraou •equlr•n"..Qn3tl,ln.
played! around a long time. Molly I
* *, �- wwtlnt hack, to the house, rcachin'r there
lora Lalerid;;a
just as the old gentleman bronat the
beret front the well. Ile looked at
Lord Chief Justice ashlar+ridge elesed the chain, then at the, wind!:*.., then at
lila speech at the dinner in U3ostoo,
tbllowws : "'Didn't you tell me that the bucket
le Gk.1tTotooso ` ; Baseil1g War' from was in the well?'
the kindness. awl eorididsity, and goner. 'Yes sir.'
osity of Lien. Butler. how ate 1 to rise to "'Don't you know that you told me l Ii a l l.asetet. saws care. Also for Totter, t
the heights which the recollection~ of a lie?' Telt, `'alk -Rheum. .91114 -Bead, Erysipolati,
btassachlasetts and of Boston would fain "'But it wag in file well, wwavn't it?' illrbe.s' Itc'•t, tllotrliea, all Aral; •e lTlst Skin
invite me to aspire to? I sn'.;tk in the and I lauglsid, hoping to imlare s hint Dirita4Ew.. Bus. LSmail. Gal Ctsee3 fnrlli.t5-
nci„llborho'$ of 111 n1;er hill ; in th:► with thea humorows side of the affair. Addreto.11t. SWAT= .s. ;%4i;t, Pltila„ :+A.
neighborhood of `1 wharf, which a Wen " drool's very tunny.' the old gentle- S',ld by iletlbr,*:ice.
/t *!tine hid told use 'ita4.o 1 canto. into !tarn 1.1140. •silt 1'tl bitter take yvu ADVICE: TO i1t)Tti£Yt ,
this room hoe uothiug to do with the in hand. or you ;nicht be telling faulty Ar.(Ir0utliwtattteda:1ix:ll:
Boston tea tight. I Le re Fuel; strictly stories in the teryi.sl:t1ure 0110 at these
historic accurate : Y lH'1'twt• faithfttll 1 e r up :a limb Its tltra�h- rertbyfasltt>welail•t .;ear., a. rm't crylp¢ what
}} y days. and t : >:* - A l nvittF comm. -need Lu hueFEtvrtke
(heat that admire beverage s;; *alta", you ed me until • Il the bunter /salsa!
11aru ji;streeo red m
r-'r�A•� arert.,.t*f:tr.•k Utz .;rgestuck Wal a taut(
. - e t+; ti4 1
Rosewood ('est t • ail
i:oftins of every doserlp.
,fon. A complete stock
of Robes end Trinnuinge
.t alway onba.ttil, F
Chemberaad I',rtrior Su. is
All kinds of Furniture at .
Ow tower trates.
`I fix Yt*S,t, t11FletitSE (.1 TUE COUNTY
I:4 mem: et he pl. •Ni. c4,1y...ip -a.t s t wp'a Tc�rbacea Store, faiu•street, Exeter.
*7QI G. tl'' T T.
MOM- S �.il'TOM ANDCTMtir 2
mien, lutentt *rhino ince 8+.,,.1 by gelat4'htlt;;; ,
Seto/ diatr4v'oims, pattlG,11 ar at Hight; scenes Ar PORK
k' �/ j At f
*! piu.wertna etre crawling in and about rhes 1 i *► � t I fIt'i H[J t� (7
re'etnw, the privets pail. CAN S^nietiHh s af-
fected If allowed to continuo wary rcrioil8 re-
set:sr:layfellow. "SSWA1:N2'SOINTAIE T"
The b;'o*ptems are ta(tistere, like peva;,it-! - � ,ITI
rain et ct:ttan;, restive if ",..:�, nitt,s Me alai
•' Settabottle of SUM WI+a+t.O1;'S SonTIIINti•
tiara brewed ever siuoe, hoe berets stn- the joke."---:ir ansarf' Tf048.1er. BY1W 1''•' since the Il;ht at T ltwtal +i=imotr Mile. It will re -9 Fall and 'mte * Trade
provedwharf.]< •et
have seen your old state -hove. with the
lion RIBA uuieurtt upon it. 1. have seen The Scho *Tris is T-entleRLe,
pour noble building In which oour two It it neer • 1f' to ij11de.:1 new Allier-
;ougcs assemble, with Gen. Bttrguynee lean town Qv Av • ;leen eaoiett ..y oid-
caunou in the ante -eh: muter. I have scr4ativn tat its "rugged edge." One
aeon Franco!l ht1I1, a plain but wapiti,- spring day we ww•t'r.' tiPla.10e+1 from
cent building. I have seen that most noon until a un1..wn :tt a r::itrr ail eon -
Magnificent building within a few miles ne etiult wlait:h didn't conu(•et. Wearied
of this place--thellesnorinl hail of liar- of the rc.ttgl: toot uncleanly surround-
yard university: Gentlemen, these lugs i'f the railroad hotel, at widafter-
thin'r.l are Rill of interest and history; noon we, sallied forth iu a hupolesat way
and -1 don't believe menwho tell rue yon for au exploration of the straggling
have *to history. It may ue you have n village thatoecupled a stile or two of
abort history, because you (tan not help the rIdjtaeent enuntrv. The *drat rynap-
it; but you have a great history, toms of improvement watt a rttaoultloy
•• You have n history td which any shouldering n eatti1Hl of hooks. I'Ltsl*-
comluonwealth may justly and rightly iug on, we acme out at the other end of
be proud. Youkuoww--for'nve my yen- the eettl tueut, ttutt round ourssives he-
fty if I say I know, too—that you bred fore a* spacious chock -Bolas, on a
llonjanlin Franklin. hurl Daniel Web- pleasant ridge, with a wide out -look
X Styr anal Joseph Story, and Theodore over orchard:, nurseries anti halals of
Parker. Danis.' Webster, whose hand I ripe strawberries, bounded by noble
was privileged as a boy at Ett,nStu press forests of oak; a landscape full of the
when he is -us iu England as your retire- promise of Comfort awl prosperity.
solitaire, and Wh+ese eloquence I have .Gulag in we foetid a Iarge schoole of
humbly studied ever :tine•le ; Store, a several huudred pupils. gathered from
household. word with every Enirlish law- the surrounding country, with active
ycr ; Parker perhaps one of your high- teachers soul good ways of instruction,
eat and r greatest e mull ; Ilewthorne, if and learned Unit were in one of the
Vou trillforgive the expression of a most thriving of the uew fruit-growiug
foreigner. is perhaps, taken altogether, settlements of aorthwcstern Tennessee.
almost your foremost man of hitters; It is always safe to look et both edges
Longfellow, the delight and darling of of anything American before you give
two hemispheres ; Mimes, On Autocrat the world the benefit of your valuable
of the irenkfast Table—the autocrat, if opinion thereon.—Yew England .Tour.
lie chose, of every dinner table, too ; oaf of 2:c1tecation.
but there I am told he is content to play
the part of a constitutional sovereign.
Emerson, as broad, as strong ars one of
your long rivers, and as lure; Lowell,
am proud to say, illy own honest
friend, your representative at this mo-
ment in Inv own cotl.utrV. Like Gar-
rick in Joseph Itey:mid ' picture, he
excels either in tragedy or comedy, :and
is delightful whether as Hosea Bigelow
or Jalues Ru Bell Lowell, skilled with
quxl genius to move the hearts of los
reader.; whether to smiles or tears. h on the other -hand, showed him-
Anocils, the last of your graphp '
ti Hw
waders who haws taken England by a self extremely sensitive to the fact that
Storm. These are, your 14 glories, these els reputation as a patinter seemed like -
are the men who make j our history. iy to be overshadowed by his fame as
*These are the men—turgive ale for say- au electrician, and that as an artist he
would be forgotten. No doubt Dick-
ens, Scott and Thackeray rated them-
selves as dreamers in the world com-
pared to the founders of railroads and
the kings of manufacture and agricul-
ture. Nor is it less improbable that the
nreatest of inventors have sat dOWn in
;Bent worship before the genius of
Shatkspeare and the lesser poets and
the historians who record what such
men as themselves have wrought In
reality, the practical and imaginative
workers are interdependent. They
draw inspiration from the achieve-
ments of each other. How nittch. the
one gains from, the example portrayed
in Literature, <rr the other finds its the
and mutual1 respect, :and two nations. so practical advances in civilization, the
Workers who Are Unlike yet Interde-
It is the order of certain niinds to
give admiration to that which is fair re-
moved in kind froze themselves. Ezu-
erson eulogized the practical worker
and estimated more highly the visible
results of such a man's labor than all.
the philosophy he spent his whole life
in uttering. Morse, who will always
be keown as the inventor of the tele-
in„0- it—of whom you ought to be proud,
if you are not heartily proud.
"Gentlemen in the person of every
humble Englishmann on ono side, and
of this greaat company on the other, let
ale think that England and America
have met together. Gentlemen, we are
one, 3114 Washington Allston said, :and
most truly said—the great pith) ter and
the poet who Worked in this city, and
who lies not far off in the Cambridge
church yard—we- are ane in blood, we
aro one in language, we are ono in law,
we are ono in hatred of oppression and
lore of liberty. We are bound together,
if I may reverently say so, by Ged him-
self in golden chains of mutual nffection
*citta! together, I am firmly convinced, stiunilt that makes the poet, historian
�n will never put asunder."
"The hast link is broken," the fellow
said, when he kissed his girl good -by
forever, at her request, because her per-:
eats wished a dissolution. A few days
after he received a note saying: "Dear
George, there are plenty more links;
or philosopher, it is not possible to
compute. Blame have ninny individ-
ual assertions proving that the direct-
:in g power of lives are such influences
as these Boston Hernia.
Bishop Beckwith of Georgia, says
that the greatest drawback to the pro-
eotne and break them:"' gress of the Southern negroes is whis-
rnecoudition of the market: "An,, kJ • He believes that high taxation , pf
eood morniva, McGiiuge, you're just liquor ► • *pore, effective as a temper -
the men I want to see,'1seid old put -1n, aro: 1. (*sues than, prohibitory leglsia
how's the market going to be? I
tell you as a friend, everything ie going A Borth 'Carolina woman Who fete
to boom. 'This little flurry will be over merlydug ginseng in order to sectfre
in a few days and then things are going money with which to supply her hits -
up. "tell you, old -fellow, now is the 'band with tobaogo, has lust discovered
time to "put in. 'But Snide, your , a mica mine in the;mountains Which is
partner; says the bottom is dropping out supposed to be .worth $20,003. Ker
of everything. "Suidet AliSnide ie husband ie too lazy 'to work: it and it
the bear lnember.of the firm." will be maid.
Ro o alio poor iut3et ituffertr su uacesiately. Der
penttopen leraothere.there ie nomistikeabout Wearn prepMrclltteVIareliSee au,{,'quatsity'4
it. It cures e13.e„ter5lOol ttattl.t,ee. re+gUtatnS. Perk 'Subject toth5f.4lowinare;;alatlonr
fie+• stv.ulael44 44.44. 11,1, 4., :1:14 ►..'t colla'
gottentttiot Iu'n r. 14e...c*s alae*:! 1+ aeric:/, mud, We will take off two pounds per hundred it
gives tons nn1snorer to tion whole slstele,sdry, omit three pound ifsoft: Shoulder tiles
Ma". w€►s.a uwr'm Cwlix * 1.o $tare *'on Canr.D, twenty -fire cants. If any of the 1 no. onto
IIEN Ar'SIttllitl151 k*1 out tt. tee USW. end
the rrricript .n of one of the uldevaa, and beet
Aimee wowing and 1 it) Stew z:v iu the Uz:ite4
stet ., obi i► Curtale ley all dtu,•'4t:tr thf";11pl•
Olathe world. rile* semi
a bottle.
Pains and Aches,
MICE in the MUD I
801.0 DY ALL ocAt. Rs.
n!IINN k ('0..rf the $e:xv trzc tVl:rttrty eec-
nnuetea.eterWdleat•r+sot 1%d .. Caveats. Trade
make. t.o" 3.:,:bts. i•.r the r 81181 States. Canada.
England, Mane.•, Germany, eta Mod 13008abort
Patents sea free. ThUt- +even yearn' experience.
Patents obtain cdthrid!:!*bIDNN Eco. are noticed
in the ttet1.Yrar:cAMen:c4Y the largest bcst.aand
0051ildelrolrrelated-aelenllfep• r. 5,20a,year.
Week(. Splendid engravings and tnterssting. in-
formation. Specimen copy of the *cteati8c Amer.
leen sentfree. Addres9 MUNN Co. Ec1Ririr*a
AMERICAN OSice, Ell Broadway. New mock.
,w all be mailed rim=to all applicants: id 10
tnstamers of last I JIM. year without ordering it
It contains illustrations, prices, descriptirne and
directions for planting all Vegetable and Fleets
:'cods. Plants, etc. Invaluable to all.
D. M. FERRY $t CO.""Mt'-:
Health & Happiness ::Jr all.
ELIEVEBiliousness, Headache, days.
pepsia,- Indigestion, Dizziness,
Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering
of the Heart,
And every: species of disease arising fror►
Impure Blood, fis. &c.
Gitnalt Chemical Company
are let sntsextrawill be deducted.
No proK will be bought at any price
it warm.
We :mit Ell Hogs Carting right throltlb
breast to hes I. and HAMS opened out to tall
t Loss of Appetite,
Iiii:icost1011, Sour Stomach,
Habitual Costiveness,
Sick Headache and Biliousness.
Price, ,2S. par bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Cherry Pectoral.
No other complaints are so insidious in their at•
t t el: as those affeetiag the threat land lungs : none
trifled with by the majority of sufferers. The
• r'litutry eonglt or cold, resulting perhaps from a
:riding or unconscious exposure, is often but the
t-.-a'autina of a fatal siekness. lirElt'S CHERRY
l rl(1aAL has well proven its efficacy in a forty
' • las' light with throat and lung diseases, and
-mold be taken in all cases without delay.
A Terrible Coug Cared.
I n 1817I took a severe cold,
which affected my
luta;;,. I bad a terrible cough, and passed night
atter slight without sleep. The doctors gave me
tai'. I trled Areit's 01811114 PEOTOIeet, which
r.dleved my lungs, induced slee p, and afforded me
the rest necessary for thereto ery'of niy strength.
By the continued use Of the P • CTORAL a pernta-
1,t•ut cure was effected. I am now 62 years old,
1:ale and hearty, and am sats fled your CHERRY
I.:R*•'01/ALSaved me. HORAC'I•PAIRR1tOTltln4'
Rockingham, Vt„ July 16, 188
Group. -A ]Bother's Tribute.
"'While in the country last winter my little
boy, three years old, was taken Ili with croup; it
seemed as if he would die than strangulation.
Cee of the • family suggested; the 1180 of Akron's
CHERRY PECTORAL, a bottle of which was:al-
ways kept in the house. This was tried in small
and frequent doses, and to (=delight in less than
half an hour the little patient' Was breathing eas-
ily. The doctorsaid that the.CHHER1=Y PECTORAL
had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at
our gratitude 2 Sincerely'yours,, - • -
cons. twat& GEnrrv."
153 West 128th St.,,New,,Yor1e,,May 1Q, 1182.
"I have used ATER'S CHERRYPE TORR L tat my
family for. several years, and do riot hesitate to
pronounce it the most effectual remedy for couhs
and colds woken, ever tried. A. J. CRANE."
• Lake Crystal, Blinn., March 13, 1882.
"I suffered for.elgbt years Front Bronchitis, and
after trying many remedies with no snecess, I was
cured -by the use of A2 RA'S CHL" RI1Y -PECTORA 1..
Byhaliat, Mise., April 6,1882.
"I cannot say enough In praise -of Arrays
- CHERRY' PEOTORAL,'believing as 1 do that but
for+ its use I should long since have died from
lung troubles. E. B1:AOIloN. "
Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882.
No ease of an affection of the throat or lungs
exists which cannot be greatly relieved, by the use
Of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, and it wino/treys
curc when the disease is net, already beyond the
controhof medicine.
Dr;J: & Ca., Lowell, Mese
Sold by ail Druggists.
2i�a ARHO-A7,
&oris 0YQ44OEgLaERS.,
Clic read'
coaltialtDY E *,
ad rot• Purlfytng the Etood..
2t Los been, Zit tem) Ion Wyman, encl. Irts
proved t . k.e tt:c+ tit Preparatiett in the
Tin; b ON Olt 1 M. W.aLltVF IS (NIN
PLAI41'. III[t'1 tea* tl:: SITU FAG*,
1•Y1C i.I: 111 tet. met Ili Diseases
"tar : e fa. sea I.i'.wticr d 1.:+vr area
lytta a'r..t T .. '4.41(1'1 cf r r M •x
to re t to etie re it. to t1 'rt bel•
tF.:I a } i. s,fra • 1f dr.
• 4.53 )4 1 ;.t., Teel" tt'. t . d t• t+'
ILc9 t n - e. m3. 'ows iie•r i: lfo4ad1•
rs. 1' D1 w+'• i CIA rry.t r.:iia.$ ia.
IY, II a°. n, L►'tfrafr.'l. Watl'e.T-reeo w .1
e :, . - $•3 r.ow'a Nato:Ale Inert 1 .r.,
h, Ititsit r.'i1 % . �t'.•,f t•
-ittl,'.:: ;t:s nn.•st dela t .•e:,t
1: 4 5('i'.beI..•%Llltre.i sw,-v.,t. ,1
Aria , :. *t,e 1.'.141'.
911. $,*`Tall It*.a'.wte.n:11er" f
c ., o r e gtiot t ax *tics r'r its •
.r n t rad t., 1. 11•+srr t';
(e '04.1 . ... 441111,
Niro +k,:tC POWDERS,
Aro rlott:ant to ('.t,4'. 4'4'11t.1•• slit *r Gwen
Pargfttiva Io a aide. Mire. Mai tweet**,
tlf/trirt' et :Tome in Children or Adults,
By the central position of its line, connects the
East and the West by theehorteet route, and car-
ries: passengers, .Plftlttlnt:ohange of cars, between
Chicago and Kansas City, Council Bluffs,Leaven-
worth., Atchison, Minneapolis and St. Paul. It
,Doaaeete in Union Depots with all the principal
lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific
Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnifi-
cent, being composed of Most Comfortable and
Beautiful May Coaches, Magnificent Horton Re -
Mining Chair, Cars, Pullman's Prettiest .Palace
Sleeping Care, and the Hest Line of Dining Cars
in the World. -Three Trains between Chicago and
Missouri River Points. Two Trains between C1af-
seao and Minneapolis and 8t. Paul, via the Famous
A•L4ew and Direct Line, via Seneca and Ranks.
Mee. has reeentty been opened between Richmond,
Norfolk, Newport News. Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au.
8llSta;N'9shville Lottaeville,Lexington,Cinoinnati,
I Indianapolis and Lafayette, an�{ Oinn:ta, Minneap-
olle and St. Pani and errs Travel
points. -
An Through Passengers Travel on F:tst Express
Trains. •- , .
Tickets for ealo.at all principal Ticket Offices in
.theMnited.States and Canada.
Baggage rchoe'.ted through and rates of fare al,
wa.yo es "low as compotitora that offer less advan-
tFor detailed informatioe,get the ktaps and Fold-
Dlte Of rho
At your aoarbat Ticket Office, or address
R. il. O.ttelL1E. E. ST. :JOHN,
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