HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-26, Page 1Vol. XL, No. 42. • HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FAL WHERE THEY MAY.,. EXETEB, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, TJ UNE 26, 1884. Just -Received- --SOMETHING Received-^---....,—SOMETHING VERY PINE IN--,- OU000LA ES and 0000A. All kinds of FRUITS, ORANGES, LEMONS, FIGS, DATES, I3ANA„NAS, At G. A. , YNDM..A.N'S. -.. W. HALL, DARfISTEIZ,SOLIvITOILetC Ufave, In Su.tntvati•aAlook, Exeter. DENTAL. 11 KIN MAN, DENTIST. u. D.S. ed tut PosR onise Bleck. Teeth ex- raetedwitit out pale. etttb1.cAL R.IfYNU;ItAN',- .GUItONEltFOR teet•.oneteofliurau, tetilee, oore,ite to '.t.aiarlin„ *atoro.Rseter W. BROWNING M. D., 11., C • P. iradaate\'ieteritt[xniveraity. Ofale a ntlresi.lnuct.. Dom'aior i.aboratoe v. Exeter. FIR.J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P. S 0. Odteo, Main St.1•:xeter.Ont. BeSidence huuserecently occupied by P. 1ioPhtllipa+, Fa,;. LU Z, m. I)., ♦ Odic(' at his residence lat•tcr, R. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI vrltsire 'rriuit'Colleeetenrber(:efeee puvliciarastttd llrrt;oont Ont.. a•AiceEairkton 1 MMPOIt'r t'>t r0TIetl_e RIVES OKE, COUNTY AUCTION. re neer. Sales p-etnptlyatkende to. Aaysof valasarranred1St tbts OQICO `t_ENUY EILI3ER, Licensed Auto Townships. c Sue(fay, a meted Stephen. lo ntoiratei taatico-QPoat•oflee,Cradifon, tint. ONEYT() LOAN ON REALES- frthe anlaf.poh$)OIQty. tate aratesointernal. ply tJon tipacktnau,Exetor. XTJ. CLARK, Agent for the Us - i. • iaerrnertu.l IIibbort iiutualFirera1eurancn Company,. Residence --Farquhar. Orators by matllaronmptly Attended to. TOS. HUDSON,• COMMISSIONERt in rho Court of Common Pleas–Deeds, Wills, Slortl agearecases,aud all forme of agree- - snouts drownautd ox'cattulaaccording to law. Ci>•"7eICE--Intuo Centennial Rotel Clock ,l3eu- sail,Ontario, / nor ONEuTO LOAN OANo)lPrivate 1TnrtT terms. Funds. APIA yto Uctobarl;,'RO R. V,ELLIOT, Solicitor, Esete, I can loud any aunnuut of :Raney on form se- curity at8,61 a.ad 7 percent, accord au2 to terms l Private rands awpeeialty. Charges inodorate, it W 1IALL,Barrister,Exoter. GLINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Money to Loan on Farm & Town Property At lowost rates of interest, anal an terms to suit borrowers, A number of 11rst•olass Forms for sale. .Xort„ages b-nght Ana soba, Ogino in Fanson's BIoek Exeter NJ. CLARlt, COMMISSIONER • in the Court of Common Pleas–Deeds, \vills,hiortgages, Looses, and all forms ofagrae• meats drawn and oxecufedaccoriingg to laiv. ISONEY TO LOAN ON lin ALN STATE. Pariteswleh• ing to borrow money on account of recent pur- chases ofland,or to pay of oxistingmortgagss o11%n0agreatsavingbygivingmea, call, Can Fend money at 6 and 6+# per cont. aocordingto terms. N.J.OLABB. FOR SALE.–TWO•STORYFRAME DWELLING HOITSE anaaue acre Oland. situated on the Thames Boad,2;miles east of *Exeter. Gtoodlargoframe stable and driving shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing trees; good welland cistern. Suitable for a re- tired farmer. Will be sold cheap for cash, Ap ply to THOMAS ALL1N, Exoter P. O jy;10-tf --TRY- 0. MANITINC'S Central Shaving • Parlor ForCiean and easy shting av&c.ing, fashionable hair r Clean towel for every customer, 7.---11 Next door to Central Rote THE WA'T'ERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUIRANCE CO. Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This coralany has been over Eightteen years iasuooessful operation iu Western Outario,and continues to insure against foss or damage by Fire,Buiidings,Merchandise, Mauufactories,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In- tending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash Systom • During the past ten years this Company has ,sued 57,006 I'oliciee,covertng property to the amount of $30,872,088; and paid in losses alone $700,752,00 AssetS, 41170,100.00, consisting on Cash in Bank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed Premium Notes on handand in force J. W WAt Dr's, M D. President.C.M. TAYLon, Secretary J. 11. RvolEs,Inspector. CHAI1LESt SNELL, Agent for Exeter and yicinity, fianatt:iait. • Tete hangman who performed the duties in Phlpp'e caae,has been ewe rested in Duffelo au;feriag from D.T. M Craven Cotton Mille, Brentford hove seat down work for two or three . weeks. ate onion, pees on tbeletend. The Salvation Army t"whipped the let J.1Iortoot of lsaarborough,Eng devil round a poet" at Sarnia, on Sufi: laud is the first arrival iu M•outrei l of day let, t. the member; of the i3ritiele Science About 3.0,000,000 pickerel eggs A."+aooit►tiun. .CI,u eurpeeee enelttug a and 27,000,000 white fish have been ormetheued toter stironehont the Yet - hatched out i►t the Sandwich ftab lowstone region Udfure the iueoting hatotlery Brie epriug, of the as1100lition tneeta there. Dir. The 8i ruiat Sun, 1t new weekly pn.por Murton states that largo ad itiuna is antlouz4oud to Appear t1ext Faaturday. ituver been mime to tau stat of meta. So Jar it tragi received eanfederablolhers intending to visit 1iantreal. nronn•e of euppott. A dottpetelt aitstialtucua strut the A tahort but heavy storm visited i oyer dna steamer Algona, of the Oen- I3ridgewatetee Out., Tsioutlay night., adieu kucifio Beit way litre, arrived Niue head of oattle iu one field were alt tight at 5 teel,luit ,1la ,ley teem. deetroyed by lialrtuieg. roe. Time ilaye been heavy foga ou Estradition prooeediztge are to be relies taup�rt,rr, aura test; C:tetele said Mixon against Taloa. Craig, the default• this was the canoe of the delay. Alt ing Exehauge Bank President, who is the way duwu site was iu a fol; and it slow in Philadelphia. Has dangerous to any at: auythutg Major Crorterof Northwest mounted Pence, telegraphs that the Indian trout gown beiug four days overdue moil bQseP laPairssde ter,, Walter Wilson, who left Mouton' About seven o'*look on Saturdey soddenly in Febrztar; last fru the eve raoruing a Iady residing iu the neigh - of die wedding, awl who hal slues barbooil allege park Toronto uoti. Seen ealjouri:iug in New YurK, has re oed two young Wag iu the hollow iu tunica, and IS is eat(' bztends to re- the park off Queer Street oast, Ano AS main in the cite. they carried a large bag between them Bile acted thehad beau making The Dominion Goverment of Iaat emir= of perlianteue provided for the reeervatiou of Mocha of forest land at the foot of the Itockuae. iu order that the eliruete traay tlet ba uufievor- able iollnenoe by the %move' of the trees. 'Lime ,provision 1s a good ono The tlrolangedanddisasterons drought iu (ubat is t<ttrtbuted to the iudiserim. - !tire pissed. This :teouuuta for the At - hies near Bettleford are at au end and the Ubelee tee, dare. that all is quiet *tow. Friday night a young roan uafned P, Cathighau, Riu;;atott, was drown• Hauer, driving ,t dicier, eudeavored to ea at the foot of Ilowo Is]aud Sun- oroes the 0anadiau Paoifio Beltway day mortally. at: lIonlatte shear, :Montreal. The Moses Oates says the hot spell will ►ratohult►n cn dirty warned ilii not be over in a couple of days. There to do au, as a train was ociniug, but will be a frost in the hack part be persisted zu oroaa1og. lits horse of 1luakoka this week. took fright and riot against the train, On Saturday eyeutng, a horse be ant the !oar follow was thrown under longing to a butcher of Sarnia, waft the oars and so iajured that be died accidently baeked over the wharf into shortly after the acohlor.t. the river,and rawned. Yardauau I OKenna, employed In The hangmen \vile porfortnod the the G. T. R. yards at Hamilton, had duties in the Pfiipp`s cites was it flash bia left hand oruakett art Dioudey lust Ilitud at the buaitU M . Tho man \virus coupling oars. The thumb and originally engagea bnekod out, but fingore were badly smashed, this *tau, a Week tinker, cauls Early Saturday /morning a fire along the night bufura, Sad tolling broke out in the sawmill and shingle the jailer that he had been Sent by factory of Joseph Leech Bluevale, the sheriff, he wits looked up to keep and entirely consumed the property, him until the tiiar,aiug. At the loot Origin of fire unknown. Loss $2,500 moment he, too, ,would 1uIva backed No Illrtlrancs, out but fur the giving to him of an Mr. 11. Gibbous, manager of the s!luwaUCO of wtililte�, nil rtailily not Gutlttis Home, arrived in Toronto a very cretlituble act, Monday afternoon with 180 boys and The attempt to introduce the eye - girls, w I o were taken to the Houle. tem of the public proseoutiona iu Eng. There will now ba a good opportunity laud hoe not been a success, owing for eersous wishing to adopt eny of either to the eficieuoy of the rules or those obildren. the placing of the nusinese of pro- Duriug the Salvation Army services ooeding into uufortuuute hands. In St. Matthew's Balt Toronto, Stin. They will never reach the perfectiou day night, a coil oil lamp exploded in England in matter of publio aro sottiug fire to the buildiug, A reg. eeeutiug attained in Ontario. Pt is not likely that airy i3ritieh statt�rtnen will descend to the level of a tllu.vat or of any other Ontario Grit politican who are above engineering the pro• muting system with a view of scour- ing the escape from justice of a for- ger or theif who happens to be a pc: litical friend. ular panic eusued, but fortnuately no ono was seriously hurt. The fire was oxtiuguished before much damp waa done. Amaddog on Kingston road,Toron- to Saturday morning,uttacked a lady, tearing her dross in pewee. A :emu named Wallace went to the ]Ally's reecae nod was attacked by the dog, receiving an ugly bite in the loft leg The wound was cauterized. The dog orcaped. Friday morning a boy named Joseph Hallam, employed on the farm of James wells, near Aurora, was instantly killed by falling from a wagon. He was engaged in drawing manure from the barnyard, and had just started back with the empty wag- on, when, it is supposed, the horses gave a sudden start, throwing him to the ground. Sunday evening the beating of drums by Salvationist disturbed the Brock street Presbyterian oongregat- iou, Kingston, so muoh that Dr. Bane had to atop preaching until the pro- ocsaion paused.” The army must stop beating drums on the Sab- bath. The funeral of the slaughtered brakeman and fireman of the Well- and oollieion, Albert Wballa and Richard Tremelling, took plane at St. Thomas Tuesday, and was the lar. Rost ever witnessed there. Tlie in- quest has been adjourned for a week. Frank Williams, driver of the spec: ial train from Hamilton, which Doll. ided with the regular at Welland jun- ction, denies moat sternouely that be ever intended leaving the country, as reported in a telegraph despatch. He says that the collision occurred thro• gh no fault of bie, and he is •not afraid of investigation. William Dann, au Irish immigrant, arrived in this country three weeks ago and went to work for au tucale- ter farmer. On Saturday he went to Hamilton, got into a fight, and was arrested for being drunk and disorder- ly. He has take* to the cells, where he hail sobered up by 7 o'clock. At 8 o'clock he took a leather belt he wore, slipped one end over the top bar of the gate of his cell, and laid hie jaw in the doubled end in such a manner as to have the effect of a noose. Then he had lifted his feel from the floor and bung there till he died. A. lameutabie aooident ocourred on the G. T. R. at Welland about half past eix o'clock Sunday morning by which two persons load their lives .Sud and several others were badly injured It appears train 28. while entering the yard at Wellaud, collided with tram number 310, which was coming around the curve. Albert Wallis, brakeman of number 28, and Richard Cremating, fireman of the same train ra'6ro killed, the former instantly, and the latter in about half an hour atter- ward in the greatest agony. John Taylor, engineer; was bably injured but it is thought ire will recover. It is thought the train coming arena the curve was not seen by the mon on the train entering the yard, until it was too late, and therefore they were unable to save theiuselvee. S e suepa(re y _ a e a midnight raid. Site watched idem nutil they had concealed the bag and oontente and ranted. after whish etre dreesett and proceeded to the police headquarters, where she 144 her story. Detectives Reburu and Reid at o.noe proceeded to Mase park, and se- cured the eouteuts of the bag, about $100 worth of cutlery, including knives wag fed, penknives. eta, after whichthey filled the bag with bricks and straw and retired to await the sequel. At half -past seven in the eveuiug two young teen put in an appearance and were in the act of emptying the aouteuts of the bag sato baskets when they were nabbed. Their massa era Matthew Maher and James Haar:, and both of them 'mos been in before. The polio* have not yet succeeded in Oudiug an owner for the goods, but aro under impression that they were etalen from a rait+ray oar.. AItte t aril. The powder nail!, Rama exploded Saturday, Thirty pereone wore killed and seventeen iujured. New York oity will lose $800,000 by the failure of the Mediae Bank. About 80 per cent. were those of small traders' whose capital was lees than p,O00. Mitre M. Wella of Roston, while viewing machinery in alarge grain elevator in Chicago on Friday, was ouught and crushed to death, There were 10 failures in Cpuada reported to Bradstreet's during the past week, and with 28, 8 tend 8 res- pectively in the corresponding weeks of 1888, 1882 and 1881. In the Unites Stated there were 187 failures last week reported to Brad street's as 'truest 178, 187, and 85 during the oorreeponding weeks of 1889, 1882 and 1881. Wall street le akeptioal as to the roasone given for the aeeignment of Oummodore Garrison, It was hinted that Commodore had taken. this mot - hod of escaping from the legal diffi- eultioe in which h e is involved. David Ilughoa, of Ashland City, Tenn. who is worth over $100,00 waa found guilty, Friday, of abduot. ing and seducing a 15 year-old or- phan girl; and sentenced to ten years imprisonment. .Hughes after acoom plishiug his purpose, induced the girl to marry au exconvict, and gave the latter $25 for doing so. Foreign Briefs. A despatch from the Hague, Lon- don nominees the death of the Prince of Orange, Crown Prince of the Ne. therlauda. He had been ill for some time. English Couservatives are coutri- bnting large same tor payment of ex. pensee attending the contest in the parliamentary elections in the Irish constituencies. The contemplated visit to the Em- press and Crown Prince of Austria of Pale to see naval maneuvers has been abandoned. This step leas been de- cided upon through the fear of dy. 'minim pieta. • Five men have been arrested neer Vienna with dynamite in their poss- ession. The Emperor is about tovisit Trieste to witness the naval manu• vers. A sensation murder is reported at Prague. A civil engineer had his head and legs out off and carried from the bedroom to the kitchen. His money and other valuables were not (touched. Another Carlo despatch treys an- other armored steamer has been or- dered to patrol the river between Assonau and WadyHalfa. It is ru- mored that rebels are redvaneing ou Koroao. Col. Kitchen has arrived at Elitnan Wells, four days eaetKoroako where he •sighted rebels. He Bays Khidaghi rebels are marching on Don- gola. There ie panic at Assouan on account of the rebel advance. It is expected that the Democrats will drop Free Trade from their plat- form when theymeet iu Chioago on the 8th prox. They seem to be in the fix our Canadian Grits are, who want to be all things to all men, en•• thueiestin. Free-traders to the Free traders, and the boat kind of Protec- liunists to Proteotiouists. News Notes. During 1883 there were 2,160 fires is new York city, oageing ae walnut- te4 lose of $3,512,000,fully (revered by insurance. Several foreige Anarobiets ,have been arrested is Vienna, and the poiioy obtained a► olue to a Secret lo- cation of large steres of dynanute. Several towna hay° been aweirt a- weylby the floods in the Rio Grande valley, two-thirds of the prop being also destroyed and one hundred fam- ilies reduced to utter deetitution. Bush fires Stave started in the viol - nay of E1glpbnrg,And the farmers are fighting the flernee with water. It is entioipeted that they will be fable to prevent the fire epreadtug to the fur. fret. Patrick Joyce, who was arristed at Queenetowu for having iu itis possess. ion It suspicious leni:ialg brass tube ooecee,led iu a log of wood has been discharged, as the tube contained only oil. The Freuch Corelniseiou of public debt after 1845 will have a cansal- tative voice regarding the budget, and will base a right tai vote any increase of expenses by the Goyornnnent. Tire Canadian Pacific railway coli tractors in the Rocky inonntauis are enga$it'g mein fig fart as they come. Wages are from $1,80 to $2.25 a day board $5 per week. Not Far Front Home. News Condensed We understand that the township of Usk-orne has appealed to tete coun- t y Judge against. Ile equalized assess - meat, the county council having re- fused to decrease Usborne or increase other muuicipelitiee in the county ; the matter comes up for hearing at en earl very suddon death• took p a the township of Usborue ou Sunday evening, of last week. A young man, about 18 years of age, eon of Mr. Robt. bIonioitb died very euddonly at hie father's residauoe. He had been in Seaforth on the previous Friday, and n11 retaruing home became very and despite all that medtcal aid Ocilld do for him he passed quietly away on Sunday night. He was a most clever, exemplary young man. and his sudden death will be a sad blow to We parents and frionde while his demi a wilt be deeply regretted by all who ast rodeosday morning the bent of Charles L. Smith, north aide of Varna, was struck by lighteinr* rip- ping a board off one end then enter- ing at beam which it split, thence down au uptight post splitting it and eeattering the fragments all about the building ; then passing down to the stable beneath tearing the buck- les off the baruees and killing some fowls. The uorses were apparently unhurt, but Dir. Smith found upon using them afterwards that one of them must have received a severe shock, as he is now quite deaf al- though formerly as attentive to orders as possible. The various oouutry schools iu Lo- bo and London, in Middlesex county, acd the a ioiuiog county of Huron, had an outing to Lake Huron on Fri- day last. The cbildreu wore accom- pauied be their teachers and the pro- minent farmers through the district. About 4,000 people took advantage of the occasion from Hyde Park to Cliutou and intermediate stations. Tho party was accompanied by the Lucas Brass Band. A pleasant time was spent on the banks of Lake Hur- on. The Exoureionists arrived,home home about 11 o'clock. The Gerrie Enterprise says : On Friday morning the egg buyer repre- senting Mr. D. D. Wilson, of Sea. forth, was compelled to pay a hotel bill of $7—just double rates—at the Albton hotel, in this village, in ac- cordance of the decision of the hotel keepers, at their meeting in Clinton on Thursday last. It seems the Li- censed Victuallers intend to "boy- cott " the President of the Huron County Temperance Alliance, on ae• account of his temperance principles, and as that gentleman has a large number of teams on the road buying eggs he may be punto a slight an- uoyauoe. Ion very short time, 'after the overcharge in Gorrie became known the buyer was offered the use of three different private barns, for his team ou his next trip, and a hear- ty welcome for himself in their homes.