HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-12, Page 5FA1�.MER'S STAR -FOB.�� 1111 PlikIR
New & fresh. GENAR.Q.L DEAL33U
Netr& Fresh.
-ALL RINDS 0r--•
Just ..A..rrLved.
Just Arrived.
Try our 50o. Tea. Wines and Liquors Wholesale and Retail.
HURON COUNTY UO04C1 ., rights in case the anonut asked is 1 These are Seta
JL.NLi Ss:SSDNS ire 1884.
The Council assembled ou Tuesday
afternoon of last week at 4 o'clock, all
the members present. The Llliontee
of the Inst day of J,tutuuy session
were rear' Anil confhened.
The warden addressed the Connell
repatieg the basinese t•'+it3a10ted (tar-
ing the irpt''ritrre.
icircular fh'otn U, 1V Phippreiat ra-
lea to tt1 itrof our for.
este, •.vire rr.0 1161 t., tl,•1 t?lk'e l i:e)ttt
A circaatatr from the Clerk of the
Legialettu:• i se:Ably, requestiug the
opinion of ltiP U5I111011 in reforonee to
redncing the n,imber of members of
Cannty {.'Gila: ile t t`a read and referred
eel granted by thti.corptet•atiou. Ile.:
ferry 1 to FInanee Cotninittee.
Tenders for new trind•:w and sash
fill the Court Butte were referred to
Court Rouse Committee.
The Connell then adjourned to meet
at 10 o'clock, rharsday.
Arra r,Ecniveo.-- . t and cheapest lot of
at C. >acrett's. Also ltantl•nnado wort:
td repairing dtano a3 usual. Harness of
The best loodpul'ifieraullsystelure;ulator
ever placed within the reach of suffering hit.
nullity, truly is Electric Bitters Insetivity of
the Liver, biliousuess,jaundfce, constipation,
weal krliuepa, or any disease of the erten/
orgaus,or whoever reafuiresan appetizer,tonie
or mild stimulant:. wilt always bull Electric
Bitters the best an,lonly cut titin eure known.
They act surely -audquickly, every bottlo
guaranteed to giveentireaatisfaetiqu ormuuey
refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle bye.
boots and shoes tiro have as opt at in tow
very l.iutl ahs F .nth n 1 whips, trunks,
e11i1dre.1la Barr laf;•'t, t Nprt•'-N wagons, ..ke.
('all airs see.
Courtney. -Ross i50at Three.
OAK POINT, N. Y., Jtlt11 7.---Canrt•
uev failed.to appear at the lima for
to Eh omelet eammotee enter:sung et darling ih the race with It es Hero
1eariiu Sale a
BaclVe Stand.
(:.?, 1)oo i Borth of Merit (Mice"
T. _PD
.1 )1:Z. -NT
Hats Caps Boots & Shoes
s, 1
Butte�rand Eggs Wanted
11E a;eer e, Keine,1). lh 1�'il zit coon„, to day. TTIi let ter rowed aver Inc l(it leil:Cllilt:ne fOr floods.
1 1 ii 1 ti..ci ., Kay to I:il alt course in 211 59i. Otntrtnej snit T
aic.Ilhet �, )
John -ikon, 1•:=::tli, 11 iy, .tuiSta:lcitau, about the groulscltl nit tanning, and
to report ren :,rine and on any other up to nearly two Welook in the after
matter reft,rred to n'1 by the i:egiel:l. noose. Ab)nt the lath*:' hour he + t
turn 1!3riene1114,.. ail tIt'k egolie�-it 1111. -across the road who Johnny Cree,
tlorteeity. who hail once been his haetter, to get
t ;shaved. At throe to cle.ok the leferec
raz• rt .�r� of 1Ir, ,i, l,.ltiher,l. !..
:LOVAS le*.ret )endreferrzd to the Salton] told. Courtney's trainer to fibs his
(lernierittee. in ii31, ;t5 the rage would be t tufted at
,1lnveil Ly 1Ir, '!gird t.•, ilio Judea tt,} dive o'clock. The trainer aelerehed
for an hour, and returned, Haying Ito
Dir, Cook, that Mr. Gibson, road c en-
tthra^I e'er, 1r,' 3!iitrildtrol to inatll'et COUhI ni.t find his lal'ti'C1pal. and was
that portit+u of the 11 rnntlua�y line b.. i enable to find any barber ::leaps.
tweet) Horrid: auti Carrick. atn•l have 0111`40-y wee ever the tl.inree in the
that. potti :u of said line coiieteuoted morning. lie att«'rwrrde said the
by tete Caustics or Heroin nuti Bruce Water wan gsot , and at five o'clock
or the tewnl•hip of Carrick, pay ,.iiia, the trate, was :smooth over half the
Half IL,.E•x.. i n','..1.1 a portion of the digInneee, although in places there
work h;�11 gieoe Away. It, lewd to wore trifliug choppy ripples caused by
It d d B 1 L (town
> etc eddies A three mile match rowed
at 4.80 p. 111., by Geo. Ciraisel and F..'
Plaieted, was easily won by c4atsel in
2ai.4fi 8 5. Johnny' Crea has several'
time during the peat tine dire claim•
and referred to the Finance Ctam:nit, eta the race wonld not be rowed.
A cotnnnmieMion from Dir. Mo
Donald, ltegiatrar• Snrrogitto 0ot,it,re
t need itg additional vault atectlUlnmda-
tloy, was retorted to the Jail and
Coml. Ileums Committee.
Oft au ru Qe t h n e, )
The report or the Inspector of jails,
&o., iva'a referred to the Jail null Court
House Committee.
A number of ecennute were read.
li'i areselliug (foods it R`holcstde 1'tice'
A. niee a?rortaneltt of Oro. s G,,,nis. Iteady-
made Clothing, fingers, Tea., Ciwrant' and
Basins, at a reduction 1•f •2.i per emit. ou
former pricey ('a'1 t.raa «, ;37500., Prints
u to 100 N'm 'Veiling 15 to"nv ,• ;ill Guides
in 11„ntt 1 1 unthttt 1tt to 12.4.; lii+l 1,lovt�t
for 7a,e, worth ' 1.�a"a ; l'at:v 1'i. '2 c to S1;
[.inbirete'a II.',e� 5 to itis; Men's Sttf 1.lt
11 -at i`ic , 5 .ft, :At u11 ;. L)a it Hitt•. $1, tl'tl
sulci 47 ; Twt•4d Suit t;ii..,t) ; 1, t at t 3. 1'+tnt
52 ; Tu•er'd from 50 to 1e; 19o'ts and Shoea
nt vers le prig
May 2:111.
.shit m .a�w t.
Courtney circulated a report before'.
leaving to Clay that there was no mon-
ey put up, Ana ho wouli not row uu•
les% he saw the puree or had a bonus
in advance. Courtney's trunk was
removedduring the morning. Sona
The Council than ntljouined until persons said Courtney was afraid of
10 o'clock, a. m., \Vednestla?, the mob. Ross rowed over the course
SECOND DAY--av ,t>:s»av in au t►dtnirable manner. It was ex•
Connell rammed at70 a, m., the oellont line for the water and t.ide.'
warden in the chart, true all the Tilton The referee decided all bete off except
where play or pay was stipulated.
bare premier. i
Who often fur t•uh+at his htnro-
house. Buhr Station, the fitlhtn it,g atkestics
of seed grain :
application from. Mr. Harbottle
White Russian per it) 51 40
Lost Nation ti 125
:tlrCarlin f e) 1 211
Johnston 'a 1 20
Peas .i 90
Barley " 00
Glover Seed 7 50
Timothy .. 2 23
G1+lO. rILLlS.
014 W
ETC'.. ETC.,
F'u11 L.inee ill8,11 IDep rtme t,Jo.
D0 not fail to examine our
where, as you will find price
NEIL. No more trouble to move winks. I/vele'
family wants it. 1•`it any lamp. Use arms
globe. Solis r t sight. Phree bnrnors for $1 to
any address, Roller Lamp Burner to„ 13 ;true
ray Street, New York.
r:IlatiPAPTIO sF1
. f A ,o1.11.1.0 1 t., ettrantl 'L7 IIA
for an advance of X1200 on the c ail. a A t.n,44 it ,+ A, r 71 r t Mild and t+1 414441 its;. 4 t a rug end ,•.t trmnr k 11I rata
tract for Holmesvllle bridge, was re-"d"'"""'•"''t i a„ w n i T11tl 1 o" t.t a 1 1:b..
A man named I38Ury t)trCi19, was 1 • ''h.q.., ,Iii l:, 14 it 11ItF;t11hn+nMI tin ea"
forted to the Finance Committee.
A circular from the Presideir( of the
Ontario Agricultural College was re•
forted to the Special Committee.
A communication from the Inspect'
or of Jails, iu reference to the jailer.'
llalary, was referred toot be Salaries
Moved by Mr. Beaeorn,seeonded by
Mr. Allan, that Mr Harbottla be ad-
vanced the yarn of $200, providing he
has started work on or before the 20th
Jnne,and that the timbsr be moved on
the road allowauoe and become the
property of the County' before the ad.
vance be made. Referred to Finance
Moved by Mr. Beattie, seconded by
lhlr. Holland, that itir. Rankine. of
Seaforth,Le atrpoieted qu the 13oard
of County Examiners, in place of the
late Mr. Dewar. --•Carried.
Moved by Dir. 13eaoom, seconded by
11ir. blataurclne, that the reaves and
deputy reaves receive a list of all the
bridges kept up by the.County,andthat
the Road and Bridge Committee be re-
quested to prepare such a list at this
Moved by Mr. Hayes, seconded by
Mr. Holland, that the warders, clerk,
and G. Elliott be a oorutnittPe to ask.
for an iron superstructure for G'rieve's
bridge, and have the same erected, as
80011 me the abutments are completed.
1telerred to Road and Bridge Commit-
Letter: from County Treasurer with
statement of caste on hand, noU-regi•
dent taxes. &o., Was referred to Fi
Hance Committee.
A eolnmunicalion tl•dm Lieut-elol.
Roes, requesting s greet to the 83rd
Battalion, while Herring iu oarnp at
London, was referred to the 11'inailoe
Moved by Mr. Forsyth seconded by
ivlr. Wray, that the to8N nehi12 of Mot••
his be paid by this C +}ailed $60 for
loss and damage ocunFioned by renlov.
al of the road. bed on Gardiner's hill,
in said township, this motion tobe
without prejudice to the township's
dr3wned in Kettle Creek, 81. Thomas,
Monday, while bathium. Re had been
a resident of that city about a year,
and was employed on the 0. S. R.
The body of an iufani female
child, entirely.nude, was found in the &���
river Thames, near Rodney, &tidily. BootShop.
Is ie thought the body floated down
the stream a considerable distance.
No inquest was had. pending injnriea. A. SELZ/AI .rr•.►'
A laborer named Sweeney received
a sunstroke al the corner of Shuler
and Dalhousie streets, Toronto, at
noon Monday. He was taken up by
the passers by and laid in the shade,
where its a few minutes he recoveled.
While insensible he held a sum of
msney in bills tightly Olaspek In his
right hand.
About.noon on Saturday a distres-
sing accident occurred tit E. & 0.
Gurney & Co.'s Agricultural Works,
Dundas, when Thomas bolt, an ern:
yloyee, was olnaosl killed through the
bursting of an emery wheel, which
was revolving et the tate of about
1,800 a minute. Holt had besitl un:
conscious and deletions ever since
the accident; and but little hope is
entertained of Ills recovery. One of
the flying pieces of the wheel struck
hint near the :tt »pie and crushed his
skull in.
`4.".44u2'." ;-1.411•4114 ) ttd,h, -v.
1, t. t. A.:taAl .t dt, 1 . $1. Fuw 1 ork.
ADVERTISERS sendtor our select fiat of
Local Newspapers. Geo, P. Rowella�Co.,
10 Spruce Street. Nor,- York,
Has opened a new Boot & Shoo shop in
Lanson's Block, (south Door.) where ho
prepared to make all kinds of ordered work.
Fine Sewed Work a Speciality.
Give him a call.
Woon.-In Exeter, on the 10tH inst., the
wife of Mr. John.Wood, of a son.
WIIITFORD.-In Hay, on the 8th in -t., Miss
Bella, youngest slaughter: of Mr. Whiteford,
aged 23 years.
fx(A1L before purchasing else -
cared and Goods fiirst class.
Inspection Invited.
Z eter Post Office 'X'ircie
___ _,__-Y__AIGS
iCirkton,Woodham,Wlurholseaanit mimvint• ,.. ... ... ... ...ib35 0.3nL(e 1)nr.
eutll,onetand m'eal,includingLentlon,iiauttltou, Tottntar Montreal, Montt.. 1
obit, United States, Eagiitih and foreign mails ... .. ... ... ... .. 9.30 ft.1A.;17,t11 a. to
South, efiatand west ... ... ,.. ,.. ... •.. ...,0.1., 1Lm.a;4•t+0 P. 1tt
North and enat,including Goderieh, lyiu>;ham, Kincardine and all points north,' 1
Strattood,Toronto, ]lfontroal,aud Eastern States... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1C:tua.m i£i.?0 a. in.
North ... ,.. ... ... ... . , +,1:0 t).nt.'.0.O0 p. in
Ray ... ... ... ... •,. ... ... 441... ... ... `o.•9p.in. :rCO p, M.
annsvZ most:.
Issued and paid on audfrom any Money OrdorOilice inthem,minion of Canada,Groa tBritain and
Ireland,BritLeh India, Newfonndlnnd,Germany, Austria,Italy,Austrnlia sus the rutted States.
Irepositawhllbo received at this aloe from 01 to $300. Depositors obtaining the Postmaster -
General's spooialpormissioncan deposit $1000. Dopositson Savings Rank accountreeeivetlfron)
Office hours fa om 7.30 a. m.to 7 p, m.
Lottersintendedfor registration must be posted 10 minutesetore the closing of each mail.
N B -Itis particulary requested that the senders of :natter will kindly add the names of th
Dewitt es to tke addresses.
17:JOHNS, Postmaster.
July lEsamiaalicns,'
Mrs. Mary A. Dailey,of Tunkhannock, Pe.
was afflicted for six years' with. Asthma and
Bronchitis, during which time the best phy-
sicians could give no relief. Her life was .des.
paired of,until in last October she procured a
bottlo of Dr- King's New Discovery, when
immediate relief was felt, and by eontnnung
its use for a short time she was, completely
cured, gaining in flesh 60 lbs, in a month.
Free Trial Betties of this certain cure of 'all
Throat and lung Diseases at 0. Lutz Drug
Store, Largo Bottles 51,00 4
III. CLASS (non-proieStional) AND INTER-
BtE D1ATFl will to held at theiiigh Schools
of the° ounty. beginning at 9 a.m.,
Monday, 7 th'uly.
II. CLASS (non-profossiona])at the High
Schools, beginning at 11 a.in,,
Wednesday, 9111. ,7uly.
1 Ot, ASS(;RADEC. (non-professional,) at tha
Normal Schools, beginning at Sp. m..
Tuesday, 15th fuly.
Monday, 21st ,cry.
Wednesday, 23rd ,2tly.
ALL 0AND/DATES must forward to the.
Secretary, on or before JUVE 1st. notice of the
school where and .the class of certificate for
which he desires to write, carefully naming the
options he wishes to take, and the certificates
he already holds, if any. This notice:MUST ..1 -
so be accompanied by a• certificate of charac-
ter and a FEEL of one Beller, or two dollars if
the candidate applies for socond a. well as
third class examication. No name will bp for-
warded to the Department unless the fee'ac-
company it, Forms of application may be had
from the Secretary.
T1rrd.Olass Teachers dashing .an extension
trust write at the July .Txamination, otherwise
the Minister of Lduoatiou will refuse eaten
glens, except iu exceptional cases.
7, R. MILLER, Secretary,
• The undersigned begs to intimate to the people of Exe-
ter and surrounding country that he has better facilities
for turning out first-class than heretofore.
Pictures taken in all the
Usual Styles of the Art.
Life -Size Pictures in oil Colors
Crayon, or Sepia
And at Lowest Possible Rates,
911 Word Glarentni.
P.S.-Engraving on Gold, Silver. or, ivory ; also Gold
or Silver Plating done on the shortest notice.