HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-12, Page 7Two Kinds of Faees. A barber said: "'Everything. depends I )on the shape of the face matt the stiff - menese of the beard. Will, sir, Volt give , ) ;>, •glia,'' niinisteria� looking �• e l upon. 1 a1 c y o ng clap) with t long. smooth„ lantern jaw and a R ! re4eedingellin, hell 1"11 fix hint out. right= .11 vay. 41 clown strokt: fore:telt cheek, s s8' few touriehee atonal the chin and month a lime bay ruin, and you've 4r61, The President's Daughter, ""Little :Hiss Artilr, the, pre.'ident s daudlli<eir,tt says the Washington Post; 'thoughbut a, chill'. has a great deal of natured manner of the world:t1:79tt tel, and promisee when a litLt , 4 c;'•r 8'0 chine in soca.-'. elle attl.e :,, a z=;- itlerabie attention by her p1 \while at pine et the 1\'!lite^ WI•et • or at he Soldier,' Ilonic , it 1 _l s. 1 he best :adivent:t•ee t ,e n ca e out \r hopping, liieln ira.,.i,ls \\8'l a..t 1 tile dips at:1 ,., teR' .. ae4:r- li age and livery, '' Fe _t , Gil t+a,• t"ntiacre alone bk. 4 „1+ +n'i Wain. But when an old, wl iilkle-flli etl coal heaver collies in I make up nay s mind for a long and hard job. It is like mowing in a rocky pasture that lea full of cradle knolls; keep our razor as sharp a volt t•an, you've' VA :t hard menet., all t it." Tr ntv:-_t tins of i it y Tradition., Is melte capable of ale .er'i;le through s)l+'e. live teener:1.'4mi he feels •f history, or whatever ,lee p ,l:elee ;are ea)ntillnr)n 11' In!,,a •.':i lit „n"•)'a ail . 1 4 .t first Alla' )= apt to say , lea ' re- Inexal>Lring how seldom two p at,p1<• call agree in 'thee rowilly ethez of even the briefest saying or enluntoneot e)cenr- rence. But ltio>k into the matter. dote hew the primer of neeziei-;\ aiiefd r ill t1ifi;reut people, and how it. may be cultivated, :Inti f�,l)•ti:illy how 8't strep; then when sr tt,an:atleilly al- lainuled On, \rlaila, \\i .1 iitti is Taft to it it weakens. It i, a small taut, hli ' tot wMuni, eignitie:meth, tll')1 weld ---+r; the "ti vet thin;; whit -h eltildteel ere, ,,,oto tlx in their Inen.-)t:se.:apron fr•.nt :to let ei of S;t.aelint?- ,•11.1'lon"r eerie.; ft f hienwit••I! names., date e ant events-A:1%06h a' , s 'n8'► a 1 - P iPa nl 1r,qt., l:In .� R4 denti—far exe a .',Iir r in ditla dt.y a l.'- Teraelitish hi;tt%t ie a .t lli'rI till, 48'"1:a delink- eann4)t he trttah•;l h settee tag}• ure'eety-' ed by memory. This-hitayti that it i less a, question of the power of ui ldur than hem for memory le looked on as task and olie that make, voti earn your ` " 4 \•ca fel• are e1:, ,) ..i .:). �.,.,:, rtepon.tl them to he box %vi h folded 1 neyil :e til some 4•f t,aa f:lsic .+.1.,... - o tee avenue met on k' street. - tEa.1•., her ptilre:;e,es from vert nieroitallt-, who t�se,prt i.e:, :a, .1 her bunelie e !melt' t/► the t.arri:teri• :laael ilc':ar ler direei;:me tet the. f,taemen, who stan'L ios'el,ra Vie a a, ':+iia• door. gl t I t .,,8'r .r... titterer!. an"1 ,l;n:arde li .n1 to, ', MI.'. 4.ei its conttent'1 Unitllp),tarie.l. 14 tilt a 9'.- • (Wove of the power of t to .)e 1, %Oat "tetter eau we desire than the %toll- kilOWII flet of 8'h" tranemi .811 o the Iliad. with its I:,,Ikn line,, f11'! tieln.. 1,4471331K for eetltttrleee. lee!fer-i,' it 1Slbi even written ? Yet even n Mit is a nlero tette 1'e.1t ,toe 1 w #it t8' retien1!. mile of the Vedas.- Tne ! i" eVeiL44 with it- 1018 hyi ul*. le ;tittle: f"nir ti u•°7 the length tortl)a• li+;ui. 'Mot i. nail} .. part' of the anaelt'nt Were" literature, 4ture, .flet the • mode was t .411has.,, f .ra + 8'1 i."41. mot landed down try mentor, -only. a1` Max \fnetlh r sntoo ley -"alt oil i' r keret atlttla c 111!9 •trillest ,laesalllttr , Teens 14 Still at oldie of priest, in Unita who. bate to know tat Wart that ta°h4)le of the Mee -Veda. And there is tiai^4 fin+'ieate 4'rtrrober:ation of Ilt('thleelity With whit•h lair memorizing' hoe 11Pa'd t nvierd on t '-! ,, 4 -.- kept and handed down; 1 they s a i. p t On tr:an4aatitttni in •1,..e :l) 1 Pit literal fttren laws poo iihilin r 111 to ale .s that hay; neVertl4i 1,?a+ 1• , " nal`.• a +t att1:'•ll•',1. stutoe, is now f°.Rlaa•t 4.1 is • i e,n"1''11n •.t 144` the 14`e9ela l tlletn_t•. ve... Tat,: wee $1r41 pointed out by t)ie'ik1 Beit*!,+ to ,tlt't•eelta, but ha; slur., idem •tdinittt.l a4' time n;i• tiro $:In.krit eellolnre. ;tinth•ng v.lta141 .11\° 4111, 14V! eiaee4 the i:ltthiu tt.•,s of title traditiuua). InelM')ry IMO trnal5 tl.ti,. ha+.to44, thio forth• r I1tearin 1)', i4'`'lin'• u8': __l.I1 elf •i >I •.i.r 1 ?';• 114411 1 1t..atteXii t.:af 1 :-i e;Iw -art. *'tied!1I In :I s-' :t'.: l + l;a• :, . longed lilt'. not prow that 1•tw - row donning such owe ••., 1414, irlly foe of later origin.• ll;lt there i., more' that ps instrntttive in thetr:ansrni,s:+)s of OH VOW 1it4et;t'ure. 'l'i►ert" llai 19000 •,r• v ilia 11Indtat)at \dn«.• h\+l.aniltt \r t � i. Jectire now, yet the 41!1*linne of the '4c•die tr:ulititlne have never trusted tu' it. Theo inlet, for the perfect perpetil-- ution ;tris! traneenisedep 4 Id •thr Petered book:-, to dieei linteot uu-niciry. Thin. have nlltinns ri jts, they has, even a 1.� t p . printed text, but, says Max Mueller, +•they do xlt)t learn their saereti lure from. them. They learn. it, Its their an- cestors learnt it thousands of years ago, from the pips of a teacher, so that the • Vedic s leges ion should never be brok- en,." For eight years in their youth Ohl are entirely occupied in learning • this. "They learn a few lines every day, repeat them -for hour:, so that the whole house resounds- with the noise; and they talus strengthen their memory to that degree Haat, when their appren- ticeship is finished, you can open them like a book, lndl find any passage • you like, auy word, any accent." And i1Iax Mueller show, from, rules given in the Vedas themselves, that this oral teaoh- ing of them was carried on, exactly as n ow, at least. as early es 600 B. C. n • A in t. aD,t "Say, boss, ye n too - Ilii•, letteen cents. ',-Alli an Angie tt:trios. t.. ;, mina with ninon he Ball : ettt" .1 for -i,n,e work. 8't short time lrs fore• "How dal' you nl•i?,e out tri"q:. I owe you fifteen a:tnd.-y" inquired t --- emu. "Pat \v:t. a trade ti5)lloh 1,- r gov hhi• fur my work, ah. an" she :ain't woof uloi. n eighty -limo cents." c"Sia: Dinet salve 11 away," alibi the 11U11 et ett:othiy,, •alta[ iitti 1 int; nig ht ate„ 'r,ie,ll'l et tilt 111th know ti Ii t're s a fait\ in tii4e,4.t,:ice, ►radii ' t_t?.ir1*tr•atto t dollars for t ,►;;, •8'l t x t : • ./.�..1 re at Hear -leen it the :\:1a :.ii .:4.41 in the e alithoiees."" ",tart dot :a far 1 . 11:.•,3, fee al feat\ii'n '�:a3.t, die t-a,:o ; :1144 i'.i:iota 8'a, be alnprit ^a nlu)nare.hv 8''f Ola• haw—i1111 .tat n+tr tl;!.•ns. :All 1'"r at, louee. tie) alt't think tor a ielerotit 1 11 c;ily it ,atsi:ti " Tteros 'Die %`ieen- 1 e •. \\idit its eat'. airs" e'41' r1 VII. tilt, 4' a1Eit ^ t tla"� .loge n ith 8'e. - alran n - •8'-.t, :cod i a..:? of the deti•,•tiy.ee following. ie a tean131ea1r tight in Dublin, Pt,; ,- protection, tlyzatever. ' t d.;, - 1'i u\ ¢ .* 4 y: l-r-lu^"' fql the 11i:t1td', Rice' "Moliean man no sabe eookee lice," said a Mott street Chinaman who was industriously washing a bier pan of rico on the edge of tho sidewalk. -'She no washee plenty. Ileap w:ashec makeo ice good." The Chinaman poured on water, carefully rubbed the wet rice between the paints of hie hands, bringing • the grains just to the surface. Again and again he poured the water off and re- newed it. When he had 'Washed the rico %u a dozen waters, carefully remov- ing imperfect grains, 110 drained off the remaining water, leaving the rice in a snowy mass. How cools;•?" he said in -answer-answer to ' "" a cpuesticn. "Put no too medico wa- ter." A Chin:itnan use$ just so much water that the riee will cook dry. He never touches at spoon to it, and whoa it is done every grain is whole, soft, and theronghly cooked. --New York Sun. In Nashua, N. IL, alaree part of the best society is mode. up :of those who have sometime been employed in the mills. One writer; says that; among the leading people, a woman over 50 years who has neverworked in the mills is an exception. And yet nowhere in, New :England is there more cult -ore and re- tinement, and it speaks. triuelnhan.t. •..sreee O. sone leo.; tirttdlp •r of .a tt','•ttel. a'O14. woos, Ili•. h•;tltlt 1-4 t 4 'lilt file hit.. levet 1444th a r= , lztteleSt n;,; 'terns- ( 3 , a ea t lave, all so from iculle>:se for the ruuche of MaplaOrtek.: IF —It t= .+ it•rtuut life Gxau4 iaul,•c ,0u•i of li f t. �!•' trp , 1 i 0, 1{ k L mean i4 8'V l - I 1[ 1 se haw retail,d upon iftue. Kalanifrc to Raving utmost confidence in it stilus)- etheeeed en !las. oat u re•lirn >, a 1, L w; , t x I 1 arft8 Gen. '1 t . , cameo. nava taa.,a tae ttirt,e .., a 1 oil erg, Aua altar tlousan is of 1 . e1•:l-tut.te. an annulment of the marriage A er r.o.Ln io ICIIE:. t ,,o e, ). Iw•e • 11••. ted, and severest ' freer,: w, Cuero la 5 sv. t ae , 1 r, ruse . t u tue,as of tlic ntot)t coxuplica .. caaeS we could Eitel we feel ''4stifiea ill otTrrltl r t q ,, ta::n1••••a-,..4 r,rn. .:'•,^ ee 144 414 ac' •., r 1 't- rliicla t: , 1 b t ort r • 41 8'r -tb,e awl h nee reels 4r ,y l 1T uclf en Sa v8' • � to fa1•feit On© Thousand I)(flals fox alt} ease: rcre a:'.. ):x,,re4•ti a.t Pus: Otlilu, �c su• • ; �. The l'e`t Solve 1n the world lei Cuts. Breis -.r' of. .,.t '011 fill' •Aott7.:,IIr1r..a tad. and 8'will f,S0 P:c. .ar �l ., ,C 1•S, tell)raat,i11t171e11Za,"ll024-be • f....d. �s Pr. Xi. G.10/04.1Vs1oarlSz.:Tc T L (' e+,ie, Ulcers, Sari i«i10uua, Ii•set• Sires. nes- b 1 ' 'lttfcl flay iltlei, collslttnption in .its early Chapped handy, Ch1•bl,lim"(,erns, and stat=us cxhodpl•••u cough -1141 tit dlosases of F.a-B albti:.intotait4u at, v'v cures >"p. g , • 4 e3,' J$ oile Silo t 1 t s, and 190 at1 8'- c s I 1 e.s, the throat and tuuga,exept, leathuf;aa wmach 4, 7 h ,a •Illi, •a1• It t" n v mte6.l i„ nit; _ titre e. claim .1 . that n4 4iie•e 1 1.11' 1Y:.411 tee feet satisfaetiou, or money refduaelrri West's Cough Syrup, when taken according to I sie,,-• 2., ,Nslt:3 per box, For SO.. thug- ,torione.w. Sample bottles 146 and 50 rents; larje bi,ttlt•: ate dollar . e,enutlaee :tittle ere t) ata Stab-3ii4uo ter I.,:aseiQ l t6''that ,,rll•. 1,1 bin,. 'y1e1 b 1 \ all druggists. or sent .��, I,.. 1 n • . ,talion wF we 010. at !feet" it a by iiaatl on menti GF p ce. JOITN V. WEST .) AV a, Gen D e oral ea r t1+500 Reward. ' . CO.. l ,t 83 King S. Kest.Tervut',Oiit. ----us Ar,;. T;1\x•s or•----- 1 i\ a 4.111)1av the ,t1:oa+ reward for any t .,. of I,37, r1.0ru1,la)p ~' r,h, h heed. i The l,•li? of the sau:x•rrf hearing kWh un- 1 t , i III - ' 'deli,•, Iei4b stiam. Ci ,l•':ition or Cestive�ness coyin„ and dangerous. These safferilag from , .. ' •�• " +- 1 ,e 1 we Ca1l:1:••: elarewith West's 1esetable Liver deafness should try tiagyartl`a left,.,- 4)31 ae- (.nrtt�lners slap ' -ell ys allaiyS, esidTHURS. y rlf,. s1:41i Elan tlirt'tti„tas::iee �ericl;te c<>1u 1110,1 cordi,l"* to direr 'ells. This 'i s 1.1 P. , 1 � t8' .pt I 1 tela- a ]twit=i•. l)A! S .c;:l. •_ '1' + 1 , . , i with, The are l urel;' Vegetable. 'auet uever : hold rimed curd John. Clio, to of aiill'eriai , 411 1,! 33 at khcis xc�ifltncH, fail took, 3 . ti,ifa, 8'l:,h. S i . ee Large Outwit). i0 restoring bis • + - 5 " r ., t 8''-1 �,.ti4. T 8 ge , t r , r t i „ , laming in aLe )vu.:k- OM/1;M I,>.: T AT TUE SIIGI' i:C17,I, Ill:. tt1;Ii'1; 11«t):1f I'T ATTENTION.. A IIAI) INFIRMITY. i to z s c t• dia; 30 rids, ,a cents. F a sate pp Young lady, do 1r of despair. h Dr. E. C by ail Urr �eate. Demure urce o•f counterfeits nn41 West's Nerve and Brain Treatnleut iii., ear- �t' ATAN' ' 1 ' IWftCtie•1a :tier U. • It 11:• )u iu1f et)are :I eidv I Hysteria and ail nervous trouble-. S.'i.l at by JOHN, C. W1 S1 s 4i).. ••Tlt,.• fill real:- l J. W ltrow):n),•s, Drag Store. 5 Pl ea." 3l e\, +*i Kieft a•tret1 East Turonta, 1" Ant.! • A PAINF1'I. s)CCUI11tENCI: Free trial t e:;ag* :tat i,}• 114,41! etuired en Sento -11t,' of the moot painful Futferiugs that popular . _ rIreil,ti,4.:athr,a to ,ttir,l,. Oflcet tuc•rtatle :c.nr folio tlx-tans:<ti-Id. ''AR1tsi 0I^ ALL DI��:sCRIVTION:l A „suer. OF L`alal'i'I.NI'hti. f Eitla-r th,r acute e))• chrs �ie forte May iu1* ora *1i r rxt tsc,cr, t, AaAND1,40,11.4: Tlie great Leueeh&Lcl Ruituy C:4.1 with the ee e14'.c—lllgialr,i', 1[11>vr Jif- is, Mike Tula ,We for ritie tial f.t:el iot,r.na! 145,. entree: rte .. rniatl:ili4 et•:t1?e , eqa*- tweet, 4ruu1•, frees t -. l::art e, Winos, end all ism *l(Ss ,4 i 5 4li•ia e t to^1• Att=1,. r htatgc•lsanal the kidnea�1 4. J4!hl:1totl'4a tzar=apa- rf1la. la 1140 1R0ct 11$(11, 1)144 Stilet 4144 rfk'iind i We have 8'l ayt:e,h 4411411 1•ottit'e^ eine for ..,..y., '. C'4ta1 11.01141 e•tfa, (-dike, 144..0 h mrldl IleA4 pallier of the Salley' I+ne•>*n. Try one Lotti* Mlle.. in S1IILO11 S t .!T?tltlllf 1.1:111:It • 1 F • At:1�11It, t.ttrfrtd-z�itl)ta4l+1.1a1tle, y i.)4eit if vett des"r.. !lt'alai twel a illi• t breath. Price 4'•18 ,•1.. St•14 I.;l` F. 11'. pine tnieg Exec, r.lt; 'i SI'1«1NIr t'LEA NING, i:Veto , =:1 hoo,t-tar per v ail i 8'•l: ':alto the �„ )t -elite l4ou r z)1 least e•\tl i Spritz dell Fall. ,tlul ,. 1t1t+,tvit.'a ea1.41+"til ),,isttq also, and 'hire 1'. nothing L. tt4r to make pante lalo4+e1 -retch 3071' col 1.ooloi XI . t1a. Fr CV til 114 hilt 1 e !. l.' = 1 Kilo-, 1=1.1tst alae,j t1i. a ^ :> file e t :nal to 11.4 .:, n- 1 a chato:.5. fair".: tla t.tt•i111l ila,t , t ) . tut rela:apat �c,,na!„alttitia 1ton:4 beioeut,hoe1,,„er;ei inlotte'd for trill, a It1 110 A �l'1111F i'FD „1 tnq,: n. ,, e•`'e 1,.: t _sa� "c-:; t, low let, .1 lee Lesion nu- ontot-le 11111110}l tool/awe fee nn'•)t C, 111141;ti11tq. ate$ front the Ldoo'l by an fatly use 8'4 t1:4' ; ,;muni purifying_ system renovator, I11,x.1 Bitters. Ilnr•1'*ri: ALSO ��' ` .. u1 LOTS BUST + htFteTmi Per""ahnR111aaeGly—The gratl,l 4tu oidia wiaL411 •_ o • ;”. ... , . , , y ,...t aielt.t•.ct rias.;. atProt.�rtg ;Allele ofeltaettu. from the evident detthe cars,ea .14144t.4,ltdattarl:a,8't8'•alid•kiy;egtek VIIA'•, IlltTlifiES, 11 tit:, 0.31,4 a,;.1. ,1 , f.Gtleltite,Gt.:. Rua fat,0o4L 54)••4'st. For x440" at the Gerl•ic:t Mortar. J. W. ltrn rllilrg, pro • Ty 24* Gm- ,�y1� T/j� �* {/� J J/,,� Itl`•>G,I, 1 11 p� I• SS A 4111{ a Ill'. �i .. R. N,1Fh4dt:c1, af l;t'ertan, speak,. Oatt,uly , eat l i.}4 ^' t rl, . rsi iritereot. .le•,'ig' to €1f'r.var4l'iPietc•relBalsam, lavll)g s• -1.1i (' (Meta i i ai.vli :.e +.,..,.- a. ,1 ;4 E +:':• le:=,.It, 14 4 l,e i;, I,.� 8'r t't^,;at"^air,[, •i la, a+ a • 'Ia la , ,: • 14,.. t. 1.1.•:.. 4e" ta►,nit girl\' at4t1 11 ^-t 143, iia . t .1 , a :a 91-117''", '"1 4 'lot" ' "►fear 1a Clira `I:, / „\t) 14 rat En, 18' ,. 1a 8'"4 184 ,`a a �t1•� r t 4 8'',•q . t , �t1. , 8't r ..t 1 1,e li f» • .1,1i4 a.: it,'t1 of late 4 14Ia ,pin 4 4'8' aa?a9 ;':�t J 11- l4 ,anal I'CI'+, rill,', a 1t,in.at \514;44;''+ 1NtJ^lett, �'.e tc�:AAeI'laa FAtlol )cr, „14 to t +Ill: 44N T11i1•.T1 11A'! i" '1Ill A ,. SC)n of 28 1411 - 11lagm,4 84s ;44 Pr.-net/hod flit V4i1,8'41.' 114:4 8 f. Mtttb1ati11" �tia'11..wil ,Table. w1ii1.4i lift,1111»'e CR-1t:14r;At1'1 1;14:01.;,.,V01.1-111' ,,.:1 ii. t''. tan yeti ui11t^ar ::1;401..1,444; ile 1,44 O1 w14.l Ith, 18'4.aF- °. •8th 44;; r; 4-1nrttt4. 1,• a vitality leitelre.41 4i, 311, 4, grucceat. eine 441+c."4t ' l*!*4 te.4•,ap9*. 8 ' 4•"-tarata•:n h 11.4-3111; znll erode S➢r NP, 141 al4 , , :1a ai. n8',^, 1i.-''.1'en F-#1;101 lia4:nrr•',I, aS L11ir1t ,4tsn tri:at isnot e' F l r"'i� a•1i, lilt,. tic,� t h+• KVi"e,"t: 8'h•• lt:ati:all There are four lady,-. *i..0* living i'ine1nn:4Li, melt of %the t hoe lot•ks t►f hair cut from the lead of the YMI410( of air •, 114410,101 Mks si*loin=; that city in Kett. There • ee a. great deal 1.f atiNi• f u 1 ! e•1 . a fit v8' re nlflaatn nit• Pt the 111sg* tool distressing cough, wet -tile 1- 14 Anil p iefeetly telt.-eft, iSitictl hail 1•d'is., !•--1 f Other 11'IAtruent. evametimeemeet et} tit albtainrelies of thin ►'rima, 4041 ,i-st.lser AND coot rotro4rti IfF-Ireaote I:1(, a -. 4„- -- :l , 1�, ,, 4U r. ..1„::.*-- a" , , ee 14 4 ► ,..C... r4� ;l* •i th4 a 114 I pori 1nr, 114. 18' I /1,. •- lira.tt a .ile n la 11 t un w t a 1. e,lu;l1 1•11% al head Retoold some w;•y t►4e•r and to, o -t, ': •;paii,,l,eet le,t i 3 t^St..rma1 18' t11N4ve *114' $111 hew[ -!lint by the 1'rille'P.0111I 11011.111 The praetiee among :nia0V German Tootnae▪ leolditelsieetaelaes T.ita•1 tt9a•ante of nl:tking their 1.1'1,plert; over ttf)tran .7113:"44', "It %ell 8'.e •, t:'8!I8',1\ quicken til their ehihirten 1-5 having. 8'1,. roost dia. ' thcelal00A an.l heat e , h ear=timlt leds:Crt,iwiti.on)r• 1i*, . a1 i"1l+•."t. Tit Q1•[e'4' t•• i 11'ap10 4114' tut -'Bract••', /teaa+l401e4 t'auaeen ba itrf:,aC1.-1 e•arr` tittitt it parent- :411'1 t•) ['into- lit[" , ra 1[11;,,' 1Gthegreat 1',l,nt tti,•ver.auiufdon property ell it) tha 8'l adt4 . r hihla'rn tett- 111, 4.e ,1t, I44 (I t my odic •r 1 Istr terLinintcut irr,.l'rrrt in the DWI tlpiln•I4r4t urian, of ' 4ilt--, cu 44,1 ,r8':1a.11+,ellIt'1 1 tau4etn 9atady" 40? a cr,,• ,c :e4tntut.' a tlr°.'iii} 8'b theiivstreote:47 p:lrri ide. it has so ine ea -ed of late ' to t,8'. we lql 8'4 r Tat 1�': 8't l '; ell 014. a d that the Governor,. of sante el the . t':tlneedel 1• lo -.4+1 4111 omit 4, • null is torsule by t di tritete German, have ;sued au•' soul►rutigl •' 4tsc.1e.d e11111'!c drk'CSeel ,*,1 i irin the pdea18t1Ilti to retain 1 M [ t. t N \ti.' a •18' 'i tV1 1 rt ' till 1114 are through 11 tIl a •48' from the c r1 s Hurl their! property y „ To ' ar tlrrtentt8'r t: Mr. tool Mrs. Lake fell into intengier- at[d habit. in Provideuee; lost their eocial position, and sank sol linens to be frequently arrested for drunkenness. The lean atictne't11 conquered his stppe- indiserettt a ..f 114t1t,tirrV4n41 s i.aklle:,i, Pavia' IRra1111a0,1,,� de .I wi11-.t nil larecaeltl bat lit II M114 you,Flt1•11:OF i'1I:11t04.1 This -..treitt-rottio,IF was discovered 4i ,8'.1 missionary in Smith A1tierimt Semi 1the!tt•add)','yRetl oUVO1Ov. (0 Ghetto', re„1,1't,T INVV.ANti,.11 A,Yele Yoro City tite, ;and livclT soberly • fur several A:towel:111. -4 oat' TZOI.—Why do so many ,.• ., a !8' 10 Prefer to of Work' al,nndli t'elu.4i 6 r, 11t a s� 1 months. The woman determined to do I ! ri •night, , , she fl•i' n1141 be' made rill=eet'ttl,le9 lad• indi4fat1+1n,eon. likewise, but one she dd.tiardcl, hI. could stand total abstinence no longer, atipatien, oliitai,1ees, turn 3.1 dpp'tite, Coaling ,o., s4 up of the flop, yettow skin. When for 75 cents, and started off for a spree, rt ,Irdlc�, rif 1 r her husband's protest. Next morning she was found frozen to death in the road, with an empty bottle in her gip. In Switzerlantl':s lofty mountains tho Alpine horn, which sounds .also the far- the claims ofton ertteed r, 14 iltesii often :a1- famed Raanx des Vaehes, when -t110:sun ly di$nppoietcd, Intl the arrays of Mete re- has set, is taken by the herdsman and girding the 1torest virtni•s nf Iiru'doelt 111rna. we will :ell them Shiloh'- 1 ittlize'r,:marmite ed 1• cure them. Sold by ler J. W. Browning, Exeter. E o w A VICTOM OF MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. The individual who 141ices'trust in many of -Z•11if F: 11115111111 g''T' SEWN N o e.toll CE44J118t. 1;F51 LK 81.t144.8 48 d',..4!.‘(51.�",'u.F' 'a Taal: $. . w M SASH, MOOR, and HAMILTON r� ..I t e 0 ,o r()IiiipanI 4 t F1:1'till."I O r , NTAIrIO. gAMTwi 8 (41, C O T `'r` O N YARN 11'la5tx -oat [" 'e ae 1, Fit :a'r' CARPO WARPS. White and alt Calors. BEAM WARPS of every description. hosiery Yarns Balled and Knitting Urn ■ " a;4'mtr v4 t1.1 PlanInci11..1,1.t\.ti8'l`a I lel „) 1 ,t1iNAi 1.. . woe!, ' Tl,.afa .,ara.«:il i\treelar 1 rataean. ca•dts 11., treat, fel-0 r enovie .14 .144:y mote 14111 tor r. galatity ltd l l %rift:. ill an •.444. 1 1444 ,u,t, 111,7. Site CARPET ri l alt; rl'n` +104- t- %Rpl'.T WL;;1VI;IE -tion will find out 11'4erp*tauperlor to mu, • in tide M[nrke t,. we a,': \wltlt)e,tt.;.`44'-t4a4L4r<*11141. t . ;wilt r t, r t E.v., art eat it ttrttc w s Ion n,,:lsll n c will nt;P \ as carr tarr,tlal•tty at11#•14,.4 414"114 "A1t1+4t1:.,'f u,a,c1t tri. LtaLP ell lecer'n - Ei€•nr.weave tannd metals good, i...k fat- tlet•1n Ti ;,k them.. 8't:. ALT, L PI iso'odaelt,44'14 ar 441 .•t4t114(00111nt,,tire.9 P,11 ver i , .'1a, \t Tae.>4•ate, t at:i) 4144.414 a1►ea, aw,1 5451 t 4use•. ,at 1's triiii -((11'1 dl 1 --n 4.0 K$11 .1.1 , .E 1 I „r-• 3 �t1.I::RTA-_WINAtrlai'0)„Torento; }hilt 4;1.4-:It1:1' di1 ' t',.lii•'utreal, it l:•G.,, .a.- V LT KINI)SOE Dune to orlea'. )l, nleluler,tt;. place. r •1x Howard. . STATION -ST. FIVE JJOLLAt SEWING MACHINE Pfi1:I9•AmixSEWING' MI ('.ITEL11:. Although thistiewinItieytine ivoff4 •444 att+leunheard .4r ,• y. rt at...ntNtuct be +ridiculous tall i s itt i and , 1 supposedl that it is n to y It winder tho work of any r1YTY POLI.AN HAC,11\1:, dill alp it ns well Itta,:onatruetodentnowun,1 ieientifioprittci- plcs and is aiwt)144 in construction, easter worked and 1ow1itdde, to getout of order than any ma- chine in the world. It makes the same stitch as oho lea,1ine machines in the tatted States The principle of construction ie entirety new, and covered by br alluatents Raving SneUred this ulachiue, we have decided to put the price ammlaT rPOWS ro NANO PAN 'fere a short time orly, well k that lad i'1 t o Pull di - sections a every a t 3 w 4 scan tote x sections with eachmachine Agents Wanted ANG1aL0 ART CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN. . .r positively falls .n 3 l u 11 it Ile. laulll • )t"anoance • the Bitters. 1indisputable.It Nit 4 t th oat r, r ay IRtt. erep words ."Praise the Lord God." At the diseases of the blood, liver and l.aclnev,. Tn- ' EMOVAL i sound all the herdsmen issue from their v st•gat,e the lartntfe and Wt [)mom el, hutsand take up the dry. At the last darkness falls and the hig-hest herdsman calls "Good night," and "Good. night" ae-ain resounds from all the mountains VIM LIGHTNING. St. Catla'rines has been —Mr.Inmates,of t , appointed peblic school inspector of Elgin county. • • TE E GTENER,AL QUESTION 4 REMOVAL I and rock cliffs- Muhl Lightning is the only curt' for Tooth. The following are said to be the six-. ache, Headache, Earache and Nepialigie. It teen American inventions of world-wide duel not take x clay or goat to cure it; but in adoption: The Cotton gin, the planting leas than a minute all pain 15 gone. Thous machine, the telegraph, the grass ands have tested ite merits within the Lest mower and reaper, the rotary printing year. Fluid Lightning is alae a positive cure xess,'.steam the hot-air en- for Rheumatism. The worst possible cases navigation,have limn permanently mired in one week.gine, the sewing machine, the India Pike 211 emits at J. W, llrowning's Drug rubber industry, the machine xnanufec- Store. Hollowaip Oiutn;cnt,—C4o where you nay, in every mutiny anti in all climes' persons will ture of horse shoes, the sand. Mast for graving, the gague lathe, the grain ole - gator, artificial lee -malting on a largo be f )un 1 who axe n rehcly word of praise for scale, the electric nlitgiiet in its practl- this Ointment. For chaps, chaff's,- scalds, cal application, and tate telephone. biuises, and spi a`ns, it is an invaluable re - The editor of the Oconee (Ga.) Jtfo)ti- 1at.d3r ; for bail 1e,gs caused by accident or cold tor advertises for 1)0841104. Ile wants it may be confidentls relied `upon fon effecting a xnan who can "edit a paper, and quote a 410:011 an.1 permanent car:.. In cases of l 1 1 pnlll'tl al1C1Cs, en sipelas, and rheumatism, rel, and fight, and play politician )x Holloway's Ointment gives the greatest coni - non -politician, collect money and at 1110 fort by reducing fntlamivatfon, cooluig the sate, tial, pretend that he don't wantblood, soothing oho nerves, adjusting the Cir- oultit:1)11, and ex yelling, the impurities. This Ointment should hare a place in every .•ur: eery, It would cure all those mauif0 ,t Adis It Who can run a newspaper without money es well as with it, who can print a paper so loud that a deaf and • dumb person can read it before it gets out of , affections, Which, originating in ch;.'ahood, the postoflice. Who can grit up a paper that will never get lost in tee mails, nor be borrowed by deadheads, nor be Caen strength with the child's gum. ). —Infuture linjor Coombs will have entire charge of Canada and Major 1200111 of the grumbled at by soreheads. Who can States only. 4 run a paper to suit all the different TO THE LADIES. whims of subscribers. Who knows 110 Gl ego; 48' Parl<e's Carbolic Cerato will more about the newspapbilsiness cine any else of Pimples on the face 0r now"' than Hot.ace Greeley dill We Greeley did. want Skin on either ha141s 0,• Mee tool leave -them v n8' a man who will fight with abig nigger fox soft as sae. It will also heal any sore ;when Agitating the Public mind at present is where eau Lucy get the best Bread, but this matter tau be settled to the entire satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling on JOHN the old established and reliable bakery, where they will find just what they want. A Superior quality of Brea always on Hand Also a first-class stool: of 1IIs00448, Butes, CARES 8'f- CONFECTIONARY,W111011 will be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- ness, and sold out, audleft the place, Mr. Be11 has been found at his post, during the past eight years, ready to 'attend to the wants of the Public. • How Lost, HH ow Restosed. We have 1 •,:iaatic l ),l8' -h' .t a udw etlit.4L 01 Dlt. C'•t:I,t 1:41\4 a:8') t F1lil:ls1s 4' F 11 1.18SA1 on the ta,liealaInt p,•r:aat+cut,:4trt+ (wipe -int 1414'• di4e:wetNervous 11011111ty.Mentul' and p11ysicol Incapacity tiopl;i4111eut.. to Mart late. etc.. r+1. suiting Irina er,•04444.. »rieo,Iu sealed cuveiono.ouly Gceut8, or tite n0Sttt0e stamps. The oelebrut4.•dantli:4rcdtla1 ailtnit•0t•lttIl atearlydentoustratles,ir.4tu thirtv years' succe4e4- fttllpractic e. that alarm dnl;c+!Itit ego owes mftyhe radicallyrurarlwithout the dangerous use cif i1, Uvula mehcinolorthe use of the knife; I'o,rr• Ont au, .ie of ortre 1lt 014444' *4)94)144c rtainailtf= Netts al,by means otwhich every amire rer,lrton at. tor what sand Mon. be. luny curgltiell ch. aplp,p •ivatety 41:4.1 malt ally, 8'3h.t lett sin nail be tn.8' 4h handl-or in ert youth mid every man in the laud. A,ltltes,. THE GULVELWELL�4 EDIUAL•COO 41 ANN T.,NnWW YO14F I'o.t °flice lint 430 ovER Nii.clt4" tic oiPri OCEBL E$. IT IS NO HUMBUG, i3UT REALITY. Owing to increasing benne re, 1Ir. Dell ha found it necessary to remove to more eom: modions premises, aucl has added largely to his stock of Groceries, mid will keep on hand Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything usually found' in a first-elass Grocery Store, All kinds of Farm ProattCe tak- en o -en in exchange for 'Uoods, , e want a ne n all other prepalatt.lns fail. thousands haro a subscription. In tact, w ? „.iii for McGregor 8'E s tested it. Ask ;your dh•11op 8'Y RLSTli31BliR VIE 'STAND:—SOAtheOtt'', Block, Four doors North Post Office., 70H BELL, 13ron1'ietO who can blow hot and cold at the same time. Who can carry .Avtl,ter on both shoulders. Who can bark with the dews, .and run with the rabbits." Padre's (Carbone Cerat0, and do not be per- suaded to take anything. else claimed to beas good-. It is but 23 cents per box at ,T. W. Browning's Drug Store. 3 That Diphtheria is one of the most dangerous discus1i and annually swoons away thousands of children, is a fact *Loh no one can deny, and that doetors in many eases are powerless against it is just 414 true. A medicine that is a (41.141 14 and sure cure for this, dangerous and contagious disease should be hailed with joy and warmly wolcomed L.y every family for 031 In time of need. A. con ilfgratimu is much more easily checked at the-b'e- t,oaln'• than after It haS gained headway. So it is. with- this disease. Keep 11 on band and du not wait till it is too late. Snell a medicine is offered the public in Dt1 t11,A?t1I'S DIPJITAI;RTA and CRO UP NEED Y. Wo are thoroughly convinced that it will answer its purpose." Letters patent, hare b : n taken; out for the Dominion of Canada,' and pro: aro token that no one Shall imitate it. Wo kindly ask mediealAlen to give thisreulody a trial. Testimonials. circulars And trial. bottles sent on applying for. Agents"rt4 luted in every Oily, 'own and county.: Ask your druggist for it. Address Rev. It D1FlttAMIV, Zut ieh P. 0. 'Ont.