HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-6-12, Page 2A�" �`t Rfl � ; s1i11remest hours there is never much to
YY OsiT,65�A+,.i l be said; the heart is too full, The
yellow hese and hush of a sweet sum-
} Il.11< AOSES1'l.l lYf\{,i, 1 user day lies over sea and lana, the bay
AX:111, ;: ,ex 1 glitters, the sky is deepest blue,the
little oilyWANTS lap and whisper, Isle
sib,„t ,117,1 '1'l „t' ' t ,ii,t,t Moe- Perdrix looks avery haven of peace ;
1'i. me," 111,,• \a.tht's Jfttsf.,,l 1.104, rest,
I" 1
let mi 10 ,,e0,1 oho' is tie, etre •test lair
ell t I ever seated salt.'
r "Adieu 1 0 plaisaut pays de France,,
O- ma patriel
La plus °hetio,
Qui a nourro nla jeans eufauce.;
Adieu, France, adieu!"
sings Snowball, softly, not knawieg she
sings. She wears a travelliug suit of
twee see ?.'-.'t't "1111Nt1 pa1p gray, lit with: ribbons the hue of
ttly auattiniw , Su cwball. I could ruts her eyes, a gray hat and feather, all the
her under the fifth rib, axial she would bounteous pale gold hair falling free..
uisollis> She sneaks, aud her words break the
be out of the world and out of I
before she knew what had hurt herelIt will be lonely for Johnny=, when
" Ilene, don't tall~ in that dreadful he conies,' she says, in the same soft
way, please. Are you going home after , voice, 't y ouaud nue gone, Ilene."
this is over''" Always Johnny, he says, impati.
°' Ot c:lur4e. You don't meau to say times " more for Johnny careia thousand
yyon all not guin� too ?" 3 y
"" Cee .frilly '1 am going. 1 shall re- ' —any one else in the world."
main on the island. until---- Oh, Rene, I love Johnny, she says, gently ; 1
what ':hall 1 do ? 1 bateto go. Ho t Qou t be cross, Rens--now, I tike you,
1 leave you alls.• e And wheal'? „
Johnny co)neshack—r—•"emotion chokes Love --like 1 Snowball, you ahvaylt 1
further weeds. 1 cared for Johnny most."
"Never mind Johnn • r There aro " Did 1? 1 care for you, too, Rene.
others in the world, though you never Ob! Bene ! Rene l I am sorry to go."
seem to thiol; so ! Snowball," earnestly, ' Are you, Snowball ? Really, truly
if you really tlou't avant to go, don't sorry ?"
;a yh cannot make yon." t Be eros, and catches her stands, a ,
But Snowball Oakes a lei head, and trick. Are flashing in his on tl brown
pee her eyes. 1 °y , "sorry' to go ? Sorry to go from:
It is my .duty, Irene ; I belong to ,.
her, not to anybody here. But it b.b. I ;ue ?
break y heart " 4 Sorry, sorry, sorry? Don',. '
B t ' 11 • 1 .. 1 ' • I _ i I , swift ftii, i rises over his dusk face, a,
s Illy
"' It hoe boost so often -beam 1" iaegius f blow 1 am ? It has been such a
Rene, from sheer force of habit, then I life, every day of it—all Happy,
o 1 )s rl�luart�full�: '"Don't cry," be � the * caultl hale of pleasant t- •
fit and thoughts, aud people. Ai: '
from all that, Ilene, nothin th •
come --be it what it miry --,sell
as. dear as what I leave.'
+, You mean that ! Snowball, Snow-
ball, you will not forget us you will
says, " I hate to see you, and you will.
make the jieiut of your nose pink 1"
lou will writes. I suppose?" ;glee
The Iit sng_ estion has its effect. not forget the • "
Snowball dries her e s es, and represses a " „ever, Irene ". .Never while 1 live 1
last sniff or two. You—von all --will be ilia c) to me than ..
the whole world. bowleg,"And, Suawll � b pause, .,cruck ity d. f.uillieu , " Ali S you say so now, but you don't ; �+�'
• on*. rind 1e clean e, Aird it is 1 M1aF �.tit
t++Y R le " � elicit a tlikfexelit .lila you are going, ta.
St ov►bail, if I thought y ou wo d fl) ge
•� `pliers, i� eller teltcim--tire Itcphe�r, .,
I � V.r� T`�1TAT3TLE � TO EVERY Y L sDY-
The Great French Lotion for Beautifying
the rah.
Itccameo isthe evidence of age. Oueappli-
ctttion will make thenloat stubbornly red ;and
rough hands beautifully et:ft and white. Re-
me muber that" MAY DEW ' is not a paint or
powtierthat tits up the pores of the akin, aii.t
that is injurious to the skin but c new and
uirtuvNI y, a t; -t dile liquid, that cans( s
the cheek to glow with health. the neck, arms
uritlhaud,. Gt, rival the I,iiz it, wvhiteness.
uosFib1eto-detect in thebeeutw' it colliers any
artificial chhartt:ter. It cures Creasy Skin,
Freckles ww'tiuklt.:, I'iulplca. Bitot: Assts,
Crow's rear, Blotches, Paco Grebe, San Burn
'ran, I in 1701'10, Chattoca Hands, Sore or Chap
red Lips Bather's Itch, Tetter. etc. It frees
tbo pores, ea glands, and, tubes from the imur-
ioneegeets of po•vaer , and cosmetic wvashes.
By its use all rP,)nessand romaine's are pre-
vouted ; It bea.ztiiies the skin, and will rusks it
soft, smooth and white; imparting 5. delicious
sof t111$6$ ;.producing a perfectly' 1tealthy.natut,•
nl,zud youthful appearance. The hest Paco.
lotion. that the retold ever produced, We will
send" A r thrill nOT1LF. " 1" any undress ou re-
ceipt of price. 3l. Whenorderius rues tion+hi
.�dtlr •,; all latess to th..
11. C1,uret:• t ,•ter, Toronte.Ont.
pieta aua l,t•:eetibl, Rani Grc I.alics.
Ilei III�U 1111 il1i1�i����il)
To the Front as Usual
alal'1 ltlig thou "ht hu people i
el. t would forget
or cousin. .1. t+ sionate:l full, full to overflowing, but
�,f hiilxi lit. het•. w►ilL-tlti� li1Fl linty-- y 1
what there may 1 i• r "t lotow. 1'i Paul told ua '",.., He stops, sus boort s pas- I
hang lees 1 and was to be her heir." w to is ter he y
4,1 -
YIN," "" I never will. I am not like that.
e 11441. He isn't married. • will write to you often—often. 1 will The place
.c" No ?" not seehn; the drift. come back here, whenever I may. And '
"No, Slttlwwhi:xll 1" we may meet, Rene ---you and I ---out in
u1 Yes lit t.a " that world beyond Dree Isle. Give my
Yea %rcm t marry him 1" dearest love to Johnny, when he comes
" 0114: t" a vory larulouged ,t Qli?'" at flack, if you see lnm before I do. And
all the latest Novelties
in all Deiart ents
hninentat ;<W,teelt,. Thl'n suddenly Snow-
ball bursts out iute her clear, joyous
Net, of cease not," says Rene, not
looking at her : "laesilles, he is as old as
the, 'e everlasting bills. 'Very likely bo
v,iil ass, you. though. You had better
not nut +
" Well 1" imperiously, "not what?"
+' Marry tiny one, in fact 1 Fellows
want to marry an 1It h't.as. don't you
o get everything you want
at prices to suit the tinne
Renes --my thins ,shave salilorfovo nt.ftpall
" CO•��-E 0] Et CO E ALL.
ilia thinQYs I llavCi saiiL far all rite times COME 1.v V
1 have nxado you angry in the past. I
liked yon dearly, dearly throughit all
Forgive her 1 • Old Tint is wvaltln;; im- No trouble to show Goods•
patiently ----it will be full time to light
the lamp before he gets back from the
other nine. Will they never have done
starving there, holding hausa and say
hat good-bye. It it a blessed relea w,
Timothy is deinking in the depths of
bis misanthropic old soul, as be sits and
'mow—fortune-hunters azul tvrzl«t•tem of I smokes his dudeen. " Baro thorn was
that suet. But you won't will you?" Iver an' always misclu fc:a$d llivilmont
"No l" says Seowhall, and it is the wvid that gerrel, an' flotilla' else, since
old sawn tlrfi, nt Snowball all in a she first set fut in the island."
moment. " No, Rene dear. having "An' her an' taster Raynay—sure
known and loved you all my life, they did be fightin' like Xilkonny cats
how could I ever look twice at any i nornin', noon an' night," ruminates
other man 2 I will wait for you, neon Tim, "an' there's for ye now,afther it --
Pere, until you grow up 1" houldin' haus as if it was playin' xinsea-
And then ling}ung over her shoulder, rosy they wor, instil o' jumpin' out o'
:Mary, (ween of Scots, turns her pretty their skins wvid joy—in their sleeves.
tJcler •o this darklingyoung J3oth- Dear knows it's litany `s the diary eye
well, and flits
away to jin her royal there'll bo after the ame Miss Snow
zds.ter, Blanche of Castile—in every -day ball."
life :Mlle. Iuuocente Desere.aux. It is over, Snowball is here, running
with. red eyes down to the boat, and
It is the evening of the last day, two Rene is standing where she has left him
weeks later Her boat is on the shore, motionless in the twilight. Old Tim
and he barque might be on the sea,only shoves off ; the boat glides across the
they happen to be going by the 4.50 up luminous river. St. Gildas side is
express. And Snowball and Rene are reached, and, grandma in a carriage
pacing the sands of Isle Perdrix for the awaits he darling, One backward
last tine. All adieux have been made, glance the girl gives. Rene is stottat'T6
everything has been arranged ; Dr. there still, with that most ctesos„
Macdonald, with tears in his eyes, has feelings, " left behind."
bidden her ;;o ; there ytaddelena indorses She can just discern him, a 1.
his words, her trunk is packed ; madame figure on the island shore. Th.
is in the carriage, in grentliva'r :.r1.
her tears being kissed away, ars' !.
Perdrix, and Rene, and St. Clildaa
already as " days that are over, dreams
that are done."
?a bonne ,mzmun• waits impatiently',
jealously, to bear away her 'treasure.
trove. In these two weeks she has
grown pa;-ionately fond of the child—it
Snowball's sunny nature to work her
way into people's hearts.
For Reno—well, ho . has "looked at
her as one who awakes "—looked at her
with eyes new -opened from the moment
she shone forth La Reins Blanche 1
"Itty path rens oast, and hers runs west,
And each a chosen way
13ntno;v -ol+: for some word, same charms,
s X3y which to bidleer stay!"
Something like this is in bis thoughts,
a cold ache and fear of the future fills
him. She is going. going into a world,
brighter, fairer than his, far out of his
reach. She is to be an heiress, a belle,
a queen of society. And he—well, he
wilt have his heart's desire -he will bo
a sculptor if it is in him—a marble -
carver, at the least, and dwelling in a
world of which she will know nothing.
He may return here, but there will be
no Snowball to meet and welcome him
with radiant oyes and smile. And he
feels he would give all his hopes, the
best years of his life, to keep her here,
to know, to know she remains waiting
his coming, rejoicing in his success -his
very own. A selfish wish, it may be,
but a most thoroughly natural and
masculine one. He thinks of the story
of the Arabian ` genie who carried his
princess about ' the world with him,
safely locked up in a glass box --ho
understands the genie, and his sm.
pathies are with him. After to -day,
who is to tell, whether ho will ever look
upon her more ? It is a jealous old
grandmamma that, who waits,one. who
will know how ttrguard her own. .
They walk in .silence, arm in arm.
Old Tim and the boat wait; their good.
by will be here, where no eye, unless
An old-fashioned Roman house, the
porlone entrance and stairs palatial in
size, a great stone court, whore a foun-
tain tosses its spray high in the sun-
shine ; groined arches, ablaze with
color, trees, -vines, birds butterflies ;
great pots and vases of fioweriu�p lants
everywhere, and statues gRitamine
whitely through.a glow of warmth aua
color, green and gold. Between the
draperies of one great window there isa
last glint of amber light. You see a
loggia, overrun with roses, a sky full of
leaves, a glimpse of orange trees, with
their deep green leaves, and sprinkle of
scented snow, and jessamines in pro-
fusion, rearing their solid cones of
flowery gold. An old-fashioned Roman
Baia, with rather faded screens, of amber
silk, set in finely carved frames, walls
nearly covered with dark oil paintings,
a great; glossy cabinet, a miracle of
wood -carving, and that last pink and
yellow.glint of sunset lighting up all.
A peaceful picture, a rustle of myriad.
leaves in the beautiful twilight, whose
air Italians so jealousy shut out and fear,
a twitter of multitudinous sleepy birds,
workmen and women going home, and a
crescent moon rising like a rim of golden
crystal, and Ave Macias ringing, . until
the evening is full of the music of bells,
from storied campanile and basilica, to
the fish -hawks are on .the lookout, can
t little arches set up against the sky. It
behold. And they are silent. In life's 10 utt coxTiscseD,
Pul ify the l3lcod, correct all Disorders of the
They invigorate and rebtore to health Debilitated Constitutions, nn$ are invaluable in all
Colu3lnint5 incidental to Females of au ages. For ehildreu and the aged they are ptirt:less
Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wound,;, Soi 's autl ricers.
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For gore Throats, Bronchitis, (loughs, Collis, Giaudelar Swellings, and all skin discus
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm.
The Pills and Ointment are sold at Tnoacas Ifornow.tr's Establislulieut,
78 isTEW OX1~01.ib-S'lt'MET late (533, OXl''OfIi.STit1,1:7'), LONDON
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of 11Iedioine, in Bores and Pots, at 3.s.1
45.6d„ 11s., 22s., and 33s. each. The Ss. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the
is 1: id, size •,the 4s. 6d. size six ; the Ile, size sixteen the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes MidPots.
Full printed directions are axed to each Box and Pot, and can be luta in any language
t Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Bores. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
AIsoSALARY verrra+,th. All EXPENSES
advan•1c cec30e Grafi Peed, WAGES e At V4mptlyuei nota 1).
1 eon hal NNTkrsories
325 ACRES .
325 .ACRES.
Sa.lesrnen Wanted,
Ta Legiu v,'ork at once on Fa11 Sales, Steady
e utplostoeut at axed tsalaries to all who are
• trilling to work.
can 1aava pleasant
flood Agents arc earning roin 81a to 875
per mouth l.nd expenses. •
: •Terms and outfit free. Address
t;11)x1 tt•11'1-.1.LINl1TON.Torouta
OirrsTii1PS EVF,It1Til1Ke3 FOR
if you want tin-. b%'sivalnefor
Doupe & Co'
Dashwood Flouring Mill
V114111.6 t,• tt tIOl.. ". ,111k,t;+�
art 1,+pus 1'4. fa 'lair 1, ,•t lib ' nl ],ntronage
t,1'wen him, !`1 lute 111e1(iuo
]trilvl•ultl:ts, which is a large
satins, on feel, will do
unlit fnrthtr melee, at the ftllowiug
And for all other grains (fits excepted),
Art, my regular grinding days
TERM - - Strictly Cash.
N. B.—Flour &Feed solei at n close mar -
Don't forget to give us a eall
1\TO AI -X D,
Dashwwecal, Feb`y 7th, 84
1131E NEW
(Patented in Canada, July 13,1553.)
i.Ir. 0. Rau wishes to inform the iahabi
tants of 1xetcr and vicinity, that ho has sole
right of this washer for Huron County, aud
also that Ito has appointed Mr. Bobt. Pickard
agent for Exeter, and any person wishing to
see the Machin", will please call at the Exeter
Tea Store. It wasthoroughlytested, and its
merits approved before the patent was tip
plied tor, It has siure been placed in com-
petition with a great many washers of note,
and in, every instance proved its superiority.
It is, without a doubt, the most perfect in
action over invented ; the improvements are
prominent and well defined', they ars Lot
imitations with a slight change of parts of
some old uiayed out patents, such as the
public are often fleeced with by Patent Bight
sharks, but they compose an original and
genuine invention, containing distinetive
features, whichare fully set forth and claim-
ed in a legal patent that will ,.,-,,p infringers
at a distance. •
Few Reasons why the 'Invincible' is Rest
1st. Only one-quarter the anoint of soap
used as with other machines.
-2nd. Only one-fourth the fuel.
3rd, No laboz in comparison with tit
in ach Ines.
4t1i. No wear and tear, as steam and soap
are the peireipal •agents.
6th. It requires only one-fourth 'the thio
to do a trashing.
Gth. "The house is not in an uproar with
slops, washtubs, pots and pans, at least one
day out of each week,
C.RA'U, . il. PICK.AIID, Agent,
Oreditou, Exeter.