HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-19, Page 2LoST OR VY O Nthands, Rud She lifts one of the aleuaer white fondles and lsieses it; V t3 T.lZA13LF TO EVEIa .e8 "Eti, my sweet, but thee'll be a great BY MAY AGNESAFltEMI11., heiress, when old Tinker's dead and i AU goer or game. I've been sore a#eared, my birdie, 1 that death might conte before I would 1 Silent and 'situ, " .l Mail Nor see this day. I couldn't .'bide the ringa Om,1 :Villa's 31,/iter r�.'" t thought of all that riches going to him. 1 / • 44.•., .tie. last. uever could 'bide him, frown 11 t to i last, All for himself, my delfts, and loncina for the day to come that would P A. It l' I. hake born master over us all. But that . lnhuilteo�t- he ii ills+ we test lad day. will never come now, for which E that I ever lookedou." braise and thank forever bet" The girl listens, silent, startled, pale. a :![tYFH!)1o;•.ai:n,-T.*-" • ' cc And Sir 'ane r". she asks. is salt tare intg oict•worlepicturo,and the .e Gets rt share --not so much, but girl who stands, heedless of the danger. ,enou li for Idea. But you are a great, ous evening air, teaming against the ta1Zeat heiress, my bairnie. You. aro :1relic l whitlow. gazes over it with eyes; vour grandmother's rightful lteirLs:-, and that thiole in with delight the quaint, :latve what was left to loin before. Au l silt s,aht.ct:zess Of it all. She is t.- , last right it is that it should be so. I (won't au:l faintest resell of that fair hold with giving the clsililren's portion se tete etetels, tall, Supple, str' to the----"' dart, :401' II ' as a young millets t" Tinker!" raeeftti. The last light linger: "To a far out cousin's son, then u the li lite; trust, fella fall me !'khat rights has lie, alougsitle 0' yours, and f a& to duel in her aflaw, Master Geoege's own beanie daughter 2 nue is the .iii;trc of the akin, sr Don't ase look at ufe like that, honey ; tete small features, so perfect ar.., .ase it -s tett: old nz:lalatite(;r� auto, to(lo what c:t;o' r; t:. tinge of zviT 1ig1iw im tl i she likes wine . env, ,ser anupstant �n- ir, or_ 1" No, no, ;Airs. Tinker, tt is not. 1 palest r .+til, is Y wawa leack from the n wan thee, Its^vs will is Aslan', Unjust. broad burelitett1; ;t few Oxide. pearl% hate ! ea these wale sir Vane ha alai al knot tit jasmine, u1 the amber ;,est lett t , e skeet tient lie will haw ,t. + glitter. Sh. is to evening tlzc es. a trail. notes; - brats. --hos. been told) it should Lo iag metreits milt; ot so pale a blue tis to se, asst now, at the elev =ntli hone --T•- b e al'04 -t silvt ry---Mink rtae s loop the eicli laces of the s'.11=0 cut corsage, form silt -udder knots, and *b -op in elle t -e s here and, there oolong the l:eeee the me:ea She ,, vv'eai, no jewels. rtic(•1't the large starry pear'..e in her heir aud h her ears, and clasp, ars; the girlish threat, auci large, belntifnl melee Drees awl women are lovely alike. as she stands with loosely t•Iaei : -1 hinds lean 'ezi e leaning against the gray stone, the clustering vines framing lea. dreternity listening to the mesie of the Ave Algeria belle. A servant eutf aieg with candles. arousee her mai—elate. She to zli•i up with a start. " Already, .tonne tat,a Is it So late ? And the „ igroia---has site not yet re. , w turned ? st Some of tho old unlit rioneu ss of' +�.1i all ll the . latest Novelties Tile young lady moves away frons the r::te the lteu :'hold, Snowball it is, •; V �+l Zli Q . window, an 1 the Italian servant closes anal },et no melt Merriest es 1" Stsowesei x,11 Departments e F ill.. a s t, a --T.� ..-..._ ...a,,. (StluZFit: t i Harr let. t ir: and On me• a Dolores Macdonald." This fair and larious evening air. stately young iwirese, in pestle awl "Flaw very ImPrn'lont granamamma i rots, and silvery .ill;q, is Mee 'Velem is,"" the signorina says, glancing ab rho 't tine, granadaught. and idol of Madam Valentine, a beauty and belle by right endule oil the chimuey-piece, 1, anti in ea weak etatoof health. Sir Vena et tiiviue of her own lovely. ,face, and a least l,l(otild Dcuovi blotter." power hetet itanong the i.nglislz•Fltt ctlting I, She be;;ins slowly walking up and circle of the Eternal City,. r down filo lou„ sats, lit novo by tho wax- Three .years have gone sinect that July AYDEW' The area French Lotion for Beautifying the Face. It coueeals the evidence ot ace. Elite appli- cation will rake the most stubbornly red, And rough bands beautifully loft and white. Be- tuentbcr t1u4 - ]Li 1)L» '• is not a paint or powder that fits up the pores of the skin, and that is injurious to the skin but a new and area; discovet! al -eget -Able liquid, tint causes the ell c1 to ,Imo. V.4 h ,.lt".h, the uee!t, cines t lltattt to rival the Ltly in whiteness. ltr- pos"'ible to tit tt, t 41 the beauty rt confers any artificial c*.alatter. It cures Greasy Slou, F reel les. \t it l la ,, I"fumle' . BI telt Heads, ('stns e. Feet, filet bt Face Grt be, Sun Burls Tari lieu' wotiu ('hai,pe 1 Hands ww a or Map -1 ed Li.,bs 1%.s 1+,r irelt, Tetter, +1e. It frees the z'ot oil fIlht d�.:erti tubes from the iujttr- ion,s ee'eeta of po -elev. aud cosmetic washes. ley its u.eall reutatr.,and t-ua�lctPC.s aro ince vt•feted ; It Lea arid,•' the ltkin. aud till tu-tl:e it soft euaoota aud 'ratite ttnirzrttcg a delicious seances: :pm -teeing a petfr t1y beultby-, tutu* synod cotithfal l re`tt•tt t'.•. The btst face latk't that tit a old ever gra.el ee-1, We rail sen,! A 1.Atta , t t.,'T' GI Wavy idtb' F'i en r,• - Coil' if �'.r lee, 1, R'l:C notelet tail,. mention illi 1 ,.. • ,ti.,. t� tt t 1 Mei' ill i1 1t, : Cl'. tl.; c^lbnenit• tc2s t, Tewar.t-.',Out. t° tetE ..t.el i e ti -+t l::w�'a torr La.1ia'. Titil e'r,111111 t ao to graudrainutna. It .,im .R... ' + , ; ` -�" t• roust not be." " Ett l my rn-e I, that von etu't. The !awes i till these, ia-1 no ono is to go i ill nista sharing,. 1n•l }on iv,,::11 Balt get mead olal'.lister iet treelet, w.ratal you. my learn, lee use she is toe felt 1 Dr you to hold her feelieh tenene ? The tuaehuae slid not nee test me' to till you ; tha'w.usts to t' o that herself. Wait, my decry, nntit she does ; there is no slh-h haste. But 1 rea again and will:tlwav;a y-, that it ; �'it, ..i 1 in:�t, aud pro, per will," - 1t "There is tett l,- it ea .c i." the yoaug lady e ccleinie. "rift, 113 Tilde r. (fuel tell her I want to t; Itt ,•. Tell her T sea her l�. Ice's" T g' , .., IlE 0141) 1 wl 11 illi"��iill �ovs� To the Front as Usual , ' No; yet, signorina. Snowball is in the tone, :eel her i" must' ansilmeOmminleMmillmolleaMMIIII M�PL�O(Y(,,MENT " pTgi tign 1 lilt. ?06 ficIrite l!!. vine#nm+, , M. �'ron shill Nurseries, 325 AQR,Zs. 325 ACRES, THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted. To begin work. at oueo on Fall Sales. Steady employment at fixed ;salaries to all 4 ha are willing to work.. ' MEN AND WOMEN eau nave pleasant WORE. Tier ITAR ROUND. Goe3 Agents are earning from :toe to 87iF per mouth and expenses. t: Tr,itt, and outfit tr:•e. .ltltirets ::re rear. a \[ ELLE;tit0N.To out0 J.Doupe Co _....... )or( NiniviroisT ori:+TnluS 1: liatviiiI\o felt C11EA.P GOODS! If yen :vent the 'k- t value for BUTTER &EGG J. Doupe Co's the ! tt (, alt 1 hn ' 0 it Rt encs the Trillou any mato exists, not oven a 1 l O �1A11J,r tt ERS lights, and one lar;;., anthtlne. bronze •, evening when Snowball's blurs e-y}es 1 lamp. Her lustrous yara-long, train +1 looked tliroul h 1„ z tecae on Isle Peregex COME ONE , COME E . •LL sweeps behind ler, her pearls shinu.0 r r aud St. Glide t. Thr. a years, and timet) ' with their milky whiteness in the am. , bine eyes halve 101,ke'i on half the wow. 1 Ler strands of her halt, in the silvery f it scents to their owner, since, but never I 4 tl'CUu b e to show Goods. blue of her drese. So ring, in pretty 1 more on that childhood home. Three impatience, 5110 is a eltarsning vision. years, in whichiatus mastcrit, nstuli , Now aud then she glances at the clock, money, great trawl, poli heal arts iety, anti Imwst'5 anxiously to listen for car- have stone fill it tics within them to too riage wheels in the courtyard. for the isleutl hoiden, the traps Gist's " Grautltuatninn oughtlnot;' she says, daughter. This i3 the result t A leseuty The place to get everything you want at rices to suit the times. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, NOAH FRIED, half -alma, li:tlf-impatiently. " Dora that is a marvel ; a grace that leaves bho want a second litunan fever before nothing to bo desired; t>, woll.bre;1 re - she is fully recovered from the first? Hose of manner, that even an exacting Sir Vane is prudent enough where his madame can find no fault with. Some- i own comfort and health are concerned times the old fire aud sparkle strike —bio night interest himself, a little at through, but rarely in grandmnmma's least, iu. hers." - presence. It savors of the past, suet There is a talc tet the door. the past is to bo forgotten — is to bo as " May I coma in,deary 2" says a voice, though it had never been—persons, and the floor is pushed a little way places, all. She is to forget she ever was open, and a pleasant old face—not Ital- Snowball—over was anything but a van by any means—peeps in, graceful blonde princess -royal, with "Olt, come in, Mrs.. Tinker—come in, servants and courtiers to bow down and of course. It is too early to go yot, and even if it were not, I could not go until granduiantma comesbackfromherdrive. She proryised to return early, and here it is roue o'clock, and—" " Eh ? My maid, what is it you are saying ? Not back 2 Bless thy pretty heart, my dcary, she has been back these two Hours, and is in the drawing.. room with company. Leastwass� may- be not company, so to say—it's her lawyer, Mr. Carson." The young lady pauses in hor walk to regard the old lady with bine, surprised eyes. "Why, that is odd! Back these two ho::rs, and 1—Did site not go for her usual drive on the Corso with Sir Vane, . !ben, after all 2. " Not wi' Sir Vane, my dear,. She dave him the slip, so to speak. Madame oesn't like to be watchedand spied on, you know. Yes, she went for her drive, but not wi' Sir Vane, and not on the verso. Shc wont to her lawyer's. and brought him back wi' her here. And there they are in tbedrawing-room ever since." do her homage; an heiress, with the world at her feet;'tho peerless daughter of all the Valentines, with the rani/ azure of greatness in her veins. And the girl does her best, not to forget, but to please grandmamma, by appearing as though she did. They love each ogler with great and strong love—grand. mamma's, indeed, waxes on the idols. trous. Since the loss of her son, hors has been a loveless life, a dreary and barren life, a sandy desert, without one green spot. She has tolerated. Vane Valentine, never, at the best, any more —of late years she has distrusted and disliked him. But this girl has come, and all has changed. She loves has -with an an intensity begotten of those many loveless years, and her pride in hor is equal to her love. Even Vane Valentine profits by this softening change; she can look upon him with quite kindly and complacent eyes now. Perhaps a little of this is owing to a marked ohmage in him. Ile has made up his mind. to accept the inevitable, in the shape of this fair rival ; ho absolutely takes pains to conciliate and please. But " Well, Mrs. Tinker ?" that is within the last year outs , -- The youn,g. lady says this interroga- tively, for Mrs. Tinker looks wistful and of the change had reached him, busied important, aud as if charged with a with a thousand things following the death of the late baronet—paying off mortgages, establishing his sister at Valentine Manor, making arrangements oughtn't it's news, for having that ancient ancestral man - and I'm rightglad to have it to toll. cion repaired and renovated. — four b months had flown pleasantly away. The ing here" —coming closer, and Not once in that time had madame .dropping her voice to a whisper—" is written. She scarcely ever wrote let- " her will !" i0 Her will!" The girl repeats the words, turning pale. "Is—is grand. mamma worse, then ? Oh, Mrs. Tinker. surely she is not going to--" "Bless thy tender heart, my decry ! No—it isn't that.. But she is old, you know, and, eh! my dear, we none o' us can go on living forever, and it's well to be prepared. The last will left every- thing to him.' It wouldn't do to die -sudden-like, and leave a will like that. So there's a new one to -day, nay deary, vice-regent, awaiting him, anda letter. and me and the butler, we've put our Such, a lettere: Short as to the m ha names telt. And seeing that I t t long in her service, and have -tried to do (number of lines, brief and trenchant as m dutyfairlybymgood mistress ' to words, strong and idiomatic as to es - she's had red tome. nd, oh'1 Miss and sion. She Alen andhadbeen charmeone to d by her Dolores, - my maid, thanks and praise granddaughter. They were together at bel all's left to you, or nearly all. And present. Miss Valentine must see a who has a right to your own grand- 1 little of the world. She loved her very papa's money, that he made himself in i lawful trade, if not his own son's child 7" TO BE CONTINUED. -heavy load of information, and anxious to go off. " Eh, Dolores, my maid 2—can't'ee guess what's the business? Maybe I totell—butit' good tors, certainly not to Vane Valentine. Then, the English business settled, in fine health and spirits, Sir Vane set out on his return journey. If madame would but make haste and die 1 He hardly knew where to find hor, so un- settled. and wandering were her erratio habits ; but Mrs. Tinker was mostly t fixed. star ; he could always find her He went to the house in the subtitles of Philadelphia, a sort of headquarters always. He found Mrs. Tinker there, R Dashwood Flouring Mill R'isltta to return thanks to his numerous jA� E I AR . ('itgi rtneb fttr !iii l�siwt littrrltl patronage ,J�j, iii/ cru lulu, tiros store nlal(in; i+tr- provent.•1,t.s. wlhit.% tit a large- ,. ._ -- ---- casing stn fuel, will tlti NOWNE1) REMEDIES. .._�iI'I01:'1? ,N(;-- until Nitta motifs, lit the following ---states ;----• OATS, SIX CENTS PER BAQ, THE PILLS Amt for all ether groins (Peas excepted), SL"'vEN CENTS P.L';,11, BAG. Purity the Bleed, OOta'ees all Disorders of the LIt t'1i, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They Invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints ineidentnl to Females of all. ages. For ebilclrc n and the aged they are viceless THE OINTMENT - Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It i famous for Gast and Rheumatism. Eon DXSORDEES OF THE CHEST 1T HAS NO 1:QUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings, and all skin disease it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. mg The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOMAS Hor.o 's Establishment, TUESDAY, THURSDAY et SATURDAY, Aro my regular grinding days TERMS - - Strictly Cash. N. X13, --flour & Peed sold at :close mar- gin. Don't forget to give us a call ]7'O4'f FRIZZ) 1 Dashwood, Feb'y 7tb, '84 - THE NEW . 1 'INVINCIBLE' 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late 033, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of 'Medicine, in Boxes aud Pots, at is. 11l1., 2s. Dd., 4s. Gd., lbs., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the is lid, size ; the 4s. Gd. size sir ; the 11s, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three and the 83s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions aro affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had inany lauguage IF" Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pete and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are .spurious. WILLIAM DREW Niiiauiliiiuprns8lurowtoi2 Undertaker ,. and Cabinet-maker■ ONE . DOOR NORTH 'MOLSON'S BANK STEAM !A$H!fl —18 THE KING of ALL WASHERS (Patented. in Canada, July 13,1868.) Mr. C. Bart wishes to inform the inhabi tants of Exeter and vicinity, that ho has sole right of this washer for Huron County, aud also that Le has appointed Mr. Robe. Pickard agent for Exeter, and any person wishing to see the Machine, will please call at the Exeter Ten Store. It was thoroughly tested, and its merits approved before tho patent was ap- plied tor. It has since been placed in com- petition with a great many washei s of note, and in every instance proved its superiority. It is, without a doubt, the most perfeot in action ever invented ; the improvements are prominent and well defined; they are net imitations with a slight change of parts of some olcl played ont patents, such as the public are often fleeced with by Patent Right. sbarks, but they compose an original and genuine invention, containing distinctive features, which are felly set forth and claim- ed in a legal patent that will keep infringers • at a distance. Few Reasons why the `Invincible' is Best 1st. Only one-quarter the amount of 50513 used as with other machines 2nd. Only one-fourth the fuel. 3rcl, No laboe in comparison' with th machines. 4th. No wear and tear, as steam and soap are the prircipal agents. Stb. It requires only one-fourth 'the time to do a washing. Gth. The house is not in an uproar with slops, washtubs, pots and pane, at least one day out of each week, C. RAU, R. PICKARD, Agent, Qreditou. Exeter.