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The Exeter Times, 1884-6-12, Page 1
Vol. XI,, No.. 40. IU W TO TILE LINE, LET THE CHIPS .t 1•`Al:f. WHERE THEY MAY." FjXI T ER, Q 2',a TS TRSI A.y' MORNING, JUNE 12, .L884, —_--Jutr.4 Received—r -- A ;FRESH ESH OTC ' FRUITS. ORANGES. Le, 'AWNS. Lt:tiAL, W. ILALL, ST R SQLI TCR,, The Dominion -Scutf JOHN WHIT & SON, colt:suers and veoprietors. for otitis b. twill lino' to time in fo1•co such n # lioatiola ie`min appeal or lni hely II Or ince Ieap.,eticg the Issue upon habas cotplts,or by any way g y , shall of ht, otite:: f 1.r the hemp' or formented . certiorari or otherwise the Court to 1 or et+scilout liquors. or of "The 'peon " which or Judge to whom sueli appeal et list was se 1?reyialtaiy cestvioted, as 1 operatics Act of 18G1," compromises, i is made or to {bluest or to Winn) each alleged in the heorx ittiou, and If Ile er,ll p litltl'? or oc•ttlt•s, or offers or or.; application bait been made upon hab- answers that if he watt l�rovtoizely I tempts to +: tinttrolniso. compound or lens corpus!, or by way of certiorari, or convicted, or Stanch Chloro of Mabee, sett{ • the-siftaucd with any person or otherwise, ashen{ disclose of 8ua 1. ap- or does not answer directly to ouch tat o.os •pith tiro vi :� 1.,t orevelsttnl "+peal or application upon the merits, queotion, the Ju„Lioas c,r 1'olico rias - fps {{'hues© fix atty c twl:laint feint; (mole in respect a r, otwithetatlding any such varianceIstrato or other officer e"llall then in- t. ? thernt,f, or if a coo heel{{{ has been or defect as aforoottid, and such Court Take coi,cernung ouch lsr(ivi(,nm con. node Stith the view of b'," 'tin;: rest of or Judge !nay in any casae ti,nlentI the vtct:on or t%Onvietiornti,. Eloquent- offenco cult', and, if the ac• coed be found ail{ thereof, bo toren, alht} not before, beoteaed wlietll- SOB, In et4e u crelltt4lbl+ wititeefr such c.tllti)loir.t, or of et:•la^1 .;,;r,. or -"'nJ; if rlecossttr , and i14 2,, The number of such ltrsvious y • Proves U)('lI a.tti t tt;1C' flies Stltleu-B{{{ert{„ t11a battle decubs Pct for tS'c4►:t ; tthi're it apitearo that the merits oonvictiotl8 el{{{ls ye procaine by the et, diary, Lobos 1.,.r ;';iLtllsA M'ato'tdtrate, , tt,r,l,Coutrun t r ottterleior, 11.10 143 ::gave gusto treed, Hurl that the eonvic-i prodncttnn of n,. certificate under the olhuhissioner 1.'f a Parish Court, lie° gouty of on efroory,A uncle) tout ;1Gt, ` tlaii, warrant. process O1 precooding band of Lite convicting Justices or Oft1e ftn*i:tt)tKl+tl'si.lu:l:. l;..1. ter. : , } } 11 St ',if -JR c, •r `a 'Pence, , n 7,n of t, . , o' f 1.h , r 1 .•ir c {erection thereof, rhe!! be 13 for liciont and valid under 011ie neo- 31agistritte. or Ullioer,. or of the Clerk 1 encce, preteens of Kola 1:';;34,;,iah►'•t;ti ll irnprisoued ot hdt•d boor in the loin. ;lion or ottier'ivitie, such conviction. Of the 'tenon, wit/tont l,rnf,f t f hieaid• or ltttyv , or befort one of too Justtc• » +e► „f tie e:Jllnty or ikatiiet in I warrant, proco=;s ur urecoodiug shall utitnre or official character, or by cn df the Ponce bef04e tt1l'1tt tang let•a s;l#ieb. e.itninitted for be affirmed, co: Anil not be (1uaatted ort#Ga satisfactory evidence - tri `iTAL. TUNS N , DENTI,T. iJ. etteDICAL tWD24 for an ofteUCe ttgaitlt;t the t � any period * not Fxcarding three l ills the case may be,) assts ttuy coterie- . 3- ;A, conviction may .1 utly ooze •ovibiainJ of the second part of {oris ll..t:1n:4, tion, warrant, process or proceo(uug.be attic} as for a first Miotics, notwitin Is brought, that there 39 xe#19ilil . 119 1',sel'y ttet•�nn i •iio Iii . nocern 'ea affirmed or afllrtued sato aineucled ° st4uding tont torero may buys been a , P sane{{ to atlsllect that ail ttatox•.1 o } in, ('r is #1 {tarty t+,, testa Li'+14)1'4141• ; may be enforced, in toe,+ enthnA manner prior t)14vi-ti.so or t'°' oriCot0ne for k !eating llglnor it► i• HtiGCt tob 'e1 enol! 'Lyn, etintl>Osltitltt Or uittleinei!r r)leW.'; 19 Q-.tihvlCti0t10 nilit•ttled 011 appeal., 1110 nt:lt4E'+"t` `rely t,tl,nr " t3`'pPe4 (1. ff;lce 1111" I;een 0'"111,:11. i:c Li in wit,' i011ri1 itt dui Iio\t l•t'rt,?tliag ince ou,'tool the casts thereof shall be reoover• I it. t,Oli.io etni for ,•e,')roi efft;'noes F3Ct etAtll'r t donotinJ hui,de, 6tottt,uiltJtt, tYa1cilt0tin01'1 emit be guilty i f an of:ellce {alder i able as if orig,iut)lly atsarded.. may bo made under ibis Act, although out ptin. 011iti0n5o, ffark*hl, yard 0!U or oiht+r'thi4 Ac;, 4+na1 fit. c,tatt•1 ct,�n til-21cuf,' 1.1c1, When in any house, shop, such of�feuees tufty have been convict - Place o; 111tRC4tl, 6110 t • itlRltc!I41,•, PO' , tiiii111 ih niip.li.t. *(:1.l I. fi#.'. ;:wt.Iman f room or other place in any u41.1tiiei, ed on the bliu4+ day ; brit inttre:4se ,!toss ttr liittiog 51ngietrmo, Commis !goat c,f the c }tints or +Barrio{ in Sy slice# 1, polity in {shies# any laroltlbliory by penalty or punishment bezeinbefoae --- e(ttuor of a Ps(.,h Court" ltecurdcr,e the afoot: t Wit c(tntne {tett, Cot any !Law rams{ uuaer the provisions of `imposed shall only be reoover#4blo in lt.liit" A;T: ,• G"ilt:iltil For ',Judge. of In.+ �,,...wr.•+rls of 1.110 P0.1,CO, i.psttltiti not c•::1., .r ittt; {sores raitl(t)ttier ' ,The Tetupornuca Act 180,d, ', or the once of offFncea committed on • 1►e ,_ 1 +�`11E•rill ,�fit'Ar 4t1ic • 'rc 1.G c'' war- • coma" dtltl. »t t ,.;. t utt. .ikae t:1. r ► y to Lt 4 a months, of this Act, is In force, a bar, counter, i dtlfereut days, and rtftcr information aur.T.fiatliinfvetore.Uxettlr rant' to tioirrctt such titifalltthg tot'.1 e, 11 f:, Ate.' +,4t 01:4. 114 env a beer, maps, lop, or any other trop I laid for a fust eileoee ; T ;host',,. d11QIt, Wate hOit36, outhouse' l;ar-1 itroeeatltiol !1.t*II1t` any :1f the totid plet[nce or pretltr-ii�tiette similar Lo, 5t, Iu tilt{ ©vent, of oily coltir`icttoa r+ � . B BROWN c rtr .i l M C i don, yaw, orofl or other lllaoe ur d,yts. t.,tnt)ar.4 t,�ith a4 witnnno, either those uoually found hn taverns, and for tipsy second ur tsult+t peon~ o#ftllc,,s .1na,k14i hoose' • {loci. :heel" 1.a1 ormatr'11' lax{: tile' li1ae..it f .1.' M*Cl1 t5li(i3,tt' tiny; 1t114tttr, bef�:l'(, .s •:t` -t 1.'r ti`.• ld t lliSIIIIAottti'tl or nth- shop{! whore epirit0U6 Or tormented i becoming of void defective, after tit, noel if tate luwe or anypart thereof, lt+ilrs as encs{ stela.+iea u1.► xuy tai #. Or liquors are accustomed to be sola or making thereof, by recital of any 1. A, P.OLLINS, :V, O. P. S bo thou found, to bring the same 114.1, preo•'� ainn ender any: ranch rice, or by iron -i /ea in are found, and ape tour, pr4viotte conviction being: cot aside, Pca 1" p"IAP" t y l ,thel lniill1 a;i4 qQe fore him ; nosh any information to Ab- i the ofroe oaf r+!le+n°�., or by threats, or t frrmontetl or outer intoxicating ii(1..Rg�,l1aslted, or otherwise ren�lero l void ._„ tate a Warra:lt under this section nlay in any ot1r(=r c:;ti c�ithsr directly. or clot is also found in such house, ,slop,. earl Joetices or uafiistrtlto or other in e u, ' i bo t#, Rain of ,�.,1tt:du.A H. to Lhtll indirectly, it..tu(;ad or ,tteNitlilt>z 1.t, it, rv,aln, or place, suck liquor shall be Actor, Icy whomsnob ascents or sub - this Act ,• and cUy search warrant, under (how Any attoih 11er►latn t1.) ;LIMO loom- deemed to have been 'kept for salt • sequent cunyiotiau was lnndo, may by mat u way be in the form of soli, or to swear fl►l�a1y, all bo contrary to the pragtgiona of such summons under oris or their hand, re• Sohedulo: N. of title tic{, liable to 1.t penalty of fifty dollxcs for Act, unbars the contrary ie proved by quire the person convicted to appear 109, When ituy" Hellon id CoUyieteit tricot offence. the Mendota in any prosecution ; • at a time rani place to be uametl in and tate ocoupart of ouch house, shop, elicit MO1111nlla, if such portion fails roow or other p1ac4 Will be tnitento appear, or on his ai t'ottranet3, couolti:ively to be the person who amend such second or subsequently keeps therein snob liquor for halo, oouvictioa, and adjudge such ponalty 120, In proving the sale or hotter or pauishinent as might have been adjudged had such previous convtot- ion never existed,, and each atneuded oonviotion shrill thereupon bo bold viold to all intents and ptlrpoaon as it it bad been mato in the first instance: 0. in any vaso any person Who hat; the !name or kind of such liquor, or nutty passoil, or any liquor. Was set-' been oonviotad of a contravention of the price thereof, or any persou to natty consumers, if the Justloe, shag- any pmts.!ou of tole secaud part sof whom it waft sold, bartered or dispos- iatrate or other officer or Court hear. this Act is aftertvt4rda conviote(i of an ed of ; ttud it ,hall net ba necessary ing the case, is or are satisfied that a offense againat suoli provision or to state the quautlty of liquor no sold, transaalion iu the ntlture of a solo or against any other provision of the eruct part, snail conviction *hall be deemed a conviction for a second of- fence within tho meaning of section oue hundred of this Act, and may bo dealt with and punished accordingly, although the two conviolions finny be for acts of different descriptions ; and in any case any suoh person is after- wards again convicted of a contra- vention of Huy provision of the said part, whether similar or not to the previous offences, snob a conviction shall in like manner be deemed n conviction tar a third offence, within plainaut, ° be' paid to the .Inspector and by him applied as the Lieuten- ant Governor may direct, and in care such Iuspector or officer is not the. prosecutor or complainant, then the same shall be paid to rho Treasurer Cl It1JTZ. M. 1).. ,e thileeat 4i�rogi.hmx• Exeter ERVLNti, skit a1)iUAT 1, UNI Flt:i1Ti'"I'riaityCollea;Atembtr('ellet;ts tan +tiVI +"1rd041ttl Uel:,.:' heOlChtt(n of ally affoneo rtgittudt the luoldiolis 116, Ili deacritllu„ oironcea real+ect- T' .TRORT ITI':1u1 ii l;s. of the recusal part of this Aot. torte Stz• ung the Bale or outer nal»lvfut TAMES ()Tail',, COUNTY AUCTION- , commissioner 1 !f Hent. C,yloitlt•gm;+thv nttentiedtq, ilnysul {plot{ , f,Qltltp1t1L1Q A4 Of R �t1Cld t Court intoxicating liquor, 1.)r the lieJpiilg salosnrraltrr,+da,tthisunie•t, ole:order, tltuljte of the ,5'euatona u1. utero {for {sale, tit any information, the Peace, Justiaort of {bo Peacc,bher. peudiary, Police or Sitting Yager- poaal or ipttit+ni;s, techs ited or other I4LN1i,Y tt,ILBIe,R, Licensed' Alto- ify or liuyor, before .,shorts Aucit, pen ttonaerfor tlay,etookon emu 2ircr#111vrng ttawnsitipl. S4. es conducted ai moderato rates. Oiliest -At Post-nflieo, CreaiitOn. lint. \ONEY TO LOAN ()N HEAL sootat ES - tato owitteaof in recd. Lltpptyto swains' Spaokraa k1., Exeter. J. OLA.Rlf, Agent for the Us - 1.l ritUbek t SfntualH iretnenrttncc Company, Residence -Farquhar. Orders by tuallpromptly ntt.endedto. auoli person) or not more Huhn twenty i 8lttnnwoty canvictiort, warrant or . oe otIler unlawful +dSepos all et Ilquor proceeding under the aaitl Temperance t for the ,pulpae° •Ittiy ,proceeding', sou is convlo.eJ, may r►;ljudgo and or' Act or under this Act, it shalt bo relative of any offer oe under the maid'. tier, in addition to tiny !)amort' or enllicient to titan) the unlawful Palo, ►t Tho Temperance Act of 1Sfid, "or pttutshrneutr that t11e intoxiot►ting 11.- barter, diapoaat or koepirtg of intoxi• under this Act, it shall not be . Hoo. quor lu respect to tehiob tho offence oatiug liquor simony, without etattng easary to show that any money riots 1188 committed, and which has been brought before Lim in virtue of a search natrant as aforesaid (whother the saute be or bs not the proporty of 7'08. HUDSON, COlIi1:tI8SIONNER gallons thereof it there be more of it_bartaled, dispuaed of or kept, except barter or other unlawful disposal not - to the Court of Common psoas -.needs, than twenty gallons, be forfeited, and in a came :1.f ofieuo+'s hirers the (pall- uttily took plane. metrnezautalaciIolroo nsdawand according to that all and all kegs, barrels, eases, iffy is essential, ltutl then it shall be 121. In any prosecution under tho O Ontarl-Intl►e Gontonniulliotr1111oc1i,il'cu• p g g said Temperance AO or under this Pall,Ontarly, 1 q t d Act, for sale or barter or any other j ONEY TO LOAN ATG AND G h unlawful disposal of intoxicating liq� isur cont. according to terms. Private' y sltmmOUtt, conviction, w , p unl, it shall not bo necessary that any r utas• aiel,IE. V,ELLIOT, yto withers tihottltl depose directly to the Ootobcrl;,•se Solicitor. F.xa,tck b k d t d t precise description to the liquor sold or bartered or the precise consider- ation thereof, or to the fact of sale or other disposal haying taken place with his participation or to his own personal and oertattl knowledge, but the Justices or fagistrates or other offioor trying the Dose,. so Boon as it appears to them or to him that the circumstances hi evidence shall auf- ficiently establish the infraction of law complained of, shall put the de - MONEY t r Y can Ienc1 any amount of 1rancy onto= se- curity at 0, Of a d7pereent.accordinglatering out, spilled, wasted and utterlydes- . 1'um a specialty. Charges moderate, W IIALL,23arrister.Eseter. troyed ; and thereupon such barreta, r-LINN ELLIOT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Money to Loan on. Farm & Town Property At lowest rates of interest, and on terms to suit borrowers, A. number of flrat•olass Farms for boxes, bottles, aolta oa and other re• oeptaelea of any kind whatever found containiugthe saute, or not more than tweet gallons thereof if Clore boarrant or ro- more of it titan„ twenty gallons, be Deeding to uoi alive the circumstances, broken en up andutterly ea 1oye , and the existence of wbh3 1 would make the Raid iutasioriting liquor, or not the act compttined' of lawful, but upon more thou twenty gallons thereof if Buy such oircumstancett being proved more Chau twenty gallons, poured in evidence the defendant shall bo tic" quitted ; and this provision, scull 8p• ply whether ouch circumstttuceo aro stated by may of oxceutior) m the section under under whish rho offence is laid or ill :a sabatantivo section m- other r otberetise. 116..In the event of any vuri nee between the icformatiott and evidence adduced in shpt'.'*1 thereof, the Jos- foa(lent ou lois defanoe, and its default of the \Iamelpstlity wherein the of= {ices or .fagultrate or other officer of his rebuttal of such evidence, shall fence was committed. may nnlencl or alter such htfoiillation, convict him accordingly. " (2). The Council of every mon- and may substitute for the offence 122. The proceedings upon Buy in- ictpality shall set apart not less than charged therein ane other offeuco against the provisions of the said "Totnperaoce Act of 1801, '• or of this Act ; but if it appears t'iat the defendant has been tuatarially totaled by such yat'1aumm, the said Justices or auflieieltt to allege lbs sale 0.1 disposal of more or less thou ouch uantt y,an it shall not be necessary in any such kegs, cases, boxes, bottles, packages, and other receptacles of any kind whatever, to tho extent aforoatti(l,may bo forthwith broken up told utterly destroyed, and the said isitoxieating li- sale,. Hort*ages b-oons anti soli. Uthee in guar, or not more than twenty gallons Fansou'slhlock Exeter thereof if {bore be more than twenty J. CLAW. COMMISSIONER gallons, poured out, spilled, toasted, � • iuVie Court 1;3 Common Psoas —Deeds and utterly destroved,by the Constable Wi11s,:1fortgagos, Leases, and all forms c+fagrae: or Peace .Of6Cer who executed tore moots drawn and executed aeoorling to law. l *?ONx1T TO LOAN ON 711sA14 nis4ATri. Parties Nlalx• aearo1i warrant .Ill}61" which the Milneing to borrow money on account of recon* put- clutees ofland,orto Inv off existing mortgagss was found, Or in whose custody the g'illfindagroat saving uygiving meacall, can the some was afterwards placed by {.tines money at and et par cent° according to . terms. N.r.CLABE. the convicting 'Magistrate, Commis. FOR SALE.•-TWO-STORYFRAI4fE sionor, Eecorder, Judge, Juatiae,Sller- DWELLING ITOU`SEaudoue acre otland..iff or Mayor, situated on the T'.,,mos Itoad,21 miles east of Exeter. Goodlarg•' frame stablo and driving - shed; splendid on.. ,rd of choice frit -bearing trees; goodwell a•S4 cistern. Suitable for a re- tired farnxer. %Viol t'o sold choap for each. AP ply to THOMAS LILIAN, Motor P.0 iy 10-tf 0, M C13 Central Staving Parlor For Clean and easy shaving; fashionable hair nutting &e. t: ' Clean towel for ovory customer;. Nest door to Central itote rirtiE WA't'ERLO011IU`rUAL" FIRE 'INSTIRANCECO, Established in 1383. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This coin/ .;Inv has been over Tightteen yours ztucoessful operation *in Western Ontario,aud continues to inisure, againstloss or damage by wire, 23uilcllugs,MMTerohaiidise, Aranufactoriel,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In- tendinginsurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System, During the past ton years this Company has »shad 57,096 Polioies,covertng property to the amount of $10,872,088; and staid in losses alone 3709,752,00 ,elssetS, 83176,100.00, consisting oft Cash in 11 tile, GovornmontDeposit, and :the nnaseoesed Premium Notes Liu hand and in force J. W WAt, 11ZN, A* D. Presidex.t. 0, fir. TAYLtln, Secretary r. Is. Iruoutcs,Iuspectyy. CHARLES{ SNELL, 110. Any parson who ,either before jtjagiatrato or Huy other officer shall or after the summons of anyredness tlroronpon adjourn the tlen.ring ot the in any suoh case, tampers with such witness, or by any offer of money, or by threat or otherwise, directly or in- directly, induces or attempts to in flues any such persou to absent him - case to some future .day, unless} the defendant %saivos such adjournment, 117. No conviction or warrant en- forcing the same or other process or self or herself or to swear falsely,al3alt proceeding under either of the said Acts snail be held insafdelent or fn- be liable to a poualy of $50 for each 1 valid by res on of ally variance be. such offence. tween the mformtttion or conviction, 111. No conviction, Judgment or or by reason of any other defect in order in any such case, shall bo re- form or substauoe, provided it can moved by certiorari or otherwise; into be understood from such oauviotion, any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts warrant, process ;or proaeeding that of Record; nor shall any appeal what- the thine was masse far an offence ever be allowed from any .such ooh- against sortie previsions of snail Act, viotion judgment or order, to any within the jurisdiction ot the Justice Comb of General Quarter Sessions,' or Magistrate, orother officer who or other Court whateyer .when the mad, or signed the saute, and pi•ovid: conviction has bean made by t* Ste-; edlgere is evidence to prove such of•. pendiary Magistrate, awarder, Judge fence, and no greater penalty is iui of the Sessions of the Peace ,>• Sheriff, Police:Magian-no, Sitting Magistrate or"Commissioner of a Parish Court. 112. Any person who, having vie; fated- any of the provi810119 of this Act A6ont for Exeter and vaenxxty, . or of any -provincial Act which is now formation for committing any offence t'gatnst any of the provisions of this Act, 1n cote of a preyious conviction or convictions being charged shall be as follows the meaning of section one hundred of this Act, and may be desalt with and punished accordingly. On the trial of any proceed- ing, matter or question under any of the Acts meutioned'or under this Act, one-third part of such fines or penal- ties receive( by the said municipality for a fund to secure the proseoutian for infractions of this Act." &ot Far Froui Houle. News th.eulensect. Another sad w. string. While John. Malay, a farmer, living about a mile from Ripley, and his wife were abaeizt the per eon opposing or defending or from home on Thursday, their eldest the wife or husbaud of each person daughter -aged between nine and ten opposing or defending shall be colo• fonts, undertook to sage{{ a fire in the potent and compellable 1p give eonstove using coal oil for the purpose of dense iu such proceeding, matteror making it burufaster. The fire oaught question. the oil in the Can, causing It to ex- 124. Section thirLyfottr of the said plode, enveloping her in a sheet of Temperance Act is hereby repealed flame. Thele being no assistance at and.tllefollowiug substituted there• baud, the child was burned to death for : in less thou ten minutes from the "34. 1u Ontario, all the said pen- (1016 the can o:cploded, ulties, or any portion of them which `_____ May be recovered, shall be paid to During 1120 present year, up to May the convicting JusticeJustices or 31, no fewer than 36,001 now settlers t g s have arrived in Canada, : The itsoni- Magistrate in the woe, and shall by bills orAhem,ill Daae of 1126 Inspector grants are; reported to. -.be unusu:1liy: ' valuable a(ditio't to the population of the Dominion. posed than is authorized by such :Acta of Licensee ''r aii;y officer -appointed 118. Upon any application' to quash under t le.authority of the Lieutenant such oonviCtlon or warrant enforcing Governor, is the prosecutor, or .:coin• 1`. The ,justice's or Magistrate or other ofl'1cer shall in the first iu- stance, inquire concorrling Bitch sub - the same, or other process or pro- ceeding, or to dtt•chttrgo any person le attstody uudoi° soot warrant, whether, As a sure relnecly'for Sick 'Headache, Sour Stoniaoh,Dispopsia,Tndigostiou, Constipations Torpid Liver Biliousness, fie., no medicine is equal to Dr Birder's Mandrake Bitters, 25 cents jeer bottle.