HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-12, Page 6Brother's Will Disagree, It is frequently said that about the wort thing to have- grourn the house is a rec1a1tse harttua-seerunl boli, who seenes to care hitt little for how he acts feed, forage. :null ammunition; nor can and who he torme4li, anti makes trouble ' fere This i- t mistake. a4ltel'liiarerror. tine 0414,,^ .%110 ilia DOI:arin.111y xli(ii. , ed'a 41 foie among' the dl ter. of the'(. There 1$ pDD2lethingr, Fnrinitc'ty worse,�^ , and that is two bot s,1)•trtiaularly if they '4. xt '. t`i1-. 1.R ;411r cd)nei lxioll off the '. are brothers. Your boy, and the boy terror :ate) whieh Noy we so1(metim es • belong -an_ to th. )texts .i‘13..r. neighbor calf )w"' Theeirxtr- 4):unnlndli- e plat alt:!Su 1 xYa;�elit� xve r a .et i•4f 'VI" 1y :Ld1S l"4 4l) along :ay •af4t i el ti, and have toy- 1 l :a times, :uitl they Will not bother Or mole,3t yen with thele boyish troubles, a13a1 n'a womler, for if :t ..'dot were to, but to the family with two boys of its 'aft among .a let cif 4v:ar•011; laden with ' l t,sa• 1 shell. the t:' 'tilt may per- - own there .. me ,ie• froul murliin� until l night, and. for that tilatter, ge.4 r.tlly .. t'), e.' leetelwel. It w:t'e not sleet:e t•. half tile night, 11ne114 ;'lee.4t the. tie ii.— therefore. ted It tl. t drive of ate amnia - Brothers „ i1 +IDI ay:1'r.a 1 4yiih ,ix til ill.' in front They ifs, net : e>m t� "hitch well. 4..:.?141 :u. i several tone of tdemi::andTide \ .ere in e. c .ttA4 trddlL=d1(', :anal 111h4' wax they wee, ':4::L-u1):r•riiateieat:tire ' ....' 1:4):F l.4 .(41 ei4if, fejt ):u -'l ;-.:4t vit tae L... -item :t)1#i IS a ,•:;o:ton. la :tel tit,14r'(14 wilt•ii he !0 4net the whir of the their play or week td:ere 1 ,;e:fe•I:llly - d EF "y"-1. 1,'•e 4'+p+ of the One”- toe-mail ine"...toe-m ail and a ueet. a . wee,e, cutlet : 111 heeit:ng fee my re *itn' iii 1 passel be ee'itP,taal hy an .11 1' t :,, 1 of `e' l••,s•it one of 1.'s." traitte The e•)mn1 -`:try to both, or et ."y,;.' eettieel. se, wee 41.v3;.4,;,. 1)nt, f.,:,l_'t' to idsmen.x1;10 Cautieue Oatmwisserf. Unless he has actually seen them, no E :)tie e:tn furni any adequate idea Of the 1 vast numbers of white -covered wagons whi :a followed our :trtnies, carrying s SET] I iS ZEDS SEEDS FI:t4EI)S . T THE EXETER SEED x DOMINION .4 t f.4a1* d, ../.Ind ,i . Fresh Field, Flower and Garden Seeds, We call tip•' attention of Farmers and Gardeners to the tl,be)i'e, mild invite inspection. ; ca ,tb. is Wealth. tine can t'1.}A1 sin iiin,it that two D. t 1 + to. :tt `time flim to 1 4 11'.1 • ^• y �F €,��1 e. ,ti _ 4 . i n� 4' hag. f.xr l4*C e) ttg, ' brothers of the ages ravine .'+)til nine 41 4 h' e# 14'•11 Che e"""14 aD.y xy , :41E•'i4t at, 11,' ti f r r t•3 Da.11: rn. Dnd'1in t . A)ldrl t)r y412m1 "4'r '� N 1 '' out to T'.1 tit wad 4t tine gree --:a j R "w et' , {;. _�''+ ^ +i ldea4Dt :i ever r • 4 w t1 in their pl:ay 441 1 '�! work eroun l i cent built le tet ee. and , teff t) 1,,: til:an. t De')1 to the ne et. I off. i any4114' wise It ; ever wettel,e'tl two ,an 7"-.1"11` 41.111114 tiie .':1.1'11'. It w:�f; brother. 11'114' seep ^t ......"e t.f ai111•eelvers Le:.w.ve:a that 'lhl'e wee more Cot- t4T1iN ultslta:ter1:+•1e•i1i . a:rtlr .+dne.l -4e .411 1:(141 interested 4, .n 'ate 44:41... t•)C 114 4141 *4.11 1t1s 1tt':a•1 :11- t"-ieetd, I41 t their Lk Osie they never ., ► t 4••1'4 4".tilt' h4' p0444:'a1 :t b'4;O t"tf411 ' (4'.1:41 C. a ,4.•aQ t Crit ;N ' ;laws in ].i 3grCC, and 1n #lttar +x•:. 4tolll#4t the 41.111', ..nxa4Ki.ai I'es,, \e4'4*414. �tnralki&t,: 11011 e 4411'1 (!4','',. I. 144 Iii; )n4.'S null 1.R. 1 1 s.1 ' 1 e,.,iti t+)')ni41, .:St f.Irall I .i f,•' r r, l l a.. neattnche 'utvo4 I 1 _l # 411:+'au tai 1,y tilt ;;tn,44)y�,. that 1t) eye 11(0111 1)t t111' 144)1.,•1:4 • �l l e 1 . • tai+d('of a41s.,4 +A+.r ;eat,..,, a l,t14211 C MvntaI' Hart of tett' d4'h:ttH, (1044 wua11(1 '+xyt :tr diel 8 • 4i ;l1.1 4°11y. orderly to nut et"::24- l)t l+rLF it 17 + :etc Ili n:l. i tI r : tin.1C...)ttlld4. in } 't a t '' t 4 1 .4 1 his2 ,1 4 t, t :4nt•' 1111 on enr+e 141 n 441) g reht . , 4411; n 1 4 1 x•, 4 ecu)• 2.214 widening bridged. llttbut"li t1#hien n in He 41(44 e)f 4)114' 4144.1.•+11 14:4111, f'11 ht' ' of ji:.:ei ns. 144`'1 "1T Iux4 l t*sufem 4 c :il'tndt m eta a et but i dl ftH you are I112S'4 4lct'tl. I; 1Sg"< :11111 in fifteen min- "4'1'1 ;4'tt� 104' 4:i* 4 444 t , itn ili44in ". i 411 3F'rit 1 4. 4 k .i=.h • r44 41*4 n 4 44.144.' ,� they ,, 1 l �. '• a moment 1'1 etc:tt'nlipl ate t".eteMtt4 1 1 •'4 aul f•s'e l 44 .h+I:°e Vete. 0140 attCa t.•C.f will bl. a4t;1)fi 4.11,,,.4'-,4!i;< in e - Lto� :6'141 a 1rt ss. .•,•t t . 3 � 4: l,a,, .suntainrl D ■ f xx I, :1.1141:ring, he said tel 1411.' In a tow ", tali(+1diAD9t1 t,t.1:441 a tit tow dollar A 174:1, or tin(14rI1) the nest of a .;`..... 4+ bum. IaiClt'4 c zn41 111 tl ( t�eitt n2r42# of ti1C t,e,'"•" si:Loxesfo Sr,. ,1..11.14-. (gut 1'-113arp'el'aid t \: 1 t But"11'..". • • will stud the put Ya —1".:ii t'`'aut':; . 11r. ..": f4 . 14 .. ty1t keep All 1'40 4)11 Illi' 1404'. lt�i)ie'a.!\ e""'; ..2441 tre144 4 4�.ac1 fe r tl4'e. t*'()�l they ttlrr;rt their 1(5441 .'rN 4444• , i. i:l s<-4,14 :att.t 1'41;;11054 1•()4111044 .{, wet 1s.e aesee •44••*144)•bt ie 4••11- ..4-y• .nl'1n 1• y'li :and they ode eonit. solid 1lards Onete Inters . he d xyltt X FZ that 1• agree cin 4411t'4ner'e 1441 It , to rerun4tele 4411 woe, o 4 tilt 1. ,1114.411 (4. 4. )lot i4 (lo 0 4* terrof them 4 .t.xylth 1114l4thel. It x5 A+ Stell it44t4+v14 thief i':1e'g,t' 4.`)11141 n l.ii rt t rail (;=noel tilt., ^ 1 4 .t:,1 tx by 4 her of#140 444.1;1141h4h444.41� win, i4 it. °,"• 1 e1 t'* sy'_('8 Ill)l,t 41% 1+1;i' c04tld. ,14i(OZ%' I (F4'+•11r 1•';"t t"e t'14•'t t'.(•titt.4*5 that they Bunce far half an hour end 4'14 W.14011 trains were I11I a + i wrangle fie to „Miele lt:tll elver tine! xv14l1A '4 A bt:ie'.; int 4440 t-ar, :And ll:t•l not, been :Flit the weeds when probably In lifteerI.Welt fin' '4 %A.4.I.. Page a ty:ta deter:Ilint'4 :+ t:.',,e :4 `;i ii 24. ,1 tel rale.. 141)1)1 () 9 lninutt; time bot!. of them will b4 over 4 1.) 4t+ for the ;general's Imre() In A neighbor's yard. helping another , ;' s• i a 1 tg.i' 44 01X111 hay" lel; hook 4s. tee' crook. �,oy &Aly ante �p1it leis wood, �a he can , go fishing and time Will work like 1'e•tee: :ht"" `ce Haat eel!utui'.;:try iotttier,' ere, and never stop ;41111110414 for words, `;44tl1 l:iroe 41-. 144 41:-1Xt1141n:4't ;enol Ilii'.'w and you would th1141, to Fee theme there to leer over 10' :firm. "Ile's a claward, that they ;Bele 4.4o of the, teving't"it tee ' 14e. te-eun 4.' iiltere;tt'tl in the `hells tee brothers and ever wee, Why is it f thou VIII tidDon't e•1 .. on't know wlzeth- that weep they hey a dog ora toy pis+ er hes healing out tMI'X to the right y tol, in "emeek." as it were, that over n4:n1 or eel. duet lamp au eye on 1114 that particular article, whatever it may 1101',• will Your be, there is bound to rise clouds of wee P,4ushing his way into the circle of 1 el#4 • general g teene. who were too much engaged :88111 diS;aell:iou, t 1 r:91 shin ,o4tn flyless there is :t very mete difference in watching for shells to uotiec the: i between the ages of two hro,titoer,. their ;)re;eue,'ts of a stranger, Para opened hie f actions toward eat:h other area study, 11g; whiles ,ter. Cunlluieearv. (lucking and yon will nottete that unless tht'y arta engaged iu 1t spurt that bringe to e:teb en equal amount of pleasure, they will, he nine rases (luta ton menthe engaged in rending each others lockevor knot=*: laugh :44111 wiszk at me.—Front "ite47o1- ing the second e) of teeth down theft fec.liwnv of a Pru:limer-bey." r n .*ug- boyigosh week , anti iu the next minute 144€ Vit. le1014'. they are loving little brothers, to all tip. pearances, w:io .never had a word or s garden. at the wood-pile,blow between them. Their" work in the Mancha or Plot. or rulinimg er• rends, is tilled with namelees woes, to V4 It atever theory of naV141. yrltitu less the scales are evenly balaueod and liar. 1 rollopd/ usa). 'taro Preached, 1114 tine has exactly the same tunouut of alnlo.;t Invariable practice was to 11:4x0 t work to perform as the other, .4ud who. a plot. Fits atw ors had :a .tory to tell. and a story Inyolvee bogimmmg, n4iddl1 and entle!ein short, :t fr:eue-Wore: of some .ort. Of course if one had to chouec between the frame and the por- trait, one would neutrally not prefer the frame. It 4v011141 depend a good deal upon the portrait. ihou'_h. There hare been deli;ghtfuI books tilled wholly With character -drawing,; hut thee hale goon Ileal true, though of course, there not been great novels. The 5t -rent novel his head at eveveryeroek of the eann, - w) 11111 poured in four 144tekets of oats, where- in:Int Pegg shouldered his ,prize, and ruter11inTes 114onnt1(1 his horse, with a ever saw the, work laid out before boys to the supreme satisfaction of both. But they will go awa • and 11x.1} :4 neighbor's boy work, and both near, ly kill themselves working, anti not a word of complaint will come from them. It has often been asserted that broth. ers never agree in business, and it is s CENTRAL BROWNII`7C1, Prop. BISSETT BROS. HEADQUARTERS FOR , '• ardwai'e, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, Barb were and steel strip fencings. stock 1't all Muds of ; Dye-stul :s :41111 packagepackage 1)y-es, 1'(111t:t'uItly 011 11111141. \ 'inau'i (�ntitliti4)11 Po1vd- erg the best. ill till- mark- et aanti:li\Vii fresh. I''aluilc' 1'er�ill- t' (.111%11oily l)rt•1)frr'd at CHEAP AP BISSETT BROS. (FARMERS' ATTENTION WHITE'S IMPROVED N SLIDING GATE. A DRIVE AND FiELD GATE admired by every Far. mer. Desired by all who use Gates. Highly spo- kes of by all who see it, Its chief merits are CONVENIENCE, OURASILITY SIMPLICITY. AND CHEAPNESS. owned "On shares" a pet dog or any trc;ua stlnse. 411 au, :a moff. • Nille are cases wherein they do. But itseeln• ' (teals withhuman action iwell :4• 1110 Central 1)4111; Store Exeter that the natures of boys, the dif'erencee with mental portraiture. That 'defog- they had when boys together, when thee►('ter in itself is plots' is tette only tr. a '- t t t 4 ' o+� �r••L�d._-aa .i other article, grows with them to man• to„ic;tl conclusion 1. 14 ULe4 .;are t4, a 1 hood. Ono never forgets how the othet ncvel ora romenee .t. it 1, a drtuna. �l - .„zeth r.ry ss ,• made sneak on him one day and coax. r _ ! . ""`-� greats of :skillfully m:tdi':-,111 hien :till - ed the dug away with him, while the women (Ohne 11 1n the „sell -room ter 5 ER other wanted the dog at home, and i* at the: xt Ing, is not the p1.43'. It is not the dog shoxv4 the least feeling f affec enough to say that this is hamlet :and ■ tion towards one that he does not to' that Oplielia. It is not enough to in- A large proportion of the diseases which cause wards the other, the life of that dog form its that certain passions :are stip_ human suffering result from derangement of the from that out is one unceasing round of posed to be embodied in 51K411411241 sa4:u stoinaeh,bowe]s, and liver. Ames CATHARTIC woe, ns•the brother he slid not take to persons; these persons should be PILLS act directly upon these organs, and are will make it warm for him and tie cam 1 )laced in situations developing those especially designed to cure the diseases caused 1 by their derangement, including Constipation, to the poor dhows tail :end make Lis life passions, A. series of unconnected sit - Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysen- one of sorrow and misery. And the uatrons leading to nothing is 111at1e tory, and n hest of ether ailments, for all of brother who could not get solid with float`. There must be a natural curl to lvliich they are a safe, stare, prompt, and pleasant the partnership (eon, Cherishes a feeling it all, else your novel resembles a con- remedy. The extensive use of these PILLS by of resentment•against his brother in the nn(11•um without en answer, or :a jest eminent ph)steians in regular practtco, shown ” without a point. unmistakabl the estimation in which the are scheme, and That feeling grows,Ind is P y. y fanned by thousands of other lttle coif- . $Ir. James' charrpipg epi gram seems held by the medical profession. ferences, and by the time they reach to me vulnerable at both ends—unlike These PiLLs are compounded of vegetable sub - manhood, there is a feeling between Achilles. "Plot is'by no means char- stances only, and are absolutely freefrom calomel them regardless brotherly business part- atter. Strictly speaking, it is not. It. or any other injurious ingredient. • nerships, that disbars all such arrange- strikes me, However, that plot comes A Sufferer from Headache writes : ments. nearer to beim,- character than charac- AYER'S PrLL9 are invaluable to mo, and are ter does Co bernss plot. Plot neCeSsi- lily constant companion. I have been a severe Brothers are all right enough togeth- P sufferer from Headache, and your PILLS are the or—if they are separated by about nine hundred miles .distance, and can play through the long summer- hours, or go fishing. and in the winter live on taffy and mince pie, but when they are to- gether they make it warm for the re- mainder of the household: — Peck's Sura. A Tramp's Siesta. • A woman who had been swingine in. a hammock in a yard on Cass avenue yesterday, had no sooner vacated it in answer to a call from the house, than a ragged old tramp who had been lean- inc.?: over the fence walked inside and coolly pl:untetl hilus,elf in the hammock for a siesta: In :about live minutes the woman re.ap.peared, and seeing at a. glance how matters stood, she brought Out a sharp ]:wife, walked straight tip to the fellow, and before -he could chuckle twice she cut -the head rope.. lie c:une down on his head with •a' thump toppled over at full length. and .!owl)• scrambled up and walked off.. i1ot :a word was -said until 110 was out- side the gate. Toren he turned and called out: "'Maybe you'd like my photograph just as -( 'keeled out of that old fish -net, hot iron won't wet it—not by a ins -full" ( impossibledas- action, an it is to ds- oney Vont I could look to for relief. One dose l ill b 1 d f h d tribe a man s action, under whatever sen lin 0 (y move my owo s an re my ea conditions without revealing something from pain. They aro the most effective and the a easiest physic I have ever found. It is a pleasure of his character, his way of looking at to me to speak in their praise, and I always do so things,his moral and me taI ose. when occasion offers. P p W. L. PAGE, of W. L. Page 3s Bro." What a hero of fiction does paints him Franklin St., ltichmolll'l, Ya., June 3, 1882. better than what he says, and vastly . "I have used AYER's PILLs in numberless in- stances n- better than what his creator says of k ancestas recommended by yli i Ili d ie never him. Mr. James asserts that "we e known then to o s. e-aeeemp s l 0 e9 r8 re - are suit. We constantly keep them on hand at our what happens to people only in propor- tion as we know what people are." I think we don't care a snap whatpeople are (la novels) when we don't know what happens to them. --August Atlantic. • "Thank heaven!" exclaimed a feud father, as he paced the floor at midnight with hie !yowling heir; "thank heaven, you are not twins!"—.N. Y. Com. Ad- vertiser. "Now is the time to subscribe," said the cross-roads editor, as he led his wealthy Mile to the marriage register and shoved a pen into her trembling hand. Blobson says he does wish the ladies would give up their. fondness - for long trains in society, and run an aecomino- detion train once in a while -an . inch above the floor for instance. home, and prize them as aleasant safe and reliable family medicine. FOR DY' SPEPSIA they are invaluable. J. T. HAYES." Mexia, Texas, June 17, 1882. The Rev. FRANCIS B. HARLoxvE, writing from AUaaatac, Ga., says: feFor some years past I have been subject to co)lstip.tion, from which, in spite of the use of medicines of various kinds, I suffered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago I began taking AYER'S PILLS. They have entirely corrected the costive habit, and have vastly improved my general health." AYER's CATHARTIC PILLS correct irregulari- ties of the bowels, stimulate the' appetite and digestion, and by their prompt andthorough action give tone and vigor to the whole physical economy. PREPARED BY Dr; J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold'by all Druggists. YOUNG, ' OLD, AND MIDDLE - Children with Sore Eyes Sore Ears, AGED. or any scrofulous or syphilitic taint, may be made healthy and strong by its use. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for $5. . All experience the wonderful benefd- eine effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ..s. It takes up no room on the road or sidewalk. It opens down the fence. It leeks Open ante when closed, lucks shut. A child nix years old can open and close it from a wagon t car horseback, or afoot. It is not liable te get ont of order. So simple in construction that any farmer can matte it, It can be .made of lumber, iron ar wire -netting. All who see it admire it. Nu be opened with one finger from Wagons, Buggies, cfc. It backs out of the way down the fence, taking up no room, Has no lever- age on posts. Can be opened and dosed 341 times a minute. Makes a seen` lock with- out a latch or pin. A downward pull opens or closes a gate of any length or weight, ;as the handles have a double action and always up out of the waY. • The cost aldove the dr- dinary gate is from $1 to 113. I can furnish (J-, m Ino:rs, no hinges to buy. Price of FARM RIGHTS from $5 to $10. • Gallo and see teed Gate at Centralia and Exeter, a14(1 secure as Farm Rigbt. TO ,AGENTS ! I own the Bight of this Patent (or HURON COUNTY, and as I am otherwise gaged and cannot canvas eaol4 Township in the County, I will sell Township !tights at prices that will enable the purchaser to make money et the business. Troam $1,O to $20 per Lt's" cal be MADE `s 13y a good canvasser in selling out a Township Right in F atin Bights. Canyon endo more at anything else with a Small Capital Invested., I mean to sell so you oau make MONEY, • A Rare Chance -Speculation. The selling qualities of this gate cannot be questioned, The Inventor has sold -- OVER $6O,000 WORTH ALREADY: Secure a Township. Right, and make Money easily and rapidly. If you do not, some oue will; and you will 1 3s the chance. - Call and see me, or write for terms, II.. Q. BOBIEB, Centralia. For Coney Rights in Canal write for terms to C. W JONES, London.