HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-12, Page 8J. GRIGG
Wholesale and Retail
33 O OS 'sLLL ;111,
l XE, ii11►, ONT.
Tees d::ieeTe rot line for arse Meet:non, and
rimen. / teeers per hue for each but+ cq c ut sue
eertionmin en ehereee ter ut.teces apreerin,
h- this c iii viii.
Mr. James Down, who has been ill for the Lennard Reenter, Donald'Molruis,and'
last number of.days, has recovered sufficient- Alex. Duncan together with the Reeve!
ly to be able te attend. to his Rev. W. Down, of Cartwright, tocd ies Ped the and Clerk, and that a bylaw be pas.,
pulpit in James -Street Methodist Uliurch— sed eonfi ran the settle,--Oarriedl. ,
morning anal evouiu&
ilIoved by J. Hllokuey, see by .J.
&number of (persons from this viciuity Shier, that the account of Gould and
wont on the (hanger's h euraion to Port esauleion for Cledar lumber., amount.
Stanley ou Tuesday. ,
d the pullet in the ing to X90 1)e p£tid. - C,orried
• tl � r Church ou Sabbath irl
last morning and evening. sy, 1► Wm.B lk 1instructed
E t ' ; o der, and is prepared to do
Cash price paid for Wool.
of Exeter,—Carried.
i;ev. 9Ir. Sauuby ucoupie 1 r
Main -street Methodistoved by J Halls, aeo by J Haok-
venin . n that t a flail be
Mr. Van Egmont' has now his mills le expend the sum of $50 in gravelling
Exeter i on the Proof hue south of the village,
all kinds of Castotu� wok. The itigliest + p i;
The communication from S, re the sup- Moved by J. Halls, see by J. Sack -1 Should not fail
plepieent signed " Crooks Act," distributed nee, that Thomas Wilma receive 16
with our last week's issue,was received too te) a rent of house andprovide o•
late fur publication, but will appear next h yp ,
iv >k visions and other necessaries for Jos -2
Adam Whiteford, of Cherry -grove g Moved by J. Shier, sec by J. liaok-
The remains of Miss Bella, daughter of Mr eph Hewitt and wife. --Carried,
). rove Farm, Hay
Township, were interred at the Rodgerville Bey that W Lislhtnan be paid Stark • iV ",
ll'resbyteiiau) Cemetery, ou Tuesday. The
01 NEW
funeral was a large one, uotwitlistaudhng, the for o weeks board ofin arkb cit g ;
wet weather.
The watering cart was put in full operation Moved by J. Hackney, oleo by H.
on Frz'biy last. Some difficulty Inas arisen Horney that the aeo't of A. Bolton for 4
up to 2901 t11ay 11884. --Carried.
as to i • ••
t the tax t .a ,dill bo p
board and clothing for Thos. Bennett
t` �*' Crimes setae of ratepayers who have a large front- g ,
� � e��i . :Lee, a eel SwlAo receive little benefit from the an indigent be paid. ---Carried.
eet�watd:ring, whit', others with a )Huck The Council then adjeue nod tilt satof
wsa_ t
TIi17l';111 lVNE1al 4 li toet
a`M, , e a *«, ISS4. fr•'itaio. are befit' Rtes a great
tlralay t1ne.Gtli (lav nf(Jtlly at 11 o'eleolc a iy
- stent, •uu1 taxed uuly to ptoporti'ttl with a tet `gtj
the leave' taxpayers,
In Infoorsteds
Local H0.ppei?inl'S• 1\ J CLARK. Ohmic.:
settee.. Graxit lira rld`. A piouio under thee_....I
sew )'ions may s•eutN beard by ltpiy,,, RUM is=:; of the liethodist ;lnbbath Tito teenier tl vaunt of the O'uueil
log to Alter ii,+3.wa'I0.11 Ami birth. donde Sehool will he held in lir,. P. ,Ifew: Was held; on Munday,2nd fust. All the
l liewl ole :ee Hotel. t. the village, members tr'i'dent. Minutes of i
brays grove, nettle ofge, on 1
Wanted - Meeday, Juno 28rd. Addresses' wilt mum. Izloutttit; werestead and eonfirhl. l
A mart, ma iut.11tgent Led to learn • the be dlelivered by i,, number oe hews ed. -
art of retinue. Meet have a fair e,itteatien. gentlemen. lineio will be furnished . Mr- Jae. eeotnb applied to have
Apply le rsonalty t,i Ttetee Oiliee, Exeter. by the -Iowan band ; there will be !atria tl10I10ti d,slpnnded 00 Beat 91,aon
3 good over. swings and other amusements previd: l 12, near PreeePet Hill. The matter.
We will send the Tzstr a for the remainder ed. Admission 25 eta. The anui: I was left in the ,addle of the Reeve, to
of Wei to any e .ire• .• in Canada or the ; vet -eery services on Sunday win be confer with the Reeve of l'3iddulph,
United Statc•Q. po ti+ai,1 for Gtrets. Snheeribe eon -dueled by the Rev, D. levan: of ant make the neeeSeary arrsugontonts.
:df enc: a:zi;; t the fnU i9euviit of thhb n4•Yar., Londont. All are invited. A ;good. Mr. pilar. McKay asked that the road
time may belexpeetod. rltnniug peter Ilia 1111100 be repaired.
Med. Lost.
Matic . Graham tltid Pearn were ru• Ready'Lxn.ade Clothing a speciality-
On Monday la,t n l:teca i';tx:i'Iut•tt. or Lave d el tt tt ,�# .] tiA Clothing tai/ .91.G4 .k ud,]
Scotch and
to inspect our
cent Stock
Canadian 'Tweeds.
14. It'ortoot *mu guaraute‘04
► etnivi 4i#
i3lyd, from the residence of R. Sehlon. The a Creditor", skrttete to attend to the wetter. r,
Jas. n
tire same:il Samwell.t Diel:art's, Exeter. Mr. Samuel Switzers lead the tuts: ditch opposite hie place on the W. B.,
- - ' fortune to havo,someofhis fingersOitt required deepening so order to give
A 1 •deer.. in behalf of the Jameestreet Ste off iu the sate mill of S. Switzer dC Co, Initn :proper outlet. Moved by Mr,
hero twat week. Hutehtugo, see by Mr. Graham, that
The next directors meeting of the the Reeve be appointed to neat nooiu.
ILty Township Farmers Mutual :Fire; moue from the Uaborno council, and
Insurance Oe., will be held nt Cretin examine the place. --Carried.
ten on June 201h. Meson. Hutchings stG Hudson, evero
The Creditnu Civic Holiday will be appointed to examine the River Road
Free Lecture celebrated at Grand Bend on Wed: near Mr. Forsytlha and have the ne•
nem the :minces el the friends of the
"Scott Act," and lovers of Temperance, will
timidity June 18th. oesstUy repairs done,
be givenb,' Rev. T. L. Wilkin'nn, of Water- "Soett Act is ad the discussion. The following additional grants were
fort;, is tete Demes -street Methodist Church, Mr. a, Hogarth t4: Son was inn, tOWu then made to Beat 50. near the ata -
nn Friday evening, 13th sf Jane., Chair to this week distributirng petitions for erg: tion, $10.00, beat 60, $30, Therese
be taken a p. m, alt are eurdiatty invited. natures iu favor of the Act. con,$30, beat 65 $30, the grant on
—lay order of Committee. •
finder will be suitably rewarded by leavnu; . ----^ Ja Gunning complained that the
tlzodist Church. by the Rev. John Jones, of
Brooklyn, New York, was &livered on Fri-
.-y +veai:ij last to t largo audience, ail es
Oxen were greatly in.traet¢d. Subjeet of the
leetnre was '• Peer r l artwrigbt,'" the Prince
ct viewer prear:bete>.
'.*.."-- ----- St tlarya road was supleuieuted by
Prompt Payment.—�� Dashwood. $50, Base lino, 460. The Council!
By reference to our advertising columns -- then went into corn., to Revise the
it will be seen that the Confederation Life A great quantity of tanbark is being Assesbors Roll.. Mr. W. F. Bander.
Association is the most prompt -Paying Com- pealed at the Dashwood satvunills, and
any in Canada ; they pay claims within a sou fit the char. lifter subscribing
few weeks from death. In the ease of Rir. *Intl'. the following changes were made. The
Surnres, deceased, the claim was paid as Tho prospects for a good fruit crop assessment of Joint) O'Neil Mollillau,
soon as mattera could be connected. are promising, wittf'''the exception of was reduced $100,1nere a dispute arose
-- i peaches and gropes. as to the legality of proceeding with
Salvation Army% The first wheat noticed in head was
On Saturday night lust a portiou of the the list of appeata as the appellant
Salvationists of St. Marys, opened fire on the last Thursday, on the farm of Mr. N. Mr. H. A. L. White, was not au eleot-
devil, in Drew's Hall. There has not been Fried. - - or of the municipality. Moved by Mr.
as large a crowd of country fonts visit Exeter Several of the farmers in this vicin:
at one time, as on Saturday night ; the street it were compelled togive upi Hutchings, sec by Mr. Graham, that
opposite the hall was densely crowded, and y p plough: we proceed with the Cassa.—Carried.
the roads were impassable. There were meet fug 00 account of ilio dry weather: Mr. Sanderson dissented from the do-
ings held ou Sunday and Tuesday evenings. They aro again at work,as large quan: oision and left the chair, ib was Chore -
tines of rain fell Monday night. fore moved and seed and carried that.
First and Best Cheap Ttaiiroadl Trip or Road work commenced Tuesday,on Mr. Pearn tanto the chair, the oases
This Season. the Hayide.
An excursion has been arranged to take swere then proceeded with as follows :
place to London, on Thursday, 26th inst., on Rev. J. C. 1Villert, is visiting his Wm Dickinson was put on as ow0t1-
whtoh date the inspection and parade of the father and friends at this place. He ant of pt 14, eon 2, Win Robinson
troops (including the 82nd, Bruce, and 33rd, will take his departure next week, for p
Huron, battalions) who will then bo perform- Waahin ton Territory, o! which he is was Put on as torment pt 18 R;19,00n
fug the annual drill itt the London Military g 14,H. Fred. Sharp, Jas. Chalmeis sr.,
Camp. As the returniug train does not leave Bishop. J. D. Moore da A. Beattie were put on
until seven o'clock those who go will have a :Mrs. N. Flied, and daughter is vis: joint owners with J. W. Poole on
full day in London. Those :who wish to visit itiug friends at Plettsyille. J
friends in London or vicinity will not have as There are a number of youngmen Lot 18, Thames oon,Jas.Straiten was
poo t• ic arecordiallyfinvited. t me. f The
m of this place, who have joied te vols put on as farmers Son, pt lot 10, W
Exeter, 60ets. Train leaves at 928 a. m. unteers, at Exeter, end intend going B., 1.6,WMorehead7,oouwas struck off
to London on the 17 of this moutb,to W W 17, oou 19, and `ell and
,drill. Rob't Somers put on. The roll being
thus finely revised the Court rose and
the Reeve resumed the chair, by-law
No 119 was introduced read and re-
ceived and was signed and received the
Beal of the corporation. Orders to
the amount of $269.72 were granted.
The Conncit then adjourned to meet
on the first Monday iu July, at 10 a.
Public Meeting.
An enthusiastic meeting of the ratepayers
of this place, was held in Drew's Hall, on
Monday evening last. A fair representation
was present, and a number of speeches were
made. After some discussion it was moved
by J. A. Rollins, seconded by 0. Senior, that
this meeting approve of the suggestion to
buy a site and build thereon a Town Hall,
and that we request the Council to submit a
33y -law for raising a sum of 36,000, payable
in twenty years ; and see pledge ourselves to
support such a by-law if submitted.—Carried
by a large majority. The sites to be voted
on are as follows :-1st, the property owned
by Mr, John Spackman, situated on the
east corner of Mahe nearly opposite Drew's
Hall ; price 41,000. 2nd, 11Ir. J. N. How-
ard's property, situated ou Main -street, op-
posite Drew's Hall ; price . 0800. 3rd, the
Gidley property, situated on the south cornet
Alain -street, west of the Methodist Church ;
price 0450. The properties mentioned above
are inserted so the people may have a stance
to choose the most suitable.
Remember the Salo in Drew's Block on
Saturday neat at one o'clock.
School Books and Stationery at the Family
Drug Store, W. H. Coulson, Prop.
Pure Hellebore and Paris Green, at the
Family Drug Store, W. H. Coulson, Prop. McTaggart owner of pt Lot 22, don 1.
Pure Hellebore and Paris Green at the The Court then closed on motion of
Dominion Labratory. J, Shier, sec by J. Hackney.
A. large quantity of wool has been market- N J. (JLARIt,
ed here during the past week. Clerk of Said,Court.
For pare pais green' call at the Central
Drug Store, 0. Lutz, praprietor. The Council wet after the Court of
Insect Powder, sudden death to all insects,
for sale at the Family.brug :Store, W. H Revision for routine business. All
Coulson, Prop. tun members. present. Minutes of
A teacher received the fellowiug excuse re- previous` meeting were road and con•
cantly :-" Tomie Stade home enz he lead no firmed.
close and that's excuz enuff god nose."
The farmers who ploughed up their: fall Moved by ,T. Halls, sec by J Hack
wheat in the Siring, are regretting it, as the ney, that the following persons -be ap•
prospects for a good crop aro encouraging.
The Salvation Amy created intense ex.
eitement on Saturday night. The people
were disappointed :n not hearing the drum
Usborne Connell.
Tile Council met on Se n:clay 31st
May as a "Court of Revision" on the
Assessment Roll of 1884. At; the
members present and sworn by the
Clerk. The following appeal oases
were beard and disposed of : Joseph
t%. Dinniu, appeal against assessment
on income.—Sustained.
The following names were added on
application :—Jeremiah Reiland and
John Rolland, as tenants on Lot 6,
Con. 8 The following names were
struck of the Roll :--Neil Stewart and
W Marshall, both deceased, and the
following changes made in title to
property :—Thomas Clark occupant
of SI Lot 14, Con 9, Henry Francis
owner of the same, john Gilfitlan
changed from Farmers Son to owner
of Lot 18, (Ion 14 ; Thomas McCurdy.
changed hands from occupant of Lot
t6, teen 18, to Farmers Son ; Leonard
S. CLARI{E, Clerk.
Thr, new bridge over Fish Creel: is
corn pl• ted
Services in the Methodist Churoh
have been withdrawn for next Sunday
owing to the Anniversary services in
the Presbyterian Chureh.
The Nixon ease reported last week
has been settled by the young man's
father paying $12;50. Rather a dear
spree 1
Canvassers for the Scott Aot peli-
titiou report unprecedented success,
some of them receiving the signatures
of almost eyery ratepayer in their di-
In the mind of "One Who Knowe"
what an awful liar your humble cor-
respondent is, and in his feeble way
lie attempted' last, w el( to impress.
that pleasant (?) fact
era of the Tares. I
on the read-
light just say
here that 1 have nweer' written one
solitary item that I did not at the time
of writing, have good reason to be-
lieve was true, and although it occas.
Pointed to constitute the board of eionally happens that an . oceurrenoe
Health in oomplianee with the Publie reported turns out to be tncorreot, as
Health Aot of 1884, viz :--Measte., 1 make no claims to infallibility, yet
both in Moils and Boys.
Inspection invited. No trouble to show Goods.
in the present Daae I have not the
slightest rnaeon to doubt the correct.
nese of my statements in that item. I
was present at the second heating
held by Bailey in Woodham and heard
what 'considered an announcement
for e, tiled one on the following Fri-
day night. Bailey said Ile couldn't
be present lameolf as he had to go to
Thedfcrd to lick the davit that week,
beat if providenea opened the way
some other soldiers would he on hand
and conduct the meeting. If "One
Who Knows" denies that, he is ready
for auything. In the next plane, 1
say; most emphatioally, that Bailey or
some of his comrades were informed
that did they return they would be re
quired to pay $2.00 for the use of the
Church. This fact I have direct from
tho'llsis of a member in good standing
in the Woodham Church, who is also
au admirer of the Army.and who him-
self was authorized to convey that in-
telligence to the Army: From whom
he received his authority I know not
but I know this, that had it not been
from those Who had it right to give it
he would bo the last person tp do so.
And more than that, if the trustees
wished the Army to have the use of
the Chufoh,why did they allow them
to be turned out to hold their meet-
ings in a little hall large enough for a
committee mooting ? These things
prove, to my mind, at least, that the
people of Woodham not only appear
to, but, have, quite enough of "Happy
Bailey." When 1 say "The people of
Woodham," I don't menu "0. W. K",
as I believe he ropreeents but a very
small fraction of the inhabitants of
that interesting village, who with his
fraction would be deluged with the
"everlasting favor" conferred upon
them by the publication of his effus-
ion. I sincerely trust that Bailey has
a grander object in view than 'Dollars
and Dimes," and if he has 0. W. R.,
and his fraction are terribly to blame
foe public opinion being to the con-
trary ai dhey ought to come down.
handsomely when the colleotion plate
passes around and not allows it to be
passed the second time as ft's 1apt to
create a bad impression. Ia conolus-
iou I might say that I hope the Army
will he the means of doing much good
in Woodham, and that they will be in•
strurnentai in bringing 0. -W, K., to
always oonfiue himself to the truth.
The July number opens with R
descriptive article by Rey. Edward
'Bermes, M. A., entitled. "The Can.
rubel Islands," with thirteen • illustra-
tions. Another, by Laurence Lamb,
is descriptive of "The Cherokee; Na.
tion,"'with seven illustrate "Th
one. e
Gospel According to Rembrandt" is
a remarkable article, giviug etohiugs
by that eminent artist, and nrguiug
that his works show what the com-
mon people in Germany and Holland
actually believed in the sixteenth cen-
tury concerning the Gospel. of Jesus
Christ. "Scenes in and about New
Orleans" has eight illustrations. The
editor, Rev, T. De Wilt Talmage has
>< characteristic artiolo on "Tho Di-
vorce Abomination," and a sermon in
the llotue Pulptb, "The Floral Gos-
pel." There aro two varlet Stories,
and Sketches, Essays, etc., by G. A.
Davis, Augelino Alexander, Hervey,
J. A. Patten, We., etc,. several poems
and a comproiui•'o mieeellany. The
embellishments are numerous and ad-
mirably executed. Pride 25 cants *
number, $2.50 a year, postpaid. Ad-
dress, IMAs. FRA1ut Lzsn.IE, Ilubliibap,
58, 55 and 57 Park Place, New rk.
To the Oonjederatiurt Ufa ssoct'ilion
Wo have to return you our senora
thank for the prompt manner lu which yore
settled the claim we had (spinet your Oompyiiy
caused by the death of niy husband, Your
Company aro to bocongratulatodupon having
such an oehoieut agent as Mr. Manning, The
timely advise and aid which he promptly
gives when it is needed, is a great help.
MAitr ANN Sunvnra, (Widow)
DA\ISL Symms, (Guardian.)
Zurich, May 20th, 3694.
There will be sold by Public Audio's, at
Thompson's Rotel, Elimvilto, Tbwushlp of Os-
borne, 011 Thursday July 3rd,1:<1, the. follow-
ing valuable properly: -10 stores more or less,
situated on tho St. Mary's road, feeing the south
half of lot 10, in Elimvillo,'Osborne Tcwitship.
There is a good Bank ii am and Dwell fug 11 cute
with a good cellar ; also a quantity of choice
fruit -bearing trees ; good water privileges, and
evarything co nyoniont, ,Thisproportyia ailin
pasture et present.
7.'ERhr.8 ;10 per cent. of amount on day of
sale; balance to bo paid in throe months
therefrom .
For further particulars apply to
S ins: TAOS, PRRICE, Exeter
ort :;_ a Sale
noal Ego
lvJ the Power of Salo contoino•r in two cer-
tain blortgages made by WILLIAM WILSON
et• al. tothe 'Vendors •winch til be produced
at the time of sale, there will be sold by PUB-
IC Auction, on the premises, at and' near the
Village of Hensall, in the Oouaty of Huron 1 at
ono o'clock p. m., by David Dickinson Aue ori
seer, on }
FRIDAY, 27th day of JUNE, 1884,
The following vale able property; namely ;
FIRST PARCEL: —Lot number twenty-three
and theNorbh-half of Lot number twenty-two,
in the first Concession of the Township of Hay
in said County, containing together 150 acres of
landrmoreor,iosa. This property contains a
large and well -finished Brick Dwelling, and
commodious .Barns, Stables ,eto,
SECOND PARCEL; -.-village Lots in Hensel'
numbers 21,62;23 and 24, on the North side of
Ring Street; and 30,87,811 39 and 40, ou the
South side of Queen Street. These lands will.
be ofrerad in smaller parcels to suit purchasers
TERMS and conditions will be mode known
at time of Sale. For farther particular s apply -
toDAVID DICKINSON, Autioneor, or to
Vendor's, Clinton, Ont.
Dated 20th May, 1884,