HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-26, Page 24101$44"4444A101.4 LOST .T1R A 1A7111,1A11. 7* Artnottor ot. • Itni Near - 14,1,1e, I at' Night, ° t'F"' &%, r..ItT 1, In mine two. t'4: ' Indy -hot ov,r 'Iron • si,-ransa. dearly -more aeatly then 44-2;w t'iii4„.Ag else, on earth--aireatly, and 1-.1e.a,Fat ..'so part witlz her no more I .,t,s t tir t"-oterol inito in :.-44,i1)1e to tel., ".11:,'t 7""at time might come. Her geo,51. stnnse hitt'f well, ma rot ,TT.est . )!tihtg thnt lettt.----"+:,.t cold, ,Cir..bivg, Sitilesi le;ter,t • his ° every eanliTy lop. a, „3 .Y.Isted The trarez..: ‘vOrnon's :711 Ida t place. his year: :,"! hop. svItor!,:ttg„ ti g 11'85 = 11-4% sell, et; trer ' .11144 %anti. Ana if any ▪ -trtist, wanting a sItt-ur for Sit:17,, -"IcP1:1 NVIL •"'"'. 4 WitterW:7i Mtn. .Lu b4 ;teal-nt v'Irt tts„v Leafttg I grown, to -nue -lea, ;:,tnnor. IN-Sr.A.L-T-T.A.1311,:14: TO 'MAY DEW' 'the [beat French Lotion for Beautifying the Face. l.t conceals:le-evidence of asa. 0:o e appli- cation wilt molte the most stul+arttly d ,tnol rough 110.Ae..;bc.,:intiffnilloft and wkate.Re momber that'. 111A): DE -NY " is 'not a point or powder that Ale up. tlte pores_ of -the sitin. tixat is 1141:lions tO t143 0:14 but ix new ana groat 4iscevcsv. li vogetz hie liquld„ ttot ennsc, the etegk glow Stith itealtb. the and hand:: to rival the Lily' in whitenc.,s. itr - Peseittle to tZetect in the ber.v.IY it vmfers any arcial Ce4...cs tireAsy Freltles• inte.ptes. Ditch licat13.; Croves Eeeti ilkteltoS, Gratbs, Sett iturn Ton. Dingwet!s„ taaapped Clan. red .14ii44. 1.1.11, Wetter, .te. ' froes tlte pozos,o44.441-11:.2.1:41. tals,.:.5 from ;Ito /01.sette‘zU tylaki eoimette.- weeltes. ity 1..use v..4 pre. blak0 •40,ft,smacot nv.41 delicious seituese:.p-001;totil oi:erfe;:itly heriltIty.ltAtRIS ,:rprottranco-.4Lhbez teat tie rrodacedi Wfs .411'41'' 'A " 4,.:try nitdr.4,:s on re-- vel.±,1 rrivt',• ;,,, • MAY 4'7:7,V; Hats Caps, Boots (fi Shoes ,grummarsocr=gratreva-„Tmmentrity-yrr.ramsr".0.woriemsto fl MO BALI DEALERS T Ci0(..),DS 1.40TITIVRa- wdlt fat'ver..F., gone! GENTS. FURNISHINGS„ For ail will ;,„.„;.,t i.e iar iv' Wording of t necurnti :‘,:.e.holtis leaves no doubt of V, -!7,t.„ it -P.7,011 to. 4, ell his ley, ot" fair t, tr1 0.44, rost: • *,:t'vell t) tho3:. ats :o .:JP",t :t 17- rts:11 thonzand '14„ttnnt's rVC.-7. - lIonth for :ens wifo. ...ifnt girl, this nsturcr, has eStal; he has- been sh9t-4.?.",nr,., dett2ived-4swindleti as 1,' V1.4 it:4d 8,11 f.tis4 eage.-.4 ▪ "", !:"."7„nitt. With ail the, latest Novelties T....t^,3 '• • • litaka wootaa: :ink; me1 and hi all Deuartmeitts To 8OTTSE Front as Usua limn!, Idea tt•iitie with- unti!a merciless etase. stio )LA Tee:, her, wititiler Ono one hue77,?, rtrives 4l t dis•eovor; th.9".":3T,...',7...; have 23" The place TO get everything you want at prices to suit the time Months' pa--; in Ona p 1.44-.3.131 ti1e83 4 anonths do hint this goe441-!%:z tt'ciii his «11;1 117;r4,7, thin* seempl„ thatights that we Ftr,' tall are best. lto thitets it over -Le 1 .i.tinplo tilue-anti with a son! till',41. Tri.`" z.ilott "t bitternots att.1 gall, re -17-.- -'n his .tonr4e. N•1-121,40.au powirt:04- ' - ed Ily anktr. 117-43 33r.,3" i•-• ' .. , -.-“liron, INT* * . SF-LD EE/ e... 1.1 ONE, COME ALL, 0 1 3. ou )1e to 3}0w c4-00els Inspection Invited.. ' JAMES PICKARD. SANWELL & PICKARD. ' ;INOW?..;ED ItEMEDIES. HU ,.... • 1, 11 t.. 1 VIIE F: .. ,.....„ .:......,,,„. 014140$W4OZ GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS, ETC., ETC.. //41,1MAP PM.1•1•••••• U11 Lx10e ixt 1Dep4 rtmente. Do not fail to examine our stock Lcitve purchasing c.Isc. where, as you will prices coratet and Goods 1 414,t• ty,4 °a, 'At • A 11 1- tl! • , • 1441.411:e.• t".11 5(41 44, 2 25 3„ •, • CO.N GA*. o1418. -- is an infAliblo totiit ily INT ex,,, THE PILLS Iiu Ify t13.4ititokl, Coll( et 411 I tiosliel It the LIVE L, STOI1CU, KITINHYS, AND 1-1O1V ELS, They brogiirateziaa Jit.,14411'0 to ht lath Itchil1tct,-1 Co344.1ittniol.,4, 11111!$•,, clash's! hl 4t11 014111.1:1111tS i18t81 tO FE =Av. s. (•:411.41r, 11 811.1 4.„.;041 the?? ar4 nliceless Boot &Sho241' ,-)p. A. s4 - Has opened It now Boot & In PansOn'g Block, Nolitlt DOW where 134 prepared to makc all kinds of ordered work. Fine Sewed Work 1. SpeoiOity,, Give llitO it Call. New Drug Store W. H. COULSON, Would inform the inhabitants of the Stn.: - rounding country that he hos openvi out In Hepburn's 01d Stand, A •Complete Few Stook Dru gs, Chemicals.' . Pa tent -11 I edicin (2.8 , Dye -Stuffs, Spices, Perfu in ery, Fancy Articles, 1- 1vouring Attracts Special Attention even to Dispenshig. THE OINTMENT fut itad 1".t.t.1, Dad Ettasts, tilIl Wo1n1,114. 64)1V6 Ulcers. It is hel.ptair; Gout 8181 Ilhentuatisin. kO11 NS WiDERS TfiN taIrST 1? iA Ni EQUAL. For Sore Throats.. Bronchitis, (!t•ugloi, 0.411;s,tilandriar Swelliugs. othi all skin ill:lease it lets no rival ; mai fer eentreeted and still joints it setsiike a charm The rills and ointment nke sold at Ttormit; Hot LOWAY'S EbtablislIMetlt, 1S NEW OXPOBD-STREET late i.133, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis.,22s., and 33s., each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three' times the quantity of the is 14d, size ; the 4s. 61 size six; the lis, size sixtetn ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Foto. Full 'printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. •••••••101111•••••••••••*11•••• WILLIAWIDREW Undertaker; and Cabinet-maker. 'llementber the place, - M..127.!,-alMIR.# Ol\Tal..A:-.EI0 .\\T, H. COULSON, • ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S.BANK c.,flici• Store, Opposite Cenh 91 Hotel. Mzzotor rost Office Time Table. Kirl>tou,Woodhatu, Win itelson Ulna ElialsValo „ At:41l1i and 21t211, 1120121.1188 Lontion.11 a milton , 31..11t vv.!. :Am, Pt: Red tatos • Ihndisi t and torel6o ih; .... • •-. South, castand west.., sorth and castinelUtling oderich, Wingint ltine.43.1ine et.d allpona Strottottl,Toronto, lltmtroal,ond 1•Witi.331 11.tkv . • - Korth • • . • Bray ••• s• • 44.6 •••• • non 3t(I 11321 Sista. Atta nio. 9.(41 14 ... 0.15 3l.321.,4110 12. IL . 1: .t ott.ta 14.20 at. p.m. Ica n o.',ep. tn. p. -(Dt1)81:$ issucti and ri'dd on and from any Ifoney eirderOillec in the Dominion of Da nado,Gren tDritain ant', freland,Dritislt India. Newfoundland, tiermany..tustria, italy,Attetralia. anti the "(tutted States. POST °MOE SAVINGSD NTC.. Deposita will be received at this office from $1 to gon. Depositors obtaining tho Postmaster- ; General's sp vela' rot:mist-To 21 0821 -deposit 81001 Deposits on Savings Bank account received from t 0,m. to 4r.m. Office hours f. on, 7J108.10.t07 in m. Lettersintendod for regis tration ;oust be posted li minutesbetore the closing of each mail. rarticulary requested that the senders of matter ivill him* add the names of th Count este the addresses. D:JORITS, Postmaster. SUNBEAM ART GALLERY. The undersigned begs to intimate to the people of Exe- ter and surrounding country that he has better facilities for turning out first-class than heretofore: Pictures taken in ell the Usual Styles of the Art Life -Size Pictures in oil Colors Crayon, or Sepia ID 0-N E.; OIST SI -1C ItTEST orricE And it Lowest Possible Rates, All Work harontoci. P.S.-Engraving on Gold, Silver, .or Ivory ; also Gold or Silver Plating done on the shortest notice. W. T.JOHNS,: Proprietor.