HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-19, Page 61 Squirrel -Talk. The Be ie>nrnt or Match -Making. It `i5 +woader#ul lyase the Squirrels Cltatnbers,Tournaal says. tllnt it k\:tris• know at gnoll When say one has ensure r i'au Joanna some. time ago recorded;ui into tits woods. Let the 'intruder be exceedingly clever bit of matvth-zuakiug ever so pie, in a minute or.two there executed i}• an American tattle of this is an appt'eaehing •'chip=chip-chip!' a order in brilliant style. Teter eltlest clattering down the loose b;irk of to ttee, daughter had stilted from New York as ot-somebodywhose shoes do not fit with some friends fur a tour of Europe, very well, !anal. two small, bright eyes an 1, after ' "doing" the continent, had are staring at him inquisitively from. as returned to the trench capital for see. Safe distance. eral months of rest and pleasuring. At - Sitting pjerfectly still on the ground, trsctise and clever, she had to ply- suit, I have eyed it squirrel ten tuinutes at a ors, seine more,, some less desirable. time—he as still as myself and gazing She could not marry then all, so she into my Meet as steadily as I into his, adroitly redneed the number to two-- I have usually had to be the firstto look the best of the let, of course, Then away; thele, he would irerhaepa venture a she wrote home to mamma, explaini for little nearer,. or peesibly would take the exact .ltuation of affairs, luldlug alarm at my movements, and run up that they were both so letutleome, late his trey, quivering withexeitement ttgree':thie, well eonneeted and rich, that Oiler I caught the eye of one sitting, oft ehe (Amid not deem() between tlleltl.:tntl a Ili weeeruu neer ine, with a not .oi a itis+ d With the question: "What .haat acorn in his month, which fitted it ex- I du?" '1''n, -days later she reetaive.l a wetly andgave' at the !:'lett• of telt' letter e:tblez :Amt from marmite: "I sail to- t).' Ile at:Aid tht'rs :i 1. mer tial,' quite nutarro v hold both until 1 eume." The motion', with his tan in th•• air, anti el'xt traits:Atlantic steamerbronglet Mrs. liis paa►s.npini t i., I' ,..11,..$1;..;,. sinf eci 146nnk With I31l wino!, daughter, just out wile the :tett,. \rifle I, he slier :list aft- termed !•islet. ' Y :led fresh from seilool. tempt to ,:at or to drop until 1 turned ' On her arri::d the'• old lady at ones" away- It w:ai v.'ry Mondial, t''.e three will: tett' helot of :tirair •, :lull - tt'erea ,.to rotes t,ne .C..- ' Lis eye,: lin:i month a' •tit' till melt the dungeons waters made ne he a vat 'heir Int'. I tried to talk ,l.•,t in a fees weeks she lead reached to ilial in .-.01.'el-::. 1 '.'.,tA.', mid he l=.ori. "with tlil ' ors llyitl", To Heels .. s * l l erect to ' e tine:titleee elle •!!tendril the wedding of t.'a'.lt. a t'.= ' •':i, ° �.'r. :relit, . for he' 'tit no anewer; 1 suppese he was- ee•l• Iwo daughter; at the Ametll an ]al- ! 1 -t Mitt IYw tto n lea the smite inundate. After a ;. t parfl ,. t eine c l the Intro let for. examination � altt::ith au ht bad ci t need ewe t teepee l':.it 1 t..iv. 'eel long milt; with '.''' : +'i the tne..o fe'aii,w, .iia;:i ,-;u ' n squirrel+ that M Cana .hewn is within a t':r: o(, the family. few feet i „t see :trail Lehi ills kntit:-talie lit re is, :in illtl.tratiof id •t tuner! , 7 thy that they had better t nant:old tt l e Akal.ful :Attempt at tllatclu-nuLkiltu . i2 their own veseal'+!liar!' than I, and that 1i Sl tel :t Ver: tlitl!•i't'iit tdi'atOilt'nh'Iit. .t bud better leave theer ptrrntlistes at once. i''"rtuili Itli'illtL'r (if Parliament, who --From " stir:' rl;i the razor tten'trs," lir r,wV:i.'il e•ttt•1 'lye` 'Jttlties, vat .sitenelin�tt •A�i t'.' At'a'ri;et, tit ib, Meg :tiles ichoitr"s 1 Y ie e day. at tidere-iett'uv'e of a noble family, There were several interesting le :not ,r,t =1..lied young ladies in the 1 SEEDS!. SEIGDS SEEDS 4 THE EXETEK SEED STORE, DOMINION IaaA.e�3Rt+4TOP.'Z. Fresh Field, Flower and Garden Seeds. We call the. attention of Farmers and Gardeners to the above, and invite inspection. a J", %/. 3P OW "INC , rrop Iea1til. is Wealth. r e �t ,CY'tiip� R EATM rNIT ')a . P•, C. \\ is :\r:i:Vu loss RR= � nr-&T- ;1rhT,agust t cc<ittr1.'eiftef4.r iltsteria,taz. w :, \e til :aura➢^la '"int lis, t t 11.. Aal t ': 1 11 , 1 ITeaduehe,ea\n ,. I'r„-trt tie, ! ata r t by tl"e Ise of a➢eteltul or t "'.te4•c', \5••da fuhaeFs,:tfental litl'reesieu Suft.•uu: 41heh tial resulting iu Intently nail !':':will t++ fat ire !teles}. and + t ttth, i'rint:ante tl] i .age. it.it.tutlers, Loss of 1'oworla eitltez" v ins !twat try L�:seesnnd f'erat2atera'➢itra.�a::P. t l } Mitis 4 exertion ofthe :raw, self-.$1mse :slit n I- it-dnl cuee, tine box will cure t'rc4•t.t .t t .. LiteI,1.O, couta ins • Oneulanth't+tIeRilut:ut. t»o.' aollar a box, or •;Is L ,xe,i f„a Ave i.11 e t a ; w+i'u11'y ntailprepaid on a '!.silt itf price. \\ a• briar etre six. boxes to .art':toy rani, With titinl trader reeelicd for i�➢x 1 oXe4, at.e ,nlpal , it with file dollars,. we ' tlrcu•l ihri ultb.: ' . aa• written guarantee "L"T aut. ware, to refund the learnt if the tv$.4tment 1 •+ not I J .1.. t. effect it Clue, t..1ar , t• vs irs ed only by J.W. I1R(I}F:�IICEA, ;,'li+ +rutfor 1txettr.tiut:tria Military begs^u dty- ”"1 will n,'ve. forgive 1114' t'mllft•tte•1•:lte Siti,wt'tl t'el'l" :Meld -ion, Just. n$ Ili? 1401•111:11,14t," 'geld 1'olonel \\"artiek,1 wise iw4 nut to 1t tat' tl,o nolle:m til'': wife when asked to t later a little' war rt'nitn prat a l:'ti to eousult him lipolt the f iKetle'e '1 <tat ted out with a ripe tic matt• avh;eh she declared, Was taus- termin ation of doing every e r y thing in Mill t ing• her 1 n i :tile distress. s. E It is report. power for the true t' but men who had ed. al the Countess, ""that you are more antsy+, 1t a than' had pulled against' et nl I s me daughter htt'r Lacy, and ' what me, and !•title tl lt•u'ly 1 stepped .ieide 1 liltaII We do: What shall we say ahem They t yen went o far ue to a cult-tniu it?" "'Uri," replied the considerate M. i tial nae'. Now if there is :Anything ins P.. with much :ulroltness, "!just say •rte 1 military life that take' a nein a appetite I refused me," his to be !Trill t-1iAaA a "lel. It pretty ""` • '*"^" had in civil life to be tried before a jus -1 Other Worlds than Qurs. tiee of the peace, but that isn't anything! An itteredhlde story i• se+riously given to tompare with a court-martial, and in same e,i the joetrnal, about the clic eespx•e!ally when he knows full well that; eovery of a ;wur.i whieh we found in etc• her stints "111'114:to merit Rllela se"an aeroiite. A. cert:gnu physician in the were hatellh,g. ' +taste td New York was attracted. by a '"\elf} were you cciur't-nn:artiaie d, very brilliant shooting star which fell Colonefr asked ono Of the vompany • lin the bed of a creek near where be was "For the simple dieeharge of illy duty. riding, Suhsetlnellt invl'stg:ttion au Jlr4t:shout the time it behooved the CO* the spot where it fell discovered a sword fedeer:ae v to marl' every rag„ vet that ,,,f peculiar singe, which had evidently "aid. I was rent to a e rn tlunity to leen wielded in battle,. and wideb must press rune, °anti to draft and arm every I have been used by.one who wuuld have avail^hle man. \!'ell, I went to wor' beeelti deemed ""a giant among the sons and di•elta ged the duty in :tecordauec of own" in this world. Or course the with my eonstruetion (if the order. At prrstlmptiott vault be that thin ,word one place we seized a large number of triol fallen into the elayof it river, which dealers: -1 nrreied shot guns. In exitniin- wits subsequently metamorphosed be- ing them we found many that were beat. into 4nlfd rook. In Aho course of dilmagerl so rel airy that ouly one barrel • aerie• a voleatuo developed under this eould`Le used. I told my men not to rvt'1". which projected the imprisoned throw thele aside, but to keep them, sword into :pace beyond the attracton that they world some 111 handy. In of the planet from which it came. In this community there were agreatmany the coin•; e of time the wandering aero- aw-mills and family feuds, and cense- lite in the inter, tellar spaces became en- ituently there wore a great many one- tamped in clic atmosphere of the earth legged men. One day I issued an order and fell lute the creek, the impact that all the one -legged men to be found breaking :end setting free the •creed. - within a radius of twenty-five miles This reads like another C'',trditl' giant should be brought into eam I. The or- der was strietly obeyed, and within two weeks we had seventy-five cripples. Forming. thena in lino one day. I ordered the disabled guns to be brought out. When I took up a gull whose right bar, rel was useless, I would give it to a teal! who had lost the. use of his right leg, .and tit) on until the seventy-five men were armed. This was strictly appro. priate, for we had no other use for •t -he crippled guns, and the. country certainly had no other use for the crippled men. I took great pride in this crippled com. pany. I wanted it to make a name; wanted each man to feel proud of him self. They elected as captain, a tall fellow who lost hisleft leg while rafting. logs, We presented him, attended b3 disabled ceremony, with a broken sword and double-barreled pistol, with one hammer gone. It would have tickled you to death to see them on dress par- ade, and their quick time would have made Napoleon pull off his hat and grin. Well, pretty soon, I had occasion short cake at our hotel so thoroughly to use them.. The enemy came upon me waterproof and solid. The flooring unexpectedly, and in the hurry incident and roof of the same are manufactured upon such occasions,.I placed the one- by this process from the .straw in the legged company in the warmest part of berries. And that ars!. explains another rhe field. The battle - lasted several mystery, to -wit, viz: What becomes of hours and was a draw fight: My one- the strawberries?-1Tatvkcye. legged company suffered- greatly. The The four-story marble 'residence of captain's peg was shattered by` a ball, the editor of The Argus was entered on and duringthe fight he sent an orderly into the woods to make him amethei leg. Other members of the company were similarly- served, and, sir, the amount of splinters on the battle ground was simply astonishing. The enemy had fired low, and three out of six wooden legs were disabled. Before complete repairs could be Annie, my general came along, and not being able to understand why so. much. kindling wood should be scattered ewer a battle field, asked the:reasone I explained, expecting him to compliment menu my ' ingenuity, but the unappreciative fel- low had me court-martialed. I left the service,.and during the remaining time of the war, I aided the cause by captur- ing mules 'from the . Union men and burning cotton that might have fallen in possession of the enemy."-Arkan- sato Traveler. tie: t inth, i-. ,�, :.out tilt• horrorable itl+'nlhei ,. story, but it is very ingenious; and it, is barely possible that sonic day or other Wil may hart positive oof, of the ex- istence) of life and intelligence in some of the myriads of 'tenets which inhabit space" A microscopic examination of • meteoric stunts itt Berlin revealed the fact that they contain some sixty, varie- ties of the outer shells of coral meets, . which, of course, cstablishcs the fact that they were attached to coral insects which lived in warm oceans of salt wa- ter. The water must have contained lime. and islands lutist have been built up 'there rhe oeenu as they are on our globe. But that is, so far, the only trust- worthy rustworthy indication we have that there is anything on the other worlds approach- ing to- the sante kind of life we have on this. —Vantore: is for August. A process iris been invented by which heavy rplanke can be mannfnc- tnred from straw. Alt yes, now wo understand what makes the strawberry Cures Di:zatesi3, .lies, of Appetite, .aadiyc'stecin, Bitiou ncS'S, Dyspepsia,. Jaundice, Affections ection s n the J .'ct and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, .Boils, Manors, 8.1tt Rheum, Scrofula. .Eryip4'laa„ and all plc acs arising from Impure Blood, .1a'i'ttn 1 'd ,S''b;,n 1. J:, or il'l't el a) at't icft of the Bowels. BISSETT BROS. HEADQUARTERS UARTE FOP A New York lawyer, after waiting iu a eostau ran t. fee more t ', r)tiarier of • an hour for :t dish of soft-shell crabs he had orderetie went to the telephone, called a ,district messenger boy, and sent hila to hunt` the waiter who had taken hi>; order, . Wednesday night by twelve masked men. The villians stole, as near as can be ascertained, seven thousand dollars' worth of diamonds, a diamond studded watchpresented to The Argus man by the Czar of Russittite and three barrels of silver plate. (We don't pro- pose to let the actresses;; have all tile free advertising;.. we can lie about as well as they can.)—Evansjt(te Argus. Fools -and children tell the truth, it is said, and to illustrate we will give you the story of Bishop Wurtzburg and the little shepherd boy of whom he asked, "What are you doing, my little lad?" "Tending swine." Ilow much do you get?" "One florin a sveek." "I am also a shepherd," continued the bishop, "but I have a much larger sal- ary." "That may - all he, but then, I suppose you have more swine under your care," innocently replied the boy. ades DRUG STORE Hoes, • Forks, Scythes Barb wire and steel strip fencings. iSpeoial ot Suggy iops I CHEAP AT' BISSETT BROS. A lull stock of ,Ali kinds of Dye-stufTh tile! pa.cktige Dyes, constantly on hand, \\ ivau's Au Italian fruit vender, who a fete years ago started busiuess in Nashville by opening a peanut stand, is DOW .one of the moneyed men of that city. Hi is one of the stockholders in the nett bank which will be opened in Septena bol. havinil• snbscribed $17,500. 'FARMERS Condition , l.'tiwa_ ers the best in the mark- et and always, fre,,sll. Family recip- • es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. Rev. Father Wilds EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. WIlas, well-lcno•iln eity missionary inl+iewtork, and Drother of the late eminent Judge Wilds, of tlaeMassacltu- setts Supreme Court, writes as follows: "t 78 E. Ma St, New rot*, �1tay IG, 1882. Titssns. J. 0. AYER &Co., Gentlemen:, Last winter I was troubled with a most uncom- fortable itching humor affecting more espee+lally my limbs, which Itched so intolerably at night, and burned so intensely, that I could scarcely bear any clothing over thein. I was also a sufferer from a severe catarrh and catarrhal cough; my appetite vests poor, and my system a good deal riot down. Knowing the value of AYER'S SARSA PA. RILLA, by observation of many other cases, and from personal use informer years, 1 began taking it for the above-named disorders. My appetite improved almost from the first dose. After a short time the fever and itching were allayed, and all signs of irritation of the skin disappeared. My catarrh and tough were also cured by the saute means, and my general health greatly improved, until it is now excellent. I feel a hundred per cent stronger, and I attribute these results to the use of the SARSAPARILLA, which I reeoiutnetnt with all confidence as the best blood medicine ever devised. I took it in small doses three times a day, and used in all, less than two bottles. I place these facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wiaos." Tire above instance is but one of the many eon- stantlycoming to our notice, which prove the per- fect adaptability of • AYRR'S SA1RSAPARILLA to the cure of all diseases arising from impureor ins• poverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist and over- come the attacks of all Scrofulous Diseases, Emq,- ifoas 4P the ,Shin, Rheumatism, Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Solei by all Drnggists; price Si, six bottles for $i. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS - Best Purgative Medicine cure Constipation Indigestion, Headache, and all Bilious Disorders. f Sold everywhere. Always reliable. WHITE'S IMPROVED vi ATTENTION SLIDING DATE. A DRIVE Aran FIELD GATE admired by every far. mer, Desired by all Who use Oates. C=! L..../ litwinsisi,! It tikes up no room on the rood or sidewalk. It opens down the fence. It locks open and when closed, locks stmt. A child six yetus old eau open and close it from a wagon or horseback, or afoot. Itis not liable to get out of order. Its chief merits aro CONVENIENCE, DURABILITY SIMPLICITY. AND CHEAPNESS. So simple in construction that any farmer cau make it, It eau be made of lumber, iron ar wire -netting. All who see it admire it. Can be opened with one finger from Wagons, Buggies, lac. It backs out of the way down the fence, taking up no room, Has no lever- age on pasts. Can bo opened and dosed 30 times a minute. Makes a seonre lock with- out a latch or pin. A downward pull opens or closes a gate of ally length or weight, as the handles have a double action and always up out of the way. The cost above the or- dinary gate is from $1 to $3. I can furnish GATE IRONS, no hinges to buy. Price of FARM RIGHTS from $5 to $10. Call and see the Gate at Centralia and Exeter, and secure a Farm Right. TO .A.GFNTS I own the Right of this Patent for HURON COUNTY, and as I am otherwise gaged and cannot canvas each Township in the County, I will sell Township Rights at prices that will enable the purchaser to make money at the business. From $10 to $20 per L "7 caps, be M &DE By a good canvasser in selling out a Township Right iu Parm Rights. Canyon matte more at anything else with a Small Capital Invested. I mean to sell so you can make MONEY. A Rare Chance—Speculation. The selling qui Tties of this gate cannot be questioned, The Inventor his sold ----OVER $60,000 WORTH ALREADY.. Secure•a. Township Right, and make Money easily and rapidly. If you do not, some one will, and yon' will lase the chance. Call and see roe, or Write for terms, Q. BOF_#X,B, Cexifralia. For County Rights in Cauad write for terms:to • C. WJ (1 London. •